Set Up and Tear Down EPR Bullets

- Volunteered 12 hrs "Warrior Week" event; setup/teardown/1.2K attendees--praised by Joint Task Force 7/CC

- Setup Silver Flag fire muster event; org'd layout f/6 arduous stations--showcased a "day-in-the-life" f/24 competitors

- Active member of the neighborhood association; organized family movie night and coordinated setup/teardown

- Vol'd 8 hrs at Fiesta fund-raiser; managed logistics/coord'd setup & teardown--secured $4K/25% of unit morale funds

- Assisted SNCO induction ceremony; suppt Top 3/led 6 man set-up crew/>200 AF ldrs attendance--bolstered PO morale

- Volunteered setup/teardown CE haunted house; escorted 1,886 patrons--raised $2,970/711 lbs of canned goods

- Committed four hrs to assist setup/teardown crew at Wg/Sq COC event for 212 DV's--promote to SSgt today!

- Promoted African-American Heritage org; helped w/set up on five cultural events--enriched base cohesiveness

- Instrumental with the set up and tear down of Christmas bizarre; volunteer helped raise $2,200 for the "Top 4"

- Bob Hope Enl Village vol; set-up/tear down tm mbr f/Bingo night--boost'd 80 residents morale/exemplified AF image

- Led hangar prep at Ramstein Officers' Wives' Club bazaar; garnered $2.2M for vendors--$275K for charities

- Piloted 86 AW CoC set up/tear down; inaugural dual bay hangar event--perfect execution lauded COMUSAFE

- Helped setup sq promotion ceremony; ensured notable event...five promotes recognized--incr'd esprit de corps

- Worked 4 hrs ISO Ramstein Welfare Bazaar; led "clean-up" crew--raised funds for annual holiday party event

- Combat Dining-Out vol; devoted 22 hrs/led 20-mbr setup/tear down crew--promoted unit cohesion/mil heritage

- Shaw community event vol; led set up/tear down/greeted guests--fostered stronger base relations/140 attended

- Heartfelt civic leader! Committed 6 hrs setting up 86 SVS "Cinco de Mayo" event--boosted 200+ Amn morale

- Recruited/led 25 vols; published schedule for "Rockin 2nd"/set-up/tore-down--raised $800 for mentorship pgm

- Selflessly volunteered 8 hrs as setup crew for USO sponsored Trace Adkins concert--improved morale for all

- Dedicated sq vol; setup equip ISO Operation SEASONS GREETINGS--bolstered military community morale

- Avid community supporter; set up Lt Dan's band sound equip & stage--fostered morale during 4th July festival

- Spt'd ROSC Bazaar; devoted 8 hrs to hangar security/set-up--facilitated vendor property safety/accountability

- Worked set-up/tear-down for wg promotion ceremony; arranged sound, chairs/stage--enjoyed by 500 attendees

- Dedicated 3 hrs VSAP; helped setup/run end of school yr event--240 children benefitted/enjoyed celebration

- Vol'd six hrs at KAB Primary school; set up field day activities/read to students--30 kids positively impacted

- Volunteered 8 hrs Veteran's Stand Down; provided usher svc/cooked/set-up/tear down--620 veteran attendees

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