IG/ Inspector General EPR Bullets

- Organized 2 LRE prep events; 136 mbrs trained f/CBRNE environment--established AMC/IG ATSO/LRE benchmark
- Synthesized CIMB meeting stats; 13 open deficiencies/206 SACs/15 high risk areas mitigated--vaulted CCIP efficiency

- 5 BW OSV facility lead; id'd severe ventilation safety haz--drove risk mitigation w/ HQ Bio/A4...safeguard'd 52 prsnl

- Accomplished 58 Inspections within 10 Units; identified 3 systemic program issues--decreased mission vulnerability
- Acting wg IG f/2 wks; led 5-mbr insp/ex/complaints resolution tm--ensured flawless execut'n of 4 By-Law insps/2 ex
- Action; performed 88 insps/88 exs/verified 1.6K line items--validated wg's non-nuc msn compliance
- Active shooter exercise evaluator for 4 bldgs/96 prsnl; corrected 3 discrepancies--improved awareness/preparedness
- Administered five CIMB presentations; created deficiency/trend analysis charts--synthesized CCIP data for 16 cmdrs
- AETC/IG 1st! Created 41 FAM insp guides f/224 MICT users--trained 72 SAPMs/improv'd compliance f/29 units
- AFGSC MICTCA; mng'd 14 unit accts/10.8K rqmts/23K users--provid'd combat readiness metrics to SAF/IG
- Aid'd w/Wg CEMP revamp; tested new processes/provided POC critical feedback--val'd congressional level program
- Aided unit CC in FWA case of 3 NAF prsnl over 5 wks; employees terminated--sav'd resources/upheld stds
- Aided w/wg War Plan revamp; tested new processes/provided critical feedback to OPR--val'd congress level program
- Author'd Wg/CC initial insp rpt; ID'd hi-risk areas/benchmarks to AFCENT/ACC CCs--val'd wg's cmbt effectiveness
- Authored 6 IGEMS reports; utilized 5.4K man-hrs/51 WIT to generate--drove mobility practices & processes change
- Authored first-ever deficiency mgmt guide; established processes f/ deficiency closure--reduced IGEMS-caused errors

- Bolstered wg's MICT prgm: dvlpd 53 FAM inspec guides & trained 71 SAPMs--improved compliance f/29 units
- Bolstered Wg's MICT program; oversaw 1,600 communicators/trained 71 SAPMs--improved compliance for KAFB
- Briefed Rep of Korea Joint Chiefs/J3/4 on 374 AW mission; conveyed Yokota's strat role--bolstered UN partnerships

- CC Inspection Management Board lead; compiles MICT/IGEMS inspection data--briefs CCIP status to Wg ldrs
- Conducted MICT/IGEMS training course; trained over 50 personnel--ensured understanding of inspection pgm
- Conducted two unit vertical insp's; ID'd 16 prgm shortfalls to leadership--ensured msn focus/AF compliance
- Continued WIT mgmt prgm's long-term process improvement; est'd formal WIT cert process--zero erroneous findings
- Coord'd Gp ATSO Rodeo; led 7 WIT mbrs/eval'd 250 prsnl/6 units on CBRNE response/TQT--verified UTC rdyness
- Coord'd no-notice Sortie Production Assmnt by PACAF/A4; lauded by BrigGen Hill--MX msn effectiveness valid'd
- Coordinated 2014 NSI/DNSI team beddowns; exceeded team reqt's for 97 inspectors--100% beddown success
- Crafted 1st-ever armed helo ex; taught A3X NSI convoy requirements--provided SF/JFO C3 TTPS to 3 MWs

- Developed Center wide deficiency tracking system; improved center organizational nuclear surety & readiness
- Devised installation-wide FW&A program; established objectives IAW AFI--oversaw 27 unit prgm implementations
- Directed HAF SII insp; validated FIAR rmqts f/3 Wg accts/27 eqpmt assets/$7.5M--benchmark lauded by PACAF IG
- Directed CCIP execution; conducted 22 insp/192 corrections--improved Wg's mission accomplishment significantly
- Drove Active Shooter ex; led 39-mbr tm/bridged 23 process gaps--val'd sec rspns/safety f/9K jt/coalition cmbt forces
- Drove key CCIP oversight; trn'd 9 WG/IG & 80 WIT mbrs--improved AFIS knowledge & inspection process

- Educated 1K at base Newcomers/CC Calls; briefed AFIS and CRP--processed 32% more complaints than previous yr
- Educated 1K at base Newcomers/CC Calls; briefed AFIS and CRP--processed 32% more complaints than previous yr
- Entrusted by Wg/CC w/Congressional by-law insp's; ID'd 22 deficiencies/fixed < 4 wks--awarded Sept '17 WSA MVP
- Established WSA CIMB; integrated data into leadershp forum--immediate improvement in deficiency management
- Evaluated AD wg CBRN; 20 METs graded, vldt'd 12 DRRS rpts f/Wg CC--126 Amn/56 UTCs prep'd f/OPLAN tsk'gs
- Ex'd Wg HA/DR resp; directed 40 pers/insp'd contingency plans f/4 units--enhanced 1st responders/recovery protocol
- Exceeded CSAF's readiness intent; conduct'd 26 assessments on 1,327 Wg mbrs--AETC/IG: "the 81st paved the way"
- Executed 11 By-Law insps; interviewed SMEs/17 shortfalls noted--exceeded Congressional mandate rqmt 3 mos early
- Executed 4 readyness assessments; ran 2 Active Shooter/2 Emer Mgmt exer's--survival skills/garrison resp amplified
- Executed 8 By-Law inspections; reviewed 500 cklst items, coord'd MOU w/host wing--validated congressional pgms
- Expertly inspect'd 8 By-Law prgms; ID'd >15 crit prog deficiencies; 100% val/ver congressionally mandated prgrms

- Facilitated >20 CIMB/CIWG; consolidated inputs at deputy Gp/CC level--catalyst f/proactive actions to improve wg
- Facilitated root cause analysis; corrected 58 deficiencies/11 squadrons--reduced wing non-compliance by 13%
- Fixed broken unit visit process; coupl'd w/ 5 Vertical Insp's/found 63 deficiencies--increased rapport w/ units
- Forged inaugural wg insp pln RBSS; baselined 681 AF/DoD/By-Law prgms--focus'd lmt'd resources on hi-risk areas

- Guided 16 USAPs; shared best practices/LL's f/on-site MAJCOM insp--0 IG findings/secured wing "Effective" rating
- Guided 2d largest tech trng Wg; 167 cases/15 congressionals/8 O6 rpts--94% solved <7 days/76% above SAF/IG std

- Hand selected to spt AFIA with 5 day eval; ID d/sent 42 errors fwd for correction--AF-wide MICT upgrade successful
- Hand-picked for AFMC IG; audited 21 shops, 84 prgms w/ 1.7K MICT items--ensured Hill AFB met MGA UEI stds
- Held IG/MICT/IGEMS training for 16 CCs--leadership key to CC Insp Prgm health; 94% discrepancy closure rate

- Id'd significant QA prgm deficiencies at 2 Wgs; proposed fixes implemented--safeguarded AF nuclear surety
- IG Support Branch civilian leader; mngd 29 SF inspector tms--collected/input 125 wg deficiencies/8 strengths
- Insp'd 2 By-Laws; eval'd Cmbt Trafficking In Person/Equal Opportunity/no write-up--val'd congress lvl prgms
- Instructed six wing-level courses; trained 19 MICT/WIT personnel--equipped proficient/effective/ready units

- Keenly managed 13 IG team mbrs; standardized AFIS deficiencies binning/scoring process--AFIA benchmark

- Launch'd 1st ever Wg IGI deplymnt trng; 2 deployers rdy to rock/27 hrs vs 2 wks--fortified AFCENT CCIP ISO OIR
- Led 12-mbr insp tm in WSA insp execut'n; eval'd 828 SACs/ID'd 16 gaps/4 strengths--verif'd unit's msn effectiveness
- Led 1st-ever Persnl Accountability ex/insp; val'd wg ability to accnt f/5K Amn--ex plan modeled by AFCENT AEWs
- Led 20 inspectors thru NSI/UEI inspections; assessed 5 graded areas/3K items--lauded by AFIA Team Chief!
- Led 25-mbr MDG insp tm; eval'd xxx SACs/ID'd xx deficiencies/x strengths-- ensured msn focus/AF compliance
- Led 3 restriction/reprisal investigations; ensured 8 allegations independently examined--NCO/CGO careers protected
- Led 9 on-site visits to trn wing core inspectors on AF inspection sys concept--ensured command combat ready
- Led PACAF db advisory gp; collaborat'd on rewrite of 2 AFMANs/11 chklsts--linchpin between HAF and 139 1C0s
- Led wing/WSA CIMB; provided compliance status/trends to leadership--consistent improvement in deficiency mgmt
- Liaised w/AFSOC IG; acquired location/comm eqpmt/network connectivity f/28-man UEI tm--enabled insp/capstone
- Liaised w/RAF & QEAF; built framework for 1st-ever US/UK acft crash ex--cemented coalition accident rspns capes
- Logistics lead for UEI Midpoint; coord'd comm/eqpmnt/facility f/1 wk insp; enabled smooth ops for 36 AFSOC mbrs
- Logistics lead for UEI; coord'd comm/eqpmt spt/facilities f/2-wk inspec--enabled smooth ops for 61 AETC inspectors

- Managed AMCC no-notice insp; ID'd 1 deficiency/1 RIA/urged fixes--validated HAF eqpmt SII f/15 radios/$186.3K
- Managed robust WIT--184 trained, 480 training items, refreshers training each inspectable event; led top JB experts
- Managed stand up of deficiency management trng f/ 377 ABW prsnl; improved fix actions--reduced deficiency rate
- Managed team that integrated 1700+ inspection areas, 30+ exercise requirements & CCIP milestones--msn protected
- MICT admin for wg's largest sq; coded 137 chklsts/6.8K items/cleared 98 obs's/led 38 mgrs--rec'd Excellent '18 SAV
- MICT/IGEMS expert; currently coordinates Wg/MAJCOM closure for 120+ crit/maj/sig/minor deficiencies
- Mngd IG Eval Mgmt Sys; finalizd 25 reports/111 findings--provided oversight on trend analysis/deficiency resolution

- Nailed UEI prep; performed 11 insps/27 exercises/ver'd 1.6K line items--val'd wg's non-nuc msn compliance

- On-Site Visit lead; planned/executed 41 prgm reviews/verified 2.2K line items--val'd 6 wgs/WIT execution
- Org'd 12x Wg CIMB Gp/CCs crosstalk platform; coord'd inputs f/29 units--prepared Wg/CC w/vital msn rdy metrics
- Org'd 51 WIT f/AT/FP Base Barrier plan insp; eval'd 17 Sqs/ID'd 11 crit discreps--drove XP anti-terrorism pln re-write
- Org'd AF Insp Agency visit; coord'd comm/eqpmt spt f/3-day IG trng crse--facilitat'd certs f/24 prsnl/7 PACAF bases
- Org'd wg CIMB x12/coord'd inputs f/29 units; enabl'd Gp/CCs crosstalk platform--equip'd wg/CC w/vital msn metric
- Oversaw/analyzed 308 deficiencies; improved focus of insp program--provided trend data w/highest msn-impact to CCs

- Piloted 144 cases/17 congressionals/6 O-6 rpts f/ 2d largest tech trng WG--96% solv'd <8 days, 75% above std
- Planned and executed 3 ASEX; found 94 shortfalls/rated wg Marginally Effective--provided CC honest reporting
- Planned/executed 16 sq vertical inspections/2 CII/5 ex; managed 184 WIT mbrs--captured 100, closed 177 findings
- Planned/executed wg's 1st 72hr IRF ex; integrated 12 federal & local msn partners--KAFB ready for nuc emergencies
- Praised by AFSOC IG! Mng'd 73 mbr WIT, creat'd tracking database & superb trn prog; highly robust/effective prgm
- Processed 4 SAF/1 DoD Hotline complaints; 2 CDIs/2 inquiry conducted--resolved cases in avg of 29 days
- Provided consistent MICT support wg-wide--319 tracked communicators, 10K+ questions; linked wg & FAM msn

- QB'd PACAF A4 visit; drafted 5 day itinerary/spt'd 20 mbr tm f/no-notice MXG insps--key to Wg s C130J transition

- Re-tooled CCIP; streamlined reporting/increased Ex's two-fold toward contingency preparation-Wing Ready to Fight
- Re-tooled USAP; revitalized Gp/CC SAP/CCIP w/CIMB to ID noncompliance; equippd Wg/CC w/ vital msn metrics
- Redesigned WIT training prog; trained 49 WIT to develop strong risk-based strategies--comprehensive analysis for CCs
- Regularly coord'd w/ 117 WIT mbrs to conduct insp; provided ongoing OJT for all--units better equipped to self assess
- Regulated discrepancy dashboard per Wg/CC's vision--offered real-time msn effectiveness info for Sr Ldr decisions
- Reinvigorated deficiency closure/54 items; distilled org trend analysis--refocused wing self-assessment prgm
- Rejuvenat'd WIT prgm; revamp'd insp/ex process/stndrdz'd eval criteria f/70 mbrs--facilitat'd 1st base CBRN ex/3 yrs
- Represented IG to unit CCs f/16 insp; CCs aware of cause/effect of deficiencies--data used f/ adjusting unit priorities
- Restored insp pgm; audited 21 shops/84 pgms w/1.7K MICT SACs--ensured MGA's covered/sq's aligned w/UEI stds
- Revamped WIT pgm; increased qual'd mbrs 25%--participants augmented 50% rise insp/exer completion over FY18
- Revitalized 512 AW RE pgm; led 5-man wg exercise tm/init'd Gp WIT leads--fac'd unit CCs objectives for future RE

- Scrutiniz'd idle IGEMS write-ups; id'd findings rdy f/closure--prompt'd SAPM oversight f/78 deficiencies > 1yr
- Spearheaded wg root-cause analysis; 134 deficiencies corrected/0 repeats--eradicated systemic issues across Wg/HHQ
- Steer'd 7 wg EXs; eval d active shooter/mass accident, PH/CBRN & AT/FPCON capes; plans ver'd, 1900 mbr prep'd
- Steered IG virtual insp pgm; eval'd two wgs/11 units/579 insp areas/44 discrs--key'd cmd's 38K hr/657M FHP
- Streamlin'd Vertical Insp; steer'd 17 insps/9 Wg prgm/3 units--id'd msn degradation/decreas'd rpt time-line 66%
- Supervised CC's insp prgm; executed 16 insp/209 corrections--positive impacts to wg msn accomplishment/health
- Supported gp root-cause analysis; 220 deficiencies corrected w/countermeasures--reduced systemic non-compliance f/wg
- Supported tech trng FWA case; 800+ Amn affected--164 lost CPUs found/put on network/reopened 17D skills course
- Sync'd Wgs Strat Plns; coord'd 33 SAVs/12 audits/negated 7 sched conflicts--primed 4 Grps f/CV-22 SATAF support
- Synced/integrated 50+ BOS programs w/CCIP; superbly leveraged resources and returned white space to units

- Trained 37 new WIT and piloted WIT recognition program; all showcased at CIMBs--CC praised X top performers
- Trn'd 436 AW/512 AW ex planners on pln'g timeline/milestones--standardized exercise planning materials/products
- Trn'd AF/Wg policy to 4 Wgs at Newcomers/FTAC; educated 1.3K& prsnl on IG/FWA; conveyed CC intent/mbr rights

- Validated closure of 14 Significant & 160 Minor deficiencies; drove unit-level improvement for 21 units/12 agencies
- Validated IPE Report of Survey; insp'd warehouse accountability/storage procedures--protected $3.6M ops/tng assets
- Verified scenario execution/2 exers; confirm'd completion/109 injects/found 9 deficient processes--UTC prep up 31%
- Vital input on 16 vert insp; #1 WIT coord, MGA 1 lead; created 15 horz prog insp templates, 5 sig/485 minor def IDd

- Wg Insp Tm mngr; revis'd chklst, conduct'd 3 WIT trng/brf'd All Call/66 mbrs--cert'd 10 insps/reinforced AFIS
- Wg projo for AFGSC NSI; provided 65-mbr work ctr/45 vehs/2 sec exs--0 errors/IG lauded "best insp spt in AFGSC"
- WIT manager; revised Gp busines rules, conducted 7 trng crse's f/79 appointed mbrs--cert'd 10 insp's/reinforced AFIS

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