Airshow EPR Bullets

  See also: Airshow Award Examples

- 14' Air Show volunteer; fulfilled 24+ hrs security, rallied 30 volunteers, setup--selfless acts lauded by FSS CC

- Administered critical oversight of '09 Gulf Coast Salute Air Show food safety; protected health of 65K patrons

- Aided '14 AirPower over Hampton Rds; conveyed 53 pax/prep'd 144 vehicles--spt'd 165K spectators/vendors

- Aided '14 Airpower over Hampton Roads ops; shuttled 133 pax/980 lbs cargo--spt'd 165K spectators/vendors

- Air Boss liaison during Airshow 2010; coord w/venue setup/emergency response personnel; best Airshow ever!

- Airshow committee leader--coordinated 10 wpn displays/B-52 load exhibition--success for 9K participants

- Ambassador in Blue; provided security for HAB air show--showcased AF legacy/safeguarded 500k attendees

- Augmented 16 hrs to HARB air show; aided 7 mbr tm/guided 100K spectators--raised $4K for sqd booster clb

- Augmented SFS/22 hrs; ID'd/detained civ w/contraband--secured 287K Air Show attendees/lauded by SFS chief/CC

- Caring/team player; provided stellar support for Team Osan's Air Power Days '08--shuttled 100K+ visitors

- Contributed to '14 AirPower over Hampton Rds; 155 pax/prep'd 144 vehicles--spt'd 165K spectators/promote!

- Coord'd trans '14 AirPower over Hampton Rds; accounted for 20 contractor/event vehs--spt'd 165K attendees

- Coordinator for all LRAFB Airshow static display acft; hosted 65 dif mil/civil acft--showcased aviation to 250,000

- DBC Air & Space Expo food insp; eval'd 20 food booths--enabl'd priv orgs to raise $XK/ensur'd safety of 30K guests

- Dedicated 24 hrs to Wings Over Whiteman air show; supported flight line op's; applauded by >30K spectators

- Deployed to RAF Fairford; augmented AMXS with daily safe tow/static display/tours--125K+ spectators awed

- Devoted 32 hrs to Heritage Flt airshow; led 35 mbrs food booth sales--raised $3.5K for booster club events

- Directed 5 mbr tm; moved UAV/$215M/AF global power showcased--flawless delivery/lauded by ABW/CC

- Director of Military Demonstrations for biannual air show; coord w/3 services/5 teams/mx/contracting--225K awed

- Endured sun, highest temps of yr, isolated w/o support or water--remarkable restraint, no guests murdered!

- Guided 326 post airshow FOD walk mbrs; inspected entire airfield guaranteed safe departure of performers

- Headed wg's Top III air show booth; led 44 Amn/catered to 230K visitors--earned $6.6K for gp's '17 awds banquet

- Key to USAF Thunderbird Air Show audio sys setup; entertained 10+K...fostered Italian/ American relations

- Key trans for '12 RAFB Air Show; 180K attendees/100 buses shuttled; community/base praised zero incidents

- Misawa air show volunteer; dedicated 14 hrs to setup/demo equip--provided public insight to new $1.5M C2 system

- Organized PACAF '09 Air Show security team; provided safe/secure environment--event enjoyed by 5K+ prsnl

- Outstanding trans spt; prepped Team Osan's Air Power Days '09 vehicles--100K+ spectators enjoy'd festivities

- Oversaw '14 AirPower over Hampton Rds trans; 4 routes/prep'd 144 vehicles--spt'd 165K spectators/vendors

- PA professional! Hosted 15 local reporters thru 4 day air show media event--promoted Beale to 57K citizens

- Participated in MacDill Airshow 2014; removed refuse/assisted guests--enhanced military, civilian ties

- Participated in Wings over Whiteman 2012; cooked/served food at sqdn booth--enhanced military/civilian ties

- Patriotic Airman; worked 6+ hours at the TICO War bird Air-show -- enhanced 2k viewers' pride for Armed Forces

- Performed F-22/F-15 acft engine oil inspections; burned 12 samples in 1 hr--ensured spt of Capital Air Show

- Performed premier shuttle service for Seymour Johnson airshow/160K guests--received LOA from 4 LRS/CC

- Piloted '09 Gulf Coast Salute air show setup/teardown...guided 24 personnel...event lauded by 72K spectators

- Piloted trans w/ USA; moved 2 Hueys/$9.4M/delivered 190 mi overnight vs DLA 14 days--saved DoD $10K

- Positioned 207 barriers for July 4th festival; parking/crowd control areas created-safe event for >21K guests

- Provided ATC service to 30+ airframes during airshow--ensured safe demonstration of Air Force capibilities

- Rallied/led 2500+ AiTs for repair/restore weather damaged SAFB 75 Anniv Air Show--ensured $$K sales/commission

- Represented Team Whiteman for '12 air show; served/cooked in food booth--raised $4.5K for sq booster club

- Shift lead for JBSA Air Show; mng'd 10 vols, delegated tasks, reconciled concession sales--raised $1.2K for 5/6 org

- Showcased JBMDL air show static display; highlighted sq msn/capes--elevated AF image/enlightened 350K on-site

- Spearheaded Airpower '09 trans requirements; coordinated crew, spectator and support equipment movements

- Supported 4 FW "Wings over Wayne" Air Show; directed traffic for 200K guests--ensured prsnl safety/event success

- Team Osan Air Power Days '08 chauffeur; transported 87 distinguished visitors--boosted host nation relations

- "Thunder Over the Rock" air show warrior! Coord airdrop of 720 troops from 82d Airborne--flawless execution!

- Thunder & Lightning Over Arizona airshow vol; filled DLT 1st Sgt's booth/6 hrs/2 days--raised >$2K f/Warm Hearts

- Trn'd 8 hrs in confrontation mgmt; volunteered 16 hrs/Travis Air Expo crowd cntrl--secured 200K+ attendees

- USAF Representative! Showcased F-22 at Tyndall Gulf Coast Salute airshow--featured 5th Gen acft to >100K

- Versatile; SFS augmentee for AirFest '08; manned search pit/insp'd id cards; ensured security for 145K patrons

- Vol'd 12 hrs to Wings Over Whiteman; provided traffic control/parked vehicles--enjoyed by >40K spectators

- Vol'd 24 hrs/med spt for '12 base open house; treated 251/178K attendees/largest ever--fortified int'l relations

- Voluntarily worked hot dog booth at Wings Over Wayne airshow--raised $1.5K for squadron Christmas party

- Volunteered 10 hrs for Wings Over Whiteman air show; set-up/tore down food booth--ensured FOD free zone

- Volunteered 11 hrs w/'12 Defenders of Liberty Airshow; directed traffic/>85K spectators--zero safety mishaps

- Volunteered 8-hrs during Wings Over Whiteman air show; tore down 15 food booths--ensured FOD free zone

- Volunteered at base air show; offered beverages to 1K in attendance--raised $1.4K for Top 3/Wg totaled $40K

- Volunteered at DM Open House; operated AF Thunderbirds souvenir booth--$5.4K raised for sq Booster Club

- Volunteered to help '14 Air show; serviced acrobatic team acft w/smoke oil--event enjoyed by 75K spectators

- Volunteered to work static display during 2*** HAFB Air Show--maintained positive relation with community

- Wings Over Whiteman volunteer; conducted flight line op's--nailed airshow success/lauded by 30K spectators

- Worked Show of Arms display; gave tour to head of National Security Council--showcased B-2s capabilities

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