Aircraft Maintenance EPR Examples

- Oversaw CREDIBLE CAT mx; 99% dep-rel/80 tons classified cargo moved on JCS' 3d highest-priority msn
- Generated TACC-tasked drug interdiction msn; mx package/acft completed 12 day msn--100% msn effective
- Home-station check mgr; guided 14 person tm/ID'd/fixed 215 discrepancies 2 days early--100% QA pass rate
- Review of 800 pilot-reported discrepancies nailed AMU's 1.2% repeat/recur rate--best in AMC for C-130s
- Volunteered 5 hrs per week coaching Little League; taught 15 children important lessons of teamwork/fair play
- Dedicated 20 hrs at food pantry; stacked shelves/distributed food to the needy--cemented community relations
- Completed production superintendent tng in 1/2 std; key to executing 2 mx repair tms--saved 8 days downtime
- Attended mx production crs; skills learned key to 100% on-time gen of 15 acft during ORE initial response ex
- Generated 2 bravo alert acft for hurricane relief msn w/in 8 hrs; moved $1.2M in critical eqmt--AMC's 911 Sq
- Handpicked for AFSO event, acft launch sequence--indepth knowledge key to decreasing launch time by 25%
- Managed 2-ship/14-day mx package preps to Canada; 18 prsnl/$1.8M supplies--key to 25K tons cargo moved
- Stellar mx ldshp propelled 27-ship AMU to superior 85% MC rate; Sq Mx Pro for Mo, Jul 07--MSgt is a must!

- Proven ldr; expedited 4-ship mx pkg for IG-graded Readiness Assessment Ex--key to "Outstanding", 7/8 areas
- Superior mgt skills led to AMC-best 5.1 delayed discrepancies per acft; vital to Gp's 7th consecutive AFOUA
- Gp Mx Pro of the Qtr, 3d qtr 07; ORI "Outstanding Performer", key to Gp's "Excellent" rating--promote now!

- Flawlessly performed SNCO expediter duties; led tm of 45 prsnl/9 acft--contributed to 90.4% MC rate FY 07
- Chosen as FCC for Dyess AFB airshow; staged guided acft tour for host unit DVs--efforts praised by Sr ldrshp
- Meticulous NCO; drove 10 product quality deficiency report submissions--recovered $110K in warranty credit
- Ramrodded "Red Ball" mx; replaced frayed crew door cable/pulley 1hr below std--secured Jt forces tng sortie
- Donated 12 hrs to St. Patricks church; provide logistic spt/moved 8K lbs of furniture--bolstered base relations
- Systematically coordination duties for AMU Superintendent retirement ceromony--event lauded by 150 people
- Seized opportunity; successfully completed C-130J engine run school--increased Sq combat airlift capabilities
- Highly skilled mgr; completed AF Institute of Tech Six-Sigma Lean mgmt crs--boosted professional knowledge
- Tm leader for critical elevator flex drive insp; ID'd/installed missing clamps--avoided potential trim tab failure
- Participated in AFSO21, combined consolidated tool kit; ID'd 60 tasks for improvement--applauded by Gp CC
- Attention to detail; ID'd cracked exhaust nozzle; skillfully replaced < 1 hr--averted catastrophic engine failure
- Expert sortie production; generated 950 sorties/2,583 flying hrs; impressive for new AMU--promotion justified

- Focused personnel on disciplined mx, right way/first time--drove repeat/recur rate to < 2% FY 07, cmd std 6%
- Directed/developed acceptance insp requirements; completed 7 aircraft cks--enabled AMC's new weapon sys
- Tm ldr for 2 HSC insps; 220 mx actions; vital to 463 AG's 7th consecutive AFOUA--promotion well deserved!

- Produced 315 podium/trng session hours supporting two C-130 units--generated 20 E/E AEF-ready warriors
- Spearheaded A-10 egress tnr canopy rewire; utilized in-house capabilities--minimized downtime/saved $13K
- Ensured accuracy of C-130 mx tech data; submitted 8 AFTO Forms 22--all changes approved/$3K+ awarded
- Identified/repaired turbine fault before flight; earned 386 EAMXS Sq CCs "Ace Troubleshooter" for AEF 9/10
- Led by example; mentored AZ juvenile corrections detainee--governor's office lauded prgm as "Outstanding!"
- Organized a week-long vacation bible study school for local church; guided six children--bolstered AF image
- Completed "red ball" repair of compass system; replaced amp/gyro--saved alert electronic combat msn sortie
- Led depot level repair team; performed on 3 EC-130s/completed 16 days early; no defects--saved USAF $49K
- Readied 386 EAMXS for ACC Staff Assist Visit; directed unit self-insp team--recognized as "a well led team"
- Ldrsp/technical prowess unequalled; earned 386 EMXG NCO Mx Professional, Sep '07--MSgt ahead of peers!

- Deployed with host unit in support of OIF; coordinated launch & recovery of 270 combat msns/1.6K flying hrs
- Managed 1K tech order library; implemented new database--singled-out as "superior performer" by AETC IG
- Mx leader/professional; coined by CENTAF CC for outstanding deployed performance--promote to MSgt now

- Dplyd 126 days to Ali AL Salem AB, Kuwait; 1.9K sorties/3.8K flt hrs flown--450 cargo tons/15K pax moved
- Led 4 home station checks; IDd cracked rear bearing spt; earned "zero defect" QA eval--aided 91% QVI rate
- IDd loose afterbody bracket bolts; led local insp on 12 acft/48 propellers--prevented damage to $12M assets
- Asst'd Japanese AF replacing leaking propeller; saved OIF resupply msn--enhanced int'l coalition relationship
- Vol'd for dplyd Sq holiday party committee; coord'd planning of festivities; enhanced Sq morale for 150 Amn
- Ambassador in blue; coached youth football pgm for third consecutive yr--taught tm building skills to 16 youths
- Developed/implemented 15K forklift/crane tng plan; trained 8 Amn--doubled section's critical task qual'd prsnl
- Certified 6 Amn on C130E eng run procedures; inc'd available qual'd prsnl by 30%--pivotal to 75% MC rate
- Led 30 Amn as dplyd shift NCOIC; replaced 15 propellers/6 engs--earned ground safety awd during dplymnt
- Supervised 42 Amn as shop NCOIC for 8 mos; repaired 1.5K acft discrepancies--key to 12K safe flt hrs FY 09
- Stepped up to perform SNCO expediter duties; led 16 Amn/7 AFSCs--essential to 60 sorties/81 flt hrs Dec '08
- Created canned eng parts tracking form; ensured timely install of parts; Sq NCO of mo Feb '09--promote now!

- Handpicked to lead mx tm for Horn of Africa msn; R2d propeller float switch--augmented AFRICOM stand up
- Repaired AOR's only fuel nozzle tester; saved AF $48K; iced dplyd 95% MC rate--beat AFCENT std by 20%
- R2d eng shaft plug; solved repeat propeller low oil light malf; essential to 94% WW dep rel rate--MSgt now!

- Led 4 home station checks; IDd cracked rear bearing spt; earned zero defect QA eval--iced 91% QVI pass rate
- Dispatched for turbine temp malf; repaired wiring harness; guaranteed NVG tng msn--6 crew mbrs OIF qual'd
- Isolated torque flux to defective valve housing; R2d potentiometer; crucial to AMC's C-130 best 75% MC rate
- Supervised thru-flight insp; IDd/repaired burnt propeller blade boot; prevented propeller R2/saved AF $250K
- Led set-up/clean-up of monthly unit promotion ceremony; recognized 15 promotees--bolstered esprit de corps
- Vol'd for Sq highway clean-up; removed 100 lbs trash in polluted areas--beautified community/solidified ties
- Anchored eng shop! Trained 5 Amn on 13 separate engine sys faults in 2 wks; pivotal to on-time 5-lvl upgrade
- Completed 3 CLEP tests; earned 9 credit hrs toward CCAF--1 crs shy of Acft Maintenance Technology degree
- Led 48 Amn for 2 mos as shop NCOIC; ensured repair of 200 discrepancies--key to 12K safe flt hrs for FY 09
- Filled in as guidance/control specialist; R2d oil transmitter; saved Jt Force Exer msn--600 paratroopers qual'd
- Performed SNCO expediter duties; led tm of 58 Amn/6 AFSCs--essential to 2.4K successful sorties for CY 09
- Isolated/replaced faulty eng starter; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep rel for 276 sorties; promote

- Eng lead for 30 day dplymnt to Muniz ANGB, PR; gen'd 82 flt hrs/moved 422 pax/28 tons for drug interdiction
- Diagnosed 3 time propeller low oil light; R2d eng shaft plug; enforced Gp's .7% repeat-recur rate--AMC best
- Led tm/R2d fuel nozzles for eng tailpipe torching; on-time iron swap/keyed 94% WW dep rel rate--MSgt now

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.7K sorties/moved 4.6K cargo tons/26K pax--removed 1.4K trucks
- Diagnosed/replaced generator control unit for electrical malf; sustained Sq's 75% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- ID'd/repaired wing anti-icing vlv malf; replaced coupling 1 hr under shop std--essential to 1.4% air abort rate
- Replaced temp control valve connector for red ball; on-time OIF swap out--key to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Diagnosed faulty auxiliary power unit; replaced relay; first time fix key to .7% repeat-recur rate--best in AMC
- Vol'd 6 hrs to Balad AB hospital ICU; provided life-saving care for wounded--reduced medical prsnl shortage
- Passed 2 CLEP exams; awarded 6 semester hrs toward Aviation Mx Technology degree--CCAF 96% complete
- Utilized CUT; asst'd w/repack of main landing gear strut; secured OIF resupply msn--6 containers transported
- Led 4 mbr MRT; isolated/repaired turbine overheat malf; saved OIF medical resupply msn--frontline equipped
- Achieved perfect pass rate for 12 over-the-shoulder evals; twice awarded QA honor roll--aided 91% QVI rate
- Dispatched to transient OIF acft; replaced NVG dimmer control relay--restored blackout ops for GWOT msn
- Repaired chaffed wires for nacelle overheat; saved off-station tng msn; aided 12K safe flt hrs FY 09 promote

- Remedied rapid depressurization anomaly; R2'd outflow valve; saved Hurricane Ike msn--transported 319 pax
- Mbr in Jt Force Readiness Tng Exercise; isolated/replaced air-deflector door switch--2K+ paratroopers qual'd
- Diagnosed/R2'd failed static line retriever; key to Joint Precision Air Drop msn; 5 pallets on target--TSgt now!

- Dplyd 65 days for NATO spt; built Poland's 1st C-130 tng pgm; instructed 55 students--lauded by Polish CSAF
- Isolated tachometer indication malf; replaced generator; first fix pivotal to .9% repeat-recur rate--AMC's best
- Interfaced w/Lockheed mx/Polish AF; demonstrated/completed first acceptance insp--acft flt rdy 10 days early
- IDd chafed/burnt wiring harness; trained 3 prsnl in replacement--seized tng opportunity/guaranteed HHQ msn
- Supported Sq highway cleanup; removed 40 lbs trash in polluted areas--beautified community/strengthened ties
- Coord'd lcl Toys for Tots w/Marine Corps; dedicated 5 hrs sorting >1K toys--brightened holiday for children
- Highest academic percentage out of 32 students; earned ALS Academic Achievement Awd--coined by Wg/CC
- Completed college lvl crs; earned 3 semester hrs towards CCAF degree in Aircraft Maintenance Technology
- Led 4 Amn on engine R2 for metal on magnetic drain plug malf; vital to Gp's 74% MC rate--Cmd's C-130 best
- Asst'd electrician; IDd chafed turbine wires; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--99% dep rel for 276 sorties
- Aided guidance/control shop w/oil transmitter R2; enabled off-station tng msn--vital to 12K safe flt hrs FY 09
- Earned zero defect over the shoulder QA eval on afterbody install; aided Sq 98% pass rate--SSgt well spent!

- Repaired propeller blade boot heater element; iced 94% WW dep rel rate--key to Sq winning AMC's '09 MEA
- Rectified GTC start malf; R2d thermostat; safeguarded NVG tng msn launch; 6 aircrew OIF qual'd--spt'd OCO
- Responded to nacelle overheat light; located/replaced blown starter control valve duct--promotion deserved

- Tracked/updated acft status; enabled 80 Hurricane Ike/Gustav evac msns--moved 515 patients/44 tons of cargo
- Isolated cargo door fault; replaced ramp actuator; first time fix aided MXG 1.4% repeat-recur rate--AMC best
- Stood up debrief for base exercise; trained under simulated war time scenario--perfect 4-ship generation flow
- ID'd/corrected main landing gear strut leak; repacked strut assys/tnd four techs; vital to 94% WW dep rel rate
- Spt'd Rising 6 booth fund raiser; raised $2K for Sq holiday party; inc'd morale/esprit-de-corps for 319 Airmen
- Participated in Jacksonville cleanup day; collected 4 bags of trash--provided cleaner environment for residents
- Completed 2 Colorado Technical school courses; earned 6 credits toward CCAF degree--maintained 3.5 GPA
- Dedicated trainee; qualified 83% on new airframe in 4 mos--5 level tasks completed 2 mos ahead of shop std
- Supervised wing bolt replacement; restored 4 acft to FMC--100% HHQ msns completd despite 25% of fleet
- Wingman day facilitator; 132 Amn trn'd/briefed on sexual assault/DUI policy--zero section DUI/assault issues
- Developed tracking process for due-in-for-mx partsguaranteed accountability--recovered $3.2M in AF assets
- Troubleshot/replaced aileron boost pack; enabled NVG tng msn; 3 aircrew tng complete/OIF ready promote

- Led leaking swivel repair; resealed vs changed; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--100% departure reliable
- Expedited Joint Readiness Tng Ctr deployment launch; 80 flying hrs of tng complete; 210 paratroopers OIF rdy
- Isolated aileron low pressure fault; replaced boost pack; mitigated potential acft flt control mishap promote

- Dplyd 120 days to Al Udeid AB, Qatar for OEF/OEF/HOA; spt'd 1.5K sorties--moved 2.5K tons cgo/25K pax
- Trained/certified 4 crew chiefs on acft refuel/defuel procedures--efforts bolstered unit's mx capability by 10%
- Spearheaded AOR HSC; directly oversaw 162 carded tasks/450+ mx actions--complete 2 days ahead of sched
- Tm mbr on multiple birdstrike acft; R2d pilot kick window; vital to Wg's 75% MC rate--best C-130 rt in AMC
- Community involved Amn; volunteered off duty time W/American Red Cross Blood Drive--collected 5K units
- Aided dplyd member's spouse; relocated household goods on short-notice move--reduced family mbr's stress
- Completed College Algebra CLEP--earned 3 semester hrs towards CCAF degree in Aircraft Mx Technology
- Skillfully CUT-trnd 10 Amn from 3 AFSCs on acft towing procedures--inc'd critical task qual'd prsnl by 20%
- Supervised set-up/clean-up for 19th AMXS annual summer picnic; 125 prsnl fed--boosted Sq esprit de corps
- Trained 3 Amn on GO81 data input procedures during tng day; aided 2.8% data error rate--bested 3% AMC std
- Led 60 mx techs; performed as flt line expediter; contributed to unit's 98% mx sched effect rate--beat cmd std
- Teamed w/specialist; IDd/replaced leaking prop seal; BRAVO alert acft FMC 2 hrs ahead of sched promote

- Launched 5 alert acft for Hurricane Ike; gen'd 55 msns--evacuated 319 civilians/moved 29.5 short tons of cargo
- Meticulous inspector; discovered loose rivet during engine inlet insp--averted potential $500K engine failure
- Drove repair of 300 discreps for assigned acft; awarded Sq's Crew Chief of the Qtr 1st qtr 09--promote now!

- R2d gauge for flap malf; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep-rel--contributed to 276 sorties FY 09
- Home station ck tm lead for 3 insps; completed 200 mx actions--zero defect QA eval aided 86% QVI pass rate
- Dispatched to repair crew door light malf; R2d faulty switch; essential to 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 highest
- FCC to Pope AFB; spt'd 1st ever testing of new low cost low altitude airdrop kits--enabled critical tng for OIF
- Led 8 prsnl crew; cleared 200 lbs of debris from tornado ravaged areas in Cabot, AR--expedited quick relief
- Refurbished education office; installed new carpet/painted room; led to massive reduction in airborne allergens
- Accomplished C-130E/H/J aero repair mx course; enhanced flight line capabilities--increased sys knowledge
- Attended Maintenance Risk Management class; mentored peers on safety practices--no safety incidents to date
- Trained two newly-assigned Amn on proper acft insp criteria; essential to 2.4K sorties/12K safe flt hrs FY 09
- Led mx tm to Little Rock airport to repair acft w/8 birdstrikes; acft FMC <2 hrs--key to Nov 83% 12-hr fix rate
- Aided aero repair; troubleshot/rigged flap rub discrepancy; enabled NVG tng sortie--5 crew mbrs OIF qual'd
- Supervised emergency tow tm; removed disabled acft/cleared active runway <25 mins--promote to TSgt now!

- IDd faulty radar sys; isolated/replaced antenna; gen'd acft for special ops exer--key to 94% WW dep rel rate
- Isolated ramp malfunction to faulty lock switch; enabled Jt Force Exer msn-- 350 paratroopers OIF/OEF qual'd
- Flawlessly performed pre-flt insps on 3 acft; zero defects noted during AMC/A4 SAV--promote to TSgt now!

- Supervised thruflight insp; IDd/repaired burnt prop blade boot--tedious repair saved $162K prop/10 man hrs
- Home Station Ck tm ldr; completed 162 tasks/450 mx actions; zero defect eval--aided Gp's 93% QVI pass rate
- Led engine RPM red ball; R2d faulty tach generator; enabled vital Jt Force Exer msn--350 paratroopers qual'd
- Led 2 mx recovery tms; repaired failed engines; secured HHQ msns--contributed to 85 rescued acft for FY 09
- Donated 6 hrs for carwash; gen'd $611 for AF Ball; defrayed cost for Amn--prestigious event for 780 attendees
- Vol'd/worked 14 hrs for Amn Against Drunk Driving pgm; safeguarded 23 AF mbr lives--ensured zero DUIs
- Finished 484 C-130 qual tasks 5 mos ahead of peers; gained engine run cert--inc'd shop critical task qual by 8
- Completed college math crs; closed out all requirements for CCAF degree--fulfilled future promotion necessity
- Troubleshot tachometer indication fluctuation; IDd/replaced faulty tachometer generator; key to .7% abort rate
- Detected prop impact blade damage; expert blade blending prolonged life--saved AF $250K replacement cost
- R2d/rigged binding fuel control assy; prevented engine failure; key to Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Exemplified military bearing/ldrshp; out-performed 289 peers; awd'd Sq NCO of the mo Nov '09--TSgt a must!

- Repaired propeller blade boot heater element; iced 94% WW dep rel rate--key to Sq winning AMC's '09 MEA
- Led mx tm; dispatched to Edwards AFB for Avionics Modernization Pgm; validated new station keeping eqpmt
- Solved failed GTC start; R2d faulty fuel cluster; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep rel--TSgt now

- Deployed 120 days; gen'd 2.7K sorties hauling 4.4K tons cargo/50K pax--kept 1,762 vehicles off Iraqi roads
- Expertly performed dplyd section chief duties; coord'd mx for 8 acft/8 AFSCs--vital to stellar 85% MC rate
- Unit security manager; processed over 130 badge applications--allowed critical access to controlled areas
- Orchestrated flight line activities as expeditor for task saturated production office--2 ship JAATT on-time dep
- Assembled Thanksgiving feast; served meals/prepped facility for 600 Amn/families--enhanced unit morale
- Vol'd 4 hrs at lcl tornado relief organization; accepted/sorted/distributed items--promoted caring AF image
- Theater Battle Mgmt Core Sys mgr; AMU's conduit to 332 AEW--ensured 100% post-attack/unit accountability
- Excellent lead tech mgr; ensured 42 prsnl on sched for upgrade/tracked ancillary tasks--key to unit readiness
- Augmented task-saturated production; filled-in as flt line expediter--led 18 Amn/completed 200+ mx actions
- Attended Maintenance Risk Management class; mentored peers on safe practices--zero catagory I/II mishaps
- ID'd pitot static sys leak; directed R2 of cracked hose fitting; crucial to 0.1% air abort rate--AMC's #1 C-130's
- Sup'd grounding wing nut TCTO; saved 5 of 5 HHQ tasked sorties; 100% msn effective--promotion warranted

- Led short notice wx evac team; prepped 5 acft for Hurricane Gustav recovery--moved 15.2 tons/ evac'd 196
- Oversaw dplyd swapout of 210 Amn; ensured seamless transition--sustained unit's 100% msn sched effect rate
- Expedited flt line mx; enabled 2,534 safe flt hours; contributed to deployed unit's 99% dep rel rate promote

- Managed unit weapon safety program; enforced munitions loading compliance--zero safety incidents/mishaps
- Troubleshot missile warning sys indication error; fixed 3 splices--key to deployed Sq 0.8% repeat/recur rate
- Oversaw rtn of AAR-47 cables worth 72K; critical assets rtnd to depot--components available for theater ops
- Led troubleshooting effort for flare sys short; provided technical expertise for repair--garnered 86% MC rate
- Donated $500 worth of goods to Salvation Army relief fund--critical supplies rcvd/local relations bolstered
- Participated/inspired others for Afghan children toy drive; donated 3 items--aids US/international relationship
- Finished infrared laser sys tng; secured skills necessary for sys installation--Wg rdy for defensive mod upgrade
- Strives for knowledge; completed three hours towards Bachelor's Degree in Management--achieved 4.0 GPA
- Performed 5 isochronal insps/7 home station checks; 91 mx actions completed--garnered 97% QA pass rate
- Trained 7 flying crew chiefs on explosive weapons safety--actions increased load team qualified prsnl by 65%
- Developed wing squib handling instruction; implemented new procedures--explosive safety for >400 handlers
- Spearheaded sensor conduit TCTO on 6 acft in <20 days; increased defensive sys reliability--promote to MSgt

- Coordinated delivery of Laser defense sys group B components valued >$9M--key to acft combat flight safety
- Spearheaded repair of secure computer network; provided sq encrypted comm--ensured proper OPSEC levels
- Performed interim TCTO on 4 C-130H acft; eliminated electrical component fire hazard--promote to MSgt!

- Implemented turn-in procedures for classified parts; ensured positive custody of assets--no security violations
- Directed TCTO on 6 C-130J acft; upgraded countermeasure threat files--inc'd aircrew alert for missile warning
- Planned 2 OIF/1 OEF prsnl rotations; partnered w/AETC ldrshp to avert shortfall--inc'd dplyd manning 25%
- Coord'd replacement of 2 faulty missile warning test sets; procured $50K assets--secured 100% sys reliability
- Spt'd Adopt-an-Angel pgm; brightened Christmas holiday for needy children--strengthened AF/community ties
- Vol'd 16 hrs for Neighborhood Watch pgm; provided security patrols--guaranteed safety of civilians/property
- Superb ldr; managed shop upgrade tng; ensured on-time skill level upgrade for 7 Amn; inc'd shop quals by 20%
- Led tng effort; cross-utilized/qual'd 12 specialists for munitions uploads--reduced acft generation time by 30%
- Directed munitions loads on 15 sorties/52 flt hrs for USAF weapons school--graduated 15 elite C-130J pilots
- Home station liaison for 14 dplyd Amn; mx guidance spt'd 13K sorties/89% MC rate--beat 75% AFCENT std
- Managed Sq SVRO pgm; oversaw communication eqpt upgrade; secure comm w/AOR guaranteed--OCO spt'd
- Coord'd munitions tng w/Polish AF; 55 students qual'd on mx procedures; lauded by Polish CSAF--MSgt now!

- Led dplymnt preps on 23 acft; aided transport of 107K pax in spt of OCO--key to Sq winning AMC's '09 MEA
- Repaired 245 discrepancies; reduced isochronal flow days--completed 9 total insps 34 days ahead of schedule
- Spearheaded $11.2M in C-130J def sys upgrades; inc'd cmbt rdy acft availability by 30%--promote to MSgt!

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; moved 26.6K pax/3.9K cargo tons--removed 1K trucks from perilous roads
- Led emer tow tm; removed disabled acft/cleared active runway <25 mins--essential to 12K safe flt hrs FY 09
- Prep'd/launched 2 acft for no-notice Iraqi presidential DV msn; 100% msn effect--key to 94% WW dep rel rate
- Spearheaded gear washer one-time insp; all local tng/HHQ msns met; aided 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Community pillar! Provided 100+ meals to disadvantaged; brought hope to needy/projected positive AF image
- Detected/replaced broken nose gear door washers; guaranteed vital OIF medevac msn--saved 3 wounded Amn
- Dedicated trainer; instructed 5 new Amn on post-flt insp techniques--increased wartime critical task quals 3%
- Education oriented; completed math CLEP; earned 3 credit hrs for CCAF degree in Aviation Maintenance Tech
- Discovered/replaced leaking main landing gear brake 2 hrs prior to crew show; guaranteed OIF iron swap out
- Repaired damaged landing gear components caused by blown tire; on-time NVG msn--6 crew mbrs OIF qual'd
- Replaced tires for nose wheel shimmy red ball; ensured Jt Force Exercise msn--573 paratroopers jump qual'd
- Augmented task-saturated aero repair shop; rigged inboard flap; acft deployment rdy--promote ahead of peers!

- Adjusted misaligned crew door; secured JCS 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep-rel--aided 276 sorties FY 09
- Generated acft to spt Combined JTF Horn of Africa; enabled Africans to form sustainable safety/security detail
- Filled SNCO role as expediter; led 38 Amn/7 AFSCs--crucial to dplyd unit's 98% dep rel rate--promote now!

- Dplyd 60 days for USSOUTHCOM; gen'd 71 msns; moved 875 detainees/66K cargo tons--100% msn effective
- R2d RPM gauge; saved CORONET OAK msn; moved medical tms to austere areas--vaccinated 245 children
- Replaced faulty flight director gyro; acft msn rdy <1 hr; aided Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's active C-130 highest
- Isolated/rewired navigation unit while fwd dplyd to Horn of Africa; enabled transport of 10 pax/2 tons cargo
- 2009 AMC Rodeo tm mbr; refurbished/corrected 130+ discrepancies--key to 19 AW winning "Best C-130 Tm"
- Contributed 10 hrs at Balad AB Iraq kids day; mentored guest host nation children--inc'd international relations
- Completed Computer Fundamentals class; earned 3 credit hrs toward CCAF degree in Aircraft Mx Technology
- Accomplished flare upload/download cross utilization tng; cert'd on task--inc'd flare handling qual'd prsnl 4%
- Led mx recovery tm to MacDill AFB; IDd/replaced elevator trim switch--240 combat controllers jump qual'd
- Asst'd crew chiefs; installed armor/completed OIF pre-deployment checks--key to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Perfect; rec'd 4 zero defect QA personal evals; earned 332 EAMXS honor roll--cemented unit's 98% pass rate
- Expedited Red Ball for Combat Tracker II installation; gen'd acft for drug interdiction msn--promote to TSgt!

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; produced 27K sorties--moved 44K pax/removed 1.6K vehicles from roads
- Dispatched for Red Ball; R2d oil pressure transmitter; ensured medevac msn launch--evacuated 15 patients
- Isolated faulty switch for autopilot malf; aided 12K safe flt hrs; key to Sq winning AMC's '09 MEA--TSgt now!

- Repaired oxygen sys malf; isolated/replaced regulator; key to 84.9% MC rate Feb 09--crushed 75% AMC std
- Responded to red ball discrepancy; remedied eng bleed air leak <1 hr--readied JCS's 3d highest-priority msn
- Led mx recovery team; ID'd/repaired turbine overheat sensor; ensured medevac msn launch--transported 6 pax
- Coord'd 3 HSC insp tms; managed 24 carded items/70 mx actions--completed insps/repairs 2 days ahead of std
- Vol'd 12 hrs to local church; provided child care for 50+ families--strengthened relations with community mbrs
- Supported Airman's Attic; sorted/distributed 200+ donations--provided financial relief for junior enlisted Amn
- Accomplished Aircrew Fundamental crs; achieved 100% passing score--awd'd Honor Grad above 20 students
- Completed Flight Engineer tech school; ranked in top 5% of class--guaranteed Distinguished Graduate honors
- Led 20-Amn tm during base self-improvement; planted 100 trees--base awd'd "Tree City USA" 16 yrs running
- Attended SERE tng; directed 4 mbr team during evasion tactics--accomplished all objectives w/zero captures
- Troubleshot anti-skid malf; found/repaired broken anti-skid wire; key to 0.8% repeat-recur rate--AMC's best
- Dispatched to transient acft; replaced flap position switch--actions integral to OIF/OEF msn success--promote!

- Managed modification of 8 acft; upgraded NVG lighting sys--provided crew optimal visual activity for cbt ops
- Dispatched for generator control unit fault; isolated/replaced generator--key to 55 Hurricane IKE relief sorties
- Replaced trim actuator for rudder anomaly; saved Jt Readiness Tng msn; 350 jumpers qual'd--promote ASAP!

- Diagnosed/repaired shorted radar video connector; cemented 0.8% repeat-recur rate--best C-130 rate in AMC
- Rapidly replaced radar computer for station keeping malf; aided Sq's 75% MC rate--AMC's active C-130 best
- Dispatched on infrared scanner malf red ball; reprogrammed configuration software--5 crew mbrs NVG qual'd
- Resolved pilot's interphone fault; restored critical flt sys before engine start--key to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Active parent teacher association mbr for Cabot HS; org'd 2 fund raising events--raised $2K for athletic pgms
- Vol'd for Sq Thanksgiving day feast; set-up seating location/served food to 600+ Amn--strengthened Sq morale
- Completed 5 tng sessions w/AFSO 21 rep; cert'd as Sq lean facilitator; coord'd HSC event--saved 60 man hrs
- Attended Jt Precision Air Delivery Sys crs; installed on 6 acft--inc'd cargo delivery accuracy for OIF/OEF ops
- Supervised shop tng pgm; tracked upgrade for 12 Amn/completed 1.5K ancillary tasks--99% on-time tng rate
- Superb manager; flawlessly led 23 Amn w/repair of 1.8K mx actions; instrumental to 12K safe flt hrs for FY 09
- ID'd comm cord inventory deficiency; developed tracking pgm--ensured continuity/correct acft configuration
- Replaced direction tuning drive before flt; enabled Jt Force Exer msn launch; 350 jumpers qual'd--MSgt now

- Repaired pilot's interphone malf; secured Hurricane Gustav spt msn--moved 319 pax/29 tons of relief supplies
- ID'd/replaced failed radar antenna; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--key to 99% dep rel/276 sorties FY 09
- Coord'd prsnl availability for 8 OEF/OIF rotations; flawlessly dplyd 16 Amn; GWOT spt'd--promote to MSgt!

- Led Red Ball mx; replaced radar sys transmitter; secured HHQ msn launch--vital to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Attained/uploaded navigation sys update; programmed 22 acft w/newest software--beat suspense date by 9 mos
- Isolated/repaired inoperative radio; acft msn rdy <1 hr; aided Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's active C-130 highest
- Performed expediter duties; led mx tm of 58 Amn/6 AFSCs--crucial to 2.4K sorties/12K safe flt hrs for FY 09
- Active parent teacher association mbr for Cabot HS; org'd 2 fund raising events--raised $3K for athletic pgms
- Vol'd for Sq Thanksgiving day feast; set-up seating location/served food to 600+ Amn--strengthened Sq morale
- Attended Jt Precision Air Delivery Sys crs; installed on 6 acft--inc'd cargo delivery accuracy for OIF/OEF ops
- Created flare upload/download cut tng plan; avionics shop 75% qual'd <1 week--inc'd shop task quals by 20%
- Oversaw shop tng pgm; tracked upgrade for 9 Amn/completed 1.8K ancillary tasks--99% on-time completion
- IDd/R2d Identify Friend/Foe transmitter; first time fix key to Gp's .9% repeat recur rate--Cmd's C-130 highest
- Isolated/replaced failed pilot radio/interphone switch; saved NVG tng msn launch--3 aircrew mbrs OIF qual'd
- Coord'd prsnl availability for 4 OEF/OIF rotations; flawlessly dplyd 8 Amn; OCO spt'd--promote to MSgt now

- IDd/replaced failed radar antenna; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--key to 99% dep rel/276 sorties CY09
- Exemplifies military bearing/ldrshp; out-performed 289 peers--awarded 19 AMXS NCO of the month July '09
- Shop NCOIC; led 23 Amn w/repair of 1.8K mx actions; essential to Sq winning AMC's '09 MEA--MSgt now!

- IDd/R2d out-of-limits rear bearing spt; averted costly engine change/acft mishap--saved AF $1M/20 man-hrs
- Replaced defective RPM indicator during launch; first fix key to Gp's 1% repeat-recur rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Superb trainer; instructed 6 crew chiefs on propeller brush block insp/servicing ck--inc'd qual'd prsnl by 10%
- IDd/calibrated torque gauge for low power indication; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--aided 99% dep rel
- Vol'd/worked 8 hrs for Amn Against Drunk Driving pgm; safeguarded 15 AF mbrs lives--resulted in zero DUIs
- Wingman; spt'd AF Assistance Fund drive; ensured 100% contact for shop mbrs--provided aid for Amn in need
- Trained 5 Amn on GO81; ensured accurate data sent to HHQ; key to .3% error rate Oct '09--beat 3% AMC std
- Aggressively pursuing upgrade/C-130 difference tng; qual'd on 385 of 452 tasks--exceeded shop std by 2 mos
- Asst'd crew chiefs w/nose tire R2; aided Gp's 83% 12-hr fix rate for Apr '09--beat upper control limit by 4%
- Insp'd 20 zones during home station ck; repaired 30 discrepancies; rec'd zero defect eval--drove 93% QVI rate
- Spearheaded FOD/DOPP pgms; briefed 330 Amn on 15 Gp messages--key to zero FOD incidents for 120 days
- Troubleshot GTC start malf; R2d defective fuel cluster; pivotal to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate--SSgt deserved!

- R2d valve housing for propeller malf; crucial to 12K safe flt hrs for yr--vital to Sq winning USAF 2009 MEA
- Dispatched to GTC fuel leak; isolated/R2d chafed fuel line; cemented Sq's 73% MC rate--cmd's C-130 best
- Supervised engine mount Time Compliance Tech Order; ensured 100% HHQ/local tng msns met--SSgt earned!

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.5K sorties; moved 4.2K tons cgo/40K pax--eliminated 1.5K trucks
- Diagnosed/R2d faulty voice recorder <1 hr; enabled channel msn continuation--55 troops airlifted to fwd base
- Augmented engine techs; performed engine run/generator ops ck; secured medevac msn--4 wounded transported
- Troubleshoot faulty fuel boost pump; asst'd fuel techs w/R2; vital to Gp's 73% MC rate--AMC's C-130 highest
- Led refurbishment project; added new wood trim at Amn Leadership School--beautified learning environment
- Outstanding inspector; earned 4 zero defect over the shoulder QA evals--instrumental to Sq's 95% PE pass rate
- Focused on education! Completed 11 of 25 req'd courses--averaged 3.5 GPA towards B.S. in Criminal Justice
- Hard charger; qual'd on engine run ops; inc'd mx unit critical task quals by 5%--strengthened dplymnt readiness
- Led HSC insp; managed 10 Amn/8 AFSCs at dplyd location; completed 24 hrs early--rec'd 100% QA pass rate
- Attended Maintenance Risk Management class; mentored peers on safety practices--heightened Sq awareness
- IDd gear rub; led repair <5 hrs; enabled on-time OIF acft swap out--contributed to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Selected as weapons custodian; maintained 90 M-16s/16 M-9s/ammo; ensured 100% accountability--TSgt now

- Discovered cracked antenna; coord'd repair; enabled on-time Jt Force Exer msn--350 paratroopers OIF qual'd
- Devoted DCC on C-130 E/H3 acft; supervised 1K servicing/mx actions--crucial to dplyd unit's 5K safe flt hrs
- Prep'd JCS' 3d highest-priority msn acft; secured 99% dep rel; vital to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--TSgt now

- Managed AMU tng requirements; processed 345 prsnl in 12 work centers--provided qual'd prsnl for OCO msn
- Replaced fire control box; ensured sortie launch--first fix key to Sq's 1.2% repeat-recur rate--AMC C130 best
- Repaired static line retriever cntrl handle; ensured Jt Force msn launch--assured 13 Spec Ops mbrs jump qual'd
- Directed three-man tiger team; pinpointed faulty air turbine motor--repaired recurring auxiliary pwr problem
- Organized Amn's Attic volunteer effort; led 4 Amn; aided 45 visitors/stocked 200 donations--goods delivered
- Headed Sq promotion ceremony; guided efforts of four Amn--Sq camaraderie boosted/nine promotees honored
- Enrolled at Embry-Riddle Univ; earned nine sem hrs--earned Bachelor of Science degree in Technical Mgmt
- Authored/taught Shelter-in-Place tng plan; 300 Sq/61 AS Amn qaul'd--assured emergency response readiness
- Coord'd w/Sq Mobility; revamped deployment tng tracker--streamlined mobility tng for 500+ prsnl annually
- Liaised w/AFREP; directed fabrication of seven eng console NVG pnls--saved $8.4K/averted supply backlog
- Isolated bleed down anomaly; adjusted valve; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--allowed 276 sorties FY '09
- Built specialist cross utilization tng pkg; assembled 112 crew chief tasks; inc'd quals by 25%--MSgt is a must!

- Supported sister AMU; isolated elusive pwr malf--remedied three week long anomaly/returned acft to flight
- Set up last-minute deployment tng; guaranteed req'd tng for six prsnl--sealed on-time departure for Haiti relief
- Isolated repeat eng generator failure; repaired connector; msn launch bolstered 94% WW dep-rel--MSgt now!

- Deployed 120 days to Balad AB Iraq; gen'd 2.7K sorties/moved 4.6K tons cgo--averted 1.4K convoy vehicles
- Diagnosed/repaired corroded landing light cannon plug; prevented loss of vital NVG msn--6 crew mbrs trained
- IDd/replaced defective liquid oxygen regulator; returned acft to FMC; key to unit's 75% MC rate--best in AMC
- Dispatched on MRT; isolated/repaired nacelle overheat wiring malf--acft completed HHQ msn w/no repeats
- Donated 2 pts blood platelets; replenished critically low AOR bank--ensured vital supply to injured DoD prsnl
- Received 4 over the shoulder QA insps during cbt ops; rated "zero defects"--ensured 98% dplyd QA pass rate
- Passed Humanities CLEP; awarded 3 credits--12 semester hrs from CCAF Degree in Aviation Mx Technology
- Completed 100% of flt line tasks toward 7-skill lvl; finished tng 2 mos ahead of peers--received 84% on EOC
- Vol'd 4 hrs at theater hospital intensive care ward; assisted/cared for critical burn patients--98% survival rate
- CUT on 8 pneudraulic core tasks; quickly R2d 4 dented brake lines--depot repair C/W 2 days ahead of sched
- Torque problem eluded 6 techs; IDd/repaired frayed wire in 4 hrs--first time fix key to .8% repeat-recur rate
- Led 4 mbr mx team; repaired shorted eng generator wire harness; provided cbt rdy acft--promote immediately!

- Deployed 60 days to Bagram AB, Afghanistan; dual quals filled shortfall--transported 2.6K pax/530 cargo tons
- Led MRT on transient acft; repaired landing gear malf; ensured OEF medevac msn launch--airlifted 13 patients
- Isolated DC power fault; repaired broken wire; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn; 99% dep rel rate promote

- Deployed 181 days to Kabul, Afghanistan; advised Afghan Airmen on Mx procedures; molded future leaders
- Identified low oxygen in 6 AN-32 acft; mentored 10 mx troops on servicing--cemented vital troop movements
- Flawlessly executed expediter duties, normally SNCO role; key to unit's outstanding 98% mx sched effect rate
- Orchestrated acft fire response; directed Afghan first responders during fire--saved 3 lives and $3M of assets
- Supervised upgrade training of 10 3-levels; superb 100% CDC pass rate--inc'd combat-ready Airmen by 20%
- Cut trained 12 Amn on emer generator, engine run and tow operations; eradicated shortage of qualified troops
- Maintenance Production Supervisor course graduate; earned Most Improved Award--received 3 CCAF credits
- Attended Mil Air Advisor crs at USAF Expeditionary Ctr; mentored 4 fellow Amn--graduated top 3% of class
- Prevented forklift from colliding w/acft; trnd 8 Afghans on proper load procedures--sustained zero grd mishaps
- Enhanced mx discipline; created OJT program for 8 Afghan Crew Chiefs--increased mission readiness to 98%
- Observed 2 AN-32 acft taxiing towards each other; safely marshaled acft--avoided damage and loss of life
- Managed 15 CREDIBLE CAT msns; 99% dep rel rate for JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--promotion deserved

- Strong mx ldr; performed 28 FCC msns/served as flight line expediter--contributed to 13K incident free sorties
- Returned crucial parts to supply; saved Afghan Air Corps $500K--earned Mx Knuckle Buster of Mo Feb '09
- Launched 5 alert acft for Hurricane Ike; gen'd 55 msns; airlifted 319 pax/29.5 short tons--promotion justified

- Expertly managed G081 data integrity pgm; reviewed 9K+ acft jobs with 2% initial error rate--best in AMC
- Provided timely comm between flt line/backshop; guided mx taskings--key to nailing superior 83.5% MC rate
- Meticulously tracked over 200 acft deviation reports--provided critical time-line analysis for mx supervision
- Dvlp'd tracking log for transcribed acft forms; reduced mx review time by 50%--zero overdue/lost for 10 mos
- Hand selected for section drug demand testing monitor; ensured 100% accountability--45 prsnl tested to date
- Actively supports Airman's Attic; distributed household items to military families--provided rewarding service
- Knowledge seeker; attended SNCO induction seminar; sharpened ldrshp/mgr skills--prepared for MSgt duties
- First choice for NCOIC of debrief; completed qual on 29 debrief tasks/22 G081 screens in 2 wks--halved std
- Deployed for Readiness Assessment Team; debriefed 8 msns over two days--zero errors/100% msn effective
- Coord mx prsnl rqmts for 4 acft home station check insp; 37 follow-up insps resulted in 100% QA pass rate
- Managed tng requirements for 8 debrief prsnl; tracked/updated courses due in G081--zero over dues for FY07
- Superior people skills key to selection for Specialist Section Chief position--MSgt promotion well deserved

- Supervised/completed NVG lighting time compliance TO on 3 acft/8 mos early; acft deployed for HHQ tasking
- Coord deployment sched/20 prsnl/2 rotations; produced 1,247 OIF sorties--key to 7th consecutive Gp AFOUA
- Replaced GCU during red-ball--key to 276 sorties for JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep-rel--MSgt earned

- Discovered/replaced leaking tire 2 hrs prior to launch; enabled OIF iron swap--vital to 94% WW dep rel rate
- IDd/replaced incorrect wing bolts during one-time insp; all HHQ/lcl tng msns met--pivotal to 12K safe flt hrs
- Hand picked for Jt Readiness Tng Ctr; managed mx tm of 3 acft--spt'd 50 flt hrs/successful aircrew hostage tng
- Magnificent tech; diagnosed/R2d sheared eng starter; enabled Jt Force Exer msn--600 paratroopers OIF qual'd
- Vol'd for 4 Mx Activity Council fundraisers; gen'd $400 for events; provided funds for Sq holiday celebration
- Selflessly donated 3 weekends to Airmen Against Drunk Driving pgm; prevented 3 potential DWIs/saved lives
- Aggressively pursued higher education; completed 7 semester hrs toward CCAF degree--maintained 3.5 GPA
- Accomplished C-130 E/H/J advanced sys mx crs; increased sys knowledge--enhanced flt line mx capabilities
- Tm lead for HSC; IDd/corrected 170 acft discrepancies; rec'd zero defect QA eval--aided 91% QVI pass rate
- Sq voting rep; guaranteed 100% contact w/fellow Sq members; guaranteed electoral voting rights of 300+ Amn
- Trained recent influx of 3 skill-level Amn on acft insps/recovery duties; ensured cmbt readiness--GWoT spt'd
- Provided tng to 15 Amn on acft power plant insp; crucial to Gp's 74.5% MC rate; AMC's C-130 best--promote

- Asst'd eng shop w/propeller R2; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep rel--aided 276 sorties for FY 09
- Rapidly troubleshot/repaired damaged troop door; secured 82nd Airborne paratroop tng--dropped 150+ troops
- Flawlessly performed pre-flt insps on 3 acft; zero defects noted during AMC/A4 SAV--promote to TSgt now!

- Isolated/R2d datum amplifier for turbine inlet temperature malf; saved NVG tng msn--5 crew mbrs OIF qual'd
- Rapidly analyzed engine fuel leak; adjusted misaligned fuel control fitting--potential savings $82K/12 man-hrs
- Tiger tm leader; pinpointed/R2d defective engine monitoring sys computer--eliminated 4 time recurring malf
- Replaced defective RPM indicator during launch; first-time fix crucial to .7% repeat-recur rate--best in AMC
- Vol'd for Osan AB Air Power Day; dedicated 12 hrs for Sq booth--raised over $700 in spt of Sq booster club
- Donated 6 hrs towards Airmen Against Drunk Driving pgm; saved nine lives--epitome of AF wingman concept
- Instructed six crew chiefs on propeller brush block insp/servicing ck; endeavor inc'd insp productivity by 18%
- Aggressively pursuing upgrade/C-130 difference tng; qual'd on 385 of 452 tasks--ahead of shop std by two mos
- Asst'd crew chiefs; replaced nose landing gear tire <1 hr--contributed to Gp's 83% 12-hr fix rate for April '09
- Augmented sister unit w/cracked rear bearing spt repair; enabled OIF swap out--aided 94% WW dep rel rate
- Calibrated torque gauge for low power indication; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--key to 99% dep rel rate
- Troubleshot GTC no-start malfunction; R2d defective fuel cluster; pivotal to Sq's 75% MC rate--promote now!

- Repaired 3 mo long disabled test cell; analyzed/R2d faulty input cable--restored engine production to 100%
- Insp'd 20 zones during home station check; corrected 30 discrepancies w/flawless eval--key to 91% QVI rate
- Improved engine change trailer; redesigned layout/acquired tools; lauded during AMC/A4 SAV--promote now

- Deployed 75 days to Ramstein, Germany; spt'd 68 msns for AFRICOM's first flying Sq--moved 143 cargo tons
- Enabled WW visibility; installed combat track II sys on 10 dplyd acft; inc'd battlefield C2--fleet ready <12 hrs
- IDd faulty acft radar sys; troubleshot/replaced radar antenna--enabled crucial tng for 60+ special ops warriors
- Uploaded navigation sys updates; ensured newest software availability on 22 acft--beat suspense by 240 days
- Vol'd for base Heart-Link orientation pgm; escorted 8 spouses on flight line tour--fostered unit/family morale
- Asst'd local tornado relief crew; removed 600 lbs hazardous debris--secured safety of devastated civilian area
- Attended Maintenance Resource Management class; mentored 6 Amn on safety practices--enhanced Sq safety
- Completed Business Safety/Astronomy courses; gained 6 credits toward Business Finance/Economics degree
- Asst'd crew chiefs install 4 acft life rafts; enabled JCS' 3d highest-priority msn launch--key to 99% dep rel rate
- Aided eng shop w/propeller R2; ensured Hurricane Ike relief msn--evacuated 319 pax/moved 29 tons of cargo
- R2d antenna cable for Traffic Collision Avoidance Sys malf; enabled Jt tng msn--210 paratroopers OIF ready
- Rec'd 4 over the shoulder "zero-defect" QA evals; key to 94% shop pass rate--SSgt promotion well deserved!

- Replaced ultra high freq radio; ensured Jt Task Force HOA msn--school supplies delivered to 1,250 refugees
- IDd/replaced failed voice recorder relay box; secured HHQ msn launch--vital to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Adjusted control box for interphone fault; first fix vital to Gp's .7% repeat-recur rate; AMC best--SSgt earned

- Isolated/replaced faulty radio receiver/xmitter; enabled Jt Force Exer msn launch--210 paratroopers OIF qual'd
- Led repair of elusive identify friend/foe sys wiring fault; first fix vital to Sq's .8% repeat-recur rate--AMC best
- Attained/uploaded navigation sys update; programmed 22 acft w/newest software--beat suspense date by 9 mos
- Dispatched for red ball mx; replaced radar sys xmitter; secured HHQ msn--vital to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Assistant flt chief at Military Tng Facility; led/mentored 600 students/10 MTLs--key to Jan 09 flt of the mo awd
- $21M facility manager; coord'd 150 work orders/revamped dorm game room--inc'd quality of life for 100 Amn
- Created flare upload/download cut tng plan; avionics shop 75% qual'd <1 week--inc'd shop task quals by 20%
- 100% qual'd on C-130 in 3 mos; completed 372 5/7 lvl tasks 9 mos ahead of AMC std--inc'd shop 7 lvl's 33%
- Expedited 40 Amn; managed tow/full jack for faulty switch; aided Gp's 73% 12 hr fix rate--Cmd's C-130 best
- Led 20 Amn for Memorial Day retreat; trained/enforced proper procedures--honored fallen/missing warriors
- IDd/replaced failed radar antenna; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--key to 99% dep rel/276 sorties FY 09
- Shop NCOIC for 5 mo; led 23 Amn w/repair of 600 mx actions; vital to 12K safe flt hrs for FY 09--MSgt now!

- Dply'd 30 days to Muniz ANGB, PR; gen'd 82 flt hrs; 442 pax/28 tons cgo for drug interdiction--100% dep rel
- Isolated/repaired inoperative radio; acft msn rdy <1 hr; aided Sq's 74% MC rate--AMC's active C-130 highest
- Exemplifies military bearing/ldrshp; out-performed 289 peers; awd'd Sq NCO of the mo Jun 09--MSgt a must!

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; moved 26.6K pax/3.9K cargo tons--removed 1K trucks from perilous roads
- Repaired damaged landing gear components caused by blown tire; on-time NVG msn--6 crew mbrs OIF qual'd
- Reset generator control unit during Red Ball; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--iced 99% dep rel/276 sorties
- Replaced tires for nose wheel shimmy Red Ball; ensured Jt Force Exercise msn--573 paratroopers jump qual'd
- Selflessly donated 3 weekends to Airmen Against Drunk Driving pgm; prevented 3 potential DWIs/saved lives
- Led emer tow tm; removed disabled acft/cleared active runway <25 mins--essential to 12K safe flt hrs FY 09
- Dedicated trainer; instructed 6 new Amn on post-flt insp techniques--increased wartime critical task quals 4%
- Instructed 15 Amn on acft power plant insp procedures; instrumental to Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- HSC tm ldr; IDd/corrected 170 acft discrepancies; rec'd zero defect QA eval--aided Gp's 93% QVI pass rate
- Filled SNCO role as expediter; led 42 Amn/7 AFSCs; coord'd 3K mx actions--key to dplyd unit's 98% dep rel
- Hand picked for Jt Readiness Tng Ctr; managed mx tm of 3 acft--sptd 50 flt hrs/successful aircrew hostage tng
- Augmented task-saturated aero repair shop; rigged inboard flap; acft OIF msn rdy--TSgt promotion deserved!

- R2d brake <45 min; saved OIF iron swap; vital to Gp's 94% WW dep rel--key to Sq winning AMC's '09 MEA
- Replaced frayed crew door cable; gend acft for CORONET OAK msn--moved 75 Guantanamo Bay detainees
- R2d worn tires during quick turn; saved cmd/control msn; aided 553 msns/19K messages relayed--TSgt earned

- Dispatched for leaking elevator boost pack; sealed unit rod ends--effort saved Haiti humanitarian relief msn
- Resealed elevator boost assy; saved AF $32K in replacement cost; iced Gp's 73% MC rate--Cmd's C-130 best
- Isolated ramp down malf, resequenced manifold; saved $9K in part R2--essential to 1.9% cannibalization rate
- R2d lock actuator for ramp fault; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep rel--aided 300 sorties CY '09
- Donated 16 hrs to Habitat for Humanity; constructed roof for new house build--brought hope for family in need
- Wingman; vol'd 14 hrs to Airman's Attic; supplied items to needy AF mbrs/families--inc'd peers quality of life
- Authored tng day syllabus; trained 12 techs on hydraulic test stand ops--inc'd shop's critical task quals by 15%
- Completed Mx Resource Management class; briefed subordinates on safety practices--broadened Sq awareness
- Aided electric shop w/ramp lock fault; isolated/replaced ramp switch--crucial to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Employed cross-utilization tng; asst'd electronic warfare techs w/chaffe/flare upload--guaranteed acft OCO rdy
- Corrected 15 discrepancies during home station ck; earned zero defect QA eval--integral to Gp's 93% QVI rate
- Diagnosed rudder anomaly; replaced faulty relief valve; first fix validated 1% repeat recur rate--promote now!

- Led selector valve cannibalization for stranded acft; provided vital asset for mx repair tm--saved channel msn
- Resealed leaking swivel during red ball mx; enabled Jt Force Exer msn launch--500+ paratroopers OIF qual'd
- R2d press switch in <15 min; vital to 2.4K sorties/12K flt hrs; key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--TSgt now!

- Deployed 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq in spt of OIF; essential to 3K sorties/delivering 32K pax/4.3K tons cargo
- Directed Red Ball mx for no eng start; ID'd/replaced starter in 1/2 job std--saved transfer of 50 pax downrange
- Diagnosed elusive eng failure; ID d bad thermocouple T-block--resolved 3X recur/rtn'd OIF alert acft to MC
- Coord mx for emergency eng shutdown; replaced broken accessory shaft--repair aided MC rate 10% above std
- Volunteered 15 hrs at theater hospital intensive care ward; aided care of critical patients--eased burden on staff
- Ambassador in Blue; supported 6 hrs at elementary school carnival/led sports booth--great event for 900 kids
- Performed at SNCO level! Trained/waivered to perform as eng run certifier--qual d 4 prsnl on C-130E/H3
- Completed 2 classes on digital tng records; loaded master tng plan/33 prsnl in automated sys--finished on time
- Filled AOR expediter posn for 1 mo; ldrshp key to 1.4K mx actions--iced 380 passed QA evals/95% pass rate
- Aided electric's shop; adjusted bleed air valve on OIF acft--saved combat launch/aided 94% WW dep-rel rate
- Pinpointed/repaired damaged propeller boot electrical connections--ensured availability of vital OIF alert acft
- Spearheaded Sq s FOD/DOPP pgm; led 12 monitors/coord 50+ Gp messages; 700 Sq mbrs trained--MSgt now

- Led recovery tm to Mosul AB, Iraq; replaced bleed air duct/eng generator--secured transport of 25 detainees
- Technical expert! Wrote/submitted 2 propeller deficiency reports; improved asset quality--saved AF $1M+
- Filled SNCO section chief posn in AOR; flawless ldrshp of 75 prsnl/8 AFSCs enabled 85% MC rate promote

- Led selector valve cannibalization for stranded acft; provided vital asset for mx repair tm--saved channel msn
- AMC/IG LCAP insp tm mbr; scrutinized mx practices; performed 500 insps--validated Dyess AFB readiness
- Dispatched for Red Ball mx; replaced faulty switch; on-time OIF iron swap--aided Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Resealed elevator boost assy; saved AF $32K in replacement cost; aided 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 highest
- Assistant Cub Scout den master; led/facilitated 9 meetings--instilled trustworthy/loyalty values to 11 children
- Vol'd 8 hours at Arkansas Children's Hospital cancer ward; entertained patients--reinforced positive AF image
- Enrolled at Embry Riddle; passed Civil War history CLEP--earned 3 hrs for Professional Aeronautics degree
- Completed Mx Resource Management class; briefed subordinates on safety practices--broadened Sq awareness
- Spearheaded main gear strut change tm; completed replacement w/in 12 hrs--on-time seal for Bravo alert msn
- Cross-utilized; asst'd engine techs w/temperature data amplifier R2; iced Jt Readiness msn--45 jumpers qual'd
- Corrected 15 discrepancies during home station ck; earned zero defect QA eval--integral to Gp's 94% QVI rate
- Re-sealed leaking swivel; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn; aided 276 sorties/99% dep rel rate--MSgt now!

- Dispatched for Red Ball; R2d faulty hydraulic vlv; aided 12K safe flt hrs--key to Sq winning AMC's '09 MEA
- Replaced aileron pack on transient acft; saved channel msn--10 pax/14.9 tons of cargo delivered to fwd base
- Diagnosed rudder anomaly; replaced faulty relief valve; first fix validated .9% repeat-recur rate--promote now

- Dplyd 120+ to Jt Base Balad, Iraq; gen'd 3K+ sorties; moved 4.5K tons cgo/33K pax--removed 1.4K vehicles
- Unit security manager; processed 100 security badge applications--allowed critical access to controlled areas
- Led 2 acft high wind insps; completed <20 hrs; vital to dplyd unit's 86% MC rate--trounced 75% AFCENT std
- Supervised 95 dplyd Amn/7 AFSCs for 12 acft; coord'd repair of 1.2K mx actions--produced 2.5K safe flt hrs
- Devoted 6 hrs at Balad's Troy's place; cleaned/org'd/handed out items--strengthened morale for 5K dplyd Amn
- Vol'd 8 hrs for local gymnastic meet; set-up eqmt/tracked 300+ gymnasts' scores--bolstered positive AF image
- Focused on education! Completed 61 of 64 credit hrs--1 class shy from CCAF degree in Acft Mx Technology
- Engineered cross-utilization tng; trained 5 Amn/flap removal/install--raised unit capability/task coverage 10%
- Lead NCO on 2 HSCs; mng'd 8 AFSCs through insps; ensured 100% QA pass rate--drove Gp's 93% QVI rate
- Served as Section Chief/filled SNCO role; ensured 100% prsnl accountability--aided dplyd unit's 96% dep rel
- Diagnosed elusive nose wheel shimmy; IDd/R2d faulty steering actuator; enabled NVG tng msn--6 crew qual'd
- Attended Mx Resource Mgmt crs; mentored peers on safety practices; enhanced Sq awareness--promote now

- Unsurpassed manager! Perfectly executed 2 OIF rotations--seamless transition resulted in zero impact to msn
- Aided hydraulic tech; troubleshot sluggish rudder/replaced boost pack pump--transported 35 pax/2.5K lbs cgo
- Prep'd JCS' 3d highest-priority msn acft; secured 99% dep rel; vital to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--promote!

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 3K+ sorties; moved 4.5K tons cgo/33K pax--removed 1.4K vehicles
- Tracked 200 deviation reports; provided ldrshp critical time-line analysis--vital to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Expertly managed GO81 data integrity pgm; reviewed 9K+ acft jobs with 1.4% initial error rate--best in AMC
- Oversaw debrief of 230 msns; ensured accurate forms documentation; aided 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Vol'd 5 hrs to safety preservation; replaced destroyed sandbags at transient lodging--strengthened survivability
- Selfless; donated blood at Balad AB hospital--inc'd critical blood bank supply for wounded combat warriors
- Attended supply fundamentals crs; learned supply order/turn-in procedures--ensured seamless transition for mx
- Completed acft forms documentation class; ensured precise data of 12K mx events--key to 0.9% DIT error rate
- Mx unit liaison to Unit Control Ctr; passed info during tornado warnings--guaranteed accountability for 50 Amn
- Integral liaison between ops/mx; coord'd debrief by applicable specialists--instrumental to 2.4K sorties for yr
- Focal pt for Mx Ops Center (MOC); relayed crucial mx actions to Sr ldrs--ensured acft status input accurately
- Reacted to IED attack; coord'd response tm/maintained 360 deg security; negated psnl injury--promote to TSgt!

- Meticulous; conducted mx data/forms reviews for 22 assigned acft--ensured 100% accurate data sent to HHQ
- Checked/verified over 300 sets of acft forms; verified data for permanent storage--zero lost for 3 straight mos
- Key section ldr; debriefed 400 msns; aided 12K safe flt hrs; key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--promote now!

- Shop NCOIC; led 32 Amn repairing 2K mx actions; aided 12K safe flt hrs--key to Sq winning AMC's '09 MEA
- IDd/repaired wing anti-icing valve malf; gen'd acft for CORONET OAK dplymnt--spt'd drug interdiction msns
- Expertly responded to Red Ball mx; replaced temp cont vlv cannon plug--vital to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Led electrical power isolation; R2d failed generator controller; key to Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Vol'd 6 hrs to lcl fundraiser; efforts gen'd $8K for Arkansas Cancer Association--inc'd survival rate of patients
- Participated in USMC Toys for Tots pgm; donated 4 toys--provided holiday gifts to underprivileged children
- Completed 68 hr Mx Production Mgmt crs; reviewed/corrected >300 sets of acft forms--key to 0.9% DIT rate
- Managed upgrade tng tracking sys; oversaw/ensured skill lvl upgrade for 7 Amn--inc'd shop efficiency by 20%
- Dispatched to transient acft; troubleshot/replaced air turbine motor generator--ensured high vis DV msn success
- Elite technician; led repair of elusive oxygen sys leak; acft sealed for HHQ msn--lauded/coined by Wg/Gp CC
- Led 2 NVG lighting mods; replaced 80 light assys; provided optimal visual acuity for blackout ops--spt'd OCO
- Replaced corroded turbine overheat thermostat; allowed on-time OIF swap out launch--promote to MSgt now!

- Repaired faulty wiring for power sys fault; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--99% dep rel for 276 sorties
- Diagnosed/repaired corroded landing light connector plug; guaranteed NVG tng msn--6 crew mbrs OIF qual'd
- Responded to engine overheat; repaired chafed wires; first fix aided Gp's .9% repeat-recur rate--MSgt now!

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.5K sorties; moved 3.8K tons cgo/43K pax--eliminated 1.5K trucks
- Troubleshot overflow vent leak; purged sump drain line; averted possible acft mishap--critical supply msn met
- Coord'd 600 hour retoroque; ensured acft FMC in 1/2 std time; vital to Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- IDd gas turbine compressor fire; directed emergency procedures--prevented possible loss of $14M AF asset
- Wingman; donated 2 pints of vital blood/platelets to Balad theatre hospital--essential to 98% survivability rate
- Vol'd 9 hrs to Habitat for Humanity; repaired household appliances--boosted quality of life for families in need
- Superb trainer; instructed 4 newly assigned Amn on acft insps/proper tech data usage--aided Sq's 97% PE rate
- Accomplished Military Studies crs; earned 4 sem hrs/maintained 3.6 GPA--completed all CCAF degree rqmts
- Spearheaded HSC tm; IDd/corrected 115 discrepancies; rec'd zero defect QA eval--drove Gp's 93% QVI rate
- Aided electronic countermeasures techs; installed laser infrared defensive sys on 2 C-130H3 acft--OCO spt'd
- Key contributor to Disabled American Veterans; spt'd fundraiser--provided care for wounded brothers-in-arms
- Sharp NCO; guided passport tour; escorted 17 Balad prsnl; broadened awareness on C-130 msn--SSgt earned!

- Dplyd for 37 days to Muniz ANG Puerto Rico; gen'd 71 msns--moved 875 OIF/OEF detainees/66 tons of cargo
- Discovered/R2d worn brake on quick-turn; enabled comm cmd control msn--pivotal to 19K messages relayed
- Set example; rec'd 22 PE passes; aided 12K safe flt hrs; key to Sq winning 2009 USAF MEA--SSgt deserved!

- Led C-5 empennage damage repair; saved $35K mx recovery tm cost--515 AMOG Best En-Route Mx Awd '09
- Responded to C-17 engine over temperature; changed valve--cemented 515 AMOG Mx Effectiveness Awd '09
- Tiger tm ldr; pinpointed/R2d 4 defective flight data sys recorders--eliminated 4 time repeat-recur discrepancy
- Discovered/replaced leaking prop seal <4 hrs; rec'd zero defect QA eval--essential to Sq's 95% PE pass rate
- Vol'd for Kadena AB Air Show; dedicated 12 hrs for Sq booth--amassed over $1.2K for Sq/booster clubs spt
- Spt'd Sq functions; led set-up for unit promotion ceremony--enhanced esprit de corps for 180 Amn/family mbrs
- Corrected 5 adverse QA trends; implemented expediter cklst; elevated flt to 91% pass rate--beat AMC std 6%
- Instructed C-17 egress tng; cert'd 30 firefighters; ensured effective emer response--lauded by 18th Wg fire chief
- Expertly troubleshot C-5 fuel pump out malf; replaced broken switch--ensured 4 helicopters delivered to Iraq
- Led mx on 11 TALISMAN SABER msns; transported 144 cgo tons/567 pax--bilateral interoperability tng met
- Coord'd non-std parking for 170 explosive laden acft; transported 1.2K tons of munitions--zero mishaps FY '09
- Troubleshot GTC start malf; R2d shorted oil pressure switch; crucial to Gp's 94% WW dep rel--TSgt deserved

- IDd/replaced defective speed switch during launch; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--secured 99% dep rel
- Expedited mx spt for 5-ship C-5 stage ops; sped 8 MRAPs for OCO--key to 15 EMTF Best Large Sq Awd '09
- R2d float switch for prop malf; aided 12K safe flt hrs for yr; key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--TSgt earned!

- Repaired airspeed indicating sys; R2d pitot tube <30 min/enabled tng msn--essential to 12K safe flt hrs FY '09
- Directed shorted fuel quantity sys wire repair; aided on-time OIF swap out--key to Gp's 93% WW dep rel rate
- Diagnosed erratic attitude indicating sys; R2d faulty indicator; saved NVG tng msn--6 aircrew mbrs OIF qual'd
- Led autopilot processor R2; restored flight control sys--secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn /99% dep rel rate
- Donated 16 hrs for unit fundraiser events; raised $200 for Sq holiday party--inc'd esprit de corps for 300 Amn
- Worked 4 hrs for AADD pgm; provided safe rides for 4 Amn; prevented DUIs--protected local/military lives
- Superior trainer! Provided tng on over 200 tasks to 9 avionics techs--inc'd work center task coverage by 30%
- Attended auto pilot/instruments field tng crs; rec'd valuable acft sys knowledge--inc'd sys qual'd Amn by 20%
- Asst'd electricians R2 connector plug <1 hr; saved HHQ msn; aided Gp's 73% MC rate--AMC's C-130 highest
- Active in Sq basketball/football pgm; led tm to intramural playoffs; strengthened Sq morale--enhanced tm pride
- Superb skills; isolated elusive compass sys fault; R2d gyro--first fix contributed to Gp's 1% repeat-recur rate
- Rec'd 4 perfect over the shoulder QA evals; achieved 100% pass rate; drove Sq's 95% PE rate--TSgt deserved

- Led oil cooler indicator wire repair; acft FMC <2 hrs; enabled Jt Force Exer msn--50 paratroopers OCO rdy
- Epitomized "one team one fight"; helped crew chiefs complete 23 post-flt insps--pivotal to 2.4K sorties for yr
- Gen'd JCS' 3d highest-priority msn acft; secured 99% dep rel; key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--TSgt earned

- Dply'd 120 days to Joint Base Balad, Iraq; 2.5K sorties/2.1K tons cargo/43K pax--kept 1.3K vehicles off roads
- Responded to low oil light red ball; quickly IDd/replaced shorted transmitter--cemented critical re-supply msn
- Pinpointed compass sys malf/R2d indicator; received zero defect QA eval--pivotal to unit's 90% QA pass rate
- IDd/corrected flt director sys fault; sys repair enabled on-time launch--key to success of 19 TOP COVER msns
- Donated 10 hrs for Troy's Place chapel; stocked 20 care packages for dplyd Amn--promoted esprit-de-corps
- Represented BMT as escort/proffer during Fiesta Texas Parade ceremony--fostered AF/community relations
- Completed 2 CLEPs; garnered 6 semester hours toward CCAF degree in Aircraft Maintenance Technology
- Attended auto pilot/instruments FTD; gained valuable acft sys knowledge--increased sys qual'd Amn by 20%
- Team player! Aided saturated engine section changing 4 props/2 engines--directly contributed to 75% MC rate
- Home station ck tm mbr; trnd 2 Amn on 15 tasks/comp'd insp 2 days ahead of sched--rec'd zero defect QA eval
- IDd faulty low oil qty light wire; re-wired leading edge; beat std time by 2 hrs--secured 94% WW dep rel rate
- Dplyd land mobile radio custodian; tracked $30K worth of radios; secure comm avail for mx--TSgt deserved

- Augmented engine section; replaced eng starter in half allotted time; enabled medevac msn--saved 5 warriors
- Solved elusive autopilot discrepancy; chaffed wire repair solidified unit's 0.7% repeat-recur rate--AMC's best
- Expedited mx for 8 dplyd C-130s; ensured 100% Amn utilization; key to 99% dep rel rate--promotion earned!

- R2'd valve after bad pressurization ck; ensured on-time launch of off-station tng msn--170 Army jumpers trnd
- Led red ball mx tm on prop low oil light; serviced propeller; key to unit's 76% MC rate--best C-130s in AMC
- Performed acft servicing/rigged nose gear door for short-notice medevac msn--at-risk infant safely transported
- Identified external fuel leak; repaired fuel tank cavity drain access door; secured OIF mission--94% dep rel rt
- Orchestrated shop Wingman day; organized/managed activities for 80 Airmen--heightened suicide awareness
- Volunteered 32 hrs with Lonoke Habitat for Humanity; aided framing tm--built house for impoverished family
- Selected for production management crs; gained vital flight line knowledge--mentored 4 amn on acft production
- Conducted acft specific familiarization trng; trnd 20 firefighters on acft emer entry--increased airmen readiness
- Attended Maintenance Risk Management class; mentored peers on safety practices--improved Sq's safety pgm
- Led TDY insp; teamed w/spec ops Amn/performed intense insps w/test eqpmt--sustained successful test flt ops
- Dedicated; coordinated mx on HSC insp; slashed delayed discrepancies 75%--acft MC 1 day ahead of sched
- FCC for Jt Airborne paratroop drop tng msn; 100% effective/6 drops/120 soldiers OEF/OIF rdy--promote now

- Gen'd 2 CREDIBLE CAT acft, JCS' 3d-highest priority; 276 msns/570 tons of cargo--key to 99% dep rel rate
- Mx team lead on acft recovery w/4 eng power loss; discovered/R2'd faulty aux fuel pump--ensured safe acft rtn
- Led short-notice weather evac mx team; prepped 5 acft/airlifted 196 Hurricane Gustav evacuees--promote now

- Deployed to Balad AB, Iraq, in spt of OIF; 26.6K pax/3.9K tons cargo delivered/1K trucks/buses averted IEDs
- Disc/repaired prop oil light malf during servicing ck; "zero defects" from QA--88% MC rate, 13% above std
- Keen eye; troubleshot/replaced worn flap jackscrew; OEF msn success--1.9K insurgents moved to prison
- Prep'd/launched 2 acft for no-notice Iraqi presidential DV msn; 100% msn effect--777 AOR's "Go-To-Unit"
- Supported AF Sgt's Assoc; utilized off-duty time for security detail at Alltel arena event--helped raise $2,500
- Actively involved with Toys for Tots program; collected $500/75 toys--raised spirits of deprived children
- Accomplished C-130E/H/J aero repair mx course; enhanced flight line capabilities/increased sys knowledge
- Vol'd to train/serve as eqmt/weapons custodian in austere loc; secured 120+ firearms/ammo--unlimited rdyness
- Headed up team of vols; relocated deployed member's belongings to new home--personified wingman concept
- Team player! Aided hydraulics troop with hose fitting repair on repeat failure--saved $2K in replacement cost
- Flawlessly executed expediter duties, normally SNCO role; key to deployed unit's outstanding 98% dep-rel
- Led DCC HSC team; comp'd 5-day insp 2-days early/200 disc--7/7 QA evals w/"zero defects"--promote now

- Dedicated trainer; instructed two new Amn on preventative mx practices--increased shop qualifications 20%
- Discovered 4 cracked eng mount bolts; efforts averted possible catastrophic failure--saved $14M in AF assets
- Coord 3 Red Ball mx actions/10 OIF launches; enabled Gp to earn 7th consecutive AFOUA--promote to MSgt

- Dply'd 120 days to Joint Base Balad; enabled 3.6K sorties/5.8K tons alft'd--kept 1.9K vehicles off Iraqi roads
- Prepared/launched Hurricane Gustav relief acft; actions led to 25 msns--196 pax/15.2 tons of cargo delivered
- Led installment of Jt precision airdrop delivery sys on 9 acft; inc'd cargo delivery accuracy for OIF/OEF ops
- IDd/R2d faulty radar sys antenna; secured on-time execution of 17 AF tasking--aided 94% WW dep rel rate
- Worked food booth at Little Rock AFB air show; raised $7K for Sq functions--positive event for 150K patrons
- Rec'd 5 "zero defect" QA follow up evals; key to Gp's 91% QVI pass rate--awarded Sq NCO of Mo for Jul 09
- Accomplished 2 CLEP tests; awarded 6 credit hrs towards CCAF degree in Aviation Maintenance Technology
- Completed Mx Risk Mgmt crs; solidified sound mx practices/mentored 6 Amn on safety--inc'd Sq awareness
- Augmented crew chiefs rig/service 9 dply'd acft; pivotal to sustained 94% MC rate--beat AFCENT std by 19%
- Asst'd Instrument Guidance/Control shop; replaced failed navigation unit--guaranteed critical OIF resupply msn
- Dply'd 30 days to Muniz ANGB, PR; actions generated 29 sorties/82.2 flt hrs--422 pax/28.5 tons cargo alft'd
- Led repair/launched 4 acft as specialist expediter; secured unit's 75% MC rate; AMC's C-130 best promote

- Facilitated Jt Airborne Comm Ctr Cmd Post test pgm; new $12M comm package validated--lauded by Gp/CC
-- Efforts inc'd C2 stand-off range by 200%/operating altitude 80%; inc'd battle staff radio availability by 33%
- Repaired interphone malf; secured Hurricane Ike evac msn; moved 319 pax/29 tons of relief supplies promote

- Deployed 90 days to Poland; established elec/battery backshop--boosted int'l relations/NATO ally capabilities
- Led pressurization isolation; diagnosed defective regulator; secured Sq's Feb 85% MC rate--AMC C-130 best
- Dispatched to red ball mx; IDd/reset faulty generator control unit--guaranteed return of acft/130 OEF soldiers
- Isolated/replaced faulty air turbine motor generator; first-time fix key to Sq's .7% repeat-recur rate--Cmd best
- Donated 8 hrs to base airshow; headed 3 man security detail--ensured safety of 130K visitors/15 transient acft
- Vol'd 4 hrs at Amn's Attic; sorted donations/assisted >40 customers--guaranteed goods available to base Amn
- Established tng plan for Polish AF build-up; instructed safe/effective acft mx practices--125 core tasks qual'd
- Earned 7 level; completed 51 mandatory upgrade tasks; scored 88% on crs exam--inc'd shop 7 levels by 15%
- Isolated/R2d reverse current relay for power malf; ensured HHQ msn launch--vital to 94% WW dep rel rate
- Applied CUT; performed acft jack; eased crew chief prsnl shortage; padded 60% 8-hr fix rate--beat Cmd std
- Performed 6 acft mods; installed 48 night vision sys components/300 ft wiring--inc'd black out ops capabilities
- Carried out HSC; performed 26 zone insps 2 days ahead of schedule; rec'd "zero defect" QA rating--promote!

- Remedied bleed air fault; R2d isolation valve--transported 319 pax/29.5 tons of cargo for Hurricane Ike relief
- Examined inop air deflector door; repaired connector plug; saved Jt Force Exer msn--qual'd 3K paratroopers
- Directed flt control mx; R2d trim tab relay; secured JCS 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep rel rate--promote!

- Deployed 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; generated 2.8K combat sorties--transported 4K tons of cargo/35.4K pax
- Asst'd w/acft reconfiguration; sealed short notice OIF medevac msn--14 injured warriors delivered to hospital
- Troubleshot/replaced malf control valve; secured JCS 3d highest-priority msn launch--key to 99% dep rel rate
- Replaced leaking nose steering valve; iron swap msn complete--first fix instrumental to .7% repeat recur rate
- Selflessly donated 10 hrs to local veterans organization; delivered 20 blankets/cards to hospital--raised spirits
- Contributed 6 hrs to distribute clothes to homeless; improved quality of life--enhanced AF/community relations
- Attended Maintenance Risk Management class; briefed peers on new safety practices--enhanced flt awareness
- Employed cross-utilization tng; asst'd electronic warfare techs w/chaffe/flare uploads--ensured acft GWoT rdy
- Responded to acft w/uncontrollable cargo ramp; R2d ramp manifold in <2 hrs--enabled vital OIF resupply msn
- Replaced aileron boost pack on transient acft; channel msn cont'd--10 pax/14 cargo tons delivered to fwd base
- Deployed vehicle NCOIC; coord'd mx/ops for 15 vehicles; stellar pgm mgmt garnered 24 zero defect QA insps
- Resealed leaking landing gear valve; saved AF $3K in replacement; drove .8% cannibalization rate--promote

- R2d elevator booster for uncommanded pitch; released impound; crucial to 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Troubleshot flight control malf; IDd/replaced aileron pack; vital NVG msn complete--6 crew mbrs OIF ready
- IDd/replaced leaking ramp manifold; secured on-time HHQ msn; key to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate--promote

- Dplyd 120 days to Sather AB, Iraq; gen'd 16K acft launches--vital to 132K pax/19K cargo tons moved for OIF
- R2d thermostat for overheat malf; secured Hurricane Ike relief msn--29.5 cargo tons moved/319 pax evacuated
- Completed 2 interior lighting mods; installed 80 night vision lights--provided NVG capability for GWoT ops
- Diagnosed/replaced shorted generator control unit <30 min; essential to Gp's 75% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Coached kickball fundraiser; proceeds benefited Court Appointed Special Advocates association--$750 raised
- Donated house hold items to lcl charity; helped low income heroes--enhanced living conditions for 23 veterans
- Flawlessly managed squib account; org'd explosive handling tng for 6 Amn--inc'd qual'd section prsnl by 60%
- Seized opportunity to accomplish tng, planned/led shop tng day pgm--qual'd five Amn on acft power operation
- Augmented ops; supervised issue of 98 weapons as armory NCOIC--provided 100% accountability/Sq security
- Responded to C-17 eng fire; coord'd movement of 4 acft/evac of prsnl--quick actions saved loss of acft/lives
- Led red ball mx; IDd/repaired DC power anomaly; on-time NVG tng msn--aided Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Dispatched on MRT; isolated/replaced transformer rectifier; rescued disabled OIF acft swap out--TSgt earned!

- Spt'd POTUS; supervised launch of AF One from Baghdad--earned Letter of Appreciation from 447 AEG/CC
- Led MRT; repaired dangerous oxygen sys leak; rescued iron swap msn return--brought 130 OEF soldiers home
- Oversaw repair of 3 acft; ensured detainee flt ops; secured transport of 500 insurgents--promotion deserved!

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.8K sorties/hauled 4.6K cgo tons--rem'd 1.6K vehicles from roads
- Stellar performer; corrected defensive software fault/reprogrammed <1.5 hrs--secured acft combat capabilities
- Spearheaded 11 insps/replaced 30 dispensers; earned zero defect QA eval--aided Sq's 94% QVI rate Aug '09
- Performed scheduled missile warning insps; replaced faulty sensor; saved combat msn--moved 1K lbs supplies
- Vol'd as base tax rep; completed 36 hrs of IRS speciality tng--assisted 1K+ dplyd prsnl w/preparation/filing
- Eqpmt custodian; secured/managed 75 components of test equip/valued over $1.9M--enabled 125+ mx actions
- Completed Physics crs; maintained 4.0 GPA--earned 3 credits toward Embry-Riddle Prof Aeronautics degree
- Filled SNCO expediter position; ldrshp of 6 AFSCs integral to 600+ cbt sorties--cemented 99% dep rel rate
- IDd/repaired flare release malf; ended acft impound--recognized by 332 EAMXS as NCO of the mo Feb '09
- Assisted aero repair shop; R2d elevator trim motor; saved Jt Force tng msn--350 soldiers performed first jump
- Dplyd Sq facility mgr; coord'd 15 work orders; secured safety/functionality--1st class workcenter for 80 Amn
- Performed interim TCTO on 9 C-130Hs; acft war rdy; key mbr in Sq earning AMC's '09 MEA--promote now!

- Coord'd 12 pre-dplymt insps; achieved 100% sys readiness; aided Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 highest
- Isolated counter measure dispenser fault; repaired shorted wire; enabled medevac launch--moved 15 patients
- Led munitions loads on 15 sorties for USAF weapons school; graduated 15 C-130J pilots--promote to TSgt!

- Expedited mx crews at Altus AFB for Hurricane Ike relief; key to 55 sorties/319 Pax/29.5 tons cargo airlifted
- Dispatched for red ball pressure malf; IDd/R2d faulty check valve--vital to AMC best 94% WW dep rel rate
- Diagnosed/replaced failed auxiliary pump prior to acft launch; saved vital medevac msn--14 patients delivered
- Resealed leaking cargo actuator; ingenuity eliminated timely replacement--essential to .8% cannibalization rate
- Inventoried household items/children's books for local charity; fulfilled needs of less fortunate in community
- Vol'd six off-duty hrs to spt setup for outdoor recreation laser tag course; provided fun event for 20 competitors
- Completed Mx Risk Mgmt crs; solidified sound mx practices/mentored peers on safety--raised Sq awareness
- Passed computer science CLEP; earned 3 semester hours towards CCAF in Aircraft Maintenance Technology
- Spearheaded main gear strut change tm; completed replacement w/in 12 hrs--on-time seal for Bravo alert msn
- Asst'd engine shop w/propeller malf; IDd/repaired pin on synchrophaser--saved unit $39K in replacement cost
- IDd/corrected 15 discrepancies during HSC; earned zero defect QA eval--integral to Sq's 94% QVI pass rate
- Resealed leaking swivel; saved JCS 3d highest-priority msn; aided 276 sorties/99% dep rel rate--promote!

- Deployed 30 days to Muniz ANGB, PR; generated 82 safe flt hrs--transported 422 pax/28 short tons of cargo
- R2d elevator booster for uncommanded pitch; aided impound release; key to 74% MC rate--AMC C-130 best
- Diagnosed rudder anomaly; replaced faulty relief valve; first fix validated .7% repeat recur rate--promote now

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.9K sorties; moved 4.2K tons cgo/51K pax--removed 1.8K vehicles
- IDd leaking boost pack assy; repacked/ops chk'd <5 hrs; enabled detainee transport msn--moved 16 prisoners
- Rec'd 10 zero defect tool box insps; instrumental to 228 QA eval passes--awarded NCO of the mo for Apr '09
- Spearheaded 3 home station chk insps; repaired 100 discrepancies; zero defect eval--drove Gp's 93% QVI rate
- Led red ball mx; R2d leaking bleed air regulator; ensured 6/6 medevac sorties flown--8 wounded transported
- Ambassador in blue; vol'd 10 days/80 hrs to Habitat for Humanity--provided housing for less fortunate families
- Employed cross-utilization tng; augmented electronic countermeasure techs w/chaff/flare uploads--OCO spt'd
- Completed Advanced Contingency Skills Tng; learned life saving/survival skill--prepared for OIF deployment
- Vol'd 45 off duty hrs at Balad AB heli-pad; asst'd w/32 critical patient movement--cemented 98% survival rate
- Aided electricians; IDd/replaced bleed air shut off valve; essential to Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Overhauled CTK; revamped 12 spt pgms; achieved 93% QA pass rate--88 of 91 insp passes during Gp SAV
- Asst'd crew chiefs; configured/launched no-notice medevac msn; saved 14 wounded prsnl--promote to TSgt!

- Filled in as specialist expediter; led 21 shift prsnl; aided 12K safe flt hrs--key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA
- Resolved generator malf; R2d control unit <1 hr; saved comm cmd control msn--key to 19K messages relayed
- Dispatched as mx recovery tm; asst'd aero repair w/elevator R2; ended 3 wks heavy mx downtime--TSgt now!

- Prioritized repairs on seven TCTOs/832 1C-130A-6 insps--98.8% sched mx effectiveness rate...beat cmd std
- Led Jt Readiness Trng Ctr mx team; contributed to 259 sorties/285 flt hrs--3.6K Army mbrs cmbt skill trained
- Prepared/generated acft for AFRICOM's first flying Sq; completed >50 mx events--acft msn ready upon arrival
- Go to guy on AFSO 21 initiative; spearheaded home station check/corrected >200 mx events--100% QA pass
- Participated in LRAFB Chief s Group fun run/fund raiser--helped raise over $5K to support base morale pgms
- Community minded! Assisted w/clothing drive collection for local Salvation Army--provided >$3K in goods
- Instructed unit on G081/forms reviews; cut transcriptions 40%--data integrity initial error rate reduced to <1%
- Trained 11 prsnl on expediter checklist; all critical items inspected daily--outstanding 96% AMC LSEP SAV
- Committed to unit events; helped w/AMU hail farewell--cooked for 125+ mbrs--enhanced unit cohesiveness
- Supervised wing bolt replacement; restored 4 acft to FMC--100% HHQ msns effective despite <25% of fleet
- Trained Polish AF on C-130E inspections/mx; led OJT for 25-mbr mx instructor team--lauded by US Embassy
- Subject Matter Expert! Briefed 19 AW CC/lcl news on fleet grounding C-130 barrel nut TCTO--MSgt ASAP!

- Focused leader; prepared 52 CREDIBLE CAT msns; drove JCS 3d highest priority msn--100% departure rate
- Team Chief for Poland AF C-130 acceptance; corrected >350 mx events--delivered nations 1st C-130E sortie
- Sole TSgt assigned to unit's Production office; performed like seasoned SNCO in all areas--promote to MSgt!

- Deployed 120 days in support of AFRICOM; gen'd 60 successful sorties--delivered 120 tons of cargo/720 pax
- Dispatched for Red Ball mx; replaced faulty switch; on-time OIF iron swap--aided Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Replaced leaking flap motor; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn launch--contributed to 276 sorties for FY 09
- IDd defective hydraulic boost pump; job completed in 1/2 std; salvaged critical medevac msn--12 lives saved
- Vol'd 6 hrs to Jacksonville High School improvement pgm; removed 50 lbs refuse--beautified local community
- Contributed 9 hrs building common area at Little Rock women's shelter--inc'd quality of life for abused women
- Completed Maintenance Resource Mgmt crs; briefed peers on enhanced practices--broadened flt awareness
- Cross-utilized; asst'd engine techs w/temperature data amplifier R2; iced Jt Readiness msn--45 jumpers qual'd
- IDd/repaired 15 discrepancies during home station ck; earned zero defect eval--key to Sq's 86% QVI pass rate
- Augmented dual rail section; transferred/inventoried/up-loaded rail/lock assys--acft ready for OIF deployment
- Resealed leaking brake shuttle vlv during Red Ball mx; essential to Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 highest
- IDd/repaired recurring in-flt hydraulic fluid transfer; replaced faulty ground test valve--promote to TSgt now!

- Discovered engine temp indication inop; R2d gauge in <15 min--crucial to 2.4K sorties/12K safe flt hrs FY 09
- Dispatched to Red Ball; resealed nose wheel steering manifold--saved tng sortie/averted $4K replacement cost
- IDd/replaced bypassing accumulator for utility system overflow; ensured HHQ msn launch--promote to TSgt!

- Dplyd 120 days to Kandahar, Afghanistan; gen'd 1.5K msns; transported 4.8K tons cargo/14K pax--OCO spt'd
- Led mx tm; isolated 3 sequencer malfs; R2d failed control unit--contributed to dplyd unit's 99% msn effect rate
- Led pre-dplymnt cks on 18 acft in spt of OIF; full defensive sys integrity intact--100% AOR crew survivability
- Eqpmt custodian; secured/managed 75 acft test eqpmt components valued at $1.9M--enabled 125+ mx actions
- Safety conscious; IDd/repositioned munitions connex; ensured safe zone--enabled AC-130 mx unit construction
- Selfless ambassador; led Sunday school at local church; taught 8 children--bolstered AF image in community
- Aggressively pursued education; passed 2 CLEP tests; earned 6 credits for CCAF degree in Avionics Mx Tech
- Qual'd 6 Amn on 51 C-130J tasks; installed electronic warfare sys on 4 acft--inc'd Sq's warfighting capability
- Tracked inventory/expenditures for 2.8K munitions; zero shortfalls/shelf life expirations--padded 74% MC rate
- Coord'd missile warning sys insp on 6 acft; validated functional weapons sys--crucial to 94% WW dep rel rate
- Alternate dplyd computer custodian; installed new hardware on 12 computers--guaranteed 100% asset control

- Led 6 isochronal insps for shop; supervised 210 mx repair/insp actions; key to Sq's 91% QVI rate 3rd qtr '09
- Directed tool room restructure; ensured AFI compliance/streamlined process--inc'd open floor space by 50%
- Led mx repair tm; R2d faulty smart cable; crucial to 85 rescued acft for yr--key to Sq winning AMC '09 MEA

- Deployed 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; transported 7K cargo/42K pax--2K convoy vehicles kept off highways
- Corrected faulty power sys; IDd/replaced shorted generator contactor; bolstered 75% MC rate--best in AMC
- Troubleshot landing light malf; repaired bad wiring/light assy; guaranteed channel msn success--2K pax hauled
- Responded bleed air leak red ball; R2d cargo flow control vlv; saved medevac msn--transported 3 patients
- Received 2 over the shoulder QA evals; garnered "zero defect" rating--reinforced deployed Sq 98% pass rate
- Filled 7 lvl slot for 2 exercises; tested Wg readiness; IDd 3 areas of improvements--reduced processing 1 hour
- Managed flt line driver orientation tng pgm; vital to safe/effective mx ops--"zero" vehicle mishaps in 4 months
- Accomplished 7 lvl end of course exam in 2 mos; 1 mo ahead of std; scored 80%--inc'd shop qual'd prsnl 14%
- Led MRT to austere location; IDd/repaired shorted generator wire harness <24 hrs--saved OIF resupply msn
- Directed air turbine motor fault repair; isolated/replaced drive assy while tng 4 Amn--inc'd shop qual's by 24%
- Alternate Sq Weapon Safety Rep; tnd/certified 30 psnl on proper handling/safety--zero weapon mishaps FY09
- Detected/replaced faulty eng fire detector; tnd eng troops on process/increased eng qual's 17%--promote now

- Found faulty air valve; ordered/installed part--enabled Hurricane Ike msn launch--319 pax on 55 airlift msns
- Isolated/repaired elusive AC power malf; R2d eng generator; saved HHQ msn--key to 94% WW Log dep rate
- Led fleet-wide TCTO conversion to NVG lighting; completed 2 mos early/enhanced AOR ops --promote now!

- Dplyd 124 days to Kandahar, Afghanistan; aided first ever C-130J Sq stand-up--1.7K sorties/moved 24K pax
- Led installation of defensive sys on 11 acft in 80 hrs; beat task std by 1/2--enhanced acft surveillance warning
- Spearheaded critical missile warning software upgrade to C-130J fleet; inc'd detection effectiveness by 30%
- Troubleshot 3 uncommanded flare launches; replaced failed line units--acft impound status rescinded/no repeat
- Coalition linchpin! Synergized USAF/USMC/U.K./Canadian C-130J assets--bolstered NATO/coalition effort
- Unequalled performer in every duty; dedicated to peers/msn--consistently exceeds AF expectations of an NCO
- Stellar trainer! Shift lead for 3 new apprentices; assigned tasks/taught/mentored--fully qual'd to dply in 6 mos
- Completed 21 credit hrs toward Bachelor's degree program; gained expert experience/background knowledge
- Forged winning team! First/only AFCENT C-130 Sq w/ops & mx in 5+ years--set roadmap for 200% growth
- Unmatched vol; committed 30 hrs weekly as local school head wrestling coach--engaged in youth development
- Developed local storage facility of flares; directed safety requirements/authorizations--cut delivery time 95%
- Efforts key to dplyd unit's 99% MC/100% ME rate; recognized as Sq 1st "Superb Shepherd" awd--TSgt earned

- Directed sensor sensitivity checks on 26 acft; enabled 12K safe flt hrs--key to Sq winning AMC's 2009 MEA
- Procured 24 spare flare magazines IDd during fleet forwarding to Afghanistan; saved unit $144K--no msn loss
- Elite! Built 20 computers/phones/shelves/benches while dplyd; key to ops start 24 hrs early--TSgt deserved!

- Isolated intermittent flare sys failure; replaced faulty dispenser/sequencer--solved 2-time repeat discrepancy
- Cleared 9 acft impoundments for uncommanded flare launch; completed sys op checks--rtn'd FMC <8 hrs
- Executed initial installation of defensive sys suite on 5 C-130J acft--ushered in new era of 463 AG airlift ops
- Discovered elusive missile warning sensor fault; rewired sys connector <12 hrs--restored vital warning sys
- Ambassador in blue! Selected as Sq's rep for foreign DV base tour/msn brief--German/US relations enhanced
- Filled in as deployed specialist expediter; ldrshp key to 600 combat sorties--pivotal to sustained 83% MC rate
- Earned CCAF degree! Awarded Associate's Degree in Avionics Sys Technology--archived stellar 3.9 GPA
- Determined in the pursuit of knowledge; earned 18 semester hrs toward Computer Science Bachelors degree
- Volunteered 25 hrs weekly as high school head wrestling coach--fostered teamwork/pride among 40 youth
- Aided task-saturated electrics shop remove/replace air turbine motor generator--key to 36 cmbt transport msns
- Volunteered 6 hrs at heli-pad; assisted med-techs move wounded to surgery--contributed to 98% survival rate
- Shift ldr for 5 prsnl; guided repair of 1.3K mx discrepancies; recognized as 463 AG NCO 2nd Qtr 07--promote

- Deployed to Balad AB, Iraq/Al Udied AB, Qatar; 180+ days OIF spt--29.8K pax/5.9K tons of cargo airlifted
- Coordinated/prep large acft infrared counter measures eqmt transport to the AOR--inc'd acft survivability 35%
- Outstanding cross-utilization skills/contributions! Chosen over 4K prsnl as NCO of Mo for 332 AEW--TSgt!

- Solved 4 week recurring dispensing sys fault; replaced errant programmer--aided Gp's ORI Excellent rating
- Troubleshot uncommanded flare launch; re-wired faulty relay circuit--acft impound status rescinded/no repeats
- Insp'd defensive sys for damage on 4 acft after B-1 mishap; certified airworthy--key to 97% msn effectiveness
- Led 2nd gen missile warning sys install; completed 80 hrs ahead of schedule--inc'd missle detection by 75%
- Hand-Picked for EW Conference with engineers/HQ ldrs--future sys/acft modification info passed to base ldrs
- Phenomenal trainer! Certified 3-level on all C-130J 5-level tasks <30 days--fully qual'd three mos ahead std
- Took initiative for cross utilization training; qual'd on 40% of avionics tasks--key to 99% mx sched-effect rate
- Completed 2 classes towards Computer Science Bachelor's degree; maintained 3.9 GPA--broadened tech skills
- Guided cable repair; fabricated/replaced 150ft warning sys wire bundle--acft returned FMC 18 hrs early
- Volunteered 30 hrs weekly as head wrestling coach at local high school--instilled camaraderie among 40 youth
- Aided sys engineers with software testing; resolved 3 conflicts--Avionics Modernization Pgm on schedule
- Ensured 50 min Alpha Alert launch; msn medevac'd 4 wounded soldiers; 100% survival rate--promote now!

- Deployed to Al Udeid AB, Qatar for 142 days; selected as ADVON for first ever active duty C-130J deployed
-- Generated 2.5K sorties for >3.7K mishap-free flt hrs; airlifted 29.5K pax, 4K tons of cargo--89% MC rate
- Repaired radar warning video fault; replaced amplifier assy; ended 16 hr troubleshooting dilemma--promote!

- Deployed 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; efforts generated 3.6K cmbt sorties--kept 1.9K trucks off Iraqi highways
- Acquired Jt Precision Aerial Delivery sys equip; provided aircrews w/tng capabilities--flying Sq 100% qual'd
- Isolated/R2d faulty radio receiver/transmitter; cemented Jt Force Exer msn launch--210 paratroopers OEF rdy
- Dispatched to radar malf; replaced scope; prevented msn delay--contributed to AMC C-130 best 75% MC rate
- Vol'd over 40 hours to repair facilities at Yokota elementary schools; improved over $100K of essential equip
- Assisted w/construction of 777 EAMU's bldg upgrades; built fitness center--boosted morale for 80 dplyd Amn
- 100% qual'd on C-130 in 3 mos; completed 372 5/7 lvl tasks 9 mos ahead of shop std--inc'd shop 7 lvl's 33%
- Completed Mx Resource Mgmt; solidified sound mx practices/mentored peers on safety--raised Sq awareness
- Remedied tng shortfall; created deployed crypto tng crs--enabled multi-shift capability/prevented work delay
- Led Jt Precision Airdrop Delivery Sys install on 15 acft; inc'd cargo delivery accuracy for continued OCO ops
- IDd/replaced failed radar antenna; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--key to 99% dep rel/276 sorties FY 09
- R2d power supply during Pope AFB Jt Force Exer; enabled airdrop msn; 330 jumpers qual'd--promote now!

- Reset control unit for navigation malf; aided 2.4K successful sorties for yr--key to Sq winning AMC's '09 MEA
- Troubleshot/repaired shorted radar connector; first time fix essential to Sq's .8% repeat-recur rate--AMC best
- Repaired high frequency radio; saved Jt Army Airdrop Tng msn; drove Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate--promote

- Dplyd 120 days to Ali Al Salem AB, Kuwait; spt'd 1.9K sorties/3.8K flt hrs; moved 450 tons of cargo/15K pax
- Replaced leaking brake 2 hrs prior to crew show; guaranteed OIF iron swap out--key to 94% WW dep rel rate
- Vital mbr of HSC insp tm; corrected 200 acft discrepancies; "zero defect" QA eval--beat 85% QVI rate by 4%
- ID'd/repaired hydraulic motor leak; enabled JCS' 3d highest-priority msn success--crucial to 276 sorties FY 09
- Donated 12 hrs off duty time for Airmen Against Drunk Driving pgm--negated 2 potential DWIs/saved 4 lives
- Int'l ambassador; assisted Australian Air Force; t/shot faulty cargo/ramp door--peacekeeping msn proceeded
- Cross utilized for flare load tms; quick config for sensitive night flt msn--assured crew safety/evasion readiness
- Trained/certified 5 newly assigned Amn on proper acft insp methods; ensured critical wartime task completed
- Asst'd w/R2 of faulty engine; acft FMC 4 hrs ahead of sched; iced 76% MC rate--AMC's active C-130 highest
- Augmented dplyd guidance/control shop; R2'd gyro for directional fault--infused cmbt positions w/60 soldiers
- Validated 2 brakes worn beyond limits; directed 3 tm mbrs; task done in 2 hrs--beat cmd's 8 hr fix std by 3%
- Quick turned acft w/worn gear tires; replaced tires in <1 hr; 55 cmbt soldiers delivered to Baghdad promote

- Flying crew chief for Bravo alert acft; provided Hurricane Ike spt; evac'd 250 pax/transported 29 tons of cargo
- Refueled/rigged/launched dplyd alert acft; flawlessly achieved in <28 min--54 warriors delivered to frontlines
- Asst'd sister AMU in AOR; R2'd 2 windows/4 leading edges on EC-130 acft; OIF/OEF spt'd--promote to SSgt!

- Dplyd 120 days to Joint Base Balad, Iraq; 2.7K sorties/4.6K tons cargo/26K pax--kept 1.4K vehicles off roads
- Expedited 16 Amn/6 AFSCs at dplyd location; efforts pivotal to 87% MC rate--surpassed 75% AFCENT std
- Spearheaded mx repair of autopilot sys; IDd/R2d servo control--crucial to 218 Jt comm msns/3 IEDs detected
- Expertly isolated autopilot fault to broken wire; rapid repair ensured NVG tng msn launch--4 crew OIF qual'd
- Vol'd; repainted/refurbished dplyd unit mx bldg; improved working conditions--inc'd morale for 65 dplyd Amn
- Assisted Salvation Army; warehoused clothing/household items; ensured essentials available to less fortunate
- Completed N-1 compass field tng crs; utilized new sys knowledge to trn 3 Amn--inc'd sys qual'd techs by 40%
- Accomplished Mx Risk Mgmt crs; solidified mx practices/mentored subordinates--enhanced safety awareness
- Led mx recovery tm to Canada; isolated navigation sys malf; R2d turn rate gyro--deployers/acft returned home
- Pinpointed elusive compass malf; R2d azimuth detector; instrumental to Gp's .7% repeat recur rate--AMC best
- Troubleshot elevator trim indication malf; R2d trim motor; crucial to Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Resolved binding engine throttle; R2d adjustable transducer; efforts alleviated potential acft mishap--promote

- Dplyd for Jt Forcible Entry Ex; launched 25 msns; 2K jumpers/7 eqpmt platforms dropped--19 crews OIF rdy
- Led gyro R2 for attitude malf; secured JCS 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep rel rate--aided 276 sorties FY 09
- R2d transmitter for oil light red ball; enabled on-time OIF swap; drove Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate--promote

- Deployed 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; generated 2.8K combat sorties--4K tons of cargo/35.4K pax transported
- Remedied elevator trim malf; repaired faulty boost pack--first time fix key to .7% repeat-recur rate--AMC best
- IDd/resealed leaking brake selector valve; sealed OIF acft swap-out--essential to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Diagnosed/replaced failed accumulator prior to acft launch; saved vital medevac msn--14 patients delivered
- Vol'd 16 hrs to Little Rock Ronald McDonald House; refurbished/painted interiors--solidified community ties
- Actively spts Mx Advisory Council; participated in 2 Sq car wash fundraiser's; raised $400+ for Sq functions
- Authored tng rqmts for new wash facility; trained 55 Amn--provided improved techniques for 24 acft washes
- Completed Mx Risk Mgmt crs; solidified sound mx practices/mentored peers on safety--raised Sq awareness
- Built 54 picnic tables for DFAC; inc'd seating by 50%; boosted inter-service relations--lauded by USAR/CC
- Augmented dual rail section; transferred/inventoried/up-loaded rail/lock assys--acft ready for OIF deployment
- Completed 35 aircraft washes; supervision key to 14 "zero defect" inspections--lauded by QA lead inspector
- Deployed specialist expediter; led 5 AFSCs/conducted 5K mx actions; iced 85% MC rate--promote to TSgt

- Led mx recovery tm to Mosul, Iraq; replaced hydraulic transmitter/bled sys--OIF combat msn resumed <24 hrs
- Resealed leaking aileron boost pack during red ball; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--secured 99% dep rel
- Discovered elusive hydro leak; enabled Hurricane Ike relief msn--moved 196 pax/15 tons of cargo--TSgt now

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.5K sorties; moved 4.2K cgo tons/40K pax; 1.2K trucks off roads
- Selected as DCC for 2 acft; repaired 25 discrepancies--contributed to acft chosen "Pride of the Fleet" Jan '10
- R2d leaking brake 2 hrs prior to crew show; guaranteed OIF iron swap out--key to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- IDd/replaced cracked engine heat shield; secured detainee transport msn on-time takeoff--97 insurgents moved
- Ambassador in Blue; dedicated 12 hrs to VA hospital visit--provided companionship to 25 disabled veterans
- Donated 10 hrs at Cabot Retirement Ctr; provided meals/entertainment--enhanced AF image/morale for elderly
- Cross utilized; asst'd comm techs w/flight data recorder R2; acft MC in 30 min--saved AMC/CC transport msn
- Completed all upgrade requirements in only 6 mos; awd'd 7 skill level--inc'd shift critical qual prsnl by 25%
- Spearheaded dplyd HSC; directly oversaw 162 carded tasks/450 mx actions--completed 2 days ahead of sched
- Responded to red ball engine malf; R2'd starter in 1/2 job std; 65 soldiers transported to fwd base--OCO spt'd
- Aided electrics troubleshoot electrical fault; R2d chaffed wires; key to Gp's 73% MC rate--Cmd's C-130 best
- IDd/R2d worn gear tire before launch; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep rel rate--promote now

- Superior technical abilities; earned 5 zero defect QA over the shoulder evals--vital to Sq's 97% PE pass rate
- Versatile! Performed high wind insp on 8 assigned acft; insps complete 3 hrs ahead of sched--zero sorties lost
- Adjusted out of rig flap roller; aided 12K safe flt hrs for yr; key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--promote now!

- Scheduled/managed tng rqmts for 370 prsnl in 12 work centers; provided fully qualified prsnl for GWoT msn
- Superb; processed 1K+ tng updates for 64 newly assigned Amn--inc'd Sq/AF war fighting capabilities by 18%
- Managed/monitored AMC mx production crs allocations; filled 45 seats--ensured 100% utilization rate for pgm
- Oversaw AMU CDC pgm; 123 Amn upgraded on-time; zero mbrs in tng over 24 mos--smashed 2% AMC goal
- Unstoppable! Streamlined training scheduling notification problems--enhanced ldrshp/communication skills
- Vol'd for Cabot, AR Soccer Association; coached/judged/mentored tm events--positively impacted 7 athletes
- Education minded; passed CLEP exam; earned 3 sem hrs toward CCAF degree in Aviation Maintenance Tech
- Completed facility mgr tng; submitted/tracked 16 AF 332s--ensured upkeep/repair of $13.8M ops/mx complex
- Revamped tng mgmt process; reduced overdues 40%; set baseline for sister AMU--lauded by AMC/A4 insp tm
- First contact for Travis AFB on TBA conversion; provided sys setup guidance--improved tng for 700+ Amn
- Trained new tng NCO on duties/responsibilities; tracked 370 Amn w/700 annual classes--ensured qual'd techs
- IDd 9 unsafe building conditions; submitted AF Form 322s; eliminated potential safety hazards--promote now!

- Managed 180 5-level Amn in upgrade tng status; incredible first-time pass rate of 97%--12 scores above 90%
- Tracked/scheduled 20K ancillary/special cert tng rqmts; contributed to Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Flawlessly scheduled 300+ tng detachment allocations; achieved 96% scheduling effectiveness rate--TSgt now

- Led shop's home station ck; IDd/corrected 28 discrepancies; rec'd zero defect eval--drove Gp's 93% QVI rate
- Resolved pilot's interphone fault; restored critical flt sys before engine start--key to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Supervised radar malf red ball; replaced indicator/enabled NVG tng msn--12 aircrew mbrs 100% OCO qual'd
- Repaired bent radar scope connector; first time fix pivotal to Sq's 1% repeat-recur rate--AMC's C-130 lowest
- Vol'd 20 hrs for elementary school Watch Dog pgm; provided security/mentorship--secured 400 students safety
- Superior ldrshp; coord'd 35 Honor Guard funeral details--rendered proper honors for AR/TN fallen veterans
- Attended Jt Precision Air Delivery Sys crs; installed on 6 acft; inc'd cargo delivery accuracy--sustained OCO
- Achieved 99% C-130 quals in 4 mos; completed 372 5/7 lvl tasks 9 mos ahead of shop std--inc'd 7 lvl's 33%
- Brilliant mgr; flawlessly led 23 Amn w/repair of 1.8K mx actions--instrumental to 12K safe flt hrs for FY '09
- Supervised shop tng pgm; tracked upgrade for 10 Amn; 1.5K ancillary tasks completed--99% on-time tng rate
- Exemplifies stds; Honor Guard detail CC for Veterans Day retreat--ensued proper recognition to military mbrs
- Coord'd prsnl availability/readiness tng for 8 OIF rotations; dplyd 18 Amn; OCO spt'd--promote to MSgt now!

- Performed flight line expediter duties; led 58 Amn in 7 AFSCs; secured Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC C-130 best
- Reset control unit for nav sys malf; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--key to 99% dep rel/276 sorties CY '09
- Repaired high frequency radio sys; aided 12K safe flt hrs for yr; key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--MSgt now

- Deployed 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; delivered 52K pax/6.1K tons cargo--kept 800 trucks off Iraqi roadways
- Troubleshot eng tachometer indicator fluctuation; R2d synchrophaser--essential to 97% mx effectiveness rate
- Isolated/replaced low pitch stop on transient acft; contributed to 7K cargo tons/120K pax delivered in theater
- Analyzed erratic fuel flow/torque flux; replaced temperature datum valve--vital to transport of 65 cmbt soldiers
- Vol'd for sq highway cleanup; removed 50 lbs trash in polluted areas--beautified community/fortified relations
- Spt'd Air Force Aid Society; 100% shop contacted; provided aid to fellow Amn--strengthened esprit de corps
- Spearheaded unit forklift/crane tng instruction; certified 7 prsnl--inc'd shop critical task qual'd prsnl by 18%
- Accomplished 2 CLEP tests; awarded 6 credit hrs towards CCAF degree in Aviation Maintenance Technology
- Implemented Gp level insp; IDd/repaired 7 afterbody mounting brackets--pivotal to 12K safe flt hrs for FY 09
- Discovered/repaired cracked turbine spt; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep rel--aided 276 sorties
- Replaced binding fuel control assy; prevented catastrophic eng failure--key to AMC's C-130 best 75% MC rate
- Rec'd 5 zero defect personal evals; garnered QA honor roll during OIF tenure--promote to TSgt immediately!

- R2d eng as mx recovery tm ldr to Baghdad, Iraq; saved C3 msn--contributed to 19K messages relayed to date
- Led tm for temperature datum failure; R2d shorted lead; enabled OIF acft swap--key to 94% WW dep rel rate
- Dispatched to transient acft for damaged compressor blades; repair saved AF $975K in eng R2--promote now

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; transported 4.3K cargo tons/31K pax--kept 1.3K trucks off Iraqi roadways
- Troubleshot elusive countermeasures sys error; replaced faulty programmer--enabled critical OIF resupply msn
- Led immediate action TCTO process; disabled missile warning sys--erased fire hazard/ensured aircrew safety
- Performed 5 isochronal insps; 124 mx actions/15 functional cks; rec'd flawless eval--drove Gp's 93% QVI rate
- Vol'd 12 hrs at Balad AB Troys Place; stocked comfort items--created relaxed environment for 5K dplyd Amn
- Sharp! Created 3 electronic warfare career dvlpmnt crs exam pretests--aided shop's 100% first time pass rate
- Completed two CLEP tests; earned 6 sem hrs toward CCAF degree--advanced personal/professional abilities
- Finished 7 lvl career dvlpmnt crs; scored 85% on crs exam; fulfilled all task specific rqmts--awd'd 7 skill lvl
- Superb cross-utilization skills; asst'd w/4 engine/3 propeller changes--key to AMC's C-130 best 73% MC rate
- Coord'd w/munitions section; dvlp'd new chaff/flare tracking process--guaranteed 100% ammo accountability
- Spearheaded critical missile warning software mod; upgraded C-130J fleet--inc'd detection effectiveness 30%
- Filled in as dplyd expediter; led 6 career fields/40 techs; coor'd repair of 200+ mx actions--promote to TSgt!

- Astutely earned 6 zero defect personal evals; awarded QA honor roll--solidified dplyd unit's 91% PE pass rate
- Troubleshot transient acft uncommanded flare launch; repaired shorted wire--acft cleared impoundment <8 hrs
- Finished wiring mod on 6 acft <20 days; aided 12K safe flt hrs; key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--TSgt now!

- Highest quality mx methods/procedures; earned 13 zero defect QA evals--key to Sq's 97% overall PE pass rate
- Stepped up to fill in for expediter; orchestrated repair of 2 NMC acft--maintained 100% MC rate for 5 C-130s
- R2d leading edge panel on Hangar Queen acft; prep'd acft for flt--ensured successful sortie after 289 gnd days
- Led 2 home station ck insps; completed 160 work cards/200 mx actions--awd'd Sq NCO of the mo for Feb '10
- Superb technical skills; repaired 60 delayed discrepancies; earned DCC awd 3d qtr '09--coined by Gp/Wg/CC
- Vol'd for Logistics Professional banquet; coord'd 2 Sq promotion ceremonies--linchpin for recognition pgms
- Completed 24 of 30 sem hrs in pursuit of MBA degree; maintained superior 3.5 GPA--3 mos shy of graduation
- Superb trainer! Instructed/qual'd 6 Amn on wing cribbing/landing light R2--inc'd task available prsnl by 10%
- Led 4 honor guard details during Wg prsnl shortage; spt'd veteran's funeral/CoC ceremonies--rendered honors
- Trained 6 prsnl on truss mount R2/forms documentation/warning tags; enhanced Sq's combat mx effectiveness
- Donated 3 hrs off duty time for "Chief's Fun Run"; tracked time for 80 participants--gen'd $3K for base events
- Rec'd 4 zero defect QA evals; earned QA honor roll 1st qtr '09; crucial to Gp's 93% QVI rate--promote to TSgt

- Prep'd acft for CREDIBLE CAT; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--crucial to Sq winning AMC's '09 MEA
- Sharp! Handpicked to brief AMC CINC on DCC pgm; Wg placed 2nd in AMC Installation Excellence Award
- Professional; prep'd acft as static display for AMC/CC/18th AF/CC final flt; lauded by both--promote to TSgt!

- Cornerstone of prsnl recognitions pgms; reviewed/re-worded 60 EPRs/8 quarterly awards--zero lates to MPS
- Ensured daily GO81 documentation inputs; oversaw 14K entries--crucial to CY 09 AMC-best 1.9% error rate
- Oversaw upgrade tng for 70 Amn; 19 upgraded ahead of std; key to Gp's 73% MC rate--AMC's C-130 highest
- Superb mgr; orchestrated 24/7 availability of 6 career fields for mx recovery tms--rescued 42 acft/18 locations
- Community soccer association vice president; coord'd 100 events w/city/state officials--mentored 250 children
- President/creator for neighborhood watch pgm; oversaw neighbors/police dept meeting--intruder apprehended
- Delivered "Stripes on the Line" pgm; performed 46 mx evaluations/corrected errors--96% LSEP SAV pass rate
- Completed 2 classes toward CCAF; earned 6 credit hrs--2 classes remaining for Aviation Technology degree
- Sq top 3 Vice President; led 12 fund raising events; gen'd $1.5K--raided morale for world's largest C-130 unit
- Alt Sq/AMU motorcycle safety rep; tracked tng/status for 100 riders; org'd mentor ride--zero safety incidents
- Hand picked to mentor Thai exchange officer; trained/advised on prsnl mgmt--improved international relations
- Exceptionally dedicated to Sq success; ldrshp essential to 16K sorties/29K safe flt hrs--leading like a SNCO!

- Coord'd 5 OIF rotations; flawlessly dplyd 105 Amn/8 acft to 3 theater locations--lifeblood for sustained OCO
- Directed mx in spt of CREDIBLE CAT; JCS' 3d highest priority msn--276 msns/570 tons of cargo/99% dep rel
- Managed 2K+ ancillary tng items; aided 94% WW dep rel; key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--MSgt deserved

- Troubleshot/R2d erroneous turbine overheat thermostat; enabled on-time NVG tng msn--5 aircrew OIF qual'd
- Swiftly diagnosed propeller low oil light fault; repaired broken wiring; essential to Gp's .9% repeat-recur rate
- Isolated bleed down anomaly; adjusted leaking isolation valve; enabled Jt Force Exer msn--300 jumpers qual'd
- Repaired broken wire for landing gear unsafe condition; contributed to Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Sharp tech; rec'd 3 consecutive zero defect over-the-shoulder QA evals--instrumental to Sq's 97% PE pass rate
- Attended money saving seminar; learned budgeting/investment options--mentored 8 Amn on financial stability
- Cross utilization trained for acft ground handling; gen'd acft for CORONET OAK--spt'd drug interdiction msns
- Dedicated trainer; instructed 3 Amn on 200+ upgrade tasks--Amn upgraded to 5 skill lvl 1 mos ahead of AF std
- Teamed w/engine shop for after-body mount bolts insp; verified 80 propellers--vital to 12K safe flt hrs FY '09
- Led tm on cargo interior lighting mod; installed 42 NVG assys--provided optimal visual acuity for blackout ops
- Performed acft pre-dplymnt functional checks; finished 4 hrs ahead of shop std--guaranteed AOR swap out msn
- '09 AMC Rodeo tm mbr; repaired 150 discrepancies; Wg won 7 trophies; awd'd "Best C-130 Team" promote

- Isolated/repaired repeat generator fault, aided Sq's 94% WW dep rel rate--key to Sq winning AMC's '09 MEA
- R2d fuse for Red Ball mx; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--contributed to 99% dep rel/300 sorties for yr
- Rapidly troubleshot air conditioning sys; R2d flow control valve; ensured on-time HHQ msn--promote now!

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.9K sorties; moved 4.2K tons cgo/51K pax--removed 1.8K vehicles
- Resolved engine no start condition; R2d faulty manifold drain valve--pivotal to .2% air abort rate Jul/Aug '09
- IDd time consuming forms process for major mx; updated GO81/forms pre-prints--vital to 74.6% 12-hr fix rate
- Discovered faulty terminal block causing turbine temp malf; ended 2 time recur--ensured acft OIF alert msn rdy
- Org'd/participated in shop mountain bike ride; inc'd health/wellness--strengthened shop morale/esprit de corps
- Vol'd 12 hrs at theater hospital; expedited patient movement--inc'd life sustaining efforts for 8 combat wounded
- Developed/implemented OJT tng plan; clarified tng agenda for upgrade to 5 lvl--decreased upgrade time 18%
- Attended Mx Resource Mgmt class; inc'd knowledge/awareness on reducing prsnl mishaps--mentored 10 Amn
- Tm lead on 5 engine/7 propeller changes; qual'd 2 Amn; awd'd zero defect QA eval--key to Gp's 93% QVI rate
- Asst'd task saturated avionics techs; R2d oil quantity transmitter; vital to Gp's 73% MC rate--Cmd's C-130 best
- Diagnosed/R2d faulty low pitch stop on transient acft; enabled OIF resupply msn continuation--sustained OCO
- Responded to engine low power malf; R2d faulty speed sensitive valve; secured NVG tng msn--promote now!

- Led MRT; R2d oil filter for oil loss in-flt; rescued JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--aided 300 sorties for CY '09
- Orchestrated Gp level insp; IDd/repaired 7 afterbody mounting brackets--ensured all local tng/HHQ msns met
- R2d valve for elusive temp malf; aided 12K safe flt hrs for yr; key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--TSgt now!

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.7K sorties; moved 5.4K tons cgo/46K pax--1.8K trucks off of roads
- Reorg'd 38K sq ft storage area; inc'd useable space/security of acft eqpmt--100% accountability for $3M assets
- Installed comm sys eqmt on newly assigned acft; essential to 154 cmd control sorties--2K convoy calls relayed
- Skilled tech; IDd critical defect on main axle journal; verified w/in limits--saved AF over $55K/24 NMC hrs
- Donated 6 hrs at Troy's Place while dplyd; inventoried/cleaned/restocked inventory--inc'd morale for 5K Amn
- Tm player; selflessly worked 4 hrs beyond normal duty time--covered as minimal manning for Christmas break
- Cross utilized; asst'd electronic warfare shop; loaded acft flares; cmd control msn met--12 urgent calls relayed
- Seized tng opportunity, aided aero repair techs w/trim tab actuator R2; saved airdrop msn--5 pallets delivered
- Led 2 acft HSC insps; both FMC 48 hrs early; rec'd zero defect QA evals--instrumental to Gp's 93% QVI rate
- Asst'd hydraulic tech; R2d broken system press cannon plug; aided Gp's 73% MC rate--AMC's C-130 highest
- IDd/R2d damaged tire during pre-flt insp; enabled on-time OIF iron swap--key to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Flawlessly replaced defective crew door cable; enabled 100% sortie gen during local tng surge--promote now

- Performed escort duties for classified acft testing tm; ensured test security/integrity--lauded/coined by Wg/CC
- Responded for engine in-flt emer; serviced propeller; guaranteed detainee transport msn--6 prisoners delivered
- IDd delaminated radome/coord'd repair; aided 12K safe flt hrs; key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--promote!

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.7K sorties; moved 4.4K tons cargo/50K pax--removed 1.7K trucks
- Asst'd hydraulics techs troubleshoot leaking booster panel; replaced faulty line--enabled NVG tng msn success
- Led short notice CREDIBLE CAT prep; spt'd JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--key to 99% dep rel/300 sorties '09
- R2d leaking propeller <5 hrs; enabled on-time launch; gen'd 6 OIF sorties--moved 40 pax/6 tons cargo/8 DVs
- Selfless volunteer; planned/led 2 acft mx unit shift cookouts; positive event for 50 Amn--inc'd esprit de corps
- Devoted 10 hrs to USMC toys for tots drive; collected 500 lbs of toys--raised spirits for less fortunate children
- Superior tech; diagnosed/R2d sheared engine starter; enabled Jt Force Exer msn--600 paratroopers OIF qual'd
- Trained recent influx of 3 skill-level Amn on acft insps/recovery duties; guaranteed cmbt readiness--OCO spt'd
- Enforced stds; rec'd zero discrepancies on 12 QA evals--contributed to Sq's 97% PE pass/Gp's 93% QVI rates
- Asst'd aero repair shop install/rig outboard flap <4 hrs; instrumental to Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Immediate responder; discovered/extinguished lighting fixture fire in dormitory--saved building/100 Amn lives
- Flawlessly performed pre-flt insps on 3 acft; zero defects noted during AMC/A4 SAV--promote to SSgt now!

- R2d leaking tire <1 hr; saved OIF iron swap; aided 94% WW dep rel rate--key to Sq winning AMC's 09 MEA
- Dispatched to transient C-130; R2d defective seat lock pin; saved OIF medevac msn--3 wounded transported
- R2d 2 tires for nose wheel shimmy; enabled comm cmd control msn; aided 17K messages relayed--SSgt now!

- Responded to negative engine RPM; pinpointed/R2d faulty tach generator--enabled Joint Forces Exercise msn
- Troubleshot propeller leak; R2d dome seal <2 hrs; instrumental to Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 highest
- Insp'd 20 zones during home station ck; corrected 150 discrepancies w/perfect eval--key to Gp's 93% QVI rate
- IDd/replaced out-of-limits rear bearing spt; prevented costly engine replacement--saved $1M asset/50 man-hrs
- Vol'd for Sq Thanksgiving day feast; set-up seating location/served food to 600+ Amn--strengthened Sq morale
- Vol'd/worked 14 hrs for Amn Against Drunk Driving pgm; safeguarded 19 AF mbrs' lives--enabled zero DUIs
- Superb trainer; instructed 10 Amn on engine gimbal installation/rigging procedures--inc'd unit mx quals by 25%
- Certified 12 new crew chiefs on engine basic post flt/15 day insps; fulfilled critical war time task--spt'd OCO
- Aided task-saturated crew chiefs w/alternate eqpmt rigging; enabled NVG msn launch--6 crew mbrs OIF qual'd
- Diagnosed/replaced faulty GTC starter; first repair key in reducing repeat-recur rate to 1%--Cmd's C-130 best
- R2d/rigged binding fuel control assy; prep'd acft for CORONET OAK dplymnt--contributed to 71 msns flown
- Replaced faulty fuel cluster for GTC malf; on-time OIF swapout; key to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate--promote!

- R2d valve housing for propeller malf; crucial to 12K safe flt hrs for yr--key to Sq winning AMC's 2009 MEA
- Meticulous; conducted forms/mx data collection review on 9 assigned acft--ensured accurate data sent to HHQ
- Replaced transmitter for oil indication fault; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep rel--promote now!

- Selected for MRT; replaced leaking clamp for wheel well overheat; rescued channel msn--moved 2 tons cargo
- Elite technician; led repair of elusive oxygen sys leak; acft sealed for HHQ msn--lauded/coined by Wg/Gp CC
- IDd/repaired wiring for generator malf; acft returned FMC; bolstered Sq's 75% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Analyzed/R2d turbine motor <2 hrs; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn launch--solidified 99% dep rel rate
- Rec'd 3 "zero defect" QA personal evals; padded Sq's 98% pass rate for 2nd qtr 09--crushed AMC std by 13%
- Vol'd as chaperone for "Day at Zoo"; provided 68 youths food/security--strengthened base/community relations
- Used CUT; replaced acft brake; saved Jt Readiness Tng Ctr msn--completed 11 sorties/330 jumpers cbt qual'd
- Completed 51 7-lvl upgrade tasks in 8 mos; inc'd shop capabilities by 14%--achieved 91% on end of crs exam
- Led fire extinguisher insp; completed 22 acft in 2 mos/beat ground date by 10 mos--ensured 100% fleet safety
- Trained 2 Amn on HSC insp; IDd/corrected 93 discrepancies; "zero defect" QA eval--pivotal to 91% QVI rate
- Rapidly replaced light assy for anti-skid fault; first-time fix vital to Gp's .7% repeat-recur rate--best in AMC
- Supervised 29 Amn as shop NCOIC for 1 mo; completed 150 mx actions/gen'd 1K safe flt hrs--promote now!

- Isolated/replaced pressure switch during red ball mx; guaranteed Hurricane Ike relief msn--evacuated 319 pax
- Repaired broken contactor for fire warning malf; enabled off-station msn launch--aided 94% WW dep rel rate
- Submitted AFTO Form 22; initiated re-write of lighting sys fault isolation TO; cut 2 hrs per malf--promote now

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.9K sorties; moved 4K cgo tons/51K pax--kept 1.8K trucks off roads
- Dispatched for nav sys failure; IDd/R2d shorted nav unit; secured Fallen Hero msn--2 warriors returned home
- Isolated/R2d faulty radar processor during Red Ball; ensured vital sys ops--guaranteed re-dplymnt for 65 Amn
- Solved dual radio malf; R2d receiver/repaired damaged wire--key to AMC's C-130 best 1% repeat-recur rate
- Vol'd at community food shelter; org'd can goods/stocked shelves--provided essential food for citizens in need
- Accomplished 100+ Identify Friend/Foe checks prior to flt; contributed to 12K safe flt hrs--gen'd 2.4K sorties
- Prep'd for career dvlpmnt crs exam; achieved 93% test score/awd'd 7 lvl--rec'd 3 day pass/coined by Gp/CC
- Education driven; completed CCAF Avionic Mx Tech degree--earned 12 hrs for Professional Aeronautics B.S.
- Superb mentor; led upgrade tng for 4 Amn; produced 90% avg crs exam score--inc'd shop qual'd prsnl by 15%
- Created flare upload/download cut tng plan; avionics shop 75% qual'd <1 week--inc'd shop task quals by 20%
- IDd/replaced failed radar antenna; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--key to 99% dep rel/300 sorties CY 09
- Performed as specialist expediter; led 21 prsnl/5 AFSCs; key to AMC C-130 best 74% MC rate--promote now

- Responded to radar malf; replaced faulty scope; saved OCO swap out msn--key to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- IDd radio pgm deficiency; revamped tracking procedure--ensured availability of critical assets worth $250K
- Shop NCOIC for 4 mos; led 23 Amn w/repair of 400 mx actions; key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA promote

- Troubleshot/replaced faulty anti-ice valve; prep'd acft for CORONET OAK--contributed to 71 successful msns
- R2d crew door step; guaranteed 100% sortie completion during tng surge--essential to 2.4K sorties for FY 09
- IDd/repaired faulty aileron trim tab motor; acft FMC <2 hrs; crucial to Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Responded to prop low oil light red ball; R2d faulty float switch--saved medevac msn for 12 critical patients
- Assisted local tornado relief crews; removed hazardous debris--inc'd safety for devastated civilian community
- Completed Professional Aeronautics degree course; earned 6 credit hrs towards CCAF--maintained 3.0 GPA
- Trained 3 Amn on proper acft forms transcribing procedure; expedited review process--zero lost forms to date
- Led home station ck insp; IDd/corrected 180 discrepancies; rec'd zero defect eval--drove Gp's 93% QVI rate
- Cross-utilized; isolated/R2d faulty anti-ice valve; enabled OIF iron swap--vital to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Instructed recent influx of 3 skill-level Amn on acft insps/recovery duties; ensured cmbt readiness--OCO spt'd
- IDd/R2d cracked exhaust pipe 4 hrs prior to flt; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn--aided 99% dep rel rate

- I have carefully considered SSgt Jacob R. Nix's comments to the referral memo of 18 March 2010
- Flying crew chief; spt'd AF Thunderbird demo tm, moved 17 tons of cargo/21 pax--maintained 100% MC rate
- Asst'd aero repair shop; rigged outboard wing flap; aided 12K safe flt hrs--key to Sq winning AF 2009 MEA

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.9K sorties; hauled 4.2K tons cgo--removed 1.8K trucks from roads
- Resolved inadvertent flare launch; R2d sequencer <6 hrs; avoided impound--key to dplyd unit's 84% MC rate
- Led immediate action TCTO; disabled infrared defensive sys--eliminated fire hazard/ensured acft/crew safety
- Completed 4 isochronal insps; 80 mx actions/12 functional cks; rec'd zero defect eval--iced Gp's 93% QVI rate
- Led AMU children toy drive; superior Sq rep for AFSA--accomplished 360 contacts/raised $15K+ donations
- Vol'd 8 hrs at chapel retreat; restocked/organized comfort items--provided supplies/raised morale for 5K Amn
- Inc'd knowledge/responsibility; completed 100% of core 7 level upgrade tng tasks--inc'd critical quals by 8%
- Education minded; CLEPd Ethics in America crs--earned 3 sem hrs for Avionic Sys Technology CCAF degree
- Cross-utilization skills; performed/analyzed 100+ debriefs/500+ sorties--pivotal to Sq's 1% repeat-recur rate
- IDd deficient RWR pgm; ensured proper documentation; created tracking sheet w/Wg mgr--100% compliance
- Executed sensor sensitivity checks on 10 OCO acft; replaced 4 degraded sensors--maintained vital sys integrity
- Drove initial equipment install on three C-130J acft; increased Sq cmbt capability by 5%--promote her now!

- Trained CV-22 unit on missile warn sys; slashed sensor failure red balls--saved 16 man hrs of troubleshooting
- Attention to detail; authored 2 tech data order change requests--guaranteed mx procedure 100% accurate/safe
- Executed sensor conduit TCTO; aided 12K safe flt hrs for yr; key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--SSgt earned!

- Deployed 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; maintained defensive sys on 9 deployed acft--produced 3.5K sorties
- Troubleshot warning sys sensor fault/repaired 3 splices; ended 5 mos problem--key to 1.2% repeat-recur rate
- Led mx efforts on defensive laser sys swap; moved 2 sys 8 hrs ahead of schedule--action led to 75% MC rate
- Assisted hydraulics; replaced malf auxiliary accumulator; enabled 290 Joint Airborne msns--15 IEDs detected
- Donated time to Airman's Attic; received/distributed donated items--provided for young AF families in need
- Participated in Hurricane IKE relief; prepped local church to house evacuees--provided safe haven for families
- Provided munitions load tng/qual to 9 crew chiefs; averted shortfall--provided 100% critical task availability
- Selected for initial EW C-130 mod pgm; solved interface malf--enabled defensive sys integration in future mod
- Filled SNCO role as specialist expediter; directed 6 AFSCs--efforts enabled the transport of 3,080 detainees
- AOR facility rep; coordinated w/contracting to clear 49 discrepancies--bolstered building safety/functionality
- Unit Weapons Safety Rep; enforced safe munitions processing/handling--secured "zero defect" on annual insp
- Repaired radar warning video fault; replaced amplifier assy--ended 16 hr troubleshooting dilemma--promote!

- Handpicked for AFSO21 tool crib consolidation event; brainstormed location issues--ideas saved over $10K
- Managed team for 5 isochronal insps; discovered/repaired 125+ acft discrepancies--aided 91% QA pass rate
- Developed exercise flare load/op ck plan; ensured on-time acft generation during 2 base exercises--promote!

- FCC for Andrews AFB air/evac msn; IDd/R2d leaking brake swivel; transported 67 patients--8 critical saved
- Troubleshot radio in-flt sys malf; coord'd part acquisition w/HHQ; replaced coupler--averted mx repair team
- Diagnosed/R2d 3 guidance indicators during 2 iron swaps; on-time OIF arrival--key to 94% WW dep rel rate
- Replaced gyro for compass failure; enabled drug enforcement msn--transported ammo/supplies to DEA agents
- Community minded; donated household items/clothing to local charity--provided for less fortunate in local area
- Actively spts base; vol'd 14 hrs towards Amn Against Drunk Driving pgm--contributed to 114 saves for FY 09
- Completed Math/American History CLEPs; earned 6 credit hrs towards CCAF degree in Acft Mx Technology
- Accomplished Mx Risk Management class; mentored 10 subordinates on safety practices--inc'd Sq awareness
- IDd/repaired 200 discreps as home station ck tm ldr; garnered zero defect QA eval--drove Sq's 91% QVI rate
- Asst'd eng techs; qual'd as crane operator; aided 2 eng replacements; key to 75% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Troubleshot/changed faulty landing gear shuttle valve; ensured Jt Force Exer msn--650 paratroopers OIF qual'd
- Brilliant mx tech; amassed 140 flying hrs as FCC; vital to 2.4K sorties/12K safe flt hrs for FY 09--TSgt ASAP!

- R2d filter for hyd pressure malf; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep rel--aided 276 sorties FY 09
- Expert! Resolved elusive acft power malfunction; ended 6 mo recur--keyed AMC-best .8% repeat-recur rate
- Dplyd to Muniz ANGB, PR; lead FCC for 3 DV msns/82 flt hrs; moved 422 pax/28 cargo tons--STEP to TSgt!

- Dplyd 90 days to Bagram AB, Afghanistan; contributed to 3K sorties airlifting 10.3K pax/2.7K tons of cargo
- Solved fuel control fault; R2d unit/beat job std by 2 hrs--iced cbt airdrop of ammo to ground forces under fire
- Isolated/sealed engine oil leak; acft rdy for DV msn--provided transportation for 1st Afghan election officials
- Led Wg audit; secured 200 props/$50M in assets; 100% accountability--tracking database now Wg benchmark
- Vol'd for crane trainer/cert at dplyd location; 6 Amn trained; qual'd Amn on all shifts--key to 85% 8 hr fix rate
- Assistant Cub Scout den master; led/coord'd 22 meetings--taught 11 youth trustworthy/loyal/courteous values
- Conducted annual flt engineer tng for CREDIBLE CAT; crucial to 276 sorties for JCS 3d highest-priority msn
- Dvlpd regional repair tng plan for 48 techs; provided secondary lvl mx skills--contributed to 9K dplyd sorties
- Home station ck tm ldr; coord'd 6-man tm/148 mx tasks <96 hrs--enabled Hurricane Ike evac of 394 civilians
- Tm lead on 4 engine/3 prop changes; completed 98 mx actions; key to 301 cbt msns--94% dplyd dep rel rate
- Responded to urgent red ball; IDd/R2d bad ignition relay; enabled medevac msn--saved 7 wounded soldiers
- Implemented new off-site tng w/Rolls Royce; provided crucial tng for local 7-lvl rqmts--promote to MSgt now

- Led mx repair tm to FOB Salerno, Afghanistan for engine start malf; replaced igniter--saved OEF resupply msn
- IDd burnt prop boot/led repair; acft rdy 1 day early; secured HHQ msn launch--key to 12K safe flt hrs FY 09
- Deftly IDd/R2d faulty thermocouple harness; avoided engine change; coined by 455 AW CCC--promote now!

- Managed 22 acft TO accounts; posted 10K changes to 1K+ TO/job guides; ensured safe mx for 400 mx prsnl
- Insp'd lap top surge protectors/replaced faulty eqpmt--averted damage to 175 computer--saved AF $160K
- Completed annual insp of Fly Away Kit #1; IDd/fixed 57 discrepancies--account 100% inventoried in 48 hrs
- IDd unsafe parking location; implemented parking plan for spill kit trailer--slashed emerg response time 50%
- Built fitness workout program/led weekly training sessions; efforts enhanced unit's fit-to-fight posture by 22%
- Devoted 9 hrs to Arkansas Special Olympics; coached/mentored 45 special needs kids--ensured safe fun for all
- Completed Automated Data Processing training; coord repairs on 112 laptops--reduced down time by 20%
- Pursuing Aerospace Maintenance Technology degree; CLEPd history earned 3 credits--CCAF 85% complete
- Completed 9 in-house QA evals; IDd/corrected 5 discrepancies--key to support flight's 95% pass rate Oct 09
- Led comprehensive TODO account review; 1,792 insps--efforts key "zero defect" findings during SAV insp
- Maintained 1,602 job guides; received 14 "zero defect" QA evals--earned 19 AMXS Black Knight Award
- IDd 12 unsafe building conditions/submitted repair requests; eliminated safety hazards--promote immediately

- Led fly-away kit preps; fixed 138 faults/completed inventory 3 days early--secured on-time deployment dep
- Generated support equipment for ROCKEX; assisted w/ISU 90 packing--actions ensured zero frustrated cargo
- Maintained 112 acft G-files; conducted 100% insp of T.Os/job guides--efforts key to flt's 96% LSEP pass rate

- Master of the intricate duties of enlisted recruiting--marketing, prospecting, selling, and processing--does it all!
- Set high production standard--goaled 23, garnered 26 (113% new contracts)--183% reservations, 1st Qtr FY08
- Supervised Recruiter Assistance Program--10 members yielded 15 top priority leads & 2 active duty recruits
- AFOUA winner! Superbly managed Delayed Entry Program--supervised 30+; sent 29 quality Airmen to basic
- Captured support from Southern Woods-n-Water TV show--obtained over $10K in free advertising to region
- Persuaded local high school to promote AF & display free advertising during half-time program--$1K+ value
- Finished 12 sem hrs towards BS in Business Management from Liberty Univ--maintained impressive 3.5 GPA
- Fulfilled requirements & awarded 2 CCAF degrees in Aircraft Maintenance & Human Resource Management
- Led 2 ceremonies w/media presence--55 new recruits sworn in by Air Force Recruiting Service Commander
- Strengthened cohesion between school officials and AF recruiting--planned 30+ high school events in his zone
- Enabled sq to earn the command's Enlisted Programs Standard of Excellence Award in FY07--4th yr running
- Extremely versatile & effective; no challenge too tough for this outstanding NCO--must promote immediately

- Key to sq finishing #1/28 in enlisted recruiting; earned group's FY07 Top Enlisted Accessions Program Award
- Directly contributed to sq ranking #2/28, FY07--won recruiting service "Commander's Award of Excellence"
- Confident, reliable and productive NCO--ready, willing and eager for new challenges--promote immediately!

- Key to Sq earn AF Recruiting Service Enlisted Programs Standard of Excellence Award, FY08--4th yr running
- Aggressive; discovered and replaced cracked heat shield--efforts ensured success of 4 ship NVG training msn
- Quickly troubleshot generator control panel fault; replaced <1 hour--secured airdrop of twelve training bundles
- AFOUA winner! Superbly managed Delayed Entry Program--supervised 28+; sent 24 quality Airmen to BMT
- Community minded; volunteered 24 hrs towards Habitat for Humanity--afforded local families home ownership
- Quick thinker; replaced faulty static line retriever winch--efforts secured 200 airborne troop night drop mission
- Pursued Bachelors Degree in Business Admin; completed two classes last semester--maintained 3.5 GPA
- Assisted with engine/propeller change; increased C-130 sys knowledge--guaranteed units war-time readiness
- Volunteered over 200 hours at the Middle Georgia Food Bank; secured food for 900 needy families per month
- Expertly performed expediter duties; coordinated mx for 9 acft/7 AFSCs--contributed to stellar 83% MC rate
- Coached 5-6 yr olds in Warner Robins Little League T-ball organization--ensured successful youth experience
- Led HSC inspectors; fixed 220 discrepancies; received "zero defect" Quality Assurance eval--promote now!

- Volunteered for holiday de-ice team; de-iced Air Force two--guaranteed Christmas Eve VPOTUS mission
- Led MLG brake assy R2 in 2-hrs, normally 3-hr task--secured JCS's 3rd-highest priority msn 99% dep-rel rate
- Expedited gen of 15 acft in 24 hrs during ORI; 100% on time take-off; vital to Gp's Excellent rating promote

- Flawlessly managed GO81 data integrity pgm; reviewed 9K+ acft jobs w/1.2% initial error rate--best in AMC
- AMU DIFM mgr; processed supply rejects; cleared 45 errors <1 day--ensured zero part delinquencies for Sq
- Created transcribed forms tracking log; reduced review time by 50%--zero overdue/lost for 5 consecutive mos
- IDd outdated MOIs to QA; submitted condensed checklist to HQ for approval--ensured AMC/A4 compliance
- Ambassador in blue; provided household items to local charity--filled needs/raised hope for civilians in need
- Community servant; vol'd at local elementary school field day--coord'd/supervised activities for 200 students
- Selected as NCOIC of debrief; completed qual's on 29 debrief tasks/22 G081 screens in 2 wks--halved tng std
- Completed Microsoft Office on-line course; developed 3 new shop spreadsheets--inc'd debrief pgms tracking
- AMU comm link; coord'd w/Unit Control Center during tornado warnings--ensured 100% prsnl accountability
- Managed section tng pgm; tracked tng rqmts for 11 Amn/completion of 250 ancillary tasks--100% on-time rate
- Coord'd base supply tng for Sq prsnl; alleviated supply discrepancies--aided AMC's C-130 best 74% MC rate
- Diligently tracked 332 DIFM items; avg'd 1.2 days for turn-in time; smashed AF 10-day std--promote to MSgt

- Provided ldrs w/mx trend analysis for 12K flt hours; vital to 2.4K sorties--key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA
- Created new fly-away debrief kits for Haiti relief dplymnt; streamlined debrief ops/inc'd accuracy--OCO spt'd
- Documented acft mx/supply for CREDIBLE CAT; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/300 sorties--MSgt now

- Deployed 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.8K msns hauling 4.4K tons cargo--averted 1.4K convoy vehicles
- Replaced wing diverter valve for zero flight deck air flow condition; saved medevac msn--moved 14 wounded
- Reset control panel for generator out light during eng start; ensured cmd/control msn launch--1 IED eliminated
- Adjusted aft anchor arm actuator for ramp malf; secured HHQ msn launch--key to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- Provided security/prsnl safety during open base presentation; 1.3K Iraq's attended--inc'd international relations
- Read stories/tended to patients in children's ward; eased medical prsnl duties--raised morale/provided hope
- Completed 7 lvl upgrade tasks 2 mos ahead of AMC std; scored 89% on CDC exam--inc'd shop qual's by 12%
- Applied mx resource mgmt crs principals; IDd unsafe generator lifting practices--revamped shop procedures
- Assisted hydraulic shop w/boost pack change; acft FMC <3 hrs; reinforced 75% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Tm mbr in 4 home station checks; corrected 90 discrepancies; earned 4 "ZD" QA evals--aided 91% QVI rate
- Resolved air turbine motor failure; R2'd generator prior to launch; first fix key to Gp's .7% repeat-recur rate
- R2d faulty light assy for engine torque anomaly; ensured NVG tng msn; 5 crew mbrs OIF qual'd--promote now

- Replaced relay for spinner anti-ice malf during red ball; saved JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep rel rate
- Led anti-skid sys repair; pinpointed/asst'd in parking brake cable change--safeguarded airlift for 35 detainees
- Responded to red ball for bad bleed down; adjusted control vlv; key to Sq's 1.4% air abort rate--promote now!

- Dplyd 120 days Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.5K sorties; moved 3.8K tons cargo/43K pax--removed 1.5K vehicles
- Dispatched to cargo door red ball; R2d leaking valve; saved Haitian humanitarian relief msn--gen'd 1.4K msns
- Troubleshot low hyd sys pressure; IDd/R2d faulty transmitter--efforts pivotal to Gp's .9% cannibalization rate
- Resealed elevator boost assy; saved AF $32K in replacement cost; aided 73% MC rate--AMC's C-130 highest
- Served as facility manager in AOR; secured additional building for morale quarters--bolstered esprit de corps
- Participated in angel tree pgm; vol'd 8 hrs to battered women's shelter--enhanced quality of life/community ties
- Asst'd aero repair shop w/ramp removal; first time fix key to Sq's 1% repeat-recur rate--AMC's C-130 highest
- Authored tng day syllabus; trained 12 techs on hydraulic test stand ops--inc'd shop's critical task quals by 15%
- Submitted AFTO form 22; added warning to critical step in mx procedure--inc'd awareness/safety of mx techs
- Cross-utilized; asst'd engine techs w/temperature data amplifier R2; iced Jt Readiness msn--45 jumpers qual'd
- Converted hangar at Balad Iraq to alternate fuel cell; doubled open tank mx capability--reduced back log 50%
- Dplyd VCNCO; serviced/inspected 10 unit assets/$250K; vital to 100% vehicle serviceability rate--promote!

- Diagnosed/repaired faulty rudder diverter valve; ensured comm cmd control msn launch--9 urgent calls relayed
- R2d engine quick disconnect; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep rel--aided 300 sorties for CY '09
- R2d anti-skid valve; enabled Bravo alert; aided 12K safe flt hrs; key to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA--TSgt now

- Deployed efforts; produced 2.5K sorties hauling 4.2K cargo ton/40K pax--1.6K trucks avoided IED mishap
- Supervised 44 mx prsnl from 7 AFSC's; directed 12K+ sched insps--completed on-time w/zero impact to ATO
- Coord mx support/parts for 12 transcient acft/launched 6 MRTs--ensured min ground time at dangerous FOBs
- Oversaw/ensured 152 HSC discrepancies complete; received 4 zero defect QA evals--key to 93% pass rate
- Superbly directed 2 emergency tow jobs in response to acft IFE's--mx actions critical sustained 90% MSE rate
- AF ambassandor; youth leader in local church--provided positive spiritual guidance/mentorship to 50 youths
- Trained/qualified 5 Amn on TH/BPO/PF inspection procedures--increased AMU's qualified mx prsnl by 20%
- Community minded; actively involved with local youth home ministry--gives hope to less fortunate children
- Expertly managed recovery of 3 acft in 45 mins; facilitated 2 quick-turn missions--aided critical OIF support
- Leads by example; conducted shift physical training/performed 6 PT evals--improved squad physical readiness
- Highest quality mx methods/procedures; earned 5 "Zero Defect" QA evals--key to Sqn's 97% overall pass rate
- Troubleshot NLG shimmy; replaced NLG tires <1 hr; aircraft 100% msn complete--promote ahead of peers!

- Home station ck tm lead for 2 insps; completed 250 mx actions--zero defect QA eval aided 86% QVI pass rate
- Took charge of post attack recon/conducted UXO sweeps, secured ramp/acft--25+ indirect attacks confirmed
- Filled SNCO position as flight line expediter, key to dplyd unit's outstanding 99% dep-rel rate-- promote now!

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 5.4K sorties/9.4K cargo tons/52K pax--1K trucks/buses averted IEDs
- Troubleshot radio in-flt sys malf; coord'd part acquisition w/HHQ; replaced coupler--prevented mx repair tm
- Rapidly troubleshot low propeller oil light; re-serviced propeller--secured transport of 75 Army paratroopers
- Filled in as expediter for task saturated production office; gen'd 2 ship Jt Force Exer msn--650 jumpers OIF rdy
- Ambassador in blue; set-up Huff-N-Puff parade march for city of Jacksonville--event enjoyed by 1.5K citizens
- Devoted 20 hrs to Balad AB hospital; recovered 45 medevac flts--allowed medics to treat 100 critical patients
- Education driven; CLEPd management crs; awarded 3 sem hrs towards CCAF degree in Aerospace Mx Tech
- Accomplished C-130E/H/J advanced sys mx class; enhanced flt line mx capabilities--inc'd acft sys knowledge
- Supervised leading edge removal following bird strike; instrumental to Gp's 74% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- IDd/repaired 200 discrepancies as HSC tm ldr; garnered zero defect QA eval--drove Gp's 94% QVI pass rate
- Led dplyd mx tm; R2d 2 blown gear tires/towed acft from active runway--restored normal airfield ops <1 hr
- Elite FCC; R2d engine while at Yuma Proving Grounds; saved Jt Airborne/Air Trans Tng msn--TSgt earned!

- Amassed 140 flying hrs as FCC; vital to 2.4K sorties/12K safe flt hrs--essential to Sq winning '09 USAF MEA
- Led blue ribbon tm; isolated in-flt ramp indication fault; IDd loose bolt on rib--released impoundment <48 hrs
- Expedited flt line mx; enabled 2,534 safe flt hrs; contributed to dplyd unit's 99% dep rel rate--TSgt deserved!

- Deployed 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; delivered 51.5K pax/4.2K tons cargo--kept 1.9K trucks off Iraqi roads
- Responded to in-flight oil loss; replaced clogged scavenge filter; saved transport msn--65 detainees delivered
- Insp'd 20 zones during home station check; corrected 150 discrepancies w/flawless eval--key to 91% QVI rate
- IDd/adjusted fuel control bellows for lean blowout; secured HHQ msn success--aided 12K safe flt hrs FY 09
- Supported Sq highway cleanup; removed 50 lbs trash in polluted areas--beautified community/strengthened ties
- Volunteered 4 hrs at theater hospital intensive care ward; assisted/cared for critical patients--enhanced morale
- Completed 2 classes thru Embry Riddle; earned 6 credit hrs for Bachelors degree in Professional Aeronautics
- Utilized sub-orgs; completed vital parts placement tng; 36 infrequent tasks learned--inc'd proficiency by 60%
- Asst'd sister AMU w/short notice OEF acft dplymnt; mended 120 discrepancies--essential to on-time iron swap
- Led 4 Amn w/engine change for low oil pressure anomaly; first fix key to Gp's .8% repeat-recur rate--Cmd best
- Discovered/replaced cracked engine turbine spt; saved OIF medevac msn--vital to Gp's 94% WW dep rel rate
- R2d float switch for propeller low oil light red ball; key to Gp's 74% MC rate; AMC's C-130 best--promote!

- Troubleshot GTC no-start fault; R2d failed fuel relay; secured JCS' 3d highest-priority msn/99% dep rel rate
- Dispatched to engine no-start malf; isolated/replaced faulty starter <30 min--pivotal to 80% deployed MC rate
- Replaced failed propeller pump housing; averted engine change; saved AF $596K/12 man-hrs--promote now!

- Dplyd 120 days to Balad AB, Iraq; gen'd 2.7K sorties; moved 5.4K tons cgo/46K pax--1.8K trucks off of roads
- Troubleshot/adjusted temp datum valve for engine start malf; guaranteed on-time OIF acft dplymnt--OCO spt'd
- Rigged left cargo rails for acft load malf; averted tail swap; 9 tons cgo fwd dplyd--essential to 1.4% abort rate
- Reset generator unit for red ball; saved comm cmd control msn; aided 19K messages relayed--17 IEDs cleared
- Vol'd 11 hrs at AF theatre hospital heli-pad; aided med tech transport 14 wounded--vital to 98% survival rate
- Dedicated crew chief on 2 acft; led 220 inspections/mx actions; key to Gp's 73% MC rate--AMC's C-130 best
- Education minded; passed American History CLEP--awd'd 3 hrs for Aerospace Mx Technology CCAF degree
- Cross utilized; R2d ignition circuit breaker for engine malf; saved Jt Force Exer msn--350 paratroopers qual'd
- IDd/replaced worn brake during thru-flt insp; secured medevac msn launch--3 wounded transported to hospital