Command Post & UCC EPR Bullets

- 1/15 All Hazards Responder certified; complet'd 25 FEMA crs/125 training hrs--honed C2 responder skills
- 799 ABS NCO of the Qtr; developed UCC C2/recall rosters/O-Plans...excels past peers--promote immediately

- AETC full spectrum ex lead Console Ctrlr; gen'd SITREPs/emerg action msgs--recog'd as "Top 2" of 14 by MAJCOM
- Assisted in UTC exercise tracker development; enabled accurate proportional distribution of exercised UTCs
- Assumed NCOIC role; lead four exercises/two deployments/one ACC inspection--exceeded all expectations
- Authored CMD CTR SOP; stndrzd responsibilities/eliminated confusion--provided much needed ref guide for prsnl

- Authored COCOM level training instruction; developed standardized plans for 8 units--slashed certification time 42%
- Automated sq mob folder tracking; overhauled PRK tracking accuracy--100% accountability of sensitive docs

- Behind the scene workhorse for largest PL-1 move in 15 yrs; sync'd 34 DoD agency products--near perfect execution

- Choreographed SAR efforts; initiated ICC recall/coord'd Jt mil SAR--63 hr search, 3 AD/2 civ prnsl rtnd safe
- Chosen f/wg AtHoc admin pos; out-processed 12 prsnl/oversaw 12k prsnl status--guaranteed 100% sys data integrity
- Co-led UCC; relayed 3 EM checklists/SITREPs to CC/initiated recall for 9 flts/136 members--readied ABG for '20 UEI
- Combat proven; led UXO sweep after rocket attacks; restored maintenance ramp capability in under 15 minutes

- Completed 4hrs UCC tng classes; certified on Sq command and control--100% qualified for critical position
- Conducted 6 AFRC trng briefings; enhanced controller proficiency OJT/accomplished for 6 mth--avg test scores 98%
- Conducted ECP/PAR sweeps during '09 PACAF ORI; contribut'd to wing overall "Excellent" rating--promote
- Conducted SAVs in 9 units; ensured standardized tools/compliance w/cmd guidance--units ready for HHQ insp

- Coord'd w/16 groups and 79 crew members on National Airborne CP visit; relayed critical info -- nat'l asset protected
- Crucial to ABS stand-up; created sq wkly brief--guided C2 decisions...lone UCC rep--dev'd contingency capes

- Demonstrated UXO sweep team procedures during POLAR FORCE; maintenance flightline cap restored < 15 minutes

- Established alt CP SIPRnet/classified ops; enabled redundant C2, saved $11K; first time capability available
- Exercise Evaluation Team (EET) volunteer; evalutates Civil Engineer UCC/DCC major accident response

- F-16 incident CP lead; coordinated spt rqmts for EOC--provided IC w/45 personnel & $1.5M equip <3 hours
- Finished 7 course FEMA EM certification; upgraded task proficiency-- enhanced unit crisis management
- Flawless pandemic C2 ops; coord'd 19 SITREPs/27 HHQ msgs/26 HAF COVID reports--enabled wg readiness capes
- Forged EMSEC rdy alt-CP; security/EMSEC resolved, UHF installed--100% compliant for Wg msn execution

- Fortified CP augmentee prgm; crafted template/cert'd 2 prsnl/elim'd 67% manning constraint--benchmarked by 2 cmds!

- Gifted instructor; trained >100 students CBRNE/UCC/UXO identification--X Unit awarded "best in AF '09"
- Guided CP ops--implemented cklsts/tracked battle staff directives/launched recovery team/tracked 226 Amn

- Handpicked as alt Trng Amn; authored 75 question EA test bank/SSL/2 scenarios--ensured 9 controllers remain cert'd

- Instituted new Sq mobility line procedure; reduced pre-deployment processing time 50%--benchmarked by OG

- KO'd 32 hr WMD response training; tackled 39 objectives/3 exercises--boosted emergency mitigation skillset

- Lead mx operations controller at ANATOLIAN EAGLE exercise; aided 398 flying hours (hrs)--Top Performer
- Lead WIT; eval'd IG Active Shooter EXs/ID'd two key RIAs--enforced c/w DoD emer mgmt reqs & CAT operations

- Maintained Squadron phone directory/recall rosters; allowed 100% accountability during ORI/ORE exercises
- Manag'd CP trng self-inspection; detect'd/rectified 15 deficiencies; conduct'd NCOIC Trng--program inspection ready
- Managed 7 CP prgms; Safety/Training/EUM/COMSEC/Historian/Reports/Systems--enforced overall unit compliance
- Managed exercise CONSTANT VIGILANCE; ensured 180 PAX/100 s/tons cargo moved on time--wg ready!

- Managed UCC ops in five wg exercises, ensured TBMCS event tracking--ensured accountability of 212 Amn
- Manning assist to spt 1.4K prsnl; Exec'd 148 QRCs/174 CBCs/56 EMNS notifications--shielded $6.4B AFRC assets
- Masterfully coordinated EM actions during WMD-IRT--team hailed by inspectors as most proficient in ACC
- MICT innovator; ID'd data upload hindrance/proposed software update--approved by AF IG/enhanced ntwk sys cape

- Model CP senior controller; processed 26 ARC notifications/42 EAMS/20 CCIRs/6 OPREPs--facilitated crit 24/7 C2

- Participated MAJCOM EA ex; processed EAM/FPCAM/bomb threat/OPREPs--rcv'd HHQ kudos/#2 of 14 C2 nodes
- Performed UCC duties during ORE; relayed alarm conditions/mop lvls/situation reporting; vital to msn success
- Prepped Sq for ORI; led 2 OREs for 30+ players; 1500+ items tracked--recognized by IG for "best practices"

- Quick decision making during ERRI/CERI scenarios-executed post attack UXO sweeps and SABC care

- Relocated Squadron UCC to new OPS facility at NWF under 48 hrs; maintained unit's ability for rapid mobility
- Remedied 9 QRC/rep templates; added career focus/removed 18 redundancies--HHQs informed reporting 40% faster
- Revamped CP Reports binder & Trng Prgm; Increased unit readiness by 60%--trnd 8 prsnl/zero SAV discrepancies
- Revitalized CP training prgm; ID'd 25 missing key tasks/equipped team for enterprise--lauded by Wg/Gp leadership

- Revitalized CP training prgrm; ID'd 25 missing key tasks/equipped tm for enterprise-- acknowledgd by wng ldership

- Spearheaded CP duties during NORI; controlled vehicle status and situation reporting; vital to mission success
- Sq UCC rep; initiated cklsts/tracked battle staff directives/relayed SITREPs--ensured accountability of 403 psnl
- Streamlined CP: designed accountability ROE--integral to Ex GLOBAL THUNDER' 17/largest NATO op in 20 yr
- Strengthened augmentee prgrm; authored tailored trng products/expediated inprocessing--mitigated manning shortfall

- Supervised CP duties during ORE; relayed alarm conditions/mopp level/situation reporting; vital to mission success
- Supervised NEO exercise shuttle; monitored pickup/dropoff of 2K dependent personnel--lauded by Leadership
- Supervised sq UCC during critical OREs & ORI; stood up UCC & oversaw 24/7ops--Sq pgm inspection-ready

- Team player; chosen by EET members to demonstrate UXO sweep team procedures during POLAR FORCE 05-4

- UCC maintenance liaison; blueprinted unit's aircraft and mobility process during Exercise POLAR FORCE 04
- UCC Rep; coordinated 10 post-attack recovery sweeps for 5 functional areas; personnel 100% accounted for
- UCC tm mbr for Op PACIFIC PASSAGE; coord'd 28 Wing requests for assistance--2621 pax moved in 96 hrs