Equal Opportunity (EO) EPR Bullets

See also: Air Force Equal Opportunity Awards

Equal Opportunity (EO) Duty Description

- Examines internal EO process improvements to ensure the quality of service to all ANG stakeholders
- Provides expert advice, consultation, and other services to commanders to enhance mission effectiveness
- Researches EO policies to ensure highest level of diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity for all AMN

- Maintains and improves EO programs for climate assessments & diversity to enhance workcenter environments
- Enforces EO policies and sets example to instill and promote a positive and inclusive working environment
- Guides special observances; enhances awareness and value of racial, ethnic, and gender diversity in the AF

- Manages Equal Opportunity prgms supporting 17K+ Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) military and civilian pers
- Proactively analyzes all internal EO processes for effectiveness to meet the needs of all military and civilians
- Implements established EO programs and climate assessments to ensure and promote productive duty environments
- Consolidates Equal Opportunity operating and training procedures into concise and efficient centrally located library

EO Performance Assessment

- Actively seeks feedback to improve EO; instituted process improvement initiatives; programs are inspection-ready!
- Assessed 23 of 26 unit's DEOCS; identified overall trends to WG leadership; WG morale day returned--happier Amn
- Authored Women's Equality Day article; published in base paper--enlightened mbrs on civ gender wage issues

- Chaired Wingman Week--orchestrated teambuilding activities--fortified morale/improved combat capabilities
- Co-led JBSA's largest UCA for 37 TRW; 35 orgs/3.2K pers--ID'd BMT concerns/equip'd CCs for intervention
- Conducted 2 EOTI investigations; kept A1 ldrshp informed/unit ldrshp appraised--minimized negative impacts
- Conducted 8 Unit Climate Assessments; 869 surveyed, 73 hrs of analysis--keen insight into Wg human relations
- Created EO complaint intake tracker; imprv'd svcs & staff continuity--redux complaint resolution time by 25%

- Dedicated 15+ hrs of EO Assistance to 600+ mil/civ/retirees/family members; eliminating issues before crisis point!
- Dedicated 33 hrs of EO Assistance to 8K mil/civ/retirees/family members; eliminating issues before crisis pt
- Dedicated 80 hrs to OJT/113 AFTR tasks; id'd deficiencies/4 mbrs placed in upgrade trng--equipped to lead EO office
- Dedicated NCO; routinely accomplishes mission outside RSD hours for 24/7 support to (unit)-- example for all!
- Developed "Out & About" schedule; increased unit presence 200%--opened dialogue/built positive relations
- Devoted 20 hrs as base advisor to 4 cultural observance committees--assists w/ managing all aspects of events
- Disseminated vital info via newsletter; edu 600+ Grp mbrs on EO policies; improved culture--zero incidents reported
- Drove EO education; 40 sr ldr brfs/12 CC calls/50 newcomer ed courses--trained 9K on proactive resolution tactics

- Educator! Provided 1on1 sensitivity trng post CWI substantiated unlawful discrimination--raised culture appreciation
- Educator! Provided 34 HRE classes/briefs; trained 8900+ personnel on EO policy--EO complaints mitigated
- Effective integrator; coord'd civilian age discrimination complaint/conducted interviews/liased w/CC--resoln settled
- Effective integrator; provided Yellow Ribbon brief for returning SFS deployers for smooth transition to civilian life
- Effective integrator; tailored Extremism Stand Down Day exec plan in 1 day; 600+ airmen briefed--improve climate
- Equipped warfighter w/vital info; provided 45 briefs/21 KPBs/31 assists; 5K trained--zero incidents reported

- Gauged HR climate in the deployed environment; 13 organizational visits--provided real-time feedback to CCs
- Guided EO office/program through wing inspection; no critical/significant findings--positioned office for excellence
- Guided Wing command climate; fostered Amn-focused culture--92% in connectedness, 91% in engaged members

- Handpicked by AETC as subject matter expert to rewrite FDS lesson plan; Air Force-wide impact
- Highly effective; regularly provided required EO briefings to all assigned squadrons--resulted in zero EO complaints
- Hit the ground running--led largest/most diverse EO pgrm in AOR; 8K+ base mbrs/2 FOB's/20K+ transients

- Impeccable professional; sexual harassment SME for 10 sensitivity classes of alleged offenders--100% train'd
- Integral member of AETC's busiest EO/ADR office; 59 civilian & military complaints/49 mediations/44 assists
- Integrated EO newcomer's orientation w/ Right Start; saved 700+ man hrs--expedited base in-processing
- Introduced Type I UCA demographics excel pgm; simplified continuity--decreased process workload by 83%
- Investigated Sexual Assault/Harassment case between AF mbrs/TCNs--ensured swift appropriate action taken

- Led 13 Defense Equal Opportunity Climate Surveys (DEOCS); analyzed replies--focused CCs on HR issues
- Led 5 Defense Equal Opportunity Climate Surveys; analyzed replies--focused CC on advancing human capital mgmt
- Led complaint mngm't team; evaluated & resolved 13 nondiscrimination complaints; Amn & WG better for changes
- Led EO base compliance; managed 4 CWI/4 informal/formal complaints--reinforced EO base policy/standards
- Led SecDef DEOCS mandate; 16 units/226 participants/analyzed and briefed results to 9 CCs--Id'd msn weaknesses

- Meticulous performer/advisor; reliable subject matter expert during UTA weekends-ensuring successful EO program
- Mission focused leader! Implemented EO SharePoint--empowering 1600+Amn & 26 units w/conflict resolution data
- Molded mbrs for successful career; taught 2,546 Newcomers/FTAC Amn--critique always rated "exceptional"

- Proactively built "Out & About" yr schedule for 1st Sgts; incr unit presence--opened dialogue/built positive relations
- Proactively conducted outreach to unit personnel--mitigated risk--ensured organizational effectiveness/cohesiveness
- Provided 33 HR briefs/31 trng hrs educating 396 members; critiques rcvd an average 4.81 out of a possible 5
- Publicized EO program--trained 4 EO liaisons--provided candid HR feedback to unit, FOB & installation CC

- Requested advisor for 4 cultural observance comittees; assisted w/all events aspects--3K awareness increased
- Resurrected Out & About outreach prgm; amplified EO presence for (base)--produced positive HR w/in orgs
- Revitalized/rebuilt non-existent EO Office as a fully operational/highly effective/efficient program--outstanding

- Solved 100% of complaints at lowest lvl; saved 2.5K man-hrs & reduced processing 98%--focus back on msn
- Stressed early intrvent'n by mnging 27 EO site visits--provided HRE f/ 6,700 persnl, advanced human capital mgmt
- Subject matter expert on 2 Commander Directed Investigations--issues resolved--all focused back on mission

- Tactically minded; instructed at First Sgt Seminar/(M)Sgts class--increased 52 NCOs knowledge on EO Policy
- Teamed w/SARC; Id'd factors impacting readiness/launched 5 CE Escort briefings--reduced msn vulnerability
- Team player! Enthusiastic participant in Stomp Out Violence 5K run--boosted esprit de corps within Eng flight

- Validated 516 MILPDS trng records; certified credit to mbrs--ensures prgm compliance w/AFCOLS standards
- Volunteered for base Multicultural Day; assisted with heritage booths--fostered community and base relations
- Vol'd 16-hrs at summer camp; setup field day activities/aided golf tournament--raised $8.6K for Sickle Cell research

- Wg/CC trusted advisor--teams w/ 32 CC/directors and 25 first sgts on HR incidents, complaints, and issues
- Women's Equality Day/Hispanic Heritage advisor--raised AUAB's cultural awareness/diversity appreciation

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