Inspection/ Self-inspection EPR Bullets

- #1 USAFE CC Insp Program; led FSS inspection scenarios--guaranteed food safety recalls, SAR effectiveness

- Aced no-notice IG SAV; maintained 80 records/1.5K required items insp'd--led 99% folder proficiency status

- Built self-insp audit; prioritized trouble areas/fixed 18 errors...catalyst behind Wg's '12 HQ LCAP "Excellent"

- Cert'd as NATO 2nd ln LOG evaluator; serv'd as Greece TACEVAL inspector--NATO partner cap's validated

- Corrected MAJCOM vert inspection deficiencies; generated 14 procedures & 9 checklists--fixed 23 crit discrepancies

- Drove MICT compliance mindset; directed xxx SACs/xxx item review--closed 6xx observations/rcvd zero UEI findings

- Drove flt's self-insp prgm/4 sections; 94% QA pass-rate--locked in 8 of 11 Amn 1Q13 MXS QA "Honor Roll"

- Drove 18 in-depth 36 month insps; verified 2.1K explosives--sustained 98% QA pass/35 FW 99% MSE rate

- Established & enforced guidelines; wrote 11 directives & 2 permanent policies--CoC fortified & 5 tm roles explicated

- Excelled as WIT mbr; completed AF Nuclear Surety Crse--showcased during Wg's 18 scheduled surety events

- Executed records inspection; organized tm audit of 93 records, 2K files, and 32.4K data points--8.5K errors identified

- Insp'd 14 prgms; ID'd shortfalls/est'd fix COA...sect in compliance--fueled Sq's "Highly Effective" IG insp rt

- Inspected 4 MXS prgm continuity books...identified/corrected 16 findings during LCAP insp prep

- Led Accy flt LCAP prep/hand-selected as QA augmentee; vital to 1 finding/112 carded items--99% pass rate

- Led AMXS to annihilate 1st UEI; 5 programs benchmarked/3 outstanding performers--31 FW rated Effective

- Led MXG prep of MAJCOM LCAP insp/47 personnel in comp of 3K+ insp...LCAP in AETC

- Led QA trng wrkshop; trnd 6 NCO s/vital to DoD/AF stds and AFI validation; catalyst for unit process improvement

- Led USAFE's lrgst MH PRP prgm; ldrshp vital 3 depts/34 prsnl/FW's top msn--aced '15 NSI/zero MH findings

- Led inspectors on MXG self inspection; reviewed/ID'd gp shortfalls...focused leadership/1.2K gp maintainers

- MXG lead for '12 LCAP prep; 1.1K evals/37 checklists/four agencies...locked wg's overall "Excellent" rating

- Managed $27M ARMS system; input/audited 5.2K docs, 7.1K flt/grnd trng events--1.3K effective trng sorties cached

- Managed QA flt's self inspection prgm...detected/rectified 18 defects noted during '08 ORI

- Managed all shop self-inspection prgms; surefire continuity--yielded perfect safety/environmental/mx records

- Managed WSA accountability; spent 204 hrs in UCC--assisted in wg's "Excellent" rating during 4 inspections

- Monitored sq flying-hr prgm; updated/tracked 1.7K hrs/490 sorties in 5 months--ensured accurate Wg-level reporting

- Oversaw surety eval launch crews; spt'd 4 LSIs/NSI--keyed FW's highest "Satisfactory" insp rating/AF #1 msn

- Oversaw USAFE '15 NSI tower ops; protected afld/liaised w/SFS--Wg earned top ratings for AF's #1 priority

- Participated in LSAV insp on 726 MX QA; ensured 100% unit compliance--Mx rated "Outstanding" LCAP insp

- Performed LCAP prep; insp'd six sqdns/ID'd 700 issues; QA recognized as wg 'Strength'-49/49 EPEs--promote

- Performed gp self inspection...located/rectified 11 shortfalls...wg rated AETC 10 yr best "Excellent" '08 ORI

- Performed 45 Weapons Safety insps; ID'd/corrected critical 17 errors--ensured zero explosive mishaps CY13

- Revamped Job Safety Trng Outline; ID'd/corrected 63 errors--zero deficiencies/lauded during Wg Safety insp

- Reviewed ARMS product; rendered 138 database rpts & found clerical errors in 50%--go-no-go procedures rewritten

- Selected as LAFB LCAP pre-insp team inspector; conducted 1203 insps/33 STVs...ensured "Excellent" results

- Steered CC 6 mbr self-insp tm; insp'd/validated 28 checklists/ID'd 25 findings--readied MXS for future insps

- Strike eval prep mbr; cleaned 18 facilities/readied 64 tools--ensured 5 NATO nations/15 Strike A/C bed down

- Wg 'By-Law' insp mngr; projo for 11 HAF/DoD mandated insps/100% on time rt--named Wg SNCO of the Yr!

- Wg Self-Assessment Prgm Mngr; aced AFIA nuclear insp crs/led 87 unit mngrs--chosen as core mbr FW/IG tm

- WIT ldr; executed 3 cmbt Exs/ID'd 7 shortfalls/trnd 26 emerg pers on proper ops--armed 4K mbrs f/CONOPS

- WIT mbr; verified 154th MSG pgms/147 crit items/ID'd 5 discrepancies--backed Wg CCIP/PACAF capstone insp rdy

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