- Prepares and cooks sustenance for 3 meals daily; follows guidance for AF IAW 21-day menu & food production logs
- Updates & programs cash register systems before/after meal procedures using Corporate Automated Food Enterprise
- Enforces strict sanitation standards with food safety guidelines/monitors for compliance with Tri-service Food Code
- Operates automated Crunch Time and Net Chef system; accounts for meals/food/ingredients and daily earned income
- Executes shift leader duties; prepares/cooks food according to the AF Corporate Food Service Recipe System
- Prime Readiness in Base Services mbr; maintains high state of readiness to support worldwide contingencies
- Employs food production logs/standardized recipes directed by dining facility manager to produce 31.5K meals
- Plans, prepares, garnishes & serves quality meals for Essential Station Messing (ESM) personnel/other patrons
- Enforces US Food and Drug Administrations guidelines; conducts daily random facility/food safety inspections
- Alternate Sq WRM monitor; trained 2 Amn in Meals Ready-to-Eat sales process--$28K+ assets ready/secured
- Assisted w/logistics of Wg Morale BBQ pgrm IAW AUABI; served 30K+ customers--95% patrons satisfied
- Assisted w/Wg Gatorade delivery; distributed 4.6k case worth $82K/26 squadrons--ensured 100% allocation
- Attained Restaurant, Hotel & Fitness mgmt degree; completed business mgmt crs/6 cr hrs--4.0 GPA achieved
- Attended entrepreneurs 3 hr lecture; gained leadership/comm tools--mentored 2 "Chef of the Month" winners
- Catered 5-star service to 50 DVs, fed 450K customers--supported 11K plus transients, fortified Afghan war effort
- Championed July 4th/Local Contractor Appreciation Day--honored 6500+ guests, improved Host Nation relations
- Cold Storage NCOIC; monitored 2.5K sqft chillers/safeguarded $650K rations--3M meals fueled 6.5K sorties
- Conduct'd random inspections; ensured proper rotation/temp of subsistence--zero foodborne illnesses reported
- Coord'd w/DOL & ABG/RM; secured $500K cook contract to backfill 9 deployed Amn--ensured no svc lapse
- Coordinated 10 new menu items; ensured product met HQ/AFSVA Standard--increased customer satisfaction
- Coordinated park district field trip; attained 80 tickets/$2K souvenirs/chaperoned 65 youths--lauded by local families
- Coordinated Vet Hospital vol events; led 4 Airman/hosted 10 bingo sessions--improved QoL for 187 veterans
- Critical DFAC escort; vetted 18 drivers/7 Prime Vendor semi-trucks--$357K food purchases safely delivered
- Culinary drive & excellence!; led FSS team to the 2016 Kenneth W. Disney Award--NATIONAL RECOGNITION!
- Dedicated WIT mbr; authored 4 post-evaluation CCIP reports--supplied Wg leadership w/25 non-compliant findings
- Delivered superior food ops; tackled 75% surge f/7 UTAs/RF/GF w/18K meals <60 days--6K JTF prsnl spt'd
- Develop'd storeroom internal controls; streamlin'd issuance/access f/ $49K rations--decreas'd inventory variance 15%
- Directed $4 Million Food Ops, 700K plus meals served-earned $1.6M plus Essential Station Messing funds
- Directed Alcohol Request prgm; supplied 35 base events/5.2K beverages--increas'd unit cohesion/earned $21K sales
- Drove 8 GO meals; liaised w/protocol/prvd'd 5-Star reception f/89 guests--USAFWC/CC/57 WG/CC lauded
- Drove alcohol prgm; led $293K inventory/178K transactions--200K patrons/47% profit growth/$490K+ alcohol sales
- Ensured use of progressive cooking techniques; eliminated waste by 50%--guaranteed food freshness
- Essential to success of DFAC ops; achieved over $300K of subsistence--supported over31K Moody consumers
- Excelled as DFAC NCOIC; filled manning gap/led 13 Amn/25 civilians w/56K meals served--vital JBLM spt
- Exemplary DFAC ldrship; educated 6 Amn on ServSafe procedures--resulted in zero health inspection discrepancies
- Exemplary DFAC leadership; educated 11 Amn on ServSafe procedures--resulted in zero health insp discrepancies
- Expertly managed production logs; demonstrated innovative preparation methods--reduced plate waste to 15%
- Filled TSgt pos; 1 of 3 select'd to lead 38 Amn/civ in managers absence--tm generat'd 8K meals/$39K in sales
- Food acct; flawlessly tracked 90K+ wkly meals/$600K+ subsistence--ensured 28 day menu correctly managed
- Handled STORES account; ordered $25.7M in rations/5 DFACs/3.8M+ meals--second largest food ops in AF!
- Hosted Qtrly Birthday meal; led 8 chefs/served 15 menu items--prvd'd first-class culinary event f/100 Airmen
- Inspect'd 130 TCNs' daily ops; $3.2M in meals prep'd/serv'd; enforced health code/contract--fed 200K weekly
- Inspected, evaluated $2.5M food service contract; over 500 line items reviewed daily--100% compliance
- Knowledgeable & Reliable! Prepared & served meals during UTA weekends--ensur'd QOL f/200+ military personnel
- Led 10 Amn/4 civs f/$2.1M food ops; produced 25K meals/fueled 6 Wgs/52 units--spt'd 5.5K training sorties
- Led 150 contractors, 8 military in execution of $5 Million contract; prepped for future cutbacks, saved AF $70K
- Led 4 mil/10 OCNs ISO AFs 2d largest food ops; oversaw $24.6K contract/fed 24K patrons--fueled 31.7K sorties
- Led Sq's 2 largest sections; mng'd food/fit ops/61prsnl/$62M infrastructure--servic'd 81K custs/awarded FSS NCOQ1
- Led Wg hydration prgm; org'd distro f/218K G2 packets--rehydrated 3K EOG Amn/spt'd mx f/$10B war assets
- Maintained $175K subsistence inventory; planned menu/enforced progressive cooking--reduced food waste 10%
- Managed assigned contract workforce; directed ration storage, trash removal & water distribution--zero issues
- Managed food ordering account; 98% accurate inventory--Food Svc earned 379 EMSG Team of Month Award
- Managed Food Service Accounts for two dining facilites; exceeded AF goal of 3% savings, facility Best in PACAF
- Managed Food Svc trng pgrm; guid'd 8 Amn UGT progress/creat'd study curriculum--drove 80% EOC pass rt
- Managed Manas Air base at A'La Too Dining Facility--supported 13K+ transients, facilitated Afghan missions
- Managed POS sys data pump; led fileserver recovery/data transfer/asset replacement--sales system 100% operational
- Mng'd food production/inventory; processed 200+ orders--maintained 3% financial tolerance straight months
- Oversaw $86K WRM/MRE rations; monitored climate/extended shelf life 2 yrs--secured WG subsistence plan
- Oversaw emergency DFAC repair; coord'd w/ 19 units, dev'd plan to feed 250 Amn--$169K proj done < 1 wk
- Oversaw FAC; exec'd 327 FAs/validat'd currency metrics f/3K tests--armed 17 CCs in 3 Wgs w/1.8K fit to fight Amn
- Oversaw Flt Kitchen/daily coord w/Base Ops; 7.5K ground/flight meals served & delivered--spt'd 400+ msns
- Piloted 1st fitness upgrade in 4-yrs; coord'd w/AFSVA/procured 11 machines/$36K equip--boosted QoL f/3.5K prsnl
- Prepared Thanksgiving feast orders; received/issued $125K additional rations--featured in AFN news spot
- Provided no-notice humanitarian support; prepp'd meals f/Nepal earthquake emerg tm/75 mbr--enabl'd relief f/14K
- Revitalized 5 daily specialty items; boosted food variety w/healthier choices--customer sat rate soared to 91%
- Revitalized FIP; liaised w/4 local gyms/5 PT instructors/enhanced workout prgms--decreased Wg FA failures by 35%
- Showcased DFAC capes; hosted 14 events/4 DVs visits/12 unit/coalition BBQs--awd'd COA/coined by AFCENT/CC
- Spear'd Ramadan inventory prep; executed $203K/30+ day alcohol backfill--MWR fully supplied/0% loss in profits
- Spearheaded congressional DFAC tour; highlighted $900K in facility renovations--connect'd 21 troops w/ND Senator
- Spearheaded food service for 1.8K Soldiers, Airmen, Marines & partner nation forces over a 3 month period
- Steered spec events; org'd 9 competitions/$1K prizes/65 athletes--deliver'd base 83% add'l events above AF qtrly std
- Supported "Never Quit Never" 5K BBQ; 15 hrs prep time/800 lbs food worth $6K--record turnout/2K runners fed
- Trained 24 AF & Army personnel on field food preparation/sanitation/equipment, improved mess operations
- Trained Airman in the art of baking; over 300 desserts prepared each UTA--enhanced morale w/ safe healthy items
- Vol'd for Chef 4 Kids pgrm; prepared breakfast/briefed nutrition--armed 5K students w/healthy eating habits
- Won ACC lvl John L. Hennessey award; led nightshift as shiftleader--all production logs accurate/shift praised
- Work center trainer; skillfully trained 2 AF Reserve NCOs/4 Amn/50 hrs of mentoring--100% CDC pass rate