ISR EPR Bullets

- 363 ISRW Airmen are the fabric of US airpower--critical and foundational combat capabilities at the tip of the spear

- AF intel lead for threat analysis; 170 assessments vetted by 8 IC agencies--TTPs increased lethality of 3.6K AF pilots
- Aided Exer Combat Hammer success; ecompassed 10 sorties w/$400K total msn cost--90% msn effectiveness
- Analyzed 226 hrs of FMV; discovered eight roadside IEDs--fortified route clearing/denied IED emplacement
- Augmented AF master imagery service; boosted $35M ntwk speed 10x--aided 870 org/fused ISR w/2K combat sorties

- Battle hardened! Flew 25K combat sorties/144K flt hrs/7 locations/3 GCCs--removed 7.5K bad guys from the fight
- BOOM! Prepared targets for the first-ever JASSM strike; 19/19 weapons on target--Syrian CW R&D HQ destroyed

- CFACC's primary OIR targeting node; 294 ISIS targets ID'd/destroyed--ISIS capital & 100% Iraqi territory liberated
- Characterized 9 ISIS HQ targets for OIR; ID'd 31 potential networks--armed CFACC w/NK options against ISIS C2
- Completed 3-mth custom study; drafted 60-pg rpt/presented new intel to AOR--informed CCMD of emerging threat
- Completed AF Middle East Familiarization Trng; increased geopolitical awareness--enhanced analysis quality
- Completed GI&S prgm inventory; catalogued 6,500 maps/charts--2 BW equipped for global power projection
- Constructed 20 TAMs/62 aimpts; generated 20% of 98 TAM prods--provided CENTCOM adv strike solutions
- Created 54 annotated graphics; monitored critical main supply routes--ensured safe passage of 14 US convoys
- Created weapons smartpack; organized all possible B-52H loadouts--condensed weaponeering timeline 30%
- Crippled ISIS funding; validated 206 oil tgts/linked 327 nodes/fueled 559 strikes--cut territory 51% & denied $336M
- Crushed TD qual; scored 98% on written/practical exam--ready for FQC trng/duty usually reserved for NCOs

- Delivered two internal trng briefs; raised Sq current events awareness--120 analysts prep'd for global taskings
- Developed 1.6K precise aimpoints, 266 JASSM tgt models, 1.2K tgt graphics--grew capes for three AOCs by 27%
- Developed partner nation IMD; validated 101 threat systems w/releasable intel data--enabled combat ops for 5 allies
- Directed msn sys upgrd; led 3-Amn/link'd $200K IT assets--hardened DoD counter-cyber attacks/prvnt'd 1K+ attacks
- Drove $40M Acq/1st nat'l collect against ISIS UAS; enabled 4K detects in CENTCOM--88 strikes on 48 UAS teams
- Drove $650K sys upgrd; linked 42 nodes/35 cables--expanded IC defensive posture dvlpmnt/axed 2K+ malware attacks
- Drove 265 NSA emitter db updates; cut redundancies & NASIC/MSIC refresh cycle 96%--better SA to crews faster
- Drove 92 NK tgt dev products; characterized 383 tgt elements--provided CMF/AOC/CCMD NK options on 106 tgts
- Drove BDA msn/innovation; built 413 prods/added intel sources--armed CFACC w/post-strike calls/prep'd next TTPs
- Drove TSA w/NRT intel; coord'd w/6 IC orgs/19 SMEs--exposed 397 key nodal links/ID'd 144 tgts vital to NSC objs

- Earned PPM certification; dropped 15 pts/3 methods--reachback support in action/poised for deployment ops
- Est'd SIGINT msn! Validated $1.5M trng/eqpt--bolstered DoD/allied threat ID capability & protected 16K aircrew
- Established PAI analyis team; realized ACC vision/fused Big Data into target dev--msn ready for Syria CW BDA ops
- Exceptional teacher; trained three Airmen on MQ-9 exploitation--increased timeliness and capabilities by 50%
- Executed CDE for 2 AORs; analyzed 78 facs/93 graphics/LOAC concerns--mitigated 9K potential civilian casualties
- Executed SOCAF anti-AQIM msns; 351 msns/2K hrs/tgt'd 23 named objectives--drove SOF targeting across 3 AORs
- Exploited 177 targets; created 90 graphics/reports detailing compound infrastructure--vital to future operations

- Generated 54 weapon data sheets; performed 324 hrs of strategic tgting--108 solutions supplied to two CCMDs

- Hand-picked JASSM Trainer; trained 3 Amn on Precision Tgting module--imp'd prod capacity 23% of 13 mbrs
- Handpicked for 3rd flt certification; NGA cert maintained/plus TD/CDE qual--1 of 11 flt mbrs w/three flt certs
- Headed 2-mbr $2M+ ntwk refresh; connected 100+ ft FO cables--assisted exploitation enemy comm/led capture of HVT

- ID'd acft harassment on air transit route; led 6 Amn/fielded POTUS RFI <72 hrs--eased tensions/averted open conflict
- Intel msn lead! Teamed w SOCCENT, rallied 9 IC orgs in <1 wk; ID'd 97 collection rqmts to get after enemy TBMs

- Launched tgt enterprise SIGINT integration; boosted access 60% for 6 org/pub'd 92 rpts--better dev'd targets for OIR
- Led $280K+ EDC device relocation; refreshed 5 ntwk devices--trained 1K+ jt prsnl yrly/captured 10K+ illegal narcotics
- Led AF's Reachback Targeting Enterprise; coord'd 18 Total Force sq/1.4K Amn--targeting for 2 named ops/7 OPlans
- Led DPPDB library upgrade; inspected 34K CDs for destruction--adhered to NGA strict program requirements
- Linchpin of POTUS-driven ops surge; located Taliban narcotics sites--71 strikes slashed Afghan drug revenue $40M

- Managed $19M IMD program; est'd combat ID/EW standard for 4.2K US acft--crews lethal and survivable in combat
- Managed 2x AF-level tgt certification prgms; trn'd 541 psnl/29 units/3 allies--enabled US, NATO strikes in OIR/ORS
- Managed Nellis $2.7M TS network; provided 150K hrs of service--critical comm for 1.7K strikes/2.9K enemy EKIA
- Masterminded AOR-wide realignment; postured forces at 2 GSUs--boosted OIR's direct threat warning support 23%
- Mitigated IC gaps w/threat missile launch I&W; analyzed 1K enemy activity indicators--safeguarded 9M potential lives

- Oversaw $800K Navy IMD/EW effort; drafted govt cost estimates/docs--armed and protected 1.4K naval combat acft

- Prepared 2 OSS for wartime ops; generated 24 combat msn folders--reduced msn planning preparation by 25%
- Produced 35 aimpts/QC'd 35 graphics; provided integral mensurated tgt spt--spt'd planning at four COCOMs

- QC'd 140 tgt products; ensured delivery of superior wpn calculations--100% of solutions w/zero discrepancies

- Revalidated 170 aimpts; ID'd 50 errors--attn to detail provided accurate prods ISO kinetic ops in four AORs

- Screened 84 hrs of MQ-9 video; ID'd 12 enemy firing & hiding positions--facilitated detention of four militants
- Spearheaded $13K+ eqmpt migration; installed IDS/5 assets--improved vulnerability scans/prevented 4 hack attempts
- Steered CCMD crisis task; tgt package briefed to NCA & lauded by 25 AF/CC--solidified coalition response option
- Stood up Wing Cyber Msn Defense Tm; analyzed 5 processes/closed 61K vulnerabilities--assured combat operations
- Supported 63 TSO deployments to 7 sites; integrated w/ 2 JTFs--helped SOF hunt and eliminate nation's top enemies

- USAF's highest deployed Intel unit! Mobilized 336 Amn/24.8K days--executed 30% of SOF's manned ISR missions

- Validated 133 precise aimpts; accounted 36% of 367 prods--ensured CENTCOM prepared for top priority tgts

- Weaponeered 159 wpn aimpts; performed 240 hrs strategic tgting--supplied 320 solutions to three COCOMs

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