- Re-established optometry extern pgrm; structured 4.2K edu hrs/8 students--augmented clinical capabilities 1.8K appts
- Academic Review Board mbr f/ALS; review'd records/interview'd staff/stdt--equipp'd Commandant f/decision
- Career Practicum Supv; shadowed by HS stdnt 1 year/trn'd Optom career; instill'd real-life lessons for success
- Coord'd 4V lvls w/AF/PACAF CEM; revamped 8 UMD slots/4 MTFs/24 pers--stabilized MAJCOM manning
- Exceptional Ldr! Oversaw 2.4K exams/5K procs/developed CWS/increased appt 5/day--ATC 3 wks abv stnd
- Firefighter Rodeo cadre; 12 pts/2 days FF exams, 100% vision ready; qualified 12 msn rdy expeditionary Amn
- Headed rec review/AMXS deployers; clear'd TDY pers/order'd 40 GMIs/BEPs last min--read'd 115 <3weeks
- Instructed 2-day AMBUS crse; led operator trng for 10 medics--enabled transport of 295 pts in OREs/MAREs
- Interviewed 47 new pers; determined trng status/CDC enrollment/progression rqmts--completed w/in <30 days
- Lead CMRP trainer; trained 12 personnel on eye exams, certified 30 core tasks; 98% WWQ medics
- Led top producing/cust srvc flt; created acute walk-in clinic/60 hrs monthly--access now <24hrs/#1/9 PACAF
- Managed #1/10 Gp prim care clinics' in biz plan output; 115% of goal/100% TPC enrolled--recouped $603K
- Medical Controlled-item Inventory Officer; inspected narcs/destroyed expired/turned-in meds--MDG w/in stds
- Optometry property custodian; mng d $200K eqpmt/ org d 4 rms/ ID d/ fixed 3 deficits--sustained svc/msn rdy
- Performed over 1000 exams, ordered 1900 pairs of glasses for Bagram personnel and other Afghan bases
- Report of Survey Inv x2; conducted interviews/researched missing equip/$2.5K--found 3/5 items/id'd liability
- Requested by Gp Frontline Exec f/ PDC; taught Bullet Writing/Constructing--mentored Amn career progression
- Stopgap Gp Ed & Trng Mgr/x4 mos; issued 8 CDC sets, sched 10 EOCs exams--#1 of 4 in FW/100% pass rate
- Superb example; devot'd to team excellence--Sq SNCO OTQ x2/ NCOs MDG Rock Solid Awd winners twice
- Supported two 0ptometrists with eye exams, eye physicals, and eye emergencies of over 2500 patients
- UBO Insp; audit'd Third Party/Claims pgms/id'd 6 discrepancies/PIs/154 items--Medical Acct srvs now 100%