Air Force Training EPR Bullets

Duty Description

- Performs C-17 Propulsion Qualification Training; prepares/leads classroom & flightline acft mx instruction activities
- Develops, reviews, updates formal AMC course curriculum; prepares Apprentices to maintain 14 C-17s worth $2.8B
- Assesses student performance/proctors maintenance E-tests; provides counseling, corrective actions; enforces tng stds
- Informs Cmd Curriculum Advisory Committees; specifies C-17 wpn sys tng rqmts during Level I/Level II crs studies

- Organizes unit UGT; advises & assists the commander & personnel on training responsibilities for career progression


- 3F2 functional mgr; vetted 4 retrain applicants f/suitability/mng'd billet pln--enabled career broadening opportunities

- Accomplished 24 hr PTL/CPR courses; instructed five shift personnel in weekly PT sessions--100% pass rate
- Accomplished records mgmt tng; revamped flt file plan--ensured 100% SAV compliance/19 MXG >95% status
- Achieved 8-hr Train the Trainer crs; endorsed 10 core/critical tasks for two UGT--amplified trng prgm quality
- Actively pursuing CCAF degree in Aviation Maintenance Technology; gained six credit hrs--earned 3.5 GPA

- Advanced ballistic msl course liaison; organized/attended 80 hr class--fused new knowledge w/msn trng prgm
- AF Trainers Course certified; updated shop trng pgrm/trn'd 141 core tasks--readied three Amn for deployment
- Aggressively pursued UGT; 100% qual'd on core tasks/CDCs complete within 8 mos--handpicked to be ADCC
- Analyzed Sq ancillary tng, tracked critical requirements for 173 prsnl--led to 98% tng currency Nov 15

- Analyzed XX docs f/virtual UTA; ID'd process improvement measures--amplified trng prgm quality/adverted delays
- Attended 8 hr EPR crse; mentored 19 NCOs on bullet writing & lvl of involvement--improved sections output
- Attended Add'l Duty First Sgt Seminar; broadened mentor/leader skill--fortified 10 CS "CL-Supt-1st Sgt" triad
- Attended Addl Duty 1st Sgt crse; incr'd discipline perspective--yielded 2 Control Rosters/2 discharges/1 SCM

- Attended Five Lvls of Leadership seminar; gained valuable principles--mentored/expanded four airmen's skills
- Attended Sponsorship Training class 8 hrs; increased INTRO Pgm standards expertise...further dev'd program
- Attended Top 3 speed mentoring session; sharpened comm/prof attributes--amplified std's/technical expertise
- Authored 40 Form 64s; reviewed/processed 164 special certs/12 skill lvl upgrades--elevated flt's essential quals 47%

- Authored new ADUTM crs;dvlp'd 6 hrs of tng content/instructed 34 mgrs--ensured qul'd prsnl ISO 148 unit tng pgms

- Boosted ANG trng prgm; developed 11 CE trng individual trng plans f/92 ANG Wings--bolstered trng f/8k CE persnl
- Built 3F2 MTP; prioritized 394 tasks/est'd milestones--ensured Wg's UTMs proficiency/fast-tracked tng f/2 retrainees

- Cmd'd OJT upgrade trn'g f/DMS; oversaw 21 tasks/updated TBA <7 weeks--certified 75% of 5-lvl core tasks <3 mo's
- Co-authored pax immersion curriculum; train'd 33 prsnl/324 pax core tasks-- increaced pax ops compentency by 30%
- Completed 14 CBTs/MRT/pallet build up/forklift crs; sharpened vital war skills--sustained 100% deployable
- Completed 2 advanced operator courses; fused lessons w/local procedures--boosted connectivity rate to 100%

- Completed Jump/Survival school; 1 of 4,500 Airman selected/certified--increased readiness/AF warrior ethos
- Completed Professional Development Seminar; fine-tuned supervision skill-set...enhanced leadership abilities
- Completed Professional Dvlpmt SEJPME II; tuned managerial skill-set--enhanced leadership abilities/injected in WC
- Completed SNCO Jt PME; gained key insight on sister services--facilitated negotiation of Navy/Marine MOA

- Completed TACP Preparatory Course & TACP School (3-level) w/ no setbacks; incrs'd unit readiness/manning 20%
- Completed voluntary Leadership Essentials course; leadership skills broadened for future--rec'd 100% on EOC
- Comprehended Local Registration Authority trng; trained in 32hr inresident course--injected expertise into WC
- Conducted 5 tech school study groups; led daily synopsis review--enabled 100% pass rate for 35 ATC students

- Conducted Logistics Resource Management Facilitator tng crs; cert'd 7 individuals--Sq poised to meet AMC 90% req
- Conducted review of 40 training records; meticulously identified/corrected errors--eliminated discrepancies
- Conducted review of 42 trng records; ID'd/corrected 12 errors--provided facility mgr w/accurate trng picture
- Conducted review of XX trng records; meticulously ID'd/fixed errors--eliminated discrepancies/increased readiness

- Controlled 3 group level deployed rotations- maintained 560 AFTR, TBA, TFTR, CDSAR records--100% proficiency
- Coord'd operating rm intubation technique trng rotation; enhanced dept capability 30%; honed critical msn skill
- Coord'd req f/virtual UTA online prof development process; ldrshp skills broadened f/future; honed critical msn skill
- Coordinated inprocessing/FTD courses for new gains; maximized training resources, ensured mission capable airmen

- Created/taught history lesson; detailed SOF capabilities utilized in the Battle of Mogadishu--42 mbrs educated
- Cross-utilization trained; assisted hydraulic specialists with boost pack replacement--restored vital acft system

- Dedicated Training Manager, works tirelessly beyond duty hours to assist unit members, true professional
- Designed training program that improved skills of subordinate observation teams--33% increase in capabilities
- Detail oriented; identified various training discrepancies--trained members/supv's on proper management techniques
- Developed CDC status chart--ensured all troops in UGT were ahead of schedule--99% pass rate on all EOC exams

- DMS section training monitor; updated/provided TBA status for 25 persons--provid'd 100% oversight to LRS ldrshp
- Dominated FTD and MTF training request; filled 294 seats across 2 AMUs--crushed std w/ 95% effectiveness rate
- Drove insp compliance; vett'd 166 items/ID'd 12 deficiencies/creat'd 60 day CoA --vitalized trng for 30 prsnl
- Drove Sq Edu & Trng pgm/16 UGT Amn; sched'd 26 EOCs/96% CDC summary rt--4 one-day pass/11 skill lvls awd'd

- Drove tng AFI review; led 4 SMEs/6 hrs/ID'd new rqmts/conducted 5 brfs--ed'd 73 AD/AFRC mbrs ISO 149 tng pgms

- Earned trainer cert on 37 CFETP items; trained 4 ppl...90 hrs grp study/75 hrs sim trng--accelerated 4 pos certs
- Emphasized deployment requirements; scheduled 3,700+ ancillary training events--flt readiness poised at 99%
- Enforced Unit Training policy; allowed unit understanding of training pgm--reduced formal school cancellations 30%
- Enhanced training aids and delivery standards; maximized training efficiency & reduced time away from the mission

- Ensured compliance; implemented standard practice during new system roll-out period--maintained mission readiness
- Established filing sys procedures; generated 20 permanent training folders--aircrew training continuity assured
- Established LRA tng; taught 4 psnl token processing procedures--enabled continuity & SIPRNet authentication

- Facilitated learning; developed/revised 4 PowerPoint system trng presentations--7 peers gained greater sys knowlege
- First 22AF Specialist DCC; consummated >70 crew chief/FCC tasks--280 training sorties successfully flown
- First-rate advisor; mentored 14 Airmen in upgrade training--no EOC exam failures with awesome 90% average
- FOIA/PII innovator! Train'd ESFS/S5 mbr on assessments; increased knowledge IAW w/AFCENT guidance

- Force multiplier! facilitated trng f/385 pers on 2020 SECDEF OPSEC at 11 AOR locs; 100% complete ahead of sched
- Force Multiplier! instr'd wg-lvl AF tng crs, streamlined documentation process--9 crs/72 hrs/98 supv
- Force multiplier; trn'd 10 crew chiefs on aerial refuel light sys--25% cross-utilization trn'd/unit quals up >30%
- Fulfilled short notice task during Ex; provided 40 injects/trained 180 Jt prsnl--solidified BDA implementation

- Generated monthly SOT & OJT Roster; analyzed/briefed 5k+ data points, ID'd delays/recommended course of action

- High performing program manager! Honchoed training program for 365 personnel/20+ AFSCs; ensured unit readiness

- Implemented a phase training program; reduced training time of newly assigned personnel by 1 year--saved $14,000
- Initiated transition of training records from paper to database--provided more usable and efficient system
- Instructed 1.3k hrs; proctored 1.3k exams/progress checks/91% pass rate--prep'd 160 intel stdnts/spt'd 106 AF units
- Instructed 306 AFTC hrs; equipped 18 AFSCs/51 trainers/19 certifiers--expanded amn/max'd msn capabilities

- Instructed 4 AF trng courses; qual'd 15 trainers/streamlined documentation process--incr'd Sq trng capability by 10%
- Instructed launch/recovery procedures; trained 8 newly assigned Amn--increased unit's task certification 10%
- Involved, instructed 103 personnel in SABC, enabling 50% of deployers to prepare for upcoming deployment

- Lead electronic Technical Orders implementation; uploaded publications to 10 laptops--eliminated trng delays
- Lead JICC trainer; earned third certification, excelled w/98% test avg--one of only four triple-qualified in unit
- Led MTP modification; assessed 82K core reqmts for 14 AFSCs--elim'd excessive tasks/100% workcenter coverage
- Led Sec Mgr prgm; reinvigorated Sec Prog 36 SIPR, 1 new terminal/$32K/25 pers trnd/1 SOR-100% Unit compliance

- Led Wg Resiliency tm/238 pers; instr'd 162 hrs/9 FTAC crses/11 CC calls/trnd 2K pers--lived CMSAF's #1 Pri

- Managed SDAP prgm; facilitated trng/compiled results--eight Amn qualified/ready for world-wide deployment
- Managed sq UGT prgm; provided oversight for mbrs in trng/60 upgraded; delivered deployment ready medics
- Managed training for 2 apprentice controllers; taught 310 CFETP items/40 hrs sim trng--reduced trng time 20%
- Mang'd flt trng/54 prsnl; maintained 98% UTE rt--crucial Gp achiev'd 99% sched effective rt <2% overdue/1st ever

- Mastered 180/246 trng tasks; earned 2 of 3 facility certs--set academic standard/increased technical expertise
- MEST orders specialist; drove execution of 800 training days, 80 members upgraded in respective AFSC skill level
- Mng'd 4 grps/27 unit trng pgm; provid'd guidance/liais'd w/HQ--execut'd 1266 trng requests; $1.0M+ TDY funds
- Monitored ancillary/TBA/IMDS training; scheduled 90+ personnel mandatory training--key to mission continuation

- MRT scheduler; secured 11 out-of-cycle seats--AETC funded/freed $27.5K in TDY funds/bolstered qul'd engnrs 3%

- Organized 80 hrs OJT hrs/72 mbrs; 100% cmbt msn ready--all deployed/supported 72K OEF/HOA cmbt msns
- Overhauled trng prgm; revised job qual standard/unit now compliant w/new AFI--reduced AOR turnover 25%
- Oversaw ICT trng; aided development/planning of 1st in-unit Ex--honed wartime capes of 37 future deployers
- Oversaw xfer of 58 Airmen to Training Business Area; >15K entries--paved way to paperless training records

- Oversaw two IMDS org accts; rvw'd 10.3K recurring items monthly f/ 385 mbrs--exceeded 5% PACAF std by 2.5%

- Planned Jt TDY; coord'd USMC RW/USA JFO/F-16 spt--18 JFO currencies/18 aircrew trnd/4 JTAC evals complete
- Prepared unit f/new tng platform; reviewed/corrected 210 records--validated 19 DAFSCs f/xfer 4 weeks ahead of sch
- Proactively led grp unit training-administered 42 exams, 7 upgrds, issued 18 CDCs-387 personnel current100% UGT
- Processed 25 upgrade training requests; coord'd w/supervisors/validated training completion--increas'd readiness 29%

- Procured 2 MTTs; coord'd instr's/crs material dlvry--9 qual'd/saved $22K/preserved $4B base/$220M facilities mx pgm
- Provided 26 officers and SNCOs convoy training prior to short-notice deployment--ensured safety, mission success
- Provided 6 hours of flight instruction; qualified 32 people on respiratory protection/QNFT--vital to AEF training

- Rebaselined trng process; elim'd redundant steps/OJT pipeline 30% less time--team rdy to meet 48 launch/yr goal
- Regulated 4 hr pulmonary eqpmt trng; coordinated SME/trnd 16 4Hs; ensured staff orientation/task competency
- Revamped training program; conducted 29+ weekly personnel records reviews--identified/corrected 15 errors
- Reviewed 37 tower references; removed 63 outdated pubs/CBTs from circulation--enhanced trng prgm quality

- Revised ancillary tracking process; audited 3.5K crs's f/342 prsnl monthly--94% completion rate/reduced overdue15%
- Revised tng program; 63 mbrs trnd/100% CMR rate garnered NCO of the qtr award--promote before peers!
- Revived UGT pgm; led 132 supervisors/100 trainees/coord'd 179 pretests/59 EOCs--100% pass rate/37 skill level rdy

- Sel'd as Comm Flt SNCOIC-led team w/500+ helpdesk tx/$1.1M PWCS/$82K tech refresh/618 2875s-fortified section
- Solely trained 45 ISR Div prsnl; conducted 120 hrs comprehensive OJT--ensured warfighters cmbt msn ready
- Spearheaded training TDY; 8 personnel/3 days/26 hrs at DIA HQ--amplified flight members technical expertise
- Spearheaded trng pgm; 4 prsnl cert'd shift supervis/12 rcrd's standardized/revised UTP--100% AF compliance

- Sqdn Secure Voice Responsible Officer; oversee management,training, and compliance of $42k of equipment
- Stellar ops; mng'd 1650 TLN's; 1.5M+ TDY funds; strengthened end number of combat ready Airman to theatre CC's
- Supervised fellow mx technicians; quarterbacked 23 Gac shop repairs--cemented squadron 1% repeat/recur rt
- Supervised/trained 13 AFRC mx techs; executed >40 core tasks--integrated 29 AD with 236 AFRC mx techs

- Tailored eqpt trng f/US led Ukraine CFE msn; 9 jnt svc/multinat'l prsnl trn'd--ensured Former Soviet State compliant
- Technical expert; mentored 4 Amn thru CDC's/qual'd 70 core tasks--upgraded on time w/83% avg EOC Score
- Top grad Global C2 Sys trng; mastered challenging curriculum/100% on all tests--now unit top data link trainer
- Topnotch spt for UTM's and ADUTM's; trained 20 prsnl on formal training process--enhanced prgm quality 100%

- Trained 3 AMN on supply discipline; turned in 27 DIFM assets--contributed AF reclaiming 2.6M in parts cost
- Trained four personnel on baggage X-ray equipemt servicing--increased uptime, reduced passenger delays
- Trained six specialists on aircraft serving procedures--elevated section's ground handling qualifications >25%

- Vital cont' for aircrew tng amidst wpn sys change; monitored grnd/flying tng events for 64 mbrs--cbt msn ready
- Vital member of Unit Staff Assistance Visit; assisted inspection of 21 work centers; enhanced tng adherance

- Warrior scholar; guided 24 unit members w/CCAF, reviewed CCAF records--186 credits applied, 6 degrees awarded
- Wg CAA delegate; taught 3 Mobility Plans/Execution crs s--raised AEF concept awareness for 125 base NCOs
- Wg rep f/bi-annual UTM workshop; provided CFM w/AFI feedback--prep'd 153 UTMs/ADUTMs on AFSC changes

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