Other Comments EPR Bullets

- Hand picked by Wg Leadership to provide DV operator spt of SECDEF motorcade w/Secret Service--safeguarded team

- Participated w/team in preschool reading program; 3 total hrs & 700 cumulative books read; youth education advanc'd

- Life saver! Recognized unrepairable equip; donated coffee maker to squadron-- ~1500% increase in morale/efficiency

- Exhibits remarkable military bearing; continuously demonstrates AF core values--shinning example to fellow peers

- Cultivated environment of inclusiveness; valued diversity & unity--promotes healthy/effective organizational climate

- Premier ldr; drove up collaboration and file sharing across AFFOR enterprise--ensured critical/synchronized C2 Ops

- Attended critical thinking & analysis crs at DIA HQ; increased analytical proficiency--bolstered ldrshp capability

- Personification of the "Little Brown Book"; knows, understands, lives, promotes and follows SNCO responsibilities

- Completed Inspector General Trng Crse; gained vital prgm insight--enhanced WIT footprint in CC's Inspection Prgm

- Active Top 3 mbr; coord/prep'd/fed 150 members in premier fundraiser event--earned $400 towards Wg Family Day

- #1 of five NCOs! Outstanding leader and top performer--delivered stellar results during GWOT

- A conscientious & dependable airman with high potential for professional growth--continue to promote on time

- A first-rate non-comissioned officer who is willing to face up to any task and tackle the issues head on

- A highly motivated leader whose commitment to mission accomplishment resulted in prudent use of resources

- A task-oriented, conscientious SNCO--efforts lead to increasing workcenter efficiency and effectiveness

- A true professional who's always in the middle of our most critical processes--promote immediately!

- A unit leader with unmatched dedication to duty and personal performance…promote now to TSgt!

- A welcome new addition to the FORSCOM workcenter, an airman with potential.

- A well rounded individual, supports/encourages participation in squadron and community activities--wingman!

- Absolutely superior NCO; challenge with greater responsibility--must promote immediately to Chief!

- Absolutely superior NCO; excelled in job performance, community service and leadership--promote at once

- Absolutely superior NCO; solid leadership & exceptional job performance; work center in best shape in years

- Aced Advanced Computer Applications; earned Occupational Ed degree w/3.0 GPA--awd'd second BS degree

- Alert launched to resupply SOF near insurgency activity; 40k cargo/20 SOF pax deliverd--enabled SOFAF ops

- All star member of my Joint Service Support Team; no challenge too great; promote to TSgt ASAP!

- An exceptional NCO and capable leader; performed duties as jet engine mechanic in an outstanding manner

- Authored AFI/multi-MDS T.O. editing process; equipped TODOs w/error free libraries; AFMC/A3V standard

- Built 57 aircrew trng folders; acquired much needed supplies from limited resources--continuity & PPI secured

- Capable NCO with leadership potential; growing and developing management skillset--SSgt promotion well deserved

- Catalyst for mx; drove 4K rprs/1.4M man hrs--secured 98% ME rt/earned Gp Mx Pro 2d Qtr...promote to MSgt

- Committed to self-improvement; read four books from CSAF recommend list--sharpened leadership abilities

- Completed 8-hrs CAF resiliency tng; gained strength/stress mgmt skills--better wgman/increased cust service

- Completed CPR/AED certifications; gained invaluable first responder skills--augmented Sq safety readiness

- Confident and dependable, quickly becoming an integral member of the workcenter. Promote.

- Consummate professional; demonstrated esprit de corps--constant presence at grp level functions/gatherings

- Contributed to unit holiday party; produced video of sq 2012 highlights--boosted spirits of 52 sq pers/families

- Coord'd parking for SECDEF acft; arranged isolation from ramp traffic--priority AF asset secured--promote!

- Decisive actions taken; located and extinguished fire in flight--$75m aircraft & 6 priceless aircrew lives saved

- Dedicated 4 hrs to lifesaving education certificate; attended adult/child CPR/AED class...ensured safety of 98 Amn

- Dedicated and skilled Airman; prepared and eager for increased responsibilities--promote ahead of peers!

- Dedicated SNCO--allegiance to mission inspires peers, made this NCO invaluable team member. Promote

- Dedication to mission is unequalled; remains undaunted & productive under stressful work situations; promote!

- Definite standout amongst peers; awd'd "Amn Pro-Performer of the Quarter" first qtr--promote to SSgt on-time

- Demonstrated outstanding engineering skills and maturity--exceeded standards in a complex environment

- Demonstrates the confidence needed to face the USAF's toughest challenges--promote ahead of peers

- Dependable, motivated, and trustworthy--a SNCO with the courage to manage without visible support

- Displays exceptional leadership qualities; ability to get the job done; recommend promotion/retention

- Driven SNCO with outstanding results. Continue to entrust with increasing responsibility--Promote now!

- Dynamic and distinguished NCO; leads by example; sets high, attainable standards--promote immediately

- Ensured multilateral msn despite mx isssues; airdropped 60 pers--awarded GP/CC "Mission Hackers Award"

- Excelled above academic std; grad'd Geospatial Intel course w/95% avg...31 cred hrs earned towards 2nd CCAF

- Excelled as Facilities Superintendent for over 60 days during incumbents absence

- Excellent technical abilities; motivated and self-confident airman; consistently performs high quality work

- Exceptional NCO/leader; unyielding dedication w/relentless drive & positive impacts; continue to challenge

- Exceptional NCO; unyielding dedication w/relentless drive & positive impacts; SNCO readied--promote now!

- Exceptional performer--further challenge with most difficult tasks--promote ahead of peers

- First rate professional! Shows ability and initiative to assume greater responsibility--promote now

- First-class NCO whose can-do attitude and ceaseless determination are contagious--an excellent role model

- Flexible and versatile leader with unbounded potential, ready to assume SNCO responsibilities!

- Flt safety monitor; conducted monthly safety insps for 34 psnl--zero mishaps; ensured OSHA/ORM awareness

- Focused on self improvement; He is currently enrolled in University of Maryland; ensuring his future promotability

- Good work ethic; tackles any task above his skill level w/outstanding results--promotion to SrA recommended

- Hard charging Airman w/strong motivation and great potiential; rdy for increased responsibility--promote now!

- Hard charging airman whose willingness to strive forward has set him apart from his peers--promote!

- Highly knowledgeable NCO; develop into stronger supervisor w/larger responsibilities--continue to challenge

- Highly motivated! Energetic and diligent--demonstrated strong ability to identify, analyze and solve problems

- Highly motivated; determined to succeed in his job; completes tasks correctly first time; a real strength

- Highly skilled member and motivated NCO; valuable asset to the unit and vital to Air Force mission--promote!

- Ident'd damaged engine blades; coordinated repair--averted possible in-flight emergency/mission loss

- Identified required trng currency events; 49 sorties/57 aviators scheduled--sq readiness/proficiency maximized

- Key driver in DMS; 42 MICAPS worth >$400K--contributed to highest MC rate in all AFRC 130 units/82.7%

- Lead UFPM for squadron of 520+/SSgt role; increased qualified PTLs 104%--overhauled Cdr's fitness prgm

- Leader; aggressively sought out QA vehicle insp w/no defects noted--promote to SSgt w/incr'd responsibility

- Led 11 mbr tm w/HFH; 75 hrs/constructed 4 homes/val'd $1M--provided stability for less fortunate families

- Maintained RPA msn spt infrastructure; filled 3.6K hrs of TS network services--spt'd 139.5K flt hrs/1.1K raids

- Managed security for two Jt Exs; issued badges/zero incidents--422 prsnl trained/secured $65M AOC wpn sys

- Mature and confident airman with extraordinary knowledge and initiative--immediately promote to SSgt!

- Model Amn! Ensured 300+ flags flown IHO retirees/fallen soldiers; time honored tradition upheld--SSgt now!

- MSgt Baker is enthusiastic, dedicated SNCO--quickly transitioned from maintenance background to staff

- My #1 NCO; selected as Health Services Manager of the Year 2008--promote ahead of peers! (5)

- My #1 of 3 NCOs--proactive leader--exemplary Airman who led the most active section in the squadron

- My #1 of 6 SNCOs; selected by Maintenance Chief as 1961st Maintenance Group NCO of the Year 06'

- My number one SSgt; proven, exemplary track record confirms he is ready for immediate promotion!

- My Stripes for Execeptional Performance program nominee--promote this warrior now

- NCO w/extensive technical expertise; owns potential for professional growth--increase guidance/mentorship

- NCOA DG/WSA NCO of Yr '14! Excels in dynamic ldrship roles--SNCO minded/rdy to fill Flt Chf billet leading 27

- Nothing short of Outstanding; exceeded expectations; name synonymous w/excellence--promote first!

- Outstanding Airman with can-do attitude--always willing to accept more tasks with greater responsibility

- Outstanding NCO who leads by example; a solid professional ready for increased responsibility; promote!

- Outstanding NCO; crisp bearing/appearance; exceeds standards in customs/courtesies, fitness & performance

- Outstanding NCO; crisp bearing/appearance; exceeds standards in mil courtesies, fitness, and job perf

- Participated in 5K "Color Run" at Wembley Stadium; raised $564K for Cancer research--int'l bond strengthed

- Performs adequately w/close supervision; completes assigned tasks w/competence...continue to guide/mentor

- Performs adequately with close supervision; completes required tasks on time--continue to guide and mentor

- Phenomenal leader/mentor/supervisor; raised the bar high/inspired all to follow--definitely promote to TSgt!

- Phenomenal manager; brought AF 847 pgm into the digital age; created web-based form--submissions up 100%

- Possesses strong record of credibility, loyalty and dedication--true team player--promote now!

- Primed for NCO duties! Leader among peers; challenge w/increased responsibilities--SSgt selection deserved

- Proven tech performer; produces exemplary results, sets/exceeds standards--promote to TSgt ahead of peers!

- Provided AFCENT trend data; verified 22K status hrs/1K mx actions--sustained 40% of AOR refueling msns

- Recertified as HAZMAT Inspector; sustained/honed unit's HD/LD capability--supeb 95% on final examination

- Relocated 32ft wire fencing; increased armory security--saved the Air Force $7,000 in construction expenses!

- Researched MICT training; 8 amn assited; UIE IG team coin'd section; 39 ABW garned Satisfactory--promote!

- Resourceful, doubled the Veh Mgt Budget to $518K; contributed to purchase of corrosion control equipment

- Returned snow blower to svc <2 hrs; troubleshot & replaced starter--incr'd capes 50% during record snow fall

- Rock-solid performer; consistently provides high-caliber maintenance and technical direction

- Skilled analyst who possesses expertise beyond pay-grade; ready for increased responsibility--promote now!

- Solid performer; displays exceptional leadership qualities /abilities--recommend promotion soonest

- Spearheaded acft acceptance inspec's; ident'd 70 engine discrepancies producing 92% departure reliability rate

- Sq ELINT SME/cert'd in 6 positions; led/briefed 5 tours to new msn cmdrs--championed 2 MAJCOM lvl evals

- SrA GXXXXX is a very talented, well trained electronics and systems technician who inspires his peers

- SSgt XXXX is ready to be challenged w/more tasks; potential to be above average with continued supervision

- Stellar military image; mng unit SAPR/suicide prevention/fitness/safety pgrms; ready for NCOIC surgery clinic now

- Stellar performer; constantly shows drive/initiative to perform above skill level/rank--promote ahead of peers

- Superb technician; highly motivated and dependable; delivered quality service to customers; promote

- Superior leader and professional; sets a high standard for his peers & all to emulate--ready for promotion

- Superior leader and professional; sets high standards for his peers to emulate--ready for promotion! (4)

- Superior performer! Well rounded mentor; respected by all sq mbrs for his ldrshp role--promote to TSgt now!

- Supervises two airmen; both are ahead of their peers in Career Development Course completion. Promote.

- Technical expert/top 10% of career fld; graded top 5 score in Sensor Olympics--promote to TSgt immediately!

- The most conscientious, loyal, and dedicated NCO I’ve served with in 20 years-- STEP to TSgt Now!

- This NCO achieves optimal levels of performance & accomplishment with lasting results--promote to TSgt!

- Took command with ease; completed 250* work requests; supervised 7 military/8 local national employees

- Top notch NCO who leads by example; leadership/managerial skills exceed her rank--promote to TSgt ASAP!

- Top quality performer with unparalleled potential and solid NCO attributes; promote to TSgt ahead of peers!

- Vital link to effective communications within and without the Aerial Port while deployed in the AOR

- Wg Flying Hour Program manager; track'd/scheduled XX hrs/three FS--enabled HHQ visibility for fiscal year

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