See also: HVAC Award Examples
- Assisted EMEDS facility upgrade; installed 2 valves/water heater--ensured minimal svc interruption for 1.5K patients
- Coor'd $133K multi-chiler install proj; complet'd 2 wks early--provid'd 150-ton a/c for USAFWC/CP & SFG
- Corrected deficiencies on A/C units efficiently; diagnosed/repaired 40 units for RCA-Qol 321 students imprvd
- Created CE multi-craft PM validation database; found >330 assets for 67 critical fac's--increased eqpmt lifespan 80%
- Direct'd recurring work prgm/400hrs; increased equipment performance reliability--reduc'd service calls 65%
- Directed freezer upgrade; led 3 prnl/installed 4 freezer doors--averted $10K food loss, maintained svc f/1.2K patrons
- Directed HVAC WO requests; drove 24 in-house proj's--saved $400K vs contract costs/fortified mililtary OJT
- Earned 6 cr hrs towards BA; host nation beautification proj leader; AF10K/Race for Cure 5K; s-ball team mbr
- Engineered 86 CS cooling tower proj; sourc'd rpr contract--solution svd $200K vs replacement/zero comm downtime
- Execut'd CASR systems upgrades; redesign'd ECU duct air flow--provid'd continuous air picture w/other AOR radars
- Fill'd Mech Eng pos 8 mos; direct'd review of >40 fac's/elim'd 1K contract defects--on-target to garner AF lvl funding
- Fixed youth ctr restroom; incr'd ventilation/patch'd five holes--elim'd foul odor/mend'd three safety write-ups
- Guided 3 Amn; restor'd five problem units at wg auditorium--achiev'd optimum climate for CC/wing functions
- Hand-picked for $170K 3D projector install; modified ceiling & air vents--saved AF $10K in contractor costs
- ID'd RAB's oldest a/c sys's for replacement; processed 16 WOs--reduced ops costs by $250K/steer'd CE's #1 priority
- Initiated sect mx acct'g; inventoried 2K HVAC/R assets/devised tracking sys--slash'd wk task survey time...1 vs 2 hrs
- Install'd 12 A/C units for F-15 hangars; ensur'd timely mx of $358M assets--key to success/1.4K theater sorties
- Key mbr w/RHS ductwork and ceiling install; increased a/c efficiency--completed two wks ahead of schedule
- KO'd CDC a/c outage; inst'd 12 portable units--averted ctr closure/cooled 165 children/parents remained msn focused
- Led 3-mbr emergency tm; calibrated ventilation syst/chiller ctrls--spt'd 2 wg events & sustained $4M in HVAC assets
- Led USAFE's lrgst R&M IPL prgm; RAB prim'd for success in FY16 w/$18.1M/45 sustainment proj's
- Liaison for UAV build-up study; analyzed >100 ft piping/30 units--strength'd USAFE/AFRICOM/CENTCOM msn's
- Managed 10 yr infra prgm FY16/17 IPlan; validated 22 projs/125 wk rqmt's--postured >$20M future execution
- Mitigated HVAC air sys leak; installed 300 square foot drop ceiling--protected over $75K of comm equipment
- Mng'd R&O Mech AMP; drove mx 1.1K HVAC sys's/preserved $1B eqpmt/reduced failure 65%--$10.2B fac's intact
- Overhauled Warfare Center humidity syst; replaced 30 UV lamps--protected $30M in assets, saved $15K in ktr costs
- Oversaw MXS fuel syst rpr; secured 60-ft purge duct--zero msn loss & guaranteed mnx of 29 F-16s valued at $765M
- Performed a/c rpr; ID'd/rplc'd faulty ctrl switch--sustained 76 F-15 eng test runs...safed $10M acft avionics mx assets
- Rectified dorm ac discrepancy; replaced chilled water pump--maintained over 39.5K sq ft/restored QoL for 109 Amn
- Rectified high head psi; mx'd/restor'd cooling/cut temps 30 deg < 1hr--sustain'd $5M ITN/2K tel lines/zero comm loss
- Renovated JT Tactics Sq a/c sys; replaced 200 linear ft of constricting flex duct--increased circulation by 30%
- Repair'd A/C unit for internet transfer node; restor'd equip cooling--saved $1M network/enabl'd real-time ISR
- Rescued DFAC ops; adjusted 2 A/C charge/restored freezer power--kept $100K perishables/supported 7K meals daily
- Resolv'd hqs heating problem; expediently installed 20 linear feet of rigid duct--return'd Wing CC climate ctrl
- Respond'd to 30 emergency dormitory calls; resolved heating and cooling deficiencies--improved QoL f/300 residents
- Restored Alt CP A/C; led 3 prsnl/installed 2-ton unit--saved $10K in comm servers & equip/sustained wg's 24/7 msn
- Restored Drop Zone's $128K cooling sys; trained 3 techs/mended 30-ton pkg unit--enhanced MWR svc's f/4.2K mbrs
- Reviewed 32 construct designs/11 SOWs; provided 27 HVAC inputs--ensured proj's met stringent Fed/German reg's
- Spearheaded temp a/c replacement at 3189; installed new unit/upgraded breaker--protected $8M emer UPS sys
- Spt'd $318K SFH HVAC proj; mapped critical backup AC pwr--safed $278M comm ctr/SIPRNet access unhindered
- Spt'd Army Patriot site/maint'd 25 units; protected $35M SAM asset/150 psnl--promoted base defense function
- Steered KMC eqpmt inventory capture; led 52 techs/4 AFSCs/1.3K fac's--completed 3 yrs ahead of AFCEC deadline
- Stood up AF level asset condition prgm; evaluated >$20M in proj's--bolstered crit data support for FY16 IPL defense
- Supervised 7 troops; executed 1.5K jobs/achieved 98% same day svc rate--maintain'd 3.5K HVAC sys/$4.5M
- Trained 4 Amn; managed A/C upgrade, restored climate control--safeguard'd network control ctr's $9M server
- Upgraded 99th SFS K9 facility; fabricated & installed 50-foot HVAC duct--increased cooling efficiency 40%
- Upgraded HVAC sys; designed/fabricat'd 300 ft ductwork/installed vents--saved $50K energy/contractor cost
- Vital to heat plant upgrade; trenched 12 meters, replaced 3-ft of damaged pipe--prevented 3K gals of water loss daily