Medical Records EPR Bullets

Duty Description

- Creates, maintains & retires medical records; coordinates referrals/audits third party collections when required
- Facilitates audits f/medical records/NOPP labels/NSTR's/clinical notes/weekly scans in accordance w/flight procedures
- Assists with annual med rec retirement/active duty inventory & Notice of Privacy Practice (NOPP) procedures

- Directs record rm ops; supervises 1 AD; mngs 7.1K charts, spts 3 clinics, ensures records availability for 9 providers
- Creates/maintains/retires medical records; coordinates/fulfills/speardheads sequestration of records as needed
- Ensures availability of medical documentation for appointment, fills internal/external record requests in CHCS

- Manages 15K outpatient records; validates filing, sorting, creation, research of medical info IAW AFI 41-210
- Manages/maintains 8 provider templates/schedules; oversees appts in Composite Health Care System (CHCS)
- Files loose documentation w/in 72 hrs following appts; assists w/daily telephone inquiries and chart requests

- Mng's CMS records for 250 medics; executes TW's DDR testing initiatives/WAPS test dates/ESM/BAS/SDAP prgm
- Provides service to 25 primary/specialty clinics, oversees maintenance of 3.5K Outpatient Records (OPR)
- Responsible for overall admin ops spt of the Flight & Operational Medicine Clinic front desk & records room
- Tracks movement of medical records using Composite Health Care System Functions to control accountability

- Directs Outpatient Records/Admin & Disp/RMC/Integrated Disability Eval Sys/ROI/medical travel/aerovac missions
- Verifies beneficiary eligibility in the Composite Health Care System; registers new patients IAW AFI 41-210
- Leads security/maintenance of 15.1K outpatient/Flight Medicine records supporting 9K beneficiaries/360 foreign mil
- Oversees, updates & files medical records for over 1.8K rated and non-rated aircrew and their family members

Performance Assessment

- Admitted over 90 patients; 100% record accuracy--laid error-free foundation for all subsequent documentation
- Aided acft class B mishap; sequestered 9 crew mbrs records--facilitated board investigation/recommendations
- Allotted admin support f/GI clnc; managed/initiated 8K pt records/ROIs IAW AFI 41-210--reduced referral errors 18%
- Annihilated AD audit; 2.9K recs rostered/regained 13/100% acct'd/120 hrs--10% ↑ AFMS goal/beat cutoff by 23 days
- Archived 1,153 med records during 2011 retirement; received shipment confirmation; zero discrepancies found
- Assisted 352 SOG with short notice ORI prep, 300 med rcds; 4 hours retrieving records--promote to SrA BTZ!
- Assisted with medical records retirement; prepped/pulled/packaged 2.5K files--ensured accurate dispositions

- Championed pediatric records dept; mng'd 2K files/avert'd 500 errors--vital to Gp's Cmd Best Clinic OTY '13
- Championed PRT transition; led 4 mbrs/labelled/corrected 900 rcds--ensur'd pt safety/critical migration/f 5.3k records
- Charged HAIMS PI; split 9K docs digitized/9 stf/ID'd/correct'd 102 errors/15 PSR's--cut PCM rec wait time by 3 wks
- Clinical expert! Mng d healthcare of XX personnel during vaccination ops--secured Operation Motor City success
- Completed 11 mos JQS; educated Pt Admin/Med Record stf on core tasks, coord'd OJT--saved $2.6K in TDY trngs

- Dedicated records mgr; liaised w/ Ramstein MTF to translate German medical docs--avoided pt safety near miss/ZD
- Developed consult tacking audit; ensured notes provider review/filed in pt med records--100% HSI compliant
- Devised record retrieval prgm; provided nurses/docs w/vital pt info; reduced tele-consult call-back times 20%
- Dir'd flyer rec PI; updat'd data/formatt'd 563 docs f/digital--cut base op med QC time 33%/281 man-hrs/ACC 1st/set std
- Directed 5 prsnl; researched 2.5K missing med records 3 wks ahead of sched--facilitated ret/sep disability processing
- Drove Wg's lrgst rec retirement; led 9 stf/fil'd 250K docs/4.7K recs/6 mos--elim'd 4 yr pileup/setup 4K disability benefits

- Executed Annual Records Audit; scrutinized 3.5K charts/located 728 AD med rcds--surpassed previous audit by 15%

- First medical responder; recognized unconscious client/assessed critical pt/ activated EMS/assisted w/transport --life saved!
- Fortified NoPP; led scanning of 300 docs/audited 3K appts/ID'd/rescanned 26 records--boosted compliance 78 to 90%

- Generated 15K out-pt records; fostered procedures/tx f/Hem/Onc clinic--enforced 100% HIPAA compliance standards

- Handpick'd f/Fairchild proj; loaded rec labels in PRT sys/aided 9 stf/40 hrs--lift'd msn capes 50%/rebuilt 6K/12K recs
- Handpicked ESD trainer; briefed 14 mbrs/4 crit topics/--timely met DOD goal of 100% staff trained
- Highly motivated; records room NCOIC selection well deserved/continue to challenge--promote to TSgt now

- ID'd 20 outdated record copies; scrubbed workcenter/records rm--coord'd delivery/ensured vets access to files
- Id'd OCC Health record errors; deployed corrective action w/ AFMOA/2.8K records--increased tracking 87% to 99%
- Id'd Occupational Health record discrep; coord'd w/ HHQ to fix practice--avoided 2K file errors to AFMOA database
- Implemented new mailing process; coord'd w/clinic/streamlined dental/med recs shipment; saved MDG $1.6K

- Led MRF mtgs; brf'd AFMS msn spt on record accessibility/sec for 3 sq--sustained 100% accountability/availability
- Led out-processing pgrm; coor'd 390 packages/698 orders/mailed 786 records--saved $4.1k/increas'd productivity/35%
- Led two global records searches; recovered 20 missing rec's from other AFMS depts; vital health info secured

- Managed ROI process of patient records for copying; reduced customer wait-time by 40%--increased efficiency
- Mobiliz'd 1st inpatient retirement in 16 mos; fil'd 1.3K recs/79K docs/8 wks--0 mistakes/finaliz'd hosp to clinic reorg

- Optimized records department; coord'd 84 newborn registrations/204 APV/179 inpt charts--awarded Sq Tm/Qtr 1 '17
- Overhauled rcrd rm; merg'd 13K files/toss'd 132 shelves/2 mos--index'd 2-yr rec backlog/adopt'd rec mx f/3 flying Sq's

- Piloted Flt Med record upgrade; set up 237 as EHRs/digitized 67/zero delays--enabled AOR record capes/1st in ACC
- Primed Wg's largest rec retirement; 6 stf/audit'd 30 boxes/34K docs/690 recs of 5K/156 hrs--enabled 4 yr backlog fix
- Processed 190 records/day; filed 1K documents; sustain'd 98% availability rate--beat AFMOA standard by 8%
- Processed 8K records; filed 5K documents/sustained 98% availability rate--ensured patient continuity of care
- Processed over 3000 patient records requests monthly; enforced 100% HIPPA compliance standards
- Pulled 100 med records for peer review; audited/reviewed 8 providers' documention--met AF inspection std

- QC'd 367 requested records; edited 70 privacy violations/100% HIPAA compliant--averted $250K in potential fines

- Readied OPR for '08 records retirement; 1,049 rcds/10 hrs--60 boxes sorted--finished 3 wks ahead of suspense
- Reorganized flt records room; accounted for 2K+ files/updated database--expedited pt info/ensured 86% avail
- Responded to 90 medical events; ID d 4 deteriorating pts, assessed/rendered immediate aid--trans'd 4 pts to higher echelon care
- Reviewed 400 PT referrals; requested medical records as needed/coord'd post-op visit--guaranteed pts ATC < 72 hrs
- Revitalized OPR pgrm; located/accounted f/3.8K med charts/updated tracking database--surpassed rec avail stds >8%

- Sel'd Team Lead; oversaw ops f/14 mbrs/ dir daily sched/accountability f/30 days-- met #1 POTUS COVID vax mandate
- Service Treatment Record prgm mgr; drove record mailouts/384 transfers to AFPC--ensured VA/AF benefit payouts
- Support'd ROI office during 50% man shortage; copied/mailed 35 recds--increas'd response capability by 40%
- Supports jt svc advocacy f/20 MDs/18 nurses/6 techs; assists DoD's lgst Hem/Onc clinic--processes 15K pt records/yr

- Tackled 24 stf flt; repair'd PCS pileup/mailed 300 recs/cleared 220 vMPF mbrs--slashed med rec delivery 3 mos to 2 wks
- Tackled STR prgm; transitioned 120 recs/sustained 100% on-time rate f/3 mos consecutively--smashed AF std by 5%
- Team Player; processed 125 monthly Public Health patient record requests--enforced 100% HIPAA standards
- Track'd 30K med records; increased availability by 25%; key to AF Hosp of Yr '10; 1/15 MTFs--promote now

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