- Adapted Training Flt statistical analysis products to monitor unit readiness--reduced exercise findings by 50%
- Assisted in evacuation of 450 pts, delivery of over 40K troops and 5K tons of cargo ISO OIF--1st rate teamwork!
- Assisted in the recovery of 1,500 cargo pallets and 6,000 net sets during deployment to Balad Air Base, Iraq
- Conducted inpt screening; provided education materials; documented nutrition consults/ Relative Value Unit (RVU)
- Created 1st dietary clinic in 3 yrs; treated top 4 Wg diagnoses/326 jt pts/--strengthened DoD's #1 human weapon sys
- Crushed Jt Advanced Nutrition cert; redesigned meals f/5 Yokota AB schools--provided FDA approved menus f/350
- Deployed in support of OEF as shift supvsr of busiest 48-bed unit in the AOR--led 3 techs and supported 10 nurses
- Deployed twice ISO ENDURING FREEDOM/IRAQI FREEDOM; evac'd 400+ pts, nurses to higher echelon care
- Drove Wg Supplement Safety prgm; taught 39 pt consults/NCO/SNCO PES/66 Amn/13 JASDF--0 YAB abuse cases
- Executed QC f/2K meal trays; ID'd/corrected 50 errors--sole DoD MTF top 10% f/inpatient satisfaction in US x3 qtrs
- Filled IC NCOIC role x1 yr; revamped prgm/insp'd 480 food deliveries/52 checklists--pivotal to TJC 2-yr accreditation
- Gp Patient Safety delegate; conducted PI20 hygiene checks w/100% accuracy--NPSG compliance up 70%
- Led 3 AD/4 JNs/3 summer hires/2 dietitians; mng'd $334K budget/2 clinics/25K meals/HAWC--Sq NCO of the Qtr
- Managed Med Materiel QA Program; reviewed 1000+ food & drug admin suppy recalls--ensured zero pt mishaps
- Mastered nutrition certification; assessed patients while being evaluated by RD--reduced RD consultation time by 6%
- Monitored 75 clinical templates and notes in electronic health records; monthly updates in Essentris and AHLTA
- Organiz'd UFPM pos; created MDG PTL crse/22 new fitness ldrs trained in 5 Sq's--100% completion rate f/235 Amn
- Oversaw Hazardous Materials program; earned “Excellent” rating after 437th Airlift Wing HAZMAT inspection
- Prepared/ assembled/ delivered regular and therapeutic meals/ nourishments to inpts and ambulatory procedure pts
- Received 2 diet certifications; taught pre-diabetes education to 30+ patrons--cheboosted clinical workload capabilities
- Researched 300+ items using DML supply sys, Universal Data Respiratory db, & vendors--ensured best value
- Revitalized Diet Tech CMRP prgm; ID'd 6 trng discrepancies/track'd 21 items/trn'd 3 mbrs--stats soared 44% to 98%
- Scheduled work performance w/17 Airmen; Ensured work areas sanitary IAW Academy of Nutritional & Dietetics
- Secretary of Med Group NCO council, contributed 100+ man hours to sponsored events, raised over $12K
- Select'd by CFM f/SME posn; developed AFSC Occupational Job Survey--shaped UGT/WAPS f/4D0X1 career field
- Served as flight representative to local orphanage, planned, participated in numerous successful events-ambassador
- Shift ldr f/Cmd's largest MTF; coord'd in-pt diet needs w/40 providers--'16 Sq Amn OTY/'17 USAFE Diet Tech OTY
- Temp base POC for pharmacy/dietary/supply items valued at $500K+ annually--conserved scarce resources
- Trn'd/cert'd AFR ofcr/2 wks; rectified 6 SAV discreps--developed force multiplier/invigorated total force tm concept