Operations and Contingencies EPR Bullets

- Accelerated 1-94 FAR beddown; downloaded 218 tons eqpmt/12 HIMARs/24 pax--drove regional surface-to-air capes
- Aced 80-hr HAZMAT Preparer crs; completed 3 JIs/147 cgo tons w/0 errors/10 acft--grad'd top 10% w/97% avg score
- Aced HAZMAT Inspector/JI crses; rcvd 60 hrs special cgo OJT--earned 90% EOC/2 credit hrs towards CCAF degree
- Aced HAZMAT Preparer crs; readied 60 tons of special cgo/3 msns--graduated top 10%/received 99% test score avg

- Aced ITV refresher crs; demo'd material retention w/97% test avg--provided 100% asset vis to COCOMs/3 HHQ msns
- Adv'd Swiss Army's def capabilities; deply'd to Switzerland as JI tm mbr--validated 9 tons/$24.7M hi-vis F-18 assets
- Aided 150th Assault Helicopter Battalion; tnd 4 mbrs on comm/spt eqpmt cgo pallet build-up--ensured unit mvmt rdy
- Aided Exer DEVIL RAID; assisted increment monitor w/cgo assembly/jt insp prep--readied $1M deplymt UTC eqpmt

- Aided gnd trans of 5 UTCs for CRT/CRE; moved 120 tons/56 pax on 11 msns--enabled ERO/NVD tng/11 LZSO certs
- Aided w/mx of 22 M-14 rifles/$6.5K acct; restored Vietnam wpns to operational--team aced 87 LRS/SFS annual insp
- Analyzed elect IFE; expertly performed corrective actions/recovered lost sys--saved $10M eqpt/ensured msn success
- Analyzed Wg Emer Mgmt/ATSO prgm; ID'd AB defense shortfalls to 3AF--enhanced FP & protected 5K Amn

- Appointed veh mgmt spt kit UTC mgr; purchased $34K of repair parts--preserved CRG assets & tech mgmt resources
- Assisted 421 CTS w/FC-CR tng crs; portrayed OPFOR in 8 scenes/24 hrs--delivered crucial cmbt exp to 60 CR mbrs
- Assisted DET tm for MOBEX; prepared 23 tons/$300K deplymt cgo--pivotal to Gp's 200 items/300 pax mvmt <12 hrs
- Assisted Ops Flt w/renovation proj; re-modeled $30K msn plng rm/8 hrs--provided secure deplymt/msn plng location

- Assisted w/5 C-17 "hvy load" tng evnts; tied down/spotted 4 10K ATs/2 Halvorsen loader--enabled certs for 2 aircrw
- Assisted w/FC-CR crs; acted as OPFOR/dlvr'd hostile tng scenarios--ensured 60 CR mbrs pre-deplymt tng/CAT I certs
- Attained Tech Specialist cert; prepared FLD tng/$3M UTC MHE w/zero errors--assured Gp 12-hr response capability
- Attended 4 hr AAA Driver Improvement Crs; enhanced safe driving practices/knowledge--conducted Flt veh sfty brfs

- Attended FC-CR crs; completed 26 tng requirements/earned 5 credit hrs towards CCAF degree--qualified CAT-I CR
- Augmented 305 APS Acft/Pax Svcs; moved 750K cgo tons/1.6K pax on 240 msns--completed all 5-lvl UGT core tasks
- Augmented 305 APS; moved 300 pallets/700K cgo tons on 73 msns--maintained unit's 98% on-time dep-reliability rate
- Augmented 87 LRS; oversaw mx of 179 MHE/$45M; 30 repair actions/98% QA rate--spt'd 56 acft loads across 4 wgs

- Augmented 87 LRS; performed 30 mx actions/maintained unit's 98% QA pass rate--spt'd 179 vehs/$45M MHE fleet
- Augmented SF tm; provided MHE spt to build HESCO barriers/worked 24 hrs as base def--key to safe PM of Iraq visit

- Benefited 26 deply'd Sq mbrs; solicited $340 food & hygiene items--coord'd delivery of 3 care pkgs to Amn ISO OIR
- Boosted camp's security sys; aided jt engnrs/excavated 400-yd trench/laid fiber-optic cable--lauded by SAA for excel

- Completed 2 TACC msns; validated 1.3K JI items/69 cgo tons/8 pax--facilitated warfighter quick response in OIR spt
- Completed 40-hr SLICC; raised helo limitations/sfty eqpmt expertise--bolstered Gp's Jt Assault/Sling Load cert'd mbrs
- Completed 42/45 Pax bus driving crs; enhanced CR cross utilization capabilities/base trans--earned 93% on EOC exam
- Completed Aerial Port Ops Crs; increased trans eqpmt/prcs knowledge--aced EOC w/95%/earned 3 CCAF credit hrs

- Completed HAZMAT/JI crs; inspected 25K cgo tons/2 NGSLs--earned 2 credit hrs for CCAF Degree in Trans Mgmt
- Completed Increment Monitor quals; prepared 3 vehicles/support equipment--packaged vital CR eqpmt for msn distro
- Completed ITV Admin crs; mastered bare-base ntwk set-up--qualified to operate/maintain $5M TRANSCOM system
- Conducted 25 hrs of JB MDL PTL duties; administered 90 prsnl official PT tests--ensured compliance of AF stds met

- Conducted 25 vehicle insps; ID'd/corrected 8 discrepancies on the spot--avoided 50 hrs down time & saved AF $2K
- Conducted 30 in-depth veh insps; identified/corrected 6 vital discrepancies--avoided 40 hrs down-time/saved AF $2K
- Conducted ITV ISO JTF-PO Sangala; operated RFID interrogation sys--provided CCDR real-time vis of 152 cgo tons
- Conducted JI for 116 LRS; inspected/validated 319 cgo tons/66 total pax uploaded--ensured smooth deplymt to AOR

- Conducted MHE inspections; ID'd/rectified minor findings/6 aerial port vehs/$1.8M--key to flt's 95% operational rate
- Conducted ops ISO OIR; performed JI/tracked ITV/loaded 117 tons/62 pax/3 msns--deply'd USA 5th Spcl Forces Gp
- Coord'd C-17 tng msns w/6 AS; prepared & on/off-loaded 4 cgo tons on 2 sorties--cert'd 6 aircrew Amn on 24 tasks
- Coord'd foreign MHE spt; guided 113 tons cgo...43 Germ/Spanish/Qatari/Saudi/Danish acft--forged coalition alliance

- Coord'd forklift tng for 16 SF prsnl on 10K AT ops/pallet build fundamental--bolstered Sq cross-utilization capability
- Coord'd forklift tng for 16 SF prsnl; instructed 10K AT ops/pallet build-up fundamentals--bolstered Sq cross-utilization
- Coord'd forklift tng; org'd 4 2T2 instr/trained 16 SF prsnl on 10K A/T insps/ops--faclitated unit's cross-utilization tng
- Coord'd Gp Defender CUT; instructed 13 mbrs on HMMWV inspection/operating procedures--certified 13 duty tasks

- Coord'd MHE class; instructed 6 hr session on 10K std forklift sfty/insp/ops--increased CUT/15 CRG SF prsnl qual'd
- Coord'd MHE line haul trans; prepared/loaded 24 cgo tons for surface mvmt--saved AF $18.5K in air trans/fuel costs
- Coord'd w/ HHQ & Honduran agencies; spt'd JTF-B/SOUTHCOM msns; implemented OIs & approved policy
- CSE tm lead in Bahrain; conducted jt insp on 67 cgo tons/8 msns--dlvr'd USN's rqmts ISO Op VIGILANT MARINER

- Dedicated 14 hrs to KP duties; re-organized storage conex & 5K lbs food--integral to sustainment of 1.3K warfighters
- Delivered 31 FW Msn Director C2; provided F-16 armed overwatch escort--secured COCOM's strategic obj's
- Demo'd 2T2 knowledge; evaluated on 12 air freight/6 pax svc questions--garnered 100% ATSEP pass rate over 3 evals
- Deployed ISO Op VIGILANT MARINER; monitored 268 tons USN spt eqpmt/8 msns--dlvr'd MSC assets w/100% vis

- Deply d ISO Exer SWIFT RESPONSE; dlvr d 460 tons/208 pax/64 NVD msns--facilitated tng for 10 NATO partners
- Deply'd ISO Bahrain NAS; led 2-mbr JI tm/validated 270 cgo tons/8 msns--streamlined USNSW EOD unit redeplymt
- Deply'd to Isa AB, Bahrain; conducted ITV for 75 tons USN eqpmt/3 units/7 pax--provided 100% vis for MSC assets
- Deply'd to NSA Bahrain; streamlined USNSW EOD tm redeplymt--lead JI mbr/inspected/certified 112 tons on 5 msns

- Diagnosed broken 1008 truck; fixed circuit breakers <40 mins--streamlined mx/$100 svgs; reinstated FMC alert fleet
- Diligent funds custodian; oversaw 1.8K monetary transactions...collected/process'd $45K--aced 2 SAVs/zero findings
- Direct'd 24/7 spt of CENTAM's only C-5 capable rwy; ensured safe/expeditious movement w/in 7-nation AOR
- Directed 31 FW NAOC initiatives; spt'd Nat'l Cmd Authority/CJCS--prepped emergency war order measures

- Directed 4 JI prsnl; inspected 5 AMD-530F helos valued at $5M--equiped security for Afghan military regional units
- Directed 6 Amn for CRT exer; loaded 68K cgo tons during ERO/NVG ops on multi acft--facilitated CR tng in 2 Wgs
- Directed AR reservations; sync'd 130 AR events w/ Boston/New York ATCCs--assured 100% compliance w/ FAA
- Drove 5-mbr C-17 heavy load tm; conducted 3 JIs/ID d 8 errors/created DD 2133 template--validated 6 AS tng msns

- Drove EUCOM EAM proj; relocated sole ground station & enabled new satellite acquisition--saved Wg $73K
- Drove Sq UTC availability; tracked 574 prsnl/critical positions--ensured accurate AEF reporting to MAJCOM
- Drove USAF/HN trng tm; liaised w/Italian commissioning boards--six certs/incr'd fac supv'r manning by 50%

- Enabled last min off-station tng request; expedited mvmt 18 tons--facilitated 21 AS check ride of new $250K tng plan
- Enabled multinat'l jt ops; launched 5 SFG ISO OIR--conducted JI/ITV & on-loaded 117 tons eqpmt/62 pax on 3 msns
- Enabled NWRM tng in ROK; inspected/moved 41 cgo tons eqpmt--expedited mvmt of USA 20th CBRNE Command
- Enabled US/ROKAF Air Power; aided 157th Fighter Wg redeplymt; moved 12 F-16s/238K cgo tons/195 pax on 5 acft

- Enforced TSA flt secure pgm; screened 8K pax/245 tons bags/confiscated 35 prohibited items--ensured DoD acft safety
- Engnr'd 24hr contingency posture; secured int'l ATC spt for POTUS acft--enabled US's C2 capes & G7 Summit
- Enhanced deply'd camp infrastructure; built 7 tents/sub-floors/filled 100+ sandbags--increased bed-down capacity 112
- Enhanced Sq Defenders cgo prep capabilities; coord'd 6-hr 10K AT CUT--instructed 15 mbrs on insp/ops procedures

- Excelled AMC's "Halvorsen" Loader ops crs; enhanced MHE/safety skills--instant asset to Sq's wartime capabilities
- Executed 3 10K AT forklift SLOFs; R2'd sys parts--enabled $400K MHE ops sfty/JTF-PO 12-hr resp time successful
- Executed 5 LTIs <24 hrs; recognized/repaired 3 sfty issues--assured on-time departure for POTUS msn/4 CRW msns
- Executed 600 local msns; liaised msn revisions/tng rqmts/airspace requests w/ 20 jt wgs--cinched 2 wg's combat rdy

- Expedited delivery of critical ANA security assets; JI tm mbr ISO Redstone Arsenal--inspected 5 helos valued at $6.5M
- Expedited gnd trans for CRT exer; moved 15K cargo tons/$1.2M assets--bare base C2 training achieved/11 LZSO certs
- Expedited ITV certs for Gp prnsl; collaborated w/instructor; assisted tng of 14 students on PDK/PTISK/BGAN/set-up
- Expedited JI for Bahrain NAS; inspected/certified 112 cgo tons on 5 msns--streamlined USNSW EOD tm redeplymt

- Expedited JTF-MATTHEW redeploy; cleaned 134 cgo tons for continued alert--reconstituted mobility eqpmt >24 hrs
- Expedited mvmt ISO Bulgaria retrograde; moved 2x 10K AT forklift/24 cgo tons--saved AF $18.5K in shipping costs

- Facilitated GRDC tour; demonstrated port/mobile C2 ops pkgs--showcased CRW capes to NJ civ emer/first responders
- Facilitated mvmt of JTF-PO ISO Haiti relief; deply'd 147 mbrs/4 chalks--crucial USAID food/goods given to victims
- Facilitated NWRM tng in ROK; led JI for USA 20th CBRNE Command--expedited mvmt of 41 tons eqpmt on 3 msns
- Facilitated on-load & off-load night ops; instructed Phase III NVD/ERO tng for 7 mbrs--enhanced CRW CAT I quals

- Ferried 4 Saudi F-15s thru CENTCOM; offloaded 135K fuel to coalition partners--secured 2 ARS Acrw OTQ honors
- Finished CR-MOC/FC-H crs; acquired vital pre-deplymt tng/CAT 1 cert--amassed 5 credit hrs towards CCAF degree
- Finished Increment Monitor quals; aided 621 CRS w/MOBEX prep/6 UTCs--packaged vital CR eqpmt for msn distro
- Finished Tech Specialist Crs; rcvd cat II tng cert 6 mos early--honed UTC/doc prep skills/certfied >$3M MHE/haz cgo

- Formulated COCOM/NATO spt capes; provided strike & conventional guidance--postured Wg for msn rqmnts
- Fused 3 workcenters; sync'd 104 mil/civ prsnl moving 9K tns cgo/7.4K pax/1.2K msns--drove 99% TDRR/4 yr best

- Gained adv'd aerial port skill set; tackled Integrated Computerized Deplymt Sys crs--created 3 LPs for mobility exers
- Generated 136 KC-10/C-17A flts; coord'd w/ 14 wg's f/ 101 AR events--validated 460 acrw rdy f/ full-spectrum ops
- Guided 29-mbr DTRA/EUCOM tm; ID'd 56 mission-critical vulnerabilities--protected FW msn & 7417 sorties
- Guided JTF-B's firefighting air spt; coor'd HN's rqmnts--3 villages/500 prsnl & $150K crit antenna field saved
- Guided Patriot Express msn; spt'd prsnl surge--mvd 4K pax/144 tons bags/32 msns--doubled IAB's populace <4 mos

- Hand-sel'd for hi-vis NASA tasking; led 2-mbr load tm ISO of $160M tac satellite--key to safe alft of nat'l def resource
- Hand-sel'd for OIR deplymt; off-loaded 200+ cgo tons under blackout ops--linchpin to food distro for 219 warfighters
- Hand-sel'd Sq SABC Instr; displayed proper life saving techniques/TCCC to 25 Amn--facilitated units 91% rdy mbrs
- Highlighted CRW capabilities; briefed >200 STEM students on ITV/MHE--fostered positive mil image in community

- ID'd 24 critical non-compliance insp items; streamlined GRDC armory procedures--key to positive wpns vault security
- ID'd 4 malfunctioning 10K forklifts; rebuilt 4 fuel lift pumps <3 days--prevented Gp fleet from dropping below MEL
- ID'd trailer weight sfty discrepancy; dvlp'd repair strategy/pln to cease future failures--decreased NMC rate of Wg UTC
- Identified overdue msn rqmts; inspected/cleaned 12 sq weapons in 4 hrs--key to equipment compliance/lauded by DO

- Increased Sq MHE CUT capability; instructed insp/ops procedures--certified 24 prsnl on 4 vehs across 3 career fields
- Increment Monitor ISO JTF-MATTHEW; moved 4 UTCs/110 tons of USAID--ensured on-time aid to 1.4M Haitians
- Initiated 56 veh insps; detected 42 mx issues/fixed 38 immd...key to Sq's 100% readiness/CRG's JTF-PO alert posture
- Inspected/loaded 2 USN mx asset msns; moved 52 cgo tons--expedited 7 Fleet Readiness Ctr P-8 anti-submarine acft

- Integrated w/305 APS; expedited 2.3K tons supplies/tng eqpmt on 327 msns--strengthened ANDSF fight against ISIL
- Inventoried $35K ceremonial uniforms; trained 4 Amn on systematic issue/collection--maintained program integrity

- JI tm mbr at Isa Air Base; JI'd 270 tons of cgo--ensured eqpmt airworthiness/redeployment for 3 USN maritime units
- JI'd USNSW Special Boat Tm 22; expedited 25 cgo tons/6 pax--spt'd narcotics interdiction in USSOUTHCOM AOR
- JRTC ex Load Tm Ch; led mvmt of 191 cgo tons on 18 msns--assured successful $25M multi svc/nat'l cmbt tng events
- Jt inspector; certified 2 helos/17 cgo tons for multi-modal transportation--adv'd HSC-26 helo recon mx tm into theater

- Lead increment monitor for JTF-PO Haiti; mng'd 4 chalks/60 pax/110 cgo tons--secured on-time humanitarian aid dep
- Lead Increment Monitor ISO base MOBEX; readied 9 UTCs/$5M value--pivotal to 200 items/300 pax deplymt <12 hrs
- Lead Increment Monitor; prepared aerial port UTCs for base MOBEX--pivotal to 200 items/300 pax deplymt <12 hrs
- Lead inspector in Navy Seal Tm 2 msn; directed inspection of 10 cgo tons/17 pax--adv'd USN redplymt from Colombia

- Led 5-mbr load tm; prcs'd/moved 2 10K ATs/30 tons eqpmt for C-17 "heavy load" tng--4 aircrew/8 2T2 mbrs qualified
- Led alft ops at Jt Readiness exer; assembled cgo/executed load tm ch tasks--mobilized 200 cgo tons/117 pax/40 msns
- Led APO MHE inventory/$2.9M; ID'd/reported 14 discrepancies to MX--facilitated Sq's 94% FMC veh reliability rate
- Led ATC svcs for two F-16 sqs w/52 acft worth $1.92B; moved 22K pax/6.5K cargo tons--zero ATC mishaps

- Led Ex GLOBAL RESPONSE FORCE JI; validated 692 cgo tons/loaded 188 pax--facilitated Jt force tng w/82d BCT
- Led HMWWV upgrade tm; added improved winches/brush guards--extended austere cap of afld assessment tm msns
- Led JI for Redstone Arsenal; inspected 5 helos valued at $6.5M--enabled swift delivery of critical ANA security assets
- Led JTF-B flt in Flt/CC absence; 52 prsnl/6 AFSCs/4M sq ft afld--secured flawless ops/spt for HN's President

- Led NATO intel sharing prj; secured $45K--facilitated Op ATLANTIC RESOLVE threat analysis & target ID
- Led US Embassy, Rome AFOSI C2 spt; restored counter intel sys--19 terror operatives ID'd/3 attacks thwarted
- Led weapons demo for Belgian STAFFDEL/AMLO summit; displayed UTC capabilities--educated 120 NATO mbrs
- Load planning SME; led 2 mobility exers/trained 6 AMC members on ICODES--showcased Wg's aerial port UTC cap

- Load team Ch ISO C-17 "heavy load tng" msns; prepared/moved 43K cgo tons--facilitated 3 aircrew/10 2T2 mbr certs
- Load Tm Ch deployed to Serbia; prepared/loaded 133 cgo tons on 3 msns--Army JTF munitions redeplymt ops success
- Load Tm Ch ISO NSA Bahrain; supervised 4 mbr tm/moved 133 cgo tons/5 msns--enabled 104 FW's rapid redeplymt
- Load tm Ch on 2 C-17 "heavy load" tng msns; prep'd 3 10K AT/75K tons cgo--provided tng for 6 aircrew/5 2T2 mbrs

- Load tm mbr for AP Hill FTX; on/off-loaded 20 cgo tons during night time ops--gained vital Phase III NVG/ERO tng
- Load tm mbr for CRT ex; uploaded 68K cgo tons on 8 AMC/AFRC acft--facilitated vital ERO/NVD quals for 2 Wgs
- Load tm mbr ISO C-17 heavy load tng; prepared/loaded 2 10K ATs/28 tons--enabled 1 load tm Ch/3 aircrew mbr certs
- Load tm mbr ISO Ex C-STRIKE; loaded 125 cgo tons/11 acft/earned ERO/NVG certs--key to 66 aircrew/USA tng ops

- Load tm mbr ISO Ex JRTC; expedited mvmt/loaded 201 cgo tons/88 msns--assured $25M multi-svc cmbt tng success
- Load tm mbr on 2 C-17 heavy load msns; up-loaded 3 10K ATs/75K tons cgo--provided tng for 6 aircrew mbrs/8 2T2s
- Load tm mbr on 2 C-17 heavy load tng msns; up-loaded 3 10K ATs/75K tons cgo--provided certs for 6 aircrew mbrs
- Lynchpin to Special Boat Tm 22 redeployment; inspected/loaded 6 pax/25 cgo tons--pivital to NSWC Ops in SOCOM

- Maintained $3M alert eqpmt; led insp detail/ID'd 8 write-ups/coord'd mx--postured 2 UTC's for 90-day gbl alert cycle
- Maintained alert eqpmt/$3M; evaluated on 2 10K AT insps/ID'd 4 discrepancies--coord'd mx/MHE readied for deplymt
- Maintained alert eqpmt/$3M; supervised 2 Amn on 2x 10K A/T forklift insp--ID'd/corrected 4 errors/returned to FMC
- Maintained alert/$3M eqpmt; executed 15 insps on 5 vehs/ID'd 6 write-ups--UTCs rdy for JTF-MATTHEW deplymt

- Maintained alert/$3M eqpmt; inspected 2x 10K A/T insp/ID'd 4 discrepencies--coord'd w/ mx to return MHE to FMC
- Managed 5 UTCs; ID'd/rectified 12 veh mx discrepancies--sustained Wg's $8.9M deployable assets w/96% readiness
- Managed Global Hawk comm link; 118 msns/35K ISR images--provided AFRICOM & NATO tgt verification
- Mastered 80-hr HAZMAT Preparer crs; earned JI qual/inspected 4 units eqpmt/65 tons--garnered 100% test score avg

- Mastered AMC's "Halvorsen" loader ops/safety class; completed 5-level core task/MHE cert--gained acft load tm qual
- Mastered CLIC instr crs; poised to increase Wg load planning certs--earned 3 hrs towards Trans Mgmt CCAF degree
- Minimized UTC mx downtime; oversaw refresh of 40 high-use veh repair kits--acquired $200K of replacement parts
- Mitigated Ex AP Hill return; led 6 mbrs to reconstitute 173 cgo tons/5 UTCs--returned $1.2M of assets to FMC status

- Mng d flt's 5-lvl upgrade tng; trn'd/monitored 8 Amns' 480 tasks to 100% complete--grad'd 5 CDCs w/86% EOC avg
- Mng'd $24K UTC eqpmt readiness; purchased JI assets to attain 100% reliability rate--poised for CR msn 12-hr rqmts
- Mng'd 3 UTCs; inventoried/inspected/issued/tracked/reconstituted $925K in eqpmt--enabled 10 tms to execute msns
- Mng'd 612 ABS afld ops; meshed SOUTHCOM msn w/Army & Honduran spec ops trng--70 jt trps jump qual'd

- Mng'd alert eqpmt prep; maintained 5 UTCs/$303K/100% reliability rate--Flt readied for JTF-PO 12-hr deplymt rqmt
- Mng'd dplmnt ISO Nuc Surety Ex; prcs'd 60 prsnl/42 tons/coord'd w/ 7 agencies--6 pilots/5 wpns crews cert'd
- Mng'd high priority pax mvmts; coord'd trans/manifesting of OIR CJFLCC/CC--moved 15 EL/11 DVs in/out of AOR
- Mng'd RED FLAG & IRON HAND ops; enabled 16 ftr acft/412 sorties--sharpened US & NATO air cmbt cape

- Mobilized 34 HHQ taskings; 128 mbrs/moved 3398 cgo tons/1334 pax/2 POTUS/3 VPOTUS--filled 100% flt taskings

- Orchestrated 2-day POTUS G7 NAOC op; led 27 POCs/beddown 85 alert prsnl--secured nat'l security COOP
- Orchestrated Active Shooter event; coord'd w/ SFS/sched'd 180 Amn--boosted Sq global response cap's >36%
- Org'd "1st ever" USAF/HN PDS; mentored 17 mbrs of Honduran govt agency on ldrshp--incr'd int'l partnership
- Organized familiarization tng; instructed 25K Halvorsen/10K AT ops to new flt Amn--qualified 4 mbrs on 8 duty tasks

- Overhauled crit Close Air Spt Ops OI; ID'd ambiguous guidance/res'd ctrl conflicts--honed Wg's spec ops trng
- Overhauled Lakehurst ALZ sched process; routed LOA f/ 20 wgs--reduced errors/increased C-17A throughput 10%
- Oversaw AMCOM eqpmt on-load; confirmed air worthiness of 3 UH-60A/2 generators--key to on-time asset delivery
- Oversaw ATC svcs; aided DoD & int'l humanitarian & Counter-Transnational Organized Crime (CTOC) msns

- Oversaw RED FLAG North MRT; redirected 8 pax travel <4 hrs--ensured boots on grnd <1 day/acft recovery
- Oversaw refresh of 40 high-use veh repair kits; acquired $200K of replacement parts--met trans rqmts & msn readiness

- Participated in Creech AFB JFE; loaded 43K tons/50 prsnl on 4 C-17 msns--85 aircrew mbrs completed WIC capstone
- Partnered w/305 APS acft svcs; moved 750K tons/1.6K pax on 240 msns--finished 60 TBA core tasks/3 vehs in 3 wks
- Partnered w/305 APS; trained on pax svc center ops/trained on 2 vehs w/in 8 hrs--completed 22 core tasks/5-lvl UGT
- Partnered w/6 AS for C-17 "heavy load"; loaded real-world assets for aircrew tng--moved 2 forklifts/23 tons/4 sorties

- Partnered w/USTRANSCOM; supplied 2 yrs cgo/pax airflow data--led to creation of trans supply lines to AFRICOM
- Performed MHE insp; ID'd/coord'd mx for minor discrepancies/6 vehs/$1.8M--key to flt's 95% operational veh rating
- Performed veh ops during Ex DEVIL RAID; moved >$1M eqpmt--dlvr'd cgo/enabled mobility tng for >100 CR prsnl
- Postured NATO Strike Eval ops cntr; programmed 19 VoIP's--enhanced real-time battlefield info/combat trng

- Postured tm for int'l msn; fused 31 FW w/Dutch helo msns & led ATC/afld hazard brief--honed NATO alliance
- Prepared 25K Halvorsen for trans; configured to travel mode <2 hrs--eliminated $45K WRM fee/spt'd Haiti msn rqmt
- Primed austere bare base UTCs; positioned 44 cgo tons/ensured $1M eqpmt airlift rdy--prepared Gp for JTF-PO msn
- Primed USMC TF C2 rqmts; bolstered AFRICOM crisis resp force--sptd evacuation of 230 US Embassy prsnl

- Procured alt ATC fac; secured $93K/ID'd rqmnts & coor'd installs--expanded Wg's contingency & ATC capes
- Promoted "fit-to-fight" ethos for 100 mbrs; led PT/introduced effective cardio tng--instrumental to unit 98% pass rate
- Provided 18 duty hrs ISO JTF-MATTHEW redeplymt; reconstituted 8 tents at $13K--returned 4 tent plts to FMC status
- Provided alft ops ISO Jt Readiness Exer; moved 692 cgo tons/1.5K pax on 88 msns--achieved Jt cmbt environment tng

- Provided ITV ISO Bahrain NAS; QC'd/tracked 6 msns/41 pax/151 cgo tons--71 EOD/Navy Seals on-time re-deplymt
- Provided ITV ISO Op INHERENT RESOLVE; monitored 117 tons/62 pax--enabled COCOM CCs w/100% asset vis
- Provided rapid sustenance supply; delivered food/water rations to spec ops tms--thwarted potential ISIS enemy action
- Provided USN Seal Team 2 critical ITV; monitored trans 9.8 tons of tactical eqpmt--delivered MSC w/100% asset vis

- Provided USN Seal Team 2 ITV spt; inspected/processed 9.8 cgo tons in DGATES--assured 100% NSWC delivery vis

- Quarterbacked VP-10 JI msn; inspected/loaded 64 cgo tons--fortified US Navy Patrol Sq 10's expeditionary readiness

- Rcv'd Load Tm Ch tng during C-17 heavy load; prepared/loaded 2 10K ATs/28 cgo tons--enabled 3 aircrew mbr certs
- Readied flt for JTF-PO 12-hr deplymt rqmt; assisted alert eqpmt prep--maintained 5 UTCs/$303K/100% reliability rate
- Received specialized 2T2 qual; completed ICODES Single Load Planner Crs--increased CR force readiness cap 30%
- Recon'd 621 CRS alert eqpmt; enabled continued CRG readiness after JTF Matthew deplymt--JTF-PO alert ensured

- Reconstituted CRW eqpmt ISO JTF-MATTHEW; restored 8 critical UTCs worth $2.5M--assets 100% deplymt ready
- Reconstituted eqpmt ISO JTF-MATTHEW; inventoried 8 UTCs/$2.5M--restored alert assets to 100% deplymt ready
- Repaired 12 M1008 failure-prone doors; purchased/installed $14K enhanced performance eqpmt--reinstated FMC fleet
- Repaired faulty HMMWV door handle; fixed vehicle locking capability <30 min--prevented shortfall/saved AF $400

- Repaired faulty HMMWV starter; replaced glow plug sending unit <2 hours--prevented shortfall/saved AF over $400
- Revamped FW BASH Pln; fused HQ mandates w/afld & ATC rqmnts--ensured compliance/streamlined coor'd
- Revamped pallets/nets tracker; maintained accountability for 4K eqpmt items--reclaimed AMC $350K in critical assets
- Rpr'd inst barrier pln; ID'd 3 crit points/fused rqmnts w/Army/HN needs--incr'd Soto Cano AB's safety stance

- Sel'd for Incirlik AB deplymt; led mvmt of 119 tons/8 msns...expedited trans of key spt eqpmt--lauded by 728 AMS/CC
- Sel'd to brief 24 Royal Air Force cadets; demonstrated DGATES server/$115K sys--fostered understanding of ITV cap
- Shaped historic extradition msn; dev'd/coord'd ATC ops w/Embassy/helos...CENTAM drug lord in US custody
- Shipped CRE/CRT MHE rqmts; aided surface loading trans of 24 cgo tons--saved DoD $18.5K in flt fuel cost/per diem

- Spearheaded Ex INIOHOS dplmnt; readied 139 pax/169 ston cargo--secured NATO jt/trilateral cmbt trng ops
- Spt d CENTCOM AOR ops; oversaw download of 2 msns/65 pax/2K+ cgo tons--provided vital resupply to OEF trps
- Spt'd 6 AS "heavy load" tng; aided 5-mbr tms/loaded 26 cargo tons--enhanced core task expertise/quals for 2 aircrews
- Spt'd C-17 "heavy load" tng; led 5-mbr tm/loaded 26 tons--facilitated quals for 2 aircrew mbrs/tnd 8 2T2s on 10 tasks

- Spt'd historic N Korea nuke drawdown talks/G-7 summit; built 6 Singapore/Quebec msns--dlvrd 208 USSS/398K cgo
- Spt'd last min off-station tng request; expedited mvmt 18 tons--enabled ops test of 21 AS' updated $250K training pln
- Spt'd last min tasking request; expedited mvmt of 18 tons eqpmt--enabled check-ride of 21 AS updated $250K tng pln
- Spt'd Stennis Space Center; conducted JI/expedited mvmt 40 cgo tons--ensured on-time redeply of USN Boat Tm 22

- Sq ODTA; oversaw 174 accounts...ID'd/corrected 100+ data entry errors--facilitated on-time dep/funds reimbursement
- Staged in Switzerland for jt spt venture; JI'd/LP'd $27M F-18 fighter acft eqpmt--enabled Swiss AOR deterrence msns
- Standardized cross-coast 2T2 MTL; updated 85 mbrs rcrds w/CFETP re-write--raised Gp TBA data accuracy to 75%
- Streamlined AMC cgo insp process; user & 46 UTCs mvmt ready <12 hrs/redeploy'd w/0 errors--saved AF 32 man-hrs

- Supervised air trans ops ISO Ex SOUTHERN STRIKE; airlifted 62 cgo tons/255 pax/21 msns--375 AES met tng rqmts
- Supervised alert MHE prep; led vehicle insps/ID d write-ups/coord d mx--Flt readied for JTF-PO 12-hr deplymt rqmt
- Supervised C-17 "heavy load tng" w/6 AS; trained 8 tm mbrs/loaded 30 cgo tons--enabled certs for 2 tm Ch/2 aircrew
- Supervised C-17 assault tng w/6 AS; oversaw prep/load of 20 cgo tons--cert'd 12 mbrs/2 load tms on "heavy load" ops

- Supervised eqpmt prep; ID'd/corrected 5 discrepancies on 4 UTCs--ensured timley acft dep/nat'l mil log conf success
- Supervised JI tm; inspected/loaded 29 cgo tons/$58M eqpmt for alft--ensured rapid deplymt of Jt multinational forces
- Supervised load tm for C-17 "heavy load" tng; moved 2 forklifts/23 tons on 4 sorties--2 aircrew/4 2T2s mbrs certified
- Supported 20 CBRNE Div deplymt; insp/alft'd 40.5 cgo tons NWRM eqpmt--enabled hi-vis inter-agency tng objectives

- Supported C-17 "heavy weight tng" w/6 AS; prepared/loaded 52 cgo tons--enabled vital tng for crews & gnd forces
- Supported last min off-station tng request; expedited mvmt 18 tons--facilitated 21 AS check ride of new $250K tng pln
- Supported Presidential family vacation; postured 400+ hrs for msn dep--conducted staircase trk ops on Air Force One
- Supv'd interservice trng ops; integrated 8 US Army acft w/31 FW msn--1K paratroopers qlfy'd/zero msn delays

- Surpassed AMC stds; trained on 60 pax/air freight core tasks within 3 wks--completed 5-lvl UGT 4 mos ahead of peers
- Sustained deply'd Army kitchen; off-loaded/dlvr'd 30 rations skids/stocked shelves--supplied hot meals for 219 jt prsnl

- Tackled HAZMAT/JI crses; qualified to verify safety-of-flight on mil airlift--earned 2 credit hrs towards CCAF degree
- Tackled Integrated Computerized Deplymt Sys crs; gained vital unit load plng skill set--raised UTC capabilities x30%
- Tackled JIIQ/AIC instr crses; earned 10 credit hrs/taught 2x/qualified 20 jt inspectors--'17 CCAF degree grad on-track
- Tackled Tech Spec/Pallet Build-up crses; honed doc prep skills--readied $3M alert MHE/earned increment monitor cert

- Tm Chief Bulgaria/Romania redeployment; downloaded 142 cgo tons/15 pax/5 msns--lauded/coined by 144 FS CEM
- Total Force advocate; taught cgo prep/build-up to 20 jt svc prsnl--maintained naval battalion's expeditionary readiness
- Tracked HG assets; helped maintain 7 GSA vehicles valued >$350K/30K miles/0 errors--sustained critical msn rqmts
- Trained 10 Amn on cgo prep; palletized 8 tons mail for commercial alft--enhanced morale of 2K+ Thule prsnl/families

- Trained on 2 C-17 heavy load tng msns; prepared/loaded 2 10K ATs/50K tons--provided 8 hrs OJT for 6 aircrew mbrs
- Trn'd 7 RI Nat'l Guard mbrs on NVDs/12 hrs; instructed on upkeep/demo'd op procedures--prsnl prepared for deplymt
- Trn'd Increment Monitor; prcs'd 240 cgo tons for rapid mobilization--ensured MHE rdy for JTF-MATTHEW deplymt

- Vital CR spt; up-loaded 14K tons eqpmt/8 pax during Exer CEBERUS STRIKE--facilitated 2 CRT/3 load tm Ch quals