Nondestructive Inspection EPR Bullets

Duty Description

- Interprets/documents inspection results of indications, tests, cracks, corrosion, delaminations and foreign objects (FO)

- Unit RSO; monitors ionizing radiation exposure lvls f/assigned prsnl--ensures safe X-ray ops/mitigates overexposure

- Conducts NDI test methods on 19 RQ-4/11 T-38/29 U-2 acft/580 Aerospace Ground Eqpmt valued in excess of $3B

- Performs Oil Analysis Program/Magnetic Chip Detector insps on 75 F-118/24 J-85 GE acft engines valued at $169M


- Accepts all challenges; assumed lead role to update PCAMS; significantly increasing process control tracking
- Accomplished 10 F-16 phase pkgs; conducted 115 work cards/special/ASIP insps--rtnd 4K flying hrs to 388th's FHP
- Acqr'd new CR X-ray equip; spearheaded two key processes to improve & eval'd 20 weld certs--sav's one man hr/cert
- Adept Evaluator! Insp req'd on acft window frame; discover'd false Eddy Current defect indication--sav'd AF $10k+
- Advanced towards educational goals; completed 15 credits--earned Non-Destructive Testing CCAF/attained 3.5 GPA
- Aided A-10C aircrew munitions trng; supt'd Barksdale GREEN FLAG EAST '15 TDY--key to 106 sorties/226 flt hrs
- Aided F-15 urgent action longeron TCTO insp team; ensured structural integrity validity--zero acft grounded
- Analyzed 587 F-15 acft oil samples; 54 acft/$2.1B AF assets--enabled 44 FS Raytheon Trophy win '12
- Astute financial mngr; processed $69.5k timely financial transactions; ensuring successful FY17 mission requirement
- Audited 3 sections as SIP tm mbr; executed 35 insps/dissected LOTO/CTK/safety prgms--triggered sq's 90% QA rate

- Calibrated oil analysis eqpmt; serviced/certified two units/attained 100% correlation scores--crushed DoD std by 20%
- Completed five level tasks to provide for upgrade training and promotion; on path/time line for next level of career
- Conducted 23 U-2/RQ-4 wheel insps; detected 2 cracked assemblies--supplied assets ISO 3 CCDR/2.2K cmbt sorties
- Conducted two 1500 hour engine inspections; totaling 28.7 man hrs; certified zero defects returning aircraft to FMC
- Coord 12 validation/verification insps; revealed 34 technical errors--bolstered future JTD success/saved $68K in ARs
- Coord repair/annual MX of four SEM/EDX units; preserved $920K in AF assets--388 FW '16 UEI rated "Effective"
- Coord'd facility upgrades; id'd deficiencies/submitted corrective actions--ensured good stewardship/AFOSH stds met
- Coord'd Navy P-3 acft insp schedule; eval'd procedures/equip reqs--jt service msn met/strengthened capability
- Coord'd w/F-16 SPO; led pylon adapter insp dvlpmt--adopted by ANG/AFRC & >350 acft utilized/valued at >$650M
- Cultivated section readiness; monitored 17 mbrs upgrade/ancillary tasks--attained 100% utilization rate/zero overdues

- Detected cracked A-10C gun bay wall; prompted repair--negated CAS eqpmt failure/loss of life/secured $8.1K asset
- Directed 5 AC-130U 25mm safing cam evals; pinpointed 2 cracked cams--averted misfires/shielded $92K weapon sys
- Discovered AC-130U rear engine turbine abnormality; validated post-weld repair--eliminated $32K replacement cost
- Discovered excess ZN/SI lvls in 19 oil svc carts; cued sys drain/flush--averted a/c eng contamination/class A mishap
- Drove F-35 eddy current ops/3-mbrs; insp'd 7 fuel zones/ver'd tolerance--sustained infrastructure/$13M C2D2 test capes

- Empowering mentor; develops 3 new Amn; trusts w/ critical tasks, treats w/ professionalism--driver high shop morale
- Est'd mx benchmark; drove 27 TFI Amn through 162 PEs/296 QA insps--overdues cut >15%/attained 92% QA pass rt
- Evaluated leading edge bird strike; identified damaged surface panels; instrumental in bringing AC back to FMC
- Examined 26 LAU-117 lugs; ID'd seven damaged components/removed from service--negated $54.1K sys damages
- Executed 13 Canopy Sill Longeron TCTOs; validated part/acft integrity--ensured 12 AOR acft 100% FMC
- Executed CV-22 Blade Tang insp; vetted 6 prop blades w/ultrasonic method--$90M asset FMC/crew mbr safety ensured
- Executed three T-38 225-hr postflight insps; completed 12 workcard items--provided trng acft for 36 pilots/3.2 flt hrs
- Exemplary role model--strict adherence to AF standards; set example & promot'd positive image for all new members
- Expedited TO upgrades; teamed w/TODO/repaired LAN connectivity for 10 tough books--dlvr'd guidance to 17 prsnl

- Fostered 37 items through PMEL; calibrated 7 items in 2nd Quarter--sustained ops, kept NDI Lab mission capable
- Found cracked ram air inlet duct; mapped defect location/prompted asset repair--prevented FOD/preserved $4.3M eng
- FW OAP mgr; oversaw calibration of three oil analysis units--sustained 98% avg & maintained $305K in DoD assets

- Great sense of responsibility for quality work; executed vital Rainbow Fitting TCTO 2259 on 4 acft; ensured safe acft

- Hand-sel'd f/Class A mishap tm; lead NDI mbr f/acft eval/investigation--provided damage extent/lauded by MXG/CC
- Highly motivated Airman; volunteered to attended digital X-ray MTT; greatly expanding NDI shop effectiveness
- Highly proficient, exceptional NCO; excelled in management of assigned programs--true steward of Air Force asset

- Id'd corroded KC-135 panel; zero supply balance/local repair initiated--negated gnding/2-wk supply lead time
- Identified multiple defects on AC34 aileron; prompted replacement of AC control surface; prevented AC mishap
- Insp'd fracture critical truss mount thoroughly; ident'd crack rqrng depot lvl maint, avoided catastrophic acft mishap
- Inspected 26 F-15 external fuel tank lugs; confirmed zero component defects--returned $488K AF assets FMC
- Inspected AC boom after brute force disconnect, verified zero defects; saved USAF 1.5 million in replacement costs
- Inspected HH-60G .50 cal flash suppressor jackets; ID'd two 1/4" defects--negated $14.1K CSAR wpn's sys collapse
- Intense desire for self improvement; completed 5hrs Java code & script e-learning; saved ANG $1200+ in tuition fees

- Joint service supporter; analyzed/tracked 900 USMC HH-53/HH-46 JOAPs--allowed 450 sorties/500 fly hrs

- Lead NDI QA augmentee; maintained 100% qual/18 PEs completed--aided FY12 Mx Effectiveness Awd
- Led 26 weld cert X-rays; trained three 3-lvls/re-certified six AMT welders--reclaimed $4.8K depot outsourcing costs
- Led 52 A-10C main wheels/350 bolt insps; verified zero discrepancies--prevented gear damage/loss of $18.8M acft
- Led 8 weld tube evals; verified 3 defects/relayed reqmts--cert'd 2 Metals Technology pers/saved $16K outsource fees
- Led Individual Acft Tracking insp tm; insp'd 11 acft in 96 hrs--4th QTR FY12 suspense met/enabled 1K sorties
- Led nine F-15 vari-ramps insps; located 15 pieces of foreign objects--enabled 67 FS Raytheon Trophy win '11
- Led sole X-ray sys degrade; ID'd prsnl safety defects/coord'd rpr--elim'd prsnl radiation exposure/reinstated sys capes
- Led SPO/JOAP short-notice task; analyzed correlation data/val'd 1.2K samples--bested DoD std 17%/avoided lab decert
- Located cracked KC-135 rudder; initiated swift structures repair/returned FMC--aided 909 FY12 7K flt hours

- Managed ITA prgm; governed section's computer re-imaging for 7 desktops--boosted online workload capacity 28%
- Managed workcenter mx/6 acft; executed 150 dispatch jobs/2K in-shop parts--enabled 7K sorties/15K flying hr
- Manning assist w/168 ARW; trained two personnel/certified 28 workcards/ID'd six defects--returned to FMC <8 hrs
- Mission oriented; volunteered to perform active duty in support of AE missions--accomplished required maintenance
- Mng'd 4 florescent penetrant insps; val'd mx trailer serviceability/facilitated 4 eng builds--vaulted F-110 availability 7%
- Mngd section's CTK prgm; ID'd/corrected 52 deficiencies/ensured precise tool tracking--garnered 100% QA pass-rate
- MXS Building Mngr, UCA monitor & SIP Mngr; estbl'd safety procedures/checklist requirements--100% compliant

- NDI shop NCOIC; managed 3 personnel/drove 1K mx action, totaling 7K man hours--securing Wg s 89% WWDR

- OAP unit rpr tm lead; ID'd software/source fault f/3 units/iniated rpr--safeguarded F-135 engine degraded/14K flt hrs
- Outstanding fiscal and ethical use of IMPAC GPC; ensured day to day mission continuity, accurate record keeping

- Perf'd F-22 flt test EIR; executed UT inlet perimeter 4x/val'd secondary fastener retention--safeguarded $150M test asset
- Performed 11 A-10C hydro bay bracket progression insps; validated structural reliability--maintained $84K AF assets
- Performed 12 F-16 canopy sill longeron insps; validated structural part integrity--safeguarded FW's $932M F-16 fleet
- Performed 128 jobs, totaling 357.1 man hours; resulting in aircraft readiness; increasing PACAF mission capability
- Performed PE during '12 LCAP insp; zero discrepancies noted--bolstered 18 WG overall "Satisfactory" rating
- Performed RQ-4 150-flt insp; compiled/analyzed 42 images/restored FOL availability--facilitated 644 AFCENT msns
- Performed six TCTO Rainbow Fitting Inspections; Cleared fleet of possible defect; all aircraft returned to FMC
- Piloted NDI ACC UTC revamp; elim'd 2/4 pallets/1.5k lbs excess cargo--created foundation ISO AOR tasking/TDYs
- Prepared section for 2012 PACAF UCI; zero findings by IG/LCAP/ESOCAMP inspectors--key to 100% rating
- Processed/evaluated 4K TF-34 oil samples/138 oil carts; guaranteed $194M asset--key to 5.8K sorties/15K flying hrs
- Propelled 1.4K PCAMS insp's; ensured eqmt remained w/in tight parameters--ensured unhindered section capabilities
- Pwr'd L-HAWC Phase II spt; coord'd magnetic particle evals/val'd B-52 firewall integrity--averted $1.1M prgm delay

- Savannah Georgia TDY; met diverse challenges, aided GAC troubleshooting & repair hydr sensor--enabled acft FMC
- Scrutinized eight HH-60G 308 beams; validated two cracked brackets--negated eqpmt fail/saved $16K CSAR assets
- Section trng monitor; oversaw four 7-lvls & 12 5-lvls UGT/305 core tasks completed--improved shop's capes >280%
- Spearheaded emer response insps; scann'd 2 MUNS hoist hooks--confirmed sys sfty & restored crit lift/mx hgr capes
- Spearheaded F-35 fuel cell mod; completed 170 inps 30 days early/ID'd five defects--388th FW attained 5th Gen IOC
- Superior performer during "Iron Fist" deployment; insp'd 12 blade seals discovered four defects--averted further dmg
- Supported deployment to Guam; enabled squadron to fly 36 sorties totaling 189 flt hrs and off load 318.1K lbs of fuel
- Supt'd LMA F-35 val/ver; achieved 53%/ID'd 76 procedure errors--saved JSF prgm $190k/912 hrs in AR requests
- Supv'd 14 mbrs UGT/org'd 5 trng days; instructed/cert'd 783 tasks--incr'd shop capes 87%/readied 8 fully qual'd techs

- Technical matter expert; advises and mentors work force on NDI inspections; boosted NDI workforce capabilities
- Tm'd w/Boeing/WPO; led 4 mbr JDAM insp tm/14 kits/20 hrs--provided 266 crit measurements/prevented >80 hr rpr
- Tm'd w/Spectro Scientific engrs; performed non-routine mx on OAP Lab equip--returned spectro-analysis unit to svc
- Trnd 2 pers on CV-22 phase insps; cleared 18 workcards/verified 36 blades/12 oil passages--rtn'd 6 acft/$540M asset

- Uncovered obscure F-15 horizontal stab crack; prompted structural repair--averted $225K critical asset loss

- Verified 28 C-130J brake housing assemblies/19 eng sling kits; insps confirmed zero defects--reinstated $230K assets
- Vol'd 30 hrs to LLS fundraisers; dispersed pamphlets/collected research funds--incrd public health edu/raised >$1.3K
- Volunteered 270 hours as fireguard/attendant for periods of low manning; enabled safe completion of fuel cell maint

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