Aircraft Structural Maintenance

  See also: Aircraft Structural Maintenance Award Examples

Duty Descriptions

- Repairs damaged structures using various types of aerospace metals, tubing, composite materials, and plastics
- Updates and maintains aircraft status in Integrated Maintenance Database System (IMDS)
- Applies organic coatings and decals to all A/C and AGE equipment in accordance with technical orders
- Trains personnel on all aspects of aircraft structural repair techniques and painting aircraft and support equipment

Performance Assessment

- #1 of 35 Amn! Supv'd 4 Amn/drove 56 insps/maintained $450K eqpmt/tools--awarded Mx Spt Pro 4th Qtr '15

- Aided in 50-hr insp; disc'd/fixed 7 discreps/beat ACC std by 4 hrs--enabled nonstop PR >257K sq mile AOR
- Aided in C-5 cracked MLG beam repair; coordinated w/off base repair facility--c/w 12 hrs early/ensured on-time ISO
- Aided on 10 C-5 trailing edge panel replacement; drilled/installed 500 interference fit fasteners--restored $90M asset
- Aided removing and replacing the protective coatings system for A/C 1232's dual rails; protected $125,000+ of assets
- Aided with multiple communication/preflight checks; worked outside career field--increased mission effectiveness
- Assisted C-5 slat rpr; performed 5 bonds 24 hrs ahead of sched--pwr'd 54 day insp/3 days below std...aided 89% IER
- Assisted in 5 major HH-60G service inspections; cut down HVLA downtime by 36%--assured mission readiness
- Assisted in over 20 C-130 corrosion inspections; id'd and corrected over 200 discrepancies; preserved $60M of assets
- Assisted restoring L/E post bird strike; fabricated, drilled, installed fasteners; saved USAF over $20K in procurement
- Assisted with the refurbishment of acft 4834; prepped/painted/fixed over 400 parts/panels--displays GARB standards
- Auth'd LO/TO change; liaised w/sq rep/2 machines added/nix'd shortfall/trn'd 63 prsnl--ushered wg AMC Safety awd
- Authored six 107/ETAR requests; 100% approval--local fixes saved Wing $91K/averted mission crippling downtime

- Coated 4 HH-60G stabilizers; Negated need for replacement parts--prevented aircraft downtime by 15+ hrs
- Completed bonded core repair on cabin door; returned to serviceable status 24 hrs early--aircraft met sorties
- Conducted four cockpit corrosion inspections; bench-checked/certified structural integrity ensured acft longevity
- Conquer'd red ball hydro leak; collab'd w/FSR/bent line/nix'd abort--backbone f/Thunderbird msn/40K lbs fuel offload'd
- Critical to daily mission; contributed to a total of 2,612 sorties/5,526 flying hours; safeguarded America's tactical airlift

- Dedicated leader; runs unit decal/sticker program; printed paint scheme decals--checkers & chevrons--on assgn acft
- Deploy'd as ASM lead ISO OFS/OIR; guided 34 Amn thru 2.5K mx actions--powered 5K sorties/2.2K BoT/425 EKIA
- Deployed 100D support of OEF; maintained three HH-60G Pave Hawks/valued $123M--provided POI/PR/PT
- Deployed Resolute Support; maintained 3 HVLD HH-60 assets covering >252K sq mi--FSPR ATO-->3K alert
- Diagnosed/treated corroded accessory mod; avoided premature failure/saved AF $37K--promote immediately!
- Dir'd B-1 fleet's emerg hatch/"B-kit" TCTOs; tm'd w/engrs/mod'd 7 acft--cemented safety of flts/standown termination
- Direct'd 8 UALS trailer rebuilds; draft'd ETAR/fab'd patches/restored reload capes--fortifi'd 223 cmbt srts/359 rnds fired
- Directed 12 corrosion inspections; identified/repaired 425 defects/1K mx hrs--prolonged B-52H yr 2050 sustainability
- Drilled HH-60G upper cargo door track; aligned/reamed fastener holes--beat std in 5 vs 8 hrs/safed CSAR entry/exit
- Drove C-17 MLG door refurb; coor'd w/BOEING/bonded 8 overlays--key'd Indonesia CV-19 relief/5K ventilators alft'd
- Drove KC-135 cove door refurb; auth'd ETAR/fab'd 17 parts/zero bal AF wide--nixed 2 wks hold/9M lbs of fuel xfer'd
- Drove tm of 7 f/C-130J fuselage repair; crafted non procurable reinforement/negated depot rqst/svd $120K--7 AFAM

- Enabled 125 C-5 floor repairs; provided expert guidance, met annual cert--restored integrity...halted cgo ld restriction
- Evaluated 4 Main rotor blades; deemed unserviceable--prevented mjr aircraft failure/ insured crews safety
- Excell'd as scheduled mx lead; steer'd 8 prsnl/24 HSCs/penn'd 12 EDs/287 rprs--rallied 643 srts/garner'd Sq MEA win
- Expertly complet'd TCTO 1911 on 4 aircraft; coordinat'd w/QA & crew chiefs--0 defects found/completed 4hrs early

- Fabricated stickers for ISO; organized tool kits/met tool marking standards--up to T.O. specs/saves 1hr daily sign out
- Facil'd 15 MRB OTI's; coord'd/tracked insps for 3 alert acft--ensured $3.5M AF assets met 24/7 PR coverage

- Go-to SME; authored 9 ETARs/devised repair parameters f/30 safety of discreps--remedied 5 mos B-1 fleet stand -down
- Guided B-1 mx; drove UHF antenna refurb tm/$395K asset--solidified Ex GT/17 sorties/sustained 5 strategic domains
- Guided RQ-4 inlet mend; renewed RAM iaw 107/svd $2.3M eng change--sec'd 314 recordings/5.5K voice hrs/15 strikes

- Hand-pick'd f/MXG qtrly awd emcee; setup event/cater'd f/75 mbrs/4 DG's--recognized 15 recipients/laud'd by Wg/CC
- Head'd TAFB CV-19 response; fab'd 4 IPB chambers f/MDG--shaped 1st Indo-Pacific AE/Gen Welsh AF One wg awd

- ID'd gouged TDS/50hr insp; coor'd supply actions w/ army MX/zero in AF inventory--enabled >190 cmbt flt/hr
- Identified/fabricated damaged stabilizer LE; avoided $156k in replacement parts--bested repair time by 15 hrs
- Improved CTK inventory; led 4 member team/etched 1.5k tools & items/val'd at $102k--corrected >50 discrepancies
- Interim Sq Pro Supt; galvanized 463 prsnl/203 repairs/64 acft/6 TCTOs--facilitat'd 90 humanitarian msns/6 pilots cert

- Lead 11 ISO/CCI Inspection efforts; supervised completion of 4 work area inspections; 100% pass rate QA follow up
- Led damaged F/D repair; fab d/installed composite patch--returned non-procurable asset to svc/saved $640K

- Maintained three deployed HH-60G; >230 sorties/190 hrs/2assists--93% MC rt/100% 12 hr fix rt/0% abort rt
- Meticulous mechanic; led 8 engineer directed MX actions with 0 discrepancies; restored all aircrft to airworthy status
- Monitored CTK prgm; managed/maintained 5 CTKs/established spares/preserved SE--100% QA pass rate/$30K cost

- Oversaw 17 intake maintenance repairs; complied with 7 level FOD and tool checklist--avoided $5.8M parts requisition

- Participated in 1236's large touch up; returned A/C to FMC 6 days early; protected $450,000 of assets from corrosion
- Pilot'd KC-10 fl ctrl mend; ID'd leaking swedge/spliced fitting/axed CANN--fac'd 27.5K lbs fuel offload/900 cmbt rcvrs
- Piloted 63 prsnl through 1.2K mx actions; resolute to 36 TCTOs/27 ETARs--secured Tm Dyess' 16K flt hrs/7K sorties
- Piloted flt TODO pgm; led major host name migration of 20 e-tools/604 TO files--cinched zero update delays
- Pioneered B-1 fleet stabilizer repair; coord'd w/engns/established fleet guidance--saved $1.2M asset/Gp's NCoQ 3Q19
- Present'd Prof Dvlpmnt crs; mentor'd 6 prnsl/3 CCAF enrollments--ink'd 2 qrtly awd's/2 Sq wins/garn'd 1 BTZ selection

- QB'd C-5 recur Tiger Tm; unearthed anomaly/fab'd torque tube--nurtured Denton msn/alft'd 41K lbs cgo f/Honduran aid
- Quarterbacked acft windscreen replacements; trimmed/drilled, assisted R&R w/fitment--secured FW's cbt readiness

- Reacted to broken fire seals; replaced 4 seals/2 engines--saved $15M in assets/ensured on-time TACC tasking
- Rebuilt instructor seat assembly; re-skinned base/fabricated new structural supports--salvaged non-procurable assets
- Refurb'd 3 B-1 EW antennas; headed meticulous ETAR guidance--averted MICAP/salvaged $3.6M parts/awd'd AFCM
- Refurbished vital supply items; returned 6 acft brake assemblies to supply system <4 mos--AFRC reclaimed $162K
- Regulated C-130 fleet TCTO; guided section thru panel hardening/20 engines--preserved $70M/secured BTF readiness
- Replaced condemned C-5 MLG door; trimmed adv'd composites to spec/alignment--halted $120K procurement cost
- Replaced HH-60G cabin door track; drilled/reamed to exact tolerances--restored $40K+ constrained assembly
- Replaced KC-135 AR striker plate; R2'd asset/restored IFR capes/boosted acft availability 50%--upheld 81% MC rt
- Responded to F-16 IFE; assisted launch of helo in <5 minutes--enabled recovery msn of >$556K in AF assets
- Restored AGE eqpmt; sanded/applied topcoat of 5 units--prolonged svc life/upheld $750K in spt eqpmt assets
- Revitalized field pressure washer; cleansed/ repaired interior reservoir--salvaged $35K in critical BGAF assets

- Sel'd f/UAE garrison! Two AFSC shift lead/pilot'd 14 Amn/9 sensor rprs /recoup'd $3.1M--fac'd wg's 2K srts/22 air raids
- Shoulder'd MRT f/C-5 rpr, penn'd 107/expunged load restrictions--sec'd dplymt 3 HH-60/114 pax f/AoR ISO OIR/Syria
- SMCO Flt Haz-Waste manager; ID'd/rectified 4 disparities amid 5 accumulation pts--earned 100% QA pass rt
- Spearheaded C-130 Wheel Pod overhaul; drafted guidance/negated depot tm dispatch--saved $107K/Sq's NCoQ 1Q19
- Spearheaded L/E horizontal stab repair; fab'd skin patch/installed 500+ fasteners--saved $480K supply costs
- Stellar work ethic; removed/fabricated/installed non procurable 910 frame--0 discrepancies found/FMC 6 hours early
- Stood up 10 Phase inspections; corrected/closed out 75 deficiency events--mx schedule effectiveness rate 81% FY20
- Superb tech; completed extensive repair on 7 engine fan ducts for acft 3530--fixed depot error/saved $1.7m per duct
- Supported center WB TCTO; evaluated 3 A/C for corrosion and installed protection for critical structural components

- Tm mbr on six KC-135 l/e rprs; fab'd components/compl'd in 4 days vs 14-day std ETIC--averted 60 days NMC time

- Upheld rigid mx standards; underwent 6 QA evals performing A/C maint--100% pass rate with zero discrepancies

- Valuable ASM mbr; assist'd in the removal/ installation of skin/doubler on acft 3518--prevented early depot maint
- Valued UCC member; swiftly responded/reported 40+ IDF attacks--ensured 89 prsnl had 100% accountability

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