- Accelerated 30 short notice SCL changes; refragged 27 JDAMs/120 SDBs--primed 134 DS msns/lvl'd 1.1K ISIS facs
- Accommodated MALD SPO team; aided software upgrade/trained 20 personnel--enhanced wg war capability
- Accomplished USCYBERCOM validation; verified 127 users/removed 10--ensured cyber security for 31 FW
- Achieved 100% pass for five MXG Quality Assurance insps; vital to flt's 744 insp w/96% pass--#1 rate in Sq!
- Advanc'd $1.4M NATO/US projects--redistribut'd assets to restore 1.2M lbs/64% of Wg's lost explosive cape
- Advanced crit Lockheed shortages; prep'd 6 egress items for shipment--backfilled 6 F-35 production facility shortfalls
- Advanced first SOF component JNTC ex; directed delivery of 6.1K lbs NEW--enabled 433 jt srt/65 JTACs qualified
- Advocated exer RED FLAG 14-1; supported nine units--sustained 97 aircraft/3K flight hours 12K expenditures
- AF-wide impact! Id'd/up-channeled faulty launcher test guidance--averted $30K asset damage/personnel injury
- AF 1st! Primed close air spt prgm; built 48 advanced penetrator bombs/trained 9 prsnl--incr'd 51 FW muns cape 600%
- AFSO21 Green Belt crs grad; honed pgm enhancement/mgmt skill/strategy--invigorated AMMO LEAN thinkin
- Aid'd beddown of 16 AMRAAMs/$15.9M; xfer'd 2K lbs NEW/rdy'd for immediate ATO--prim'd next-gen A2A capes
- Aided 100% semi-annual inventory; verified accuracy of $165M stockpile--IG lauded "Best seen in 3 years!"
- Aided 13 EOD ops; prep'd 166K demo muns/16K lbs NEW--elim'd $831K ship cost/MSAB/RJAF/RBAF ADR backlog
- Aided Al Udeid 100% stockpile inventory; 100K muns items valued at $29M--upheld munitions accountability
- Aided alert SCL chg/POTUS tasking; reconf'd 4 acft for Deliberate Strike--destroyed AFRICOM s #1 HVI/21EKIA!
- Aided exercise bomb build; streamlined 160 bombs/$5.8M/zero discrepancies--bolstered 36 MUNS CBRNE readiness
- Anchored XX acct allocations; analyzed/auth FY17 forecast--assessed XXXK/$XXM muns 24 hrs ahead of sched
- Appointed Storage Dispatcher/Scheduler; aggressively pursued task qualifications--fully proficient in < 2 wks
- Arm'd MHAFB 1st Ex HAMMER/ARCHER; spt'd 5 sqs/38 a/c--gen'd 800+ tng sorties/21K expends/cert'd 9 wpns sys
- Armed 16 A/C for AEF prep; devised time change sched/replaced 88 items--beat 81% CAF MC rate by 5.6%
- Armed 2x Marine ordnance evaluations ex's; expedited receipt/delivery of muns assets--48 srts/54 flt hrs/22K rds exp
- Armed DOD sole joint irregular warfare exercise; generated 9 acft/364K rounds/263 flt hrs--1.5K multi-nation pers trn'd
- Arranged NSU-11 prep for 39 personnel; created real-time trng rqmnt tracker--eliminated sq overdue training
- Assisted AFSOC muns assessment; 12 acft armed/3 tests completed/125 Airmen trained--fortified 1st AC-130J WIC
- Assisted crash recovery; delivered $1M/45K lbs cargo/80K equip--enabled deployment of F22 A/C to AL Udeid AFB
- Assisted EOD Dec '12 disposal; 35 ADRs/835 items/186 lbs NEW--increased inside storage space 106 sq ft.
- Assisted in pick-up & disposal of $82k in damaged CAD/PAD assets from Boeing; saved AF $12k in shipping costs
- Assisted on muns inspections; verified/corrected 150 WGU-39 AWMs/$5M--cleared three month inspection backlog
- Asst'd chng of MASO inv; insp'd/verified 1.9K items/$41M /7 fac/id'd 47 discreps--captur'd 100% stockpile accuracy
- Attended AGM-65/AIM 88 FTD; 2 credits earned towards CCAF; gained technical maintenance knowledge
- Attention to detail! Insp'd 71 muns storage facilites; ID'd/fixed 16 discreps--safeguarded USAFE's largest stockpile
- Authored misl load plan for three TDY flyouts; delivered 72 CATM-120s--key to successful acft launch/zero delays
- Authored Sq vehicle storage plan; organized 46 cmbt vehicles/$33M--streamlined muns breakout timeline 20%
- Back'd DS msn; prep'd 12 JASSMs/six acft arm'd <24 hrs--decimat'd ISIS beddown facility/awd'd flt's mx pro Aug '19
- Backed 9 yr/$482K igloo door reno proj; clr'd 4 bldgs/1.5M assets--elim'd condemned facs/rtn'd 13K sq ft muns storage
- Backed MCA Concept; led 3 cross trng events/qual'd on 12 crew chief tasks--launched 18 ICT/boosted ACE capes 33%
- Backed Wg's FHP; led 74 ops/delivered 71K assets/2K lbs NEW/funded three sqs/43 acft--fueled 7K sorties/22K flt hrs
- Built blocking/bracing for 704 TEUs; cut 60K+ brds--spt'd largest WRSA-I outload in history/svd Army $3M+
- Built WTD workflow guide; fused tsks into visual reference--aided continuity/IG 'Best Practice' Sep 10 LCAT
- C2'd 63 PL-1/WS3 ops; ensur'd aging systems mx--preserv'd $12B stockpile; 618 NCE items perfectly tracked
- CAS project manager; coor'd nine sects/56K muns trans during sys recovery--reduced down times from four hrs to one
- Catalyst for Zaragoza WTD; built muns pallets/coord'd shipment--aided MXG to win USAFE Daedalian awd
- Championed exer COMBAT HAMMER; enabled 90 sorties/88% mission capability rate--bested CAF std 7%
- Channeled mx efforts for X elements/XX mil prsnl; coord'd XK job requests--spt'd XX acft/XXK flying hrs
- Co-authored '10 TURBOCADS beddown plan; staged 113 containers--$97M in muns delivered for destuff ops
- Co-authored unit Mobility SOI; updated procedures/msn rqmnts--reduced deployment prep tasks by 20+ hours
- Coalition enabler! Provided courtesy MOA/Singapore/US Army units; 66K muns/3K lbs NEW--no msn delays
- Collaborated a swift GBU-31 build; 4 F-35s/3 F-15s/28K lbs NEW/$1.64M--annihilated major ISIS transit hub ISO OIR
- Completed +250 mx tasks; 1.4M lbs of munitions delivered/restored--maintained 95% schedule effectiveness
- Completed 100% fuze verification; inspected 248 GBUs/id'd 21 major defects--reinforced 51 FW lethal combat capes
- Completed 3 PDCs/2 college crses; earned 6 crdt hrs/maintained 3.2 GPA--awd'd Muns System Tech CCAF degree
- Completed 5-lvl tasks two months ahead of schedule; aided OJT development--allowed workcenter flexibility
- Completed HHQ directed insp; upgraded 43 bomb racks/168 munitions--FW's newest $2.7M wpn sys cmbt rdy
- Conducted 9K acft invs; scrutinized 275K wpns/$150M--crushed AOR's 1-day wpns release record/53 wpns in 1 day
- Conducted DV staff visit tour; provided pivot information to USAFE A47--established overview DMC impact
- Conducted lightning protection system insp; id'd/corrected 80 corroded test pockets--ensured stockpile safety
- Conducted ORE daily equip issue; controlled >600 tools/$104K supporting 40 personnel--ensured 100% accountability
- Conducted RIE on bomb assembly ops; slashed redundancies/built 6 GBUs--rocketed hrly prod rate 400%/no defects
- Consistently validated 270 mbrs mobility rqmnts; 100% inspection ready--zero defects/ LCAT Top Performer
- Contributed wkly AMU & Ops sq meeting; analyzed <2.5K muns request vs allocation--vital wg's cmbt tng rqmt met
- Controlled area mgr; ID'd vulnerability/drafted $334K security system upgrade--safeguarded $6.8M stockpile
- Controlled completion of 16K workorders; coord'd with eight work centers--maintained 95% scheduling effectiveness
- Controlled completion of 80 workorders; coor'd w/six work centers--maintained 95% scheduling effectiveness
- Controlled veh ADR program; flawlessly secured seven certs--enabled MEP execution support COCOM tasks
- Coord scheduled turn-in of 150 depot repairable assets; zero late/overdues--$1.1M returned to AF supply sys
- Coord'd 2.8K shipments; insp'd/prep d 37.8K lbs NEW/$185M--crit to 2018 UEI Effective rating/coined by SecDef
- Coord'd critical 100K container stacker cylinder repair; enabled shipment of 87 TEUs/260K lbs NEW/$53.7M
- Coord'd high priority shipment/6K grenades; provided logistical support--enhanced security of troops in AOR
- Coord'd local destruct efforts w/EOD; disposed of 835 muns valued at $10K--saved AF $8K in transport costs
- Coord'd Memphis ANG short-notice DIFM; steered XXXX explosive actuator swap--ensured uninterrupted ops
- Coord'd msn critical veh mx support; mngd two assets--shipped 939 tns for Operation UNITED ASSISTANCE
- Coord'd wg's "Show of Force" muns spt; armed 5 acft/700 105/40mm--showcased 1 SOW's combat capes to SECAF
- Coordinated A4 directed retrograde reorg; inspect'd/shipp'd 72 AIM-9Xs/120s f/mx--enabled $110M AAM restoration
- Coordinated trng for 39 AEF 5 deployers; matched rqmnts w/31 MXG mobility--coined by USAFE UCI team
- Coordinated USAFE munitions redistribution; 167 items, $5.8M--cleared 2-yr backlog of unserviceable assets
- Crafted disposal plan for 43K assets; shipped intra-theater/saved $429K--MXG 5th straight USAFE Daedalian
- Crew mbr during dock ops in-load; received/stored five 17T/20' shipping containers--secured 2.1K+ lbs NEW
- Crewchiefed 30MM SPI; oversaw 15 mbrs/fixed >450 errors--prep'd 175K rnds/$4M for global redistribution
- Crewchiefed chaff/flare builds; inspect/process 6K countermeasures/200 exp/$5M--sustained pilot safety f/cmbt msns
- Delegated CM refrag ops; swapped 16.4K mods/ensured serviceable muns spt--secured A-10/F-16 acft defense capes
- Delivered 1st ACE muns; supplied 5 trailers f/dispersed loading ops--adv'd acft recovery process/coined by sqdn CC
- Delivered muns assets to Inspection; enabled PI on 95 line items/$12.6M--fortified integrity of WRM stockpile
- Design'd AJAB muns bed-down plan; 720 bombs/500K NEW/$972K--ensured crit storage space availability
- Devised no-notice Poland TDY support; expedit'd 50K muns/12 acft armed <36 hrs--255 sorties/12 pilots trn'd
- Diligent SIP flt lead; transmitted/coord'd XX emerg action cklsts/rpts--safeguarded XXX prsnl/100% accountable
- Dir'd Ex FORGING SABRE ops; led breakout/dlvry f/ three units/$5.3M muns--supt'd 66 srts/17K exps/28 pilots trnd
- Dir'd SELARM mgt/trng; instructed 98 Amn on arm/de-arm/UOF procedures--secured 31 firearms/200-acre MSA
- Directed AS69 comm flow; resolved outage <10 mins reducing downtime--processed $53M/met EUCOM task
- Directed CATM-9X WSEP receipt; 14 misls insp'd/prepped/$850K muns 100% MC--Promote ahead of peers
- Directed fltline deliveries; transported 27.2K chaff & flare worth $624K--enabled 4.4K sorties/5.9K flying hrs
- Directed IMDS workflow; scheduled/executed 1416 preventive Mx actions--ensured serviceability 224 pcs SE
- Directed ops f/8 work ctrs; dispatched/tracked 8.3K mx actions--contributed to 9K sorties/armed AF's largest F-16 FHP
- Directed SUU-25 mx validation; 23 inspections performed in <72 hrs--$26K munitions stockpile deemed serviceable
- Directed the crash/recovery of F-16, ensured safety of all aircrew and munitions personnel--zero loss of life or assets
- Directed transport of 145 missiles/components; $34M in WRM assets staged for mx/test--key to 95% MC rate
- Directed turnover inv; org'd 24 tms/96 mbrs/ver'd 6.5M assets w/100% accuracy--guarant'd muns rdy f/$6.1B a/c fleet
- Directed two AFCENT RDO out shipments; 16 AGM-114/560 lbs NEW/$1.1M--directly supported war effort
- Dispatch'd 70 mbr bomb reno team; consolidated 9.3K/$21.2M; freed 6K sq ft/DoD compliant--BTZ recipient
- Drove alert asset readiness; armed 4 F-16s for escort msn--evacuated 150 people from U.S. embassy in Libya
- Drove AMD mx; insp'd/installed 48 protective boots/$11K--ensured misl assets prep'd for storage/LRS turn-in
- Drove MSEM ops; cmplt'd corrosion ctrl/insp/rpr f/275 MMHE/$11.1M--enabled 8K sorties/12.4K flt hrs/91 pilots trn'd
- Drove nine self-insps; perfectly accounted $185M assets--instrumental to MXG 5th straight USAFE Daedalian
- Drove repair pressure washer relief valve <1 hr; enabled customs cleaning--$53M muns shipment unabated
- Drove SDC install; orchestrated access/approval w/ USAFE Det4--reduced OS install/patch downtime 80%
- Drove XX custody annual inventories; validated XXM muns/$XXM--selected as XXXXXX Mission Spotlight mbr
- Dvlp'd/executed Wg muns reception pln; safely received 603K assets/$923K--FY '15 muns stored/no incidents
- Elim'd 3yr ADR backlog; insp'd 422 items/tm'd w/ES/EOD f/local destruct approval--reallocated AF $237K trans costs
- Enabled no-notice Poland TDY; expedited 50K muns/12 acft armed/ready <36 hrs--lead to 255 NATO sorties
- Enabled vital equip acquisition; replaced nine torque wrenches worth $6K--prevented msn stoppage/TMDE shortfalls
- Engineered critical data recovery; ID'd/diagnosed faulty HDD--salvaged essential 10 year TMO historical file
- Established cost free solution for VoIP phone replacement; ensured no workcenter downtime--saved sq $1.8K
- Exceptional section lead; managed four AD/two LN--maintained 69 veh >$6M unprecedented 91% VIC rate
- Execut'd SCL change; built Wg's 1st loco GBU-54 x18 <24 hrs--equip'd decisive airpower/20 enemy tgts kill'd
- Executed $13M asset retrograde; delivered/loaded 735 tons of 30mm ammo--postured AOR assets for combat
- Executed allocation xfer request; procured XXK muns items/$XXK--enhanced force-on-force tactical urban tng
- Executed beddown 32 AGM-158's/$27M; enabled trng 100 Amn/three elements/six units--enhanced combat lethality
- Executed flawless ATO swap, coordinated delivery of JDAM/AIM-9/120 msls--14 x F16 a/c mission ready < 24 hrs
- Executed master storage plan adjustment; maximized 272K sq ft storage space usage--primed USAFE resupply
- Executed no notice RAPIDS exercise; uploaded 3 MC-130J's/WRM chaff & flare/$60K--ensured 100% msn readiness
- Executed RI on 592 flares/$835K; ID'd/fixed 212 packing errors--increased EUCOM war fighting capability
- Executed three HHQ alert tasks; directed load of 14K muns/$27M--postured 14 acft for NATO/UN cmbt msns
- Expedited 16.3K muns transport; steered 720 mvmts/423K lbs NEW--supplied 65 Danger Close pkgs/136 expenditures
- Expedited countermeasure deliveries/load times; provided $XXXK acft def muns--XXX aircrew mbrs combat rdy
- Expedited ops readiness; trn'd five mbrs/40 hrs/cert'd tractor & trailer procedures--incr'd sec quals 17%/filled UTC rqmts
- Expedited residue ops; insp'd/xfer'd 761 containers/46 tons--cleared 3 yr backlog/secured 8.4K sq ft f/future muns msns
- Expedited seven gun sys jams; repaired $164K sys--instrumental to FW's 67% 8 hr fix, #1 Blk 40 F-16 in CAF
- Expedited two 100% inv mx teams; id'd/fixed 83 stockpile discrepancies--key to sq "Excellent" LCAP rating
- Expedited WASP contractor TCTO/40 MHU-226s; critical trlr parts insp'd/replaced <2 hrs--saved AF $35K+
- Expertly coord'd 3 F-22 reconfigs; 6 acft/18 wpns loaded <10 hrs/24-hr std--4 GBUs on ISIS < 72 hrs of AOR arrival
- Expertly coord'd 8 emer responses w/EOD/Local agencies; ID'd/safed XX UXO's--efforts protected XXXK populace
- Expertly coord'd AC-130J generations; 7 acft/5.5K deployment muns <2 hrs--validated outload practices/capabilities
- Expertly filled 1st Sgt duties for 4 mo; drove 2 discharges/humanitarian reassignment--ensured mission focus
- Explosive operations liaison; coord'd delivery 3M assets/88 tons/$13M--enabled 743 SOF aircrew contingency qual'd
- Extended muns service life of 96 bombs/384 items; saved $4.2M--key'd Sq's best in USAFE Maintenance Awd
- Facilitated 3 jt-svc psyops msns; ctrl'd mvmnt of 7 wpns/350K leaflets dropped in Syria--disrupted ISIS recruitment
- Facilitated Army sea container shipment ops; provided download of 573 muns/$393K--enhanced jt svc co-op
- Facilitated base def measures/capabilities; spt'd X SFS accts/XXXK muns--security posture met/xxK prsnl safe
- Facilitated Bio Noise survey; complied week-long Worcester sound levels--increased safety and compliance
- Facilitated ISR msn; loaded 15 RPAs/93 missiles--bolstered 1K cmbt sorties/10K FH/96 EKIA/elim'd 5 Syrian HVIs/IS
- Facilitated MICT integration; streamlined flt self-inspection/18 checklists/1K+ tasks--heightened HQ visibility
- Facilitated MSA rewarehousing; coord'd 6 ops/8 prsnl/12 structures--incr'd muns stor space 13K sq ft /172K lbs NEW
- Facilitated new hazmat crs; cert'd 22 mbrs in two days--saved AF $60K TDY cost/incr'd range delivery capes 78%
- Facility manager; validated 62 point checklist/10 insp/two bldgs/zero write ups--cut work order backlog 30%
- Facility Mngr; conducted 12 spot insps/submitted 17 w/o s/performed DIY rpr's--upheld $1.4M bldg f/3 shops/76 prsnl
- Filled NCO role as Sweden WTD prep lead; 14 people/285K lbs cargo--coined by Gp/CC for model outcome
- Finalized 14K/$2.3M MK-82 bomb SPI; ID'd/corrected 15K+ erroneous markings--efforts coined by 3AF/CC!
- Fltline response mbr; repaired broken bomb rack on alert a/c--spt'd 16 hr msn, US Embassy evac/150 lives svd
- Fortified 1st HUREVAC allocation/auth xfer; secured XXK items/$XXXK--averted $XXK annual TDY cost
- Forward thinker! Pre-insp'd 1.2 tons cargo; val'd $4.4M eqpmt inventory--FW poised for upcoming AEF msn
- Fostered multisvc op Native Fury; readied 21K DoD muns assets--expedited beddown for 3K Army/Marine dply'd mbrs
- Fulfilled F/L muns ops; delivered 27K assets for 31 aircraft/450 BoT/$845K--equipped 3 AMUs ISO Freedom Sentinel
- Go to Amn/six man PI crew; tested/insp'd 10 AGM-65 Mavericks--readied USAFE's tactical strike wpns/$2M
- Guided muns storage ops; xxx work orders/$xxxM/xxxM lbs NEW transport'd safely --backed ATO ops/xxx sorties
- Hallmark results! Initiated review on 258 mobility folders; compliant in < 3 days--flawless LCAT insp results
- Hand-picked as distinguished visitor escort; showcased outload practices/capabilities--coined by USAFE/CV
- Hand-picked for key team during LCAP; showcased storage practices/facilities--lauded as "outstanding" by IG
- Hand-selected TDY tm mbr; armed DoD's largest JTAC CAS ex/fed 24 sorties/132 flt hrs--coined by USSOCOM/J44
- Handpicked by A4 f/deployment tasking; qual'd as senior muns inspector/comp'd SEJPME--incr'd joint interoperability
- Handpicked sq IAO/EMSEC mgr; rebuilt prgm/100% compliance--zero discrepancies on no-notice Wing insp
- Head'd AFSOC CV22 lat spt; establish'd 7.62MM trng allocation--facilitated aircrew GAU21 proficiency trng
- Headed ops f/lrgst AOR air strike in 6 yrs; guided build up of 30 bombs/armed 6 F-16s <2hrs--elim'd 9 terrorist sply pts
- Headed TCTO upgrade; cert'd 291 JDAM kits/crushed suspense <120 hrs--rdy'd jt service muns w/next-gen technology
- Held MSgt/NCOIC billet; mentored/trnd 20 prsnl--completed 3K w/o's/delivered 600K assets/4 MAJCOMs/98 acfts
- Hosted AF Vehicle Validation Visit; showcased Sq needs to HAF--15/65 vehicles realigned/only one removed
- ID'd 17.5K serviceable excess muns; recover'd $378K assets to supply sys--enabled AF-wide GACP redistro
- Identified/led reorganization of storage containers; relocated 9K munitions--svd AF $424K in munition repairs
- Implemented CAF MCL/CFETP UGT core task rqmts; 25% FTD increase/182 personnel--seamless transition
- Improved WS3 PMEL program; implemented 100% account listing--ensured $56K essential tools accounted
- Initiated DRMO process; 178 legacy items sanitized for turn in--relieved sq of $53K unused accountable equip
- Inspected/cert'd 740 lbs expended brass; verified no hazardous residue--averted mishap/cemented compliance
- Instilled integrity in muns cache; cmplt'd 62 periodic insp's/25K items--gained special knowledge of muns insp prgm
- Instructed five Amn in storage proc's; trained on two programs & 47 core tasks/31 completed--incr'd sect knowledge
- Instrumental in preparing mobility equip for deployment to Combat Archer, resulting in successful mission
- Integral to $38M MILCON project/largest AF fuel bladder farm; escorted 300 TCNs--58M lbs fuel delivered
- Key delivery team mbr; delivered/restored 1,638 MK82 general purpose bombs--assets 100% UCI readied
- Key player during 1.2K ST outload; handpicked 7.5T truck driver/87 TEUs moved--shipped 34K assets/$54M
- Key tm mbr on Oct 10 JCS directed weapon inventory; 100% accountability--completed 24 hrs ahead of time
- Key to 30MM combat mix TD&E; prepared 7K+ rounds--24 CAS sorties flown/TTP provided to Central Command
- Key to HQ-Redistribution; shipped 24 AIM-9Ms worth $1.2M <8 hrs--Lakenheath supplied w/ msn-critical assets
- Keyed ATO bomb prod; xfer'd 7K items/572K lbs NEW--spt'd 3K wpns builds/2.6K drops/elim'd 855 HVT/2.3K EKIA
- Launched SDB TCTO mx actions; updated/tested 264 GBU-39's/$7.4M--solidified 100% stockpile reliability
- Led 12 Amn! Direct'd flt line spt; 23K CM/$1M/1.6K lbs NEW--enabled safe airlift 14K PAX/5K cargo tons
- Led 123 Amn/5 sections supporting 51 F-16s; 7.1K sorties/55 pilots w/13K muns expended--Wg SNCO of Qtr
- Led 14 munition flight-line ops; deliver'd 6.7K flares/1K chaff valued at $459K--enabled 1.2K mission sorties
- Led 237 muns receipts; transported 424 pallets/231K assets--added $176M to muns stockpile/armed 3 MDS/11 jt accts
- Led 27 Amn/managed 1.3K work tasks; shipped/received 348K munitions/$9.6M--named MXG "NCO of Qtr"
- Led 53 F2N tasks; transferred 282 GBU-38s/54s/$32.4M due for mx/insp--upheld WRM readiness f/ 51 FW posture
- Led 844 trng/tactical msl insps; maintained $49M/98% FMC--fueled 9K FY15 srts/24K flt hrs...Wg's highest in 5 yrs
- Led ACE TDY; rdy'd 25T eqpt, 8 mbrs/built 3K muns--enabled 47 expends/validated AFCENT's rapid dplymt capes
- Led AFSOC CV-22 lat spt; established 7.62MM trng allocation--facilitated aircrew GAU-21 proficiency trng
- Led critical msn support; c/w daily insp/mx of 12 vehicles/$437K--received "Excellent" Wg assessment rating
- Led DoD mandated ESS/ArcGIS sw install; facilitated weapons safety sys upgrade--auth'd 9.4k short tons stor
- Led insp quick-fix team/100% stockpile inv; corrected 42 defects--drove 31 MXG '14 USAFE Daedalian win
- Led insps/enabled demil/26K lbs MOP bomb; warhead case salvaged for re-use--saved AF $1M in replacement costs
- Led local disposal breakout; transferred 214 cluster bombs/159Tons worth $3M--met DoD's theater-wide guidance
- Led LRS/ISO swap-outs; replaced/rewarehoused 15 units/$100K--provided crit security for $11.7M stockpile
- Led muns resupply op; insp/restored 36.8K assets/2.6M lbs NEW--led to 8.2K wpns built/592 grads cmbt rdy
- Led Poland TDY; nine weapons systems ready/10 2W0 prsnl--seven F-16s deployed/NATO trng objs fulfilled
- Led stockpile mx ops; directed 95 work orders/406 assets/$7M/100% QA pass rate--assured support f/ 10 jt svc TDYs
- Led VoIP migration survey; confirmed 131 VoIP/10% hl--100% compliant >9 mos ahead of USAFE deadline
- Liaised w/Royal Thai AF; 20 AIM-9L missiles/$1.7M intransit muns housed--fostered US/ally safety/security
- Linchpin for two semi-annual inventories; 30 mbrs/7 shops/670 man-hrs--validated 5.2M assets; 99% accuracy
- Led 2X exer tear down ops; insp'd/disassembled 1.4K GBUs/$56M--incr'd cmbt capes/lauded by leadership as SP/OP
- Maintained $1.5M MMHE fleet; insp'd 52 trlrs/1.7K pcs/37 repairs--assured serviceable AFCENT equip/fed 1.3K srts
- Maintained deployed asset accountability; verified 100% line items--accurately reported $12M status to HHQ
- Maintained Master Storage Plan; updated 56 facility drawings--17K sq ft of storage space reported to PACAF
- Maintained MSP prgm; assesses in/out shp beddown schemes f/$187M arsenal--spts 17 custody accts/34 acft iso OIR
- Maintained/inspected 28 fire extinguishers; id'd/rectified mounting height errors/4 facilities--protected 26 Amn
- Managed $463K special vehicle fleet; supervised 14 bobtails daily checkout--met 23 WG mx readiness w/zero delays
- Managed 10 custody accounts; outlined provisions to custodians/commanders--uninterrupted munitions support
- Managed 163 AIM-9M coolant tanks; ID'd/staged 25 tanks/$1.7K for 5 yr hydrostatic test--100% serviceability
- Managed 27 muns custody accts/500K items/$2.2M; coord'ed w/9 wg agencies/4 sections--100% accounted
- Managed above-grnd fuel tank pgm; insp d/maintained 1K/2K gal tanks/$65K--yielded QoL heat/A/C necessary f/prsnl
- Managed COMSEC turn in; 2 SKLs/4 KSV-21s delivered to 31CS--$12.6K equip reutiliz'd to secure AF ntwrk
- Managed five nuclear certified testers; coord local repair w/eqpmt specialist--svd AF $882K replacement cost
- Managed HAZMAT prgm; 11 MSDS routed for translation--exceeded 31 FW/CEAN standards w/zero findings
- Managed JCS JUNIPER STALLION prep; shipped 226K ST cargo/99.6 lbs muns--strengthened US/Israeli ties
- Managed LPS prgm; organized 160 bldg insps/5 workcenters--preserved FW's $91M munitions stockpile/$68M bldgs
- Managed MSP; tracked current/future beddown for 72 bldgs--lauded by USAFE/IG "best stockpile in 3 years"
- Managed muns shipping/receiving bay; oversaw SI's on 10.2K assets--met stringent deadlines/rec'd 100% QA rating
- Managed shop ancillary trng prgm; tracked 44 crs's/21 mbrs--secured 100% on-time completion rate/set Sq std
- Managed short-notice shipment; 10 AIM 9L/M guidance sections/$230K--guaranteed vital assets RDO time-line met
- Managed short-notice shipment; 16 AGM-114 Hellfire msls/$1.1M--guaranteed vital assets RDO timeline met
- Managed Sq's largest precision eqpmt acct; 150 tools/zero overdue--keyed Sq's USAFE Maintenance Awd win
- Managed X file plans; quality ck'd/validated 523K muns actions/auditable rcds--reaped 100% document control
- Mastered 5-lvl CDC's; cmplt 1st unit under 45 days w/ 98% EOC exam rate--geared for increased 5-lvl responsibility
- Mastered Leading Tms/Mgmt Essentials crs's; merged mgmt/led 20 mentoring sessions--Takt time down 98 hrs
- Meticulous inspector; fulfilled 32 custody isu requests/164 muns assets--completed critical training for 5 EOD techs
- Meticulously completed trip flare PI; validated serviceability 2.5K muns--$128K assets prep'd for global use
- MK-84 bomb restoration crew mbr; remarked/consolidated 1.1K/$1.9M--freed 2.1K sq ft/DoD stds compliant
- Mng d HUREVAC ops; 14 tons equip/163 pers/100% assets relocated--safed wg's $7.9B fleet/CONPLAN readiness
- Mng'd ASTE prep; 8 acft/14 flare/4 squib types/3 DoD orgs--ensured $2M allocation assets in place/available for test
- Mobilized TSP/Plus-up; postured $10K equip/32 CATM-9s/$5.9M <8hrs--seamless transition/24 acft/54 pax
- Monitored HAZMAT/HAZCOM; inspected & maintained 331 items--zero discrepancies in waste mngmt procedures
- Monitored intransit ops; 495 pallets/614K lbs NEW/8M muns/$116M--won Dec EMXG Team of Month awd
- Monitored/updated wkly flying muns rqmt; ensured spt for 3.7K trng msn/16K FHP--rectified/approved 300+ change
- Munitions crew member; built 216 flare valued at $26K for C-130 swap out--guaranteed 100% mission ready
- Muns Ops scheduler; dvlp'd/mng'd XXX work orders/oversaw XXXK transactions--astounding 100% QA pass rt
- Opened 50 IPs for CAS/AIT; removed restrictions on server--ensured accountability on $492M muns stockpile
- Orchestrated 55 pc GBU-15/AGM-130 MSE turn-in; ended $253M obsolete wpns prgm--saved 40 man hrs/wk
- Orchestrated MAC insp; trained 8 mbrs/diagnosed 6 deficiencies--established equip shortfall/preserved safety f/41 psnl
- Orchestrated misl PIs; 41 CATM-88s inspected <1 hr/four defects id'd--concluded HQ/ACC OTI 2 wks early
- Orchestrated safe mvmt 32 5-ton armored trucks from Livorno Port for local storage; saved AF $66K trans cost
- Org'd EOD destruct op; insp'd/prep'd 1K items/1.5K lbs NEW/$300K--eliminated aging/unsafe muns/1K sq ft freed
- Organized ANATOLIAN FALCON prep; 3K muns mobilized--first WTD w/ 100% sortie rate in wg's history
- Organized flt Weapons Safety pgm; integrated digital safety review logs--provided immediate safety oversight
- Organized Global Lightning prep; mobilized 4 pers/758/$37K muns items--evaluated new GPS navigation system
- Outstanding Crew Chief; safely downloaded 29K+ muns assets--guaranteed muns for 57 WG's 149 allotted aircraft
- Overhaul'd master storage plan; rewarehous'd 61K lbs NEW/41 blgs/$11.7M--open'd 850 sq ft crit floor space
- Overhauled CTK/Spare tool prgm; created 232 pc CTK/consolidated 1738 spares--100% TAS accountability
- Oversaw $1.5M veh fleet; coord'd daily insp/safety checks 29 general/special purpose vehicles--enabled 3K muns ops
- Oversaw $8M alert misl stockpile; bolstered six ONE msns--secured eastern seaboard/air space for POTUS
- Oversaw 50 launcher TCTOs; 16 missiles fired w/100% release Ex Cmbt Hammer--FW's 1st live fire in 2 yrs
- Oversaw all muns shipments; 63K items/72 shipments/404tons/$370M--ensured serviceability of 380AEW stockpile
- Oversaw bed down f/2 USMC units; received/stored 62K assets--supplied muns f/22 acft/facilitated 211 jt trng sorties
- Oversaw eTools TCTO; updated C2+ software on 27 laptops--100% compliant >3 mos ahead of AF deadline
- Oversaw flt line msl swaps; coor'd exchange of 704 msls sched'd f/ mx--enabled A2A/A2G trng/upheld msl lethality
- Oversaw FMS xfer/$129M muns; advised hazards/staged 1.2M lbs NEW--furthered HN trng msns/54K assets del'd
- Oversaw Muns database credibility; tracked 406 prsnl/1.5K docs/170K trans qtrly--ensured DoD lvl audit compliance
- Oversaw muns ops/WV 14-06; directed 454 CATM-9M/X/88 deliveries/164 cbt trng sorties/2 days--Promote
- Oversaw section schd; org'd insp/delivery 154K assets w/ 8 prsnl--ensured 100% schding effectiveness rate
- Oversaw T.O. change; enabled local maintenance on 88 missiles vs. depot repair--saved $1.4M in ship costs
- Oversaw time-compliance tech order; modernized 168 GBU-39s/$5M weapon sys--won Sq '14 USAFE MEA
- Patrolled ASP post IDF attacks x9; ensured ASP UXO free <13 min avg/30 min std--safeguarded 51 2W0 prsnl
- Paved the way for Romania TDY; mobilized 35.2 tons of cargo--11 pilots postured NATO forward presence
- Performed 48 Periodic Insps; extended $6M+ stockpile shelf-life--ensured zero overdues/enabled 489 sorties
- Performed AGM-65 breakout; pulled/restored 24 msls for mx--$4.5M readied for Overseas Contingency Ops
- Performed AGM-88 breakout; delivered/restored 16 missiles for mx--$7M assets rtn'd to svc/five AWMs c/w
- Performed countless trailer configurations; aided 2.6K SAR training sorties/933K assets--FT Rescue 91.1% MC rate
- Performed section NCOIC duties; managed $4.4M assets/oversaw eight programs--zero defects during '14 UEI
- Performed six WS3 vault annual PMIs; preserved aging PL1 support system--ensured equipment 100% ready
- Piloted Army shipment; guided 12 psnl/rdy'd 64K muns/29 tons/15 acft pallets <72hrs--crushed HHQ tasking by 7 days
- Piloted ASA $1.5M AF fiber upgrade; coord w/ 5 joint agencies--8 switches/7 manholes/20k ft fiber installed
- Piloted TGM-65 720-day insps; serviced 25 PGMs/$4.7M--raised 20 FW target acquisition/lock on capability
- Pinpointed 20 FW 3rd/4th qtr FY13 stockpile shortfalls; id'd 2.5K assets/$84K--beat ACC deadline by 2 days
- Pivotal to Souda Bay prep; load'd A/C pallets with essential muns/eqmt items <2 hrs--afforded Jt US/Greek training
- Planned transfer/transport trng for 29 mbrs; supported NATO Cross Service ex--enhanced multi-national msns
- Postured 15 MQ-9s f/wartime taskings; armed RPAs w/30 Hellfire msls <24 hrs--elim'd 12 tgts w/low collateral wpns
- Postured Poland TDY; 73 eqpmt items/sptd 18 a/c, 336 sorties--US/NATO alliance upheld Crimean response
- Powered jt svc ops; answered 4 short notice SCL changes for 36 wpns/6 F-16s--fueled 8 JTAR msns/certified 17 JTACs
- Prep & issued 97k 5.56 & 8k 9mm for 125CATM; $36K in muns assets--led to qualifying over 400 troops for WWD
- Prep'd $184K eqpmt/2 prgms; rdy'd 4 tech op tms--"flawless" NSSAV result; flt secured "Superior Performer"
- Prep'd 40MM MICAP shipment to Al Udeid; inspected/shipped 4K items/$382K--supported COCOM taskings
- Prep'd assets for Libya Embassy msn; key to 2.5K bombs/4 acft delivery <8 hrs--158 prsnl/80 Marines evac'd
- Prepared 30 muns trls/40 CATM misls/36 acft loaded ISO Ex WV 14-07--led to 20 FW "Effective" UEI rating
- Prepared 42 AEF 9 mbrs; drove 35 hrs trng/cert'd deployment quals--led MXG/smashed suspense by 30 days
- Prepared 66 CADS containers for insp; 15 discrepancies id'd/assets segregated--secured vital msn capability
- Prepared Portugal deployment plan; relocated 213 tons of equipment/munitions--strengthened NATO relations
- Prepped ops Agile Spartan packout; rdy'd 25T eqpt/74 precision wpns--enabled 16 ICT/validated AFCENT's ACE capes
- Primed PSYOP msns; dlvr'd 91 propaganda muns/40M leaflets--reduced enemy's civ pop spt/elim'd ISIS along MERV
- Primed ship/rec taskings; housed 34K muns/24 AGMs/$7.4M/ID'd 18 errors--boosted ATO capes/161 DS msns flown
- Primed Sq for USAREUR EEPAS insp; managed section's HazMat/HazWaste prgm--benchmark for garrison
- Pristine MASO inventory team mbr; val'd XXK muns/$XXM < XX hrs--secured 100% asset integrity/zero delays
- Pro-actively corrected critical storage LIMFAC, re-warehoused >300 muns items, resulting in 100% pass Safety Insp
- Processed 119K 20mm rnds/50K countermeasures;supported 44 F-16 acft--generat'd 6K sorties/8K flyin hours
- Processed 48 trucks for base reconstruction; guided clean-up/tent set-up--provided billets for 1.5K+ personnel
- Processed XXK expenditures; adjusted XXM/$XXXK/muns off record--afforded HHQ real-time vis/XX wg accts
- Processed/insp 10K 25MM rnds/$450K; braced 1st F-35A 25MM combat msns--600 sorties/3.3K flt hrs/60 expended
- Provided CTK Flt lat spt; >100 tool kits insp'd/$250K/120 man hrs--award'd Gp SNCO MXS Spt Pro Dec '12
- Pursued cert's early; chaff/flare load qual'd six vs 12 mos MTP std--executed 24 muns loads/handled 12.9K acft muns
- Pursued higher education; earned 18 credit hrs toward BA in Resource/Tech Mgmt--3 course's remain for BA/3.5 GPA
- Qual'd on 77% of vehicle fleet; key to four HQ-directed munitions movements--raised unit readiness by 12%
- Rapidly coord'd ANG/AMC lateral spt xfer; issued X emer fire carts--averted MICAP/potential $XXXM grd acft
- Rdy'd 132 GBU-39s f/ DS msn; six acft arm'd<24 hrs--enabl'd 68 single-day exp/lrgst in 3 yrs/19 ISIS tgts destroy'd
- Rdy'd bomb rack divestiture; cut in-use eqpmt 5%/svd 320 man-hrs--drove MXG's 5th USAFE Daedalian win
- Readied mbrs for GF/CH; ensured 32 participant's trng/100% qual--380 sorties/487 bombs/46K rds expended
- Receiv'd 95K inbound muns items; validat'd quanities/serviceability--bolster'd Wg's stockpile/858K lbs NEW
- Received 12 CATM-120Ds/$8.4M; readied next generation PGMs--sealed 480 FS's air superiority/tactical advantage
- Received 16 ISO containers; warehoused 21 air-to-air/ground missiles valued $3.4M--strengthened TSP capabilities
- Received/insp'd 1K illuminating flares; remarked 68 incorrect items--$1M assets bedded down safely/secure
- Reconciled nightly flight line ops; delivered 5K+ BDU-33s/138K 30mm/32k chaff/flare; spt'd 50+ air-crews/80 acft
- Reconditioned 80 high security locks; prolonged svc life/$135K prgm--fortified USAFE largest muns inventory
- Reconfig'd VPN router to allow fiber connect; reduced downtime 50%--enabled $1.6B WRSA-I prgm support
- Rectified ADPE account; 124 inventory items adjusted--corrected accountability/$385K essential equip assets
- Rectified Marine asset discreps; rpr'd markings/pkging f/235 assets to rtn ship--clear'd ltd storage space/improv'd JFT
- Remedied corrosion ctrl LIMFAC; sync'd w/51AMXS sched/cmplt'd 91 insps--sec'd MMHE longevity f/$2.3M eqpmt
- Rectified MMHE safety flaw; insp'd/torqued 100% crit trl parts <10 hrs--sustained FMC rates/avoided explosive mishap
- Remarkable dispatcher; updates MC2 on 33 personnel/34 vehicles/workorder status daily--consistent accuracy
- Reorg'd flt bench stock prgm; inv'd/calc'd consumption rt f/19.3K pcs/$340K--elim'd 2K sup deficiencies/AWP delays
- Responded to dropped muns incident; evacuated 37 Amn/safed 4 SDBs--won 380 AEW's Wpn Safety Awd/April '15
- Restored local file server sys crash; repaired corrupted OS file/reconfig'd settings--273GB/7 yrs data rescued
- Revamp'd fire extinguisher prgm; track'd 51 bottles/168 insps/ID'd 40+ ovrdue--ensured safety of 28 prsnl/22 vehicles
- Revamped area security/facility surveillance procedures; revised shop checklist--14 QA evals/100% pass rate
- Revamped debunked Key Spouse prgm; instituted website/newsletter/spouse appts--lifted morale 70 spouses
- Revamped deficient deployment process; defined sq lead expectations--reduced WTD prep time by 2 hrs/day
- Revamped flt's mx flow; cut backlog 10%--critical to 31 FW's 84% msn capable rate, best Blk 40 F-16 in CAF
- Revamped muns custodian guide; clarified owner/user responsibilities & procedures--reduced errors by 28%
- Revamped muns scheduling process; streamlined sq work order processes--eliminated 208 man-hours annually
- Revised Safety Pgrm; revised JSTO/13 local AF Form 55s--zero discrepancies during squadron safety visit
- Revised sec CTK prgm; cataloged 251 pcs/$543K/corrected 37 discreps--clr'd three mo backlog/zero QA fails f/qtr
- Revised shop CTK procedures; incorporated TCMax systm tool/distribution procedures--svd 50 man hrs/yr
- Revised wkly trailer invs; verified 129 MHU's/UALS worth $5.5 M--secured accurate status/configuration
- Revitalized custodian brfs; clarified user/muns acct liabilities/XX prsnl trained--reduced inventory backlog XX%
- Rewarehoused 12 storage structures; relocated 140K lbs of muns--increased space by 35% for inbound assets
- Rewarehoused 325 MK-82 bombs; combined three structures into one--opened 5K sq ft for FY '10 allocations
- Rewarehoused six facs/1.4K tons; freed 10.8K sq ft--instrumental to section's UCI "Superior Performer" awd
- Safeguarded 495 in-transit pallets; track'd 2.9M items/524K lbs NEW--contributed to Gp Team OTM Dec '12
- Safeguarded MSA; tasked sentinel f/alarmed facilities w/faulty security sys/high CIIC items--secured $517K assets
- Safely stored Hill AFB munitions; supported 11 F-35 beddown/critical to runway rpr efforts--1200 flt hrs/700 sorties
- Satisfied HHQ directive/prep'd 1.1K muns f/shipment; palletized retrograde assets/$5K--beat std/shipped 28 days early
- Scheduled intel pre-deployment briefings; members instructed on area risk--ensured physical/personal security
- Scrutinized FW s bomb rack utilization; leaned insp rqmts/in-use eqpmt 70%--recovered 480 man hrs annually
- Scrutinized FY16 logistics allocation rpt; endorsed XX acct auths/X hrs--XXX muns levels/zero WRM shortfalls
- Scrutinized weekly muns schedule; verified 500+ mx actions--achieved 99% element scheduling effectiveness
- Sel'd f/OAR; assembled 220 tents, 50+ relief stations, prepped comfort items enabled easy transition f/ 10k evacuees
- Semi-annual stockpile inv team mbr; tallied 1K AUAB muns line items/$33M--achieved 100% accountability
- Served as Mental Health conduit; two members treated--ensured safe transport/return/follow up return to duty
- Set-up 7th Special Forces Gp spt event; provided meals to 57 deployers/family--raised sister service members' morale
- Shelter'd 7K US Army muns assets; provided courtesy storage/op locs--strictly enforced proper explosive stds
- Shipped 74 legacy bombs; removed landmine presence IAW foreign policy--cleared 144 sq ft vital floor space
- Sole VM GPC card holder; flawlessly performed 71 expenditures >$42.3K veh parts/repairs w/ zero delays
- Spearheaded 42 periodic inspections; attention to detail certified 87K assets worth $67K--ensured 100% reliability
- Spearheaded egress spt/11 accts; cmplt'd 29 returned insps on 56 assets/$45K--contributed to FY18 aircraft FMC rates
- Spearheaded semi-annual key/lock audit; 51 locks/$10.2K+ cleaned/rotated--preserved asset security/integrity
- Spearheaded stockpile resupply; received $419M guided munitions--enabled new cmbt capabilities for 31 FW
- Spearheaded TACLANE reconfig; ID'd faulty ntwrk settings/resolved dup IP--restored secure comms to GSU
- Spt'd $482K igloo door renov proj; crew'd four bldg rewarehousing ops/mov'd 55K NEW--ensur'd safety of 8 contr's
- Spt'd 1st ever RJAF JDAM bed down; stowed 192 assets--sec'd multinational all weather cmbt capabilities/trn'd 12 psnl
- Spt'd 33 RQS deployed ops; supplied 24K rds of .50 cal/160 MJU-64 flare mods--armed 96 CSAR sorties f/CJSOTF
- Spurred 4 MILCON projs/$2.2M; coord'd LPS/security/POV parking/fire escape plans--secured 34K lbs NEW
- Sq lead for NCE inspection/audit--scrutinized 25 pieces equip/100% accuracy--beat Wg deadline <4 weeks
- Steered JDAM upgrades; sync'd 3 sq's/cycled 202 wpns f/tail kit swaps--equipped theater w/latest anti-jamming tech
- Stimulated surety training; graded/checked 374 tests/nine course codes--MXG 'compliant'/Sep '10 NSI wg 'Sat'
- Streamlined network access prgm; rewrote/simplified Sq process/coord'd for 285 prsnl--svd 190 man-hrs bi-annually
- Streamlined scheduling process; validated/reduced total workorders 42%--established modern trend for MC2
- Streamlined trng activities for 270 mbrs; scheduled 7K conventional/wpns trng--99% yearly effectiveness rate
- Submitt'd AFTO 22; ID'd T.O discrepancy/wrong part number on DSU-38 strap--thwarted possible msn failure
- Supervised 40 Amn; dir'd 1.6K muns trailer moves ISO flt line ops--armed 7K sorties/11.1K flying hrs/52 acft/3 sqs
- Supervised CATM-9/88 post-load mx; validat'd PGM insp criteria/113 misls/$17M--sustained 95% FMC rate
- Supervised HQ directed ops; prep'd shipment of 36K small arms munitions--bolstered AFRICOM msn posture
- Supervised one-time TCTO action; insp'd 45 CATM-120/id'd two defective fin hubs--reported crucial data to HHQ
- Supervised transient shipment beddown; stored 4K/$382K 40MM munitions--drove AFCENT cmbt readiness
- Supported 1.4K mx tasks/4.6K hrs/39 gun sys insps; drove FW's 7.1K sorties/10.2K flt hrs--MXG Amn of Qtr!
- Supported 160th SOAR joint exercise; coord d transport 155K rounds/2.75 rockets--enabled 108 flt hrs/72 trng sortie
- Supported campaign OIR at undisclosed location, deployed 203 mun sys GBU 38/54/31/39--63 confirmed ISIS EKIA
- Supported DoD largest JTAC CAS ex; generated 24 sorties/3K rnds exp--simulated cmbt ops/114 AFSOC jt pers trng
- Supported JASSM in-ship 8.4M; ten msls ATO rdy <24 hrs--boosted Wg LO capes/incr'd pilot stand-off range 250%
- Supported largest CAF flying hour program; 4,357 Sorties/6,726 Hours--exceeded/elevated 52 FW benchmark 19%
- Supported Marines' inbound TDY assets; stor'd/transported $1M/12K muns items--arm'd 10 F-18 acrft f/ 380 flying hrs
- Supported sealift of 5K muns; $6M items/32 tons ready for redistribution--freed 10K sq ft for future AFSOC msn
- Sustained 77 F-15s w/5.8K deliveries; directed 767 insps/197 trng msls/$12M--Wg achieved >26K flying hrs
- Sustained FTD instructions/128 hrs/16 prsnl trn'd on three misl systems--improved UCML qualifications 32%
- Sustained TRIDENT JUNCTURE; supplied 252 BDU-33's--provided realistic scenarios for NATO response forces
- Swiftly adv through muns insp course; achieved muns insp certification--Inc flt capability by 40% for COVID split OPS
- Sync'd 22 NATO Strike tms/5-nations; 32 ICCS evnts/15-lines gen'd ahead of sched--5 "Superior Performers"
- Sync'd muns/airfield ops; fueled 2K srts w/$.5B arsenal/2K bombs expended--elim'd 20 snipers/21 bridges/1K EKIA
- Team inspector during munitions flight 100% stockpile inventory; certified 266 line items/$525--100% accuracy met
- Team member on seven NATO strike exercises; all lines successfully gen'd--ensured 31st FW war-readiness
- Teamed w/AFSOC Griffin missile receipt; safely stored $660K 6 hi-vis assets--facilitated USMC test success
- Tracked section Critical Equipment status; oversaw mx on 176 MSE items/$2.1M--maintained war readiness
- Tracked wkly man hr lost/flying schedule change; new mx & ops scheduling practices applied--recouped 758 lost hrs
- Updated Combat Ammunition System; processed 3K muns expenditures--achieved zero erroneous transactions
- Validated 27 CMRS notifications; id'd/segregated 872 suspended muns items/$3.2K--secured stockpile safety
- Validated Change of MASO/10 custody inventories; 831 line item/$13.8M stockpile--100% count accuracy rtg
- Validated vehicle mx CMT training crs; provided proper op procedures--enabled safe MEP implementation
- Vetted entry for 1.5K visitors; assigned 655 escorts/preserved $54M stockpile--protected 209 MSA pers/19 facilities
- Vital leader for two SecAF semi-annual inv's; 30 mbrs/7 sections/670 man-hrs--verified 5.2M assets/$204M
- Vital SPI team mbr; certified $3M muns shipment rdy/sealed 16 storage structures--saved 220 man hrs annually
- Vital to Wg $5M infrastructure upgrade; scheduled 1.1K hrs of escort oversight--protected $600M PL-1 assets
- Vol'd 15 hrs to RSPCA; cleaned/maintained kennels for 35 animals--raised $750 towards animal abuse awareness
- Wrangled 1 SOW weekly flying schedule; processed 2.3K deviations/gen'd 4.2K sorties--critical to wg's 71.6% FSE rt