Weather EPR Bullets

- Accomplished 12 hrs of SWA wx trng; bolstered fcsting knowledge--achieved 87% TAFVER/improved x9%
- Achieved Shift Supervisor qualification; led 3 mbr team/drove wx spt at 23 military sites--$65B DoD assets protected
- Advised SOCAF J3; built ISR wx prods/ID d LIMFACs/232 days--shaped COCOM decision making w/key updates
- Aided 24/7 AFSPC msn wx spt; 33% surge/critical ops time-frame met--10 next-gen satellites successfully launched
- Alerted base to winter wx 4 days out; tm nailed fcst timing within 1 hr/shaped base closure order--JCS alert acft relocated
- Aligned Tactical Meteorological Observing System w/ sats; enabled deployable station & movement over 1/5 of world
- Analyzed 2K satellite images/model data; improved product accuracy 11%--enhanced IC ISR collection effort

- Bolstered trauma readiness; prepped wx data for crit blood shipment to SOF units--enabled hostile area rapid supply
- Briefed 8 JOC Dir; highlighted wx impacts f/$534M acft/7 udpates--influenced JSOAC/CC decisions/6M sq mi AOR
- Briefed 8 Op Noble Eagle msns; mitigated 4 A/R turb threats--bolstered inauguration security & US/China relations
- Briefed MEDEVAC crew; pilot prep'd w/optimal rte--critical patient saved w/ higher-level care in "golden hr"
- Briefed seasonal wx scenarios to 50 pilots; upped awareness of potential flt hazards--key to zero wx incidents
- Briefed wx for multinat'l SOCEUR/ELAS ex; spt'd mvnt of 25 pax/49K lbs cgo--aided w/largest Greece anti-terror ex
- Built 425 ISR briefs; ID d msn crit hzds/enabled 2.5K srts/15K collection hrs/14 named ops--bolstered SOCAF msn
- Built 75 B-2 mission fcsts; 6 DV's spt'd/124K lbs ordnance ejected/372 flt hrs facilitated--NDS objectives maintained

- Certified to run wx counter at Hunter AAF; provided pertinent weather data for the personnel on base
- Comp'd 6 week wx course; mastered tropical forecast/analysis skills--enhanced Sq msn with science based expertise
- Constructed 284 msn forecasts; highlighted impacts/relayed timing to SOF--safeguarded 70 acft/$49B AFGSC assets
- Coor d w/J3Dir/CANSOF liason; ID'd svr wx onset/loc/45 min--rapid assault force launched/3 civilians rescued/<1hr
- Coord'd wx support; seven sorties flown across three continents--two acft/10k lbs of cargo/44 pax redeployed
- Coordinated move/installation of office equipment into new bldg; smooth transition--LCM function unimpeded
- Crafted 187 A-10 tgt products; ID'd "go/no-go" wx for live-fire wpns tng--442 FW combat msn ready for deployment
- Crafted 5 A/R fcsts for JIATF-S msn; max'd loiter/115K lbs fuel offloaded--fostered seizure of 20 tons of contraband
- Crafted 500 wx prods; spt'd 7 FAD/16 PN/38 acft/19 SOF ops--663 pax/110K lbs cargo moved across 4M sq mi AOR
- Crafted urgent AE wx package; mitigated msn/coord'd divert locations w/acft CC--8 patients received life-saving care

- Deployed to alt wx station; protected 6 msns w/limited comms--assured no-fail msn of 618 AOC /zero sorties canceled
- Designed theater datasets for GBS; datasets now AFWA managed--reduced redundancy & workload by 100%
- Developed new Flt procedures; concise...eliminated confusion--vital products transmitted faster/fewer errors
- Developed vital GBS test & resource plan; PACAF/USAFE ops testing now 50% complete--right on schedule!
- Directed install of GCH server; provided SIPRNet broadcast capability--vastly improved warfighter support!
- Disseminated 33 WWAs; increased QPM 8% above squadron average--supported 50 high profile ISIL strikes
- Drafted 19 Coronet msns; synced w/ACC, 72 acft moved/3K+ lbs of fuel transferred--sustained CCDR's cmbt power

- Enabled life saving transport; pinned key time frame in sandstorm for "go" window--4 crit wound'd service mbrs saved

- Facilitated logistic spt; 275 wx brfs/moving 4.2K PAX/530K lbs cargo/39 acft/7 FADs--24/7 SOCAF ops during RIP
- Fused wx info into 3K ISR msn updates; pinpointed 'go/no-go' avn windows--sptd 260 tgts id'd/88 strikes/96 EKIA
- Fused wx intel into joint op; warned pilots 96 hrs out of msn limiting conditions--route adjusted/msn successful

- Generated 35 no-notice wx updates; rapid response used to deploy ISR aircraft--key info for OEF close air spt

- Headed counter-drug spt; ID d optimal wx times/collection areas/228 msns--98K lbs drugs seiz'd/278 suspects detained

- ID d emer actions deficiencies; coor'd w/PR SEL/consolidated 2 proc/dvlp'd processes--rectified crit msn safety plans
- ID'd Kuwait strong wnd occurrence; afforded msn planners 3-hr notice--alleviated risk of $834M joint assets
- Installed VOSIP phones for section OICs; enabled secure voice ntwk cape; ensured rapid weather intel to warfighter
- Integrated avn hzds w/msn plans; advised pilots/J2 Dir w/748 no-notice wx updates--ISR ops collection areas altered

- Led METSAT training duties; instructed 90 vigorous tasks--3 members fully qualified/alleviated 20% manning
- Led short notice T-VSAT new satellite migration; flawlessly executed--ops uninterrupted & saved AFW $25K
- Led UCI preparation; superbly guided 3 team's efforts; key to AFWA "excellent" rating--coined by AFWA/CC

- Managed 85 surface analyses; coordinated North America wx hazards--integrated severe wx spt across 3 OWS AORs
- Managed ancillary training for 98 person directorate; scheduled/conducted classes--ensured 100% compliance
- Mastered space wx msn in record time; NCOIC & worked shift w/ 95% EFR--protected $30B on-orbit assets

- Nailed CA severe wind event; installation leaders equip'd with 8 hr notice--ID'd ops windows/2.2K psnl safeguarded

- Orchestrated mx f/ 4 pc's deployed to Anaconda ex; troubleshot/fixed mi-fi connection glitches--7 WS 100% on target
- Orchestrated short-notice retirement ceremony in just 2 wks; outstanding result--honored officer's 23 yr career
- Oversaw 4-hr wx fsct window; supported Mosul's largest coalition air strike FY16--destroyed VBIED factory
- Oversaw AFN fcst production; recorded 550 shows worldwide--AFRTS #1 rated prgm reaching 10M viewers
- Oversaw USCBP wx ops; 30 prods issued ovr 650K-sq-mi AOR/aided 1.9K arrests--key to Gp Wx Org below Sq OTY

- Pinpointed rain gauge sensor error; proactively integrated back-up eqpmt--enabled $400K system FMC/seamless spt
- Pinpointed severe wx event; five acft/70 SF Amn repositioned--enabled CFACC vision of nonstop alert status
- Pinpointed wx hazards for 10-nation exercise; mitigated effect on ops--enabled effective trng of 4.5k personnel
- Predicted Iraq wnd event; allotted 24-hr notice/3 min timing error--7 strikes to ISIL units/3 vehicles destroyed
- Produced 226 volcanic ash advisory bulletins; maintained 99% error-free rate--TACC informed of ash clouds
- Provided 2 START msns' wx spt; pinpointed msn-limiting hazards/alerted C2 planners--int'l nuclear standards upheld

- Shaped MEDEVAC wx Go/No-Go window; secured vital 'golden hr' recovery--40 critical condition coaltn prsnl saved
- Spt'd 185ECAB WFX; shift lead/generated 20+ prods/safeguarde'd 120 prsnl--Designated BDE "Hero of the Battle"
- Spt'd SOCAFRICA wx ops; 755 sorties/4.5K on station hrs executed--enabled 1 HVT detained/3 enemy targets KIA
- Stressed rare snow event; CC refocused limited resources for sustained afld ops--21 acft launched/recovered
- Supported Army pre-deployment exercise; crafted 151 wx briefs--18 aircrews ready for combat/Medevac ops

- Transformational leader; reconfigured Flt area in 2 days--max'd ops production & "Wow'd" STRATCOM/CC
- Trn'd 1 CGO/3 Amn analysts; oversaw 60 daily USNORTHCOM wx products--increased position manning by 133%

- Verified 85 wx alerts w/ 92% error free rate; relayed key wx intel to msn planners--safeguarded $17B coalition assets

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