Self Help EPR Bullets

- AF/ITAF F-100 static refurb projo; coord'd eqpmt/29 vols--restored acft...rdy for base 60th Anniversary event

- Ambassador! Estonia community vol; aided soccer field restoration--strengthened US & host nation relations

- Assisted DMC gym xfer; transported 150 pc exer eqpt across garrison <20 hours--expedited ITAF base assumption

- Assisted w/ work center beautification project; procured paint/materials--saved >$1K in contractor labor costs

- Assisted with facility restoration; painted/personalized work section--bolstered team pride and cohesiveness

- Charged cosmetic overhaul; drove 15 labor hours/100% self-help/precured $250 supplies--saved AF $2K contract svs

- Church restoration team mbr; performed construction projects/paint ops--improved facility for parish families

- Community leader; volunteered 16+ hrs w/ 2 MOS...cleaned/repaired/painted facility--enabled easy relocation

- Constructed base pedestrian sidewalks and parking lots; enhanced personnel safety...AF savings immeasurable

- Contributed to Sq AFSO21 clean up; turned in $75K in furniture/eqpmt--saved AF over $5K in contractor costs

- Dedicat'd 32 hours to CORONA; collect'd 1K lbs of trash/cleaned 2 buildings--saved Wg $500 in contract help

- Directed flt sponsor prgm; org'd 8 mbr tm/vol'd 16 hrs/dlvr'd 200 meals-- provided basic needs f/23 quarantined prsnl

- Engineer'd COVID traffic plan; direct'd movement f/400 mbrs/60 days/saved --reduced exposure f/SQ/ACOMG HQ

- Engineered youth center renovation project; organized 44-mbr team/painted 6K sq ft wall--saved 400 man-hrs

- Facilitated 3 self-help projects; procured materials/approval--saved $12K/improved section work-flow/QoL

- Founded KMC archery association; org'd 4 crs/directed 2 eagle scouts/35 prsnl--bolstered US/German esprit de corps

- Initiated section legacy project; procured/assembled trophy display cabinets--cultivated morale/esprit de corps

- Led animal shelter repair; removed mold/fixed HVAC vents/painted interior--sanitized facility for 95 residents

- Led design/construction of new handicap ramp; saved +5k labor costs--restored safe access for disabled family

- Led/org'd Amn's Attic clean up; sorted/cleared 25 ft conex/3K+ pounds of goods--spt provided to 1.5K+ prsnl

- Orchestrat'd green energy project; led $59K LED upgrade/36 fixtures, cut cost 55%, recouped $29K f/ FSRM program

- President of KMC REIA; recruited 31 mbrs/dev'd prgm media acct/28 hr crs--increased PN econ housing growth/$2M

- President of Missouri youth housing org; guided 193 mbrs/invested $710K f/local district--raised QoL f/318K residents

- Recognized by 82nd Brig CC for BAF Army/AF mural proj--volunteer efforts bolstered base Espirt de Corps

- Refurbished $4K MWR pool table; utilized 100% recycled materials--boosted espirit-de-corps for xx jt base

- Refurbished floors of ITAF church; efforts restored 80+ year facility--added facility for Catholic community

- Renovated 2 base dorms; revamped $40K worth of materials-quality of life/morale improved for 192 airmen

- Revamped Animal shelter; disposed 2 tons gravel/turf yard/poisonous shrubs--improved QoL for 50 deprived animals

- Set-the-standard; donated 18 hours towards soccer field renovation--safer place to play for 75+ youth members

- Sourced equip/led paint-team for Thrift Store overhaul; done w/10% less Amn--opened 1-day ahead of sched

- Supported refurbishment of base gym; hauled $66K/22K lbs in equip--boosted USMC/USAF "Fit-to-Fight" abilities

- Volunteered 10 hr to Graf Ignatievo, Bulgaria; cleared/painted park area--boosted U.S./host nation partnership

- Volunteered 16 hrs painting three rooms/hallways; modernized 2 MOS FTD--enhanced learning environment

- Volunteered 5 hours to transport furniture to ops bldg; devised schedule to accommodate prsnl--saved Sq $1K

- Volunteered 8 hrs to replace furniture for 2 bldgs; put OG back to work after bldg renovation--saved AF $1K

- Volunteered off duty time; constructed multiple sidewalks for Ali Air Base Iraq--ensured personnel safety

- Volunteered to paint murals in Sq hallway; efforts enhanced 4 EMS pride/quality of life--praised by Sq/CC

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