Air Force Civil Engineering (CE)

- 1st responder to sunshade failure; extract'd $280M in acft from shelter--ensur'd ready for Sept 11 security msn
- 2008/2009 Snow & Ice control team mbr; executed snow fleet mx for 10 veh--ensured 80+ safe acft flts daily

- Abolished ROSC bazaar hazard; built cable ramp--powered 140 vendors/provided safe venue to 25K shoppers
- Accomplish'd assign'd duties in sufficient & consistent manner; ready for additional responsibilities--promote
- AF '14 CE Resources Excellence Awd runner-up; fixed 20 lodging doors/secur'd equip--spt'd 96K yrly guests
- Aid' POW/MIA recognition ceremony; setup 500 sq ft shelter for 250 prsnl/honorees--spt'd nat'l tribute event
- Aid'd $260K weapon acct/392 M4s; add'd 118 firearms/advanced capes--spt'd "fight tonight" ethos f/398 defenders
- Aided in construction of $30K Credit Union ATM; poured concrete pad/affixed kiosk--met 7K patrons' needs
- Aided replacement for nine locks; secured $80M Jt Terminal Attack Control Center--promote ahead of peers!
- Aided Train the Trainer shop course; mentored fellow Amn on 9 core tasks-- helped meet 7-level upgrade shop rqmts
- Alleviated 99 security deficiencies; repaired and re-coded five cipher locks--saved $1.5K versus new install
- Assembled 10K sq ft roof; welded 12 trusses & 130 metal supports--enabled storage of $3.8M in UTC equip

- Assist'd plumbers w/restroom at Thunderbird sq; replaced 120 sq ft wall--eliminated mold risk/improved QoL
- Assist'd with GREEN FLAG exit upgrades; rpl'd 9 lock systems--secur'd $80M Jt Terminal Attack Ctrl Cntr
- Assisted 112-hr Snow School; trn'd 53 prsnl f/equip ops/afld familiarization--enabled 570 srtys/rec'd 2.1M sq yd afld
- Assisted 99th Security Forces pavilion remodel; removed 5K square feet of dilapidated roof--enhanced QoL!
- Assisted CEMIRT in gen project; aided in generator/ATS install AFRL FD--emerg gen replacement project complete
- Assisted in Airfield compliance order; hauled 150K tons dirt--removed potential FOD obstructions from afld
- Assisted RED HORSE ductwork/ceiling installation; completed two wks ahead of schedule--promote w/peers
- Assisted repair of 8 roofs; installed 400 sqft of Hydro-Stop sealant--saved AF over $200K in contractor costs
- Assisted Typhoon YUTU vibrant response mvm't;cmplt`d 16 expedient roof repairs in two days--high-caliber support
- Assisted w/435 CEG change of command; erected 640 sq ft shade; increased seating to 100--praised by Gp/CC

- Assisted w/exit upgrades; replaced 9 lock sys--secured $80M Jt Terminal Attack Ctrl Cntr--promote on time!
- Assisted w/TLF roof replacement; replaced 3.5K sqft shingles & 80 sqft duct--ready for AF transient families
- Assisted with 57 OSS relocation; supervised construction of two 150 square foot offices--lauded by Chief/DO
- Assisted with completion of 330 work requests--earned two time Operations Flight 'Shop of the Month' award
- Assisted with const of shoring for 27 equip AF assets; worth$1.2M-- successful airlift 85 personnel 24 veh/equipment
- Assisted with the build of cargo pallets for critcal equip and supplies to execute disaster recovery support for CNMI
- Asst'd 2019 Snow School; instruct'd clearing procedures f/2 pcs of equip--prep'd shop f/upcoming season/trn'd 7 peers

- Base-side crew lead; directed 3 Amn/clear'd 59 mi rds/6" snow--reduced traffic haz/prov'd safe commute f/10.5K prsnl
- Bolster'd cryogenics storage upgrade; placed 750 sqft concrete/300 block--secured $85K oxygen/nitrogen tank
- Bridge redecking lead; hastly repaired YTA access bridge--enabled LRR ops/SUAIS mandate f/JPARC/266k acre TA
- Built new redundancy in base electrical systems--eliminated regular power outages in mission-crit facilities

- Cleared 4.8K ft pavement; plowed/sanded contractor gate--eliminat'd main gate back up/$586M F-35 beddown success
- Cmbt Force Multiplier; Det 6 logged over 100K miles--delivered 180 cargo/pax movements throughout AOR
- Committed to career enhancement; attended 4-wk advanced sheet metal trng class--boosted skills & knowledge
- Comp 31 CAT I & II training requirements for Field Training Exercise (FTX); mbr ready to deploy at all times
- Complet'd lead/asbestos awareness crs; instructed section HAZMAT ID methods--ensured yrly tng rqmt filled
- Completed 95 WOs; rewired cmd post C2 panel to restore SIPR; supported $1.4B infrastructure/881 personnel
- Completed National Roofing Contractors Association 3 day roofing class--increased repairs' lifespan by 75%
- Conduct'd upgrade trng; instruct'd six Amn/NCO on locksmith techniques--enhanc'd OJT/specialty knowledge
- Conduct'd upgrade trng; primed nine Amn on various welding techniques--enhanc'd OJT/specialty knowledge
- Constr f/15K-SF alt gate/spt'd $800K drop arm kt; placed 83 TCDs--enabled 24/7 access/incr'd scty f/3K ppl/8.3B infr

- Constructed 15 coalition force burnout latrines; created waste disposal measures ensuring sanitary environment
- Contributed to Hurricane Utility Box; inventoried/built kit; readied/equiped unit emergency response DECERF Team
- Coor'd $133K multi-chiler install proj; complet'd 2 wks early--provid'd 150-ton a/c for USAFWC/CP & SFG
- Coord'd equip trng; instructed 7 mil/2 civs on broom, blower, plow ops--bolstered sq readiness capes for S&IC removal
- Coord'd logistical spt w/LRS ISO a/c crash; prepp'd veh/equip f/extraction/delivery--salvag'd $25M/laud'd by Gp CC
- Coordinated closeout 4 prior FY FOMA bills; distributed $3.2M in funding--unencumbered state/federal resources
- Corrected JSOAC hanger door; calibrated faulty voltage cntl sys--canx Wg #1 FY 16/17 IPL proj & saved AF $250K
- Crucial player of $300K recurring work program; maintained 100 aircraft shelters--ensured 100% compliance

- Dedicat'd to career progression; completed CDC's six months ahead of schedule--maintained 90% overall avg
- Dedicated to higher education; completed accredited roofing certification class--attained three credits to CCAF
- Dedicated to higher education; earned 9 credits towards Construction Technology CCAF--maintained 3.5 GPA
- Deployed 23 pax in first sqdn RCP tasking; coord'd 4.4K MPA days/$920K pay/TDY--zero reported discrepancies
- Deployed spouses liaison; performed yard/vehicle mx--permitted mbr's to maint'd focus on OEF/OIF efforts
- Deployed to 732d Air Expeditionary Grp Joint Base Balad Iraq in direct spt of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM
- Deployed under OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM--improved electrical base functions to support AOR
- Designed 1K sq ft Club 5/6 patio area; hauled/lvl'd 37 cubic yds material/placed 1.3K pavers--amplified QoL 7K pers
- Designed elect grid for future sun shade tasks/shielded AT/FP handlers/K9s; facility to shelter 700+ personnel
- Dir'd 24/7 pumping ops/3 sites f/72 hrs; displaced 11M gals water--avert'd damage to 11 facs worth $68M/$125K AAS

- Direct'd 4 mbr emerg spall crew; ID'd/expedited rpr f/10 airfield defects--mitigated FOD hazards/zero sorties delayed
- Direct'd 5 prsnl/2 AFSCs; installed 4 sinks w/fixtures/drains f/4 latrines--updated badly aged 375th AMW HQ
- Direct'd roofing crew; replaced 3.6K sq feet of built-up roof--prevented further damage to $4M AAFES assets
- Directed afld AT/FP effort; oversaw barrier activation plan--harden'd 4 ECPs/reduc'd vulnerabilities f/$11B acft fleet
- Directed convoy material staging area; tracked $1M supplies with zero discrepancies--slashed load time 50%
- Directed Haz waste removal; loaded/disposed 1.4K lbs matl's--zero spills/safeguarded Sq environmental footprint
- Directed roofing crew; replac'd 3.6K sq feet of built-up roof--prevent'd further damage to $4M AAFES assets
- Directed six man crew; responded to 60 emergency roof leaks in 3 days--inhibited further damage to AF assets
- Driven; led team to install 12 manholes, 78 miles of concrete-encased ductwork, and high voltage feeder cable
- Drove 10 mbr tm; reno'd 270 ft CDC sidewalk w/15 cu yds concrete--purged 2 yr safety write up/established fire exit
- Drove FW BASH pgm; mng'd 84 PMs/trapped 20 pests/applied 250 gal chems--spt'd 846 sorties/safed 6M sqyds afld
- Drove RWP insp; examined 25 fixed roof ladders--ID'd 5 OSHA concerns/prevented severe injury to mx prsnl

- Eliminated dining hall roof leaks; applied Hydro-Stop to 25K square ft roof--saved $250K in food from spoil
- Eliminated envrmntl catastrophe; excavated 70 tns of polluted soil/200 gal JP8--averted EPA write-ups/svd $XXXK
- Eliminated IG facility roof leak; applied 6K sq ft of hydro-stop sealant--protected vital documents <300 hrs
- Enacted backlog reduction plan; 90% reduction of 406 open work tasks--attained ANG corporate preventive mx goal
- Engr'd $26K storm drain rpr; upgraded failed infra/set 30 ft pipe/wtr retention sys--averted flood haz f/254K local pop
- Enhanced base security; constructed 12 speed barriers--protected 3K Amn/910 AF facilities/reduced traffic violations
- Ensur'd 15 billeting rms ready for occupancy; patched 6K sq ft of walls--efforts save $7K vs contractor costs
- Erected $100K K-Span facility for Army Material Cmd--weatherproofed environment for up-armoring vehicles
- Erected 2 MQ-9 Reaper LAMS; fab'd 24K sq ft mx facs--safeguarded $455M UAVs/spt'd 5K lbs munitions on target
- Exceptional leader; directed stage set-up/tear dwn for 20+ Change of Command's--followed military tradition

- Exceptional Stage crew member; assist'd with set-up/ tear down of 20+ COC's--following military traditions
- Exec'd S&IC ops/49 ppl; clear'd 1.5 in snowfall f/2.1M-SY afld--safeguard'd $2M VFR sys/647 srtys/rec'd 6 divert acft
- Execut'd hangar mx pgm; servic'd wheels/bearing on 20 doors--secured acft worth $100M/preserved 10 bldgs
- Executed $73K repl project; id'd/insp 4 dorms/136 obsolete lighting--upheld QoL/negated health & safety risk f/Amn
- Executed $74K in GPC purchases; billing official for 3 accounts & 2 card holders--maintained strong internal control
- Executed 3 emergency water breaks; excavated 60 tns dirt/sub-zero temps--avoided dislocation of 138 MFH residents
- Executed afld snow removal ops f/37 wx events; cleared 25.5" S&I--enabled xx guardian flts/xxx sorties & w/0 delays
- Executed cmd's lrgst heat ops overhaul/$250K; KO'd 7K PM hrs f/19 eqpt--svd $2M vs kt cost/↑ 30 yo sys lifespan/7 yrs
- Executed main ECP upgrade; installed 12 speed barriers/safeguarded 3K Amn/910 facs--reduced potential gate runners
- Expand'd SF mx facility; repositioned 3 walls/replaced 5 doors/locking sys--improv'd duty space for 20 prsnl

- Expanded SF mx facility; repositioned 3 walls/replaced 5 doors/locking sys--increased workspace by 200 sqft
- Experienced member; providing real world OJT requirements difficult f/ units during TDYs; enhanced unit effective
- Experienced; shared technical knowledge/teachings to 4 shop mbrs--boosted morale/enhanced finished product
- Expert backhoe op; excavated 70 tns of contaminated soil--reduced 200 gal JP8 environmental effects/EPA compliant
- Expert craftsman; Fabricated 1 table top for existing storage room revitalized materials--saved $500 in material cost
- Expert locksmith; replac'd 66 locks/keys for FSS dorm--provid'd state-of-the-art rm security sys for residents

- Facilitated DFAC ops deficiency: created 2.5K gallon grease trap enclosure--mitigated bio-hazard exp f/72K prsnl
- Facilitated Ops Engn crs; secured 40 hrs/trained 10 sec psnl--spt'd 1.3K facs worth $5.7M/30 CEUs rewarded
- Finalized Bishop Point proj; installed 55 cy's concrete/700 ft fence--secured 13.5K sq ft Army/Navy readiness compound
- Finished 31 CAT I training requirements in 2 weeks w/100% pass rate--member ready to deploy at all times
- First responder to AAFES roof damage; installed temp Hydro-stop patch--saved $80M merchandise & assets
- First responder to catastrophic sunshade failure; remov'd shelter from $280M in a/c--recover'd assets <48 hrs
- First-rate locksmith; installed 80 locks/ cut 140 keys for Warrior Fitness Center--protect'd $35M GOV assets
- Fixed youth ctr restroom; incr'd ventilation/patch'd five holes--elim'd foul odor/mend'd three safety write-ups
- FM handbook rewrite; established standardized guide/FMs rcv'd accurate info--solidified mx pgm f/520 pgm mngrs
- FOD ctrl team mbr; kept flight line spotless during '11 air show--ensured flawless protection of $6B in aircraft
- Fwd deployed as elec SME; primed two 200KW generators--boosted QoL/84 prsnl & backup pwr f/40 living quarters

- Gave 8 hrs to Nellis Aviation Nation; removed FOD on 2.2M sq ft afld--safeguard 176K visitors/$6B in acft
- Going higher; aced Bus Law/Comm & Ldrship/earned 6 credits to BA Bus--utiliz'd skill/mng'd CCs R&O sec
- Guided 4 Amn; prep'd/dply'd 8 mobile gens during sq FTX/troop trng proj--pwr'd 4 sites/$100K const projs/146 mbrs
- Guided AF's 1st OS PWTTR initiative; installed $475K eqpmt/enabled 97 1st-resp trng site--filtered 500K gal/$400K kt
- Guided airfield mx sop; executed 13 rwy spall repairs/trained 19 prsnl--enabled cbt/681 ISR/795/2434 refueling flights
- Guided crane spt for chem storage; led rigging op/placed 4 25K lb tanks--sustained afld deicing capes ISO DoD ISR acf

- Hand-picked for $170K 3D projector install; modified ceiling & air vents--saved AF $10K in contractor costs
- Handpick'd member for F-16 crash response force; erected tents for disaster recovery efforts--promote to SrA
- Handpicked for sunshade test/eval tm; inspect'd 3K cables/bolts--ensured 24 Nellis/Creech shades within spec
- Handpicked mbr for F-16 crash response force; oversaw 29 personnel during asset recovery--promote to TSgt!
- Head'd critical F-22 office repair; replaced 200 sq ft water damag'd drop ceiling--restor'd ops 100% <3 days
- Helped in $75K renovation; built 240 sq ft office/2K sq ft trng bay--refined sq readiness ability for 350 Amn
- Helped install GSA container at USAFE/CV qtrs; created secret document residential storage--OPSEC ensured
- Highly motivated Amn! Consistently exceeds expectations & leads by example; ready for SSgt--promote now
- Honed multi-craft skills; crushed 80-hr equip mx ops/snow crs--cleared snow ### sq ft parking lot/356 deliveries

- ID'd acft mx eqpmt flaw; rerouted pwr 400Hz frequency converter--msn critical mx $20M acft/1.4K sorties sustained
- Id'd safety discrep; rpl'd 30 road signs w/inadequate retroreflection/illumination--exceeds UFC stds/reduced accidents
- Identified faulty roof structure; removed/replaced 4800sqft roofing material-- prevented further element roof damage
- IDWG key player; procur'd/coord'd inst 1.8K boulders/ID'd AT/FP flaw--sec'd 12K ln ft perimeter/svd $100K costs
- Implemented corrosion control measures for int/ext struct. steel members--12k sqft protected
- Improved Creech AFB flt line; constructed 8K square foot pad for 30th RS--Increased flt ops capacity by 60%
- Improved MQ-1 Predator shelter; replaced 10K sq ft damage fabric/built 5 arches--protected $9.2M AFSOC aircrafts

- In-process of achieving 5-lvl upgrade trng; completing CDC's on schedule--maintaining 80% average per test
- Initiated sect mx acct'g; inventoried 2K HVAC/R assets/devised tracking sys--slash'd wk task survey time...1 vs 2 hrs
- Inspected 30 drainage sys; verified/updated SWPP protection --spt'd AFRC rqmts/prevented $25K MnDOT proj loss
- Installed 12 ft roll-up door; welded track, mounted drum & curtain--weather sealed/secured Snow Ops Center
- Installed 35 peep holes/repaired 6 shower doors in dorms; guaranteed safety/security--improved QOL for Amn
- Installed 6.7K sq ft ceiling/doors/mortise locks--imperative to successful Sumerall, Iraqi AB, msn completion
- Installed new lock systems at FSS dorm; replaced 66 locks/keys--provided state-of-the-art security to residents
- IRT PEB door lead; oversaw 24 Amn/installed 1.5K sq ft bi-fold/630 sq ft roll-up doors--secur'd $1.5M aircraft/assets

- Key mbr MAAS reconstitution on runway 22R; aided taxiway C project completed ahead of schedule--airfield FMC
- Key mbr w/RHS ductwork and ceiling install; increased a/c efficiency--completed two wks ahead of schedule
- Key member barrier maintenance crew; performed 4.5k inspection items checklist-- two AAS Certified/systems FMC
- Key Member of the Tinian DFT $56K Renovation/upgrades to the Tinian Health Clinic; critical mission unhindered
- Key member; assisted w/ demo of faulty roof structures, allowing safe work area-- alleviating inj/ mishaps by 100%
- Key Player; skillfully erected/secured steel beams-$730k RHS sup.whse.-safeguarded $22m in contngcy assets
- Key sweeper standy ops; cleared FOD f/airfield emer call--protected $836M acft fleet/enabled RF-A sorties/no delays
- Key team mbr in $80K chapel renovation; remodeled two overflow rooms--additional seating boosted by 35%
- Key team member; installed siding on 7K sq ft shelter--protected $3M in Tactical Automated Security Systems
- Key to wg BASH prgm; cleared 5K ft ditch line/removed 100 tns veg/debris--elim'd disease vector/zero bird mishaps
- KMCC inspection mbr; DoD's largest mall; 844K addt'l sq ft/0 manpower growth--ID'd 3.5K discrepancies
- KO'd CDC a/c outage; inst'd 12 portable units--averted ctr closure/cooled 165 children/parents remained msn focused

- Lead afld sweeper operator; cleared FOD from 2.1M sq yd afld/3 mi rwy--enabled 4.8K RF-A sorties w/no acft delays
- Lead elec ECP upgrade; cert'd $91K gate/rebuilt sentry shack--fortified PL-2 compound assets/240 Jt SOF operatives
- Lead FEMA assmnt; 270 dwellings 6 villages totaling 1305 lots--prvdng better fidelity on extent of damage repairinj
- Lead instructor during AFJROTC Summer Leadership Prgm--expertly mentored 30 students on AF core values
- Lead oper; excavated 150 sq ft trench/hauled 90T material/replaced 100 ft steam line--readied MUNS bldg f/ winter
- Led 10 mbr Silver Flag team; IED/convoy jt-ops task force rqmt--awd'd 'Outstanding Performer'/coin'd by CC
- Led 16 prsnl/6K man hrs/$393K budget w/40% manning deficit--spt'd 2.6K acre base/1.5K facs/AF largest FW msn
- Led 17 in concrete tilt-up proj; lifted 24 walls weighing 460K tons--advanced $251M PACAF regional trng ctr
- Led 3 mbrs to re-secure USAFWC classified vault; replaced 800 sq ft damag'd drop ceiling--promote soonest!
- Led 4 during Control Center proj; framed walls/installed 320 sf mezzanine--kept sensitive time line on track

- Led 4 person/Phantom LSA water break; excavat'd 8" main for WFSM rpr--restor'd water to DFAC/3.6K pers food svc
- Led 4/rebuilt 200Kw gen; spt'd DoS/NASA fac electrical upgrade--maint'd 24-hr ops/$1B SATCOM sys f/50 embassies
- Led 8 during $36K TLF conversion; rpr'd holes/paint'd walls in13 units--complete 2 weeks ahead of schedule
- Led EAFB rd maint; trained 5 Amn/10 mi rd gravel shoulder/pothole rpr--safeguarded haz/adv'd AFCEC's #2 priority
- Led FBO build-up; placed 8.8K studs/finished 40K sq ft of sheet rock--bolstered safe work environment f/50 AP psnl
- Led five man crew on chapel renovation; remodeled 875 square foot overflow room--increased seating by 45%
- Led four roofing projects, completed all ahead of schedule; earned Sq January Hard Charger Award--promote
- Led GREEN FLAG exit device upgrades; replaced 9 lock systems--secur'd $80M Jt Terminal attack Ctrl Cntr
- Led Kinley TLF conversion; installed $36K doors/windows--transformed 13 units 2 weeks prior to rqst'd date
- Led Last Frontier emerg water break; guided 5 persl/2 AFSC's, rpr'd broken line--restored svc f/28 MFH facs < 24hrs

- Led layout of 24 wall sections & 200 components--meticulously ensured lift sched achieved w/100% accuracy
- Led Moose Lake water pumping; drain'd 50M gals water over 20 days--mitigated MFH flooding/safeguarded 54 fams
- Led Ops flt mechanical & elec dev; oversaw 41 engineer projs worth $1.4M--oversite for sys assets on HAFB
- Led RED HORSE ductwork/ceiling installation; completed two wks ahead of schedule--promote immediately!
- Led repairs of 5K square feet of drywall in 99 SFS dorm; saved $50K in-house work--SSgt promotion a must
- Led RWP insp; examined 25 fixed roof ladders--ID'd 5 OSHA concerns/prevented severe injury to mx prsnl
- Led vehicle mx roof renovation; removed/replaced 6K square feet of rolled roofing--safeguarded >$10K tools
- Linchpin during setup of Ramstein Officers' Spouses Club bazaar--attended by 35K+; Top-IV earned $10K

- Maintained 23 facilities; classified/executed 540 multi-craft DSW's/6 mos--ensured integrity of $152M infrastructure
- Managed 17 projects worth $2.5M throughout AOR--boosted cmbt capability & QoL for 25K Soldiers & Amn
- Managed 3 psnl; installed new door & hardware at Shiloh dorm--eliminated occupant safety/security concern
- Managed 8 man crew; repaired & painted 5 unoccupied housing units--converted to officer TLF in just 10 days
- Managed facility ops budget; implemented $8.1M prgm--enabled mission capability/safety of 23 facilities/288K sqft
- Managed U2 lift; placed 16K lb aircraft in specialized cargo cradle--complet'd $300M aircraft recovery three days AoS
- Managed vehicle pgm; maintained 14 vehicles w/ zero discrepancies--earned ops "Hot Rod of the Month" awd
- Mapped entire TRAB elec distro layout/developed TTPs to cut demand; reduced camp circuit downtime 55%
- Mastered crane rigging ops; set-up 59 picks/moved 637 tons of AF assests--closed 12 W/O's 11 projects in 11 days
- Mbr of 16 person Joint Force construction team; erected 2K sq ft $80K SCIF--sustained Iraqi Army/Police HQ

- Mend'd security issue at Nellis Clubs; re-key'd 50 locks in 2 facilities--laud'd by Club mgt--promote to SSgt!
- Met standards set forth by AFI 36-2903; maintained serviceable uniform & often displayed professional image
- Mitigat'd security flaws f/ ISR prj; prv'd guidance/secur d 3 major POE < 2 hrs--safegd'd $500 mil AF EUCOM assets
- Mitigated HVAC air sys leak; installed 300 square foot drop ceiling--protected over $75K of comm equipment
- Mitigated SFH pwr outage; led three/restored msn critical pwr <2 hrs--secured C2 w/2.4K air/land Jt Spec Ops prsnl
- Mng'd afld sustainment; rpr'd 35 spalls/40K ln ft joints & cracks/--prevent'd FOD/0 sorties lost/supt'd 188 F-35/F-16s
- Mng'd mass yard clean-up; org'd 4 flights/3 AFS's/UTC storage/rmv'd trash/debris--improved Sq storage cape by 30%
- Mng'd runway/taxiway lighting relocation; ext'd concrete pads/positioned 27 signs--cut obstructions/incr'd afdl safety
- Mng's 2.1M sq yrds afld/59 mil of trans network pvmnts--enables strategic operations f/PACAF's 100M sq mil AOR
- Modernized restroom lighting; replaced 4 inop fixtures/12 lamps--boosted lighting 50%/negated health & safety risks

- Nix'd $30K trng LIMFAC; restored $627K AAS assets w/2.4K ft tapes--catalyst to '19 PACAF' Best Sm CE unit awd

- On track w/career progression; attended 8 hr Hydrostop roofing class--enhanced OJT & specialty knowledge
- On track with career progression; executed CDCs according to trng schedule--maintained 90% average on tests
- Op'd backhoe f/standby call; excavated 20 tns matl/exposed water main--erased long water outage 230 MFH residents
- Operator f/ 3 man ash cover tm; hauled/laid 500 tons matl f/ash dumpsite--ensured air quality safety f/10.5k base pers
- Orchestrated 33 crane lifts; precisely placed 88 sections totaling >20 tons steel--$750K enterprise complete!
- Org'd PEB site-prep; mng'd 18 Amn/excavat'd 624 ln ft/spread 8 ton of rock--compl'd 5K sq ft storage fac foundation
- Org'd Rock/Freedomfest site prep; installed 14K ln ft barrier/cleared 1800 sq ft vegetation--flawless event f/2K deps
- Oversaw 2 utility breaks; removed 45 tons of soil/replaced 2 valves/30 ft pipe--eliminated fire hazard 9 bldgs/$500K
- Oversaw Fam Camp TTP; trn'd 9 Amn/reno'd 300 ft² restroom bldg/500 labor-hrs/$50K--improved QoL f/710 patrons

- Part of 3 mbr crew; completed 513 DSWs in 5 months; secured 899 facilities--attained 95% completion rate
- Participated in the McCarren Airport Emergency Exercise--ensured jt med readiness w/mil & city responders
- Partnered w/819 RHS const tm; est'd 21K sq ft facs--finaliz'd $1.8M SWCS #1 priority proj--spt'd 1.6K soldier annly
- Performed a/c rpr; ID'd/rplc'd faulty ctrl switch--sustained 76 F-15 eng test runs...safed $10M acft avionics mx assets
- Physical Training Leader for 735th CES; squadron pass rate 96%--ensured squadron members are Fit to Fight
- Pilot'd $15K MXG/OG parking proj; demo'd 176 ft wall/creat'd 200 spaces--doubl'd capacity/5 mbrs coin'd by FW/CC
- Piloted 23 psnl; transfered 6K IWIMS maint actions f/fac mgt tool--NexGen IT platform stand-up on schedule
- Piloted prefab efforts of 52 trusses for FOL Normandy nine days early--allowed for on-time TOC completion
- Piloted PRTC traffic route overhaul; orchestrated grader ops/revamped 3 miles of trails--supported 1K attendees yrly
- Pivotal f/S&IC ops; assisted 14 prsnl/removed 1.5 in snow/2 events--facilitated 15K trng flt hrs/14K sorties/RF-A 20'
- Prevented crisis; recovered 6 months of installation dev plan data--preserved crit info for 697 facilities
- Provid'd fall protection trng; educated 53 shop personnel on equip inspection/ops--promot'd safety awareness
- Provid'd Prime BEEF training; instructed 24 personnel on C-IED measures--increas'd mbrs' deployment skills
- Provided fall protection trng; educated 53 shop personnel on equip inspection/ops--promoted safety awareness

- QB'd SOCCENT firing range proj; rpr'd $360K lead collection sys--readied weapons skills capes/240 Spec Ops prsnl
- Quarterbacked stair tread proj; replaced 50 severely worn treads--removed triping/fall hazzards f/AFNIC psnl
- Quickly progressed thru 5-lvl trng; completed CDCs four months ahead of schedule--maintained 90% average
- Quickly responded to breaches in base perimeter; re-secured fencing--ensured 100% security

- Re-roofed Dunning TLF; removed & replaced 3.5K square feet asphalt shingles--ready for AF transit families
- Readiness council mbr; planned/directed monthly AFSC trng rqmts--ensured 29 mbrs 100% SORTS compliant
- Received Hydro-Stop installation cert; completed 8 hrs hands-on trng--instructed 6 on application techniques
- Reconstituted Camp Speicher, Iraq; redirected construction material to other CE units in AOR; svd AF $100K
- Rectifi'd security issue at Nellis Clubs; re-keyed 50 locks in 2 facilities--praised by Club mgt--promote now
- Rectified BX roof problem; correctly patched 230K square foot leak--prevented damage to $4M AAFES assets
- Rectified dorm ac discrepancy; replaced chilled water pump--maintained over 39.5K sq ft/restored QoL for 109 Amn
- Rectified high head psi; mx'd/restor'd cooling/cut temps 30 deg < 1hr--sustain'd $5M ITN/2K tel lines/zero comm loss
- Rehabilitated 500KW generator; attached 2 new mufflers/pressurized engine-saved AF $287K overhaul contract fees
- Remodeled 99 CES HVAC shop; constructed additional 100 square feet of central office space--promote now

- Renovat'd vehicle mx roof; replaced 6,300 square feet(sqft) roofing material--safeguarded over $10K of assets
- Renovated JT Tactics Sq a/c sys; replaced 200 linear ft of constricting flex duct--increased circulation by 30%
- Renovated MEDEVAC billeting qtrs; installed walls, floors, doors and roof--increased QoL for 32 personnel
- Repair'd AAFES faulty roof system; eliminated 75 roof leaks--prevented future damage to $4M in merchandise
- Repair'd Child Dev Cntr emergency exit signs; replac'd 10 faulty batteries--resolved 10 safety violations
- Repair'd damaged drywall in 36 dorm rooms; met contractor turnover six days early--improved residents QoL
- Repair'd four LRS depot roll-up doors; ID'd/ fixed faulty spring/cables--enabl'd delivery of $2.1M cargo/year
- Repair'd light fixtures in 24 dorm rooms; installed new lamps/ballast--restor'd residents QoL
- Repair'd OT&E classified info vault; install'd combination lock--safeguard'd $87M/sustained aircrew tng ops
- Repair'd two damaged dorm pavilions; re-shingled/re-sheathed 800 sqft--restor'd utilization for 900 residents

- Repair'd two damaged pavilions; replaced over 800 sqft roof material--improved morale of 900 dorm residents
- Repaired AAFES faulty roof system; eliminated 75 roof leaks--prevented future damage to $4M in merchandise
- Repaired damaged dorm pavilions; repaired/re-shingled 800 square feet--restored utilization for 900 residents
- Repaired damaged drywall in 36 dorm rooms; met contractor turnover six days early--improved residents QoL
- Repaired floor at LRS vehicle ops bldg; replaced 1K sq ft of tile--eliminated safety haz/enhanced aesthetics
- Replac'd 99 LRS vault door; installed double doors/X09 lock sys--secur'd $3.5M in weapons sys support kits
- Rescued 13 F-16's/A-10s; raised 300K tons fallen revetments/mitigated further damage--saved $280M in acft
- Rescued DFAC ops; adjusted 2 A/C charge/restored freezer power--kept $100K perishables/supported 7K meals daily
- Resolv'd hqs heating problem; expediently installed 20 linear feet of rigid duct--return'd Wing CC climate ctrl
- Respond'd afld emerg response x4; rpr'd 11 spalls <2 hrs--elim'd FOD hazard/protect'd 35 acft worth $2T/zero delays

- Respond'd to 30 emergency dormitory calls; resolved heating and cooling deficiencies--improved QoL f/300 residents
- Responded to 30 emergency calls; secured doors/windows/replaced locks--maintained QOL/privacy for Amn
- Responded to 8-hr electrical outage; coor'd generator power for tac IT sys--restored C2 for $1B MC-130 fleet
- Responded to 80+ emergency roof leaks; identified $48K needed materials--ensured base facilities msn ready
- Responded to roof leak for LRS; patched/repaired weather damaged roof--saved 5 computers & NCOIC office
- Responded to vehicle barrier activation; coor'd barrier dismantling--restored ECP functions with minimal downtime
- Restor'd pilot trng; opened USAFWC vault door/repaired X09 lock sys--completed <3 hrs w/zero msn impact
- Restored 57 MXS security; re-keyed 35 hanger doorways--ensured 100% accountability; protected vital parts
- Restored pilot trng; open'd USAFWC vault door/repaired X09 lock sys--complet'd <3 hrs w/zero msn impact
- Restored tornado-damaged electrical services to Fayetteville, TN school; life changing recovery for children

- Restructured 354 FW barge ops; secured 1.4M muns/147K lbs NEW/$30.1M--upheld PACOM 5th gen cmbt lethality
- Revamp'd $56K THC facility upgrade;renovated 800 sq ft bathroom/X-ray room-- improved QoL to CNMI patients
- Revamped MFH area; prepped 450 sq ft/laid 35 tns asphalt--elem'd traffic haz/ensured safety f/28 MFH fac's/72 resd
- Revamped utility tracking for 17 facilities/47 accts; expended $600K accurately--facilitated energy reduction efforts
- Reviewed 4 bldg designs; ID'd issues/improvements--increased maintainability for $12M in construction/reno projs
- Revised/redrew primary electrical prints--increased effectiveness/safety of maintaining AOR infrastructure
- Revitalized FM trng program; liaised w/5 agencies, trn'd 52 prsnl--spt'd mx actions for 550 facs/4K base occupants
- Rpr'd dmg d ball court floor; rmv d/instll d 100 sf hdwd flr system--alleviated maj safety hzd f/ 500 joint force prsnl

- Safeguarded ATC msn; expertly installed >1K square foot waterproof membrane--sustained 35K sorties a year
- Section Lead; placed 1.2K tons of fill & base course--ensured proper foundation for $696K silver flag fac
- Section safety rep; performed 200 shop safety briefings--assured 47 prsnl complied with OSHA/AFOSH stds
- Secured Weapons School briefing room; installed high security Z-duct <9 hrs--avoided critical mission delays
- Selected above his peers to lead and redefine PAR team--transitioned mediocre team to successfully pass ORI
- Self starter, initiated 15 new SDC identification--improved operational safety and decreased recovery time
- Set-up/tore-down & judged multiple high school JROTC events; heightened awareness of AF in the community
- Silver Flag Mat Chief; led nine personnel thrufinal evaluation--coined by trng CEM for outstanding leadership
- Skilled leader; oversaw completion 605 DSW & 31 BCE work orders; improved health/safety of entire FOB
- Sole responder to 50 SCIF vault X09 lock calls; expertly resolv'd security issues/enhanc'd msn--promote now

- Spearheaded 3 per marking crew; ID'd base obstructions; placed 200 markers--reduced traffic haz/equipment damage
- Spearheaded base landfill ops; lvl'd 6K tns of ash/complied w/air qual permit stds--spt'd $63M CHPP/safed 10K prsnl
- Spearheaded Emerg Generator installation; deployed emerg back-up power B1735--0 downtime to critical test facility
- Spt'd $318K SFH HVAC proj; mapped critical backup AC pwr--safed $278M comm ctr/SIPRNet access unhindered
- Spt'd concrete IDIQ assessment; eval'd 14Kx150 ft runway/repaired 26 spalls--aided EAFB airfield SOW assessment
- Spt'd fire trainer upgrade; placed 300 ft forms/39 cu yds concrete--erased safety deficiency/max'd jaws of life trng mx
- Spt'd UK insurance insp/pressure vessel rqmts; restored 200 inoperative units--boosted eqpt avail/ready stock by 25%
- Squared away AFCENT OPLAN; re-built 12 earth fuel containment cells/8.9M gal DFSP; saved $216k vs contract
- Strives to excel; Structures Craftsman of the mon and Squadron Hard Charger of the mon--promote immediately
- Structural NCOIC; instructed amn on carpentry and welding TTPs--improved unit readiness and idv mbr confidence

- Structures contingency project rep; convert'd shed to ADPE storage--provided storage for $232K in equipment
- Supervised bldg repair prgm; directed 12K labor hours across 14 craftsmen--completed 2.3K restorative work tasks
- Supplied 37 defenders ISO jt-PACOM $70K proj; QC'd/palletized tools/equip/$48K--braced PACAF/foreign relation
- Supported Air Traffic Control msn; installed 1K sqft waterproof membrane--protected $135K ATC equipment
- Supported B2600 transformer repairs; provided generator support during outage--restored operations 100% <8 hours
- Supported beddown msn for Army's 3d Combat Brigade; set up 223 tents--557 ERHS completed in just 20 dys
- Survey'd 900 drainage sys; verified/updated maps & RP records--spt'd AFCEC rqmts/garnered $2.5M project funding
- Sustain'd aged infrastructure w/ recurring work prgm--contribution vital to winning '09 Outstanding Unit Awd
- Sustained small equip flt; maint/assembled/repaired $600k inventory--enabled OJT training f/20 prsnl/0 work delays

- Tackled 4 emerg digs; led 3 AFSCs, rpr'd 100 ft steam/3 svc lines--restored utility f/MUNS bld/28 MFH facs <24 hrs
- Tackled FOL Cobra beddown; built 258 rooms/common area/armory--improv'd QoL for 300 combat warriors
- Task force West,MA 11, provided engineer capabilities; w/expdnt roof repair/disaster rcovry--inhnced Qol for CNMI
- Teamed with EPBS Spec Capes; erected 11 trusses/forged 7K sqft inspect area--largest in-house J2 venture
- Tops in Blue stage hand; set up/removed 4 sets stairs/32 stage partitions--400+ KMC personnel enjoyed show
- Track'd flt stand-by pgm; dispatch'd 372 prsnl/13 cost cntrs--cmplt'd 778 emerg rqmts/maint'd 24/7 spt f/3 wgs/1 BDE
- Trained 30 prsnl lock out/tag out pgm; taught sys mx/safety procedures--shop 100% compliant w/OSHA stds
- Trained electric shop on digger, derrick, and line trucks--saved $110K and completed-mission critical project
- Trained/evaluated 300 personnel on work party security for first ever FTX--ensured troop readiness for GWoT
- Transformed safety prgm; dedicated 30 hrs/remedied sections 6 yr deficiency--ensured compliance w/AF requirement

- Updated Child Dev Cntr exit doors; modified eight panic hardware systems--eliminated DoD safety violations
- Updated USAFWS air sys; built & installed 120 linear ft of duct--abolished noise & enhanced air flow by 45%
- Upgrad'd cryogenics security; placed 750+ ln ft of block/ 150+ yds concrete--secur'd cryogenics tanks & carts
- Upgraded 99th SFS K9 facility; fabricated & installed 50-foot HVAC duct--increased cooling efficiency 40%
- Upgraded HVAC sys; designed/fabricat'd 300 ft ductwork/installed vents--saved $50K energy/contractor cost
- Upgraded mission-crit hospital service lines--provided redundant emergency power for Wright-Patterson AFB
- USAF 60th Anniversary volunteer; built stairs, walls & erected camo net; AF history honored ... 5K mbrs awed
- Utility eval tm mbr; ID'd/surveyed 307 manholes--creat'd condition rpts/prep'd AF w/crit infra data for FIAR deadline

- Vol'd 24 hrs to 332 EMDG; led 6-man tm/transport'd 11 wound'd--ensur'd 10K combatants received med care
- Vol'd f/2nd Annual Snow Barn Open House; demo'd ops capes--ensur'd successful event f/127 patrons/laud'd by FWVC

- Won Wg's AF Outstanding Unit Award; secured F-35 JSF hangar/repaired lock sys--safed acft valued $650M
- Worked 20 hours straight to restore mission-required EALS power; his proficiency put planes back in the fight
- Worked urgent hanger roof repair; fabricat'd/install'd 270 linear foot gutter sys--protected F-16 mx equipment


- Completed 965 service calls; 9.8K man hrs, sustained 695 facs/$646M infra--supporting 4000pers/49 aircraft ISO OIR

- Piloted DFAC renovation proj; repaired 80ft piping/2 clippers/6 sinks/4 urinals--restored capability of 200K meals/mo

- Executed sq's 1st confined space entry; coor'd w/bio/fire/safety--unclogged 6 inch sewer line/restored svc for 4K pers

- Upgraded fire station 2 water supply; replaced 25K gal tank--provided reliable source for fire svs, shielded 49 aircraft

- Assisted EMEDS facility upgrade; installed 2 valves/water heater--ensured minimal svc interruption for 1.5K patients

- Led DV fac repairs; replaced bathroom/kitchen faucets/re-caulked tubs/90 hrs--prepared for CMSAF/VCSAF visits

Structural Journeyman

- Led/mentored Air Force Academy/Reserve OTC students--helped students become more effective leaders

- Taught 1200 cadets bare base construction, prepped officers for Expeditionary Readiness Inspection

- Directed $75K/300 man-hrs at Breakers dining facility; assured 2008 Hennessy Trophy "Best in USAF"

- Relocated the 30th CES CSS office; consolidated MSG support function & enhanced customer service

- Built 3K sq ft detention center; satisfied 101st Airborne's #1 goal, saved $280K vs contracter cost

Pavements and Construction Journeyman

- Placed 600 tons of base coarse, 1,500 tons of asphalt during paving of $125K rec complex--quality job on schedule

- Removed 30+ tons of concrete on ALPHA 1 taxiway & replaced--minimal disruption of access to arm/de-arm area

- Recommended use of user-friendly thermostats and filter replacement media--modernized without expense

- Expertly evaluated over 120 job orders; developed short/long range goals, an astounding 80% completion rate

- Replaced or re-pinned over 40 entry gates--eliminated base perimeter breaches, enhanced force protection

- Deployed 45 days to Nicaragua; completed $256K in projects--new school/clinic raised QoL for 600 locals

- Saved $70K in bottled water; operated 2 water purification units--made 20K gallons daily for camp personnel

- Installed pressure tank/6K ft of line from water well to base camp--improved shower/laundry water pressure

- Led fire hydrant replacement; ensured 100% fire coverage for AAFES warehouse--$200M in assets protected

- Directed 2-person team to repair 18" storm drain; cleared 330 lbs of debris--avoided flooding to 7 facilities

- Electronically mapped 400 water main valves; KMC database updated--ensured quick id/isolation possible

- Led 3-person water main repair crew; directed damaged line exposure/fix--prevented $4K vs contractor cost

- Spearheaded MFH main sewer stoppage; quickly unclogged 3 manholes--zero interruptions to 4.2K residents

- Conducted security patrols on four deep wells/two reservoirs; protected potable water for 2.8K MFH facilities

- Electronically mapped 400 water main valves; KMC database updated--ensured quick id/isolation possible

- Directed 2-person team to repair 18" storm drain; cleared 330 lbs of debris--avoided flooding to 7 facilities

- Deployed 129 days Al Udeid AB in support of OIF & OEF; delivered 1.8M gallons of water to 32 water tanks

- Performed RWP on 64 cadillac latrines; inspected/repaired all faulty fixtures--extended each facilities service

- Removed/replaced damaged in-ground sewage tank for CAOC dinning facility--restored facilities ops 100%

- Assisted in water main repair at AAFES; 48 hrs around-the-clock ops--minimal impact to 16K weekly patrons

- Maintained air pressure tanks at two facilities; suppression sys 100% operational--lives/$9M assets protected

- Replaced faulty sprinkler head at gym's sport field; achieved total zone coverage--boosted morale of 2K users

- Led section in 100% air conditioning upgrades/installation; reviewed $3.5M in contract projects for Misawa

- Supervised repair of air conditioning at Air Force Network facility; protected $2.5M in critical equipment

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