Aircraft Maintenance QA EPR Bullets

- Led trng of new office members; Amn proficient in PEX, ACES, SFMIS and sched policies--bolstered manning 22%

- Asst'd Safety Investigation Board; researched vital info--indepth analysis/detailed info ensured accurate report

- Conducted over 155 personnel and equip insps--exceptional ability to evaluate performance outside PAFSC

- Created CTK overhaul insp; id'd/corrected 86 major findings--slashed CTK QA fails rt 38%, Oct '13/2-yr best

- Developed AFSO21 event; tm created TcMax quickscan digital prgm--reduced JI inventory time 6 hrs/>30 min

- Directed mx for 2 surge ops/cleared 7 redball actions; overcame 19.1% break rate--331 sorties/88% FSE rate

- Directed no-notice prep; deploy'd 30 Amn/91 assets <72 hrs--spt'd 12 F-16s/328 sorties for DACIAN VIPER

- Driven; contacted F-16 bases worldwide to update barrier engagement chklst; next incident cleared < 15 mins

- Drove Shaw quality mindset; preformed 500 QA insps w/ 2 AMUs--vital to 20 FW's 10K srts/24.5K hrs flown

- EET for 2 Shaw ORE's; eval'd mx/readiness/key to Gp's "Daedalian Weapons Sys Maintenance Trophy," '12

- Enforced high stds; incr'd self insps 10%/completed 240 qrtly/360 spot insp's--incr'd QA pass rt's 26%, 3Q13

- Filled Section Chief position; mng'd 15 prsnl/5 AFSCs/scheduled 20+ trng events--ensured zero trng overdues

- Gets mx results! Synchronized 18 400-hr phase insps w/10 shops/6K mx actions--returned 7.2K hrs to Wg FHP

- Guided NSI prep; two Top Performers ID'd--awarded highest "Satisfactory" rating/USAF's #1 msn validated

- Guided Thunderbird mx assists; spt'd 3 fuel cell repairs & egress tasks--recognized w/USAF demo team coin

- Id'd neg trend; authored 244/TcMax 30-day insp/prgm'd TcMax to track/trnd 6 prsnl--zero fails since, Sep '13

- Led Gp mx efforts; Gp 3Q14 MPoQ winner/coined by 3 AF/CC for cape--ensured 5th USAFE Daedalion Awd

- Led RED FLAG/COMBAT ARCHER logistics; coord'd host mx/equip--rtn'd $750K/standardized '15 pack-out

- Managed Hot Pit pgrm; coord site certification changes with USAFE/A4--increased operations capability 50%

- Manufactured RED FLAG results; 494 sorties/661 hrs/40 pilots trn'd/483 muns--"largest allocation in history!"

- Mentored champions; focused NCOs/SNCOs on improvement/future success--garnered 3 CCAF/1 BA degrees

- Orchestrated depot repairs; 15 wg pylons restored/saved $6.6M/1K man-hr wg changes--9 acft returned FMC

- Organized Cervia AB F-16 recovery team; coord'd parts shipment & 72 hrs troubleshooting--acft RTB code 1

- Rectified oxygen system anomaly; recertified 3 LOX carts/restored F-16CM oxygen sys--saved $32M AF asset

- Responded to Shaw F-16 mishap; secured records/equip 2 hrs--safeguarded info prior to mishap review board

- Safety oriented; led development of local de-icing chklst--ID'd potential safety hazards/pre-use requirements

- Shaw QA inspector; preformed 49 task list insps/id'd 10 major deficiencies/repaired on spot--ensured safe a/c

- Spearheaded recovery of 6 F-16s w/live hung muns/critical mech fails--averted detonation/ensured Amn safety

- Superior oversight; liaised FTI team repairs for 2 FW's/3 acft repaired--negated $4.4M in wing replacements

- Trained/mentored 2 new Pro Supers on acft status/back shop mx flow--key to Wg's CAF best in 7 of 10 metrics

- Updated multiplex isolator TCTO; critical 1 mo upg finished 48 hrs--item diagnosed 3-yr+ long wpn's anomaly

- Vectored mgmt/mx for 8 workcenters; 10K jobs/sustained FW msn cape--foster'd 2.7% rep/rec rate, #1 in CAF

- Vetted TDY bird strike repair w/engineer; drove 192 man-hrs/validated intake integrity--18 acft on-time return

QA Evaluations

- Delivered flawless mx on all taskings--contributed unit's 95% "Excellent" 3rd Qtr '06 QA overall pass rating

- Flawless execution on personal evals; met QA's expectations to 100%--contributed to sqdn's 96.7% pass rate

- Flawless workmanship and attention to detail helped unit to receive outstanding rating during LSET inspection

- Maintained 100% pass rate on all personal evaluations--received "Zero defect" rating as acft wash supervisor

- Performed five personal evals; achieved 100% on all tasks--key contributor to 38th AMU 92% QA pass rate

- Performed no-notice over-the-shoulder QA liquid oxygen servicing evaluation--received "zero defect" rating

- Performed no-notice QA eval; passed w/o fault--contributed to unit's "Excellent" 94% 4th Qtr '07 pass rate

- Performed six no-notice QA evals; passed w/o fault--contributed to unit's "Excellent" 94% 4th Qtr '07 pass rate

- Performed/passed QA eval on re-fueling procedures; key contributor to unit's 100% QA pass rate Nov 2007

- Received six QA assessments while deployed--received 100% pass rate on all tasks--added to QA honor roll

- Superior technician--garnered 100% pass rate on Quality Assurance personal evals and follow-up assessments

- Top notch maintainer; achieved 100% pass rate on five personal evaluations--sustained 98% AMU pass rate

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