Chaplain Assistant

- #1SB prgm ANG 2015, extremely reliable & supportive player, $144K Bureau funds 500+ resilient WI Amn/families
- 014 Outstanding ANG CA, "Minuteman Award" Recipient, superior initiative/accomplishments/contributions to miss

- Accepted position untrained for--skillfully executed all duties while assigned as Chaplain Assistant
- Acquired MWR funds; $9.5K hosted five WG-wide appreciation events--twelve units/3.3K jt svs mbrs uplifted
- AFSO 21 advocate; enhanced HC/facility req process; halved response time--nailed 106 reqs spt'g 12K mbrs
- Analyzed 117 counselings, ID'd at-risk trends, earned $35K f/ AOR marriage retreat--35 couples postured for renewal
- Arranged over 25 First Term Airmen luncheons and briefings--boosted confidence, effectiveness
- Assisted CE w/ Chapel roof repair; laid 500m asphalt/set 20 tiles/restored rusted siding--demonstrated servant ldrshp
- Assisted the needs of 1100 wounded warriors, served over 100 patients/staff through counseling and intervention

- Care for caregiver; empowered ropes/reduced HC coverage at SMC, 23 hrs wkly--family life now top priority
- Certified JB SABC instructor; trained 24 amn--received essential life svg skills/aligned with Wing readiness initiative
- Chaplains Aid--maintained three facilities/prepped 57 services--sustained ecclesiastic care for 120 attendees
- Co-authored "TME" prgm; AMXS liaison, edified/energized 5 admin troops on flightline mission--incrseased morale
- Co-conducted Family event; expertly managed 15K budget; vol'd child care f/30--78 family members bonds bolstered
- Combined 26 chapel pgms; staff focus now on core activities--HC staff/pgms now touch 8000 jt base lives/mo!
- Community collaborator; ment'd/train'd 75 youth cadets; manag'd commandant rqmts-- mil families spirit'lly resilient
- Completed 6 prof development courses; enhanced comm/tm bldg--utilized skills to mentor 500 Airmen and Soldiers
- Conducted services during Camp Black Horse Mayor's Prayer Breakfast; touched over 100 lives
- Consummate team builder/player & community magnate; built premier HC team--new ties w/13 base agencies
- Coor'd CAFB 5th Anniv Gospel Extravaganza--involved 200+ active duty and civilians in worship & fellowship
- Coord'd Charleston 5th Anniversary Gospel Extravaganza--involved 200+ active duty and civilians in worship/fellowship
- Coordinated two memorial services simultaneously and followed up with pastoral care to unit members
- Coordinated, distributed over $10,000 in baseball and other sports equipment to Iraqi Boy/Girl Scouts
- Creat'd 1st-ever 'Mobile Church' at 4 locations on UTA wknds; regular attendance soured from 5 - 45; spirits bolster'd
- Created/implemented 7 JB MDL operating instructions/forms--foundation to vital JB ops b/w Army/Navy/AF
- Crucial spt Operation Enduring Freedom, GSU 60masses/240hrs visitation mngd 67K HC resources for 9.4K coalmbrs
- CTOF purchaser--procured supplies/140 community events--bolstered outreach relations w/700 local nationals

- Delivered 15 re-integration briefings, assisting approximately 850 transient medical patients
- Demonstrated diligence in all aspects of the Unit Ministry Team mission; increased Wing effectiveness
- Develop'd host nation relationships; conduct'd 13 off-base mosque tours f/88 mbr's--advanc'd 380 AEW/CC's priority
- Developed and delivered the religious and cultural awareness briefing provided before deployments
- Directed chapel facility reorg; max'd facility use for 5 chapels/350 pgms yrly; ensured mtg space for 2K+ wkly
- Drive/passion for msn; expanded profession thru ldrship courses, OJT on JB MOA/COLS--helped 25 mbr staff
- Drove IRC process for 149 vols; sustained chapel's reputation--zero incidents--1.2K kids safe...parents happy!
- Dynamic ldr; coord'd logistics spt'g 5 Wgs/88 msn partners; boosted 350 HC svcs/events & spiritual readiness

- EAFB HC background check monitor--directs badge process for volunteers/streamlines documentation flow to 3 orgs
- Engaged 485 trps'/refer'd 8 crisis counselings; supt' 9 community events, 4 suicide intrvention--535 warfighters RTD!
- Enhanced ministry awareness through an aggressive program of unit visitation; reached 100% of base
- Established a Chaplain work site office; expanded the spiritual fitness of 1300 joint personnel
- Established AD/IMA readiness tng/tracking pgm--500% improvement; requirements for 30 mbrs now at 100%
- Excels in operational computer/audio/visual skills, Go to-maintains $20Kequipmt, drastically improved HC efficiency
- Executes all HQ/HC and AMC/HC directives to ensure compliance w/Chaplain Corps policies, procedures, and rqmts

- Facilitated base Fall Festival; marketing cmte lead effort for trunk-or-treat--attendance up by 35% from previous year
- Filled critical position gap; quickly finished Resource Management trng--guaranteed HC 300K budget properly mngd
- Finished 2 A.A.S. CCAF degrees, completed 3 credit hours toward B.S. from San Joaquin Delta --maintained 3.5 GPA
- FTAC volunteer program leader--recruits volunteers/tracks volunteer hours/briefs units monthly/recognizes Amn effort

- Gave bi-wkly Ready/Reintegration Brief; ensured mbrs/dependents' spiritual fitness--smooth transition for 480

- Hand Picked, vital spt 2 TDY's 128ARW-CE & LRS/MDG, backfilled HC 30dys, exponentially increasd HC footprint
- Honed cmbt readiness; clinched ancillary trng & life-saving skills--100% ready in 30 days w/ high ops tempo
- Host'd 8 HHQ AF/joint/coalition events; flawlessly plan'd/execut'd logistics--forg'd AFCENT AOR cohesion/ministry

- Implemented rigorous fitness prgm; second consecutive "EXCELLENT" rating on Fit Test--increased 3.7% pts
- Informed/systematic children/youth ldr; drove 81events--catapulted spiritual growth/awareness for 942 youth

- Key contributor for 1st JB Special Observances Committee--3 events built populace morale for 518 attendees
- Key to the successful deployment and mobilization of the TF 28 MED Religious Support Team (RST)
- Key to Wg TSgt Select release party; aided event plns/penned script/led as emcee--paid true honor to 64 mbrs/families

- Led 14 mbr team f/10 chapel luncheons; prepared and served 500+ lbs of food--fed 2.5K service mbrs & their families
- Led 8-mbr EM team IRT catastrophic wind damage /f 2 bldgs; ID/rep' 5 safety hazards--averted injury to 3.1K troops
- Led HC's Vol prgm; tracked 88+ Amn hrs/10 ldrshp engagements/6 units reached--championed EAFB's esprit de corps
- Led in-house tng for 21 mil/civ; familiarized staff w/ JB MOA/AFI/local OI policies--pushed jr ldrs' develpmt
- Led Operation Connect w/Disaster Mental Health Team; provided 30+ hrs visitation f/140 amn praised by 14 WG/CC
- Led spt--Joint Nat'l Prayer Bkfst 2011; 255 uplifted/encouraged--integrated Army/Navy/AF spiritual readiness
- Led USAF largest AMC; train'd 29 vol's gain'd 443 man-hrs wrth $10,059--dist 302 carepckges, improved QOL f/ 9K

- Managed 4 geographically separated facilities; enriched community relations--spot on scheduling 900+ events
- Managed a budget of 200K dollars, provided financial oversight for five solvent chapel programs
- Managed a world-class Protestant religious edu program, over 1200 participants: 20% increase over 2009
- Managed APF and CTOF program; leveraged budget of $900K/resources--touched 18K personnel, 1K parishioners
- Managed program review/self-inspection team; ensured chapel maintained compliance--all areas rated 100%
- Managed upkeep of 6 JB infrastructures; self-help projs/320 wrk orders--saved $155K; enhanced worship svc
- Masterful mgt of HC restructure; 10 key staff/51 UCI functions retooled/crafted HC Start Plan--100% on-time
- Mentored 528 mil & civ vols/lay ldrs/contractors; expertly managed msn rqmts--heightened spiritual resiliency
- Mission-needs brief won $70K facility upgrd; WG/CV lauded "Best mission briefer in wing" coined by AFCENT/HC
- Mng'd HC volunteer pgm; led xx vols/xK mn-hours--sav'd $xxK/coin'd by Wing Chaplain/positive ldrshp feedback

- Obtained AT/FP OJT; performed 2.5K residential site evals--120+ DoD/NATO personnel/dependents secured
- Organized, conducted Combat and Operational Stress Reaction (COSR) class for 100+ Navy members
- Organized, prepared meals and briefings for over 600 Airmen--ensured 100% positive Chapel image

- People 1st! Org'd 28+ crisis intervention counselings; made pos impact; assured jt/unit cohesion; saved lives
- Planned, arranged, and helped lead two retreats in the Chaplain's absence--produced noticeable effect on morale
- Planned/developed/executed CCAC chapel volunteer training pgm/operations manual--educated 28 volunteers
- Professional poise directly contributed to Camp Humphreys Chapel "Excellent" rating during 09 inspection
- Promoted the physical and mental well-being of all members and ensured the success of the team
- Provided qualified, seamless religious service and support to coalition forces throughout Iraq
- Provided unparalleled support to 3 subordinate Religious Support Teams deployed across Southern Afghanistan

- Redesign'd HC publicity strategy; improved content/access--prov'd spiritual supr't to 8K, increas'd attendance by 14%
- Researched five successful chapel singles programs--developed growth experiences for 60 Airmen
- Resilient! Top notch performance during austere manning; 12 80-hr work wks w/50% manning--dynamic ops
- Responded to multiple crisis situations--preserved marriages & careers of more than 20 Airmen and families
- Revised, improved Religious Support Team OI/annexes governing theater operations by TF MED Religious Support Teams

- Secured $40K for Marriage Care; led 3 retreats...146 mbrs/spouses; improved jt relations--Wg CC coined her
- Seized initiative in the Sq Suicide Prevention Training Program; orchestrated classes, served as primary instructor
- Seizes Joint Opportunities, 2nd $100K TFRSK in Nation, DOMOPS FEMA5, trained 25 WI Army NG HC personnel
- Selected for assignment as Senior Enlisted advisor and Chaplain NCOIC for Multi-National Force-Iraq
- Selfless professional; designed soundboard/projector mount/lectern/Chaplain coin--eased chapel manning gap
- Sole administrator--$928K CTOF & APR funds--AMC's largest pgm; ensured distribution/100% pgm success
- Stepped in/filled gap; quickly finished GPC training/$73K end of year purchases--CC met 13 vital sq priorities
- Superb professional; on target for multiple reqs/complaints; exuded pos/can-do attitude--unequaled tri-svc spt!
- Supported JB Spouses Conference; Secured 22 Rooms f/400+ Spouses;Dedicated to revitalizing key spouse programs

- Tng guru! Worship spt for 5 chapels/12 svs standardized; duplication eliminated; 450 vols inspired to serve
- Tracked two Wings and HHQ taskings; 46 taskings accepted & completed--met all established suspense dates
- Trained and qualified 11 Airmen to serve as Service NCOs and counselors for the Family Support Center

- Volunteered over 40 hours to serve hot meals during operation Golden Medic 2010; positive results evident

- Wrote 1st JB Religious Ministry Plan in DoD--new coord/cooperation for 60 jt base chaplains/assistants/staff

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