Aircraft Maintenance Award Bullets

Air Force Outstanding Unit Award

- AMC's first choice; gen'd highest flying-hr UTE rate of 13 bases/13.1K flt hrs--1.9% break rt/MAJCOM best
- Drove fleet health; managed 250+ repairs for Sq/garnered acft delayed discrepancy rt of 10.5%--best in AMC!
- Powered NASA launch; fixed failed generator relay--dlvr'd $1B orbital test vehicle to Kennedy Space Center
- Spt'd 7th Army JMTC; replaced failed brake temp sensor--mobilized 2.4K joint fighters f/Ex ALLIED SPIRIT
- QB'd mx "Red Ball" repair; flashed CIP/cleared MC fault--delivered spt eqpmt on-time f/Gun Fighter Flag Ex
- Diagnosed APU shutdown; ID'd/secured loose clamp--drove 450K lbs cgo/300 pax ISO Austere Challenge Ex
- Polished HSC test pgm; streamlined scheduled mx procedures--recouped 107 AA days/yield'd $6.9M in TWCF
- Oversaw Pratt/Whitney 39 acft washes/eqpmt storage; boost'd repair life f/156 engs--extend'd service life 15%
- Contribut'd to yrly C-17 SORT; facilitated cross-tell w/AMC/5 FMS/Boeing--remedied fleet wide probe fail
- Vol'd w/tm Travis AADD pgm; designat'd driver/sav'd 22 Amn--upheld Sq's 34 mos free AF DUI free culture
- Org'd Gp's '17 Knucklebuster event; led fundraising/log/ceremony f/2K+ Amn--Gp/CC lauded as 1st class act!
- Dply'd 75 Amn/3 locations ISO Op INHERENT RESOLVE/Missile Def Agency--24/7 ops with 57% turnover
- Gen'd alft f/AMC's #1 customer; oversight drove 200 POTUS spt msns--keyed Sq as 1st choice f/premier alft
- Synched efforts for 78 TCTOs; finished $1M in C-17 upgrades--solidified Sq's 89% MC rt...#1 in MAJCOM!
- Propagated mx tm discipline; only Sq in AMC to exceed 12/17 mx performance indicators--led cmd f/8 metrics
- AMC's #1 C-17 mx unit; gen'd highest flying-hr UTE rate of 13 AMC bases--met 12/16 cmd metrics/ldr in 9
- Gen'd 4 C-17s < 24 hrs f/ Mexico earthquake; alft'd 60-mbr USAID DART--dlvr'd 100K lbs aid to 10K victims
- Powered 60 AMW thru Ex MOBILITY GUARDIAN; key'd mx f/25 transient acft--alft'd 287K lbs cgo/98 pax
- Sustained rescue msn; positioned URC submarine chamber--enabled search f/44 missing Argentinean sailors
- Attacked DD rt; drove wkly TNB/781K review/200 fixes--slashed rt 51%...lowest in 3 yrs/beat AMC std 47%
- Produced SWA supply sortie; quick-turned to medevac <24hrs--alft'd 5 wounded SOF operators to Landstuhl
- Spt'd Army's largest Alaskan Ex in 15 yrs; alft'd 2 tanks/helo/15 vehs; enabled no-notice 82d Airborne dplymt
- Positioned $380M missile sys; upheld PACOM objectives--fortified S. Korea def capes f/51M ppl/united frnts
- Drove Hurricane Irma/Maria relief ops; gen'd man pwr/alft spt--xfer'd FEMA SAR tm/10 MTFs/110K lbs aid
- Key'd Ex CERBERUS STRIKE sorties; spt'd jt austere LZ tng--solidified strategic partnerships w/RAF/RSAF
- Re-aligned HSC flow; devised 4 insp phases/cut downtime 31%--recouped 78 AA days/sv'd $6.9M in TWCF
- Facilitated USS Fitzgerald HR transfer; produced short notice sortie--returned 7 Sailors w/full military honors
- Mng'd high-vis BANNER msn; dlvr'd 19 vehicles/17 prsnl--key d POTUS attendance f/Germany G20 summit
- Initiated PACAF's largest joint event; dlvr'd 65K lbs eqpmt--poised 30 partner nations f/Ex COBRA GOLD
- Crown jewel of C-17 fleet; produced MAJCOM's highest HSLDR--790 msns/10.6K flt hrs/15.6K tons of cgo
- Drove 26 HSCs/10.5K mx acts; pushed 23 sorties out of scheduled mx w/0 discreps--bolstered 89.2% MC rt/#1 in AF
- 1st in cmd to implement mod'd 180 day HSC; aligned 13 acft w/freq--svd 76 days AA time/8.3 TNMCM rt/#1 in AF
- Synergized HSC/flightline processes; accomp 240 TCTOs/12 eng chgs/18 OTIs--locked 94.9% HSLDR rt/#1 in AF
- Established DD pgm; maximized gnd time/org'd 24 prsnl--eliminated 117 discrepancies/key'd 7.4 DD rt...#1 in AMC
- Sustain'd 62AW HSC during rwy closure; integrated 94 prsnl/18 acft--drove 128 TCTO/82 TCI/218 DD/JBLM RGM
- Org'd hurricane relief acft! Mov'd 455 1st responder/1M lbs of cgo--expedited aid to victims of 2 devastating storms
- Coord'd ADS-B/SMDC DFT spt; 6 March/6 TAFB acft/384 TCIs finish'd--100% FAA compliance/NextGen sys mod
- Led Ex RAINIER WAR spt; gen'd 3 acft/airlift'd 50 Soldiers/10 tactical vehs--enabl'd Army/AF jt logistics/CDO ops
- Respond'd to U-2 flame-out mishap; org'd impound/data preservation w/2 bases--key to integrity of SIB investigation
- ID'd five new -6 insp items; coord'd w/P&S sect/drove cross-talk w/McChord tm--avert'd non-compliance/grnd'd acft
- Revamped sq TNB/FOM prcs; reorg'd >$6K in resources f/299 mx prsnl--val'd accurate tracking of $30M acft assets
- Optimized unscheduled downtime; integrated 46 prsnl into AMU ops--returned 50K man hrs to flightline mx effort
- Gen d acft f/Green Flag JFE; dply d mx spt tm/eqpmt ISO air-land integration ex--key d 16 sorties/critical SPRO tng



- Performed 64 HSC's; assisted w/>11K propulsion insps/task/TCTOs--cemented Sq's 87 % AA rt...#1 in AMC
- Isolat'd worn 14th stage valve; chang'd/op's checked < 30 mins--key'd dlvry $1.5B satellite f/Strike Eagle msn
- Conducted tng session; instruct'd 4 jet prsnl on fuel control/fuel pump R2 task--boosted HSC proficiency 16%
- Rectifi'd engine fuel leak; R2'd main fuel line--delivered ISR UAV assets f/Op FREEDOM'S SENTINEL msn
- Drove lcl TRCV OTI; insp'd/ID'd 13 eng torque boxes w/aft cracks--prevented potential in-flight catastrophe
- Analyzed generator fault; R2'd filter <30 mins/FMC in 1 hr--upheld 1A1 msn w/37 Spec Ops prsnl/Marine 1
- Led eng no start "Red Ball" tm; R2'd igniter lead <1 hr--spt'd Op RESOLUTE SUPPORT...delv'd 50 HMRS
- APU w/not supply air; identified/replac'd surge pallet w/in sched mx--efforts enabled SecDef PACAF tour '16
- Coord'd acft mx actions w/HSC; completed seven DDs--cut avg DD rt to 9.0/bested AMC std 60%...AF best!
- Exhibited outstanding T.O. proficiency; aced seven QA prsnl evaluations--garnered unit's 95% pass rt CY '16
- Directed C-17 acft tour; conducted show and tell/demo event for six DVs--coined by 60 MSG superintendent
- Svc'd 130K lbs fuel; launched 1A1 msn--dlvr'd 42 tons cargo/17 medical crews f/Portugal Humanitarian msn
- Assisted CRW Sq msn; prepped acft for Veteran's Day flyover--displayed positive lasting tribute for veterans
- Attacked 75 BPO/pre-flt insps; completed >250 mx actions--only AMC Sq to consistently beat TNMCM stds
- Mx first responder f/PRD; R2'd a lk'ing stab strut foot/saved msn--Sq achieved 90.2% MC rt...rated #1 in AF
- Reached outside AFSC; asst'd E&E w/stuck valve--adverted msn delay/flew 20 tons of eqpmt/ammo ISO OIR
- Isolated erratic fuel qty imbalance; fabricated in-tank wire harnesses--alft'd 3 MRAP vehicles to CENTCOM
- Reacted to roll sys disag hi-vis mx; ID'd/R2'd failed aileron rotary transducer--aided zero repeat/recur, Jan '17
- Dispatched to flap red ball; replaced corrupted SCEFC <1 hr/2 hr std--43K lbs munitions moved to Iraqi AOR
- Discovered faulty horizontal stab indication; re-calibrated position sensor--cemented 92% HSLDR rt Nov '16
- Solved propulsion fault; R2'd acft data mgmt computer--delivered 2 helos/57 pax ISO Ex CEREBOS STRIKE
- Completed 15 home station checks; perform'd 150+ tasks/insps w/no defect--ensured long term health of fleet
- Diagnosed GPS alignment error; replaced IRU emergency battery--transported 43K lbs of munitions ISO OIR
- Teamed w/APG; assisted w/replacement of 6 tires/3 brakes < 8 hrs--secured 100% 12 hr fix rate Oct/Nov '16
- Assist'd Comm/Nav; R2'd SATCOM antenna--moved 33 pax/12K stons cgo ISO OP FREEDOM SENTINAL
- Led prep/launch f/97 SPRO msns; dlvr'd 4.8K tons of AA&E to Syria--189 bldgs/VBIEDs destroyed w/311 ISIS KIA
- Respond'd to diverted acft; R2'd two blown tires--alft'd exfil team/spt'd rescue of besieged consulate mbrs from Basra
- Pinpointed binding NLG door discrepancy; coord'd repair/re-rigg of assembly--saved AF $160K in replacement parts
- Tm'd w/ELEN; R2'd imploded eng precooler in 8 hrs vs 12-hr avg--cement'd 74.4% 12-hr fix rt/beat cmd std by 4.3%
- Responded to Red Ball mx; resolved ramp lock anomaly--svd AE msn/alft'd 9 critical PTs from FOB Erbil w/o delay
- Diagnosed LAIRCM sys anomaly; R2'd two turrets in 4 hrs vs 6-hr avg--safeguarded acft missile defense capabilities
- Compiled parts list f/$350K dropped object repair; researched/ordered 143 MICAPs--averted $200K AOR tail swap
- Eradicated 3-yr re-occurring issue; replaced 3 cracked heat exchangers--ended 336 hrs NMC...resurrected AOR asset
- Pushed no-notice acft gen/launch; facilitated FBI prisoner transfer msn--extradited 4 ISIS sympathizers to U.S. prison
- Asst'd avionics w/CMDS malfunction; isolated/R2'd faulty C/B--recognized by peers/captured Aug '18 Knucklebuster
- Filled CTK NCOIC pos; led 7 prsnl/mng'd 3 pgms--spt'd 3.1K C-17 sorties/key to sq's 89.4% MC rt...highest in AMC
- Mng'd harness insp cycle tracking; sustained restraint devices/tether kit daily/yrly insps--ensured sfty of >300 mx prsnl
- Salvaged unserviceable tool kits; rebuilt 5 C-17 flare kits w/on-hand assets--saved AMC $10K in procurement costs
- Team'd w/shift leads f/MIL revamp; improved accountability f/7.4K tools--streamlined 55 kits/cut insp times by 15%
- Discovered crit eqpmt hoist sfty defect; facilitated 5 cable repairs/load tests--averted possible equip dmg/prsnl injury
- Led three Amn in tool ctrl software audit; rectified 120 major inventory discrepancies--saved >300 man hrs annually
- Repaired inop OFPLS set; fabricated multiple new electrical cables--enabled Nav/TAWS upload/spt'd Sq's 3.1K sorties
- Completed 150 insps; ID'd/repaired tools/test equip--ensured tool availability across 2 sqs...solidified 91% QA pass rt
- Monitored bench stock acct; scrubb'd 13.2K items/corrected 27 discrepancies--secured stock availability f/2 wpns sys
- Assisted w/100% C-17 eqpmt inventory; replaced 200 outdated insp documents--sustained 400+ msn critical assets
- Aid'd $70K ATC SIF purchase; procured RFID cabinets f/583 prsnl/3.5K items--estimated 67% reduced chk-out time


- Selected MQTP class ldr; averaged 90% on all tested areas--earn'd Honor Grad/recogniz'd/coin'd by Wing CC
- Complet'd English/Pysc/Speech; earned 18 credits hrs towards CCAF in Acft Mx Texh--maintain'd 3.5 GPA!
- Selected as MQTP class ldr; maintained academic stds and enforced progressive tng--earned Honor Graduate!
- Excelled amongst peers; trn'd 10 prsnl on 30 mx tasks--spt'd >1K msns/3K flt hrs w/AF's best 94% HSLDR rt
- Pursued Avionic Systems Technology CCAF degree; completed 2 CLEP exams--18 credits hrs to completion
- Focused on professional development; finished principles of instruction course --reinforced AF standards
- Versatile maintainer; trained on 24 APG servicing tasks--increased shift quals 10%...refueled/launched 27 acft
- Revamped rag turn-in process w/Lean; standardized procedures w/25 prsnl--reduced gp's monthly cleaning cost 5%


- Handpicked as Sq PTL monitor; led/physically conditioned 37 unit mbr's f/PT test--vital to unit's 97% pass rt
- Organized hgr for '17 Knuckle Buster Awards; arranged/tore down acft stages--ldrshp/lcl cmty lauded display
- Handled high mx ops tempo w/education; completed 6 credit hrs towards CCAF degree; maintained 4.0 GPA
- Goal orientated; garnered 86% on EOC/completed 5-lvl tasks w/in 3 mos--ready for skill upgrade before peers
- Vol'd 12 hrs f/AMC FOD video production; demonstrated FOD prevention techniques--sav'd potential mishap
- Spearheaded base cleanup tm; collected 1K lbs of trash around entrance--crucial to successful AMC CC visit
- Vol'd to help deploy'd airman family move;transported 10K lbs of household goods--enhanced esprit de corps
- Instructed C-17 fam class; trained 15 ASAB EOD prsnl on mx hung munitions procedures--critical to safe airfield ops
- Drove CUT quals of 10 specialists; trained 250 tasks/managed 1.2K mx actions--enabled 100 cmbt msns/best in AOR



- Assumed FCC mngr roles; maintained pgm--oversaw 200 msns/6.5K flt hrs/2K TDY days...earned sqdn NCOY '16!
- Oversaw 368 mx actions; sustained 13 C-17's/dlvrd 90K lbs/18K pax/3.5K msns/13K flt hrs--secured AMC's #1 MC rt
- Resolved erratic fuel qty indication; T/S faulty MJP--enabled delivery of critical MH-47 Chinook ISO CJTF-HOA msn
- 1 of 2 qual'd NCOs f/hard landing insp in AOR; performed crit acft insp--val'd airworthiness/safety f/7 aircrew mbrs
- Sq's go-to CUT NCO! Oversaw 25 tire changes/107 acft insps/18 tows/12 eng runs--enabled AOR best 94.2% LDR rt
- Provided crucial telecom assist; guided downrange mx on PLSR fail/repair--drove 50K lbs cgo to East Africa region
- Conducted 225 acft form reviews; corrected 175 data errors on >5K mx tasks--guaranteed pristine historical acft data
- #1 Pick f/hi-vis FCC msn! Moved 4 "bomb-sniffing" dolphins; advanced $14M USN pgm/sec'd $7.6B San Diego port
- Fulfilled Red Cross tasking; dply'd ISO OIR/OFS; maintained three C-17s/$675M--steered 903 msns/11K CTs/8K pax
- Directed 6 mbr tm; solved 2-wk wx radar anomaly; repaired elusive shorted wire--key'd 10% TNMCM rt/#1 in AMC
- Led 27-mbr tm during Hurricane Harvey relief; dir'd 52 mx actions--xfer'd FEMA SAR/10 MTFs/600K lbs relief eqmt
- CC's 1st choice to lead 21 TFI Amn; oversaw >3K mx tasks/3K sorties/12K FHP--clinched Sq Mx Pro NCO OTY '17
- Mng'd UGT f/9 Amn; scrutinized OJT f/171 mx tasks/CDC reviews--boosted section quals 33% w/100% EOC pass rt
- Drove repair of bleed air sys fail; ID'd/replaced faulty PPRV temperature sensor--captured AMC-best 1.4% break rt '18
- Direct'd 6 mbr tm/2 AFSCs; ID'd/repaired chafed wire on eng start vlv--dlvr'd 55K lbs cgo/svd PACAF Channel msn
- Supervised DIT pgm; reviewed 3K MIS entries/corrected >150 errors--bolstered section's .08% error rt/crushed 3% std
- Drove fleet's FEDS enhancement; supervised >60 TCI f/13 C-17 acft--guaranteed crew safety/78% AA rt...#1 in AMC
- Perfect'd HSC test pgm; gained 107 Acft Availability days/$6.9M TWCF--projected as AF wide stnd in 2017
- Filled SNCO billet as HSC Section Chief; led 49 AD and Civ prsnl--drove Sq's 95% Sched Mx Effectiveness
- Oversaw mgmt of Hangar 837 resources; maintained bldg/eqpt valued at $43M--garner'd MXG NCO OTY '15
- Direct'd 2 eng time changes; replaced in 28 hours/saved 12 hours of downtime--cemented Sq's 93.5% HSLDR
- Leadership supported 3.4K sorties/13K flight hrs/secured 89.7% MC rate--facilitated Sq's 80.8% Acft Avail rt
- MXG/CC's first pick C-17 engine run certifier; qualified six members--elevated Squadron's capability by 25%
- Drove fleet health standard; directed 105 repairs/reduced delayed discrepancy rate to 9.1%--reduced rate 6.3%
- Partner'd w/Pratt & Whitney on 32 eng Ecological washes; boosted life of 128 eng--on wg time extended 15%
- Staged Memphis Guard HSC visit; instruct'd team w/Paperless Prcs--cross-tell improved streamlined program
- ID'd cracked eng torque box; teamed w/Boeing on repair procedure--negated 120 hours aged maintenance avg
- NCOIC of CTK at Ali Al Salem; implemented new insp sys/reduced equip acct errors 75%--coin'd by 521 AMOG/CC
- Innovated eng blade repair go-no-go gauge; delivered idea at Phoenix Spark pnl--cmd-wide impact/lauded by Wg/CC
- Mng'd 21 prsnl/19 HSC insps; drove 1.4K flightline repairs--contributed to Sq's 94.4% HSLDR/beat cmd std by 2.8%
- Directed equip repairs f/3-MDS; insp'd/overhauled 160 components--rtn'd $10M serviceable assets to AF supply sys
- Org'd tng plan f/KC-10 AR restoration; led 6 boom chgs/qual'd 15 techs--instrumental to 660th AMXS 91% HSLDR
- Choreographed MRT/MICAP mvmts; transport'd 120 assets/32 prsnl over 16 msns--solidified TAFB's 88% WWLDR
- Expedited f/AMC's sole 3-MDS hydro shop; oversaw 870 mx actions/186 PRD repairs--cemented Wg's 1.4% break rt
- Guided Boeing tm on elusive rudder leak; coord'd off-site R2 of cracked swedges--ended 2-mos extensive mx repairs
- SME f/strut repack ops; oversaw 8 KC-10/C-5/C-17 NLG/MLG repairs--key to crit quals/trng for 76 Hyd technicians
- Stood-up Sq Hyd sect; org'd 18 prsnl/qual pln--seamless transition/drove 74.4% 12-hr fix rt/4.3% higher than cmd std
- Headed unit's parts acquisition process; tracked >250 MICAP parts--solidified sq's 89.4% MC in C-17 fleet
- ID'd/repaired 12 unserviceable acft seats; R2'd adjustment/vertical cables--prevented $456K in replacement expenses
- Led nine bldg renovation projs worth $261K; comm'd/consult'd w/11 agencies--enhanced work environment f/411 psnl
- Unit VCO; maintained 10 flightline vehicles/ensured maintenance/detailed 2x per mo--svd $1.9K in wash fees yearly
- Sustained nine ATGLs; ensured serviceability/availability of $9M assets--enabled 16 medevac msns/dlvr'd 43 patients
- Scrutinized 23 deficiency reports; fast-tracked part turn in <4 days/smashed 7 day std--unit reclaimed $511K in TWCF
- Coordinated emer UCC stand up; contacted 279 prsnl <1.5 hrs--key'd sq's 100% accountability/safety f/Nelson wildfire
- Oversaw 912 aircrew debriefs; validated 691 pilot reported discrepancies--ensured 98.3% accuracy of acft jacket files
- Drafted modified HSC discrepancy packages; key'd seamless transition to new insp prcs--gained 29 days AA annually
- Revamped TNB/FOM pgms; streamlined asset inventory/tracking procedures--enabled Sq's 9.5 DD in AMC


- Flew FCC priority 1A1 VPOTUS msn; spearheaded mx rqmt--moved 215K lbs cgo/135 pax/2 secret service vehicles
- Dismantled Drug Ring! Coor'd 1A3 FCC msn; dlvr'd 22 FBI prsnl/4 armored vehicles to Hawaii--22 suspects arrested
- Coordinated hi-vis SAAM msn; airlifted $380M THAAD sys f/ROK def--stabilized peninsula/regional sec f/51M ppl
- Drove CPI initiative; devised innovative Combat Tracker install method--eliminated equip damage/saved 12 labor hrs
- QB'd voice sys fault; R2'd CMU--key'd dlvr'y of 67 EDT mbrs/5 canines/76K lbs supplies to Mexico f/quake victims
- Meticulous DIT manager; trn'd 19 mbrs on accurate mx data collection--saved 60 man hrs/decreased doc errors by 30%
- Provided key acft mx spt; advised FCC on CCU failure--cemented delivery f/NASA's X-37B OTV/$1B/5th gen asset
- Ambassador f/SAMR tour; chosen as unit lead/highlighted capes f/ROCAF Gen/DVs--fortified US/Taiwan relations
- Steered Sq's busiest workcenter; alft'd 31K pax/dlvr'd 30M lbs cg--cemented 92% MC rt/championed wg's RGM msn
- Key ldr f/Ex GLOBAL THUNDER; guided 17 prsnl/5 AFSCs/direct'd 51 mx actions--gen'd 21 missions w/100% LDR
- Enforced strict technical data discipline; oversaw 62 evaluations w/zero failures--pivotal to Sq's 92.8% pass rt, CY '18
- Cross utilized tm leader; oversaw 67 acft insp/servicing ops/perf'd 21 eng runs--secured 96% HSLDR rt/best in AMC
- Developed GO81 Paperless packages; support'd C-5/KC-10 units w/prcs guidance--sav'd $10K paper cost 16
- Facilitat'd Cross-Utilization tng program; author'd APU removal prcs--increased Sec's mx proficiency by 30%
- Commanded 39 HSCs; coordinated 11K inspection requirements--bolstered 8.1% TNMCM in AMC
- Tackled oil leak "Red Ball"; changed gearbox seal <3 hrs--expedited delivery of 10K stons cgo ISO OFS msn
- Pilot'd Warning Tag standardization pgm; laminated/updated 300 tags--eliminated wasted tags/saved $10K yrly
- Scrutinized GO81 data entries; 263 documentation errors correct'd--effort key'd Sq's 91% DIT review rt CY16
- Participated in Boeing HSC Technical Order review; revised 50 items--improved guidance f/C-17 community
- Troubleshot APU fault; changed transducer 30 min <2 hr stnd--enabled successful SecDef PACAF tour 2016


- Service Before Self! Penned 2 BTZ pckgs/2 qtrly/2 ann'l awd winners; dir'd 2 qtrly awd's ceremonies--8 mbrs honored
- Dvlp'd CDC EOC prac test; enhanced supervisor eval/study methods f/24 prsnl--key'd sections 100% pass rt/3x >90%
- Aced 4 college classes; earned 12 credits B.S. Aeronautics degree--maintained 3.5 GPA/10 crs's to degree completion
- Designed/implemented prsnl sched database; remedied obsolete sys--streamlined training/leave tracking f/187 prsnl
- Streamlined Combat Tracker II T/S'ing; trained 3 mx/18 aircrew mbrs on procedures--cut install/diagnosis time by half
- First-rate supervisor; chaired 1 BTZ board/direct'd 4 awd/promo ceremonies--13 mbrs honored/garnered 2 BTZ wins
- Dvlp'd CDC EOC prac test; enhanced supervisor eval/study methods f/9 prsnl--keyed section's 100% pass rt/3x >90%
- Pursued professional dvlpmt; completed 40-hr SEJPME crs--expanded strategic perspective/postured to lead joint ops
- Enforced Tech Data/Safety; led the Inspection Section w/2K insps--secured Sq's 95.5% QA MSEP pass rt '16
- Mastered Jet Eng Mishap Investigation Crs; 1 of only 2 TSgts in attendance--prep'd to supt next SIB tasking
- Select'd f/2016 C-17 Sustainment & Operation Review team--facilitated cross-tell w/AMC & 5 FMS/Boeing
- Aced MAF Mobile Maintenance Supervisor/Production Course; 2 credit hrs earned--primed/rdy f/future roles
- Chosen for Alft Tanker Association Conference; essential coordination gain'd--elevated 15 hi-vis C-17 items
- Directed UCC thru three readiness exercises; consulted lessons learned/retrained 4 personnel--corrected 15 findings
- Headed Sq's airfield driving pgm; trn'd/qual'd 241 prsnl to operate in CMA--guaranteed unit's zero runway incursions


- Led AASAB Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class; instructed 10 base prsnl 2x week--enhanced fitness std/promoted warrior ethos
- Aspiring private pilot; garnered 80 flts/40 flying hours--shepherded 2 Amn incentive trips...primed for ERPA program
- Superb interim 1st Sergeant; mng'd 2 UIF/control roster/7 pay inquiry actions--upheld discipline/welfare f/290-mbr sq
- Select'd for HSC tour; brief'd 40 AMW officers--orient'd key leaders w/Sq's lcl msn/Insp Sec's modified prgm
- Hosted Royal Australian Air Force; demonstrated Insp Sec's prcs--two items mirrored...fortified int'l relations
- Aced SNCO PME/1st Shirt Symposium; exemplified high std f/peers--mentored 5 NCOs to Crs 14 completion
- Completed SEJPME/7 PDCs; utilized advanced skill-set to mentor 17 Amn--received Mx Sq's Outstanding Tm 1Q18
- Led UGT f/7 Amn; mng'd 479 TBA core-tasks/21 CDCs--boosted section quals 25%/100% EOC pass rt/zero QA fails



- Managed AMC's most utilized C-17 fleet; led 277 AD/AFRC/civ prsnl--3.5K msns/13.6K flt hrs... AF's #1 C-17 unit!
- Initiated PACAF's largest jt event; dlvr'd 65K lbs equipment--ensured multinational Op COBRA GOLD w/30 nations
- Directed 14 MRT taskings w/TACC/XOCL; coord'd mvmt f/17 prsnl/22 parts--propelled AMC-best 11% TNMCM rt
- Dismantled drug ring! Coord'd 1A3 FCC msn; dlvr'd 22 FBI prsnl/4 armor'd vehicles to Hawaii--22 suspects arrested
- Attacked SPRO landing LIMFAC; tm'd w/Boeing on chklst--A4 adopted enhanced capes/sq bested 8/11 cmd metrics
- Generated SWA supply sortie; quick-turned to medevac <24hrs--alft'd 5 wounded SOF operators to Landstuhl RMC
- Propelled Hurricane Irma spt; achieved 100% take-off rt/zero delays--alft'd 73K lbs cgo/3rd MISB/22 CRG personnel
- Disrupted Boko Haram ops; inserted SOF prsnl in AOR--exploited internal threat/recovered kidnapped Nigerian mbrs
- Lead Pro Super f/49 mbr tm/3 fwd deployed C-17s; AFCENT-best 1.7K flt hrs ISO OFS/OIR--earned 5 EAMS MUA
- Implemented MXG LOX cart storage/usage policy; val'd tracking f/17 assets--boosted AF/Navy/TA jt resource capes
- CC's 1st choice f/Lead Pro Super; steered torque box OTI; regained 320 NMC hrs--secured best in AF 1.3% break rt
- Managed world's busiest C-17 unit; produced highest UTE/flying-hr rt of 5 AMC bases--sealed AMC Daedalian win
- Key'd Ex CERBERUS STRIKE f/RAF/RSAF visit; executed w/14 amn--spt'd austere LZ tng/dplymt response capes
- Org'd Hurricane Michael spt; 100% msn departure w/zero delays--dlvd'd CRE Alpha Mike tm f/3.6K Tyndall airman
- Sq lead f/Ex GOLDEN THUNDER; key'd prep effort f/328 Gp prsnl--overcame 274 injects/1500+ TAFB ATSO rdy
- Spt'd Army's largest Alaskan Ex in 15 yrs; alft'd 2 tanks/helo/15 vehs/40 pax--enabled no-notice 82d Airborne dplymt
- Led 290 TFI Amn/6 AFSCs; dir'd mx priorities/resolved 126 PRDs/slashed DD rt 15%--captured sq SNCO 2Q18 win
- Pinnacle f/AMC's heaviest used fleet; led 220 AD/civ prsnl--gen'd 93.2 flt-hr UTE w/1.3% break rt...#1 in AF!
- Fuel'd AF's global reach msn; command'd production effort--drove 2.8K sorties dlvr'd 21K stons cgo/14K pax
- Dply'd to Ali Al Salem; direct'd 2K mx actions/gen'd 800 msns--upheld 96.3% LDRR...#1 in CENTCOM AOR
- Mission-oriented ldr; steered flt line mx f/base evac Ex-IGI 15-03--gen'd five acft in <3 hrs w/zero IG findings
- Enforced troubleshooting/supply discipline; avg'd .14% CANN rt f/12 consecutive mos--lowest rt in AF's fleet
- Push'd rapid tempo; mx ldrshp result'd in 1.6K flt hrs/31% > avg dply'd C-17--dlvr'd 96% of all AOR haz cgo
- Health of fleet focused; tackled 1K+ pilot-reported discrepancies--81% acft avail rt guaranteed TACC task spt
- Led 164 MXG visits; integrat'd 45 TN ANG mbrs w/daily ops--facilitated post-dplymt recon f/13 AD Sq mbrs
- Fortified Wg's objective; oversaw mx effort five hi-vis msns--seamless Sr. Ldr AOR tour... coined by Wg/CC
- Fostered CRW tng; qual'd 7 Pro Supers in C-17 generation/MESL tng--sustained AMC's rapid response force
- Led Wg's battle rhythm; 3K+ successful C-17 sorties delivered 15K pax/17M cargo tons--fuel'd Global Reach
- #1 in AF! Focused mx ops on recovery/generation; secur'd 94% HS departure reliability rt--bested std by 4%
- Led daily production DD review; boosted longterm fleet health--avg 9.2 DD rt, crushed std by 37%...AF best!
- Superbly led 276 AD/AFRC/civ prsnl in daily msn gen; manag'd 13 C-17s worth $2.9B--achieved 90% MC rt
- Guided Sq to 0.14% Cannibalization rt; instituted/enforced high value parts tracking pgm--bt Cmd std by 86%
- Mobility focused; postured 100 mbrs at 5 AOR locales--2K msns/40M lbs cgo/160K pax...key to OFS success
- Promoted production tm discipline; only Sq in AMC to exceed 10/11 mx performance indicators--led 7 metrics
- Sustained 24/7 training regimen; spt'd 302 local training sorties w/11 avg avail acft--provided 1.4 sorties/day
- Health of fleet focused; tackled 1K+ pilot-reported discrepancies--81% acft avail rt guaranteed TACC task spt
- Fostered CRW tng; qual'd 7 Pro Supers in C-17 generation/MESL tng--sustained AMC's rapid response forces
- Filled Lead Pro position; led 277 prsnl/keyed 88% MC rt--dlvr'd 30M lbs cgo/27K pax ISO AMC global mobility msn
- Generated highest UTE/flying-hr rt of five C-17 bases; produced 95.6% HSLDR rt--crush'd 91.6% cmd std...#1 in AF
- Sq lead Ex GOLDEN THUNDER; key'd prep effort f/328 MXG pers--overcame 274 injects/1500+ TAFB ATSO rdy
- Tackled 200% taskings; mng'd mx/sorties f/13 transient C-17s--alft'd 287K lbs cgo/spt'd Ex MOBILITY GUARDIAN
- Streamlined HSC flow; designed 4 insp phases/cut downtime 31%--recouped 78 AA days/sv'd $6.9M in TWCF funds
- Organized joint Hurricane Irma spt; 100% msn departure w/zero delays--alft'd 73K lbs cgo/3rd MISB/22 CRG Amn
- Polish'd HSC test program; streamlined scheduled mx procedures--recoup'd 107 acft MC available days/$6.9M TWCF
- Synched efforts for 78 TCTOs; finished $1M in AMC C-17 upgrades--solidified unit's 87.4% MC rt...#1 in MAJCOM
- Elevated C-17 fleet health; managed 250+ repairs for Sq/garnered acft delayed discrepancy rt of 10.5%--best in AMC!
- Oversaw Pratt & Whitney's 31 eng washes/equipment storage; boosted repair life for 128 engs--extended service 15%
- Coordinated w/contract vendor; bought 12 tennant scrubber parts--slashed hangar time clean-up/104 man hours saved
- Instilled Gp's Op Risk Mgmt pgm w/sched mx process; direct'd 74 hi-risk tasks--mng'd heavy mx w/zero acft mishaps
- Hosted C-17 Guard mx tm visit; showcased HSC insp w/paperless process--reduced footprint/lauded by Sq leadership
- Completed eng torque box OTI; teamed w/MXS & Boeing for repairs--solved flaws/cut fleet downtime by 320 hours
- Steered unscheduled/scheduled acft mx; prioritized 164 discrepancies repairs--gen'd 3.4K sorties w/94.4% HSLDR rt!
- Expanded Insp Section's capabilities; organized three prsnl for FCC qual tng--supplemented 5% of FCCs f/2016 msns
- Deployed to ASAB; drove mx across 2 wpns sys/gen'd 563 msns/1K flt hrs--airlift'd 9K tons cgo/10K pax ISO OCO
- Created base aerial lift tng pgm; coord'd OSHA/developed safety tng crs/EOC exams--adopted wg wide/saved $357K
- Dispatch'd 11 global MRT taskings w/TACC; coord'd mvmt f/12 prsnl/22 parts/$400K eqpmt--spt'd 5 EAMS MUA
- Guided DV visit f/Ex CERBERUS STRIKE; mng'd 14-mbr plng tm--val'd multi-nat'l tng/deployment response cape
- Drove deploy'd SPRO rqmts; dir'd 58 acft unapproved rwy reconfigs--facilitated 126 msns/alft'd 9K tons cgo/131 pax
- Led mx at AMC's busiest C-17 unit w/292 Amn/6 AFSCs; key'd 88% MC rt--dlvr'd 30M lbs cgo/31K pax ISO RGM
- Dir'd extensive mx at ASAB; piloted R2 of T/R doors/Eng/Flap Actuator--moved 2 CH-47 helo/4 MRAPs into AOR
- Alert'd to CMA emer w/1st responders; org'd tow f/disabled C-17 from runway--ended afld closure w/minimal delays
- Realign'd HSC/flightline process; drove 60 TCTOs/6 eng changes/21K insp--key'd 78.3% Acft Avail in AMC
- Led AMC's only 3 wpns sys hydro shop/oversaw 870 mx actions; fueled Wg's 5.7K msns--key'd Sq's Tm of the 1Q18
- Planner f/KC-46 bldg proj; established 19K sq ft layout/modified 3-bay hgr design--primed $107M facility proposal
- Sq DTS Approving Official f/460 prsnl; audited/processed 74 vouchers--ensured payment of $141K...0 delinquencies
- Mng'd KC-10 dplymnt rotation; orchestrated 23 prsnl mvmts--balanced home station/CENTCOM rqmt w/0 shortfalls
- Dir'd hydro in-shop repairs; overhauled 160 components--rtn'd assets to supply sys/svd AF $10M in replacement parts
- Gen'd mx tm f/hi-vis 12-ship KC-10 refuel msn; supplied 16 AFGSC acft w/1M lbs fuel--spt'd show of force to DPRK
- Filled Flt Chief pos f/2 mos; oversaw 126 prsnl/3 wpns sys--crucial to seamless transition in AMC's largest mx ops Sq
- Revamped AF 2096 routing process; created sharepoint site f/real-time tracking--slash'd update time 1 week to 3 days
- Mentored sect on AF writing; edited 36 evals/13 decs/24 awards; captured 7 Sq qtrly awd/4 SrA Below-the Zone wins
- Led hydro section manpower proj; coord'd w/Sq CEMs/redistributed 67 prsnl--facilitated UMD change across MXG
- Mng'd workflow f/Ex CADUCEUS; org'd 24 mbrs f/mass casualty sim--key'd 1st ever multi-dept disaster response ex
- Drove 860th's largest section; guided 93 Amn/5 AFSCs--spt'd 13 C-17s worth $2.9B...awd'd Sq's SNCO of the 3Q18


- Developed/executed nine MLG post swivel TCTOs; directed Boeing/AR REDI repairs--key'd AMC-best 86% MC rt
- Drove Mexico earthquake relief ops; gen'd 11 Bravo msns--alft'd 60-mbr USAID DART/100K lbs aid f/10K victims
- Positioned $380M THAAD sys; upheld PACOM theater objectives--fortified ROK def capes f/51M ppl/united fronts
- Tackled 200% mx taskings; sched'd tng/sorties for 13 additional C-17s--ensured Ex MOBILITY GUARDIAN success
- Coordinated airlift for NASA objectives; transferred X-37B OTV/$1B asset--successful 5th msn/space tech positioned
- Sq CPI Mgr; org'd RIE/standardized launch procedure--cut late departures avg 60%--boosted unit's 94.4% HSLDR rt
- Rectified negative forms doc trends; standardized review process--QA/MSEP rated unit "Excellent" 3 consecutive qtrs
- Directed strict tech data/PPE adherence; enforced safe mx practices--culminated in the unit's MXG Pinnacle Awd win
- Restructured production tng pgm; oversaw 19 prsnl/893 rqmts/114 SCR items--keyed 100% currency/task coverage
- Gen'd AOR capes; drove SPRO protection clip installation--secured austere Erbil LZ msn/alft'd 58K lbs cgo/40 pax
- Verified 34 MICAPs worth $7.5M; enforced T/S & supply discipline--obliterated rep/rec rt by 76%/#1 in MAJCOM
- Led sq mishap response team; coord'd w/three wg agencies--safely contained 500lb fuel spill <2 hrs...ops unimpeded
- Fostered production tm discipline; only Sq in AMC to exceed 10/11 mx performance indicators--led 7 metrics
- Inspired technical compliance; led 55 Sq prsnl to QA Honor Roll certs--key'd MXG Pinnacle awd, Jan/Feb'16
- Direct'd Ex. GFLR mx op; 140 flt hrs/28 sorties f/coalition warfighters--secured tactical tng initiative f/jt. force
- Outstanding fleet mgr! Focused opportune mx effort; held 9.2 DD rt avg--bested std 37%...#1 C-17 unit in AF
- Mobility focus'd; prep'd 20 techs f/18 MRT taskings--safeguard'd 3K+ WW departures...underpinned OCO spt
- Max'd Airmen potential; ID'd CUT rqmts for 55 prsnl/drove compliance--workload spread/capability up 35%
- Initiated 27 engineering disposition requests; garnered 100% approval rate--averted 80 NMC hrs/depot repair
- Gen'd alft f/AMC's #1 customer; oversight drove 200 POTUS spt msns--key'd Sq as 1st choice f/premier alft
- Iron mover! Drove msn generation in spt of highest UTE/Flt hr rt of 13 bases--keyed unmatched 1.3% break rt
- Infused MRM into daily ops; provid'd tools/instilled safety focus--200 Sq prsnl/zero acft mishaps on his watch
- Key to Ops success! Gen'd 300 lcl tng sorties w/0.3 air abort rt; bested AMC std--ensur'd 100% Ops currency
- Gen'd alft f/AMC's #1 customer; oversight drove 200 POTUS spt msns--key'd Sq as 1st choice f/premier alft
- Authored Pro Sup/Expediter tng pgm; qual'd 8 prsnl in critical production roles--boosted flt line ldrshp >65%
- Orchastated C-17 TCTO mx program; verified/directed/completed 250+ mx actions--13/13 asigned acft ready
- Civilian mx leader; reviewed/validated all Sq gov employees tng/leave/pay--zero discrepancies on 300 entries
- Merged 120 day acft tire insp w/HSC prcs flow; regain'd 27 days acft availability--gen'd $1.7M TWCF gains
- Sq's top CPI rep; QB'd tire acquisition/hangar door tng projects--slash'd 11K man-hrs/yr...MXG's #1 events '17 & '18
- Attacked DD rate; directed wkly TNB/781K review/200 fixes--slashed rate 51%...lowest in 3 yrs/beat AMC std 47%
- Enforced troubleshooting/supply discipline; averaged .17% CANN rt f/12 consecutive months--lowest rt in AF's fleet
- Integral crisis mgr! Coord'd 2 C-17 acft emergency tows away from approaching wild fire--averted $436M acft loss
- Updated 1.8K entries f/MIS paperless package; validated currency w/technical order updates--achieved 100% accuracy
- Restructured HSC prsnl database; reinforced command/control--established manning accountability/praised by Sq/CC
- Hand selected for 2017 C-17 Sustainment & Operation Review Team--facilitated cross-tell w/AMC & 5 FMS/Boeing
- Created process update f/287 re-usable warning tags; solidified HSC process--recouped 208 prsnl hours/$8K annually
- Joined 120 day acft tire wear insp w/HSC workflow; recouped 27 days acft availability--generated $1.7M TWCF gains
- Controlled eng mishap Tiger Team; ID'd failed component/R2'd eng <12 hr std--enabled medical supply dlvry to AOR
- Enforced technical data compliance; led 33 Insp Section workers/3K insps--secured Sq's 95.5% QA MSEP pass rt '16
- Utilized supply chain management f/efficient mx--refilled 300+ benchstock items--parts led to completion of 36 HSCs
- Gen'd Ex GOLDEN THUNDER; coord'd OPLAN f/328 MXG prsnl--overcame 200+ injects/1500+ TAFB ATSO rdy
- Org'd Pratt & Whitney eng backshop tour; sel'd 15 mbrs f/adv knowledge clinic--shared industry std w/50-mbr shop
- Dir'd two retirements; coord'd logistics w/5 agencies--showcased world-class events f/100 prsnl/celebrated 45 yrs svc


- Oversaw 39 HSCs/11.5K insps; refined HSC process/reduced acft downtime--cemented sq s 87% AA rt...#1 in AMC
- ID'd ICS damage trend; guided Phoenix Spark EFB mount solution initiative--braced SoF/saved AMC $2M annually
- Coord'd mod w/Boeing; penned 1st-ever fleet-wide ED f/256 acft--saved 5.5K NMC hrs/won MXG Mx Pro 2Q win
- Streamlined Pro Super/Expediter scheduling reports; synchronized review process--sustained MXG-best 96.5 MSE rt
- Ambassador for SAMR showcase; highlighted unit capes for ROCAF Gen/DVs--strengthened US/Taiwan relations
- Drove fleet FED system upgrade; eliminated 3-yr backlog/completed 70+ munition TCIs--garnered sq Mx Pro 1Q18
- Oversaw 23 HSCs/17K insps; refined HSC process/reduced acft downtime--cemented sq s 77.5% AA rt...#1 in AMC
- Directed 6 mbr tm; solved 2-wk fire indication anomaly/R2 elusive shorted wire--drove AMC-best 9.4% TNMCM rt
- Integral crisis mgr! Coord'd rapid emergency tow of 2 C-17s from fuel pit area spill--averted $452M AF loss
- Authored Pro Sup/Expediter tng pgm; qual'd 8 prsnl in critical production roles--boosted flt line ldrshp >65%
- Readied critical aid airlift; orchestrated 6 hi-vis State Dept HUMRO msns--dlvr'd $15M Syrian civil relief aid
- AF wide impact! Tm mbr on Acft Mx TTP re-write-streamlined AF mx/muns policies...ambiguity erradicated
- Ali Al Salem Lead Pro; tackled IG insp/led unit through 1.2K MICT items--bolstered 5 EAMS "Excellent" rtg
- Direct'd acft scheduling; pinpointed/coord'd acft calendar mx rqmts--bolster'd 95% Sched Mx Effectiveness rt
- Managed 800 item/$8.2M CA/CRL...AMC's largest eqpmt acct--keen oversight ensured 100% accountability
- Acft knowledge unsurpassd! Sq/Gp POC/manager f/AMC C-17 SORT input--leads health of the fleet mgmt
- Steer'd priority "Red Ball" mx f/COMM fault; supervised transceiver repair--enabled on time OIR msn launch
- Initiated 27 engineering disposition requests; garnered 100% approval rate--averted 80 NMC hrs/depot repair
- Handpicked f/AF-lvl duty; 1/756 SNCOs chosen in AFSC/revised specialty knowledge test--maintain'd exam integrity
- Steered 24 prsnl to QA Honor Roll; ensured TO compliance/PPE adherence--sq clinched MXG Pinnacle Awd Jun/Jul
- APU implosion investigation team lead; spurred AFTO 22--new linkage insp rqmts realized/$458K part safeguarded
- Initialized training pgm; executed 2-year HSC/flightline Amn rotation--boosted task quals...fueled 100% CDC pass rt
- Engaged troubleshooting/supply discipline; managed 0.2% CANN rt for 12 straight months--lowest rt in AMC's fleet
- Meticulous trainer; tested eleven 3-levels w/2K questions; 100% EOC pass rate--upgraded all sections 2 months early
- Confirmed 200 travel authorizations/vouchers; garnered 100% accuracy--assured proper utilization of Sq O&M funds
- Superb mx manager; R2'd damaged eng thrust reverser assembly w/in 8 hrs--prepositioned 22.3K tns cargo/13K flt hrs


- Completed Prof Mgr Cert; modified TTPs/gained 108 AA days--spurred AMC capes w/AF IG Effective UEI rating
- PAC secretary; developed $96K CTOF budget/sched to CCFWG--vectored disbursed funds f/500 prsnl/20 ministries
- Kindergarten sports day lead; coordinated activities for 80+ personnel--encouraged self confidence & sportsmanship
- Spearheaded Sq tng day; planned 5 events for 205 prsnl/6 AFSCs--100% compliant on AMC resiliency rqmts
- Exemplifies professionalism! Mentored NCOs/Amn through 30+ credit hrs--produced 2 CCAF completions
- Champion'd dply'd sched renewal; blend'd prsnl/skill lvl between 2 bases--boost'd stability/key manning 17%
- Inspired technical compliance; led 55 Sq prsnl to QA Honor Roll certs--key'd MXG Pinnacle awd, Jan/Feb'16
- Built Ex GREENFLAG spt kit/mx spt tm; readied prsnl <5 days--2-wk dplymt/28 sorties f/mutli-nat'l cmbt tng
- Mission-oriented ldr; steered flt line mx f/base evac Ex-IGI 15-03--gen'd five acft in <3 hrs w/zero IG findings
- Exceptional SNCO! Earned ICPM CM cert/AF CPI Green Belt--secured Sq SNCOQ, 4Q17/Mx Pro OTY '17 honors
- Arranged 60 MXG '17 Knucklebuster event; led fundraising/log/ceremony f/500+ Amn--Gp/CC lauded as 1st class act!
- Instituted vPC w/EPR tng crs; instructed supervisors on pgm prcs/bullet basics--sharpened supervisor skills f/9 NCOs
- Directed C-124 "Adopt-a-Plane" renovation pgm; applied 500 hrs f/repairs--preserv'd aviation history f/250K+ guests
- 60 MXG Ops USAFA POC; org'd 2 sessions/36 days/showcased mx ops to cadets--shaped/mentored 74 future AF ldrs
- Completed 3 collegiate crs's; rcv'd 9 credits in Comm Ldrshp f/B.A.--upheld 3.8 GPA/utilized skills to mentor 93 Amn
- Advanced prof enl knowledge; completed 45-hr SEJPME II crs--broadened joint ops perspectives/rdy'd for future roles
- Orchestrated ACA seminar; dvlp'd POI/visual aides f/8 classes--reached 262 gp prsnl/fueled MXG Top 3 mentor pgm
- Seamlessly integrated w/McChord AFB during TDY; Id'd/ R2 faulty pitot/static tube-- CUT train 7 mbrs-84 tasks c/w
- Orchestrated red streak mx; ts erroneous SCEFC faults w/avionics backshop for--averted 12 hrs NMC time
- Hands-on TS tng session w/11 725th AMS amn--cap increased 33%; Sq adopted tng plan for assgn'd en-route mbrs
- Expert trainer; taught TS tng session w/11 725th AMS amn--Sq adopted tng plan for assgn'd en-route mbrs
- Led tow tm; arrang d static display for 349 AMW family day; 300+ reservist dependents given tour of C-17A acft
- Team Chief d static display for 349 AMW family day; 300+ reservist dependents given tour of C-17A acft
- Safeguard'd fleet health; drove mx f/1K+ pilot-reported discrepancies--sq led 8/11 C-17 MAJCOM measur'd metrics
- Enabl'd 150 SPRO msns; mng'd prep/thru/post-msn rqmnts--dlvr'd 1.7K pax/4K ton cgo/2M lbs ammo ISO OIR/OFS
- Scrutinized NCO/Amn evaluations; validated/improved rater writing techniques--submitted 42 EPRs ahead of sched
- Recognized parking apron limitations; orchestrated 32 acft tows--cleared afld MOG conditions/averted 6 msn diverts
- Tighten'd flightline mx ops; mng'd 11K mx actions--enforc'd strict TO adherence cemented unit's 93% MSEP pass rt
- Mentor'd >100 Amn; reintroduc'd stds, org'd scheds w/Amn involvement--increas'd supervisory/ldrshp responsibility
- Led production effort on >1K trng msn's--directly enabled 3.7K flying hrs & 1.5K pax/1.5K cgo tons moved for trng
- Oversaw 72 POTUS spt msns; directed repair of 34 mx issues/no delays--ensured 288 sorties for AMC's #1 customer
- Demonstrat'd 1st Sgt duties while TDY; disciplin'd/mentor'd MSgt; utiliz'd AF resources--ensur'd tm integrity/morale
- Authored new Production Superintendent tng plan; ID'd TTP milestones--filled vacancies/4 Pro-Supers qual'd <2 mo
- Deconflicted add'l TACC taskings due to C-5 grounding; poised avail tails to meet msn rqmnts--sustained wg's RGM
- Collaborated w/Boeing engineers/agencies; solved 1K+ PRDs--sq led 8/11 MAJCOM metrics/leading the way fwd!
- Team Chief for 15 mbr en-route spt deployment to Rota, Spain; 83 mx taskings--lauded by 725 AMS OIC on trip rpt
- ID'd improperly eval'd eng bird ingestion; trn'd six 7-lvls on insp & borescope proc's--prevented possible acft mishap
- Key to successful combat spt; trnd 14 mx mbrs on world-wide FCC msns >345 flying hrs--incr'd Sq MEP capabilities
- Quick responder/Red Ball mx; repaired environmental cntrl panel--saved AF >$250K, enabled critical ops tng sortie
- Spotted missing fastener during insp; averted NMC write-up--replaced screw; 50K cgo deliver'd/PACAF msn success
- Troubleshot bleed-air fail; replaced valve in <1 hr--POTUS 1A1 msn depart'd on-time; awd'd MXG SNCOOTY 2015
- Selfless volunteer! Cook'd/prep'd meals for Fisher House--fed 12 families/+2wks; increas'd patient morale during stay
- Landscaped St. Jude Church; rais'd <$1,000 for new facilities--given COA by church ldrshp; aid'd positive AF image
- Embodied AF core values/mx excellence; 100% prsnl QA pass rt--trend setter for Sq; boost'd C-17 QA pass rt to 94%
- Fill'd expediter void; manag'd 23 flightline personnel--launch'd 16 C-17 sorties; ferried 200K tons cgo/53 pax/one wk
- Selected as 4AF rep/Boeing C-17 SORT Conf; provided indispensable guidance--10 C-17 ops/mx concerns addressed
- Appointed 945th AMXS First Sergeant w/in 24 hrs of board; oversaw morale/welfare/standards--113 Amn mentored
- Implemented squadron lodging reminders; increased reservation rate to 99% accuracy--increased focus on mission
- Completed follow up FCP SAV; 8 FCPs reviewed--reduced discrepancies to zero through First Sergeant change over
- Mentored fellow SNCO for First Sergeant board--package submitted; candidate interviewed before panel and selected
- Attended SNCO PES; inspired two SNCO's to attend--enhanced Active, Guard & Reserve knowledge base/network
- Championed and increased participation for 349 AMW Annual Awards Ball--248 total tickets sold; successful event!
- Mentored and coordinated with additional duty First Sergeant on UEI; 100% compliant on FCPs-- zero discrepancies!
- Spearheaded/coordinated Demand Drug Redux Program's testing/msn impact surveys; ensured 100% Sq compliance
- Re-aligned EPR rater/ratee assignments; spread workload by revising organizational chart--unit efficiency improved
- Provided oversight for three AOR rotations; 75 prsnl/12 months deployed--TFI mx support for >5,000 sorties achv'd
- Superior flightline management vital to 98.6% MSEP rating; 749/660 AMXS awarded MXG Pinnacle Award Jul '16
- Advocated participation in R-EDP & EDEB processes; mentorship increased SNCO knowledge level & participation
- Facilitated senior enlisted cross-talk on first E-7 SCOD; consensus ensured equitable EPRs--rating inflation averted
- SAPR/Suicide Awareness facilitator two yrs; ensured meaningful discussion achieved--200+ unit members educated
- Ensured ACAs were administered properly through briefings/mentoring; AFI compliance achieved--quality enhanced
- Developed Wingman Day "Amazing Race"; cultivated teamwork in unit--lauded as "benchmark" by 349 AMW CC
- Mentored Airmen during "Bring on Leadership Development" program 1-on-1 sessions; 12 Amn given career advice
- Emceed NCO/SNCO Induction ceremony; 28 349 AMW NCOs/SNCOs inaugurated--future leadership "re-blued"
- Advised 15 Airmen by mock board preparation for AOQ; two 749 AMXS mbrs selected 349 MXG AOQ winners
- Elected 349 AMW Top Three President; established new professional development format--attendance boosted 50%
- Represented 349 AMW as one of four SMSgt selected for FY 16 KPL; exemplified leadership for peers/subordinates