Legal Office EPR Bullets

Key Duties, Tasks and Responsibilities

- Identifies paralegal work assignments; develops & coordinates schedules; prepares manpower justifications


- Absolute superstar! Brilliantly aided 350+ clients in 6 courts-martial/82 Art 15s/36 LORs/23 admn discharges

- Academic superstar! Excelled at 5-week long 7-level Paralegal Craftsman Course...garnered 90% test average

- Acquired space/relocated defense ofc w/in 1 mo after short notification to move...seamless transition/no delays

- Aid'd in high-vis O-6 BOI & compil'd 9 defnse exhibits--95-pg pckge compel'd 3 GOs to retain, sav'd $1M retirement

- Aided transfer of Lt Col sex assault case during 3 time ADC re-assignment--organization skills praised by all

- Amazing interpersonal skills; recognized suicidal client after duty hours...ensured client rec'd needed treatment

- Amazing versatility; coordinated 11 interviews in 1 day w/ 2 visiting attys--maintained uninterrupted services

- Articulate; briefed 120+ FTAC Amn on ADC/constitutional rights; all mbrs aware of rights & defense services

- Assembled winning 250+ pg clemency package; mbr convicted in General Court-Martial; confinement halved!

- Assembled winning response pkg; client offered Art 15 for drug use/possession...mbr retained & career saved!

- Assertive w/ incredible mission focus; vital to achieving 96% Art 15 atty consult rate...exceeded AF 90% goal

- Astute DUI crime scene observations revealed crucial errors in key eyewitness testimony; client fully acquitted

- Authored brilliant response in TSgt AWOL case; turned-down Art 15 became reprimand...saved 18 year career

- Avid research identified critical retention/retraining provision for 2 Lt students; present & future careers saved

- Awe-inspiring leader! Flawlessly supported PACAF's busiest defense office...Jr NCO annual award nominee!

- Bedrock NCO! Conferred sage counsel/experience to 4 new regional ADCs/DPs...ensured seamless transition

- Best in AFMC! #1 of 12 military justice sections; processed 26 Article 15s & smashed AF time goal by 40%

- Briefed 400+ mbrs at FTAC/Rt Start; awareness of ADC mission led to 96% consult rate...beat AF 90% goal!

- Briefed LOCs/LORs/UIFs at Military Justice workshop; gave CC's tools to uphold good order and discipline

- Brilliantly provided expert assistance to 350+ clients in 8 courts, 80 Art 15s, 35 discharges, & 75 LORs/LOCs

- Budget wizard--initiatives led to $6.5K in additional FY08 funding...secured needed supplies, office furniture

- Caring DP; sat w/ bi-polar client during pretrial hearing; convinced CC to MEB vs. court; VA benefits retained

- Compassionate counselor; inspired positive change in Amn under investigation...put mbr's career back on-track

- Compiled compelling & persuasive clemency package; sex offense conviction set aside for Art 15; mbr thrilled

- Compiled outstanding sentencing package for hard to manage drug use client; no discharge/minimal confinement

- Compiled sentencing/clemency pkgs--first-time video unsworn statement led to no discharge in general court

- Compiled/assembled winning sentencing pkg; Wing CC approved mbr for return to duty saved

- Completely revamped ADC outreach resources; focused on top misconduct issues, allowed easy access to info

- Composed under fire; deftly managed office w/o ADC for 7 wks; maintained seamless continuity for all clients

- Composed under fire; flawlessly managed office during ADC's 70+ TDY days--ensured all clients' needs met

- Conducted thorough victim interview & identified credibility issues...battery charges w/drawn & career saved

- Consummate professional/team-player; vital to 100% Art 15 attorney consultation rate...smashed AF 90% goal

- Coord'd Honorary Cmdr's visit w/11 WG/PA; tracked CV's sched/org'd AFLOA msn brfs--hosted 66 community ldrs

- Crafted Art 15 response/mitigation package for pilot accused of sex assault/conduct unbecoming...NJP dropped

- Crafted compelling Art 15 appeal in misuse of government computer case...CC convinced/MSgt stripe restored

- Crafted compelling client responses; contributed to amazing 15% Art 15/LOR drop saved

- Crafted superb LOR/UIF response; NCO accused of drunk & disorderly; UIF dropped; client promoted to MSgt

- Creative negotiator; advocated for 3 mbrs to go "blue to green" vs general discharge; preserved career/benefits

- Creative! Discovered rare dischrg rule for mbr retained for trial--honorable dischrg despite alleged drug use

- Critical leadership to legal office during UCI & inspection by top AF JAG; ensured solid performance on both

- Crucial to success; interviewing efforts led to maltreatment/indecent assault charges being dropped; mbr elated

- Cultivated stellar CC/1st Sgt relationship; obliterated AF 90% metric w/ outstanding100% attorney consult rate

- Cultivated superb CC/CCF relations; vital to achieving 97% attorney consultation rate...smashed AF 90% goal

- Cultivated vital rapport w/ commanders & 1st Sgts; led to 100% attorney consult rate--smashed AF 90% goal

- Dedicated to improvement; attended multiple Webcasts, workshop & legal research trng; honed paralegal skills

- Dedicated to improvement; took 8 hr sexual assault trng...learned to recognize characteristics & prevent assault

- Dedicated to mission; Outstanding leadership/teamwork contributed to winning '08 ACC Legal Office of the Yr

- Dedicated to self improvement; completed 4 hr computer course; skills enhanced ADC presentations/efficiency

- Defense ambassador...educated 60+ at FTAC/4 CC calls--increased awareness of ADC mission & mbr rights

- Defense ambassador; briefed 500+ at FTAC/Right Start/CC Call--all Amn aware of rights & defense services

- Defense ambassador; briefed 500+ mbrs at FTAC/Amn and NCO Enhancement--ADC credibility strengthened

- Defense ambassador; educated 1000+ at FTAC/newcomers--increased awareness of mbr rights/ADC mission

- Defense catalyst; critical to attaining 100% Art 15 attorney consultation rate--easily shattered AF goal of 90%

- Defense catalyst; deftly briefed 500+ mbrs at FTAC/CC calls; educated Amn/magnified ADC visibility on base

- Defense catalyst; proactive approach critical to achieving 100% Art 15 atty consult rate...crushed AF 90% goal

- Deftly assisted SNCO w/ demotion response & personal appearance...Grp/CC convinced & client's rank saved

- Deftly assisted w/ 12 witness interviews in rape court; uncovered excupatory evidence--govt's case weakened

- Deftly assisted w/ 12 witness interviews in supervisor/subordinate sex assault court; timely/fair sentence given

- Deftly tackled leadership & management challenges during total of 11 weeks ADC mission delays

- Delivered 15+ preventive law briefings to FTAC, ALS, NCOA, CCF symposium...linchpin to office credibility

- Delivered legal briefings to 50+ FTAC students; key info on UCMJ, legal svcs; Amn readied for Sq integration

- Demonstrated leader--helped provide operation "Hele On" pre-deployment trng for 160+ military dependents

- Deployed to Al Udeid as LOS; managed $50K budget, supv 5--full spectrum support to 8K on-base personnel

- Detail oriented; expertly managed all additional duties--received "zero discrepancies" during three unit SAVs

- Determined! Ensured SSgt w/ $11K in bad checks paid money back...general court reduced to summary/no jail

- Displayed magnificent interpersonal skills; the "go-to" NCO for clients/DPs/paralegals--took leadership role

- DP superstar! Procured office upgrades from base legal office; saved ADC budget 2K+ & increased efficiency

- Driven NCO! Earned 12 credits; completing 55 of 64 credit hrs required for Paralegal CCAF degree; 3.5 GPA

- Dynamic and informative--conducted in-depth monthly smooth move briefings--eased stressful PCS transitions

- Dynamic NCO! Outstanding leadership/teamwork increased defense credibility/earned favorable client results

- Dynamic speaker! Briefed 300+ FTAC & ADAPT Amn on rights & ADC mission; expanded Amn's knowledge

- Dynamic speaker...provided crucial info to 300+ FTAC Amn...all members aware of rights & defense services

- Dynamic speaker; briefed 200+ at FTAC & CC/CCF justice training; ensured rights awareness...praised by all

- Dynamic speaker; briefed 500+ at FTAC/1st Sgt/right start workshops--bolstered awareness of ADC mission

- Dynamic speaker; briefed 900+ at FTAC/Right Start/CC Calls/Top 3/CCF workshop; all aware of defense svs

- Dynamic; essential to flawless AFMC SAV; organized itinerary/briefed defense successes; O-7: "impressive"

- Eagerly covered legal assistance center during absence of NCOIC; enabled 23 clients to resolve legal issues

- Earned superb results; assisted in defense of 32 courts--4 withdrawn, 4 no jail time & 6 no punitive discharge

- Eloquent speaker! Briefed ADC/DP roles to 50+ SNCO Induction Seminar attendees...enhanced defense image

- Engineered airtight CC/CCF relations; tireless efforts achieved 98% atty consult rate, shattered AF 90% metric

- Ensured legal compliance of 1.5K ctrs; reviewed security proposals--secured positive relations w/ host nation

- Ensured seamless transition...coordinated all aspects of ADC office move; back on-line w/ zero mission delays

- Exceptional wingman...secured lodging/transport for Senior Defense atty's family during urgent personal crisis

- Exceptionally skilled & talented...produced 30 wills/423 powers of attorney/555 notaries; saved Airmen $34K

- Exceptionally skilled & talented; produced 40 wills/120 powers of attorney/291 notaries; saved jnt mbrs $34K

- Exemplary paralegal; updated continuity binders; integrated uniformity/standardized ofc management procedure

- Expertly assisted 200 clients in 12 courts/62 Art 15s/5 discharge boards/21 admin discharges/91 other actions

- Expertly executed SAV/Article 6 visits; praised by all for strong organization skills and overall job knowledge

- Expertly managed office during frequent ADC's absences...63 days total...minimized delays; praised by 1st Sgts

- Expertly managed office while ADC TDY 16 wks...answered 74 after hr calls--all Amn received best defense

- Expertly managed processing of 2 general courts-martial; beat 160-day processing goal by 36%; timely justice!

- Expertly prepared sentencing & clemency package for complicated trial; sentence reduced from months to days

- Expertly reviewed & processed 500+ criminal detainee case files; ensured smooth transfer to Iraqi government

- Extraordinary office manager; unbeatable professionalism & swift action guaranteed best defense for all clients

- Extremely effective defender; persistent efforts resulted in 3 dropped further action...clients thrilled

- Fierce defender! Convinced CC to set aside NCO's 18 month old Art 15; $5,000+ backpay rec'd/career saved!

- Finalized AFTR acct w/i AFLOA; ensured compliance f/3 prsnl trng records--guaranteed divisions/agency rqmts met

- Fitness guru; physical training leader for JA, ADC & deployed unit--administered 15+ tests; standards upheld

- Flawlessly drafted compelling clemency pkg...secured early release from confinement...client & family grateful

- Flawlessly processed 28 Article 15s; astounding 14-day avg, 100% within goal--beat 80% metric; swift justice!

- Flawlessly provided guidance to over 330 clients in 15 courts-martial/51 Art 15s/17 dschrgs & 92 LOC/LORs

- Flawlessly sanitized 17K+ security detainee files in accordance w/ Foreign Disclosure procedure--no delays

- Flawlessly supported Flying Evaluation Board; compiled research/coordinated interviews; O-4 retained wings

- Force multiplier...expertly built 40-exhibit defense pkg; 3 charges not guilty & no rank reduction, jail or dischrg

- Force multiplier; diligently drafted 170+ LOR/LOC & Article 15 responses during ADC delays

- Force-multiplier; skillfully managed office during ADCs 92 days of TDY--guaranteed client's rights protected

- Force-multiplier; sustained communication/coord between clients/5 ADCs/1 sr defense counsel...lauded by all

- Force-multiplier; sustained communication/coordination between clients/7 ADCs; ADCs lauded her assistance

- Go-to paralegal; expert knowledge utilized during base tax program; provided top-notch tax services for clients

- Guided prsnl return; provided legal/press release guidance of high vis fallen journalist--mbr returned w/ honor

- Handpicked to draft ethics slides for annual GO & SES briefings; streamlined presentation praised by 3-star

- Identified critical evidentiary issues in drug use Art 15...client demanded court-martial...jury found "not guilty"

- Identified multiple errors in DUI case; proved improper sobriety test; Art 15 w/drawn & driving rights restored

- Identified potential MEB option for 4 clients facing admin dschrg--secured separation pay & disability benefits

- Identified safety risks...lobbied wg for wireless duress alarm/entry alarm/emergency lighting; saved ofc $5.5K

- Impeccable military image & knowledge; expertly briefed 300+ Amn at FTAC--great model for new warriors

- Impeccable paralegal! Enthusiastic client support/vigilant office management crucial to best defense possible

- Impeccable professionalism impressed 1st Sgts/earned CCs' respect; relationship w/ base leaders never better

- Impeccable professionalism noted; 20 AF Staff Judge Advocate lauded "outstanding briefing" during inspection

- Impressive budget prowess...amassed compelling in-depth data; led to massive 67% ofc annual budget increase

- Indispensable--uncovered key exculpatory evidence in AWOL case; Art 15 withdrawn/stripes & career saved

- Indispensable defense services provided to 265 members/20 courts-martial/70 Art 15s/21 discharges/69 LORs

- Indispensable mbr of ADC team; uncovered prior witness inconsistencies in sex assault case--Amn acquitted!

- Indispensable! Runs busiest office in region; as 1st yr DP already training/mentoring home & sister region DPs

- Indispensable...helped conduct extensive witness interviews during complex rape case--Amn found not guilty

- Indispensable; supported extensive after hours interviews during complex sex assault case--won full acquittal!

- Indispensable; supported extensive after hrs trial prep during complex sex assault case...defense team prepared

- Initiated complete ADC office technology overhaul; $11K computer upgrade greatly bolstered office efficiency

- Innovative! Coordinated w/ multiple units to secure office Blackberry...vastly enhanced communication ability

- Innovative; spearheaded/hosted ADC open house; enhanced CCs/CCFs relations & increased defense visibility

- Inputs respected by CC's/CCF's! Prepared hard-hitting Art 15 responses; efforts resulted in 4 Art 15s dropped!

- Insightful! Identified key evidentiary flaws & compiled strong response package--CC agreed, Art 15 dropped

- Insightful/hard-charging; interviewed witnesses/uncovered new evidence--crucial to 2 full/2 partial acquittals

- Inspires troops--picked to brief 50+ MSgt-selects on discipline & welcomed 1,300+ FTAC Amn/newcomers

- Instrumental in DUI Art 15 response revision--client rec'd forfeitures only punishment...SSgt line # preserved

- Instrumental to ADC victory; assisted in 11 witness interviews/collected 7 affidavits...2 rape charges dropped

- Instrumental to trial success; located witnesses/assembled evidence pkgs for jury mbrs...client acquitted of rape

- Interviewed witnesses/secured statements/skillfully revised client's response; CC convinced & Art 15 dropped

- Invaluable member of ADC team; uncovered key witnesses/vital evidence at sex assault trial--Amn acquitted!

- Job-savvy DP w/ top-notch skills; excelled in independent role; promote now & make legal ofc superintendent!

- Justice guru! Hand-picked to brief military justice at CC/1st Sgt leadership seminar--45 CC/1st Sgts educated

- Key piece of wing mobility machine; provided legal services and LOAC briefings to 150+ GWOT deployers

- Key research/review of evidence in assault case...swayed commander to go w/ LOR...Amn's life/career saved

- Leadership in action...instructed legal office paralegals on ADC charter, spread importance of defense mission

- Leads by example--drafted 7 wills and 5 living wills for short notice deployers during office manning shortage

- Led 2 divisions during 5-mo mngr gap; built 6 comm accts/approved 17 auth/vouchers--bridged gap/mng'd office ops

- Linchpin to building CC/CCF relations vital for achieving 100% Art 15 atty consult rate; crushed AF 90% goal

- Mastered 45-hr Paralegal Contracts crse; cultivated contract law knowledge--readied for AF-wide legal research Ktrs

- Mastered 5 Microsoft classes including 4 power point courses; yielded competitive advantage for ADC at trial

- Meticulous; discovered CC's order insufficient while ADC TDY; discrepancy disclosed to unit; Art 15 averted

- Meticulous; thorough investigation identified derelict fitness pgm...adverse action dropped/NCO's career saved

- Meticulously compiled winning response pkg for Secretary of Air Force review--Capt facing dischrg retained

- Meticulously prepared 15 compelling sentencing packages...60% received no punitive discharge; careers saved

- Mission first; prepped 6K+ continued internment pkgs for Iraqi Criminal Court...facilitated 100% due process!

- Mobilized entire base office legal community for Nat'l Forest Dept site improvement--removed 57 lbs of trash

- Motivated...earned 6 credit hrs toward CCAF Paralegal degree; maintained 3.8 GPA/1 class left for graduation

- Multi-tasker! Created 3 clemency pkgs at 3 bases while prepping 2 courts/2 boards; relief granted in each case

- Multi-tasker! Expertly managed 16 adverse actions while assisting SDC/ADC with complex sex assault Art 32

- Obtained multiple character letters in drug court; pkg convinced jury of Amn's discharge adjudged

- Office ambassador; briefed 300+ at FTAC & CC calls...strengthened ADC mission/individual rights awareness

- Orchestrated positive working relationship w/ 22 1st Sgts; smashed 90% goal w/ 100% Art 15 atty consult rate

- Orchestrated transition of client returned to duty for re-sentencing...rec'd reduced sentence & 5 months backpay

- Organized ADC Westlaw training; honed cutting edge defense legal research skills, boosted office productivity

- Outstanding 1st yr DP! Assisted 150+ clients in 4 courts-martial, 52 Article 15s, 19 discharges, 25 reprimands

- Outstanding 1st yr DP; smashed learning curve; assisted 600+ clients in 26 courts, 102 Art 15s & 41 discharges

- Outstanding office manager! Secured office resources & restructured data storage/streamlined defense services

- Oversaw 1-Star/CC's Green Dot prgm; cleared 14 trng crses/160 pers--fortified SECAF/CSAF's zero-tolerance policy

- Painstakingly sorted through 100s of docs in drug use Article 15; found exonerating evidence & action dropped

- Persistently praised for client care/tenacious legal service--lauded by retired CW4 as "best I've ever seen!"

- Persuasive negotiator! Convinced Support Grp to provide $6K for 3 computers & other vital office equipment

- Persuasive; flawlessly drafted admin discharge response package swayed CC...action w/drawn & career saved

- Phenomenal DP! Routinely sought by 1st Sgts for guidance; coined/praised by CCs for dedicated client service

- Phenomenal organizer...updated continuity binders; integrated uniform/standard office management procedures

- Phenomenal organizer; completely revamped telephone control/office safety/computer pgms; modernized office

- Pivotal aid in sex assault trial...located witnesses & assembled evidence pkgs for jury mbrs; won full acquittal!

- Pivotal to success; coordination w/ Wg leaders & 1st Sgts led to 97% attorney consult rate...beat AF 90% goal

- Premier DP--masterfully assisted 540+ clients in 13 courts/6 Art 32s/78 Art 15 actions/34 admin discharges

- Prepared 10 Quality Force Review Board presentations; kept CCs/CCFs informed on discipline across 50 SW

- Prepared superb sentencing pkg for SNCO guilty of stealing $80K from AF; mbr rec'd 12 mos out of 50 yr max

- Proactive; developed/maintained essential rapport w/ Wg leaders; CCs/CCFs praised "absolutely outstanding"

- Problem solver! Adeptly created critical office continuity binders...praised at '09 SAV & set regional standard

- Problem solver; obtained critical office equipment & fixed computer connectivity issues--enhanced efficiency

- Problem solver; spearheaded office comm system renovation; ensured uninterrupted/confidential contact w/ ofc

- Processed 750 tax returns for active duty and dependents; $100K in prep fees saved and $150K+ returned

- Procured $3.5K digital sender w/ wing fallout funds--conserved meager office budget & increased efficiency

- Provided base life validation; solidified $118M operation in JRRB--enabled continual quality of life standard

- Provided first-class services to 75+ mbrs...7 courts-martial/43 Art 15s/19 discharges/24 other adverse actions

- Provided indispensable defense services to 453 Amn in 15 courts, 121 Art 15s, 49 discharges & 47 reprimands

- Provided key support as military justice paralegal in 5 courts/35 Art 15s & acted as victim/witness coordinator

- Provided on-point legal research in complex jurisdiction case--efforts allowed ADC to focus on other issues

- Provided outstanding guidance for 425+ clients in 10 courts, 160+ Art 15s, 45+ discharges, 4 discharge boards

- Provided superior service to 350+ clients in 3 courts/35+ Art 15s/80+ LORs/30 discharges/2 discharge boards

- Provided superior service to 460+ clients...14 courts/125 Art 15s/28 dischrgs/61 reprimands/8 dischrg boards

- Provided top-notch defense services to 143+ clients in 7 courts-martial, 53 Art 15s, 36 discharges & 47 LORs

- Public face of the ADC; briefed 200+ at monthly FTAC/ALS/ CC call briefings...inspired trust and confidence

- Remarkable adaptability on short-notice PCA to ADC office; seamless transition w/ zero mission interruptions

- Remarkable paralegal; keen fact analysis in hi-viz case revealed constitutional abuses; preserved client's rights

- Repaired problematic computer networking nightmare; mapped all computers to work center...saved office $3K

- Researched AFI for MSgt accused of unprofessional relationships...convinced CC to drop LOR--client elated!

- Resourceful! Obtained $2.5K budget increase...cut expenses by $300/month; surplus funds increased efficiency

- Resourceful; deftly managed $5.5K budget--acquired 2 new computers at no cost & created client workstation

- Resourceful; obtained $3K budget boost; increased efficiency w/ digital sender/enhanced safety w/ cypher lock

- Role model DP; selected to lead & provide training/mentoring to 30+ DPs at CONUS wide defense conference

- Role model; tackled leadership/management challenges during NCOIC absence--100% tasks on time/on target

- Sagely managed $28K annual office budget; ensured paralegal/attorney training requirements were met 100%

- Seized all opportunities! Initiated meet & greet w/ new Sq/CCs...fostered relations & encouraged cooperation

- Sel'd f/Snr Contract Atrny's crse; sole enl paralegal of 215 students--provid'd insight f/prlgl utilization in contract law

- Selected by Sq/CC for outstanding leadership/performance; skills highlighted in base paper--coined by Wg/CC

- Self motivated; assessed legal office security and confidentiality procedures--ensured standards and policy met

- Self-starter; revamped lifeless FTAC/CC's call briefings--timely/relevant info to 600+ actively engaged Amn

- Selfless devotion to duty! Hand-picked for short-notice TDY; single-handedly ran office w/ all personnel TDY

- Selfless mentor; constantly rendered assistance to co-workers--received "Outstanding Performer" three times

- Service before self...dedicated off-duty time to guide/mentor suicidal client during dischrg process--saved life

- Sets the example! Mentored new DPs outside of region on responsibilities--enforced defense database usage

- Singlehandedly tackled Article 6 visit while ADC was TDY; DJAG praised "extremely grateful for hard work"

- Skillfully acquired funding to support 2 additional attys/1 DPM; obtained 4 smartphones, 25% budget increase

- Skillfully assisted in drafting CMSgt's LOR response...CC "ripped up" action; member allowed to PCS on time

- Skillfully authored 118 responses--CCs convinced & dropped 5 Art 15 charges, 2 LOR/LOCs & 1 UIF action

- Skillfully controlled $3K budget; resourcefulness secured additional $9.6K in EOY funds...enhanced efficiency

- Skillfully managed 15 non-judicial punishment actions; 16-day avg processing time; crushed 20-day standard

- Sought add'l trng; completed basic/advanced legal research classes...increased knowledge/applied skills to job

- Sought add'l trng; completed progressive discipline class--improved skills/persuasiveness of client responses

- Spearheaded Law Office Sup't retirement ceremony--20 yrs service properly recognized...mbr/family grateful

- Stalwart; expertly guided 650+ clients w/ 140 Art 15s/62 LORs/53 discharges...7 Art 15s/1 discharge dropped

- Staunch advocate; uncovered/corrected error denying Amn's promotion to A1C--received 23 months back pay

- Stellar clemency pkg convinced Wg CC to enter NCO in rigorous Return to Duty Pgm; rare 2nd chance for mbr

- Stellar research garnered Art 15/honorable discharge for alleged steroid use...trial avoided/benefits preserved

- Stellar research/perfectly drafted discharge-in-lieu-of court-martial pkg; swayed CC--mbr spared conviction!

- Strengthened host nation capes; led 8 TAA msn completed 17 KLEs--reinforced GIROA use of justice system

- Superb CC spt! 89 NJP actions done--95% w/in 20-day goal; earned ACC "Excellence in Discipline" award!

- Superb interviewer--earned C-M victim's trust during 2-hr interview; meticulous notes secured vital testimony

- Superb investigative skills...identified illegal pretrial confinement; 7 months jail adjudged/only 10 days served!

- Superb job during hi-vis GCM; key coordination of 2 expert witnesses; justice serv'd, sex offender behind bars

- Superb office manager! Provided critical support during senior defense attorney rotation--seamless transition

- Superb support--researched AFIs; singlehandedly developed discharge defense...action dropped/mbr retained

- Team player! Single-handedly took on office SAV prep while ADC TDY 2 weeks...lauded for superior efforts

- Team player; effectively supported 8 visiting attys--ensured vital resources available/ADCs prepared for trial

- Tm'd w/LAFB OSI; notariz'd off-duty testimony docs f/CM; prevent'd trial delay--sav'd AF $4.5K travel/witness fees

- Teamed with O-5 f/1-Star/CC's Call; organized comm/logistics/protocol--exec'd x2 flawless events lauded by Snr ldrs

- Tenacious advocate! Nearly 10% of Article 15s dropped or reduced to LOR...members' careers back on track

- Tenacious advocate; meticulously edited 62 Art 15 responses...led to amazing 49% of Airmen retaining stripes

- Tenacious advocate; questioned legal sufficiency of Art 15 specification; no evidence found & Art 15 removed

- Tenacious advocate; superb research/persuasive writing swayed CCs to drop 5 Art back on track

- Tenacious researcher; rapidly obtained on-target info for ADC & client...NCO's reenlistment denial overturned

- Tenacious! Obtained 33 character letters, interviewed 18 witnesses for short-notice Art 32--charges dropped

- Tenacious...identified inaccuracies in 2 admin discharges; one member board entitled, other member retained

- Tenacious; coordinated entry/swayed CC to enter Amn in rigorous Return to Duty Pgm; rare 2nd chance for mbr

- Thirst for knowledge; completed crucial Westlaw, legal webcast & on-line training...sharpened paralegal skills

- Thorough investigation revealed improper basis for discharge; led CC to w/ draw action...Amn's career saved

- Thorough investigations/skillfully crafted responses led CCs to w/draw 6 Art 15s...reputations & stripes saved

- Tireless defender--adeptly assisted 520+ mbrs in 6 courts, 76 Art 15s, 30 administrative discharges, 75 LORs

- Tireless defender--expertly assisted 200+ clients in 11 courts/97 Art 15s/34 admin discharges/44 reprimands

- Tireless defender! Expertly assisted 300+ clients in 3 courts-martial/62 Art 15s/51 LORs/29 admin discharges

- Tireless defender; expertly assisted 160+ clients in 10 courts, 28 Art 15s, 56 reprimands, 16 admin discharges

- Tireless DP; coordinated w/ 31 ADCs in 3 days for Art 15s arising from single ring; secured atty's for all mbrs

- Top-notch DP! Singlehandedly prepped for MAJCOM office visit while ADC TDY; lauded by 1-star & Chief

- Top-notch SNCO; identified/counseled suicidal court client; advocated entry into treatment program; life saved

- Tracked 1.5K contract attorney case actions--precise allocation of JA support to $4B+ in worldwide contracts

- Training machine! Rec'd 75+ hrs of OJT in mere 3 months...knocked out all core tasks; ready for 7 lvl upgrade

- Tremendous leader, amazing DP--exceeded all goals...promote to MSgt/make law office superintendent now!

- Tremendous speaker...consistently lauded for FTAC/Right Start briefings...educated 200+ on defense services

- Tremendous speaker; briefed 80+ FTAC Amn on ADC mission & individual rights...100% attorney consult rate

- True mentor; personal intervention with junior enlisted clients resulted in withdrawal of 3 LORs/5 Article 15s

- True team player; provided fitness test monitoring for 14 Mission Support Group mbrs; ensured 100% pass rate

- Uncovered key exculpatory evidence in homosexual conduct case--Art 15 dropped & client's career salvaged

- Unmatched DP! Mentored/trained 5 DPs/2 interns; leadership helped maintain continuity throughout the region

- Unmatched DP! Raised the bar for DP success; excelled during office's busiest client workload qtr since 2004

- Unmatched leader! Refined organizational/management skills are key to success of busy 4 person ADC office

- Unmatched office manager; instituted first official office file plan in 10 yrs...corrected decade long discrepancy

- Unparalleled trial support! Id'd inadmissible evidence--no jail for client convicted of larceny/housebreaking

- Unrelenting investigator; witness interviews in discharge action uncovered flaws in gov't case...NCO retained!

- Unwavering efforts saved officer client; compiled character evidence pkg for Art 32 hearing--case dismissed!

- Unwavering efforts; compiled winning retention package for Airman facing drug use discharge...client retained

- Unwavering support...skillfully prepped stellar sentencing pkg for Silver Star client w/ PTSD; retirement saved

- Unyielding NCO; conducted briefings/took pictures--ensured claimants were accurately informed of process

- Upgrad'd 12 7-lvl paralegals; adv'd UGT process/monitor'd monthly task progression--certified fully-qualified NCOs

- Upheld defense excellence; managed office functions during lengthy ADC TDYs; ensured all client's needs met

- Vital player in legal readiness effort; personally drafted/notarized 100+ legal instruments; saved clients $4.9K

- Volunteered to brief 55+ defense paralegals at yearly conference ensuring superior post-trial defense advocacy

- Work ethic to envy/efficiency to emulate; completely revitalized ADC office...ensured all mbrs needs were met

- Zealous advocate; crafted winning discharge response...convinced CC to w/draw discharge--career salvaged

- Zealous defender--provided assistance to 550+ clients in 18 courts/128 Art 15s/26 discharges/70 LOR/LOCs

- Zealous defender! Key research led to w/drawal of 2 courts/6 Art 15s/2 vacation actions/4 LORs/4 discharges

- Zealous defender; created exceptional courts-martial sentencing pkgs--100% of guilty plea cases no discharge

- Zealous defender; provided assistance to 170+ Amn in 2 courts, 48 Art 15s, 18 dischrgs & 50 LOR/LOC/LOAs

- Zealous defender; shrewd input bolstered MSgt's denied reenlistment appeal; SECAF agreed...retirement saved

- Zealous defender; skillfully revised client's statement for discharge board--panel mbr granted rare 2nd chance

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