Biomedical Equipment Technician

Job Description

- Performs repairs, scheduled/preventive mx and calibrations on 2.5K biomedical equipment assets worth $29M
- Facilitates BMET trng on initial inspects/installs/repairs on medical instruments for 10 bldg/260K sq ft campus
- Advises 152 MDG equipment accts on medical system life cycles/theory of operations/physiological principles
- Educates technicians/providers on safe applications and proper methods of operating complex medical devices

- Installs, inspects, repairs, modifies and calibrates biomedical, diagnostic and life support equipment systems
- Analyzes equipment malfunctions using test equipment, technical data, schematics and engineering references
- Inspects biomedical equipment systems to determine operational status--ensures safe equipment procedures
- Processes and maintains administrative functions, equipment inventory and preventive maintenance schedule

- Supervises Amn during upgrade tng for installation, inspection, calibration and modification of biomedical eqpt
- Advises 280 residents/staff on proper operational procedures/safe pt applications of new/existing medical eqpt
- Conducts inspections and mx of medical facilities/oversees contracted repairs to maintain AAAHC compliance
- Implements/manages MDG's medical mx pgm; provides recommendations/support for $2.2M in biomedical sys

- Assembles and installs biomedical equipment consistent with manufacturers'design criteria and local rquiremnts

Performance Assessment

- Accomplished 4 C-arms' calibration; normally 7-level task; ensured radiation output within AF/FDA standards
- Actively pursued upgrade qualification; certified on 48 tasks--completed 7-level rqmts in a blistering 4 months
- Air Force expert; provided CT support to 2 deployed sites; ensured 98% survivability of wounded warriors
- Architect of laptop based application; enabled instant access to 50 maintenance procedures--saved 40 hrs/mo
- Assisted 37 MDG; oversaw equipment/maintenance at Kelly--met operational needs of 8 clinics/10K patients
- Assisted w/HEMO clinic BRAC transfer from BAMC; processed $50K in equip transfers--seamless transition
- Attended 2018 NGACO conf; shared legislative info & CNGB Gen Lengyel's brief--incr'd knowledge on ANG issues
- Audited DMLSS in prep for SEAT insp; discovered/corrected 35 discrepancies, scored rating (98%) on evaluation

- Calibrated 33 dental x-ray units/$120K/50 hrs; ID'd 6 equip failures--averted over radiating 48 patients daily
- Chartered in-house team; improved initial inspections; processed 150 items, eliminated 2 month work back log
- Collaborated with DMLSS design center; identified 25 short falls--directly impacted DoD MTFs world wide
- Completed 285 scheduled/46 unscheduled wrk orders monthly in spite 50% manning; MDG pt ops uninhibited
- Completed 6 week computer course; improved in-house response capability for 7 wards/106 critical care beds
- Completed 90 workorders; spt'd clinical equip/771K pt populace--beat AF 90% std by 7%/#1 of 9 peer MTFs
- Completed amazing 1K+ work orders; helped flight beat AF's completion goal by 4%--averaged 99% this year
- Completely re-wrote MDG's lock/tag-out pgm; updated 24 pgs of outdated info--lauded during wg safety insp
- Configured radiation detector used to establish protocols for AF test site--enhanced images/reduced exposures
- Coord'd automated external defibrillator upgrade; updated pt protocols/stds--prevented $147K re-supply costs
- Coord'd repair of ultrasound unit; oversaw contractor mx during down day--prevented pt care loss/saved $1K
- Created annual mx schedule for 1.1K equipment items/57 accts--elim'd scheduling confusion/150 mx hrs yrly
- Created contract repair database; automated reports provided real time data on $50K/200 monthly transactions
- Created database, automated $2M DoD region contract; provided critical data/reports on 1.7K transactions/yr
- Created state of the art BMET shop; set up 12 work benches utilizing space for maintenance and storage
- Cross trainee who performs at a 7 skill level; aligned gamma camera to gantry; prevented $8K service contract

- Dedicated to AF total force; trained reservist on 127 tasks; mbr scored impressive 90% on end of course exam
- Deployed $400K Digital Dental Radiology sys; installed hardware/trained pers; clinic compliant w/AMC rqmt
- Developed 6 in-depth flowcharts of current processes; laid foundation for BAMC/WHMC med log integration
- Directed Hematology/Oncology move; consolidated $99K Army/AF assets--enhanced services to 10K patients
- Drove flight to amazing 99% monthly scheduled maintenance completion rate--exceeded shop standard by 4%
- Dynamic SNCO; unbelievable efficiency drove flight to amazing 99% completion rate; 4% above AF average

- Educated 4 Dermatology docs/6 techs in phototherapy unit; averted need for $2K commercial training contract
- Escorted two TCNs; ensured 450 AF personnel and asset were safeguarded; nullified any breaches in security
- Expeditiously responded to facility wide power outage; restored critical utilities within minutes; no incidents
- Expert in ultrasound; trained 9 Amn, 36 upgrade tasks; maintained 60 systems, prevented $30K/qtr in contracts
- Expertly calibrated 4 audiometers/5 x-ray units on TDY support mission; eliminated $5K maintenance contract
- Expertly created blueprints for $1.83M medical gas system; detailed layout critical for medical gas operations
- Expertly installed 12K foot medical gas system for new MTF; ingenious efforts saved the Air Force $1.83M

- Facilitated meeting between 2 manufacturers; elim'd 4 month comm problem--avoided pt down time/saved $8K
- Focused on self-development; completed 32-hr civ supervisor course--honed ldrship/management/comm skills

- Helped lead superb Wg equip inventory/18K items/AFMS' largest--90% of items located in 4 days vs 3 weeks

- Identified 28 telemetry units not on inventory; recovered $28K in assets--potential patient safety issue averted
- Identified contractors non-compliance on field x-ray system maintenance--catch prevented mission degradation
- Identified cost saving initiative; procured commercial injector course/equipment eliminated $30K in contracts
- Identified root cause of CIF lab power issues; procured necessary parts; prevented lost capability/fire hazard
- Identified root cause of dental archive failure; recouped 50 lost BMTS exams/day--prevented lost trainee time
- Identified root cause of electrocardiographs' errors; provided user education; ramped up diagnostics capability
- Identified source for maternity systems upgrade; saved $34K--automated 2K patient records, HIPPA compliant
- Implemented process to scan/save 21K records, $19K software/hardware solution saved 2K man hours a year
- Insightful manager; performed costs/benefits analysis; eliminated one-time maintenance contracts; saved $98K
- Installed $1.25M Expeditionary Deployable Oxygen Concentration Systems; provided O2 to new $8.2M MTF
- Installed $500k surgical lighting system in 9 separate locations; provided Surgeons vital utility to save lives
- Installed CT tube head--averted closing South San Antonio's only level 1 trauma center serving 1.5M citizens
- Installed mass spectrometer column; averted loss of vital research study--saved $5K over commercial service
- Installed optometry interface; synchronized 4 systems--cut exam time 5 min per/pt & increased Dr availability
- Instilled AF excellence; devoted 4-mnths trg reservist on 123 tasks--mbr scored 90% on end-of-course exam

- Key mbr/$98K Dental rad equip install tm; coord'd clinic equip trng/9 techs--improved Dental pt capacity 19%
- Key to Haiti earthquake relief; serviced 27 items on USCG vessel--ensured rapid delivery of care to survivors

- Led 3-mbr radiology post calibration insp tm; procured test equipment/supplies--averted $1.8K in TDY costs
- Led 8 Amn/1 civ to 99% monthly workorder completion rate; 4% above AFMS std--assured TJC accreditation
- Led electronics team to 99% work completion rate; 4% above AF std--reduced routine response time by 10%
- Led five man ED oxygen installation team; provided 19 patient care stations; increased access to care 300%
- Led physical therapy equipment install; replaced aging unit w/energy star model--saved $1.5K yrly/0 pt delays

- Managed AF's largest scheduled maintenance pgm; 10K workorders/year; led to '07 AETC Account of Year
- Masterfully authored 16 page maintenance support agreement; best defines BRAC needs--postured for success
- Meticulously accomplished 120 workorders; directly contributed to the '07 AETC logistics account of the year
- Mng'd flt waste disposal prgm; safe disposal/95 batteries/haz waste--100% compliant with base CE prgm stds
- Motivated NCO--100% RSV training and annual requirements completed ahead of time--set the example for all
- Moved $12M equipment, 19 departments, 360 staff into new MTF in 5 days; drastically improved patient care

- Overhauled PMI equip tracking system; updated 331 files/trained 4 techs--enhanced AF aerovac asset visibility

- Performed 100 work order actions; supported 16K outpatient visits--enabled wg to meet AFM business targets
- Performed emergency fix of 6 x-ray view boxes--assured $400K radiologists weren't sidelined due to $80 part
- Performed emergency fix on dental sterilizer; reduced potential for infections, need to reschedule 100 exams
- Piloted equipment database quality improvement; 19K records; less than .05% with data errors--best in AETC
- Pioneered missing equipment research program; resolved 527 items valued at $2.4M--increased accountability
- Pivotal in most successful wing inventory to date; survey 19K items--largest account in AFMS, 92% accuracy
- Prevented msn failure; expedited critical dental sterilizer repairs--averted disaster/saved $15K in pt referrals
- Procured $90K in high usage spare parts for MRI units; efforts reduced MRI down time from 2 days to 2 hours
- Procured gas simulator for 12 defibrillators; enabled in house calibration/verification--saved $6.4K annually
- Provided 7K maintenance actions; support 180K outpatient visits--enabled wg to meet AFMS business targets
- Provided PM, calibration training on dental panolipse to 7 team members--enhanced teams' technical abilities

- Re-furbished system used to calculate radiation treatment plans; prevented lost care--averted $9K+ in referrals
- Rebuilt dental archive system; eliminated 50 lost BMTS exams/day--prevented lost trainee time, saved $1.5K
- Recovered $395K digital x-ray equip record; tracked/scheduled routine mx--elim'd/prevented safety incident
- Redistributed $149K AF storage containers; ensured proper disposition of equipment--saved $216K annually
- Redistributed $250k of vital AF assets to worldwide agencies; ensured proper disposition of key equip & supplies
- Reinstalled 25 dental units; first renovation to BMTS clinic in 27 years; enhanced care to 14.5K beneficiaries
- Repaired $250K imaging room; isolated repair to $97 part; avoided $9K contract repair--no loss in capability
- Repaired $90K radiographic sys; troubleshot/fixed power supply--avoided $6.8K contract mx fees/pt referrals
- Repaired 10 patient beds in less than 1 hour/normally 1 day job--maximized available space for in-patient care
- Repaired 2 Environmental Control Unit supplying Medical Laboratory; prevented failure of $1.1M equipment
- Resurrected quality assurance pgm; yielded real-time data on 60 staff--pin-pointed improvement opportunities
- Revitalized flight's workorder priority system; reduced carry over work load 10%; routine response time 30%

- Selected by name to support PACIFIC LIFELINE; bare base operation trained 150 AF Reservist--AEF ready
- Selected over 15 Amn for ANG/Coast Guard visits; completed 35 workorders--supported home land defense
- Selected over 3 SNCO's for NCOIC position; oversight on 14 military/civilians, $ 1.5M in workorders/repairs
- Selected over 8 NCOs as NCOIC; completed 3.6K workorders--led to AETC account of Year--#1 of 15 MTFs
- Set up over $200K in medical lab equipment; created state-of-the-art diagnostic lab; raised the patient-care bar
- Skillfully troubleshot refrigerated lab conex; preserved 4M in supplies; zero degradation to mission readiness
- Skillfully troubleshot/repaired dental x-ray processor; restored capability--averted potential loss of 100 exams
- Spearheaded DoD staff visit; researched 1K+ line items worth $25M--input used for BRAC consolidation plan
- Steered HSI prep; 8 war readiness projects mission ready--contributed to 59 LS Outstanding from inspectors
- Streamlined equip acceptance process; acquired/installed barcode printer--decreased insp/inventory time 50%
- Supervises 2 amn; conducts med mx for 2 work centers--oversaw completion of 160 work orders/15 sections/7 UTCs

- Technical prowess ensured in-house service of 118 advanced imaging systems; saved $225K in contract costs
- Trained 10 Airman on Central Monitoring System; decreased on-call response time, improved technical skills
- Trained 10 techs on medical waste disposal repairs; ensured compliance with stringent Texas waste standards
- Trained 10 techs/50 general tasks; increased section capabilities--bolstered flexibility in personnel scheduling
- Trained 5 technicians on external pacemaker calibration/enhanced section's skill set--cut repair response times
- Troubleshot broken mobile x-ray system; corrected faulty collimator; averted potential radiation over exposure
- Troubleshot Dental washer; id'd/resolved critical malfunction--safeguard'd equip/avoid'd downtime/0 pt delay
- Troubleshot emergency work order; repaired chemical analyzer; eliminated downtime; saved $16K parts/labor

- Upgraded 40 labor/delivery computers for $1K vs $80K new--recorded 2K patient vitals/ HIPPA compliant

- Vol d f/Salute to Life; processed 5 donor kits f/viable bone marrow matches--vital pgm f/affected DOD mbrs/families

- Worked trouble calls on 8 x-ray units--increased knowledge, skills--better able to maintain critical equipment

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