- Enforced compliance; DDR trusted agent, tracked 250+ direct'd tests--lock'd zero std deviations/validated DoD's pgm
- Assisted Drug Demand Reduction mgr; coord'd/scheduled 64 prsnl for screening--100% contact/enforced DoD policy
- Assisted wg's Drug Demand Reduction pgm; observed 286 tests--spt'd "zero tolerance" stan/illegal drug use
- Facilitated Wing Drug Reduction program; observed 57 urinalysis tests--enhanced substance abuse prevention
- Volunteered for DDR Wing Program x 2; observed 20 AD members/7 civilians--endorsed drug free Air Force
- Filled DDR Monitor; observed 47 individuals/flawless prgm ops--sustained SecDef's "Zero Tolerance" policy
- Mature ldr; upheld Cmdr & AF standards--braved unpopular duty, validated unit's quality, standards adherance
- Facilitated Wing Drug Reduction program; observed 57 urinalysis tests--enhanced substance abuse prevention
- Urinalysis Monitor--observed 23 individuals--allowed program to function flawlessly--ensured a drug free AF
- Vol'd as Wing asst urinalysis coordinator Oct 11-Jan 13--dedication, attn to detail ensured zero tolerance
- Unwavering attn to detail to meet AF's zero tolerance policy; collected 240+ specimens, zero discrepancies
- Trained & qualified 13 Amn as urinalysis observers--increased overall readiness for Joint Base Charleston
- Powered 2 unit DDRP sweeps; coord'd 36 observers/6 TAs/625 tested--fortified msn readiness f/65 acft/1.5K sorties
- Filled DDR monitor; briefed proper collection steps/observed 135 samples w/o error--enforced AF 0-tolerance policy
- Piloted base DDRP; notified 220 Amn/4 GSUs/trusted agent f/1st drug sweep >5 yrs--processed 535 samples w/o error
- Trusted Agent for 1st drug sweep/5yrs; led venue setup/collected 315 samples/1% positive rt--fortified AF 0 tolerance
- Oversaw off base DDR prgm site; trained 3 observers/collected 10 specimens--saved 300 man-hrs with 0% positive rt
- Volunteered f/Wg DDR pgm; observed XX pers f/base drug compliance insp--enforced national drug control strategy
- DDR Trusted Agent; liased w/MDG...sched'd 50 specimens/15 observers--spt'd DoD prgm, < 2% 'positive' rate
- Enforced DDR prgm; led 6 trusted agents/coord'd 360 tasks--100% compliance, secured AF's zero tolerance" policy
- Oversaw DDR pgrm; scheduled 790 defenders f/drug screening--100% on time rt/DoD zero tolerance policy enforced
- Provided Wing CCs COAs for specimen collections; proper risk assessment for drug use--positives cases dec 52%
- Expert level NGB DDRP SNCO; directly managed 6 Wing DDRPMs--specimen rejects decl 105% this rating period
- Trained multiple Wing DDRPM/DTPAMs; establishing AFI driven procedures--inc trained prg assets for Wing CCs
- Executed 2 Wing Site/Training visits; provided 11 program observations to Wing CCs--inc program effectiveness
- Provided critical National Trng platform review; updated trng materials for ANG--uniformity of trng for 90 Wings
- 99% effectively executed Qtrly DDRP supply plan; supporting all Wings in 4 states with 6,529 Amn--0 supply issues
- Directly assisted NGB Chief MRO clearing 49 drug positives; returning SMs to duty--pos impact to Wing readiness
- Identified as AFMOA National DDRP Trng Instructor; provided SME input for ANG field procedures--valued asset!
- Worked Wing DDRP/40 hrs; validated 112 sample collections/0 untestable--enforced AF zero tolerance policy
- Sorted over 15K wg's U.S. postal mail/packages; trnsfer time-sensitive DDRP; ensured chain of custody intact