- Uses special tools to perform eng/prop troubleshooting, repair & correction of org mx on 28 F-16 C/D, worth $980M
- Reports to the Production Superintendent & Flightline Expediter to coordinate mx, insp & execution of 157 FW FHP
- Orchestrates troubleshooting, repairs/mods & SLEP statuses of 33 F-100-229 engs valued at $118M to McEntire Mgr
- Performs sections scheduled mx, TCTOs/OTIs & leads Mobility prgm/facilitates personnel TDY/deployment readiness
- Maintains 97 CTKs, monitoring scheduled and unscheduled insps utilizing the Tool Ctrl and Asset Mgt computer Sys
- Coordinates Engine service life extension with Pratt & Whitney field representatives utilizing digital analytical tools
- Interprets and implements directives and publications pertaining to maintenance functions, to include safe practices
- First-line propulsion technician in CAF's only Active Association with 28 Block 52 F-16 aircraft worth over $980M
- Accomplishes control, inspection, calibration, repair, and replacement of >5K tools and specialized mx equipment
- Practices foreign object damage prevention, hardware ctrl procs, and strict adherence to HHQ regs and QA standards
- DIT member; monitors critical IMDS mx data errors, briefs/instructs section proper mx data documentation procedures
- Enables shop's mobility; conceives equip/spare engs loading plans/packing lists/150 pcs/supporting TDY/deployments
- VCO alternate; ensures proper cleanliness, upkeep, accountability, mileage, mx documentation/2 GOVs >$40K value
- Diagnoses/repairs malfunctions using technical publications and Interactive Electronics Technical Manuals (IETMS)
- Inspects, tests, troubleshoots, modifies, repairs, installs 35 F100-PW-229 engs/related sub-systems--valued at $210M
- Enforces proper handling/labeling/disposing of haz waste IAW DoD/fed/state environmental regs & FOD awareness
- Leads 79 TFI Amn in executing preventative, sched'd & unsched'd eng mx on 16 E-8C JSTARS acft valued at $5.9B
- Directs & tracks insps/repairs/removals/installations/ops chks of 96 TF33-102C engs/sub-components worth $228M
- Mng's mx/positive ctrl of 10K items CTK/test equip totaling $300K; performs adjustments/borescopes/blade blending
- 31 FW's best engine tech; when senior leaders need the right answer, right now, TSgt Alfreno is the #1 source
- Accelerated 5 FOD repairs; evaluated/blended 210 blades/bested std by 2 wks--recovered 10K engine op hr capability
- Accelerated 5 FOD'd eng repairs; eval'd/R2'd 210 blades/beat 2 wk std by 50%--eradicated 2 mo below WRE deficit
- Accomplished augmentor insp; id'd/replaced cracked liner--prevented augmentor burn-through/eng fire/>$900K dmg
- Accomplished upgrade rqmts; completed CDC/54 tasks/FTD crse 3 mos early--scored 77% on EOC/awarded 5-level
- Accomplished upgrade rqmts; completed CDCs/54 tasks/FTD crse 1 mos early--scored 69% on EOC/awarded 5-level
- Aided creation/stand alone ACA UTC; compiled 28 items worth $250K--enabled ACA CONR deploy ability/4 F-16s
- Aided hurricane evac; launched 10 acft/readied 4 facilities/secured 25 AGE items--safeguarded 482 FW $1.06B fleet
- Aided increment monitors; secured 3 pallets/13 spt equip/30 haz items--safeguarded >$100k of supplies f/commercial flt
- Airshow Civ Demo Tm lead; ded'd 76 hrs, hosted 41 performers, prgm'd 252 rqmts--upheld AF legacy of air superiority
- Alternate trng monitor; tracked/provided trng/leveraged on-time upgrade for 4 Amn--reduced overdue stats by >50%
- Analyzed/repaired bearing oil leak; received zero defect QA final...aided CMS's 96% MSEP success rate, Sep
- Appointed eng manager; monitored/scheduled 36 insps/processed 2M downloads--upheld 482 FW's 91% FMC rate
- Asset to 31 FW; led/aided three acft engine changes--essential to 1.2K sorties & 2.4K flying hrs, Oct-Dec '11
- Asseted FW's 1st ever vertical stab swap; led 3-mbr eng removal/installation tm--QA "ZD"/10 sorties/code-1
- Assisted 4 real-world emergencies/grnd egresses; spt'd firefighter/O2 tms to locate source--saved 72 lives/$250M acft
- Assisted SM shop w/ fillet flap repair; completed in 4hrs 50% < ETIC--restored acft 100% FMC flew next 8 hr sortie
- Aug'd crew chiefs during Red Flag ex; replaced 2 main wheel & tires--restored acft to FMC status/next trng msn met
- Aug'd weekend duty eng chg; perf'd eng trim/corrected engine power settings--avoided fuel ctrl chg/24-hr acft NMC
- Augmented Avionics during Op ODYSSEY DAWN; reconfig'd jets/gen'd 21 F-16s < 48 hrs/141 sorties flown
- Authored 4 AFTO 22s; corrected eng run ops procedural & limit discreps--gained 100% approval rt, safeguarded pers
- Authored UTA commission brief; lectured 1 hr on USAFA/OTS application processes--mentored 25 aspiring officers
- Averted impound; borescoped surety acft cockpit/recovered FO--NSI rated tech ops "Excellent"/FW best "Sat"
- Avidly performed 10 test cell engine runs FY17; assured engine spare line maintained--WRE rate sustained at 100%
- Borescoped 5 acft;located/recovered foreign objects--prevented acft impoundment/ensured flt safety/saved 48 man-hrs
- Borescoped cockpit for foreign object; recovered missing hardware--avoided a/c impound/saved 24+ man hrs
- Briefed 2x Wg/CCC DSD Rodeo; mentored 26 Amn/provided guidance--readied mbrs for key AF ldrshp opportunities
- Cert'd 11 mx'ers int/exh insps; cut a/c turn time 10%--enhanced FW's stellar 92% FSE/GABs down 4%, FY11
- Cert'd Mx Training Flight Instructors on engine borescope insps; 12 techs trained--boosted 31 MXG qual 33%
- Certified intake/exhaust inspector; completed 12 hr hands-on trng/4 engine insps--enhanced flight's qual rate by 10%
- Chaired 1st-ever CBRNE off-site; drove 25 pers/8 hrs thru 2 ATSO sims--merged unit cmbt readiness/interoperability
- Chaired 5-mbr tiger tm; reviewed 6 prgms/cleared 1K insps/corrected 90 errors--aided spt section's 97% QA pass rate
- Championed daily mx; performed 18 sched/42 unsched tasks/aced 7/7 QA evals--cemented AMU's 93% pass
- Collaborated on depot lvl repair; rem/reinst Primary flt cntrl/R2 stab box 36 hrs--impv'd fleet health/inc safety of flt
- Completed 14 engine chgs/25 borescope insp; delivered safe, reliable a/c--enabled 8K sorties/18K hrs, FY11
- Completed 20 engine inspections during TSP Osan Korea; ensured safety/serviceability of engines--617 sorties flown
- Completed 6 eng final insps; found/corrected >15 defects--ensured eng reliability/FY18/19 9.3K sorties/11.2K flt-hrs
- Conducted 10 equip evals/mods; eliminated 8 trailer gear discrepancies/2 lubes--ensured R&I delivery by AEF RDD
- Conducted 4 overhauls; rebuilt 16 engine modules/completed 9 TCTOs/1K insps--rcvd 4 ZD QVIs/incr WRE by 75%
- Conducted 64 mx assesments; identified/corrected 16 key discrepancies--reinforced Wg's mx quality/85.4% pass rate
- Conducted ignition cable repair procedure; instructed/qual'd 3 Amn--boosted shop proficiency 18%/saved $600 per unit
- Coord'd contr spt f/hush house repairs; guided obsolete/degraded test equip upgrade--upheld $2.2M test facility capes
- Coord'd Supply shortfall w/ Production; CANN'd 2 flap transmissions--vital to JSTARS reaching 125K COCOM flt hrs
- Coord'd TODA prgm; maintd 6 iPads/52 updates worth $4.8K--retained equipment rdns/0 QA fails during spot check
- Coordinated 113 DIFM turn-ins; processed 12 LRUs/7 modules/94 components--recouped $1.1M in repairable assets
- Crucial hurricane prep member; re-located 14 avionics pods to a stable hangar--acft launched out succesfully on time
- Crushed UGT; completed CDCs/54 core tasks/6 wk field training course 4 mos early--earned 5-level skill/85% on EOC
- Cultivated section readiness; trained/certified 8 amn on APU ops & Borescope procedures--boosted flt qual's by 18%
- Dayshift lead for TFI tm; drove >800 mx tasks, 7 HSCs & 3 Isochronal insps--key to Wg's 7.6K flt hrs & 1.1K sorties
- Deployed in spt of OFS; propelled 31 phase insps/5 alert launches--key to 455 EAMXS ACC Daedalian Trophy '16
- Deployed in support of ANATOLIAN EAGLE Ex; R2 FOD'd a/c engine--86 cbt training sorties/160 hrs flown
- Deployed to Bagram Airfield; ID'd/R2 faulty engine fuel line--supported 335 cbt acft/800+ joint air requests
- Detected 2 inaccurate hyd wrenches; coord'd w/4th CMS to repair/calibrate--ended 1 mth work stoppage/spared 3 engs
- Detected damaged JFS probe; intercepted JFS/replaced prior to install--avoided second JFS removal/saved 10 man-hrs
- Devoted skill set beyond normal duty day; installed T/R door--saved 12 hrs acft NM time/increased asset availability
- Diagnosed persistent engine mach fail; R2 MEC--drove low 1.9% rep/rec, Sep '11/boosted ORE availability
- Diagnosed recurring A/B fault; replaced shorted exciter/turned 4 engs/1 mo--bolstered WRE lvl/bested cmd goal 300%
- Dir'd cowling alignment repair; guided 4 techs & mng'd 93-step rigging task--pwr'd SOUTHCOM msn & aided 15 trks
- Dir'd section's mx; guided 139 in-shop/ flightline actions & 129 engine oil analyses--fueled 197 sorties w/ 1.2K flt hrs
- Directed 14 a/c engine chgs; incredible 9 "zero defects" evals--keyed Spec Flt's stellar 94% QA pass rt, FY11
- Directed 5 member Tiger team; reviewed 6 programs/1K insps/corrected 90 errors--aided spt section's 97% QA pass rte
- Discovered 8 incorrectly documented tools; corrected forms/replaced tools--prevented FOD walks/saved 120 man-hrs
- Discovered bent pin on cannon plug; replaced cable/transducer--generated 162 sorties/226 hours during four day surge
- Discovered buckled thrust reverser sleeve; replaced assy <8 hrs...50% below std--saved $40K in depot mx repair cost
- Discovered contaminated oil system; replaced faulty fuel/oil cooler & flushed system-- prevented bearing area failure
- Discovered damaged lube/scavenge pump filter during -6 insp; R2 filter--contributed to 84.3% FSE rt, Oct '11
- Discovered engine fuel contamination; R2 clogged MFP filter assy--drove 31 MXG '11 USAF Daedalian Awd
- Discovered engine fuel leak; orchestrated gasket replacement--aided unit's historic 8-wk 737 sortie streak w/zero MND
- Discovered loose nose cone ring; re-torqued ring/secured tab washer--prevented catastrophic engine FOD incident
- Discovered oil contamination; drained & flushed 12 eng oil sys<72 hrs--forged 86.5% MC rt Mar '14/std 81%
- Discovered oil system fuel contaminate; r2 faulty fuel/oil cooler & flushed oil system--prevented $800K bearing failure
- Discovered oil tank leak during test cell operation; replaced packing <2hrs--avoided engine failure/saved $5M asset
- Distinguished augmenter out of limit cracks;restored 3 convergent nozzle segments--preserved $900 Kasset/8man-hrs
- DoD Cert'd SAPR VVA; completed 384 hrs on-call/56 CEU hrs & 3 events--served 22K Robins community/awd'd SEI
- Dply'd 192 days to Kadena AB; gen'd 566 flt hrs & executed 93.3% MC rate--max'd security in Asian Pacific region
- Drove DIFM prgm; rtn'd 20 items on-time w/ 0 delinquencies--recycled $620K in parts to supply Life-Cycle managers
- Dynamic mentor; trained two 3-lvl's on FTIT gauge R2/ops checks--techs upgraded 1 month ahead of schedule
- Earned 100% QA pass rate on nine evals; aided sect's impressive 95% pass rate--best in 31 MXG, 4th Qtr '10
- Earned special certifications; Intake/Exhaust/Blade Blend/ Borescope/Engine Run--afforded 5682 Hours flown FY19
- Education driven; completed/passed Introduction to World Religions DSST--awarded 3 credit hours towards CCAF
- Effectively c/w engine MEC time change; inspected/R2 five MECs in < 15% mx std avg--vital to 92% FSE rt
- Eliminated test cell FOD recur; diagnosed 2 deteriorated air lines/replaced $10K starter--restored facility ops to 100%
- Employed ACE model; responded to 3 Amn w/ suicidal ideations & 2 in distress--mbrs rcv'd crucial help/back to duty
- Energized AOR ops; coordinated MRT procured/shipped 5 essential tools--sustained 18 F-16s/1.4K close air spt msns
- Engine IFE responder; ID'd faulty surging engine actuators-- aided Nov '14 1% rep/rec rt, destroyed CAF std
- Entrusted with NCO responsibilities as SrA; earned 7-level qualifications--lone troop for 18 ACFT in transit to AOR
- Excellent attention to detail; identified broken engine augmenter bell crank--prevented nozzle crunch/engine failure
- Executed 150 sched/phase insps; id'd/R2 faulty ice detector/4 nozzle segs--enabled >5.4K flt/hrs/>3.4K sorties FY19
- Executed 3250/100/200hr eng insps; discovered/corrected 45 discrepancies--cemented FY19 FHP/3.4K srts/5.4K hrs
- Executed 43 QAR inspections; evaluated eight contractor engine finals...achieved 100% zero defect QA ratings
- Executed cann a/c rebuild; installed four components/completed ops cks < 12 hrs--avoided Cat II hanger queen
- Executed mx engine run; discovered chafed oil line/R2'd <2 hrs--avoided engine fail/bested ACC 8-hour fix rate stnd
- Executed turbine TCTO; led 7 Amn on engine overhaul & passed 3 QA install insps w/ ZD--averted in-flight mishap
- Expedited 15-mbr section; led 3 deployed crews/oversaw 84 redball mx actions--underpinned 1.4K cbt srts/6.6K hrs
- Expedited BTF support; executed 100 mx actions/6 Phase insps--paved 6 on-time sell-backs/beat 5-yr record/3 BTFs
- Expedited hurricane evacuation; cleared 2 GABs/launched 18 acft ahead of storm--safeguarded 482 FW's $1.06B fleet
- Expedited Specialist throughout year; filled manning void/led 10+ Amn/3 AFSCs--spt'd 4.2K sorties/6.7K hrs, FY18
- Expedited T-9 annual facility insp; aligned/assisted w/19 contr repairs--reduced mx timeline/slashed ETIC by 30 days
- Expedited test cell refit; drove 2-ton thrust bed diagnostic sys install/80 hrs--underpinned $1M test facility upgrades
- Expedited urgent action OTI; completed 230 trailer insps/70 repairs/halved 4 day std--restored $168K in AGE equip
- Expedited urgent OTI; guided 230 insps/70 repairs/bested ACC standard 8 days--restored $168K assest/no msn impact
- Expertly troubleshot & replaced FTIT gage; vital to JADED THUNDER '19 success--contributed to 276.4 flight hours
- Exposed eng vibration anomaly; r2 malfunctioning MFC/PLA resolver--avoided/saved 20 man hrs/$1.8K re-run cost
- Exposed two bad bearings from supply; initiated deficiency reports/saved $8K...halted guaranteed engine loss
- Facilitated 1st Sgt duties; penned 9 admin actions, spt'd 3 Art 15's & 50+ QFI checks--clenched Wg's DSD nom, Fall 18
- Facilitated 8 phase insps; analyzed 90 critical areas/30 wk cards/repaired 9 components--reverted 4K flying hrs to FHP
- Filled AMXS manning shortfall; spearheaded 13 eng changes/trained 10 pers--raised shop qual 50%/zero defect KTLs
- Filled Shift Lead pos for 3 mos; led 160 post flt mx tasks, 6 HSCs & 3 Isochronal insps--aided 4% MCR hike above Q2
- Finished 14 eng bracket TCTOs 60 days ahead sched; insp'd fleet/balanced eng bearings--averted catastrophic failure
- Fire guarded 4 test cell runs; oversaw 40 break-in hrs/critiqued 154 insps items--contributed to 4 ZD QVIs/166% WRE
- Fixed elusive fluctuating oil gauge; ID'd/R2 W-1 engine harness < 3 hrs--bested CAF rep/rec rt 1.6%, Aug '11
- Fused AF msn w/ edu goal; completed Project Mgt, CPI PPSM crs's & 12 semester credit hrs--greenbelt goal in reach
- Genius; built LRU pre-consumable kits; ID'd supply shortfalls/cut R2 time 33%--thwarted a/c mx non-delivery
- Guided 4 rebuilds; assembled 4 compressors/8 turbines/provided 12 units to rdy line--attained 100% WRE rate, 5 mo
- Guided AETC FTD eng obj's; trained 5 stus/11 hrs critical component insps--secured grad/20 CCAF credits awarded
- Guided bird strike mx; borescoped/blended/coord'd BASH checklist <9 hrs--next day NORTHCOM msn seized 3 HVT
- Guided eight person crew; orchestrated repair of 18 modules...returned >$14M in serviceable assets to supply
- Guided Myrtle Beach MRT; engine malfunction determined--engine replaced >12hrs enabled acft rtb next day FMC
- Halted engine auto-acceleration; executed emergency manual shutdown--averted fuel fire/prevented Class A mishap
- Hand picked FOD pgm manager; enforced FOD boss usage/led walks--drafted on-time reports to Wg/pgm insp pass
- Handpicked MRT member to Augusta GA; diagnosed/corrected eng warning light defect--returned $35M acft to HOB
- Handpicked tiger tm mbr; evaluated 20 CTKs/4K tools/corrected 35 discrepancies--enabled supt section's 97% QA rate
- ID'd 2 cracked anti-ice ducts; chgd ducts in 2 vs 4-hr stnd--prevented possible eng icing condition/compressor mishap
- ID'd faulty EGT indicator on eng run; aided IFC r2 probe--revived vital eng component averted 72 hr NMC dwn time
- Id'd FO during test cell run; extracted FO in oil system tubing--thwarted eng oil bearing starvation/secured $3.6M asset
- Id'd fuel system contamination/4 ACA engs;reset/R2'd MFP filters--saved $2.4M assets/aided 208 srts/POTUS air spt
- ID'd loose anti-ice valve; torqued nut/ZD on QVI w/100% deployed pass rt--awd'd QA honor roll/1-day pass
- Id'd major oil leak prior to take off; R2 gearbox transfer tube o-ring--avoided acft diversion/MRT/saved 160 man-hrs
- ID'd popped delta P; directed aircrew shutdown/R2'd filter/leak ck'd < 30 min--made next sortie/saved $260K
- ID'd/R2 defective MFP during Sep '11 ORE; aided 15/18 gen'd a/c--solidified 31 FW's readiness & ORI prep
- Identified JFS wiring fault; rectified prior to eng run--averted a/c start issues/powered Wg's 2.7K sorties/6.3K flt/hrs
- Identified broken T5.6 sensor/trained two techs critical repair actions--averted gauge change/saved AF $9.5K
- Identified cracked engine augmentor seal; spearheaded with order/component replacement--upheld phase schedule
- Identified faulty engine harness; replaced harness under 8 hrs--ensured NEPTUN HAWK concluded with zero rep/rec
- Indispensable; juggled 2 airshows/4 TDYs/OUP/AEF swap/ORE; 3 COCOMs supported/endless 31 FW reach
- Initiated JLG ANSI qualification crs's; 12 pers trn'd & cert'd during two sessions--increased Section capabilities 32%
- Insp'd/exposed 9 damaged inlet fan blades; repaired blades <30 min--averted eng pull/ensured Luke AFB TDY/22 srts
- Instructed 6 Amn for upgrade; cert'd 25 core task trng rqmts--4 skill lvl upgrades to offset low unit experience
- Instructed Amn on inspection & R2 of signal data converter; ensured task proficiency--boosted unit quals 15%
- Invented TMDE database; streamlined 219 critical calibrations w/zero overdue insps--drove flight's 86% MSEP rating
- Investigated fuel leak; replaced worn pump seal & ops ck'd <30 mins--SOUTHCOM msn met/$81M in narcotics halted
- Isolated faulty fuel pump; trained 3 on replacement & boosted weekend duty run crew--saved $1.7M asset/360 man hrs
- Isolated start issue during AEF; replaced JFS fuel control <3 hrs--aircraft recovered for next 2 sorties/0 lines missed
- Isolated two elusive eng signal fault/fuel leak; pulled eng/replaced right T2.5 Sensor--3 QA KTL passes on eng install
- Ivestigated APU shutdown discrep; led tm w/ exhaust thermocouple probe replacement--saved AF $1.8M/48 man hrs
- Key team member; accomplish TCTO 2840C modified 26 engine monitoring computers--completed 38 months early
- Key tech--31 FW's 2nd largest surge; 391 sorties in 4 days--maintained 90% MC/83% FSE/3.2% repeat/recur
- Led 13 HPO insps; guided 4 mbr tm completed 450 mx actions/52 engs/ADGs--cemented MXG's 96% MSE rt/2Q20
- Led 2 man red ball response; R2 JFS/start fuel valves/clutch servo valve <3hrs--contributed to 24 hr ACA capability
- Led 2 short notice tailswap mx tms; enabled 59 msns, 587 flt hrs & 268 JTIDS trks--max'd security & stability in AOR
- Led 5 mbr tm/6 eng finals; passed flawless KTLs/powered 912 sorties/3.4K hrs--sole CAF wg to close out FHP contr
- Led borescope usage/procedures training; qualified 6 Egress/Crew Chiefs--increased amns proficiency/quals by 10%
- Led four Airman; instructed mx'ers on vital engine borescope insps < 20% mx std time--vital to 84.6% MC rt
- Led main engine control (MEC) time chg; inspected/R2 eight MECs in < 15% mx std avg--vital to 98% MSE rt
- Led major flt ctrl mx repair tm; removed & installed elevator & tabs/5 vs 8 hr stnd--enabled 10% AA increase Mar-Jun
- Led Neptune Falcon/Global Hawk TDY; tacked damaged eng inlet fan blades/blended blades--protected $2.4M asset
- Led shift TFI ops; coord'd 3 workcenters w/ 23 pers--vital to 134 sorties, 900K flying hrs & 96% msn effectiveness rate
- Led swing-shift flightline tm; gen'd >1K sorties/7.2K flying hrs--helped tm MXS achieved 96% QA yearly pass rate
- Led team thru 10 HSC workcards; aced QVI w/ no defects--90 days w/ 0 DSVs/TDVs/UCRs & 100% QA pass rate
- Led tool accountability prgm; tracked movement/5K tools/equip, executed >1K insps--spt'd shop 94.6% QA pass rate
- Led weekend crew; removed/replaced augmenter in 3 hrs--1 hr < norm/allowed on time 389th AEF departure
- Maintained acft integrity; mng'd NDI JOAP sampling--bestowed 100% safety/efficiency/negated oil rel deficiencies
- Maintained shop rag control program; accounted/inventoried 200 rags daily--produced zero FOD incidents for FY17
- Managed 143 DIFM turn-ins; processed 15 LRUs/3 modules/125 components--reclaimed $1.6M repairable AF assets
- Managed Ex INIOHOS deployment; readied 3.5K lbs of equip/80 hr prep--powered 114 multinational training sorties
- Managed mobility duties; packed/maintained 4 engs/66K lbs of spt equip--enabled deployment of $18M in cbt assets
- Managed shop FL driving program effectively; 11 members trained/veh packets current--passed airfield mgmt check
- Mastered F-16C troubleshooting; diagnosed 85 faulty eng controls/replaced 67 LRUs--facilitated 151 EKIA, AEF '16
- Masterfully completed TCTO 861 on 34 a/c in 3 weeks--essential FHP/OOD/OUP combat readiness unfazed
- Meticulously maintained/updated 6 T.O. Ipads weekly; ensuring accurate tech data--resulting 0 spot check QA fails
- Meticulously performed two 180 day Hush House insp; maintained 100% FMC rate--preventing engine run backlog
- Mng'd Section's trng prgm; scheduled classes for 42 TFI pers & oversaw JST rqmts--upgraded two 7 lvls in 8 vs 12 mos
- Mng'd shift mx trng; conducted records review & signed-off 6 members on 369 tasks--increased shop's qual's by 47%
- Monitored bearing quality control; scrutinized 150 insp areas/processed 6 PQDRs--recouped $15K in warranted items
- Monitors fleet hrly insp's; conquered 15 engine insp's/fixed 210 discrepancies-- safeguarded vital $3.8M asset
- Motivated airman; initiated inspection/repair of 8 wheel bearings on engine trailers--boosted trailer spare line 15%
- MXG-dir'd OPLAN verification rep; eval'd degraded ops TTPs & planned cmbt logistics--ID'd 6 limfacs to 2 Wg/CCs
- Overhauled 16 modules; produced 5 engines w/4K cycle config--incr'd time on wg 2 yrs/gen'd 6K hrs f/482's FW FHP
- Oversaw 143 DIFM turn-ins; processed 15 LRUs/3 modules/125 components--regenerated $1.6M in repairable assets
- Oversaw 4 toolbox insp/rprs; replaced 2 locks/4 wheels--restored 4 $14K assets/propelled production of 4 engs/3 acft
- Oversaw 6 TFI mx tm; replaced & rigged 2 damaged thrust reversers, completed 10 hrs early--redux'd down time 14%
- Oversaw benchstock account; maintained 690 items valued $500K--enabled timely production 21 engs worth $126M
- Oversaw MXG Awards Ceremony; coor'd 4 committees, 5 agencies, 21 vols--honored 9 mbrs...lauded by MXG/CC
- Participated Estonia Deployment, replaced faulty eng<8hrs--awd'd MXG Mx Professional of Quarter, 1Q15
- PAS insp team chief; maintained five shelters/impeccable work environment--zero a/c FOD incidents/mishaps
- Perfected 1.1K CTK insps; propelled 9K mx actions in support of 9 sections--powered wg's x.xK sorties/x.xK flt-hrs
- Performed 50+ engine insps during AEF deployment; ensured safe/reliable acft for mission resulting in 861 sorties
- Performed 60 forms reviews; updated 90 MAJCOM IPI rqmts/fixed 125 errors--seized 93% QA pass rate, 482 MXS
- Performed > 25 HSC's/500 work card insps; ensured compliance w/ 8 day process flow--cemented on-time post dock
- Performed cockpit/eng bay foreign object searches on 11 acft; recovered all items--sustained fleet/averted loss of life
- Performed eng borescope insp; id'd/repaired core blade dmg--prevented blade liberation/total eng failure/$35M a/c loss
- Piloted 1100-hr insp; undertook 56 insp items/R2'd damaged Brush Block--ensured 100% dplymt prep f/2 HC-130J
- Pinpointed eng anti-ice fail; 310 sorties/2.3K hrs during OUP, Aug '11--solidified UN-mandated "no-fly zone"
- Pinpointed eng oil leak; replaced fuel/oil cooler supply line o-ring--abated bearing failure/$1.7M depot overhaul cost
- Pinpointed severe oil tank leak; R2'd oil transfer tube gaskets--adverted eng oil starvation/secured $3.6M critical asset
- Primed war ready stance; built 23 modules/9 time changes/produced 6 engines--achieved 5 QA ZDs/incr'd WRE 100%
- Primed war ready stance; conducted 20 eng runs/scrutinized 420 perf logs/op cks--ensured reliability f/$70M in assets
- Processed 1.5K aircraft downloads; troubleshot 102 engine faults/replaced 55 LRU's--exemplified MXG's 88% MC rte
- Processed 1.5K downloads; diagnosed 102 faults/43 repairs/12 filter changes--supported 482 MXG's 88% MC rating
- Processed 3K downloads; resolved 67 faults/replaced 23 LRUs/8 filters--facilitated unit's 6.3K sorties/88% MC rating
- Projo'd SAAPM 5K; partnered w/ Army SHARP/ANG/9 spt'ing agencies & 55 runners--effected DoDI 3-tiered impact
- Propelled 3 engine phase insps; analyzed 150 critical areas/executed 17 repairs--upheld unit's 4.4K sorties/8.4K flt hrs
- Propelled 5 overhauls; assembled 23 modules/finished 9 time changes/2K insps--seized 4 ZD QVIs/incr'd WREs 75%
- Propelled 8 engine phase insps; analyzed 90 critical areas/repaired 13 components--returned 4K hrs to 482 FW FHP
- Propelled Ex INIOHOS prep; conducted 6 engine phases/300 critical insps--reinforced NATO trng msn/114 sorties
- Provided lateral mx spt to Radar Section; isolated & repaired 36 acft hard drives--enabled unhindered C21SR trk'g
- Pursued qual trng; completed FTD Eng Tech crs, Blade Blend, Borescope & 147 mx tasks--certs awarded/dplyment rdy
- Qualified 6 pers for SCR; headed 8 eng overhaul/acft phase insps--regenerated 4K eng op hrs in spt of 5.7K-hr FHP
- Quickly isolated low lube indication; ID'd/R2 faulty hydraulic pump--contributed to 90.4% MC rate, Oct '10
- Ramrodd'd urgent TCTO action; 16 a/c engine gearbox assys c/w--31 FW on call for NATO/U.S. nat'l security
- Rectified early augmentation issue; adjusted out of sync throttle stop--prevented potential stall/saved eng valued $6M
- Repaired 2 ripped nozzle actuator fire seals; R2'd 4 hr vs 12 hr std--saved $1.2M asset damage/prevented exhaust fire
- Resident expert; solved rep auto transfer fail; replaced defective DEC--crushed CAF MC std > 4.6%, Mar '11
- Resolute ldr; dir'd mx tms thru 7 HSCs, 5 isochronal/700 hr insps--pwr'd 801 msns, 5.1K flt hrs & Sq NGB '18 MEA
- Resolved 12-mo gearbox leak issue; authored FSR approved repair--spurred AF-wide inquest & saved $111K per asset
- Resolved eng "No Start" anomaly; discovered/repaired broken starter control valve cannon plug--saved $7K in parts
- Resolved eng no-start issue; isolated & R2'd faulty starter control valve--acft rtn'd FMC & met crucial HHQ mission
- Responded to redball; quickly replaced FTIT gauge during FW's 4-day cbt surge--152 sorties flown/278 hrs
- Responded/30 FOD evals; blended 17 fan blades/protected against stress cracks--incr'd integrity/13 engs worth $78M
- Revamped 379 AEW trailer mx prgm; trimmed equip wash sched/storage process--saved $80K shipping & repair costs
- Revamped eng shop stock/red ball kit; organized 342 essential consumable items-- reduced repair time by 30%
- Revamped supply order process; created supply spreadsheet--saved 10 man-hrs/mth/guaranteed correct items ordered
- Reviewed MXG training program; detected major fault in PE compliance--rectified 214 overdue evals/55% of MXG
- Scrutinized tech data flaw; authored AFTO22/averted 14 hr bearing re-work...drove CAF wide implementation
- Selected as Props Flt Rep to attend TF33 Summit; conferred E-8C sustainment challenges--efforts yielded 9 spare engs
- Self motivated; initiated new system for scheduling engine trailer insp--increased trailer mission capable rate to 98%
- Served as sq PTL; shaped 44 Amn/supervised 76 FIP sessions/15 diagnostic evals--reduced unit's PT failures by 83%
- Showcased expertise; rigged rudder sys & 5 PCU's; ended 10 mo repeat/recur saga--vital to 1.9K flt hrs/96.% SE rate
- Simplified parts tracker procedures; processed 27 MICAPS/turned in 1K DIFM items--recovered $8M in DoD assets
- Simplified TMDE tracker; streamlined 219 PMEL calibrations w/zero overdues--reinforced shop's 86% MSEP rating
- Sole blade blend certifier; verified Mx Training End-of-Course hands-on met criteria--up'd 31 MXG qual 60%
- Spearheaded DESSC operational ck w/ SPO team; returned 4 out of 6 to supply serviceable--reduced RTOK rate 66%
- Spearheaded DESSC operational testing; 18 units tested < 3days--14 turned in serviceable, reduced RTOK rate 77%
- Spearheaded eng leak Red Ball mx; replaced severed fuel line--averted potential fire, saved 23 aircrew & $362M acft
- Spearheaded engine blade blend repair; coordinated NDI inspection/tech repair--saved $300k engine exchange costs
- Spearheaded support section operations; drove production of 9 WREs--safeguarded operation of wg's 33 engs/24 acft
- Spt'd 2 acft WSINT TDY; augmented 2 workcenters with chaffed hydraulic line--essential to tactical acft pilot's grads
- Spt'd 4x typhoon evacs; exec'd 4x msns from alt loc; secured classified--$840M AF resources & crit SRO msns saved
- Steered acft pre-dplymt preps; ID'd cracked eng oil service access door/coord'd repair--acft dply'd ISO FOL COCOM
- Supervised 455 EAMXS FOD prevention prgm; organized/cleared 8 lost tool incidents--ensured safe ops/18 cbt acft
- Supervised Amn; augmented Propulsion Flight Chief duty--provided continuity for 15 mo supervisory gap/gray UTA
- Supervised eng chg tm; found internal loose shim/spearheaded retrieval--enabled local repair/averted $1.7M teardown
- Supported OFS; procured 5 special tools/permitted 11 engine repairs--led to 455 EAMXS ACC Daedalian Trophy '16
- Supported OFS; rebuilt 2 hyd rams/aided priority engine repair--contributed to 455 EAMXS Daedalian Trophy, 2016
- Sustained excellence; 3x 31 MXG QA Honor Roll awardee/100% QA pass rt past three qtrs--31 AMXS' best
- Sustained top quality mx on 52 a/c; aided 18-ship AEF fly out/zero mx delays--455 EAMXS OEF input on tgt
- Tackled Ex INIOHOS prep; generated 24 LRU change kits/service 90 equip items--supported NATO trng/114 sorties
- Tackled intermittent eng no-start during post-HSC ops ck; isolated/swapped defective igniter--ret'd acft to svc < 1 hr
- Tasked with fuel pump replacement during RED FLAG 19; researched & identified pump good--saved 16 man hours
- Teamed w/EES; T/S pneumatic ctrlr bit fail/R2'd faulty Aug Valve <2 hrs/4 hr std--secured Q2 100% 12 hr fix rate
- Theory of Constraints eng lead; aided "Deep Clean" mx concept/R2'd 8 PTO shafts--fixed 68 DDs/elim'd 2 yr backlog
- Thoroughly maintains/updates 6 T.O. I pads; utilizing current info. for job performance--0 QA fails during spot check
- Tm Robins Top III Treasurer; funded 3 charities/PDEs & 12 ALS DG awds--adhered spending to value-added priorities
- Took charge of Ex INIOHOS pack-out; prepared 3.5K lbs of tools/spt equip--facilitated NATO tng msns/114 sorties
- Trained six Amn on tool accountability sys; safeguarded >1.7K equip pieces/$4.6M--ensured 100% tool security ctrl
- Tremendously motivated; assisted crew chiefs w/ horizontal stabilizer removal--alleviated manning shortfalls
- Trn'd 4 Amn on borescope insp; ID'd 7 nicked fan blades/taught proper blending techniques--incrs'd Flt quals by 36%
- Troubleshot eng fault; ID'd faulty NPT/replaced <2hrs--avoided nozzle cruch/loss of thrust/loss of acft/class A mishap
- Troubleshot eng signal fail; replaced ESDC<4 hrs-- annihilated AMU's 75% 8hr fix rate/5% above std Oct '13
- Troubleshot engine anomaly; isolated/R2 failed MEC--substantial driver in 31 MXG '10 USAF Daedalian win
- Troubleshot engine fuel system contamination; replaced main fuel pump filter--returned a/c FMC w/no rep/rec
- Troubleshot failed start/ground abort; corrected JFS clutch servo valve <2hrs--contributed to 2.6K srts/3.5k flying hrs
- Troubleshot faulty vacuum cart; isolated contaminated oil--repaired $23K asset, prevented 4 mo repair/work stoppage
- Troubleshot fluctuating oil gauge; ID'd/R2 engine W-1 harness < 3 hrs--bested CAF rep/rec rt 2.6%, Nov '11
- Troubleshot hush house power supply fail; faulty fuse discovered--100% MC rate maintained, 0 engine run backlog
- Troubleshot low engine RPM during start-up; replaced JFS <2hrs--acft rts/evacuated for hurricane/prevented damage
- Uncovered FOD; id'd torn 7-12th stage compressor blades/led team/R2 eng--avoided blade liberation/$35M acft loss
- Unit DIT monitor; corrected 100 plus IMDS maintenance action errors--leading to a 99% corrected rate for July 2019
- Upgraded Qualifications; expeditiously completed C-17A 7-level qualifications--enhanced shop productivity by 25%