- American Red Cross blood donor; provided six units--saved two lives/helped reduce state-wide shortage
- Assisted sq blood drive; 34 units of whole blood collected from 41 donors--11% of mo goal/102 lives saved
- Base blood drive POC; recruited/scheduled 5 prsnl to assist operation--50 patrons/pints donated/restocked local bank
- Contributed to American Red Cross blood drive; donated 2 pints of blood--amassed 98 total pints/saved lives
- Contributed to American Red Cross blood drive; donated plasma/distributed flyers--met objective/saved lives
- Dedicated to deployed troops; donated much needed blood--ensured Armed Services Blood Program success
- Donated blood to American Red Cross; provided "gift of life" to community--increased critical reserve levels
- Donated blood/volunteered at Wg drive; collected 109 pints/22 blood credits--saved DoD $5.1K in blood fees
- Gave the "gift of life"; donated plasma/distributed flyers for the Children's Mercy Hosp--met ann 6K pint goal
- Gave the gift of life; donated two pint of blood to the American Red Cross--facilitated weekly goal of donation
- Life saver; donated two pints of blood to the American Red Cross--facilitated Hurricane Sandy medical relief
- Org'd local blood drive; screened 90 potential donors--garnered life sustaining aid for 204 injured warfighters
- Org'd Oklahoma Blood institute drive; liaised w/3 sqs/sec'd 32 donors--resuppli'd 12 hlth care fac/96 pts/svd DoD $3.7K
- Selfless act of random kindness; donated four times to Red Cross; increased blood level/Hawaiian community
- Selfless compassion for others; coord two blood drives--96 units collected/sustained crucial blood supply lvl
- Sensitive to needs of local community; squadron blood drive donor; helped fill depleted blood supplies
- Spt'd Wg blood drive; produced 2K mL of life-saving medication--alleviated human suffering and prolonged 12 lives
- Supported American Red Cross blood drive; procured over 800 units in two days--reduced state wide shortage
- Supported base clinic blood drive; donated two pints of blood/life saving plasma--increased base/local supply
- Supported wing blood drive; donated three pints of life saving plasma--increased critical supply for our nation
- Vol'd at base Blood Drive; spent 2 hrs w/ teardown/cleanup--provided continuity of future drives/event exceeded goal
- Volunteered 8 hrs AOR blood shipment ctr; sorted 3 shipments valued $56K--certified on-time delivery/zero damage
- Volunteered for American Red Cross blood drive; distributed flyers/helped set-up--wg exceeded annual goal
- Volunteered for American Red Cross blood drive; donated two pints of blood--exceeded 300 unit annual goal
- Volunteered to assist American Red Cross blood drive; donated two pints of blood--drive met 200-unit goal
- Worked American Red Cross blood drive; helped set-up/donated blood--helped exceed wing's annual goal