Management EPR Bullets

- Mng'd daily ops; assigned duties/roles f/5 4Ns/fuel'd 17.3K appts/sec'd xx% pt sat rate--earn'd AFCENT EMDG OTM

- #1 choice for interim 1st Sgt x17 days; served 5 Sq/6 CCs--ensured discipline/morale/well-being for 337 prsnl
- #1/26 MSG Flt/CCs! Steered $750K fitness ctr project; led GC tm/15 mo--svd $25M milcon/solved 20 yr wait
- #X/XX Wg Lts! Outstanding ldr, sprinting past peers, groom f/ldrshp; ready Flt/CC now--perfect for PDE soonest!

- Ability to lead; led night shift PAR team for 20 AMXS during Feb 2010 ORE--contributed to overall success
- Aided RCAF transient C-17; co'ord w/521 AMOW/initated prts exchange/$80K--FMC w/in 24hrs--fortified relations
- Aided Wg PA wksp; directed 30 SMEs & vetted 110 processes--poised to right-size 1180 rqmt/valued $98.4M
- Analyzed 5 ACRs--realigned/updated 35 rqmts; exhibited efficient manpower resource use & UMD accuracy

- Appoint'd sply bin row Chief; 8 rows/12K assets/$6.3M direct oversight--cement'd F16 SecDef MC rt (80%) directive
- Attended 3-day NCO Prof Development seminar; bolstered mil mgmt skills--mentored newly assigned Amn
- Augmented First Sergeant; ensured health/morale/safety of 400+ Airmen--lauded by CRS CC/First Sergeant
- Authored minor findings index; dev'd 17 gp's f/862 inputs/provided ldrshp w/insp defects--MGA id'd as "best practice"

- Authored QA database implementation; executed in one mo/three mos std--protected AFI compliance/#WG/Sq/CC vis
- Authored TAR QAM report: Review'd/validat'd 90 lines;/identified 32 docs/$15M in discrpncies--met NGB suspense
- Authored/brief'd strategic concerns for CODEL; ID'd European force issues--Sen Fischer: "best I've ever seen"

- Balanced workload 5 of 11 full time positions vacant during this period; no adverse effects to customer service
- Best shift ldr--corrected 500+ sensor pod, 300 supp equip discreps--reduced delayed launches due to avionics 90%
- BNR f/TF 5.1 beddown tm; led 12 mbr infrastructure spt element/68 rqmts--dvlpd security plan f/$4.1M Jt Ops center
- Briefed several theater commanders, dignitaries on critical mission intelligence during ops--enabled cohesive effort

- Brilliant training monitor; four airman/NCOs in upgrade training--100% pass rate/amazing 85% average score
- Brokered AFMS review for CAA; garnered 1-rqmnt/ovrsgt of 865 student through-put--enhanced QoL for Amn

- Cert'd SAPR vol; dedicated 168 hrs on-call, 11 hrs CT/gave 22 brfs--enhanced spt f/2 wgs, helped est wg SAPR bldg
- Champion'd security item funding change f/USPS inventory; proj'd save $100K yrly--elim'd costs f/all USAFE APOs
- Commandeered On-the-job training program; resulting in 6 airmen receiving their upgraded status ahead of schedule
- Comp'd 50 major insps/781 findings--'16 UEI Capstone/1st-ever Highly-Effective CCIP rating/best WIT/AF

- Competitively selected for RAS prgm; chosen to advise Sr Ldrs w/regional expertise--8% prgm selection rate
- Completed BAH/Address/Mil pay/PRA audits; reviewed 1609 documents/900 transactions--8 discrepancies found
- Completed Career Management crs; honed leadership/org/prsnl management skills--mentored/enhanced Qol 31 Amn
- Completed NCO professional enhancment crse; increasd knowledge, value to AF--commendable 86% class average

- Completed SEJPME course; honed joint ops leadership skills--enhanced 2 RAZOR TALON exercises/saved $37K
- Conducted 10 monthly QA briefings; facilitated open dialogue/track'd progress provided CC/HQ w/critical trend data
- Conducted 57 QA audits; review'd 1239 docs, recommend'd prm improvements--ensured integrity of CPTF processes
- Conducted ADPE verification; inventoried 67 items--recovered 11 missing assets--saved $2.5K/negated ROS

- Conducted UMD/AEF system training--instructed 2 LRS personnel; improved understanding/wartime expertise
- Consummate professional; managed enlisted and SORTS issues affecting 9 Intel AFSCs at over 50 subordinate units
- Coor'd MALD verification; 8 load crews/19 AMMO prsnl qualified--val'd long range strike capes/cert'd trng f/22 pilots
- Coor'd w/AFRC FAM ID'd four program discrep's in QA database; implemented changes directly impact USAF msn

- Coord'd 14 sections/72 Amn as Pro Super; enabled 16 acft rdy for no-notice FTD < 72 hrs--pivotal to 88% MC
- Coord'd with NSA & CIA; liaised reach-back/reach-fwd capes--directly led to 8 air-strikes/destroy'd 46 tgts/0 civcas
- CPI SME; quantified "proof of concept" f/elec wpns chklst/decr'd loading op's 36%--potential AF-wide/2W1 impact!
- Critically analyzed DCPDS RPA; ID 17 erroneous pos--realigned/secured $1.3M in snow removal resources

- Cultivated atmosphere of harmony and trust--responsible for sq-wide climate improvement; reinforced AF values

- Delegated effectively; trusted workctr Amn with msn--discovered, remedied obstacles, improved site output 40%
- Designed training plan for assigned QA augmentees; trained 12 new personnel--program functional in two months
- Developed base's 1st full dining svc; "Boots Bar & Grill" lauded by families--$42K revenue/2 months/up 20%
- Developed FAAC Brief; defined Manpowers requirement determinates role--no confusion; succinct info

- Developed innovative cross-training program & self-managed work atmosphere--improved employee productivity 95%
- Developed OPLAN training scenario--trained manpower personnel; enhanced unit's critical wartime capability
- Dir'd AOR growth; forged facility design/solutions SOCCENT/CENTCOM/SOCOM msn--guaranteed 2.6k cbt msns
- Directed recognition program; executed three successful load crew competitions--lauded by wing leadership

- Directed short notice PDF; verified mobility currency for120 prsnl/3 real-world deployments--100% qualified
- Directed W&B slope survey; led 10 prsnl/val'd 18 PASs f/multi MDS's--11 CE Amn cert'd/incr'd 52 FW's capes 50%
- Drove DOD/DHS security rqmt; led 35-person tm/authored PLANORD/taskedops unit--resolved 98 vuls/44 locations
- Drove evaluation completion of QA process; 54 personnel evaluated--75% of yearly quota completed in one quarter

- Earned Professional Managers Certification; completed 6 credit hours--broadened management/supervisory skillsets
- Effectively managed 4 sections inspiring best performance; supported 4 ops squadrons & Dets--enabled 300+ sorties
- Equipment custodian; Managed/tracked 35 pieces of equip valued over $34K--100% accountability of ADPE items
- Est'd SSR trn crs; saved SOCCENT $250k annl/440 hrs/prep'd 45 operators--secured $8B SOF assets/12K ISR mbr's

- Established CSS intern prgm f/postal 3F5s; trained 15 prsnl prior PCS'g--bolstered CC admin spt f/future assignments
- Excellent Wartime Program Mgr--verified 109 Global Thunder exer taskings; strengthened nuclear enterprise
- Exceptional NCO/CS; obligated $78k of NGB funded/Wing desired EOY items, $0 turned back in to NGB
- Execut'd UDM Staff Assistance Visit; audit'd 50 folders/resolv'd 10 errors--six units 100% combat/deployment ready

- Executed qtrly MICT assessments; inspected sq corrosion control program--elim'd $400K/69 tank replacement
- Expedit'd AMC & AFCENT crit rqmnts; fill'd 311 MICAPs/$2.3M--enabl'd 162 mobility acft msns/ISIS axed/166 BoT
- Expedited HHQ tasking; procured msn critical $60K OAP unit--averted potential UTC shortfalls/EUCOM rdy
- Expedited IFE for generator failure; orchestrated launch of alternate asset for POTUS CAP--100% mission capable

- Expert Orator; Briefed SNCO PE/MO core competencies; honed mgmt skills of 44 MSgts--equipped leaders

- Facilitated 5 MXG Ops study; validated 5 FACs/ID WLF chlngs/CC needs met--rqmnts captured by 2 MRS
- Facilitated mvmt of 201TMR's f/11 FOBs--4M lbs critical cargo Resolute Spt/OGS combat ops/base buildup
- Fearless NCO; identified/stopped behavior risking group conflict or harassment claims; held w/c to standards
- Filled E-8 billet as interim flt chief; controlled >1.5K mx actions--secured flt's 99% QVI/100% PE pass rates

- Filled Sq Assist Superintendent billet; tackled 45 EPRs/levied tighter std--max'd quality w/zero late suspense's
- Finished Conflict Mgmt crse; implemented problem solving/resolution techniques--enhanced ldrshp abilities
- Flight SAPM; monitored 220+ checklist items, closed 96% deficiencies--reinforced AF audit readiness initiatives
- Fostered compliance; zero discrepancies over 5 mo period--MXS 93% pass rate/beat CAF 85% standard 15%

- Fuel'd '19 Fair Weather FTD spt; sped F-16 emer tire/'grounding' rqmnt/$24K--dlvr'd 372 jt US/Portugese SEAD msns
- Fueled 712 scheduled/unscheduled mx tasks; ushered 31 engineer dispositions--key to 5.6K sorties/7.5K flt hrs
- Functional expert; assisted NBG/A4 w/ AFI 21-123 ANG SUP development--provided vital guidance all ANG wings

- Generated launch/recovery of 400 combat sorties; 4.0K flt hours/14K images/700 airstrikes/19 TICs/127 pri tgts
- Governed $9M CMD lvl container mgmt enterprise; synch'd 13 sites/1K containers--ensured 100% vis CJOA-A wide
- Guided 17K ISR hours; provided spt to four msn CCs & 20 cmbt lines--assured 7.2K cmbt sorties/14 strikes/64 EKIA
- Guided 4 shops through 4 flying surges; ensured 24/7 mx support 16 days--critical to 924 sorties/1122.5 fly hrs

- Hands-on leadership; enforced compliance with T.O.s/instructions--secured 94% QA pass rating for 1st qtr '15
- Headed Moron AB TDY; 21 critical balances certified/126 tons of cargo moved--sustained 1.3K transient a/c

- Id'd Coalition Cargo ITV gap; bridged AMR tracking w/5 agencies--secured cargo sight f/10 NATO SOF units
- ID'd Official Mail meter gap; coor'd w/A1/secur'd funded equip--$70K saved/avert'd stoppage...USAFE benchmarked
- Implemented Repair Network Integration sizing efforts; shifted $600K to critical AFSCs--AF saved $45M/5yrs
- Initiat'd '19 DLA fwd stk insp; rvw'd 16K items/$2M/id'd 215 short/overage discreps--sv'd AF $32K/achv'd 99% inv rt

- Invaluable inspector; conducted 142 QVI/ 123 SI/ 57 PE inspections--strictly enforced T.O. usage and MX discipline
- Investigated 31 mishaps; ID'd root causes/guided process changes--gen'd CAF-wide crosstell/enhanced safety culture

- Led 5 member tm; dir'd 61 DV visits/20 ceremonies/6 events--showcased msn capes/cmbt ops f/AF premier RPA wg
- Led COA FY15 REDUX; Advised BW ldrship/ID 8 rqmts not earned by AFMS-saved $608K earned rqmnts
- Led execution of CDDAR EX; ID'd 3 areas of improvement to MXG/CC--ensured readiness of Crash Recovery Tm
- Led largest Wing flt; DFAC/club/lodging/fitness--directly oversaw 183 mil & U.S./Italian civilians to spt 9.2K

- Led RAF Digby APO SAV; ID'd 26 process deviations/trained Official Mail Manager--DoD compliant/4K customers
- Led sq managerial insp; reviewed 61 CTK prgms/8 work-centers/id'd 113 deficiencies--improved unit insp rate >10%
- Led SYRIA C2 logistics plan; pen'd framework/secured $1.2M eqmt--increas'd collection mgmt cape 300%/PED 80%

- Maintained real-time status of training reports via AF-IT; utilized by the Wing--heightened mission readiness
- Managed 102 MDGIs/373 forms; educated 25 OPRs/eliminated 63 forms--decreased processing time by 30%
- Managed 20-man geographically remote workcenter in support of Air Mobility Command--exceeded all assigned goals!
- Managed four QA inspectors; certified # QVI/SI/KTLs/# findings ID'd--upheld #MXG MSEP reliability/adherence

- Managed readiness EX; inspected 150 mbrs thru natural disaster steps/increased response capes--safed AF #1 asset
- Mastered 8 Business Mgmt degree crses; 24 credits/3.84 GPA--honed org/prsnl mgmt skills/mentored 32 Amn
- Mature manager; replaced two ROAD SSgts; immed improved shop morale and vastly improved shift tng & qual
- Meticulous performer/director; reliable key leader for reservists during UTA weekends--secured unit success

- MICP AUA completed 93 control testing activities, with 0 deficiencies--instrumental to flight's process improvement
- Mng'd risk analysis CONOP dvlpmnt; sync'd 3 sqs/2 msn partners--established external flight safety rvw for 355M SVs

- Orchestrated advanced HAZMAT audit tng; 14 QA inspectors qual'd/42 hrs--best trnd team >20 yrs/incr pass rate 5%
- Orchestrated LRS insp prgrm; teamed w/sq leadership/QA; aided 191 evals/helped garner 95.8% overall sq readiness
- Orchestrated two SECDEF dir'd APEX visits; hosted 65 SESs, demonstrated RPA msn--enabled civ/GO lvl support
- Oversaw 136 QVIs/PEs on 17 PMEL techs/2.9K mx actions; 12 faulty processes id'd/fixed--yrly qual rate 98%

- oversaw FM Systems Section; administered access for 40+ users to 10 systems--critical to wing financial mgmt ops
- Oversaw Gp/CC insp mgmt bd; mng'd 139 SACs/2.8K items/11 observations/4 CPI events--verified 99% compliance
- Oversaw mx processes; 8 107-T engineer req/7 PQDR's/13 AFTO 22's/4 chklst--75% fix/5.9% break rt, #1 f/USAFE
- Oversaw wg real-world deployment; assessed 9.177 S/T cargo/41 pax processing--ensured msn capabilities/0 delays

- Penned repeat/recur policy; outlined SCR req's/on-off equip insp's/CND proc's--spurred 3% reduction to 0.9% f/3qtrs
- Perfectly controlled 1200 deployed troops; ensured safe operating environment and achieved all objectives
- Piloted Cmd's mobile-kit prgm; crafted 25 pg OI/secured $145K purchase--24/7 secure C2/Exec Comm Spt for AOR
- Piloted tech order distribution pgm; coord'd 46 safety TCTOs/published 753 updates--eliminated fleet grounding cond

- Piloted VCSAF & COMACC visits; highlighted CC's pri's/AF ldrshp assimilated to 432 Wg msn--coined by 5x sr ldrs
- Pioneering mx mgt, directly invld w/AEF mx planning, prodc'd 16 battle ready F-16C+ a/c, 2 mnths ahead of sched'l
- Powered JOC "Extremist Sourcing" msn; fused interrogation ntwrk nodes--accelerated ISIS tracking/elim'd 43 HVTs
- Product Improvement Mgr; seamless JDRS transition--30+ PQDR's submitted, which led to recovery of over $300K

- Pwr'd MSEP; rev'd/val'd 4.8K insps/11 incidents/clear'd 9 acft/eqpt impounds--key to Gp 8/10 metrics/#1 F-16CJ unit

- Qual'd LRS QA evaluator; comp'd LOGMOD 32 & HQ/AFRC Logistics Enterprise Course; increased sq effectiveness
- Quickly responded to domestic violence & suicide ideation; escorted/assisted family to prof assistance--zero life loss

- Raised direct customer suport 500 hrs; increased provider availability--key to AFMC "Best Hospital 2012"
- Rallied section; tackled 17K mx actions/81K mx hrs--met MXG goal...8 acft w/in 5 days/backlog under 4K hrs
- Readied short notice Poland TDY; deployed 11 flt Amn/4K lbs cargo--keyed 255 NATO sorties/375.9 flt hrs
- Rectified tank storage oversight; impl'd MSEP insp/eval--facilitated dual Sq MOA/custody xfer of $2M SPRAM acct

- Represents FSS with internal and external officials and/or customers--cemented TFI spirit with base AGR & REGAF
- Rescued stagnant w/c; reintroduced stds, reorganized scheds w/ Amn involvement--now top shop, exceeding Wg goals
- Revamped Unit PQDR program; Saved 302nd $200,497 in 1 year attributing to a 75% increase from last year

- Scheduled recurring, emergency maintenance on work center equip--foresight produced data on target at 99% rate!
- Scheduled training course dates for workcenter members--maximized use of available slots, increased capabilities
- Scrutinized MXS SDS prgm; uncovered outdated MSDSs across the flts--ensured compliance w/2 mo get well date
- Seamless! Filled sect chief pos; led 11 Amn/3K repairs--ensured fleet integrity...catalyst to Wg's 9.6K flt hrs

- Selected f/WIT; evaluated base Active Shooter exer highlighted two violations--safetied AFB/fortified compliance
- Selected Wg FTAC tm ldr; served 5 mos/mentored 84 prsnl on stds--imparted crucial ldrshp/secured transition
- Skilled coordinator; led effort to update/implement multiple T.O.s and FW SUPPs--enhanced C2 w/ MXG personnel
- SOCCENT CG select f/JITF strategic WG; produced $90M coalition JOC/dvlp'd C2 capes--SECDEF backed/U.S. rdy

- Spearheaded base-wide asset inventory; ID'd 1K WFSM assets--contributed to flawless Builder program launch
- Spearheaded Sq PT program; 18 months of team oriented sessions; led to marked decrease in PT failures
- Spt'd 'sole' USAFE F-16 CRF; prcs'd 361 priority orders/$167K--7 eng restor'd...FMC/pwr'd 2x AORs/incrs'd cbt capes
- Spt'd Iceland Air Surveillance msn; postured 3 MRSPs/$1M assets f/red ball response--pivotal to 4-day pilot alert cert

- Steered flt's 200 mx tasks/24-hr alert ops; 6 cmbt acft ready in <10 hrs--poised 31 FW to respond to int'l crisis
- Stepped up 7 days as 1st Sgt; initiated 1 discharge/2 adverse actions--upheld order & discipline f/166 Sq mbrs
- Structural Supervisor; instruct'd Amn on carpentry & welding TTPs--improved unit readiness & individual confidence
- Submitted quarterly awards packages in all categories--enhanced morale, bred top performers--two grp lvl winners

- Superb manager; programmed/executed recurring work program with impressive 100% completion rate
- Supervised 4 sections; directed 1K unsched mx actions/6 ground emergencies--won 31 MXS '13 SNCO of Yr
- Supervised 425 hyd component repairs; returned $5.1M assets to AF supply system--enabled 9K flying hrs '12
- Support'd structures COVID 19 project; inemvtor'd DRBS storage--provided accountability for $600K in equipment

- Supports Cdr w/candid input first, then executes with supportive attitude--increased morale among airmen

- Tackled HHQ BRU-61 safety directive; partner'd w/MMHE/dvlp'd cradle load adapter--ACC approved/val'd < 2 wks
- Technical expert; mentored 4 Amn thru QTPs/ OJT qual'd core tasks--upgraded on time, met SORTS requirements
- Training leader; cmpsd MTP/dvlpmnt phases fortified tng cape/rectified 2013 SAV write-ups--100% impvmnt
- Trusted subordinates with critical portions of msn; rewarded by exponential growth and unprecedented productivity

- Updated Worst Case Scenario OPLAN--implemented newly tasked UTC rqmts; ensured BW is wartime ready
- USAFE 3F5 SME! Led 16 mbrs/aced 3 APO SAVs--ID'd/dev'd CAPs f/30 discrepancies...provided trng f/60 Jt prsnl
- Utilized existing equipment and spare parts to assemble needed rack--saved Air Force over $3K in material costs

- Validated 600 AEF taskings--100% analyzed/resolved; provided COCOMs w/essential war-ready capabilities
- Voluntarily assumed ROS mgt duties; $5.7K in equipment found--overall $19.4k accounted for in three months

- Wing leader! Chosen to direct Wing SNCO induction ceremony--supervised MPOY tear down/clean-up team
- Workcenter training manager; facilitated annual training with a group of 12 airmen; 100% members fully trained

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