- Aced 2 CLEPs; earned 6 credit hrs toward CCAF degree--saved AF $1.5K in TA/progressed closer to education goal
- Adeptly repaired engine warning test cable; restored fltline mx ops--enabled 178 PRD repairs & 89% MC rate
- Aggressively tackled 20 TDY DCC kit inspections; evald/corrected 6,300 items--ensured 100% availability
- Aid'd EAMU veh shrtg f/2 sqs; coord'd w/4 orgs/sec'd 4 crit veh assets--pwr'd 770 redball resps/lock'd 98.2% ATO met
- Aided lean reorg of supt area; updated 600 sq ft floorplan/storage of 250 items--reduce checkout time by 15%
- Aimed 100% accountability; led $27M equip items inspected/readied--"0" finds/earned coveted "SAT" rating
- Amazing CI prep; inspected 80 CTKs/12 programs/resolved 150 discrepancies--earned "Superior Performer"
- Assisted creation of support COVID safety procedures; made personal intake suits--reduced chance of viral spreading
- Assisted RED FLAG Alaska pack out; 197 items insp'd/loaded--led 10 increments/22 s-tons eqpmt/14 acft
- Assisted w/ PMEL pgrm; overdue rates kept < 5%--generated 98.8% MSE rate Jan '12, beat CAF std by 3.8%
- Assisted w/LMR responsibilities; reformatted 48 deficient hand held radios--crucial to uninterrupted flightline comms
- Asst'd 4 MRT packout; gen'd 4 tns/3 orgs eqpt--fuel'd AFCENT CoC/2 F15E cert'd Al Udeid emer rnwy cable barrier
- Astute student of his craft; took/mastered cargo prep crs--packed 245 items accident-free/1 day early, Jun LRE
- Attacked QA fail trend; trained 2 prsnl on TAS/PMEL methods--boosted pass rate from 78% to 95% in 1 mth
- Attained/activated 117+ PMEL items; eased unit deficit--cut AEF cargo needs/increased BAF efficiency 90%
- Attended HAZMAT declaration class; acquired skills to certify HAZMAT for shipment--raised flt quals 15%
- Averted toxic cond during gun mx; procured new chem lubricant--protected 66 prsnl/24 guns/$5.7M acft eqpt
- Built EAMXS spare tools prgm; 2K tools logged--500 broken items replaced--$10K warranty equip salvaged
- Built MRT kits for 2 mx teams; req equip inplace <5 hrs--ensured safe RTB of 2 $30M F-16/maximized AA
- Built TF Phoenix TAS; $7.9M equip tracked--slashed equip inventory time 80%--awarded Army TF CC COA
- Built two battery-powered heat guns; loaded items in TAS/stored in hard case--saved 10 man-hours/$1K costs
- Championed AFSO-21 Smart Ops; supervised redesign of 20 CTK--streamlined issue/turn in times by 30%
- Championed NSI success; prep'd/staged 13 NCE assets/sect rt'd "Well above std"--garnered FW's highest rt'g
- Cmplt'd Speech crse; cert'd Tech Specialist f/HAZMAT--combined trng knwldg/advised 5 prsnl on dplmnt prep
- Collaborated in move 40+ tons of cargo to multiple EMXG units; assured smooth 455 EMXG transition set-up
- Completed formal/hands-on PMEL trng; boosted w/c ability/PMEL turn time 50%--cut overdue items by 75%
- Completed two Dull Sword reports; defined surety equip faults--expedited repair/availability of 27 NCE items
- Conceptualized repair of critical item; repaired TTU-205 cable assy--returned vital asset to service <12hrs
- Conducted six flawless surety loads during HQ USAFE SAV--earned "Outstanding Team"/coined by Wg CC
- Conducted unit Dull Sword reports; defined surety equip faults--expedited repair/availability of 9 NCE items
- Constructed mobility CTK; integrated 150 high-use tools f/5 sect's--reduced TDY setup/teardown time by 35%
- Coor'd comm equip transfer; COP XH MRAP repair cap incr'd 60%/ensured post attack comm--17 lives saved
- Coor'd set-up of 4 AMUs supporting OOD; positioned 150T equip--locked 370 cmbt sorties/94% GBU drop rt
- Coor'd tranfer of 110g oil to Shindand AB <4hrs; eased work stoppage--enabled 838 AEAW Afghan flt trng
- Coord'd TDY pack out f/5 LFEs; loaded $9M eqpmt/insp'd 8 ISU/14 increments--keyed 438 coalition CMR srts
- Coordinated airspeed/altitude tester repair; restored fltline maint ops--saved AF $50.6K in replacement cost
- Crafted array cover storage; fab'd rack w/repurposed materials--saved 24 sq ft/no cost/implemented MXG-wide
- Crafted new vehicle status tracker; increase vehicle visibility/availability--eliminated 20+ wasted man-hours
- Created 2 a/c launcher detent test kits; enhanced testing capabilities--drove a/c safety/weapons sys reliability
- Crushed equip roadbloack; built 2 test lead/2 a/c tow kits; doubled supt item inventory--raised efficiency 30%
- Demanded deicer truck from LRS; trained/certified 6 prsnl--filled 3-yr AMU shortfall/readied fleet f/winter ops
- Deployed to DECI II; discovered multiple errors/EOR insp--1,292 BDUs/99.8% rel rt/"Superior Performer"
- Designed comm cord & headset tester; decreased faulty item turn in 75%--ensured AMU alert launch readiness
- Designed deployed CTK plan; elim'd transport time/saved 3K man-hrs--section 455 EMXG ToM Jun/Sep '11
- Designed emergency contact quick reference dog tags--ensured >300 members/dependents issued critical info
- Designed equip storage/set-up plan; eased inventory of 2K items/unit transition--sortie support stood up <8hrs
- Designed hook-gap insp tracker; process lauded by USAFE NSAV team--earned "Superior Performer" award
- Designed new expediter kits; added crucial tools for mx, a/c status tracking--garnered 84% MC rt, Jan-Mar '12
- Detected damaged engine borescope kit; removed from service/coordinated repair--repaired < less than 12hrs
- Directed 2K+ CTK/TO/equip insps; corrected 400+ errors--drove section's 92% QA overall pass rate, CY10
- Directed TAS rebuild; corrupt system replaced--ensured accountability of 10K items/section's 93% QA pass rt
- Does more w/ less; T/S & repaired five comm cords--saved $1200, improved 555 AMU alert launch readiness
- Does more w/ less; T/S & restored five comm cords--saved $1200, minimized unit's impact on sequest budget
- Exceptional during CI insp; 19 programs eval'd w/zero discrepancies--"best seen in all of USAFE" per IG insp
- Exceptional insight; designed/built speedhandle CTK--reduced inventory time 81%, kit lauded by maintainers
- Exceptional USAFE surety FEV; inspected 300+ NCE items--"zero defect" noted/validated nuclear readiness
- Executed 120 CTK/eqpmt insps; corrected 20 MILs/244 discreps/replaced 15 tools--saved >$5K in procurement cost
- Executed 70 CTKs/eqpmt/vehicle 90 Day inspections--efforts crushed 25 QA assessments/90% pass rt Apr
- Executed CTK/equip inspection plan; 320 items eval'd/corrected--CI all support rated "Superior Performer"
- Exp'd crucial IFF upgrd; resolv'd HAZ shortfall/sourc'd 20 KIV-77 bats f/Mode 5 sys--15 villages liberated/19 EKIA
- Expedited cal of FLCS equip; only tester in AOR cal'd/in service <3 days--secured 100% DWE w/655 GBU
- Expedited fac clean-up; rmv'd 12 shacks/40 wpns racks--amassed 24+ tns for $1K Wg recycling challenge win
- Expert efficiency innovator; split viper/accessories into two CTKs--slashed check-in/out inventory time 73%
- Expertly managed equipment account; turned in 13 broken items--freed much-needed real estate for NCE assets
- Force multiplier; completed high demand 10K all terrain forklift trng--increased key qualified operators 25%
- Force multiplier; T/S & repaired 2 yr inop TAS workstation--hiked flt productivity 50%, cut turn-in time 33%
- Fulfilled cargo build/increment monitor trng--boosted w/c efficiency 50%--sliced pack-out time by 72 man-hrs
- Guided 4-EMXG TMDE prgms; ensured 100% MSE/EA--crit to Op HAMMER DOWN II success/100 EKIA
- Guided EC-130 unit CTK section rebuild; eval'd/adjusted 22 processes--ensured AFI compliance/equip avail
- Hand picked as 555 AMU HAZWASTE self-inspector; reviewed 125 items--unit readied for ESOCAMP insp
- Handled repair of EWT; avoided mx stoppage/saved $476K--1st a/c fighter unit to fly 562 sorties in one month
- Handpicked to repair spare tools prgm; methodically streamlined process--achieved 100% asset accountability
- ID'd BAF shortfall; sourced wpns system lube equip--ensured proper gun mx procedures/18K rnds on target
- ID'd damaged ISU; facilitated backshop rpr/saved Sq $15K--shielded $9M eqpmt items/ZD JI on 35ST mvmnt
- ID'd portable workstation power deficiency; implemented charging station--ensured essential comm for prsnl
- Id'd worn tire trend; devised new tire replacement process--reduced vehicle shop time from avg 10 days to 5
- Implemented VIPER upgrade; improved equip software reliability--saved $2400 on new hard drive purchases
- Ingenious efficiency innovator; split viper/accessories into two CTKs-- cut check-in/out inventory time 73%
- Innovative mentor; trained flt Amn on wire repair/soldering--returned $65K critical assets to serviceable status
- Inspected 100% CTKs/equipment; 320 items eval'd/corrected--key to 31 MXG LCAT "Satisfactory" rating
- Invested NCO; trained flt Amn on wire repair/soldering--returned $65,000 critical assets to serviceable status
- Key to Sweden WTD success; insp/deployed 26T equip--drove 94% MC--earned 31 MXG AoQ, 2nd qtr '10
- Lead section ADPM; conducted trng f/>80 mbrs/administerd proficiency tests--qual'd >100 Airmen f/airfield driving
- Lean advocate; redesigned a/c test cable CTK; removed 20 surplus cables--reduced inventory time by 80%
- Led 10K+ CTK/TO/equip insps; supported 30K mx actions--assured 3,372 cmbt sorties/ 567 SOF/ 532 EKIA
- Led 3K lbs cargo packout; fulfilled CENTAF short notice req; equip Bagram AB w/20% add'l critical items
- Led 5 day quickturn/replenishment of 20T critical equip; set-up 455 EAMXS w/20% add'l war requirements
- Led 700+ CTK insps; replaced 42 broken tools--drove 31 AMXS '13 AF SECDEF Field-Level Mx Awd nom
- Led built/insp 13 CTK's/372 tools during ODH--248+mx actions sustained/37GBU released/20 enemies killed
- Led NSU-11 cargo movement; prepared 100T cargo--enabled 375 sorties--earned 31AMXS NCoQ 1st qtr '11
- Led OTI on all assigned NCE items; 40+ items inspected/22 defects corrected--fortified 31 FW surety ability
- Led sect's redesign proj; relocated unit's benchstock/30 CTKs/28 SPRAM items--elim'd neg fail trend/aced 17 QA insps
- Led section through no-notice USAFE IG NSI; prepped 400 items/19 programs--zero defects/Aviano "Rdy" rtg
- Led support asset marking project; labeled 567 equipment items--postured assets for global/multi-service use
- Led WSINT support pack-out; expedited 3 ISUs/ pallets/4T essential cargo/$750K value--facilitated 9 msns/51 flt hrs
- Liaised w/6 agencies; procured 56 vehicles for 3 TDY's--secured 862 flight hrs/137K lbs munitions expended
- Linchpin in crew chief CTK rebuild; added versatility/mobility to crew chief Mx--reduced turnover time 50%
- Maintained 90 TOs valued $350K; provided 113 updates/access to accurate data--supplied tech data f/>410 Amn/civs
- Managed $53K LMR account; upgraded nine mobile systems--averted interruption of vital comm during OOD
- Managed 700+ CTK insps; replaced 42 broken tools--led 31 AMXS '13 AF SECDEF Field-Lvl Mx Awd nom
- Managed equip for Zaragoza WTD; 24T cargo/96% 8-hour fix/89.7% MC rates/375 sorties/upgraded 35 pilots
- Managed PMEL prgrm; maintained 300+ essential equipment calibration items--reaped 100% TMDE pass rt
- Met short notice FW Top 3 request; etched SMSgt induction plaques <6-hrs--dlvr'd mementos on-time/honored 17 sel's
- Meticulous maintainer; achieved 100% pass rt on six PEs/two QVIs--recognized on QA Honor Roll 2nd Qt '09
- Mng'd tool pgm; led 627 insps/34 rebuilds/rpr'd 171 flaws/enabled 6.1K hrs/3.1K srts--met USAFE's lrgst FHP
- Orchestrated 3 TDY pack out; loaded $9M eqpmt/insp'd 8 ISU/14 increments--enabled 438 coalition trng srts
- Orchestrated Balad equip transfer; $7.6M equip salvaged/364 items activated--incr'd BAF sustainment 300%
- Orchestrated lost tool search; recovered tool--crucial to FW's 10/10 CAF metrics Aug/Sep '13, first time ever
- Organized Ex GLOBALTHUNDER pack-out; assembled 3 pallets/ISUs/456 tools--validated 9 RW nuclear response
- Organized supply storage closet; replaced antiquated accounting method--secured $5K items, zero lost/pilfered
- Organized wg s largest HAZMAT pgm; stored 1.5K gallons haz goods--secured ZD annual ESOHCAMP insp
- Overauled spt layout; relocated 9 CTKs/refurbished 250 tools/streamlined sign out process--curbed checkout time 50%
- Oversaw 14 Dull Sword reports; defined surety equip faults--ensured 100% availability for STRIKE mission
- Oversaw AMU Haz Waste prgm overhaul; adeptly disposed 655 Kg's of HAZMAT--ensured AFI compliance
- Oversaw six Dull Sword reports; defined surety equip faults--ensured 100% item availability for STRIKE msn
- Oversaw spare tools pgm; added 3 crit items f/wpns CTKs--enabled MXG's SecDef Lrg Field-lvl mx unit awd
- Oversaw TMDE inspection prgm; maintained mission critical equipment readiness--100% on-time calibration
- Oversaw transfer of $20K equip to COP XH; B-huts for 200 soldiers built-up <3 wks/ 2 mo ahead of schedule
- Oversaw unit's $XXXK CTK prgm; mng'd 3K items/rebuilt 13 kits/rpr'd 150 defects--spt'd unit's XXX sorties/6 PUGs
- Oversaw veh prgm; authored 84 AF1800s/cmplt'd 557 insps/doc'd 64 discreps--clinched 100% QA pass rt 9/12 mo
- Owned spare/warranty tool pgm; rpr'd 25 process errors/created log/tracking sys--awd'd AMXS MSPoQ 3Qtr
- Partnered w/573 AMXS from Hill AFB to disassemble/package/ship 89-2144 ; salvaged $30M AMARG asset
- Perf'd 150 SI's; trn'd 3 Amn 100% tool accountability/verifi'd 5K tools/fix'd 44 errors--cemented sect's 98% QA pass rt
- Performed 38 MRPL/17 surety loads/4 SAEs; garnered 98% pass rate--awarded 31 MXG LCQ 1st Qtr '09
- Performed Spare Tool inventory; 545 bins/2.5K tools inspected--"zero defect" by USAFE CI/coined by Sq CC
- Pinpointed high-miss tool inventory item, redesigned box shadow system--increased QA pass rate 7% from Q1
- Positively impacts fltline ops; built FOD kit--led to crucial/timely recovery of cockpit bezel, impound averted
- Prepared AMU for E-Tools capability; installed/set-up 4 docking towers--readied for delivery/112 laptops
- Prepared E-Tools capability; installed/set-up 6 docking towers--readied AMU for availability of 112 laptops
- Prepped unit for '11 USAFE IG NSI; led 200 insps/100 equip items--ZD/Sat rating/recognized by 31 FW/CC
- Prioritized repair of critical equipment; repaired 2 of 4 Viper test set--increased tester availability by 200%
- Processed 12 dull sword reports; id'd NCE deficiencies to item mgrs--maintained AF's #1 priority/capabilities
- Provided crucial wiring guidance; rectified 493d AMU JSECT unit--ensured vital mobile asset viable for use
- Purged/reloaded three viper hard drives; restored fltline mx ops--catalyzed 178 PRD repairs & 89% MC rate
- Pursued certification; qualified forklift operator, 2 TDYs moved 10 increments--cargo delivered/JI'd on time
- Quarterbacked > 600 CTK insps; ID'd/replaced 200+ broken tools--aided section's 93% QA pass rate, FY '13
- Readied MRT f/2 stranded ACC F-15Es; coord'd CTKs/supplies/eqpt--rtn'd acft to COCOM f/Mosul offensive
- Readied section for USAFE NSI; prepped 400 items/19 programs--contributed to 31FW overall "SAT" rating
- Received fork-lift qual; unloaded/positioned Dutch/Italian equipment--efforts drove strike trng mission success
- Reconciled eqpmt discrep's; overhauled 7 eng rails/3 CETS/2 radome cradles--incrs'd avail 45%/saved $205K
- Rectified HAZMAT deficiencies; pinpointed accountability/storage issues--standardized 31 MXG prgm mgmt
- Rectified Sq vehicle shortage; id'd 5 defects/coord'd repairs/acquired 2 vans--ensured 20 veh's safety compliant
- Redesigned a/c protective equip program; built deployment ready kits--unit T.O. compliant/readied for OCO
- Reorganized deployed CTK/equip; validated 12 cargo increments/set benchmark--slashed pack-out time 70%
- Researched asset improvements; procured custom Viper tester cases--safeguarded $35K in critical equipment
- Revamped CTK pgm; constructed CANN/avionics kit/cut 243 excess tools--saved Sq $50K redundant orders
- Revamped deployment equip; validated 12 cargo increments/set new benchmark--slashed pack-out time 70%
- Revamped equip pack-out process; 12 cargo increments streamlined--reduced time by 40%/72 man-hrs saved
- Revamped spare tools prgm; eliminated low use tools/reallocated 496 CTK stock items--saved sqdn $105K
- Revised CTK prgm; led 84 insp/73 rebuilds/fixed 93 errors--enabled 1.5K hrs 3rd Qtr, met USAFE's lrgst FHP
- Revised eqpmt acct pgm; dev'd IMP/revamped storage f/1K items/ZD UEI--cemented sect "Superior Tm" awd
- Rewired faulty FQT; mitigated work stoppage/saved AF $200K--earned EAMXS NCOoM honors May '11
- Scheduled >300 CTK insps; led 200+ repairs/9 kit restorations--sparked flt's 94% QA pass rate, Apr-Jun '13
- Selected to perform surety loads during USAFE IG INSI; conducted four perfect loads--31 FW rated "Ready"
- Spearhead'd Spt sect setup; org'd 5K eqpt item shelf locations incrs'd mngmnt f/120K tool xfers--enabl'd 16K mx tasks
- Streamlined airspeed/altitude tester fix; resolved specs work stoppage--saved unit $50K in replacement cost
- Superior NCO! spearheaded 2K tool/equip insps; id'd/repaired 85 discrepancies--enabled 965 sorties flown
- Superior team member; showcased perfect surety loads during NATO Strike Eval--rated "Mission Capable"
- Supplied mission critical NCE to NATO forces; aided 5 countries--aided NATO strike trng mission success
- Supplied mission critical NCE; aided 5 NATO countries--boosted SHAPE Cross-Servicing Ex w/ vital allies
- Supported Lockheed equip req; 108K spectators enjoyed Farnborough Air Show--$47B assets in FMS orders
- Swiftly repaired tool box lock on a/c launch; garnered on-time sortie/averted box replacement--saved AF $5K
- Tackled CC's suggestion box idea; implemented 23 E-tool comp cases--protected $420K assets from elements
- Taught forklift procedures; demonstrated operational use/hazards to 4 prsnl--incr'd U-2/RQ-4 mobility readiness 15%
- Tenaciously coord w/ outside agencies; drove replacement of 85 warranty tools--saved $5800+ O&M funds
- Trained 2 Amn on 2LM/supply point process; decreased turn time by 12 hrs--increased section quals by 25%
- Trained 4 Amn on spt orientation tasks; instructed prsnl on Haz/MIL/rags/244/CTK/Pogos--incr'd section qual's 20%
- Upheld $870K eqpmt account; procured 6 new items/preserved 72 line-items--ensured 100% critical asset availability
- Validated $84K/42 item LMR account; replaced 5 radios/prev'd 3 FOD incidents--aced SAV & annual insps
- Vol'd for forklift trng; hauled 10K tons of cargo/secured on-time chalk mvmts--aided Ex Wyvern-Talon victory