Admin/CSS EPR Bullets

Job Description

CSS Commander
- CSS CC for AMC's lgst OSS; supervises 6 Civ/12 enlisted--runs 63 prgms f/Gp/5 Sqs/881 Mil/53 Civ/94 Contractors
- G-Series trusted agent for SIF/UIF/sponsors/appmnt letters/RIP/waivers/skill lvl upgrade/leave/allowances/extensions
- FSS/OSS liaison; Sq's sole 38F rep, advises Sq/CC on all personnel issues, resolves MPF conflicts/MilPDS discreps
- Add'l Duties: UCC/DDRP/Civilian pay/Sec mgr/AtHoc/LeaveWeb/CSL/UFPM/UPM/Quarters notices/Recall Roster

- Mng's Commander's prgms including Evals/Decs/Leave/Fitness/Sponsor/Duty status/Trusted Agent f/64 mil/civ prsnl
- Oversees UIF process, grp in/out processing; GTC prgm mgr, grp urinalysis & fire evac accountability monitor
- Content Manager for group SharePoint/Portal sites; updates data & administers persmissions for assigned users

- Civilian Pay Timekeeper; monitor/manages time cards for multiple units within ATAAPS to ensure system's integrity
- Provides management, execution and oversight of unit budget allocation and distribution of days for MSG personnel
- Manages ARCNET, performs review of unit training prgm, and ensure ancillary training requirements are met timely
- Performs admin and prsnl functions as directed by the MSG/CC, train new Airmen, assists on CSS-related matters

- Leads 7 mbr-tm; dir milpers ops for 1.3K HAF/SAF Staff Amn & 25 DoD agencies; provides elite spt to top AF ldrs
- Directly supports/advises POTUS, VPOTUS, SecAF, CSAF & CMSAF staff on sensitive close-hold personnel issues
- Facilitates SecAF & CSAF Management Level Reviews; oversees/distributes promotion, PME & command releases
- Coordinates w/ 143 SR & 14 ML senior mil/civ ldrs assigned to the NCR on 40 personnel pgms, policies/procedures

- Primary AROWS-R order specialist and UTAPS manager responsible for maintaining status and participation
- Provides administrative support as ODTA for DTS and e-Finance, ensuring accuracy of manpower database
- Operates and maintains squadron SharePoint website, reviewing and managing policies/pubs correspondence
- Directly supports Commander, coordinating and scheduling MS Outlook calendar of all front office activities

- Manages all Wing publications and forms development, design, control, storage, lifecycle, and dissemination
- Accountable for timeliness, accuracy, and maintenance of published content to Air Force Portal and SharePoint
- Serves as the MSG focal point, local authority, and expert source of information for all administrative functions
- Prepares, standardizes, and enforces proper governance on all incoming and outgoing official communication

  Executive Assistant
- Leads multi-service, civilian & joint team of 16, supporting six divisions & 120+ joint officers, enlisted & civ
- Directly supports four General Officers & a senior civilian; coordinates & schedules all front office activities
- Responsible for USPACOM Strategic Planning & Policy staff actions w/ Components, GCCs, FCCs, JS & OS
- Directorate GPC cardholder; manages budget/purchasing, and maintains supply requirements for J5 directorate

Performance Assessment

- Oversaw DDRP; sched'd 432 tests/aided as observer in wg-wide, no notice sweep--enforced AF zero drug tolerance std

- TMT AO; facilitated unit & HHQ data collab/disseminated 338 tasks to 7 flts--spt'd crit AF-lvl policies, prgms & awds

- Group GTC Monitor; 465 accounts, established weekly tracker, updating senior leaders--provided 100% accountability

- Managed CC admin actions; est'd routing tracker/scrutinized 200+ coordinations--streamlined MXG admin processes

- Led FS COVID blood drive; coord'd w/ops f/28 pilots/netted 100 units/no flts lost--spt'd crit local need/beat trgt x138%

- Trusted agent! CC's confidant; processed 100+ urinalysis requests for Aviano AB busiest Squadron--100% notified

- Steered Squadron's GTC program; 600+ cards scrutinized/managed--delinquencies diminished 30% by Jul's 4th Qtr

- Dedicated SNCO! 3A/3D AFSC FM, TRACKED 84 CBTs/trnd 483 CFETP tasks for 20 mbrs, 2 MPTs; 100% qualified

- Oversaw EMP review; led 8 mbr tm thru HURCON checklist/secured 38 items--prevented damage to gov't property

- Implemented 1st-ever sq e-routing sys; sync'd unit tsk visibility/incr'd tsk efficiency--saves 1000+ man-hrs annually

- Drove WAPS tests; liased w/Korea TCO/prevented out-of-cycle testing--enabled on-time promo opportunity f/3 Amn

- Managed 33 prgms; prepared/updated 182 reports to CC/4 Det Chiefs--sq ldrshp abreast admin actions on 64 prsnl

- ID'd incorrect DEROS f/GSU mbr; expedited order amendment <7 days--saved mbr $3.5K/averted financial hardship

- Led 5 member tm; dir'd 61 DV visits/20 ceremonies/6 events--showcased msn capes/cmbt ops f/AF premier RPA wg
- Orchestrated two SECDEF dir'd APEX visits; hosted 65 SESs, demonstrated RPA msn--enabled civ/GO lvl support
- Piloted VCSAF & COMACC visits; highlighted CC's pri's/AF ldrshp assimilated to 432 Wg msn--coined by 5x sr ldrs
- Cert'd SAPR vol; dedicated 168 hrs on-call, 11 hrs CT/gave 22 brfs--enhanced spt f/2 wgs, helped est wg SAPR bldg
- Guided 17K ISR hours; provided spt to four msn CCs & 20 cmbt lines--assured 7.2K cmbt sorties/14 strikes/64 EKIA
- #X/XX Wg Lts! Outstanding ldr, sprinting past peers, groom f/ldrshp; ready Flt/CC now--perfect for PDE soonest!

- Expertly mgd Sq SDAP prgm; located/issued backpay to 50 mbrs; started 188 CMS cases; ensures on-time pmt

- Steered Squadron's GTC program; 600+ cards scrutinized/managed--delinquencies diminished 30% by Jul's 4th Qtr
- Meticulous! Scrubbed ODL impacting BL-reconciled 44 erroneous transactions--recouped $159K/CC's directive met
- Coor'd extensively w/ functional SME's-provided budget/resources-enabled 2 dplymt missions-eased FY constraints
- Procured $35K HQ furniture contract; negotiated 23% cost savings--3 new workspaces created in new PACED org
- Authored/published SOP's f/ GPC pgm; provided guidance to cardholder-caps enhanced 30%/ reversed branch trends
- Penned $150K advisory buy- catalyzed funding for GSA contract--Gp's MSOS positioned for success/lauded by CC
- Cert'd $300K in TDY funds-30% voucher inspected for accuracy--ensured effective spending/ mission ops sustained
- Led DTS trng; educated 36 sq mbrs on executing priority rqmts f/initial/build-up phases--prep'd Amn f/AOR mission
- Coor'd Trunk or Treat event; 31 vols/prep'd/setup/breakdown--entertained/provided families with a safe holiday event
- Selected for Team Power in the Pines 2018'; spectator support--bolstered relations between USAF/local community

- Answered 34 USAF F-16 customer inquiries for MC80 support; used D035 to reallocate critical F-16 assets

- Reconciled D035, built accurate Constraints on 94 NSNs; coorded contract/organic plan MC80 support

- Lead-turned IPT MC80 BOs; IPT BO down 39 assets despite 32% RO increase; MICAPs plunged 3,101 to 1,307

- Took lead for 3 MMs overseeing file maintenance for 456 NSNs; hands on management, rated ZD by 748 SCMG

- Lead turned MC80 production issues; submitted 9 206s for upgrade/cross-can of 72 assets valued at $1,333,346

- Oversaw establishing SCRIU USAFE supply point; coordinated stand-up; 40 assets in theater ready for war!

- Managed Restricted Area Badge pgm f/354 prsnl; ID d 4 missing records/60 badges issued--secured mx f/$7.8B infra
- Regulated DDRP pgm f/Sq/CC; organized data/directed tests f/485 prsnl--certified 100% DoD compliance/0 violations
- Oversaw 443 GTC accounts; fixed 132 negligent balances/mitigated $174K DoD funds--backed rapid global mobility
- Governed LeaveWeb/MilPDS f/536 mbrs; certified 804 requests/coded 576 sq positions--upheld 100% accountability
- Revitalized CSS training pgm; org d 10 trng sessions/taught 4 prsnl--ensured current databases in >1 vs 5 day AF std
- Elected JEC Secretary; organized 8 mtg s/main d records/dispersed to SEL s--upheld moral/esprit de corps f/500 peers

CSS Commander

- Revitalized CSS; realigned workload/absorbed past MPF tasks w/75% manning shortage; ldrshp ensured no-fail msn
- Oversaw UPC hires; coordinated with CC, CPO & AFPC for critical cluster package--met CSAF/SECAF's #1 intent
- Lead UFPM; ID'd/fix'd 15 case files/ran reports f/leadership--reduced non-compliants/ensured 100% record accuracy
- Security Manager; processed 4 incidents/validated clearances--advised CC/process'd infamous Cold War-era deserter
- UCC lead; ran 3 Ex/ID'd shortfalls/overhauled prgm/11 mbrs qual'd--ensured Sq readied for real-world emergencies
- MilPDS overseer; conducted 1K updates & led Sq SharePoint build--RPA tracking upped 99% & backlog down 50%
- LeaveWeb mgr; approved/validated 1.2K leave/TDYs/conducted audits/corrected discreps/backlog--100% compliant
- Civ Payroll monitor; certified timecards/leave/covered 10 Flts--rectified issues/ensured 39 Civs paid 99% error free

- Manag'd dual-org ofc w/2 SES's/1 O-6; plann'd 160+ mtgs/clos'd 30 taskers/direct'd 4 phone lines--spt'd $549M prgm
- Go-to DTS agent; creat'd 25 authorizations/vouchers w/5 last min fixes--0 late travel claims/saved senior ldrs 20+ hrs
- Maintain'd 2 SharePoints/fix'd access crisis; creat'd new gp/20 add'l external users--data shar'd across 6 locs/959 prsnl
- Front ofc sec lead; ensured SIPR access/passed 30 visit requests--ldrs cleared f/17 classified mtgs/0 violations/delays
- Spt'd $6.2M svc contract; escort'd 10 OCNs f/6 HQs/14 SIPR rooms--advanc'd Wg/CC#1 priority/protect prsnl/assets
- Aided $899K water drainage proj; escort'd 500 OCNs f/17 MXG sites--nix'd flooding f/1.1K mbrs/10 F-22 acft/$1.2B


- Spearhead'd postal ops f/173 pax, AEW/CC/CV/CCC; 13.2K pkgs/40K lbs mail distro'd--0 discreps/A1 NCO OTM!
- Led NEO II ops; dir'd PAX flow/processing/meals & spt'd security f/3 msns--upheld foreign ties/ensured asylum f/63
- Cert'd Sq arfld driving prgm; 243 drivers qual'd, defend'd 60 coalition acft/0 CMA violations--prgm rtd: Outstanding!
- Rehab'd 3 Sq security prgms; val'd 84 access requests/guard'd 11 SIPR/Wg Ops Cntr--secur'd troop mvmnt/PL-2 assets
- Multi-Capable Amn! Engag'd 200 Amn/mng'd 10 prgms/fortified 8 mx sections--ensur'd mx capes f/6 FOBs/$2B acft
- Led UCC thru 2 ex; led 173 prsnl recall/6 PAR tms/WSA inject resp--flawless mitigation of 5 UXOs/0 WIT discreps
- Escorted 230 OCNs & 30 vehs through VSA; ensured safe transports--guaranteed 0 sec incidents/protected 3.6K CFs
- Hand-picked f/new Wg A-Staff CSS; stood up 8 directorates/mng'd 60 CSS pgrms frm scratch--superb prsnl spt to 75


- ID'd Official Mail meter gap; coor'd w/A1/secur'd funded equip--$70K saved/avert'd stoppage...USAFE benchmarked

- Led RAF Digby APO SAV; ID'd 26 process deviations/trained Official Mail Manager--DoD compliant/4K customers

- Established CSS intern prgm f/postal 3F5s; trained 15 prsnl prior PCS'g--bolstered CC admin spt f/future assignments

- USAFE 3F5 SME! Led 16 mbrs/aced 3 APO SAVs--ID'd/dev'd CAPs f/30 discrepancies...provided trng f/60 Jt prsnl

- Champion'd security item funding change f/USPS inventory; proj'd save $100K yrly--elim'd costs f/all USAFE APOs

- Drove AD Certified Mail Prog; coor'd receipt/dispatch 198 lbs mail--Named Superior Prog during 802FSS insp

- Coordinated receipt/dispatch of 436K lbs mail; labeled & bagged 33K pcs--ensured delivery to 18 IAPs/106 locations

- Safeguarded '17 promotion tests for 360 mil mbrs; shipped/secured 130 parcels--enhanced integrity/material security

- Resolved postage/UPU machine malfunction; coordinated $1.5K in repairs--enabled dispatch of 2K lbs mail, 0 delays

- Expedited 5M lbs mail/280K pieces Pen-wide--provided prompt delivery/supported heightened contingency presence

- Shined as postal specialist; balanced Det's hi-ops tempo w/training requirements--87 tasks certified/awarded SEI 984

- Created 3.3K manifests/distro'd 1.6M lbs mail--ensured payment of $750K to 13 air carriers/zero govt over-payments

- Teamed w/374 LRS; dispatched 22 sets of tires, $9K in parts/equip--expedited repair of 26 vehicles valued at $300K

- Generated 1K manifests; enabled airlift/verified payment to air carriers--spt'd ops at 21 DoD sites/30 global gateways


- Revised AFSC trng reqts; sync'd 14-mbr team/reviewed 357 upgrade items--refined 3F career trng tools f/ 1K prsnl

- Executed work center trng plan; trained/briefed newly assigned NCO & 4 Amn in AMT duties--delivered 100% OJT

- Highly motivated Airman; earned 5-lvl upgrade training well ahead of peers-- Mbr certified nine months early!

- Opportunist; mastered impromptu eval training; XX raters trained-- processed evals increased XX% monthly

- Base admin chief, developed tng for records mgt, pubs, forms mgt, and special orders--increased pers qual 50%

- Supervised 4 Amn in UGT; average of 50% OJT core tasks completed in 4 mths--exceptional CDC score/95%

- Multi-faceted trainer; 6 new Airmen learned to update 2 different systems--enhanced coworker tech knowledge

- Resourceful--obtained two scarce regional RMS training slots--saved $7000, increased flight personnel qualifications


- 78th ABW leave monitor; validated 654 requests error-free/reconciled duty status--upheld 100% prsnl accountability

- Managed leave program; authorized/reconciled 2.5k leave/PTDY requests--enriched unit productivity/Amn resiliency

- Managed Wg LeaveWeb program; validated 2K requests/served 2.8K base users--transactions 99% error free

Awards & Decs

- Dual hatted CCS/CSS; XX awds/XX decs/X PRFs/XX taskers--best awd win rate in 6 yrs/rpt time incrs'd 45%

- Reviewed/coordinated 235 evals/45 decs/verified 2K spt docs--achieved 98% process rate, exceeded HAF standards

- Rvw'd/corrected 132 EPRs, 20 decs; reduced backlog & review time by <2 days--98% on time processing rate to FSS

- Spearheaded cmd staff awards prgm; vetted all HQ staff pkgs--ensured recognition of all mil/civ personnel

- Reviewed/revised 35 evals/22 decs/100 docs for jnt service mbrs--100% on-time rate, error free w/0 delay

- Drove NAF/Group award programs for 1.5K amn & civ's--recognized 250 nominations & id'd 64 superior performers

- Phenomenal oversight! Reviewed, edited & tracked XX evals/XX decs/XX docs--ensured high-class products to the HQ

- Created eval/dec trk sys for 7 sqs; increased on-time compliance by 87%--solved pivotal shortfalls f/ Wg & Gp/CCs

WAPS/Evaluations/Personnel Records

- WAPS monitor; ensures all enl mbrs receive CDCs & coords with FSS for in- & out-of-cycle promotion testing

- Invaluable CSS exp; reviewed/processed 70+ performance reports in 1 mth--reduced processing time 50%

- Meticulous! Scrubbed trng/evaluation records at 3 GSUs--helped ensure Wing ops compliance/effectiveness

- Led mil prsnl file review/archive; flawlessly updated 421 officer rcds--cut process time by 25%

- Aided A1C w/promotion error; reviewed/corrected/input paperwork w/MPS--Amn provided rank & back-pay

- Revamped gp evaluations process; created restricted sharedrive folders for wg access--reduced PII exposure

- Reviewed 85 evals; initiated use of Electronic Management Systems for evals--improved/streamlined process

- Aggressively vetted 864 AF FORM 2096's in MILPIDS; assured 100 % accuracy--squadrons personnel files regulated

- Monitored and processed over 11,000 enlisted and officer performance reports--reduced late reports from 30% to 5%


- Filled UPC position; dvlp'd trng plan/trnd GS-06/19 core tasks/decrs'd OJT time by 28%--incrs'd proficiency by 33%

- Chaired DDR initiative; scheduled 790 defenders f/mandatory drug screening--pristine on-time rate/zero "no shows"

- DDR Trusted Agent; trn'd 2 prsnl/50 notifications/Id'd & reconciled flt test schedule conflicts--unit msn ready

- Assisted CS w/no-notice urinalysis; gathered 200 samples/4 positive results--supported AF zero tolerance drug policy

- AFLCMC Gp DDRP Rep; organized data/directed tests f/189 prsnl--enforced AF zero drug tolerance std/0 violations


- Refocused and aligned office roles & responsibilities; data processing time reduced by 30%--zero missed suspenses

- Recognized by IG; UVI Superior Team/Best Practice f/TDY duty status pgm--XX% qrtly rate/#2 CSS in WG

- Ran 3 Sq EMS sites; provided tng/oversight to geo-separated tms--25 evals/38 decs 100% on-time to AFPC

- Gp's Alt EMSEC mgr; ID'd inop host-base hub/resolved 4x taclane anomaly--fixed in <72hrs...DV spt spot-on!

- Organizational master! Mng'd billeting for 154 personnel, 3720 rooms over RD/AT days--saved SQ $2K per year

- Managed and maintained internal office suspense--streamlined office--reduced late reports 75%

- Organized, implemented plan to correct, update squadron's e-mail global information for ORI--key to success

- PDF NCOIC; created teams to process XXX warfighters--provided direct support to 3 AOR's

- Led 3 man CSS team; proc'd 270+ LOEs/EPRs/decs, SAV'd 5 sctns/issued 9K+ parcels--incr'd efncy w/o dlys

- Collaborated w/4 man CSS team; dissect programs creating continuity--ensured all unit members/programs compliant

- Established 39 SVTCs for Gp/CC--sync'd 24 mission briefs with 28 planners--ensured success of 8 CENTCOM ops

- Assisted w/ managing point credit summary; coord/tracked 50+ records; ensured operational goals cont'd to be met

- Adjusted cust svc hours to meet needs; eliminated most common customer complaint, increased CSS access, training

- Created and completed 219 time-sensitive CC admin actions; zero disruption in MXS daily ops--HHQ suspenses met

- Superbly managed 3 MPS sect's during SNCO shortage; conducted trng, led UCI prep--met msn target by 100%

Task Management Tool (TMT)

- Authored HQ TMT guide; defined SOP's between MAJCOM & 9 wgs--made transparent/118 tasks comp'd w/o error

- Managed cmbt AOR's lrgst TMT prgm; tracked 486 tasks--key to $1.5B/44 construction projs\6.2K msn\6.8K sorties

- Mg'd 348 Gp/Wg/AMC-level TMT taskings; spt'd Gp's 15K msns/122K pax/37K tons--zero missed suspenses

- Managed task mgr sys f/div of 105 psnl; streamlined/strengthened msn ops; improved efficiency/saved 52 man-hrs


- Governed sq FARM duties; tracked 300 records/scheduled trng f/12 mbrs--enabled 100 percent record compliance

- Developed file systems for all DCO staff agencies and three maintenance squadrons; increased efficiency

- Selected for IG team as records inspector; visited 2 offices/ID'd 3 errors...prep'd/initiated fixes for compliance

- Funct Area Records Mngr; approved 3 file plans/ensured required training completed--met program objectives

- Established filing sys procedures; generated 20 permanent training folders--aircrew training continuity assured

- Focal point for MXG/CC correspondence; tracked and distro'd 100 documents--ensured 100% accountability

- ID'd 196 missing security docs/fixed 96% deficiency; validated 169 billets--secured $4.3M assets/15 ctrl areas

- Expediently converted 800 incentive records to electronic media; cleared open discrepancy; 100% MICT compliance

- Gen'd new file sharing sys; consolidated 7 Sq processes into one--streamlined correspondence/saved 20 manhours/wk

- Painstakingly digitized 800 Special Needs records--devoted 120 hours--increased space utilization 25%


- Leverage'd IT; prgrm'd sharepoint delivery >50K MilPDS files to 150 JBSA CSSs--cited 502 ABW/CC Best Practice

- Managed CMS discrpncy rpt; ID'd/fixed 65 pay related cases/corrected backpay/debt issues; secured $984K in FLPB

- Trusted AO; built on-time, on-target products--armed 502 ABW/59 MDW/16AF Sr ldrs w/critical data f/msn success

- Prep'd 16 AFCYBER units f/ reorg; dvlp'd HR sys transition plan--avert'd prom/assign/pay errors f/900 cyber Amn

- Designed new prsnl mgmt sys f/59 MDW; educated proper mgmt of prsnl--beat cust expectations & MDW/CC goal

- Managed $25k budget; focal point for RA coord, TDY availability/feasibility--reconciled civilian/mil pay issues

- Expertly mgd Sq/Gp EOY expenses; scrutinized >$13K GPC purchases--zero work stoppages/boosted morale

- Devlp'd/ implmt'd MXG FY16 budget; spending trends documented for cost cutting analysis; $350K budget upheld


- Expert DTS RO/AO; prcs'd XX auths/mng'd $XXXK budget--enabled critical ops in 15 nations, 2 AoRs

- Led AFRICOM directed AT/FP trvl prgm; enabled visits to 8 austere bases--30 mbrs approved trvl w/ zero incidents

- Mng'd DTS funds f/ 38-mbr HQ staff; facilitated 10 SLEs, validated 18 TDY vouchers--certified $86K travel budget

- Processed 40 TR's; 300 referral & 15 missing rpts in MilPDS/CMS; minimum errors--ensured mbr rec updated

- Aggressively monitored ofc TRs; dvlp'd procedures to update MilPDS suspense actions-- repeats cut by 90%

- Aggressively monitored section TRs; developed procedures to update MilPDS suspense actions--zero repeats


- Staunch FOIA Program Manager; process'd 5cases/redact'd 400+ pgs--personal privacy & national security protected

- Enforced Air Force PII regulations; trained members on importance of protecting PII--amplified Sq's AFI adherence

- Re-established 20 AMXS Personal Information File program--squadron personnel files safeguarded/regulated

- Briefed 23 civ personnel on PII policy; emphasized command guidance--ensured 100% network accountability

Hospital/Medical Admin

- Executed GI/GS clinic daily ops; coordinated 375 visits/146 procs--averted $40K MTF ref costs/7K enrollees

- Streamlined pt care follow-up/ref process; revamped cancer tracking tool--certified continuity of care f/43 pts

- Performed TPC checks f/2 clinics; verified DoD eligibility f/420 pts--MTF recaptured $52K f/unfunded prgms

- Orchestrated Sq essentris stand-down; creat'd talking paper/train'd 27 techs--provided standardization f/6 sects

- Bridged gap between hard/elec rec; creat'd GS intake form/clinical checklists--increas'd resource savings 31%

- Processed over 200 patient records requests at 452 AMDS clinic; enforced 100% HIPPA compliance standards


- Team oriented; helped set-up & tear down stage at unit change of command ceremony--lauded by 51 LRS/CC

- Participated in Sq/CC CoC setup/teardown; positive first impression of Sq for new CC-event 100% success

- Active Network 56 member; led two cmtes; devoted 14 hrs f/Wg's SNCO recognition ceremony--42 honorees

- Led flt NCOIC retirement ceremony; ensured all venues were 100% set/ready--lauded by Flt/CC for superb job

- Spearheaded Law Office Sup't retirement ceremony -- 20 yrs service properly recognized...mbr/family grateful

- Led "High-visibility" 4-Star DV visit; provided log spt/protocol actions/clean-up tm--coined by XXXXXXXX/CC

- Upheld AF tradition; facilitated X Commander's Calls xx decs and xx awds presented--esprit de corps secured

- Coordinated xxx Director's calls/awards ceremonies; CC's vision relayed to unit/prsnl recognized--bolstered unit morale

- Provided audio/visual support for Squadon Commander's Call/EMC--ensured understanding of info presented

Casualty Services Technician

- Responded to 1700+ deaths and 2500+ Airman who became ill or injured during this period.

- Revised Casualty Operations Branch file system, transferred all paper files to electronic format per AFI

- Received zero discrepancies after AFPC no-notice inspection, praised as "best file plan to date"

- Selected CAST lead; facilitated multiple agency collaboration for AD casualty/wounded--seamless operations

Executive Officer

- Brought knowledge and info back from AMC 4-star conference; updated Grp on expectations and future of AMC.

- Protocol expert! Prepped 305 AMW for several 4-star and DV visits; perfectly executed--no show-stoppers

- Great Mentor; provided guidance and training on proper formats of all AF communications to AD and civilian mbrs

- Seiz'd Unit CC secretary/sq exec jobs; scheduled appts/meetings, tracked cmd coord; perf's as leader/NCO rdy


- Key to Sq CSL prgm; coordinated 55 approval forms/accountability of 15 mobile devices--protected info sys from threats

- Revised CSL prgm; created/processed/tracked 138 tickets--expedited msn critical network capabilities to 150 sq mbrs

- Led EM/COMSEC/IAO programs; 100% inventory/$44K ADPE accounted for--zero incidents in AF's largest EMSG

- Established inventory/control procedures ensuring accountability of 183 pieces of ADPE valued at >$100K


- Led GCC ops for three wg exercises/7 sq; guided C2 decisions for EOC--ensured accurate accountability for 2K Amn

- Critical PDF/DCC member during training exercise Snowbird; processed 132 Amn; ensured 100% on time departure

- Ex COLD SNAP PDF mbr; verified mobility rcrds/mng'd discr rpt--readied 245 deployers for warfighter msn

- Arranged Noncombatant Evacuation Opertion Tracking Sys mobile trng--8 mbrs trained/saved AFRICOM $10.5K

- PDF accountability NCOIC; verified eligibility of 240 deployers--mbrs 100% msn ready & deployed on-time

- PDF Team Lead; verified mobility currency of over 400 mbrs/5 real-world deployments--100% qualification

- Dply'd to Al Udeid f/6 mos; guided 14 Amn/ctr/6 AFSCs/governed 21 CC prgms--led tm to Meritorious Unit Award

- Verified mobility currencies & eligibility of 600 deployers--mbrs 100% mission ready/deployed on schedule

- Spearheaded gp recall/accountability program; MXG recognized as "the standard" for wg recall rosters


- Admin'd sq assignment process; counseled 52 Amn on PCS actions--smoothed transition for psnl/families

- Advised military members on formal training classes needed to progress--no lost advancement opportunity

- Base inprocessing manager; conducted weekly briefings/updated sponsor notices--1.5K mbrs gained expertly

- Coord'd 30 SW/CC Newcomers Orientation; briefed over 125; worked w/ sqs--maximized attendance/up 15%

- Counseled mbrs on SGLI coverage; verified application accuracy--safeguarded $248M insurance entitlements

- Created monthly MSG/CC PowerPoint briefings; provided on-time statistical analyses of contracts trends/data

- CSB/REDUX program POC; 50 eligibles briefed on entitlements--ensured 100% accuracy w/$1.5M dispersed

- Delivered 3 Bundles for Babies briefs--informed 36 families on DEERS benifits--relieved new parents anxiety

- Great Mentor! Provided retention & retirement guidance to 14 AF officers--eased transition

- Instructed 27 mbrs on AFI guidance/directed changes within SRB/CJR requests--increased mbr career options


- Advised/compiled three Article 15s; briefed Wing CC on Status of Discipline--enforced professional standard

- Corrected 12 Amn/officer discipline/legal issues; networked w/four base/local agencies--enforced AF policy

- Manged Sq. UIFs; tracked/secured control rosters/article 15 actions; AFMC/JAG annual review 100% compliant


- Maintained 20th BS SharePoint site; granted permissions f/100 users--24 hr access f/members to mission critical info

- Managed MDG SharePoint webpage; assisted site users/contributors--streamlined flow of info for 250+ pers

- SharePoint lead admin; provided trng/granted permissions/modified sq/gp sites--pages compliant w/base CS

- SharePoint lead administrator; revamped outdated website by 35%--site fully optimized for instructor/staff use

- Asst' w/Outbound/Rets/Seps merge, vetted 21 task to sharepoint prgm--increased msn efficiency&>cust prg'n time


- Assistant passport agent; aided in processing 950 passports 67 visas valued at $175K--mbrs 100% msn ready

- Augmented base passport section--led weekly briefings/mailouts/applications/photo; saved $2.8K in manhours


- "Go-to" Classifications rep; conducted IHT on Duty Status Program to 6 CSS's; incrs'd base accountability rate

- Directed base in-processing; updated duty status for 100 newly assigned airmen--reached 100% accountability

- Distributed 944+ identification cards; validated benefits/entitlements IAW DoD policies--100% data integrity

- Efficiently signed in 90+ mbrs manually when unit sign-in system not responding; exceptional customer service

- Expertly coord' 650 EFMP cases--guaranteed availability of medical resources at 152 bases world-wide

- Expertly processed 700+ AROWS orders; ensured 80 TDYs for Ops and MX trng--completed in 50% normal time

- Identified, corrected dozens of long-standing personnel issues--restored 100% visibility on DEROS allocations

- Instrumental to BRM team; tracked all unit trng for 394 RCs/284 CORs/49 FARMs--PACAF's largest RM program

- Led 3 crses/12 SAVs; qual'd 9 FARMs/24 RCs/id'd & fixed 53 write-ups--raised initial trng compliance rate to 99%

- Led bi-annual SAV for five units; XXXX items inspected--109 offices garnered "Effective" rating during UEI

- Managed monthly ETS roster; Coord/tracked 246 reenlistment and extensions; ensured operational goals cont'd met

- Mature beyond rank; expertly assisted trng PERSCO team mbrs; minimized errors & increased mission readiness

- Oversaw Selective Reenlistment Prgm: coordinated with DFAS/AFPC-44 pay issues rectified/$1M

- Purged 180+ UPRGs; ARPC received vital prsnl records; electronic record established; simplified VA processing

- Resident DEERS guru; verified/issued 2K CAC/Teslin cards; ensured entitlements/sys security; zero discrepanies

- Revamped DSG meal chit sys; combined multiple docs into single source document--reduced processing time 53%

- Spearheaded high-vis DOS rollback initiative; investigated manning/operational readiness--saved four careers

- Sq AFPAAS COR; verified/corrected duty statuses for 75 mbrs--ensured 100% accountability for 275 mil/civ prsnl

- Sq Wastebuster Mngr; rdy'd 62 excess turn-ins, recycled $183K in assets--gained working stock valued at $4K

- Steadfast oversight as Wing SAPM! Assessment suspenses 0%; Mentor/advisor/SA expert-hands on trng 55+ mbrs

- Subject matter expert--provided top notch DEERS guidance to coworkers--decreased research time by 75%

- Teamed w/ SFS; added Defense Biometric ID System registration station in MPS--one-stop shop for customers

- Tongue and Quill authority; trained XX personnel on memorandums-- flawless products for Sq CC/countless hours

- Tracked inaccurate reports and returned to units--preemption reduced late submissions by 50%

- Updated & revised CSB notification process/procedures; created tracking system--ensured 100% compliance

- Validated 1K dependent/15K subsistence authorizations--accurately programmed $60M/SGLI liability benefits

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