- Accomplishes daily mx/config updates on 1.9K devices; enables on-demand target reachback for 7 CCMDs/12 AOCs
- Analyzes processes/procedures of unusual issues & challenges relating to the complexity of 1.1K client sys & 160 svrs
- Collaborates with base's MDTs and 3 cyber orgs to develop lines of communication and refine C2 of cyber defense msn
- Delivers Wg Command and Control IT support to 34 organizations, 1.4K personal, 7 Combatant Commands & 12 AOCs
- Develops tactics, techniques, and procedures as MDT Pathfinder for AF Chief Info Officer & ACC Cyber Sq Initiative
- Directs functional msn analysis to identify/resolve key cyber terrain/risks/threats to 363 ISRW C2 & targeting process
- Drives 24-hr admin spt to 517 mbrs/7 units; sustains global access to 136K graphics & enables C2 to Wg's 1.5k prnsl
- Implements robust security policies across Integrated Network Ops & Security Center (INOSC) East enterprise
- Leads 4 Amn/1 civ to defend 1.5K personnel/$15M weapon sys; provides msn owners with risk-based decision-making
- Manages AF master Geospatial Product Library hosting 24K prods/371 TBs; provides msn planning ISR to 870 units
- Manages TT sys for Wg's $15M JBLE enterprise; facilitates creation & delivery of 8 intel prods/yr to global troops
- Oversees operations and maintenance of enterprise security monitoring systems & network defense equipment
- Performs mx/config updates on 160 servers/5 ntwks; links AF's primary reachback target node to 7 CCMDs/12 AOCs
- Provides customer spt & processes cyber reqs; secures 7 ntwks providing connectivity to 65K jt & coalition fighters
- Provides firewall management of a $679M network supporting six MAJCOMs/64 locations/462K warfighters
- Provides guidance to 45 cyber personal on optimizing the functionalities/integrity of all hardware/software sys functions
- Provides response to real-time network security alerts and applies countermeasure implementation processes
- Provides tech spt to 4 Sqs/650 combined prsnl; mediates client sys software/hardware outages/repair ticket resolutions
- Serves as the Senior Information technology Specialist; plan, coordinate, and oversees maintenance on $9.5M ISR ntwk
- Sustains $425M wpn sys enclaves; enables data fusion & analysis, provides C4ISR ISO multi-int capes for 3 CCMDs
- Mng 7-mbr IT proj tm; orchestrates framework, config, & integration conformity among 363 ISRW's $35M network
- Configuration Data Manager; collects critical information for mission sys in a globally focused Wing across 15 states
- Point for cutting-edge cyber sys research, evaluates efficiency/interoperability for emerging intelligence requirements
- Leads 17-mbr Flt; directs $30M Special Purpose Processing Node ops underpinning DoD's sole climate services msn
- Abated 689 SIPR devices/1.6K user accts; thwarted 2.7K threat vectors--boosted compliance from 30 to 100%
- Accomplished 12 QA evals; ensured tech's skills/ntwk stewardship exceed ACC's stds--closed QAR IGEMS write-up
- Accomplished 40-hr Microsoft Exchange '03 course; enhanced skills guaranteed efficient mgt of three networks
- Accomplished E-Tools install; provided fltline digital TOs--streamlined aircraft mx for wg's $1.2B F-16 fleet
- Aced 85-hr SEJPME I & II ; enriched ldership abilities/jnt ops knowledge--postured for coalition forces manager role
- Aced $600M NATO pln; guided 12 tms/C2 spt f/31K jt mil/18 PNs--dlvr'd 1st allied radar ingest/AOC holistic air pic
- Aced coalition strike pkg; upgraded secure ATO reporting sys--sealed 450 air refueling ops/ 76 acft/ crushed 114 tgts
- Actioned 18K cyber controls; secured global msn on 2 nets--"excellent" HAF SAV/vital to 12 AF Verne Orr Awd '19
- Actively sought out trng on unit SAVs; inspected 2 units/created unit tracker--resolved major Sq MICT writeup
- Administered vulnerability maintenance; scanned 118 objs/2 enclaves for insecurities--reduced threat by 80%
- Administrated ITEC accounts; identified/validated 74 pcs srvr equip <1 wk--100% accountability f/$21M ntwk assets
- Advanced intel spt capes; built direct request database, cut repair time 1 wk to 1 hr--saved 8K man-hrs f/1.5K ISR ops
- Advanced office continuity guide; translated & applied advanced CPI principles--enhanced operational capabilities
- Aggressive element training manager; developed CDC study tool--groomed 9 for final tests; eliminated failures
- Aided Cntr's COOP IT pln; relocated 3 nets/24 sys/450 ft cable...penned 3 SOPs f/25 Sr ldrs/enabled emer C4I ops site
- Aided in development of AF-wide medical database--simplified records mgt, saved 12K man-hours yearly
- Aided restoral of ITN/17 bldg outages; reconnected power/replaced UPSs--critical msn systs operational <1hr
- Alerted sys admins of critical vuln; removed 65 Chrome instances--slashed ntwk cyber risk from 11.7 to 0.6%
- Assisted crypto inventory; protect'd 9.6K COMSEC items--bolster'd secure capes for 3 continents/9 COCOMs
- Assisted SIPRNet boundary upgrade; programmed/linked base external router--boosted regional C4I capability
- Attacked Wg/CC BlackBerry sync issues; troubleshot/repaired--established access e-mail schedule in 45 min
- Attained Checkpoint CCSA and CCSE Certs; surpassed DoD 8570.01-M requirements--raised standard for squadron
- Attended 8 AF EMS trng; enhanced mngmnt/leadership abilities--fused acquired knowledge into sq processes
- Attended advanced SIP training; prepped Ft Gordon tm for ntwk upgrade proj--enhanced AFCENT C4ISR msn
- Audited 47 user grps; resolved 150+ inactive accts--alleviated migration conflicts; 4.5K users migrated AFNet
- Audited 60 time-sensitive CTOs; directed 3 cyber ctrs/deployed 1.2K security updates--thwarted 15.4K cyber threats
- Authored new PWCS acct mgmt trng; ensured 42 unit mgrs received trng per updated AFIs--100% compliance
- Authored trouble ticket routing matrix; assigned >900 tickets to 10 cyber w/c's--routing errors reduced by 80%
- Authored Wi-Fi rqmt process; developed tech solutions/cleared 8-mon backlog--ignited AFRC & AGE's $160K projs
- Automation expert! Created script f/316 SIPR clients/scrs--enhanced sec/assured 11K sorties/coined by AFCENT A6
- Averted database corruption; validated 16K telephony system entries and cut 200 duplicates--saved 80 man hrs
- Base C2 NAOC liaison; test'd/pgm'd 23 alarms/11 circuits/75 LMRs--secured $1.5B asset/POTUS G7 summit
- Benchmarked multi-timezone ISR app; coor'd w/4 orgs, devised script/synch'd 21 AORs/9 tms--earned Sq's Jr Tech/Q1
- Blitzed NSA-HI network expansion proj; laid 43K ft cable--allowed 45 analyst access 2 wks AoS/saved $38K
- BNR for Blue Flag'18 exer; Led 10-Amn, supported joint force/multinational event--hardned National df/coal partner
- Bolstered sys capacity; coord'd w/ 2 orgs to add 17 sys/boost IP space 300%--poised f/ Wg influx/tm lauded by Wg/CVK
- Boosted NORAD air alert system; modified network boundary--expanded western defense sector sight picture
- Boosted Sq morale; hand-crafted 11 "Going Away" Clocks & led 36 'unity' gatherings--amped 45 Amn/fixed 670 tckts
- Briefed 170+prsnl during RSOI; translated/appli'd CPI principles--enhanced sqdrn info security awareness/procedure
- Built 3 OIR C4ISR networks; deployed 8 modem configs/airborne links for anti-ISIS ops--enabled 432 CSAR sorties
- Built TDY media exchg ntwk; cut 16 hr editing process 3 hrs--spted AF 1st AC10 VR vid/boosted trng f/60 pilots yrly
- Certified HBSS Admin; deployed 81 rogue sys detectors and HBSS framework f/100 hosts--elim'd 60K vulns <2 wks
- Chairmaned 9-mbr adv schema cell; executed 334 user defense strategies--protected $60M national sec infrastructure
- Championed SCCM dev node; authored segment control set/reused $240K in eqpmnt--eliminated s/w dplymnt errors
- Changed 118 cell phones to new provider; investigated/coord'd transfer--increased reliability; saved $4.5K/yr
- Changed 16 cell phones, 24 pucks to new provider - coordinated transfer -- increased reliability; saved $15K dur qtr 3
- Classified courier for 10 off-site transfers; coord'd transfer of 3TB media--critical to network contingency plan
- Cleared acft radar outage; guided 3 techs/liaised w/HHQs--restor'd Persian Gulf air vis<30 mins/1.7K sorties/417 tgts
- Closed 300+ trouble tickets; enabled users to keep working with minimal downtime-mitigated degradation to mission
- Closed 500 trouble tickets; enabled users to keep working w/minimal downtime--mitigated degradation to msn
- Collaborated w/NSA; solved design issues & revised 867 work spaces--cut 4 wks from schedule, saved $37K
- Comm support f/ Sqd; ID'd 65 IT assets valued at $XXK/config'd 25 new PCs--supt'd Asia AOR aerial port msn
- Community servant; key contributor in preparing 110 PCs for local school district; pivotal to $1OOK donation
- Completed $7.6M NIPR NGFW upgrade; coord'd w/HHQ/PMO/wg agencies--enabled AFNet forensic analysis capes
- Completed 80-hr MCSA crs/associate level Win 10 pgrm; enhanced sys admin skills--inspired 9x jt svc mbrs to enroll
- Completed LOCE Systems Admin course w/98% avg; honed ability to maintain Al Udeid's Coalition network
- Completed RBAC proj; deleted 45 inactive/obsolete security groups--reduced cyber risks during 2-mo effort
- Completed Wing NIPRNet enclave RMF registration; answered 462 security controls--ensured network integrity
- Completed XX hrs tng; finish'd Cyber Security Investigation & Cyber Risk Mgmt crse--renewed career field reqmnt
- Config'd 27 sys/2 domains for NAT; enabled 3 crs's/90 mbrs...enriched $336K prgm/5 Gps/18 msns/51K IC rpts yrly
- Config'd 35 MXS E-tools cabinets; fixed critical uplinks hosting 96 sys--restored mx spt to 200 users/28 A/C
- Configur'd blue force tracking dev; enabl'd GPS for friendly forces--rais'd visibility of tactical pers during ops
- Configured Andrews personnel database; hardened record repository--ensured identifiable information security
- Configured two PCs for AWACS LNO--connected Ops Center w/OEF International forces--promote to TSgt!
- Configured/installed 3 add'l computers for radio frequency mgt--exponentially increased monitoring capability
- Construct'd tactical vid sol; enhanc'd Joint Ops Center full motion video cape--increas'd intel/surveillance S/A
- Coor'd $80K DISA security pgm; config'd 311 switches/15K+ ports/access servers--elim'd unauthorized entry
- Coor'd CERP mvmt; led $8.1M rplcmt f/critical node eqpmt/pushed ASI's f/global vis--ensured 100% uptime f/AOR
- Coord'd AFCENT COOP proj spt tm; prep'd $140K off-site storage/15TB avail--ensur'd 99% AEW FMC/1st in AOR
- Coord'd phishing exercise; deployed backend 'virus'/usr tracking scripts--provided cyber awareness trng to 1.3K prsnl
- Coord'd w/HHQ remedied SHB issue/revised OS development plcy f/7K sys--lauded by DISA as example DoD wide
- Coordnat'd ADA btry; reloc'd 3 ntwks/58 pax <10 hrs to guartded fac--primed EWS f/2x RW events/1st op use in 19 yr
- Coordinat'd distro of equip; ensur'd delivery of C2 assets to 4 sites--commission'd repair of 4 degraded SDN's
- Coordinated alt routes and assisted in managing ASI calendar--enabled mission to maintain critical circuit connection
- Corrected ACC authentication services; repaired network hardware--restored support for 12 bases/2K aircraft
- Corrected Beale's 2d Generation Wireless system; configured devices--ensured Global Hawk ISR msn success
- Corrected Predator system outage; enabled drone communications--ensured Whiteman ISR mission capabilities
- Created Autonomic Logistics Info System link; employed IT backbone--facilitated F-35 mx data accessibility
- Created new PWCS accountability - 100+ phones, pucks, comm equipment accounted for -- 100% compliance cert'd
- Created squadron eval tracking system; 50 reports processed--100% action success/optimized accountability
- Degaussed and destroyed 300 classified hard drives; prevented sensitive, war-related information compromise
- Delivered JSOC ntwk capes; researched/dev'd remote access process <8 hrs--linked Wg leaders to USSOCOM msns
- Delivered secure comm capes; installed 10GB pipeline--empowered intel data sharing with JTF war-time msn
- Dep 127/ day iso EDI; set-up Europe's 1st COCO RPA site -provided initial comms for 71 users/spt'd $256M 5 yr pln
- Deployed in support of jt contingency/121 days; maintained 500 sys/930 Sailors--ensured 24/7 IT availability
- Designed 630 network sniffing payloads; ID'd/corrected 4 Tb of data/vulns--recvd "Outstanding" by NSA inspectors
- Detail oriented; diagnosed corrosion control program deficiencies--restructured program to meet AF standards
- Dev'd automated STIG scanning process; reduced from 30 to 2 min f/2K sys--saved 92K man-hrs/adopted by 2 bases
- Develop'd OPSEC cyber-exploitation crs; ID'd common vulns/social media/E-mail--heighten'd awareness f/938 prsnl
- Developed 220 GCTS stdnt tracking rstr; 330 psnl/23 AFSCs/10 MAJCOMS--decreased inprocessing by 25%
- Devised ELINT tracking solution; shared secure centralized SharePoint site w/2 Sq--assured 28 RFIs completed f/9 tms
- Devlp'd DSN to VoIP soln/600 phones; set Wg f/$2.7M upgd--svd $720K/won DISA-PAC '15 End Ofc OTY
- Devot'd AMN; chng'd over 16 cell phones, 24 pucks to new provider--increased reliability; sav'd $15K during 3rd qtr
- Devoted NCO; effectively imaged and configured over 100+ computer systems--flawless 301st Comm Sq IT upgrade
- Diagnosed 5 BW Secure VTC outage; corrected faulty CRYPTO settings--restored 5 BW/CC AFGSC vid link
- Diagnosed CP DMS system outage; isolated/corrected configuration fault--restored crucial C2 mission asset
- Diagnosed long-term secure communications error; replaced faulty CRYPTO equip--regained SIPR/STE ops
- Dir'd $52K IDRC reno; led 5 tms/surveyed site/secured LOMs--fortifi'd Wg DEPORD proc...Gp '15 Sq OTY
- Dir'd 21-mbr C&A prep team; 9-mo effort validated 216 ctrls--best prep in Sq history/gained 2 enclaves' ATO
- Dir'd 24-hr cyber response to 7 orgs; sustain'd $35M ISR network--key to dev of 15K prod/yr to 65K coalition troops
- Dir'd 4-man tm; set up Sq WiFi--enabled in-house Ipad updates saving 154 man-hrs yrly/dlvr'd content f/24 stud class
- Dir'd CM section/$1.2M ntwk; baselined 103 apps/incr'd data 200%--deployed 16 climate apps for 9 CCMDs
- Dir'd HHQ AD scrub; validated 32 sq ntwk admins/guided deletion f/3.5K accts--crush'd 690th TASKORD 1 mo early
- Dir'd IT audit sys employment; replaced 2 outdated sys--repurposed $80K to desperately-needed ntwk switch
- Direct'd $6M IT upgrade; reconfig'd 7 ITNs/elim'd 7 CAT 1 vulns--safeguarded AOR's 2nd lrgst C4 hub/$47.5M ntw
- Direct'd VoIP Call Mgr restoral; overhaul'd $1M UCS/VM svr/fix'd 1-mo anomaly--vital to '15 MSG Sq OTY
- Directed 24-hr cyber response to 517 prsnl/7 orgs; key to creation & delivery of 15K prods/yr to 65K coalition troops
- Directed 8 prsnl thru Iraq AOC C2 outage; reconfigured equipment--restored comm/air/missile defense posture
- Directed Al Jaber AB comm install; provided 2K prsnl C4 access--increased AOR A-10/F-16 presence 10%
- Directed DHCP failover fix; ID'd svr fault/rebuilt link/restor'd NIPR access <1 hr--TTPs adopt'd by AFCENT/ACCC
- Directed five mbr CST team; maintained 350 systems/320 accounts/three ntwks--ensured 100% IA compliance
- Directed MAJCOM SPAM filter re-cfg; axed 744K malicious files--blocked hacker EPs/secured $168M ntwk
- Directed target msn sys patching; led tm to develop cyber compliance script--remediated 184 sys/11.9K risks <48 hrs
- Discovered SCCM shortfall; coord'd 1.5K policy updates w/ACCC--resolved s/w vulns f/AFCENT AOR/won AotM
- Discovered WX server failure; re-established firewall connection for 379th Expeditionary Operations Spt Sq
- Doubled Wg TS VTC capes; coord'd install/config w/ 2 orgs--established redundancy f/ C2 to 3.2K Total Force Amn
- Dply'd 184 days ISO OIR/OES; steered 16-mbr tm/resolved 1023 tix--dlvrd C4 capes f/2.4 prsnl/36 acft/1.5K sorties
- Drove $7M CAIRS upgd; led 18 installs/automated trunk/toll billing--svd 53 Sqs 2K hours/yr...1st in PACAF
- Drove 10-mbr AFGSC ex tm; oversaw 27 AT/FPCON actions--ensured week-long security posturing f/269 bldg prsnl
- Drove 10-tm for ISR Grp ops MILCON; fin design plan for $10M comm fit-out--boosted jt coalition intel cyber msn
- Drove 1st MAW relocation; org'd 4-Amn tm/install'd 52 devs--arm'd 2 fwd dplyd Dets/7.5K prsnl/34 acft/$4B
- Drove 25 AF/CC #1 project; installed 600 data-links in $4M Ops Ctr--enabled ICBM early warning system C2
- Drove 91 MW/HQ Priority 1 outage team; rebuilt critical ITN in 4hrs--revived 500+ users/ICBM NC3 systems
- Drove COMSEC team; accelerated the rekey of 100 expiring TACLANES in 14 days--maintained vital C2 ops
- Drove Gp re-org; directed 6 mbrs/80 hrs/set-up 37 desk/113 sys--powered 4 sqs/HVT ops w/ 172 precision aimpoints
- Drove SADR HBSS proj; replaced/config'd two srvs & re-purposed one--enabled compliant reporting of DLP
- Drove spt f/$8M telework suite; primed AOR 1st "SIPR anywhere" solution--amplified CFACC global C2/3K strikes
- Drove Sq file plan security; rebuilt 17K records/audited 51 users' rights IAW PII policy--eliminated 15 insider threats
- Drove Win 10 STIGs; linked 520 policies f/4 domains/1.2K srv/10K sys--abated 52K threats/secured $60M enclave
- DV team ace! Troubleshot/repaired Wg/CC laptop; restored svc in <1 hr--critical 24-hr ntwk availability
- Dvlp'd 5-yr msn archive; cataloged 120 AARs/276 brfs/92 site surveys--slashed plng by 3 wks/enabled 2 emer dplymnts
- Dvlp'd real-time msn rptg; tm'd w/5 wcs/engnr'd CVR dashboard f/3K rqmnts--est'd mobile C2 enviro/spt'd 26 dplymnts
- Earned IT BS; coded 2.5K lines configuring $155K ntwk eqpmt--beat 40 hrs contract estimate by 34/saved Sq $6.4K
- Effective deployed network security manager; unblocked 74 web sites; maintained vital mission operations
- Energized client sys ops! Reinforced 4 mbr tm; resolved 384 trouble tickets--galvanized 378 users across 14 proj sites
- Energized Cyber Optics efforts; sanitized 400 users/237 PCs/239 prntrs--reduced Wg vulns 15%/coined by AEW/CC
- Energized dormant training pgm; overhauled 2 crew position master tng plans; qualified 10 techs in only 4 mos
- Enforced 30 STIGs; mitigated 2K CAT 1 vulnerabilities <1 week ahead of schedule--hardened ntwk security footprint
- Engineer'd Army UH-60 command cntr LAN install; placed 28 NIPR connections--enabl'd C4 for P1 resource
- Engineered AF IC tech sol; dev'd automated script, updated 2.6K PCs--averted msn stoppage/6 units/saved 1.3K hrs
- Engineered Africa C-IED intel sys; integrated 5 data streams--amp'd EOD detect & defeat TTPs...protected 2K prsnl
- Engineered NAS fault sensors; track/rpt to CFP/NOC <1 min h/w errors--ensured real-time alerts/saved 336 man-hrs
- Enhanced $200M multi-agency intel sharing initiative; installed 30K ft fiber--incrd data rate from 1 to 10 GBps
- Enhanced intelligence system tools; established USAFE secure C2--increased counter-terrorism readiness 30%
- Enhanced Sr Ldr mob C4; prep'd 8 laptops/trained users on VPN access--enabled work/home capes during pandemic
- Ensured all SPICE systems on Luke Air Force Base intergrated with global decision support system II
- Eradicated NIPR/SIPR deficiencies; troubleshot 116 issues <24-hr goal--minimized msn impact/mx'd sys 99% uptime
- Est'd climate.af.mil site; coord'd w/3 agencies/enabled 2 srv certs--max'd climo relevance/400K DoD/IC users
- Establish'd FO connectivity for Navy ISR UCC; provid'd 12 strand FO/2 LAN drops--enabled C4ISR capes
- Established $220M NSA-GA fac; re-utilized 437 crypto items--saved $1.2M in materials/slashed 800 man hrs
- Established FMV link; liased btwn 4 contracting agencies--secured EUCOM's #2/3 priorities/coined by 52nd Wg/CC
- Established geospatial tracking capes; fixed 13 sys transmit errors/synch'd intel tms f/2 AORs--gather'd 31K ISR targets
- Established Hill Neptune Falcon exercise C2; modified connection settings--key to KC-10 air refueling training
- Exceeded SecDef trng priority; drove multi-agency coord/instituted aggressive time-line--2018 1st Qtr Wg small tm
- Execut'd NAOC IT spt; led cross-func tm & fused SATCOM capes--elim'd $175K rqmt/aided POTUS JP visit
- Executed 1083 hrs; mng'd 141 TDLs/eight Dets/three AORs--enabled C2 f/1K strikes/1.7K EKIA across 1.1M sq mi
- Executed ACAS/HBSS; mitigated 249K crit sec vulns/CCRI rdy--assured C2 f/11K sorties/208K pax/69K tons cargo
- Executed SFH TS fiber re-termination; engineered 102 sec uplinks--enabled joint level planning CFSOCC missions
- Executed VM plan; troubleshot/installed >10K upgrades f/2.1K systems--protected 2 ntwk enclaves ISO OIR C4I req
- Exemplary talent; troubleshot/replaced technically intricate radar receiver preamplifier--saved USAF $290K
- Exemplified attention to detail; rcvd 100% inventory inspection/833 items-- ensured accurate tracking f/$411K assets
- Expedited build of two PCs; increased intel/surveillance S/A--enhanced CFACC's battlefield ops site picture
- Expedited repair of $2M wireless ntwk; provided mx comm for 36 acft--reduced tech order access time 50%
- Expedited USAFE's government licensing capability; created net access--enabled online testing for 78K users
- Expertly troubleshot GMT outage; ID'd/replaced faulty cabling--restored UVDS connection for 35 sorties/560 flt hrs
- Extended CENTRIXS-K capes; coord'd w/PACOM/added 7 devices--linked 5 units to ROK msns & 27K ISR products
- Extraordinary lead tech! Managed Windows service pack upgrade deployment to 3.2K PCs; met std in 3 days
- Facilitat'd tracking cape to LRS eqpmt center; provid'd 6 FOCA comm links--permit'd armor issue for 39SFS
- Facilitated AFCENT/A2 server rm construction; joined 40 racks/20K ntwk links--synergized multi-layer intel
- Facilitated upgrade of ARC-210 antennas for FTU; improved GCS/JTAC comms--enabled >130 aircrew graduation
- Facility Manager of 3 facilities/$______; all systems reliable/operational...sustained high-vis unit mission ops
- Fast-tracked $19.3M NMS proj; gathered CES rqmnts/ntwk device statistics--completed survey 6 days ahead of sched
- Fielded CBCS first Airbus tac sat sys; corrected tech mnl omission--primed 23 total force units for use/zero msn loss
- Filled in Section Chief pos/led 12 pers sect; accelerated rekey of COMSEC sys--repaired crypto capes f/MAJCOM
- Filled in Section Chief pos/led 17 pers sect; ensured personnel eq readiness--100% DOMOPS/OCP uniform canvas
- Filled NCOIC billet/led 5 mbr CFP; drove 1k trouble tickets--guaranteed 99.8% ntwk full misson capable rate
- Finalized 40 CompTIA crs's; earned 50 continuing education credits--obtained 3-year certification 2-mos early
- Finished Win 10 upgrade; expedited 89 CERP system installs/saved 208 hrs--beat SAF/CIO SDC suspense by 7 mos
- Fixed sq NIPR outage; tm'd w/7 BW to restore svc f/240 PCs--1 out of 72 users impacted/enabled Wg/CC class success
- Flexible leader! Excelled in full spectrum of comm ops while deployed to Al Udeid AB in spt of OEF/OIF
- Formalized ACAS mgmt svr; scanned/mitigated 350K applications/sys-- reduc'd vulnerabilities via automated sweep
- Fueled ops f/43 wgs/2K mil/87 acrft; oversaw 52 tms/470 Amn/est'd 59 C2 hubs--Gp awd'd U-A Maj Gen McClelland
- FW DRRS mngr; oversaw 16 monitors/16 units/216 METLs...__% on-time combat readiness reporting to HAF
- Governed warehouse UTC conversion; devised layout to organize 7 UTCs--ensured 100% optimal asset arrangement
- Gp OPSEC coordinator; facilitated global chg request w/Google/protected 6 key facilities--safeguarded 4.7K jt forces
- Great teacher; trained 11 Amn on Cisco 802.1x port-based authentication--bolstered knowledge of new technology
- Guided $100K IT refresh proj; unified 29 ws/18 laptops/9 printers to ntwk--curtailed risk of outages/incidents
- Guided $563K SAN proj; replaced failing sys 3 mos early--4TB/741M obs/yr safely stored for nat'l climo rpts
- Guided 16-mbr jt tm; mng'd 238 SOCCENT nodes/269 ntwk actions--sustained C4ISR capes for 3.9K prsnl/15 FOBs
- Guided 4-mbr SIPR token team; executed 4.3K tokens/voided 1K faulty cards--secured classified email/ntwrk
- Guided CFP; fixed 832 tickets/91% lcl fix rate/eclipsed ACC rts avg by 2 days--enabled 800 warfighter SARs
- Guided closure/833 trouble tickets; resolved 96% in <72 hrs/slashed delay time by 60%--SSgt well-deserved!
- Guided event committee; org'd cookout w/4 activities/prize drawings--revived sense of community f/70 Amn families
- Guided NSA-HI ntwk expansion; installed, cert'd 15K circuits--upgraded $318M anti-trafficking C4I ops bldg
- Guided PostgresSQL s/w soln; config'd/tested OCDS tables w/web apps--saved $90K in obsolete license cost
- Guided USAFWC FMV upgrade; oversaw $450K Live Fly proj--enabl'd 4K weaponeering solution for Red Flag pers
- Guided VoIP cutover project; configured 43 devices--reduced legacy equip/implemented USAFE/A6 priority
- Hand-sel 1/300 for POTUS priority; lead comm technical advisery to Iraq gov't--synchronized OIR to AD ops
- Handpicked VIP team mbr; resolved 23 base ldrship comm issues--ensured base-wide C2/lauded by Wg/CC
- Hardened 5BW/91MW secure nuclear msn; upgrade f/w on 65 TACLANEs--smashed NSA suspense by 2 mos
- Headed $170K ACC spt f/mobile video tm; dply'd ntwk spt'g acft crash doc--delivered key trn'g f/180 AFSEC studs/yr
- Headed base IAVM tm; train'd 3 Amn, accelerated 31 upgrades to 14 servers--resolved 1K cyber threats to $54M ntwk
- Headed COMPUSEC prgm; instructed 47 cybersecurity liaisons 22 IA processes--armored ntwk capes f/32 units
- Helmed MBAM proj; established Pin/password rec/BitLocker Encryption--denied use of intrusion tools f/7k WH sys
- Helmed Wg's #1 C4ISR proj; ctrl'd $4M NIPR/SIPR ntwk overhaul--key t/$10M ntwk resiliency...1st in DoD
- Honcho'd flt line manhole install; set 75ft of comm conduit--prep'd site for AC-130 contingency stand up proj
- Honed Cybersecurity skills w/ DISA ACAS training--used knowledge to reduce net vuln's from 4.32% to1.5%
- Honed work center task pgm; coorded 2.5K trouble tkts w/8 techs--improved tkt response time from 2 days to 1
- ID'd 6K misconfigured PCs; obtained 90% compliance within 2 wks--postured $120M ntwrk for cyber warfare
- Id'd media player fault during Standard Desktop Configuration (SDC) testing; built new SDC baseline package
- ID'd SCCM server shortfall; installed new client certs f/2268 sys--resolv'd s/w patching errors/hardened $178M ntwk
- ID'd/replaced Civ Recruiting laptops w/ modified iPads; 75 scouts/30 conf accessed special briefs/demo onsite...45 hired
- ID'd/resolved USFK security infraction; installed 21K ft fiber--rectified 420 TEMPEST issues, zero msn delay
- Identified base-wide SIPR mail outage; isolated root cause and implemented INOSC fix--back online < 24 hours
- Identified faulty logistics server; repaired cargo tracking link--secured electronic supply reporting at 192 bases
- Identified MAFB WIFI ntwk failure; reconfig'd DHCP server--min impact w/ Exercise/ETools/Flightline ops
- Identified problems/took action! Revitalized Al Udeid AB Info Assurance pgm; authored QI/educated users
- Identified SIPR Domain Controller outage; isolated internal crypto equip fault--setup redundant SDP pathway
- Identified XP Plan shortfalls as NCOIC; fixed/corrected 8 plans in less than 30 days on job... 29 plans current
- Implemented AFNet Leaveweb migration; changed network routing--standardized 64 bases w/leave application
- Implemented cross-trng pln; trn'd 4 techs on 17 tasks across 2 AFSCs-blazed path for 3D career field merge/sq MQT
- Implemented deny-by-default policy; config'd SIPRNet boundary--bolstered 1st-ever class net defense-in-depth
- Implemented fix of critical ntwk security flaw; notified/disabled at risk users <1 hr--safeguarded $7.8M ntwk
- Implemented SCRUM Agile processes w/ techs; developed procedures/processes--sync'd Cyber w/ climo ops
- Improved task mgmt; guided 5 mbrs on best solution--designed 1 site for Gp Staff & 24 POCs...cut 87 emails/2K replies
- Influenced prod of inter/adv tgt dev; led $450K secure comm proj--equip'd to create 3K tgt graphs/500 3D ref models
- Initiated 'Cyber Optics' proj; removed 1.3K obj/188 rogue dvc's/450GB shared drive space reclaimed--optimized AD
- Initiated decommissioning 40 legacy svrs; re-purposed $80K equip/axed 65 mx-hrs--stymied malicious cyber attacks
- Innovated IT tracker; led 12 techs/895 msn sys accounted <20 mins--Wg's 1st proactive remedy tool/cut 2.8K hrs/yr
- Innovative thinker; developed MTE rapid deployment procedure--reduced MTE setup/breakdown time by 75%
- Installed 3K ft cable/emergency repaired LMR antenna IAW FAA regs--enabled instant crisis coord f/$2.2B in assets
- Installed 56 base IT assets; ensured $36.5K IT refresh proj kept on track--rapid 3-mo install key to vuln mgmt
- Installed 91 MW MAF upgrades; configured 10 VPN nodes/secured remote links--prep'd AF to save $234K/yr
- Installed Joint Personnel & Rescue Center PC; increased S/A--linked rescue ops w/Coalition forces in contact
- Instructed 26 overdue CROs; mitigated 33 Wg COMSEC sec incidents--avoided base-wide SIPR ntwk outage
- Instrumental to design/install of 3 ntwks; installed 45 comm racks/3K SIPR circuits--enabled jt-svc crypto msn
- Interim 1st Sgt; advised 2 Sq CCs w/Art 15/discharge/hardship actions--cornerstone f/good order/discipline f/162 mbrs
- Isolated 5 MDG Pharmacy outage; identified swx config error--eliminated unnecessary $9k MDG referral cost
- Isolated weather satellite net failure; repaired coordinate data relay--mitigated NORAD imagery degradations
- IT sys tech; maintained >150 NIPR/SIPR computers/phones--efforts led to successful completion of 7 crit ops
- Key PM f/AF 2d lgst ntwk proj/$11M; upgrd'd 249 facs--enabled PACAF's 1st agile C2...DISA '15 TCF OTY
- Key to installation's DISA migration; manually migrated 56 clients--ensured migration on-target/secured ntwk
- Key to installation's INWS upgrade; controlled 38-bldg integration and test phases--improve wing disaster response
- KO'd site survey/121 bldg ntwk capes; aced meter reading proj--led to $1M funding..."best spt 32 bases" AFCEC PM
- Laser focus on upgrade trng! Garnered 86% on 5-level CDCs; earned 26 sem hrs on CCAF degree w/4.0 GPA
- Launched PACAF's 1st UCCX solution; digitized 19-mbr call ctr--amp'd capes f/4 svcs/32 bases/1.1M calls/yr
- Lead SATCOM technician; accomplish'd 4 TCTOs, closed 8 jobs, performed 10 PMIs--enhanced eqpmnt capabilities
- Lead tech on $2M comm center modernization; installed 43 equip racks--allowed vital C4ISR across 3 AORs
- Leads by example; tackled crew position training requirements; #1 of 22 administrators to achieve certification
- Led $1.5M Alt C2 fac proj; built phased tech sol/svd $1.4M--estab'd cmd 1st resilient ntwk path for 22K prsnl
- Led $140K Fusion Analysis Cell proj; installed 13.5K ft fiber--expanded research capes, PACAF A2/A3 staff
- Led $2M tech refresh; upgraded 23 crit bldg nodes/extended fiber paths--boosted Luke's ntwk backbone 1 to 10 Gbps
- Led 15-mbr AFSA tm; dir'd 110 vol hrs/cleaned 550 art displays--honored women AF pilots/hosted 350 AF & civic ldrs
- Led 1709 in-place deployment; revamped OS config f/8K sys/200 sites--assured compliance with MS life-cycle date
- Led 1st-ever GSU DEE-SIPRNET migration; created 70 sys accts--kept proj ahead of DISA sched/no data loss
- Led 2 classified message incident response tms; immediate containment--eliminated network security vulnerabilities
- Led 20-mbr tel mx sect; revamped ops strategy f/8K phones/cut tkts 50%--'15 DISA-PAC DSN End Ofc OTY
- Led 23-mbr Base Contingency plan working group; ID'd 10 critical msn sys/96-hr rts--met req'd AF DRP rqmt
- Led 3 person cyber defense tm; fulfilled 24 CTOs f/1680 clients/enhanced patch cvge to 98%--hardened $178M ntwk
- Led 3-man IT equip recovery project; located 5 missing CPUs--mitigated Report of Survey/saved 80 man-hrs
- Led 3-mbr facility revamp tm; boosted speed f/80 PCs 30% w/Wg assets--improved QOL f/1.9K pupils/saved Sq $16K
- Led 4-mbr comm room renovation team; cleared 650 feet fiber-optic cabling--reinforced Cmd Post C2 systems
- Led 5 BW/CCC 'out and about' visit; installed fiber/ntwk equip/16 SIPR clients--showcased Cyber Pro's to wg
- Led 8-Amn Cyber Ops team; admin'd 240 svr's/resolved 224 TTs/1.5K GPOs/166 CTOs--actualized CR365 program
- Led AIM to DPAS PWCS conversion; ensured 42 unit mgrs received trng per updated AFIs--100% ANG compliance
- Led classified message system's Win XP upgrade; modernized 7 systems--met 2 week suspense in only 6 days
- Led Cyber Defense tm; evaluated 18 detection rpts, patched 2.3K threats across 2 enclaves--protected $35M ISR assets
- Led DoD SIPRNET email migration; rectified 600 errors & readied 2.6K accts--99% success for Wg/7 GSUs
- Led Global ASI tracking; deconflicted 2.7K SIE ntwk interruptions--yielded 0 crct failure f/5 AFG POND/retrograde
- Led Gp-wide Win10 SDC roll-out 4 mbr tm; 310 SIPR sys deployed < 1 mo--1st base in PACAF to meet VCSAF #1 pri
- Led patch management on 49 mail relays; blocked 12 zero-day attacks--ensured integrity of 2.14B e-mails/year
- Led PWCS inventory; ID'd/reduced 53 unused cell phones; saved $54K annual fee/devices ready for AF reuse
- Led revitalization of base infrastructure; installed 7K+ ft fiber--future-proofed network w/10X previous data capacity
- Led SAN Switch install; engineered critical data link for ingest sys--equip'd IC w/ 40TB climo archive access
- Led setup of 5 MDG mass flu-vaccine exercise; built distro switch/10 laptops--100% MAFB delivery in 17hrs
- Led short-notice hard drive requests; troubleshot 5 waivers/330 computer sys--reduced loss of PII f/JA
- Led short-notice USAFE-AFAFRICA SiPR virtual host upgrade; migrated 45 virtual machines from old host
- Led Sq's 3-mbr DLA tm; mng'd $382K account/verified 807 controlled items--re-homed 445 pieces/$95K w/DoD orgs
- Led Standardized Desktop Operating sys proj; migrated 520 PCs--abated 52K threats/secured $120M enclave
- Led UCC/primed CBRNE resp; dir'd 7 flts/8 recalls/274 FPCON measures--postured 361 Amn f/ATSO degraded ops
- Led Wg's "Hurricane Flo" Recon tm; dir'd 27 Amn on facility/sys prep/recovery--Sq lauded 3x/restored 1.2K sys <48 hrs
- Led Wg's cloud migration; assured 60 TB data, briefed COMACC--1st-ever AF secure Amazon cloud/Lt Gen coined!
- Loaded 1K+ security patches on 26 AFNet servers--NIPR & SIPR "Outstanding" on cyber readiness inspection
- Maintained CAFNet domain sys; complet'd 24 mx actions/99% uptime rate--increas'd morale/welfare f/4.7K jt forces
- Manag'd repair ops of faulty FOCA splice; right'd 2 FO nodes--further'd repairs of down'd WS3 security sys
- Manag'd SOCFWD-EA ntwk access process; creat'd >50 NIPR/SIPR user accounts--slashed wait time by 50%
- Managed $145K ADPE acct; inspected/inventoried 199 items valued > $145K--zero deficiencies; UCI ready
- Managed $25M Global Info Grid facility; sustained 350 DISA long-haul circuits--armored C4I voice/data cape
- Managed $340K equipment account; led 100% qrtly reviews--returned 15 items/$17K assets to AF inventory
- Managed $70K IT equip acct/122 items; turned in obsolete assets worth $3.4K--sustained 100% accountability
- Managed $900K budget; delivered multi-AOR classified transfer capability--saved $380K w/no cost solution <3 weeks
- Managed 132 device upgrades; Installed firmware for 37 bases--Ensured devices configured with current data
- Managed 17-Amn SCT; planned 8 details covering 3 states/mentored 4K--embodied AF values/honored families/vetsv
- Managed 1808 AFNET srvrs; upgraded 526 configuration settings--expanded ntwk connectivity for 18K clients
- Managed 350 CISCO IOS switch upgrades; resolved 500 violations--assured ntwk integrity/INSOC validation
- Managed 4-mbr team; constructed 70 comm boxes & 35 IT racks--enabled secure access to 3 classified WANs
- Managed 7th AF SharePoint suite installation--enhanced Air Operations Centers collaboration capability
- Managed 7th AF Video TeleConference suite install--finalized improvement plans to Staff conference room project
- Managed AFCENT tactical CFK inventory; directed 75 prsnl, 39 kits across 15 FOBs--insured vital C4 capes
- Managed DoD DNS server migration; fixed SHA-256 security vulnerability--beat SAF/CIO deadline by 6 mos
- Managed SAD shift deployment; assisted NYS Police w/ DOMOPs event--ensured safe traffic flow during blizzards
- Managed unit training program; inspected/fixed 46 training records--guaranteed personel 100% msn qualified
- Mang'd Sq trng/63 prsnl; monitored readiness/TBA/IMDS trng, completed 2 unit SAVs--closed trng IGEMS write-up
- Marshall'd $500K SCIF build; sync'd GSA PM/vendor/SFS, jumped Fed bldg & fund hurdles--sped toward IC-spt IO
- Mastered advanced tm dynamic ldrshp crs; applied trn'g to SOP development--cut 4-hr acct approval process to 20 min
- Masterminded lcl vuln mgmt ops; developed lcl procedures for three UNIX-based sys--reduced vuln's to .03%
- Masterminded Wg phishing exercise; created email attack/usr tracking scripts--cultivated cyber awareness f/2.6 prsnl
- Maximized project effort; researched/set up Dashboard web interface; smoothed incoming Wing CC transition
- Mentored 28 SCO prsnl; provided OJT/eliminated 1K stale user/computer/printer/rogue objects--coined by AEW/CC
- Mentored NCC tm; trn'd 6 on ARS/ACAS suite/rem'd 450 bad AD user/pc's--actualiz'd CR 365 prog f/ASAB/AMAB
- Mg'd 3 acct inventories; validated 234 items/$2M IT sys--enabled 310 airlisft msns/123K prsnl/9K short tons cargo
- Migrated base logistics readiness voice sys; installed 25 VoIP telephones--enhanced $1.4M regional cargo ops
- Migrated ext DNS; updated TCP/IP stack/externally tested--satisfied POA&M deadline six months in advance
- Mng'd $235K mobile IT assets; maintained 130 mobile devices...diversified 24/7 secure reach-back capes/109 IC mbrs
- Mng'd $450K Coalition C2 ntwk expansion; dir'd 3 teams/equipped 4 sites w/8 devices--enhanced JFACC ops
- Mng'd 23 prsl; sec'd 290/$14.5M C4 assets rdy--spt'd 3 jt multi-nat'l/2 jt exers/earned 1 Best small tm/3 Grp CC coins
- Mng'd 29 Wg plans from 12 agencies; completely revamped electr tracking sys...decr'd overdue plans by 26%
- Mng'd 5th Gen intel proj; oversaw $750K IT refresh--enabled global adversary wpns monitoring/supported 4K users
- Mng'd CAOC SIPR token prgm; prcs'd 4,476 line items/486 emails/174 tickets--assured ntwk access for 1.2K members
- Mng'd data cntr modernization; validated 10 C4 sys' power/HVAC from 4 wkctrs--cmplt'd $1.3M Phase-II proj rqmts
- Mng'd jnt 26 mbr RCP rip; provided 24/7 ops f/238 crit dply'd nodes/15 nations--ensured 100% uptime f/critcal msns
- Mng'd JWICS sys analysis; assessed 3 ntwks/solved err/fixed AF-wide--assured 870 orgs/fused ISR w/2K cmbt sorties
- Mng'd over 300 item IT inventory; led tech refresh f/38 systems--saved Sq $27K & boosted trn'g facility capacity 18%
- Modernized AF targeting trng ctr; config'd 25 sys w/3D imagery capes--readied 41 mbrs/8 crses, cinched 7 msn evals
- Modernized SCCM client repair process; engineered auto-fix script & trained 368 CSAs--saved 5K man-hrs/yr
- Modernized Sq trng rm; institut'd enhanc'd data storage policy--sav'd $18K tech refresh/improved functionality
- Modernized virtual environment; on-boarded $810K IT refresh--garnered reliable/secure capability for next 6 years
- Monitored 4.1K HQ AFSPC dashboard events; advised NCOIC on actions--responsible for closing 1.2K items
- Monitored 8 AF task list for 220 GCTS; tracked 98 taskers for AFGSC/20AF--maintained 100% on time rate
- Monitored five tactical ntwks; supported >300 users/7 countries--100% sys up-time for >10 combat missions
- Monitored four classified networks supporting 200+ users/70 countries--supported over 90,000 combat sorties
- NCOA DG! Dominated condensed five week trn'g sched; academic ace among 184 students--outstanding 98.6 GPA
- NSI/NORI comm support team lead; maintained NIPR/SIPR LAN--vital to BW "Excellent"/MW "Outstanding"
- Ntwk Operations/11-mbr tm supporting 363 ISRW's $9.5M enterprise; fortifies C2 capes to 1.5K intel global warriors
- Obtained and modified >127 frequencies; vigorous spectrum mgmt--critical to 450 successful MQ-9 Reaper sorties
- Orchestrated 24 CCSD alt-route rqmts; acquired concurrences with 3 agencies--enabled 181 ATOs/3600+ wpn strikes
- Orchestrated Wg Ann Awds Ceremony; led 3-mbr team/set-up/MC/PD--honored 21 champs Yr'18/coined by Wg CC
- Org'd Sq spt f/Afghan humanitarian op; liaised 5 orgs/sped GiantVoice fix--restored spiritual wellness f/25K refugee
- Org'd supply drive w/JC Parks elem; collected 4K items/$3K in school assets--provided materials f/715 local youths
- Org'd Win 10 proj; utilized automated upgrade process f/ 272 sys--saved 544 man-hrs/bested DoD mandate by 3 wks
- Organized 12-prsnl $280M IT proj; upgraded 3 classified sys--bolstered ntwk capability for 400 intel analysts
- Organized equip custodian acct; flawless mgt of 367 IT equipment items/$850K--inspection noted zero errors
- Organized squadron assumption of command ceremony; focus on protocol details--rais'd appreciation of mil tradition
- Overhauled ITEC acct valued $275K; created tracking sys, DRMO'd 90 obsolete items/$42K...gained 250 sq ft
- Overhauled OGAs tunnel ntwk; terminated 5K fiber optic & CAT6 connections--allowed subterranean msn ops
- Overhauled Security prgm; ID'd 2 incidents/dir'd 3-agency SIPR ops move--mitigated future classified handling issues
- Overhauled Sq incident mgt process; cut 6 steps/guided 5 sections--drove closure rate 8 hrs to 1-hr, elim'd 1.6K hrs/yr
- Oversaw $12K VTC suite install; enabled distance learning trn'g f/300 stud's--reduced yearly ACC TDY costs $20K
- Oversaw 7-mbr sharepoint tm; dev'd/implemented suite--pivotal to 14 WS win of AFOUA/2 WXG Sq Y'18--coined by CCM
- Oversaw 7-mbr vuln mgmt tm; install'd/validat'd 700 upgrades/166 CTOs f/2 ntwk enclaves--coined by 251 CEIG/CC
- Oversaw App-V/Remote App implementation; mobilized 33 prgms f/virtual hosting--reduced license costs $300K/yr
- Oversaw comms for surgical teams/vol'd 138 hrs; set up/deployed mobile units--coord'd reachback capability
- Oversaw enterprise voice protection ops; processed 75M calls/yr and halted 12M unauthorized access attempts
- Oversaw infrastructure line install; enabled new 10 GB file connection--10X faster thru-put max'd climo msn
- Oversaw SCCM shortfall resl'n; coord'd 1.5K GPO updates f/2.2K sys w/ACCC--resolved s/w vuln f/AFCENT AOR
- Oversaw Wing Info Prot Office; direct'd execution 43 Comm TASKORDs--cut 59K vulns/fortified $71M ntwk
- PACAF 1st/instituted CAIRS billing mgmt sys; set up 2 routers/16 accts--adv'd $7M AF proj/svd 2K man-hrs
- PACAF ICS $4.4M projo; mng'd 65 fac install--svd 28K mx hrs/$900K yr...vital to Sq's '15 Von Karman awd
- Patched 122 NIPR/12 SIPR sys terminals; installed/validated 1.5K+ security TCNOs--safeguarded $26M ntwk
- Patched 17 systems; closed 210 critical vulns--secured DoD's authoritative climate DB/enabled 909 tailored products
- Performed ASAB data backup proj; spt'd $140K srvr assets install/xfer'd 15 TB data--preserved C4I msn sys integrity
- Permitted deployed units to track AOR weather patterns; aided flight scheduling; zero aircraft sorties missed
- Phenomenal! Classified Msg Incident action team mbr; sanitized 6 systems & secured data--promote SrA BTZ!
- Pilot'd VTC cable install; Install'd 3 drops--Enabl'd VTC capabilities for MSG conf room/Group CC's office
- Piloted $239K WiFi project; installed 278 WAPs & infrastructure--enabled NASIC ldrs real-time intel access
- Piloted anti-virus migration; protected 408 clients from malicious code/viruses--pushed 360 air tasking orders
- Piloted RQS IT upgrd; devised plan/dplyd 20 sys--spt d $10M CSAR eqpt/PACAF's sole AD Guardian Angel
- Piloted shared drive monitoring scripts; mng'd real-time NAS errors--reduced response time by 90% for critical alerts
- Plann'd facility for airborne crypto trng; managed $200K equip--ensur'd comm for msn/trng to SOF air/ground forces
- Point for $78K ITEC account/46 devices; provided mobile C2 capes-- ensured 100% accountability f/378 prsnl/8 FOBs
- Point for $78K ITEC acct/46 devices; provided mobile C2 capes--ensured 100% accountability/494 prsnl/151 SITREPS
- Premier Cyber SNCO! Led 13-mbr cyber tm/backbone of AF's only climo ctr--vital to Wg's 2015 OSWU Awd
- Premier RF Trans Admin; authored/facilitated 9 ACAs, 10 EPRs, 2 Decorations--provid'd critical feedback to Airmen
- Prepared/mng'd 3 classrooms/$2.1M equip/supplies; 100% accountability--ensured classroom material taught
- Prepped base for SDC rollout; reprovisioned Office 2003 on network--Wing 1st in DoD to employ 2K systems
- Primed Capstone War Gaming conf; deployed 170 sys/1K ft cable...rdy'd 20-yr nat'l def strategy/multi-net integration
- Probed connectivity loss to pharmacy server; confirmed solution through manufacturer--limited outage to 6 hrs
- Processed 5 classified msg incidents; rapidly applied sanitization procedures; protected network weapons sys
- Processed emergency change; removed fax line from system--ensured voice line for support of downed aircraft
- Procured $400K worth of High Frequency radio equipment--restored critical Command & Control to Air Operations Center
- Procured $42K IT assets for the wg trng rm/SCOK; maintained TCNO compliant--prep'd for zero msn interrupt
- Procured 3-day/$29K Web Sys Ops course; trained 20 mbrs/$15K TDY cost saved--sped DNI's next-gen cloud vision
- Programmed LAN mgmt svr; automated 155 switch OS updates--enhanced work center efficiency...svd 428 man-hrs
- Provided Communication RSOI brief-expertly tnd 170+ incoming deployers-enabled 100% deployer training success
- Pulled 5 GSU's into 21st century; oversaw academics/admins/connectivity for 22 sites--mission capabilities doubled
- Purged Hickam domain; removed 527 items/quarantines--reduced ntwrk vulnerability scan assignment by 20%
- Purged unauthorized s/w; scanned/cleaned 81 sys/57.5K vulns--enforced Cyber Security...557 WW/CC's #1 priority!
- Pwr'd JET IA msns; mng'd base data cntr/18 servers/14 ckts--fueled AFCENT's busiest APOD/sustained $31M ntwk
- Qatari AOC comm team mbr; uploaded monthly crypto/validated C2--armed Qatar w/airspace deconfliction
- QB'd $200K Wg EOC proj; pgm'd 14 DSN devs f/30 Sr ldrs--impv'd C4I spt f/24K jt warfighters/2 OPLANS
- QB'd Sq AEF readiness; led 6 CPR/SABC life-saver crses--cut 82 deployers' prep time 20%...reinforced US cmbt ops
- Quarterbacked $1.6M AN/FMQ-22 upg; config'd 15 MAF sys--increased AFWA/NOAA/NWS data reporting
- Rebuilt five JREAP C links; enabled nine JREAP B w/ two PAT sites--supported BMD architecture/CFACC obj met
- Recognized by ACC IG as Langley ORI Superior Performance Team--1 FW overall rating of "EXCELLENT"
- Recognized Client Sys SME; resolved USAFE/A2 write-up, led 3 mbrs, closed 49 mx actions--avoided $6.6K eqpt cost
- Reconfigured 479th ISR asset monitoring sys; updated hand-held settings--supported $750M weapons tracking
- Rectified 2 bldg A/C outages; mitigated $2M equip loss/5 ntwks--preserved 6 ISR orgs msn/C2 to 3.2K total force Amn
- Rectified crit ntwk outage; improvised/built 150-ft fiber run to restore connectivity--7 AGP prods created/suspense met
- Rectified SAR file trans issue; troubleshot 3 month request block--conditioned 700 users to request custom wx
- Rectified telephone outage; installed 195 VoIPs/routed 1K lines/retired remote switch--saved 260 man-hrs yrly
- Regulated Time Compliance Network Order program; tracked 15 NOTAMs; 100% compliant w/AF mandates
- Reinforc'd NIPR set-up; establish'd 2 FOCA nodes for EW mission systems--provid'd C4 for USMC EA-6 Sq
- Relocated numerous multi-channel xmtrs with zero aircraft downtime, saved $125K in lost flying hours
- Remedied ballooning ACAS scores; coordinat'd the automated remote patching 2X's--excellent CCRI readiness score
- Remedied Sqd deployment stoppage; fixed 15 PCs f/ units readiness trning--aided in 100+ deployers
- Repair'd LRS RFID sys; restor'd ntwk f/89 devices--ensur'd auto tracking/208K pax/9K tons cargo/CENTCOM AOR
- Repaired 63 FS ntwk; id'd master switch mismatch/recovered backup configs--ALIS mx activities back online <2 hrs
- Repaired F-22 tactical net outage; created encrypted data link--fortified aircraft mission planning capabilities
- Repaired net link outage; allowed Joint Environmental Toolkit access--restored $21M WX system availability
- Repaired one yr outage; 48 hr config'd DHCP/swx for 18 waps--wireless access in direct support of sortie msn
- Represented AF in Joint environment--exemplary Amn demonstrated highest level of conduct and military customs
- Reprogrammed 127 Land Mobile Radios, enabled full critical support of three Presidential missions
- Researched/purchased $170K mobility supplies--enabled worldwide deployment for six TDC unit type codes
- Resolved $50K contract oversight; installed 48 strand & 36 copper ckts--rescued $200M NSA facility upgrade
- Resolved 205 IAVAs; ID'd correct mitigation & secured 332 network nodes--prevented 31K vuln's on unit IS's
- Resolved 276 trouble tckts/403 svc calls; leveraged remote access skills--improved fix rate/saved 320 hrs/wk
- Resolved 46K updates/patches; safeguarded 1.1K ISR sys--produced 1.8K weapon sol & 59 combat damage reports
- Resolved 50 SIPR token issues; complyed with AFPKI/revok'd certs/enrolled card--maintained Op of sec Ops
- Resolved 520 trouble calls/2,519 IT tickets; eliminated tier-two technical spt--saved ESD helpdesk 81 man hrs
- Resolved 544 cyber orders; eliminated 271K threats for 9K SIPR/NIPR PCs--passed DoD's most stringent inspection
- Resolved 6 CMIs; sanitized 17 svrs/35k accts/halted global propagation--restored C2 & secured nat'l sec data
- Resolved base SIPRNet outage; fixed gateway crypto connectivity errors--restored wg C2 for 8K warfighters
- Resolved battlecab strike VTC outage; troubleshot/repaired connection for 3 offices--linked CFACC to battlefield CCs
- Resolved Composite Health Care Sys latency; optimized rule set--restored providers access to 1K med records
- Resolved data link latency; imprv'd gnd-to-air msg tx/rcv capes from 90-97%--enhnc'd theater C2 coord f/ three AORs
- Resolved Financial Mgmt ntwk outage; repaired seven quarantined PCs--restored EoY funds execution/$7.8M
- Resolved new requirements 1-yr backlog; established dedicated spt tm--increased msn capes w/ 29 installs in < 3-wks
- Responded to AFMC/A6 outage; diagnosed issue/restored connectivity f/13 sys--enhanced msn critical capes f/GCCS
- Responded to LeaveWeb outage; corrected firewall configs--restored core capability for 6.8K Shaw AFB usrs
- Restored ACS ntwk access; replaced defective fiber-cable/improved 3-yr latency issue--key to 268 student graduation
- Restored Air Operation Center computers during exercise KEY RESOLVE '09--saved $30K in repairs, rescued operations
- Restored MILSTAR Command Post capes; led 10-mbr/$400K amp repair--secured EUCOM NC3 reachback to NCA
- Restored network outage; conducted shutdown\restore policy for 15 hr outage--established operability of ntwk
- Restored Wg CC s NATO classified sys; issued no-notice crypto key--eliminated crit NATO ntwk error
- Revamped 718 CES housing mx call ctr; integrat'd UCCX w/existing tech--spt'd 8K facs/$500M/31K WOs/yr
- Revamped comms storage; remov'd excess material/inventory--streamlin'd equip issue to 11 remote outstations
- Revamped Configuration Management prgm; devised Wg policy/guidelines--provid'd foundation for ISR architecture
- Revamped failing COMSEC program; rebuilt SOP and continuity binder--no write ups/finding on last two inspections
- Revamped SCOO continuity prog; created/updated 82 SCOO SOPs--ensured accuracy/efficiency f/future warfighters
- Revamped Sq CCB; ID'd 5 roles/56 rqmts--assured 332 ntwk nodes compliant/sole DoD CMAP cape config'd
- Revamped vulnerability remediation process; created 15 auto-patch groups--saved 1.2K man-hrs/yr; promote!
- Revitalized CMD Official Records Program; trn'd over 200 CORs/RCs/Users; boosted compliance from 30% to 85%
- Revitalized crit PERSCO SIPR sys; configured four JAVA software controls spt'd USAFE 4K PAX/1.5K tns mvmt
- Revitalized regional supply depot; replaced defective ckt eqpt--spt'd trans f/2K T cargo/led to Sq '16 VK Awd
- Saved dply'd Wg mx trn'g initiative; ID'd/resolved multi eqpmt/ntwk issues--averted msn fail f/15 mbr production tm
- Scruntinized lcl CM; completed 51 CR's/modified 4 sys/15 ports--enabled spt of continuous climate ops msn
- Sec'd AFSPC #1 C4 initiative; rplc'd 94K mi cabling/250 fac/18 ITN--incr'd speed 100x/$54M ntwk overhaul
- Secured comm for Australian AF LNO; installed PCN oSIP--connected Coalition CC with OEF ground forces
- Secured critical ntwk srv; eliminated severe BASH file vulnerability--closed POA&M 3 weeks ahead of sched
- Secured network ops; loaded software updates for 27 servers/84 PCs--protected 3 Coalition Forces networks
- Selected as 14WS SharePoint admin; modified 65 websites/removed 57 vul's--permitted qual svc to >56 users
- Selected as sole 3A0X1; diverse training missions/operations--provided support for 55 military/civilian cadre
- Selected f/Exec Comm; aid'd 4-mbr tm/resolved 690 hi pri tix f/109 Sr ldrs...earned 4 LOAs/Flt Sep '18 TOM/coined
- Setup/troubleshot VTC ops; provided connectivity for >100 confs--crucial information flow for HQ leadership
- Single-handedly purged 1AF network drives; id'd over 3K vulnerabilities--reduced potential loss/compromise of PII
- Sole Radio Frequency Amn; Spearhead'd PWCS acct worth $1.1M--suppt d crucial C2 across region f/378 personnel
- Solely revamped comms storage; render'd DRMO of 85 inop assets @ $55K--savng potential loss/compromise of PII
- Solidified trng f/8 Amn; secured $20K MS crs/mng'd 8 webpages/86 chats--forged industry skills/bridged gap f/5 wcs
- Source, install and maintain 90 G-A radio systems; upgrade to 30-512MHz--ensured excellent C2 for all Wing units
- Spearheaded 3 Wi-Fi pgms; engr'd 199 APs/1K ft cable install--svd 467 mx-hr for 3 Cmds/19K flt hr/10K srts
- Spearheaded A3 BDSC site survey; secured land/power/access--site mission-ready for 35 AFCENT personnel
- Spearheaded AFCENT COOP proj tm; prep'd $140K off-site stor/15TB avail--ensured 100% AEW FMC/1st in AOR
- Spearheaded PWCS acct @ $1.1M; equipped 14 sites w/100 essential radios/cell phones/Wi-Fi-- 0 critical ops delays
- Spearheaded PWCS acct worth $2.3M; equipped 22 units w/ 850 essential radios--zero delays to critical ops & trng
- Spearheaded PWCS acct worth $30K; equipped 10 TDY units w/ msn essential radios...zero delays to training
- Spearheaded QoL wireless expansion; installed/tested 30 Metalite modems--expanded NIPR network/70 bldgs
- Spearheaded, fabricated & install'd DLA fiber run; enabled new tenant connectivity on base--beat suspense & budget
- Sped 1st secure cloud effort; secured 3-day/$29K crs/20 mbrs/saved $15K TDY cost--key/NCO coined 2x...Lt Gen/CCC
- Spt'd $90M SACEUR plane retrofit; coord'd transfer 5 pieces equipment; enabled C3 ops for MAJCOM alliance
- Spt'd HIANG/AD ntwrk merger; created 150 computer accts--ensur'd connectivity for 3K Mx info sys's <24 hrs
- Spt'd SIPR Win 7 migration; upgraded 750 PCs--standardized baseline for COMPACAF's #1 cyber initiative
- Sq NCOOTQ! Dir'd Sq $156K ntwk overhaul; supt'd 2-wk/5-man tm install proj--estab'd AF 1st official 360 video cape
- Sq Tm OTQ1! Fueled gp mnpwr std; dir'd 4 Amn/scoured 15 pubs/val'd 212 duties/2.6K hrs--paved way f/3-pos incrs
- Sq Tm OTQ2! Led sq COVID rptg; tracked 253 ROM/rqmnt f/50 nations--assured 324 dply'd prsnl/benchmarked gp std
- Sq Tm OTY! Led C2 spt f/OOQ; dlvr'd 24/7 reachback f/2 FOBs/JACCE--moving 834 PAX/3K STs iso C-VEO msn
- Stabiliz'd 12 HVAC crisis; coor'd purchase of $10K cooling supplies--fix'd down HVAC unit solved 3 mth heat issue
- Steer'd 18 CES help desk proj; led 5-tech tm/pgm'd 16 IT sys--gear'd AF's lrgst HVAC ops/11 bases/$1B eqpt
- Steered CFP ops; overhauled 456 walk-ins/resolved 58 tickets--premiered AMAB 24/7 C4 spt f/664 coalition/jt prsnl
- Steered Iraq C2 integration w/coalition COP; mx'd 5 radars/secured 168K hostile sq mi--coined by COMACC
- Steered Sq data mgmt; created virtual database f/240 studs/yr--elim'd paper-based process/svd 340 man-hrs/yr
- Steered Wg $68K VTC proj; upgd sys to fiber vs dial up--sped data xfr by 4.8K%/stabilized Wg/PACOM link
- Stood in as NCOIC/TSgt role; supervised 1 Amn/processed 30 emails/troubleshot 24 tkts--passed RAM bld inspection
- Streamlined Sharepoint permissions; added & modified correct security groups to 65 sites--reduced footprint
- Streamlined squadron IAO program; ensured unit members were compliant--no unauthorized access permitted
- Superbly managed Time Compliance Network Order (TCNO) reporting process; ensured timely status reports
- Superior Technician; assist'd in resolving 380+ network trouble tickets--mitigated degradation to mission capabilities
- Superior Technician; Remedied 420 network trouble tickets; answered 200+ calls--reduced work center ticket queue
- Supervis'd Jt METOC aircraft app deployment; fixed 2 critical data ingest errors--recovered 1.4M wx obs/day
- Supervised 7-mbr exercise tm; verified email attack/usr tracking script--provid'd Cyber Awareness trng to 2.6K users
- Supported 1.7K mil prsnl; closed 6.4K tickets on 4 jt svc platforms--guaranteed sister svc comm compatibility
- Supported AFGSC/CC MAFB visit; organized mobile DV suite--allowed continuous uplink to all BW/CC's
- Supported Op UNITED ASSISTANCE; linked DLA C2/staging net--expedited 49 deliveries to 4K Ebola crisis prsnl
- Sustained 310 switches/3K VoIPs/$34M networks--key mbr to USAFE-AFAFRICA Best Large Work Cntr '13
- Tackled $82K tech refresh; purchased 2.3k new assets/DLA'd 50 obsolete items-adv'd C4 capes f/OTH engineer force
- Tackled CCRI prep; pushed 42 config changes to 14 servers--mitigated 3.8K Cat 1/2 vulnerabilities/exceeded DISA std
- Tackled HQ NSA $180K comm upgrade; installed 35 racks/15 fac grounds--saved $30K vs ctr/spt'd 20K pers
- Tackled net authentication notice; auto-populated 15K accounts/saved 250 man hrs--ready for AFNet cutover
- Tackled POL ctrl ctr outage; restored 2 vital comm hotlines--enabled 32M gals JP-8/$900K/fueled 13K srts/yr
- Tackled spt for 2K CAOC members; mitigated 147 user/sys errors--earned AFCENT A6 "Cyber Warrior of the Month"
- Taught 4-hr fiber & LAN class; certified 6 techs w/13 tasks--sustained quality ntwk installs & C4ISR msn cape
- Taught cyber security crs; techs used knowledge to fix downed climo sys--recovered 3 Iraq climo rpts for OIR
- Taught OPSEC crs; dev'd cyber-exploitation curriculum f/EMSG/ID'd common vulns--bolstered awareness/938 users
- TCCC program manager; work'd w/ 178 MDG to establish training reqs and details--prepp'd unit for contingency ops
- Team lead--resolved 1.7K trouble tickets; ID'd trends/coord fix w/5 agencies--hardened 418 svrs/43K-user net
- Tech refreshed XX sys/stored 65 monitors/$6.5K; re-org'd storage rm--replaced outdated technology/sav'd AF $X.XM
- Technical expert! Diligently scanned 200 subnets; denied use of intrusion tools--ensured network security
- Technical expert; identified/replaced defective airline in high power transmitter--restored MTE system to FMC
- Thwarted 15 CPTS database crash; reinstalled Citrix tool <24 hrs on 30 machines--saved 9K mbrs entitlements
- Trained 2 Amn/1 NCO; authenticated 60 privileged accts--bridged admin users f/NATO/MAJCOM Ex
- Trained replacement Cybersecurity Liaison IA duties; taught 34 processes--averted unit Cybersecurity shortfall
- Trained sys admins IAW DISA threat std; scanned 332 devices/ID'd & fixed 250 vul'ns--beat DoD std by 79%
- Transferred 5 alarm ckts; terminated 2.7K ft cable/12 facilities--mitigated security breaches/intrusion mishaps
- Trn'd prsnl non-std msn set; codified FDMA set-up--qual'd 4 on 14 tasks/aided USAFE's lrgst effort since Cold War
- Troubleshot 360 svc calls/resolved 150+ remotely; reduced tier two spt/wait times 60%--saved 30+ man-hrs
- Troubleshot 5 MDG bldg failure; isolated key swx malfunction--restored med facility for 6k Minot personnel
- Troubleshot 91MW/5 SFS network failure; restored downed switch--ensured protection to $5.5B PL1 assets
- Troubleshot DASR crucial outage; restored critical feed for 15K annual mil & civ flights--lauded by MSG CC
- Troubleshot four MAF outages; coord'd with commercial/local elements--restored comm to isolated facilities
- Troubleshot user rights for 92 MDG CSTs; coordinated privilege upgrade w/AMC NOSC--problem resolved
- Unit rep f/ 178th Community Day; coordinat'd static displays from 5 workcenters--spread mission awareness to Wing
- Unsurpassed initiative! Revised outdated MTP--expedited qual; 100% task coverage/reduced upgrade time 50%
- Updated 110 web proxies to AF baseline; coord'd patch window--averted outages/resolved 25 vulnerabilities
- Updated theater-wide ntwk security cfgs; disabled vuln on 23K Windows Vista clients--eradicated DoS threat
- Upgraded $1.4M ntwk; config'd 11 sys/bolstered overhead intel msn--vital to hurricane relief/damage rpt'g/11K prsnl
- Upgraded 24th AF ntwk; installed 325 strands of fiber, created 450 data ckts--ensured rapid intel to warfighter
- Upgraded 98 KSV-21 Crypto Cards IAW NSA directives; ensured AWACS Flt & STE Phones remain'd operational
- Upgraded MAFB VTC units; new state-of-the-art systems for CP/BW/MW CCs--increased AFGSC C2 reach
- Upgraded NSA-HI ntwk infrastructure; installed 29.6K ft fiber cable--slashed $300K vs ctr, sptd PACAF ISR
- Upgraded ntwk closet; replaced punch block with modular jack technology--assured 120 connections for 63 persons
- Upgraded training room; installed 14 workstations/42 RAM modules--enhanced training functionality by 70%
- Verifi'd 4 SATCOM pkgs FMC; contribut'd to TF/TG UTC conversion process--progress'd UTC equipment readiness
- Vigilant FOIA Prgm Mgr; reviewed/processed countless requests; Awd'd DoD trng cert--unauthorized dsclsr abated
- Vital tm mbr for Base Fire dept mobile radio repair; 17 LMR's fixed in house--saved AF $2.6K in repair costs
- Vital to Tier-3 restoral; coordinated resolution missing critical data--recover'd 100% of wing leader's essential e-mails
- Wg lead f/AMC C4 overhaul; led 2 tms/updated 4K accts/sec groups--fortified ntwk hygiene/pwr'd AMC's #1 cyber pri
- Wg SAPR/Suicide Aware Implementor; amassed 200 mbr buy-in--fortifi' d SECAF
- Wireless Comm Mngr; responsible for $1.7M inventory/120 units--ensured 100% accountability for sq ldrshp
- Work center Supervisor; qualified 2 NCOs/3 Amn on 36 core tasks--4 pers granted 5/7 lvl UGT completion