Aviation Resource Management EPR Bullets

Duty Description

- Chief Aviation Resource Mgr; advis's 3 Gp/6 Sq CCs, leads 31 AD/AFRC Amn/ensure operational compliance f/66 acft
- Oversees mx of 471 flight/jump records f/3 Wg, 11 AF, ops spt acrw, HALO/Static combat TACP/SERE/weather prsnl
- Database mgr for $5.5M ARMS used to doc/track $459M annual fly hrs/34K item crew trng prgms f/7 wpns sys/8 Sqs
- Controls all aspects of acrw data; originates AFI waivers/disqualification, authenticates aeronautical/pay orders/ratings

- Authenticates aircrew eligibility/entitlement to perform duties; tracks/manages $11M flight/jump incentive pay pgm
- Responsible for aircrew Go/No-Go mgmt prgm; directs and publishes flight authorizations; determines AFI compliance
- Manages SARM ops team; controls/ensures accuracy of Aviation Resource Mgmt Sys (ARMS); monitors flt hr prgm
- Mng's wing's largest COMSEC account; secures & maintains classified physical/digital key material valued at $60K

- Performs in/out processing management ops for ### assigned & attached F-15E Pilots and Weapon Systems Officers
- Maintains flying hour program (FHP) documents, generates flight authorizations & completes daily go/no-go checks
- Coordinates w/training & stan/eval on proper aircrew qualifications on AF IMT 4324 in ARMS
- Provides real-time flying hours/training products for sq; reports critical in determining annual training requirements

- Compiles, records, and audits training and flight data for the Aviation Resource Management System (ARMS)
- Processes aviation management database reports and source documents to ensure accuracy of training & flt info
- Coordinates with Sq Ops Ofcr for local training requirements, deployed ops & HHQ mission accomplishments
- Maintains flt records; aeronautical orders, certification of qualifications, and aviation service data for aviators


- AAMS prgm admin--trained 25 prsnl on system faults/reconciled 75 MilPDS errors--sustained database f/200 users
- Accomplished FEB, member's aviation service was re-instated & qualified for aeronautical orders, rating & incentives
- Aced HARM Supt role f/3 mos w/50% manning; elim'd 4 IGEMS write-ups/2-yr discrep--awd'd Wg ARMS NCO/Yr
- Aced 80-hr/9-lvl Adv'd ARM crs; earned SEI/gen'd 1.1K AOs, fortified $50M FHP/$8.6B fleet--awd'd Wg NCO/Qtr

- Activated 9.03K sq mi airspace w/ Salt Lake Center daily; deconflicted 9.5K flights...sustained 366 FW ops missions
- Adapted procedures to satisfy multiple base requirements that ensured aircrew's currency & qualification upon arrival
- Admin'd Sq's $291K budget; trn'd 7 on GPC upgrade/led digital rcds transition/authored 3 SOP--aced yearly inspection
- Analyz'd Wg's go/nogo primary/backup flt proc; discover'd database error; 44 trng reports affected/reviewed/corrected

- Assisted CHARM w/permanent disqualification action; prcs'd x3 voluntary retraining requests--critical AF rqmts met
- Attended ANG ARM Symposium; trained on career field changes--shared with 3 Amn/reduced office errors by 10%
- Audited AM/AAM flight info; secured medals for 70+ members--gained knowledge of CSS processes/medal policies
- Audited FW aircrew incentive flt pay prgm; reviewed 258 mbrs' records/ID'd $2.5K back pay...validated $97K flt pay

- Augmented HARM office during manning shortfall; cmplt'd 160 hrs OJT--eliminated 163 backlogged trng docs
- Authored EM checklist; designed quarterly report/rec'd CBRN trng f/ 54 mbrs...FS 100% trained f/ CENTCOM fight
- Authored MOA btwn 117 ARW & 6 AMW; established guidance corresponding w/interfly ltr--seamless spt f/aircrew

- Benchmark effort; validated aircrew currency/availability in ARMS database--invaluable input for schedulers
- Bridged HAF IC continuity; delivered 10 process guides for 2.8K customers--wing ARMS NCO OTY
- Briefed Satcom Direct focus group on ARMS functions; shaped SDPro modifications--verified software fit sq needs

- Captured CMR status for 2 FSs; schedule/tracked/reported quals for 98 aircrew...ensured 54 crews deployment ready
- Commenced aircrew training audit; identified discrepancies in 25 sections--rectified 58 long-term training task errors
- Compared 7K flt auths/data; identified/corrected 141 discrepensies; confirmed ARMS database 100% accurate
- Completed 16 hr professional development crs; improved ldrshp skills/knowledge...prepared for NCO responsibilities

- Completed 7 level upgrade; scored 88% on EOC exam & crushed core tasks...upgrade complete in min time <12 mos
- COMSEC mgr; controlled SKLs/issued authenticators/ID'd 7 month AOR COMSEC rqmts...FS readied f/ OIR msns
- Conducted qtrly triangle audit; briefed ldrshp accurate projected deployed Go/No-Go status--ensured ARMS integrity
- Conducted qtrly triangle audit; fix'd errors & brief'd trng officer on discrepencies--solidifi'd ARMS database integrity

- Converted 60+ training folders to electronic files; saving money in paper & ink while reducing 10 man hours a month
- Coord'd 1st-ever F-35 ops TDY; ran bed-down of sq mbrs & 1st ALIS deployment...successful TDY key to F-35 IOC
- Coordinated AFI rqmts for 19 civ/ktr MESP; enabled critical SME availability--vital for 30 test programs/590 test hrs
- Coordinated aircrew requirements, with training, Stan Eval & Scheduling to best fit mission directives and operations

- Created new file plan; accumulated & organized necessary documentation for office--accountability sustained at 100%
- Created Pre-Mission procedures and two back measures to improve mission effectiveness & optimal information flow

- Deployed ISO Ex GREEN FLAG EAST; 196 CAS hrs/52 aircrew prep'd f/ cbt AEF...awarded "Superior Performer"
- Designed template for EOG guest flyers; verified 29 critical flying requirements--eliminated step brief delays
- Dev'd new MPCP position f/show & go process--saved aircrew 20+ planning hrs weekly--incr'd availability by 57%
- Developed ACC/1FW parachute trng tables; designed/built 13 trng profiles--enabled vital trng accountability

- Diagnosed FW PEX shortfall; liaised with outside agencies for solution...stop-gap critical to 3 sq's trng & $84M FHP
- Diligent student! Meticulously inspected new 4 vol ARMS course syllabus; submitted corrections for 10 blatant errors
- Directs 6 prsn tm; mx'd currencies/quals f/77 active/reserve pilots--key to Wg's 1.7k msns & 24/7 homeland dfnse spt
- Drove ATC/AFE/ARM training; 87 prsnl/7K sims/7.9K OJT hrs--18 upgrades/200 certs/incr 5-lvl manning >450%

- Drove FY '15 aircrew trng documentation; 4K hrs/staged 5K flying hr forms...secured 4 sqdns historical data integrity

- Established SOPs for flt's ERM as Rec Cust; monitored 74 records/2K+ PA files; resulted in zero PII breaches
- Expertly mng'd/tracked yearly FHP; accuracy critical to 1370 sorties/1.9K flying hrs...flawless closeout of $84M FHP

- Fill'd E-8 pos/7 day; oversaw 27 mgmt rpts/487 aviation records/225 AOs/50 MPOs--cert'd $2M+flt/jump entitlements
- Flawlessly manag'd COMSEC for 68AS; produced accurate & on-time destruction rpts; zero security incidents
- Forward deployed NCOIC; spt'd 54 aircrew mbrs--force enabler to 378 cbt msns/1,890 hrs/$54.7M fuel savings costs

- Generated 494 Flight Authorizations; certified 2,000K go/no-go reports; facilitated 37+ missions ISO OEF/OIR/OFS
- Generated 71 "Flight Authorizations"; certified 5K+ go/no-go items; facilitated 110+ missions ISO Wg alert/ops msns
- Go-to IMO f/x2 deployed tanker/fighter units; brokered $25K CPU/phone/printer purchase--coined by 379 AEW/CC
- Guided 3-lvls to 1st AEF deployment; trained COMSEC/UCC/EM/deployed ops prgms...SARM team capes up 25%

- Id'd outdated procedures; authored 2 continuity books/6 checklists, streamlined in/out-processing...errors down 30%
- Ident'd sign-out deficiency that assigned unqual pilots to acft--revised, ensured acft assigned qual pilots
- Implemented wing's first electronic sortie hour tracking program--reduced logging errors by 50 percent
- Improved aging $4M dollar facility--resulted in an improved working environment for over 450 wing personnel

- In-processed 10x 428th FS contractor aircrew; developed electronic flt record/tracked 10 items...enabl'd FMS success
- Initiated Triangle Audit; establishing a comprehensive review of all training, qualifications & experience levels
- Input/audited 9.7K flying tng events into ARMS database; enabled 1.4K cbt sorties; corrected 28 high vis items
- Inputted 200+ flights without error, totaling over 4,000 hours; resulting in 35+ Aerial Achievement Medals awarded

- Led 3 person team in office organization;10hrs--100+ sq ft & >25% cabinet storage gained; simplified filing processes
- Led 4 mbr SARM tm; verified 267 sorties/spt'd 2 MAJCOMs/3 Wgs/5 sqs--enabled 5K cmbt hrs/38 strikes/48 EKIA
- Led ANR/ALCOM/11 AF awds pgm; org'd 16 brds/QC'd 25 pkgs--captur'd 15 NAF-lvl,5 PACAF wins/one 12-OAY
- Led flt record review w/ 40 aircrew; monitored 9 critical grounding items...confirmed aviation service data for 5 units

- Led JBER 1C0's E-trng record conversion; synced MTP w/new CFETP/1.3K tasks--trancrib'd 32 Amn's folders f/6 Sqs
- Led Wg flt mgt OI rewrite w/14-mbr ops tm; implemented 15 new actions to flt proc--streamlined $1.1B fleet flt ops

- Maintains proficiency to monitor, update & audit operations data on aircrew flying hours, training & flt records
- Managed 117+ Go-No-Go items on a daily basis, identifying ground items while confirming mission & aircrew safety
- Managed 325 PEX sq accounts; validated/interfaced 378K aircrew tng inputs--ensured sq 100% cmbt msn rdy
- Managed daily execution of 187 B-1 combat missions--enabled 2K+ hours/272 CMR RAP sorties--zero msn delays

- Managed FS Flag prgm; 872 US flags flown/certs produced...displayed positive image of American, Coalition forces
- Managed SARM MICT prgm; ensured practices & procedures 100% AFI compliant--lauded "perfect" by NORI IG
- Mastered authentications process tracking for Global Decision Support System (GDSS) II flight authorizations
- Mng'd 2 end of cycle rollovers; filed 1.1K tng docs & audited 8 reports--preserved historical aviation/DV data

- Mng'd EOY RAP; 100% accurate proration of 196 months for 43 aircrew...secured critical trng metrics early for ACC
- Mng'd msn requirements; track'd 1,161 sorties Ops Freedoms Sentinel & Resolute Support--trk'd all msn tasks logg'd
- Modernized continuity book; streamlined digital cklsts/SharePoint database--reduced processing timeline 40%
- Monitor'd aircrew training pay; 20 schedules built/worked/certified for compensation; $2K in assets properly allocated

- Organized flight PT prgm/2 lead PTL pos--led six to pass physical fitness tests/section 83% excellent/100% pass rate

- Personally ensured 100% completion of ComSec training for 57 deploying members prior to departure
- Planned $2.3M flying hr prgm; sched execution of 809 NATO, French & British sorties--97% msn success rate
- Prepared nav re-qualification pkg; revalidated aviation svc/published MPO initiating flt pay--awaiting UPT class start
- Primary COMSEC/SVRO mgr; qual'd 17 new aircrew on 32 classified tasks...zero write-ups during Wing CAM SAV

- Pursued CCAF degree plan; finished 15 semester hrs/maintained 3.75 GPA...set std for 5 peers w/in flt/6 classes shy

- Readied 5-mbr Ex tm; unified 5x F-22 Sqs/enabled jt ops--facil'd 19 pilot upgrades/9 chkrides/26 regained CMR status
- Recovered F-15/F-16s during emergency divert; provided go/no-go checks & briefs--ensured safety of 8 personnel
- Redesigned 30 aircrew trng event tables; invested 50 man-hrs--completed 2 weeks ahead of ACC/A3 suspense
- Relentless! Hound'd ops sq to accomplish overdue items; delinquencies decreased by 30%; readiness greatly increased

- Reorganized SARM cont book; updated 6 programs/eliminated redundancies; increased office efficiency 13%
- Revamped 340 DET 1 Go/No-Go prcs; eliminated redundancies--zeros errors noted during AFCENT Stan/Eval SAV
- Reviewed ARM products; conducted 120 status rpts/process'd 30 aeronautical orders...ensured 100% AFI compliance

- Selected to attend HARM crse; completed 40 hr CBT & 2-wk trng...valuable asset to peers & 258 flyers at
- Standard/Evaluations Liaison; processed 10 aircrew qualifications for 2.3K annual flt hrs--28 mbrs qualified for msn
- Stellar military image; professionalism led to Sq selection for General J Smith Award; exemplary SSgt select
- Submitted 42 dip clearances; coord'd 112 mil/civ grnd support rqmnts--ensured sustainment for 87 ISAF msn's

- "Superior Performer" for '23 UEI, 2x Sq NCO of the Quarter & '23 Wg Outstanding Aviation Resource
- Supervised all ARMS tasks during deployment; ensured all pilots legal to fly-- coined by OK TAG
- Supervised daily ops; taught Go/No-Go & pre/post msn review to 5 person team...earned OG Warrior Enlisted 3Q '16
- Supplemented ANG mobility shortfall; produced 70 FAs/reconciled 389 hrs--enabled 506 EARS fuel offload/98 rcvrs

- Supported 31 aircrew including 5 attached & 4 guest flyers; all go/no-go's checked and enforced--100% msn success
- Suprvsd 243 equip mx actions; mng'd radio sys limited funds/coord'd 458 PMIs/226 restorals--validated $18M need
- Sustained SARM when position went unfilled; created processes & ensured currencies--336 AF781s validated

- Tracked flight physical/physiological training for 35+ aircrew; provid'd trng opportunities--enhanc'd pilot CMR status
- Trained 5 lvl amn on SARM dailies; produc'd effective time management--heighten'd 1C0 knowledge in ARMS shop
- Train'd 2 airmen on FA creation & GO/NO/GO procedure implementation; 0 errors after training; production advanc'd
- Tremendous attention to detail! Collated aircrew trng & flying data from aircrew resource mngt info; flawless

- Validated 5K Flt Physical rqmts; liaised w/Med Gp/id'd/amended 3K certs errors--verified $15.3M flt pay entitlements
- Validated all TARs & flight hours through comprehensive post mission review to accurately reflect accomplishments
- Validated flight PHA/physiological training for 50 ops personnel--ensured aircrew prepared for unit's combat mission
- Verified regulation change; restructured file pln/rebuilt 217 aircrew tng folders--Sq AFI compliant w/in 2 days

- Volunteered f/alt Sq mobility line; audited 255 flts/2,296 hrs f/47 units--173 aviators MR/staff enl member of Dec '17

- Zero'd out a 7,500-flying hour program; 100% accurate documentation--unprecedented zero discrepancy rate

Airfield Mangement Operations Supervisor

- Conducted safety checks, processed NOTAM to monitor $1.5M barrier cable project--ensured safe operations

- Supported critical snow removal operations during historic 13 inch snowfall; enabled transfer of 14 acft to Osan

Tactical Air Control Party Specialist

- Maintained and accounted for $700K MRC-144 weapon system--greatly enhanced productivity and msn readiness

- Assisted in training of multiple Army Joint Fires Observers--increased combat leathality and effectiveness

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