Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) EPR Bullets

Performance Assessment

- Accomplished 17 eqpmt 7-lvl insps; aced 7 QA assessments w/zero defects--pivotal to flt's 92% CY14 pass rt
- Aced 56 hr COR cert; researched 6 local contractors/insp'd $2.4M assets--enforced DoD's contract parameters
- AGE "Floor Ldr"; supervised >900 insps/2K mx actions--key to grp winning '11 SecDEF Field-lvl Mx Awd
- AGE Familiarization trainer; qualified 30 fltline personnel on support equipment--bolstered wg mx capabilities
- AGE Pro Super; led 96/guided 1K rprs/689 insps/12K dlvrys w/96% QA rt--pwr'd 11K srts/22K fly hrs/7 MDS
- AM Shift lead/6 pers; focused 175 rprs/executed 64 w/97% QA rt--drove 2K srts/4K flt hrs/497 tgts destroyed
- Analyzed 1.2K G0-81 inputs; ID'd/rectified 32 initial data entry errors--surpassed AMC's 90% DIT std by 7%
- Analyzed flt's 2.7K GO81 inputs; ID'd/rectified 114 data entry errors--propelled sq's 99.4% corrected DIT rate
- Assistant dispatch NCOIC; supervised >5K dispatches--key to 31 FW's 8.3K sorties/13.6K flying hrs, FY10
- Assisted new personnel with learning the F/L; trained 4 new personnel on 8 different F/L ramps
- Assisted shelter of 491 AGE for two typhoons; preserved $19M in assets--expedited storm recovery to spt mx
- Assisted US Army C-20 a/c APU repair; researched/coord sheet metal repairs; no missed ATOs--promote now
- Audited flt's historical eqpmt forms; purged 736 excess records--slashed ann'l review time from 2 wks to 1wk
- Authored two flt trng day agendas/instructed 70 personnel--provided proficiency/upgrade trng on critical equip
- Awd'd AGE Ranger OTM Sep & Oct '14; sq's 4Q14 NCO winner--sel'd as flt's NCO OTY nom...TSgt a must!

- Bagram equipment manager; flawlessly managed $20.8M account--supported >12K transient a/c; zero shortfall
- Bolstered HHQ task; prcs'd 103 assets/98 increments/$14M value--pwr'd 555 AMU fwr'd dplmt/coined by 379th Gp/CC

- Calibrated faulty test set sensors; enabled 177 acft pwr cart repairs--fortified 581 C-5/C-17 msns/81% LDR rt
- Changed three worn air conditioner triple gear drives; zero 7 lvl discreps/unit IC raised 50%--promote BTZ!
- Combat proven ldr; ensured 100% accountability during 10 indirect fire attacks--returned to full ops <30 min
- Community advisor; briefed all AD CPT Sq/CC at AFSPC WSR; provided "north star" for defensive cyber forces
- Community advisor; briefed Joint CPT reps at USCC DCO event; provided field perspective for national cyber forces
- Completed 2 60-ton acft jack TCTOs; R2'd seized lift-ram bushings--restored 12-unit jack fleet to 100% MC rt
- Completed 200 mx actions/115 periodic insps; spt'd 37 acft/five AMUs--facilitated 18K fly hrs/9K acft sorties
- Completed 30 phase insps; contributed to flts 98% eqpt reliability rate--efforts help spt global msn requirement
- Completed 35 powered AGE periodic inspections; culminated flight's excellent 96% fully mission capable rate
- Completed 45 NCE tiger team follow-ups; zero defects '11 NSI; coined by MXG/CC for ldrship--promote now
- Completed daily bobtail checks; no July SQ VCO discreps--maint'd 100% vehicle pass rate for 4th quarter '13
- Completed inventory of 213 AGE units; found 27 documentation errors--key to accountability of $5M CA/CRL
- Completed three mgt CLEPS; awarded Professional Manager Cert--a vital cornerstone of strategic lvl ldrship
- Conducted 166 eqpmt 7-lvl insps; aced 5/5 QA evals w/no defects--vital to flt's '14 92% pass rt...6% over '13
- Conducted 3 semi-ann'l CTK insps; examined 1.2K tools/corrected 51 errors--supported 1.8K AGE mx actions
- Conducted light cart tng to 12 prsnl during jt intermodal ops; 62 helos/782 tns cgo deployed--saved DoD $50M
- Conducted PSS inventory; insp'd 557 piece CTK w/100% accountability--upheld sq's 9 mos w/zero lost tools
- Coord AGE for wg's flying surge/398 sorties gen'd--key to Gp winning AF '10 Dadalian Mx Trophy--promote!
- Coord'd nitro cart tng for 9 Marines; aided svc of 8 CV-22s ISO Ex LIZA AZUL--spt'd 3-nation unified tng msn
- Corrected misdiagnosed acft jack fault; ID'd missing lift ram ball bearing/terminated pump exchange--svd $900
- CPI oriented; perf'd SPUDS gemba walk/dvlp'd 52 item chklst/nix'd trng gap--cert'd 6 techs on 12 tasks/incrs'd qual 14%
- Craft'd Cyber Planner trng block, met AFPSC MQT requirement--ensur'd delivery of 39 IOS crew cmdr course
- Created 1st concise CPT employment methodology; distilled 10+ authoritative docs; standardz'd AF-wide capability
- Critical thinker; studied MSAT boot-up error/repair'd wiring--alleviated availability constraints/doubled ops capacity
- Crucial mbr of 24AF Ops Planning Team; named Superior Performer--staged cyber cape met COCOM reqmt
- Cured LRS part delay; actioned 32 MICAPs/worth $150K--solidified Flt's 93% FMC rt/pwr'd XXK sorties/XK fly hrs

- Dedicated team leader; diligently trained 4 Airmen on MHU-83D Bomblift; increased training proficiency to 100%
- Deployed AGE equipment mgr; acquired $1.8M new assets/facilitated a/c surge--supported >12K transient a/c
- Deployed AGE supply monitor; verified/processed $300K mission capable requests--key to flt's 98% MC rate
- Deployed assistant AGE NCOIC; led 147 mx actions/95 insps/92% MC rate--supported >100 troops in contact
- Deployed OEF AFRICOM AGE Supervisor; 28 repairs/inspections completed--maintained 98% in-commission rate
- Designed air conditioner troubleshooting crs; tnd 6 prsnl on core 7-lvl rqmt--key to flt's 74% eqpmt task quals
- Designed jt svc AGE tng crs; tnd 14 psnl/established NS Rota fleet mx resource--sustained 3 USN destroyers
- Developed AGE Familiarization Training Prgm; 11 plans developed--ops/safety precautions identified for 400+ users
- Developed practical CPT tactical CONEMP for AFSPC/CG, 24AF/CG, and NGB A3; critical to CPT success
- Devised sq acft fire-agent clean-up cart; mng'd fab tm/svd $15K using DRMO unit--secured 6-hr response time
- Diagnosed acft start cart low speed fault; R2'd burnt exhaust temp gauge--averted damage to $357K turbine eng
- Diligent driver--dispatched 218+ units; lauded by F/L expediters...boosted wing's 800+ sorties/6.2K+ hrs
- Directed prep of 21 AGE assets for GREEN FLAG; zero cargo frustrations--272 combat tng sorties/478 fly hrs
- Discovered faulty FL-1D light cart wiring; repaired damaged harness--averted possible fire--saved $12K unit
- Dispersed $32K TMDE account; mng'd 102 assets/org'd calibration f/42 PMEL insps--bolstered flt's 97% FMC rate
- Displayed vast system knowledge; executed 36 seven level inspections--garnered two zero defect QA ratings
- Distinguished Graduate from AGE Tech School; 97% accumulative avg--personified "Excellence in all we do"
- Dply'd ISO OIR/OFS; perf'd 1K dispatches/322 repairs spt'd 8 AMUs--dlvrd 57M lbs of fuel across AOR f/5K sorties
- Dplyd Flt Chf/6 mos; led 35 TIF pers to AFCENT's 1st 100% ICR--trumped 256 SNCOs/won AEW SNCO1Q
- Drove expeditious nitrogen cart repair; salvaged useable parts from condemned limit switch assy--saved $175
- Drove Sq ODTA prgm; monitor'd mbr travel/fast-tracked 10 late vouchers--resolved $28K in overdue charges
- Dvlpd $72K corrosion SoW; secured paint contract w/68% svgs--awd'd 386 AEW/ACC/IG's sole Sup Perf Awd

- EC-130 spt eqpt SME; trnd 22 pers on Trilectron/ops/servicing/16 tasks--enabled shielding of 22.2K cmbt acft
- Enabled Coronet msns; managed parking & flt plans for 6 KC-135 aircraft--spt'd 27 crew mbrs/$1.2B in assets
- Enforced AFI/prepped multiple prgms for '15 AFSOC SAV; ensured spot-on compliance--0 major AGE flt findings
- Ensured msn velocity; performed 56 insp/mx actions in 26 days--raised GSU eqpmt from 17% to 100% FMC
- Excell'd Knowledge Ops Mgmt trng; master'd 2 vols/30 tasks <2 wks; prep'd/ready for upgrade 60 days early!
- Excelled AGE shift lead/Bagram Afld; led active/ANG mbrs >6K mx actions--96% equip MC/98% QA rates
- Excelled as Eqpmt Custodian; prepared 13 units for DRMS turn-in--reduced flt's ann'l workload by 105 hours
- Excelled in acft pwr cart repairs; renovated 30 assets in 6 mos--bolstered 87 West Africa Ebola response msns
- Excellent technician; maint'd 100% pass rate on three QA evals/flt MC rate elevated to 90%--promote to SSgt
- Executed $871K bldg insp; ID'd/clrd 23 major findings--recognized as ACC & AFCENT Gnd Safety Tm OTM
- Executed 162 AGE mx actions; solidified flt's 90% eqpmt MC rt--fortified 1.2K C-5/C-17 msns/88% LDR rt
- Executed 209 AGE mx tasks; secured flt's 90% eqpmt MC rt--fortified sq's 530 C-5/C-17 msns w/87% LDR rt
- Executed 28 phased insps; ID'd/fixed 473 insp findings--spurred flt's 86% eqpmt MC rt '14...6% above sq goal
- Executed 3 MRTs; processed/deplyd 8 assets/$689K ISO tasker/6 rprs/1 eng chg c/w--rescued 3 C-130s in cmbt zone
- Executed 43 AGE mx tasks thru 2 GSU fld visits; clinched 95% off-site eqpmt MC rt--backed 2.1K jt svc msns
- Executed 68 phase insps; ID'd/clrd 62 major defects/salvaged 14 parts--svd $37K/fueled Wg's 3K srts/497 TD
- Executed 710 eqpmt svc insps; spt'd 841 AMC msns--prop'd sq's 83% LDR rt/wg's Meritorious Unit Awd sel
- Executed 98 acft pwr cart repairs; spt'd 830 AMC msns/85% LDR rt--clinched wg's Meritorious Unit Awd sel
- Executed depot level mx on RTES; restored SF lethal-denial service--saved $140k in contractor/TDY costs
- Expanded flt's welding pgm; cert'd 2 AGE welders/catapulted 26 eqpmt repairs--svd $980 in lieu of HN labor
- Expedited B-5 mx stand sfty gate mod; affixed rail lock pins/relocated pump on 7 units--beat due date by 5 mos

- Flawlessly executed 42 periodic insps/350 mx actions; pivital to AGE flt's 92% eqpt IC rate--best seen in 2 yrs
- Force multiplier! ID'd routine OL AGE fails; provided mx prsnl 6 hrs tng--cut ann'l tvl 30%...svd sq $2K yrly
- Force Multiplier! Created 180 day AM Seasoning Training Plan; 109 scenarios/670 training hrs-- readiness up 30%
- Fortified msn planning network; uploaded anti-virus/patches on >150 IT systems/218 users--eliminated security risk
- Forward deployed to Mazar-e Sharif; repaired 13 AGE pieces for NATO allies--increased FMC rate to 100%
- Found/replaced worn hydraulic test stand supply hose; eliminated possible rupture--maint'd 100% unit IC rate
- Furthered career field tng; completed 98 OJT tasks <5 mos...advanced quals to 84%--smashed cmd's 70% std

- Governed LMR prgm; maint'd 10 assets/sourced comm f/20K dispatches--boosted Gp's mx ops/5 strikes gen'd/4 LSAs
- GSE SME coord'd w/E-3 ldrship; rvw'd ETAR/delved $18K CPU fan defect/rpr'd C2 acft--incr'd FMC rt 100%
- Guided lean resource mgmt; scrutinized flt's supply inventory/rtn'd 320 assets--re-pourpsed $980K Waste Buster TINs
- Guided Mission Qualification Training/40+ Cyber Operators--ensured unit readiness/postured 6 UTCs for IOC/FOC
- Guided Supply Chain Ops to increase the equip auth numbers; halted the loss of a $50K msn essential AC unit

- Hand Picked for GLOBAL THUNDER exer; collected & analyzed 278 signals--crafted new RF surveillance process
- Hand sel'd for Morón AB stage; distro'd 37 AGE units ISO acft mx ops--spt'd 128 msns/NS Rota's afld repairs
- Hand-picked by NORTHCOM/1AF to validate CPT concept, set standard for all CPTs during WADS deployment
- Handpicked AGE insp/mx floor ldr; supervised 250 insps/175 mx actions--key to flt's 84% MC rate...promote!
- Handpicked for prototype gen set R&D team; provided expert field insight--vital AF critical asset redesigned
- Highly skilled craftsman; troubleshot and repaired three gen circuit card--saved >$4K & two wk NMC status

- ID'd air compressor w/low output pressure; adjusted misaligned clutch linkage--barred $1K parts procurement
- ID'd broken nitro svc cart fan blades; restored unit w/DRMO eqpmt parts--negated MICAP/2 weeks downtime
- ID'd broken turntable bolts on Z45 mobile platform; inspected/repaired fleet--averted possible catastrophic failure
- ID'd EC-130 trng deficiency; coord'd w/Pro Super/instr'd AGE FAM crse/22 pers--bouyed 124 acft rprs/36 srts
- ID'd EMXS TCTO non-compliance; fed LIMFAC to AFCENT...c/w 6--AF auditor briefed "best eqpt in AOR"
- ID'd TCTO non-compliance; initiated 12 NSN rvw/executed 10 crit TCTOs <1mo--negated DoD audit finding
- ID'd TCTO non-compliance; initiated 12 NSN rvw/re-opened 6--elim'd AF audit finding/awd'd Sq Amn OTM
- ID'd tng deficiencies; trnd four new Amn on mx stand periodic insp--increased section task qualifications 20%
- In-tune w/ educational necessity; completed nine credit hrs UMUC for CCAF--awarded AAS AGE technology
- Incr'd pwr carts avail 60%; led 6 $32K eng/radiator chgs w/limited capes--spt'd Wg's best acft MC rt since '15
- Inspected 149 AGE units for serviceability; rdy'd eqpmt ISO jt intermodal ops/mvd 105 helos--svd DoD $50M
- Install'd $35K msn trng tracker; config'd 4 svrs/upgrad'd 200 sys...automat'd Go-No-Go for 300 intel operators
- Installed 24 AGE parts; returned 17 assets to MC status--spurred sq's 84% C-5 & 78% C-17 12-hr fix rates '14
- Installed 32 eqpmt parts; restored 25 assets ISO acft mx--facilitated sq's 88% LDR rt thru 484 C-5/C-17 msns
- Instrumental CST AFSOC A6; supported 11 aircraft trng missions/19.5k prsnl--aided msn impact f/ three MAJCOMS
- Integrated 2 new air compressors into fleet; tnd 12 prsnl on svc/mx ops...cert'd 36 tasks--incrs'd quals by 85%
- Invaluable asset; chaired two TCTO events ensuring forms documentation accuracy--minimized GSE downtime
- Isolated/replaced cracked MC-1A air compressor fuel pump; unit MC rate elevated to 100%--promote to SrA

- Key author/contributor of joint CPT courses; dev'd/captured essential mission knowledge/L2--for all DoD CPT forces
- Key author/contributor of joint CPT execution guides; captured essential mission tasks for AD/ANG CPT squadrons
- Key during '13 LORE; prep'd 96 AGE/zero insp discreps--flt won WG "Outstanding Prep Tm" Awd--promote
- Knocked out 6 TCTOs; procured material/parts/job c/w 5 mos ahead-of-schedule--elim'd grnding $330K assets
- KO'd 70 rdy-line insps; reconciled 50 errors/re-org'd 2 sub-pools--transffered 40K tons of crgo/25K pax/250 patients

- Led $1.3M ops floor setup config'd ops facility msn equipment <20 days--ensured unit 100% msn capable w/ no loss
- Led $1.3M ops floor setup config'd ops facility msn equipment <20 days--ensured unit 100% msn capable w/ no loss
- Led 12 AGE refresher tng sessions, instructed 86 prsnl on ops/sfty rqmts--pivotal to an 89.4% acft dep rel rate
- Led 2 AGE tng crses; tnd 15 mx prsnl on eqpmt ops--critical to unit's 84% C-5 & 78% C-17 12-hr fix rt CY14
- Led 2 mos mid-shift ops; mng'd 51 mx tasks--aided 35 MC-130 combat sorties ISO AFRICOM...promotion rdy
- Led 22 pers/133 assets $4M; drove 2K rprs/296 insps/6K dlvrys--ignited coalition forces/5 MDS w/95% QA rt
- Led 30-mbr deployed AGE team; combined active duty & ANG personnel--supported >400 troops in contact
- Led 36 mx actions during 4-day surge/391 sorties; aided Grp winning '10 AF Daedalian Mx Trophy--promote
- Led 386 EMXG photo; devlp'd plns/org'd 4 acft/205 pers--ensured Wg/CC & Gp/CC owned a piece of history
- Led 5 pwr cart eng chgs; coord'd 2 shifts/refrib'd 3 addt'l carts--ignited 2K C-130/Navy P-3/C-17 acft rprs/13K EKIA
- Led DOMOPS assessment platform build; creation of 1st state CPT assessment platform--largest fed/state EX ever
- Led flt's $250K CTK prgm; stood up 2 CTKs/rpr'd 35 defects/3K tools TIN--pwr'd flt's 22K mx acts/Wg's 8.4K fly hrs
- Led flt's production; piloted 10 prsnl thru 871 mx/insp tasks--cemented flt's 91% eqpmt MC rt...promote to E-6
- Led secondary crash net verification; replaced noncompliant handsets--facilitated 100% emergency notification
- Led training of section personnel- Trained 14+ individuals on new 23A tasks/computer theory & systems knowledge
- Levied COA f/USMC crit eqpt; coord'd mvmt/cert'd Al Jaber acft jacks f/sister FOB--negated $530K yrly cost

- Managed 100 plus-up AGE assets/200+ equip dispatches; key to 551 Op ODYSSEY DAWN sorties--promote
- Managed flt's fuels pgm; tracked 18K gals dispensed JP-8--svc'd 917 AGE assets ISO of 1.2K C-5/C-17 msns
- Managed flt's vehs; insp'd wkly/monitored mx rqmts--achieved "Zero Defects" on 8 of 8 fleet pgm assessments
- Mastered 31 upgrade tng tasks; completed 2 sets of 7-lvl CDCs w/85% avg EOC score--awd'd Craftsman title
- Masterfully aced 11/11 QVI/PE QA evals; elevated AGE flt '14 pass rate to 87%--surpassed '12 rating by 4%
- Midshift NCOIC; supervised 2 mbr tm thru 425 insp/mx actions--sustained flt's 81% MC rt...6% above sq goal
- Mng flts 5.4 mil in eqpt/4mil in facilities; planned 1 facility mod/8 eqpt relocations--ensured future mission readiness
- Mng'd $4M equip acct; coord'd w/SCOW/AFCENT/A4...realigned 134 ASC/UTCs--eqpt refresh pln in motion
- Mng'd flt's mx parts storage bins; turned-in 29 excess items/reduced 2 bins to 1--returned $11.7K to supply sys
- Mng'd supply spt for 14 AGE techs; processed 637 parts orders--fortified flt's 83% MC rt...beat sq's 75% goal
- Mngd flt's HAZMAT pgm; set-up Wg Safety SAV/val'd pgm compliance--aced insp/readied unit for ACC insp
- Mobilized 27 assets valued at $1.7M; lanched RC-135 redeployment <12 hrs--finalized 18 yr historic ISR homestead
- MQ-4 savior; coord'd 4 assets ISO diverted acft to fac rprs/launch--preserved MDS's 1K continuous srts record

- Nellis/Hill WTD AGE team lead; prepped/maintained 21 AGE assets--facilitated wg's 375 combat trng sorties
- Normalized $4M eqpt acct; engaged w/LRS/AFCENT/A4...initiated 11 601 requests--realigned 39 AGE ASCs

- Optimized AGE reliability; carried out 73 insp/mx tasks--spt'd 784 AMC msns w/90% LDR rt...ready for SSgt
- Optimized eqpmt reliability; performed 110 AGE 7-lvl insps--aided mx spt of 346 trans acft msns/96% LDR rt
- Orchestrated LOX cart rebuild; coordinated equipment tear down/welding/assembly--saved $2,000 depot cost
- Orchestrated rebuild of two wash carts; allowed critical wash of C-130 engines in Afghanistan--promote now
- Org'd SPJTF rpr tm; led 22 pwr unit rprs w/in 24hrs--fac'd night ops mvmt to 20 countries ISO EUCOM AOR
- Org'd/executed IA/Sec mapping & trng msn on WATACO ntwk--sav'd $15K in contractor costs/qual'd 16 pers
- Organized hyrdrostatic test prgm for Nitro cylinders; Competitively priced vendors to hit time and budget goals
- Organized section's work order residue; returned $7K/98 parts to AF supply--increased storage space by 50 ft
- Outstanding Mx Section ldr; oversaw 14 Amn/2K+ mx actions--enabled flt's 93% MC rate/98% QA pass rate
- Outstanding NCO! Performed >300 mx actions/100 insps; Z/D on 10 QA insps--key to flt 93% equip MC rate
- Overhauled 3 nitro svc carts; spt'd 352d SOG CV-22 multimodal--incrs'd RAF Mildenhall's fleet from 4 to 10
- Overhauled 3 special tools cabinets; etched 1K items/fixed 27 inventory errors--aligned PSS w/AFI directives
- Overhauled report tracking system; expedited 15 OPRs; cleared / process'd 3-year backlog--delivered CC's #1 priority
- Overhauled UTA Sched; deconflict'd trng/readiness/admin rqmts--set stnd/boost'd msn availability for 63 pers
- Oversaw >1K dispatches; enabled 8K sorties/18K fly hrs--key to MXG winning AF's '10 Dadalian Mx Trophy
- Oversaw AGE user tng pgm; org'd 11 eqpmt courses/guided 8 instructors--amplified quals of 88 acft mx prsnl
- Oversaw completion of eight test stand TCTOs; prepared wg for a/c purification--TCTO c/w 24 months early
- Oversaw GOV/fltline driver's tng; instructed 17 Amn--ensured >70 AGE flt personnel qualifications current
- Oversaw new CTK inventories; inspected 1.5K tools for serviceability/etching in two days--zero QA tool fails

- Perf'd 120 SIs on NCE bomblift fleet; ID'd/corrected 56 defects--loaded 27K muns/spt'd 108 BoT ISO Iran determent
- Performed -60 turbine engine swap; comp'd installation < 8 vs 12 hrs std--maintained 8 MXS AGE flt's 92% FMC rt
- Performed 110 7-lvl insps; bolstered mx spt for 844 acft msns w/84% LDR rate--key to 521 AMOW MUA '14
- Performed 217 -86 generator mx actions; supported 1.4K msns--sustained air spt/superiority to the warfighter
- Performed 278 AGE svc insps; spurred 45 msns ISO Op INHERENT RESOLVE--dlvr'd 267 pax/3.3M cgo lbs
- Performed 319 mx actions; rcv'd zero defects on 5 QA evals/aided 1st ever 100% mo--upheld flt's 90% pass rt
- Performed 399 AGE svc insps; spurred 45 msns ISO Op INHERENT RESOLVE--dlvr'd 267 pax/3.3M cgo lbs
- Performed 89 mx actions; aced 12 QA evals/3 PEs/9 QVIs w/100% MSEP pass rt--awd'd QA Honor Roll Feb
- Performed 90-day corrosion insps; washed 16 units/elim'd paint coat deterioration--prolonged eqpmt svc life
- Performed acft gnd pwr cart TCTO; added low fuel shutdown relay--elim'd dry start decay to $6K fuel system
- Performs above peers; executed 28 7-lvl insps and 13 mx actions--vital to AGE flt 86% in-commission rate
- Persistent manager; oversaw completion of 96 mx actions--enabled continued support for 27K+ C-17 sorties
- Physical fitness minded; raised PT score 10 pts--inspired AGE flt to improve/15 pers meet AF std/zero fails
- Piloted 3 TCTOs; added volt adj cntl/elim'd acft pwr-on fails--bolstered sq's 80% C-5/82% C-17 12-hr fix rts
- Piloted Amn thru C-5 eng mx platform insp; tnd/cert'd mbr on 38 assessment tasks--incrs'd eqpmt quals to 81%
- Piloted C-5M eng mx stand acceptance insp; tnd 13 AGE prsnl on svc/ops rqmts--incrs'd eqpmt quals to 81%
- Piloted FW/CC VTC project; set-up TACLANE, provided sec data--shielded comms between Wg & MAJCOM/SAF
- Planned/led CVA/Hunt CMR MQT course; facilited WA ANG trng rqmt--qual'd 6 operators for AF cyber msn
- Polished TIN/HAZ prgms; tm'd w/3 base agencies/reconciled 4 shortfalls--recycled 12K lbs of waste/recouped $101K
- Prep'd 16 FL-1D light carts; eqpt rdy ISO no-notice POTUS msn--aided 24 hr ops/abolished security LIMFAC
- Prep'd for two impending typhoons; sheltered 491 pieces of AGE worth $19M--concluded w/zero eqpt damage
- Prepared 474 on-hand AGE assets for OOD; 42 deployed a/c gen'd--1st combat sorties flew in Libya <24 hrs
- Prepped >100 AGE assets/oversaw >200 dispatches for Op ODYSSEY DAWN--led to >1.8K combat sorties
- Produced 417 eqpmt insps; firmed Ex EAGER LION 92% LDR rt--AGE flt NCO Mx Pro OTY '13...TSgt now!
- Proficient trainer; qualified seven Amn on operational safety & use of shop eqpt--ensured 100% msn rdy techs
- Prolific technician; troubleshot & repaired malfunctioning back shop freq converter--rtn'd vital asset < one hr
- Propelled Flt's I&R section; 12 techs c/w 42 mx actions--spt'd 20K+ C-17 departures w/ safe & reliable AGE
- Proven leader; reduced eqpmt insp backlog by 85% w/only 30% manning--9 of 11 overdue insps c/w in 2 wks
- Provided critical suppt for mbrs activated for WA wildfire resp; executed key functions to sustain normal sqdrn ops
- Provided/modified adaptive equip for Tacoma School District--Improved edu resource for 60+ special needs children

- Rdy'd 19 assets for jt intermodal ops; installed 47 deferred parts--boosted mvmt of 118 helos...svd DoD $50M
- Re-org'd $375K CTK/benchstock prgms; executed 100% invents/8 ZD evals--sealed Sq's NSI w/ZD/coined by Sq/CC
- Rebuilt air conditioner refrigerant sys <1 wk following 9 mos equip downtime--key asset MC rate raised 50%
- Repaired 16 acft mx stands; welded 23 sfty components/svd $1.6K vs lcl contracting--restored fleet to 100%
- Repaired 8 acft mx stands; welded 13 sfty components/svd $1K vs HN contracting--returned fleet to 100% MC
- Replaced leaking B809 generator head gasket; prevented $29K engine swap--returned for HH-60 rotor mx ops
- Replaced two faulty air conditioner alternators; skyrocketed unit MC rate 33%--secured KC-135 cooling capes
- Replaced worn air conditioner fan control switch; eliminated compressor cavitation--spt'd RC-135 sys cooling
- Resolved CENTAF TO shortfall; coord'd w/ACC/re-purposed 30 iPads f/2 AEWs--svd DoD $24.8K/6 mo wait
- Responded to 737 IFE w/ blown tire at Bagram Afld; directed equip delivery--returned to combat ops <30 min
- Responded to broke acft towbar wheel assy; repaired defects w/scrap metal parts--enabled spt for 43 C-5 msns
- Responded to KC-135 "Red Ball"; fixed inop acft towbar <30 mins--rushed unit to mx crew/averted msn delay
- Responded to unstable nitro svc cart; R2'd leaking eng fuel hose--enabled acft strut svc'ing ops ISO 4 AC-130s
- Revamped Bagram Afld's NCE prgm; inventoried 36 surety items/fixed 60 errors--Z/D during 455 AEW SAV
- Reviewed 204 eqpmt historical records; zero defects noted during '12 AMC LCAP--unit earned "Outstanding"
- Revitalized Unit Mobility program; cleared over 35 medical discrepancies--boosted medical readiness; now 86%
- Revived $2M assets; initiated wkly rdy-line chks/clrd 342 discreps--enabled 6K srts/10K flt hrs/7K Da'esh kills
- Rock solid SNCO; navigated AGE flt to 100% CDC & QA pass rate 24 consecutive mos--extraordinary results
- Rvw'd $461K washrack plns; adj'd scope/slashed $406K...88% cost svgs--named 386 EMXG SNCO OTM 2x!

- Serviced units for proper operation and lube-ext'd service life/flight line availability of 230+ units
- Set the bar for peers; aced 7/8 QA evals with "Zero Defects"--bolstered flt's 90% pass rt '14...up 4% from '13
- Shaped CPT employment plan; ID'd TTPs/products to meet COCOM reqs--pioneered conops for 12 ANG Cyber Sqs
- Skilled worker; used parts on hand for Hydraulic Test Stand small motor swap--increased equipment availability 33%
- SME for next gen virtual trng env; dev'd scenarios for 1000 trng tasks--cornerstone of 62 operator trng/qual program
- Sole CSL f/ wg's largest/busiest unit; coord d/resolved 50 key network issues--secured IT capabilities for 4 sections
- Spotted generator w/exposed power cable wiring; repaired loose clamps--averted shock hzds to acft/operators
- Spt'd 3 FOBs ISO OIR; led 13 eqpt xfers/9 rprs on transient assets ISO ISF--liberated city of Mosul/1.2M civs
- Spt'd Canadian partners; T/S pwr cart w/loadbank...rpr'd anomaly <1 hr--rtn'd unit to Iraq ISO helo CSAR ops
- Spt'd fwd dplyd Air Advisors; constructed gaskets ISO rprs/salvaged Iraqi de-fuel truck--reclaimed 3.4M gals
- Spt'd HUREVAC ops; received/beddown 10 acft/56 pers--$1.3B PACAF readiness sustained/Sq AOY winner
- Sq EOC Focal Point; Coord'd multiple injects/events/accountability for State Ex--maintain'd SA for Sq leadership
- Sq NCE monitor; Wg Safety benchmarked prgm--flt earned "Superior Team Awd" during '11 NSI/zero defects
- State innovator; conceived & planned 1st DOMOPS employment of CPT capability--blazed trail for future ANG ops
- Streamlined AROWS processing/mgmt; prepped orders/support for multi exercises--ensured execution 945 AT days
- Subject matter expert; id'd five discrepancies on SGNSC vent valve ops--negated $12K+ booster eqpt damage
- Supervised NSI prep tiger team; flt received Z/D--mgmt rated "Strength"/flt earned IG's "Superior Team" Awd
- Supplied 6 Marines w/eqpmt ops tng; enabled MV-22 acft mx--rdy'd USMC tm to spt US Embassies in Africa
- Sustained 60-ton jack fleet; exchanged 11 gauges due calibration--facilitated 5 NLG/MLG strut/piston repacks
- Svd Jt Special Ops Logistics ops; rpr'd 12 light carts/secured $200 million eqpt--elim'd CENTCOM msn delay
- Swapped nitrogen cart hydraulic pump; revitalized $85K asset--permitted continual 961st/82nd strut svs capes

- Team controller for CYBERGUARD ex; org'd 143d scenarios--enabl'd nat'l Cyber Def Ex/19 states/550+ pers
- Tnd 7 USN mbrs on nitro cart ops; svc'd 4 ships' wpns sys--rdy'd NS Rota's fleet ISO Ex NOBLE MARINER
- Top notch AGE tech! Executed 95 eqpmt 7-lvls insps; spurred flt's 86% MC rt thru 2Q15--beat sq goal by 6%
- Trained Amn on hydraulic test stand ops; dispatched unit for C-17 hydro sys flush--returned $218M acft to svc
- Trained US Navy on nitrogen cart use; enabled 300 nitrogen bottle fills--key to 2.3K AOR Prowler a/c sorties
- Trnd Amn on 6 7-lvl tasks; demo'd fuel pump/starter/radiator R2 SOP--incr'd job proficiency 10%/ICR by 9%
- Troubleshot acft eng start cart fault; R2'd broken sfty start switch--enabled dep of 60 mbr CJCS/USO prep team
- Troubleshot faulty SGNSC; ID'd/rewired booster over-temp switch--increased acft servicing capabilities 10%
- Troubleshot generator w/spiking voltage; isolated/rewired protective control tray--barred $3K harness change
- Troubleshot leaking universal mx stand; ID'd/replaced worn filter housing assy--sole asset returned for acft spt
- Troubleshot turbine generator anomaly; ID'd/replaced worn solenoid <1 hr--averted $170K engine acquisition
- Trusted DCO operator; key architect for first ever CPT remote op--ensured 20 member team was 100% msn capable

- Unyielding; validated expired CA/CRL acct, removed flawed data, prevented loss of $72K Air Conditioner

- Verified erratic -95 compressor eng speed; changed fuel control quill shaft--assured air start for KC-135 acft
- Verified shorted -86 generator set main wiring assy; rewired/rerouted harness <1 hr--sustained OEF/OIF ops
- Vol'd personal time/aid SIB; complied/xfered >2hours of classified acft mishap film--received LOA from SIB pres

- Weapon System SMEs; hand-picked for AD stan/eval supt--17 just in time evals prevent'd 92IOS msn stoppage
- Welded 19 AGE assets; averted $9.5K in contractor fees--key to sq's AF Exped Ctr Global Reach awd sel '14

Bomblift MJ-1 or MHU

- Pinpointed four MJ-1B cracked steering sectors; coord repair w/ equipment specialist/metals tech--svd $12K

- Analyzed MJ-1B bomb lift frame crack; coordinated with allied shop for repair--prevented $60K equip replacement

- Expertly replaced leaking axle seal on bomblift; prevented possible catastrophic damage--saved AF $4.5K+

- Responded to bomblift with faulty starter system; quickly discovered/replaced worn shifter solenoid assembly

Generator, -86 or -60

- Hard-charger; accomplished intricate A/M32A-86 engine change in single shift--reduced unit downtime 75%

- Resourceful; identified/replaced -60 generator cable head; averted safety hazard--avert certain damage to unit

- Identified/coordinated generator combustion can repair; prevented catastrophic engine failure--saved $160K

- Keen eye; rewired faulty -86 generator K23 relay socket; allowed on-time sortie launch with zero defect noted

Air Conditioner, MA-3D or C-10

- Recognized MA-3D air conditioner leak; performed rapid freon recovery--ensured environmental compliance

- Team player; made on-the-spot C-10 adjustment during avionics troubleshooting; ensured uninterrupted testing

- Recognized/replaced faulty air conditioner pressure cut-out switch; prevented compressor failure--saved $17K

- Spearheaded MA-3D air conditioner training during AEF 1/2 deployment; enhanced combat mission capability

- Isolated/repaired A/M32C-10 turbine oil leak; ensured continuous use--saved $13.5K in turbine replacement

- Isolated air conditioner failure; replaced ruptured diaphragm valve in half the allotted time--no 7-level defects

- Vital; completed A/M32C-10 air conditioner heat exchanger repair--reduced down time by 80%--saved $20K

- Unequaled troubleshooter; skillfully identified ACE air conditioner start system air leak--increased reliability

- Coordinated repair of two cracked -10 air conditioner heat exchangers; saved $40,000 in replacement costs

- Coordinated local repair of two air conditioner heat exchangers; prevented supply downtime--preserved $40K

- Troubleshot three C-10 air conditioners; replaced faulty turbine assemblies; increased in-commission rate 30%

- Key player; coordinated repair of cracked heat exchanger on A/M32C-10--spared AF $20K in additional parts

- Initiated air conditioner repair; changed relief valve; prevented catastrophic internal failure--saved $ 150K

- Coordinated local repair of two A/M32AC-10D heat exchangers; prevented supply downtime--saved AF $40K

- Replaced air conditioner triple gear drives; unit immediately dispatched for 181K lbs KC-10 acft fuel off-load

- Sharp; submitted AFTO Form 22 to modify C-10 air conditioner duct--change accepted...22K units affected

- Alert; isolated/repaired malfunctioning A/M32C-10D output air flow valve--averted possible aircraft damage

- Keen eye; identified contaminated A/M32C-10 turbine oil; ensured continuous use of unit--saved AF $13.5K

- Aggressively troubleshot C-10D air conditioner that failed to provide conditioned air output to aircraft systems

-- Quickly unearthed blown sloots--meticulously replaced and returned unit to service in half of allotted time

- Utilized on-hand parts for defective C-10 air conditioner diaphragm repair--saved $164 in parts procurement

- Accomplished field training detachment course for air conditioner; greatly expanded equipment knowledge


- ID'd broken KC-135 towbar head assy; coor'd allied shop repair--returned critical eqpmt asset above MEL

- Responded to inop/critical C-5 towbar; expertly repaired canter wheels--restored sq tow capabilities in 2 hrs

Maintenance/Test Stand

- Tackled hydraulic test stand oil cooler replacement; concurrently trained apprentice--completed in 6 of 9 hours

- Replaced two B-4 maintenance stand work platforms; prevented significant damage to acft radome assembly

- Completed test stand cooler replacement; concurrently trained apprentice--completed in 6 of 9 allotted hours

- Replaced blown test stand O-rings; averted F-15E phase work stoppage, vital to return of 200 acft hrs to wing

- Alerted to hydraulic leak; quick-action repair of four test stand quick disconnects averted environmental spill

- Diagnosed excessive test stand battery amperage draw; repaired shorted cable--solved frequent charging fault

- Repaired universal maintenance stand critical to RC-135/E8 aircraft support--increased unit availability 50%

- Inspected B-4 stand; discovered/replaced bent scissor assembly--prevented equipment failure/personnel injury

- Replaced hydraulic test stand heat exchanger; returned critical asset to service 4 hours ahead of projection

- Locally manufactured non-procurable hydraulic test stand engine adaptor plate; saved $68K+/unit replacement

- Discovered leaking maintenance stand hydraulic ram; replaced gouged o-ring--prevented platform collapse

- Resourceful; used on-hand parts to rebuild hydraulic test stand compensator--reduced downtime/saved $1.7K

- Isolated/replaced universal maintenance stand alternator--returned one of two flight line assets/vital to success

- Dedicated; completed 45 maintenance stand quick release pin TCTOs--accomplished 5 days ahead of deadline

- Prioritized B-1 stand Immediate TCTO; scheduled four units with back shop--reduced completion time by 30%

- Experienced mechanic; replaced hydraulic test stand diesel engine--zero defects noted during final inspection

- Outstanding technician; rebuilt leaking hydraulic test stand sight glass; efforts saved $500 in replacement costs

- Hard-charger; replaced two hydraulic test stand engines--averted excessive mission critical asset downtime

- Replaced hydraulic test stand heat exchanger; expediently swapped assembly--repaired/sent out in just 4 hours

- Rebuilt hydraulic test stand compensator; used on-hand parts, lauded by Quality Assurance (QA)--saved $1K

- Ace mechanic; replaced universal maintenance stand drive pump; doubled available mission critical unit level

- Rebuilt three leaking bypass valves on diesel hydraulic test stand; saved $1K+ versus component replacement

- Rebuilt leaking hydraulic test stand bypass valves; trained two Airmen on task--increased personal knowledge

- Highly skilled; repaired hydraulic test stand compensator control assembly--saved $1.7K in replacement costs

- Finished six maintenance stand safety rail pin Urgent Action TCTOs; aided 53 units compliance 3 months early

- Identified hydraulic test stand compensator leak; ingeniously utilized on-hand parts for rebuild--saved AF $750

- Resourceful; rebuilt hydraulic test stand relief valve; quickly returned crucial unit to flight line--negated $1,300

- Skilled; utilized on-hand parts for hydraulic test stand compensator rebuild, reduced downtime--saved $1.7K

- Completed B-1 stand urgent action time compliance technical order on 12 units; eliminated unsafe condition

- Finished six maintenance stand rail pin Urgent Action TCTOs; aided in 53 unit completions 3 months early

- Detected inoperable hydraulic test stand compensator; primed system--ensured availability of critical asset

- Detected inoperable test stand compensator; primed; returned to flight line--reduced maintenance backlog 10%

- Detected inoperable hydraulic test stand compensator; primed system--reduced maintenance backlog by 10%

- Replaced test stand engine; completed in 6 of 9 hours; returned to flight line--excellent from Quality Assurance

- Expertly troubleshot hydraulic test stand with intermittent start problem; isolated faulty control circuit breaker

-- Returned only serviceable unit to immediate support of 336 FS aircraft maintenance in less than 20 minutes

- Instrumental; replaced bad engine in hydraulic test stand; returned critical unit to service for flight line use

-- Installed new engine with minimal descrepencies after 7-level inspection--received excellent rating from QA

- Skillful mechanic; repaired hydraulic test stand pressure compensator--saved over $2,300 in replacement costs

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