Vehicle Control Officer (VCO) EPR Bullets

- Accountable; controlled 134/$6.8M general and special purpose vehicle fleet--maintained elements 96% MC
- Administered 387 USFK Drivers test at Suwon AB; 35 AEG airmen mission ready--efforts saved 430 man hrs
- AF largest fire resp fleet VCO; 55 veh's/worth $12.5M--93% in-svc rate/aided 96 TW "Effective" UEI rating
- Afforded MHE supt for 366 CMS; trans'd 2 STs/$10M acft pods for avionics backshop--key to msn continuity
- Aided '14 Airpower over Hampton Roads ops; shuttled 133 pax/980 lbs cargo--spt'd 165K spectators/vendors
- Aided in 293 priority acft parts/eqpmt delivery requests; achieved 9 min response time--smashed AF std 70%
- Aided mobility machine ops for '10 Phase I ORE; moved 14 chalks/623 pax/312 tons cargo--no mission delays
- Aligned critical licensing section prgms w/ AFIs; vital to efficient ops--reinforced '10 LCAP 86% eval rating
- Alt VCO--brief'd weekly vehicle safety info/kept 30 shop personnel safe on/off duty--reduc'd mishap by 80%
- Asserted material handling eqpmt quals; revalidated 127 govt licenses/3 veh types--cemented base msn rqmt's
- Assisted 3K trans requests; moved 4.5K pax/917 tons /33K miles--aided 633 MSG "Team of the 3rd Qtr" win
- Assisted sub motor pool/'14 ACC Phase I ORI; 501 pax/260 tons cargo--spt'd wg's "Excellent" overall rating
- Assisted VCO/placed eight vehicles in svc; tracked 148 items valued at $7.2M--ensured 100% equipment readiness

- Caring/team player; provided stellar support for Team Osan's Air Power Days '08--shuttled 100K+ visitors
- Chaired AF FES Vehicle Training prgm; standardized lesson plan/test for 20 vehs--best practice by AFMC A3
- Chauffeured '09 Ulchi Freedom Guardian senior advisor; 500 miles traveled--personally lauded for his efforts
- Conducted 16 hrs of facility maintenance training; instructed four Amn on equipment ops--zero safety write ups
- Conducted 23 wrecker operations; recovered 34 tons of cargo--ensured maintenance of 90% msn capable rate
- Conducted 32 P&D sweeps; distributed 8 STs/$5M for two F-15 units/20 backshops--ensured mx on 59 acft
- Conducted 50 hours of facility maintenance training; 11 personnel educated--bldg lauded "Immaculate" by ldrs
- Conducted daily service 153 U-Drive-It vehicles; fulfilled 2K+ dispatch requests--efforts led to 97% FMC rate
- Conducted daily svc 80 U-Drive-It vehicles; 2K dispatch requests fulfilled--efforts led 97% msn capable rating
- Conducted operator care; eight GO Cmd/Control vehs/maintained $180K fleet--uninterrupted 24/7 CC mobility
- Conducted weekly OPSEC inspections; provided for proper disposal of daily SIs--guaranteed AFI compliance
- Contributed to '14 AirPower over Hampton Rds; 155 pax/prep'd 144 vehicles--spt'd 165K spectators/promote!
- Coord'd 2.7K veh requests; trans'd 2K pax/689K cargo tons--spt'd 4.2K OEF/OND/CJTF-HOA combat sorties
- Coord'd priority MICAP deliveries; xx parts distributed worth $xxM--x-min response w/100% on-time delivery rate
- Coord'd shipment of 7 vehicles to other AF units--reutilization efforts saved AF $350K in new truck expenses
- Coord'd trans '14 AirPower over Hampton Rds; accounted for 20 contractor/event vehs--spt'd 165K attendees
- Coordinated 1.2K on-call taxi/aircrew requests; maintained 4 min response time--crushed AF standard by 60%
- Coordinated daily vehicle svc/inspections; facilitated 460 trans requests/80 U-Drive-It assets--enabled msn spt
- Coordinated spt for '09 Air Boss Conference; three Gen Officers supported; 13 UDIs provided--lauded by all
- Coordinated trans support for SECDEF/SECAF/CJCS/PACOM CC base visits; zero mishaps--promote ASAP!
- Coordinated with CE/USACE on environmental friendly washrack; laid groundwork for install--$100K saved
- Cornerstone for AFSO-21 visit; 35 senior leaders chauffeured--LEAN objectives distributed across command
- Created/Organized inventory barcode system, maintained 12k items valued at $2.1M--saved $15k AF funds
- Crucial in completion of 41 veh rqmts; moved 75 pax/105K tons/1.5K mi--sustained Wg ops ISO 24/7 nuc deterrence

- Delivered priority/acft assets; controlled 4 tons of freight/$11M/delivered in 23 min--smashed AF std by 24%
- Delivered time-demanding MICAPs; $19.2K in parts swiftly relocated--achieved 100% on-time delivery rate
- Deployed as Lead Vehicle CC; ID'd 5 routes/9 Iraqi checkpoints--guided 250 vehicles/6 forward ops locations
- Deployed VCO; scheduled maint/trans of 14 HMMWV valued at $700K--100% on time rate...AOR msn intact
- Designated 451 EMSG flt line security mgr; trnd 28 mbrs/84 man-hrs--aided 5.5K intelligence combat sorties
- Detailed minded; inspected/serviced 139 vehicles valued at $6.8M--flight maintained 96% msn support rate
- Dir'd multi-nat'l EOP logs; exec'd 827 DVs/SECAF/CMSAF spt--infused allied strat f/12 NATO partners/NDS capes
- Dir'd veh trng/cert pgrm's/>60 hrs; val'd 13 Amn/15 assets/accomplished 13 tasks--increased sect capabilities by 30%
- Directed 34 vehicle/$8M fleet spt'g 2 Gps; drove daily insps/sched mx--spt'd 200K asset hrs/4K sorties/10.8K flt hrs
- Directed 5 mbr tm; moved UAV/$215M/AF global power showcased--flawless delivery/lauded by ABW/CC
- Directed ACC/A6 Commanders Conf trans; bused 30 DVs/3 locs--ensured safe passage/praised by COMACC
- Directed movement for 210 after hrs priority aircraft MICAP parts--100% on time response/zero delays noted
- Directed Snow removal prgm; guid'd 9 mbr tm/sustained 5 locs/3.7M tons expedit'd--empowered Wg's dplymnt capes
- Directed VOCC/963 trans rqmts; spt'd 715 Pax/mov'd 193 cargo tons--zero delays/2017 Code Change success
- Dispatched trans for Command Chief Conference; moved 117 DVs to 7 locations--coined by 633 ABW/CCM
- Distributed 24 priority acft parts/equipment valued $8M; attained 8 min delivery time--smashed AF goal 70%
- Distributed water supply; hauled 330 tons cargo/440 pallets/50 sites/256 miles--increased QoL for 2.5K Amn
- DoDDs Reimbursement Report manager; tracked/reported manpower hrs/O&M costs--recouped amazing $44K
- Drafted off-base driving exception to policy letter; initiated action plan--prepared section for future operations

- Elevated 3rd ASOS msn; led drive tm TDY/forg'd MATV POI/trn'd 135 JTAC--amplified Arctic trng/AFSOC dplymnt
- Empowered USAFE/AFRICOM; swiftly prep'd/shipped 2 deicers <6 days--eliminated AFRES deployment shortfall
- Enabled 10 HSEP msns; coord'd w/MMXS ldrs/secured AF's sole ICBM silo tester--enhanced $4.6B PL-1 platform sec
- Endured six convoys; moved over 200 tons ammo/munitions--directly spt'd 30K US/Coalition forces in Afghan
- Engineer Flight VCO--monitored 6-vehicle/$142K account--assured squadron resources promptly available
- Ensured svc & availability of GOV fleet for xx UDI requests & xx taxi runs--Bested AF COL standard by xx%
- Est'd packaging recycle pgm; salvaged/reused 2K ft preservation material/377 boxes--sav'd sq $2.2K annually
- Excellent DV spt afforded; chauffeured Congressman Scott for base tour--successful impression of AFRC HQ
- Exceptional customer service; 3K + members test'd & licensed--ensured qualified drivers on Korean peninsula
- Exec'd no-notice US/DPRK summit spt; pwr'd air bridge/mvd 5 sqs/606 pax <24 hrs--forged 1st POTUS across DMZ
- Execut'd 14 DV trans rqmts; spt'd US Senator/4x HHQ visits/AFGSC Surgeon Gen/NFL star--4x coins awd'd
- Executed 11K requests; dispatched/trans 28K pax/1.2M tons cargo/91K miles--efforts vital to msn completion
- Executed 237 dispatch requests; moved 429 pax/112 tons cargo over 1.8K miles-efforts critical to msn success
- Executed 40 priority acft part/eqpmt delivery requests; 1.3K tons cargo/attained 6 min response time--promote!
- Executed 53 aircrew requests; mv'd 273 pax/24.8K lbs cgo/260 miles--pivotal to sortie msn effectiveness rate
- Executed hazardous maneuver; trans'd 45K lbs of helium--supl'd AOR hospitals with vital life-saving element
- Executed JBLM alft resp to Hurricane Sandy; 637 short tons/69 vehs del'd to disaster area--aided 50M prsnl
- Expedited 10 MICAP parts; delv'd 5 STs/$3M/avg'd two minutes response time--beat Air Force goal by 93%
- Expedited 61 MICAPs; delivered $465K of vital parts/average response time 15 min--shattered AF's 30 min standard
- Expedited heavy eqpmt ops; hauled 20 ton of cgo/$30K for Aerial Port shpmt--cgo redeployed w/out incident
- Expedited mvmnt of 89 msn-capable parts worth $16.2M; achieved 2 min response--bested AF std by 28 mins
- Expedited priority aircraft part deliveries; moved 236 items valued at $1.7M--sustained 51 FW flying mission
- Expedited trans of 624 radar domes worth $54.3M--JSTARS assets revitalized--saved AF $1M contract costs
- Expert operator; serviced 134 vehicles, worth $6.8M--zero write-ups in fleet's bi-annual technical inspection

- Facilitated movement of 9K DoD PAX; directed aggressive issuing system--recovered $332K+ unused tickets
- Flight control center focal point; initiates quick reaction checklists & operations plans--
- Fortified INDOPACOM alliances; hauled 240 pax/47 tons/dlvr'd 8M gals fuel--enforced Open Skies Treaty/90 sorties
- Fulfilled 130 taxi/tractor trailer/bus requests; 2.6K pax/20 tons cargo/4K incident-free miles--spt'd base rqmt's
- Fulfilled 3.5K veh requests; moved 3K passengers & 40K tons of cargo 1.6K miles on/off base--accident free
- Fulfilled 602 vehicle requests; moved 2.4K pax/136K tons of cargo 8K miles--kept 96% mission capable rate

- Group VCO; performed preventative maintenance/cleanings/inspections for 10 vehicles--achieved zero mx down time

- Hand-pick'd by superiors to transport USSTRATCOM CC; superior support provided--laud'd by squadron CC
- Hand-picked mid-shift weekend supervisor; led two Amn/two KN--flawlessly supported 1K+ vehicle requests
- Handled 200 customers weekly; 2.7K out-processed/3K tested and licensed--served 7 AF/51 WG operators
- Handpicked OR&L rep; issued 125 temp licenses/briefed '09 ORI team mbr's; wg earned "Excellent"-promote
- Hard charger; developed dispatch training plan & consolidated continuity books--12 dispatchers fully certified
- Heartbeat of LRS! Spouses transformed Sq/unified families thru adversities/celebrations/dplymnts...We Got it Right
- Highly-skilled; directed 117 protocol requests moving 1.3K DVs over 2K miles--led to nine operators coined
- Honored With Dignity! 16 HG mbrs/400 hrs/mng'd $30K/8 awds/1 HQ nom--affirmed honors f/lrgst AOR/605K mi

- Implemented new pre/post deployment mx checks; ensured 97% vehicle availability, cut breakdowns by 25%
- Initiated FW's 1st Winter Veh Safety Insp; 25 Amn tm devot'd 125 off-duty hrs--rdy'd 3.7K fams f/ARCTIC BLAST!
- Initiated Record/Licensing OJT for 12 Amn; 7 core task/CAFIS qualified--five level trng milestones completed
- Instrumental to Coronet msn; fulfilled 326 requests/hauled 2.5K pax/220K tons cargo--117 aircraft launched on-time
- Investigated 176 on/off base veh misuses; educated VCO's on official GMV usage--coined by 51CS leadership

- Key dispatcher; 800 pax/1k tons of cargo for 2009 HQ PACAF ORI--reception of forces rated "Outstanding"
- Key trans for '12 RAFB Air Show; 180K attendees/100 buses shuttled; community/base praised zero incidents

- Lead daily upkeep of 139 veh fleet worth $6.9M--zero write ups during semi-annual veh technical inspection
- Lead dispatcher for 51FW runway closure; relocated 620 pax/64 tons of cargo--5th RS flying ops maintained
- Lead heavy equip trainer; provided 13 mbrs/117 hrs of instruction on AAMVA stds--increased element MC rt by 18%
- Leader in environmental conservation; flt's rep for AMC paperless initiative--ID'd potential future cost savings
- Led 51 FW license program; validated/issued 120 GOV licenses/briefed newcomers--cemented base mission reqmt
- Led Air Show logs; pen'd $23K contract/moved 12K guests <5hrs/dlvrd 15K gal fuel--paraded F-35/1st show in 10 yrs
- Led Basic Convoy crse physical trng; 50 Amn/rigorous 5 wk conditioning prgm--molded combat rdy warriors
- Led daily insp of 46 vehicles appraised at $3.3M; zero msn delays--peer-voted Veh Op Amn of Month in May
- Led ele eq inventory; organized/inspected 1.4K cargo tie down items--accounted $242K ready for immediate use
- Led equipment support conex inventory; organized/inspected 308 chains/binders/cargo straps--ready for issue
- Led VCO prgm; id'd/coord'd repairs/performed 52 mx checks f/2 GOVs--earned rplcmnt vehicle/$32K assets protected
- Led weekly formation stand-ups; reinforced/briefed msn success/safety--mishaps down from 3 per mo to zilch!
- Liaisoned w/DLA; processed 21 pallets & 22K lbs cargo machinery f/turn in--repurpos'd $37K reusable assets
- Linchpin to 6.4K veh requests; spt'd mvmt/9.1K pax/6.4M lbs cargo/recovered 180 assets--keyed GTs '19 Sq Tm OTY

- Managed complex duty schedule for 39 military/14 DoD civilians--provided flawless spt to 62 AW/627 ABG
- Managed delivery of 2.6K msn capable parts; avg'd 21 mins/3K miles/valued $7.5M--enabled sched acft mvmt
- Managed element safety prgm; 100% compliant on safety requirements--no write-ups during annual inspection
- Managed four facilities; maintained upkeep/repair $25M assets--100% compliant during annual fire/safety insp
- Managed VNCO prgm; revamped materials/briefed weekly awareness--kept 30+ prsnl safe/crushed mishaps by 100%
- Mandated strict ctrl; accounted for 16 sensitive Comm eqpmt valued $140K--ensured zero assets lost/damaged
- Master "Tank/Mig" killer; provided key aircraft support for 51 FW's pilots--11K sortie flown/zero delays not'd
- Melded w/SPECOP; trans'd 500 USMC prsnl/3 locs/60K sq mi--intgr'd 23 JTF units/250 acft/5 vessels f/lrgst DoD ex
- Meticulous vehicle operator; detailed/serviced three C2 vehicles three times weekly--lauded by 51 FW/CC
- Meticulous; thoroughly detailed & serviced three C2 vehicles, weekly--ldrs afforded rapid response capability
- Mng'd 44 veh fleet/$2.1M; 584 trans rqmts f/19 orgs--500 PAX/400K lbs cgo mvd over 9.6K mi w/o incident
- Mng'd wg Reusable Container Pgm; trnd 62 prnl on AFI rqmnts--98% re-use rt/svd gov $4K replacement fees
- Monitored/controlled $2.2M veh fleet serviceability; validated 138 u-drive-it requests--99% availability rate achieved
- Moved Global Hawk UAV worth $104M; on-time delivery--Delta lauded static displays for "great execution"

- Nailed 2 Ammo Barge mvmnts; disbursed 36 containers/479K tons muns/$2.5M--plowed FW "Gen Kenney Tm" awd
- Navigated 35 JBLE veh ctrl officers; verified 183 trainers/mngd 8.7K driver database--100% accountability
- Nominated PTL; accomplished AED certification, one of two CPR instructors for sq--98% of flt "Fit to Fight"

- Orchestrated hi-vis delivery; moved 2 Global Hawk engs worth $27.9M--aided counter-terrorism surveillance
- Organized Sq ADPE assets; turned-in excess computer eqpmt valued $75K--reduced account inventory by 6%
- Organized trans spt w/base HG; insp'd/postured xx vehs for xx color guard/funeral details--honored fallen veterans
- Organized Vehicle Storage area; replenished 30 trip kits/relocated 20 spare tires--freed 1K sq ft of floor space
- Outstanding trans spt; prepped Team Osan's Air Power Days '09 vehicles--100K+ spectators enjoy'd festivities
- Oversaw '14 AirPower over Hampton Rds trans; 4 routes/prep'd 144 vehicles--spt'd 165K spectators/vendors
- Oversaw 1.1K veh reqs; spt'd 162 DVs/456 pax/698 cargo tons hauled/9K+ mi--sustained 24/7 nuc deterrence
- Oversaw GTOCS/1-wk/13 prsnl; conducted daily safety briefings/mentored/guided AFSC--0 safety incident/mishaps
- Oversaw installation of $22K vehicle bay roll-down door-personnel/assets protected in all weather conditions
- Oversaw Trng Business Area SAV inspection; prepped 72 trng records in < 30 days/zero write ups promote
- Oversaw VPP; used 6S process to clean up workcenter/turned-in excess items worth $3.8K--VPP "Silver" site

- Participated Hurricane Irene prep; 34K sandbags/680 cargo tons/130 man hrs--secured $580M assets/8 F-22s
- Performed 334 trans requests; dispatched & moved 1.3K pax/199K tons/1.7 miles--key operator in dispatch spt
- Performed mx inspections on six M915 sys; vital to Det's 98% FMC rate--exceeded ARCENT's 90% goal
- Performed operator care on 76 veh fleet/$4M; inspected/corrected mechanical issues--sust'd 97% FMC rate
- Performed operator care; eight GO Cmd/Ctrl vehicles valued $180K--ensured uninterrupted 24/7 CC mobility
- Performed premier shuttle service for Seymour Johnson airshow/160K guests--received LOA from 4 LRS/CC
- Performed preventive mx insps; serviced 196 vehs/$12M--critical to detachment's 98% fully msn capable rate
- Piloted mvmt of 10K priority parts & eqpmt; 3 acft mx units/4 delivery zones--vital to 97% benchstock fill rate
- Piloted trans w/ USA; moved 2 Hueys/$9.4M/delivered 190 mi overnight vs DLA 14 days--saved DoD $10K
- Played critical role with vehicle mx insp; validated 75% of installation fleet--sq earned "Outstanding" rating
- POC for IG Red Carpet OR&L function; issued 125 team members temp licenses--guaranteed smooth reception
- Poised C-130J fleet for winter ops; secured power receptacles/coord'd deicer winter-kit rpr--cold wx capes incr'd 20%
- Postured 24/7 base security; servic'd 7 WR-ALC & ABW CC comnd vehs daily--ldrs afforded rapid response
- Prepared x CACV's wkly; fostered 100% command assets msn rdy--enabled Wg CC 24/7 rapid response to xK prsnl
- Prevented ill-advised electric pressure washer purchase; sourced right eqpmt for operations--saved AF $2K+
- Processed high interest item to DRMO; ensured timely x-fer of dillapitaed eqpmt--cleared MSG/CC suspense!
- Professional; supplied DV cargo service for the USSTRATCOM/CC Yongson AG visit--coined by 51FW/CC
- Promoted FO control; installed 18 FOD magnets on veh fleet--negated foreign obj ingestion/safeguarded 26 acft fleet
- Provided 24-hr wrecker spt; recovered 12 msn critical disabled vehs--saved the AF $11K in commercial towing costs
- Provided 24/7 wrecker/recovery spt f/13.8K sq mi AOR; retrieved 36 disabled vehs--averted $18K in tow fees
- Provided bus service to VAQ 129; facilitated trans of 110 pax to air terminal/acft--certified on-time departure
- Provided bus spt for Junior Enlisted Appreciation Day; spt'd 633 ABW/HQ ACC/9 tenant units--1K attendees
- Provided DV vehicle support to PACAF/CC spouse on inaugural visit to Osan--51 FW/CC, "best seen to date"
- Provided top-notch JFCOM/TRADOC trans; bused 40 pax/assisted JSTARS tour--efforts lauded by ACC/CV
- Provided trans for ACC Command Chief base tour; shuttled 13 DVs/23 miles/5 sites--"coined" by ACC/CCC
- Provided trans for Joint Forces Symposium; moved 80 pax/14 movements/24 miles--coined by USJFCOM/CC
- PWCS acct custodian; inventoried/svc'd 10 radios/base station worth $32K--aided uninterrupted comm for 2.3K msns

- QB'd wg license program; val'd trng/issu'd 154 GMV licenses--enabled trans across 13.8K sq mi msl complex
- Quarterbacked trans for 9 NAOC msns; 162 vehs rent'd <24-hrs--ensured critical POTUS/SECDEF comm link

- Rehabilitated VCO prgm; provided "1-Stop" Q&A format w/inventory projections--benchmarked by 379 AEW
- Renovated antiquated base washrack; rebuilt two pressure washers valued $40K--saved AF $34K repair costs
- Revamped OR&L section; 11 binders/17 tasks zero write ups for pre UCI inspection--lauded by PACAF FAM
- Revised Sq vehicle misuse program; increased knowledge/authored new tracking tools--elevated awareness
- Revised VCO program; responsible for 138 vehicles worth $6.9M--no write-ups or findings on 2009 SAV

- Section VCO; coordinated veh safety briefings/rotations/maintained 94% VIC for 39 veh fleet--bested AF goal by 4%
- Section VCO; managed $xxxx in AF assets/conducted wkly briefs--expedited maintenance with zero mishaps
- Secured 234 aircrew msns/573 pax/2 min response; shattered AF goal 80%--aided MSG's "Sq of 1st Qtr" win
- Selected to transport DVs attending '09 Air Boss conference; safely traversed 350 miles--lauded by 8 FW/CC
- Simplified asset tracking; maintained automated inventory records--guaranteed 100% equipment accountability
- Single-handedly supported 225 vehicle requests; moved 1.5K pax/8K tons of cargo/1.2K miles--incident free
- Speared Record/Licensing OJT for 10 Amn; 7 core task/CAFIS qualified--five lvl trng milestones completed
- Spearheaded Airpower '09 trans requirements; coordinated crew, spectator and support equipment movements
- Spearheaded priority A/C part deliveries; moved 139 items valued at $1.7M--10K sorties launched/recovered
- Spearheaded section self-inspection pgm; ID’d discrepancies/initiated corrective actions--ensured compliance
- Spearheaded Sq VCO pgm; mngd $490K vehicle fleet/justified MEL status--zero msn degradation/delay exceed'd std
- Sq Sijan nom! Selected to fill TSgt pos/6 mos; primed 395 prsnl/2l crafts/7 flts--bolstered dly msns to 15 MAFs/150 LFs
- Sq VCO; mngd $301K veh fleet/purged inventory/justified MEL status/solved 7 yr gridlock--0 msn degradation/delay
- Squadron VCO/fleet manager; coord'd mx turn ins/repairs for >103 Veh fleet--contributed to Sqd avg 85% VIC rate
- Standout vehicle warrior; top choice among Amn, superb DV & heavy equipment operator--coined seven times
- Streamlined Aircrew driving procedures; educated entire section on standing policy--ensured efficient support
- Superb red carpet svc; transported DVs during Yongson AG CGO conference--prais'd by PACIFIC ARMY/VC
- Superior DV operator; drove for CSAF/Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission visits--lauded by 7 AF/CC
- Supervised acft trans rqmts; expedited xx requests/safely transported xxK flyers--enabled xxK sorties & xxK flt hrs
- Supervised daily svc 80 U-Drive-It vehicles; 1.3K requests fulfilled/valued $1.7M--integral 98% veh fill-rate
- Supervised PL-1 asset tracking; audited 8K movements/5K SF prsnl--crucial to 20 AF 99.9% missile alert rate
- Supported 2.2K vehicle requests; transported 2K + students for DoDDS--zero accidents/100% on time arrival
- Supported 94 FS diversion rqmts/three acft; shuttled 274 pax/157 tons cargo--met critical timeline/saved $7K
- Supported KN's as DoDDS bus driver; contributed to 2.2K veh request/2K+ students moved--zero accidents
- Supported OEF ammo redistribution mvmt; moved 320 tons of ammo--sustained coalition forces in Afghanistan
- Supported Team Robins Ops; 5K veh req's/26K PAX/1.9K tons cargo transported--championed 98.9% spt rate
- Sustained element's 6 min taxi/aircrew response average; safely moved 860 personnel--topped AF std by 40%
- Sustained equipment section; tracked 1.1K critical supplies weekly--presented w/Veh Ops hard-charger award
- Sustained Wing's $72M/694 vehicle fleet; contribut'd to flight 91% MC rate--ISO Operation INHERENT RESOLVE
- Sync'd AK range summit logs; escorted ACC tm/COMPACAF/20 locs--sec'd $80M/restructured 5th-gen trng doctrine

- Tackled 9 DV msns/10 vehs/9 locs; piloted CAF Commanders Conf rqmt's--praised by 9 AF/CC & COMACC
- Team Osan Air Power Days '08 chauffeur; transported 87 distinguished visitors--boosted host nation relations
- Team player, asst'd in restoration of 112 snow chains valued at $14K--reconciled 93% useable equipment
- Trained 6 mbrs on Vehicle Operation & Licensing procedures; certified 24 tasks--increased capabilities by 8%
- Transported 33 tons acft eqpmt valued at $500K; spt'd three acft mx units--vital to 95% bench stock fill rate
- Transported priority A/C part deliveries; moved 210 items valued at $1.7M--10K+ sorties launched/recovered
- Trnd/led 24 mbr tm on 12 PL-2 DoE msns; ensured safe trans of >$200M critical assets--upheld 99% msl readiness rt
- Trusted as swingshift NCOIC; supervised four Airmen/met trans mission rqmts; aided zero pax & cargo delays
- Trusted weekend swingshift supervisor; met trans msn rqmts/secured 4 bldgs/114 veh--zero pax/cargo delays

- Updated Veh Mgt portion of ESP; furnished war planners w/ capabilities--poised AUAB for contingency ops

- VCO alternate; coordinated 100+ mechanical/electrical repairs--sustained 20 vehicle fleet > $600K 90% FMC
- VCO f/KAFB LRS Nuc Cert'd & RMS AB/APS veh fleet; 20 veh/$3.8M--prgm insp earned APS "Top Wheels" awd
- Veh Mgt Conduit; eased transitions of new contractor prgm mgr/VMM--379 AEW/ELRS msn didn't skip a beat
- Veh Ops Rcrds Mgmt Custodian; maintained xx file plans and xx sections--facilitated CCIP "Highly Effective" rating
- Versatile dispatcher coordinated 13 KN bus/drivers; moved 2K DoDDs students to/from school--no incidents
- Vital Chief Dispatcher! Coord'd 14 DV site visits including CMSAF/CODEL/STAFFDEL--10 coins rcvd by veh ops

- Wg Protocol spt; transported 10 DV shuttles/AFML/AFSG/AFMC/AF/A6/MT Senator--prof tm/rcvd 3 coins
- Wg's 24/7 recovery standby tm; dispatched wrecker/surveyed/recovered 36 vehs--saved $18K in contract tow
- Winter is coming! Mvd 24K crit assets/trekked 7.5K mi haz terrain ISO sole Arctic Surv crs--trn'd 721 jt-svc warriors

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