CFC EPR Bullets

BLUF: Most of the statements on this page will not be allowed in an EPR.

From 36-2406, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems (Prohibited Comments): Meeting Goals for/Results of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 950, Solicitation of Federal Civilian and Uniformed Service Personnel for Contributions to Private Voluntary Organizations, Section 108 Preventing coercive activity, subparagraphs (a through g). Comments pertaining to met/exceeded goals, collected dollar amount, or meeting/exceeding goal or collecting a particular dollar amount. (EXAMPLE: 100% contact, $15K raised, 500 contacted, etc.) are prohibited.

- CFC Installation Proj Ofcr; coord'd w/94 key workers, contacted 4500 prsnl--spt available to 20,000 charitable orgs

- Appointed as Grp CFC representative; educated mbrs opportunity on over 2000 charities worldwide--100% saturation

- Avid leader; Squadron POC for Combined Federal Campaign--contact ensured 2 BW reached goal of $180K

- Responded to "the call" as unit Combined Federal Campaign representative; raised $3,300 with 100% contact

- Selected sq CFC mgr; guided eight reps/collected $21K/100% contact--$1.2M effort/benefited 2.9K+ charities

- Division CFC representative--raised over $1.7K in 1st week--exceeded goal expectations for variety of charities

- CFC Loaned Exec/Publicity Chair; vetted 200 regional charities--maximized impact of '13 campaign donations

- Lead POC CFC/PWA; contacted 100% 91MW prsnl/raised $52K CFC/$19K PWA--enriched AF/community relations

- Sq CFC rep; engaged 300+ Amn/10 workcenters w/100% contact--wg earned $40K emer funds for 5K prsnl

- 31 AMXS primary CFC representative, ensured 100% prsnl contact 2 wks--cemented Sq's $28K donation goal

- AMU CFC rep; led 5 man team/204 Amn 100% contact <1 wk--raised 5K to charities/led MXG/FW beat goal!

- Aided Sq's CFC Overseas effort; ensured 200 TDY Amn contacted--$17K raised/catalyzed 31 FW's >$221K

- Alternate key person for CFC; contacted 12 personnel/collected $42 towards CFC--ensured continuous support

- Directed section CFC effort; contacted 52 Amn/briefed objectives--$600 raised to assist >25 charitable orgs

- Division CFC representative--raised over $1.7K in 1st week--exceeded goal expectations for various charities

- Donated to Combined Federal Campaign; $123K raised--contributions helped exceed wing donation goal 37%

- Drove CFC effort; unit raised $17K, USAFE "All-star"; bolstered $2.5M AF effort--$42K more than FY 2011

- Drove sq CFC initiative; liaised w/9 units/led 4 Amn/organized BW fund raiser...max'd 6K base prsnl spt opportunity

- Flight coordinator for Combined Federal Campaign fund-raiser--netted over $800--achieved 114% of goal

- Flt CFC rep; 100% contact of 179 staff mbrs/$810 contributed to base target of $182K--exceeded goal by 34%

- Flt CFC rep; achieved 100% contact/Wg raised $236K/18% increase from FY11--DoD grossed record $280M

- Flt CFC rep; contacted 50 mbrs accounted for $3.8K--bolstered funding of federal employee charity donations

- Led AMU CFC effort; rallied 230 prsnl/secured 100% contact--provided aid 2.5K charities/FW raised $250K

- Led CFC campaign; raised $3K in first week/10% increase from last year--AMXS poised to beat '12 numbers

- Led unit CFC donation drive; contributed to $260K in donation for 1062 charities by 3 WG; most raised in AK

- Managed flight CFC fundraiser; organized event/12 vols--raised $364/Sq collected $13K to support campaign

- Promoted CFC, #1 unit on base; wg participation rate jumped 66%--31 FW $235K total/crushed goal by $20K

- Promoted as CFC orator; collected $17K from AMXS towards 31 FW $235K--crushed $215K goal by 110%

- Section CFC rep; enabled 100% contact/$5K raised by AMU--directly supported MXG >$17K/31 FW $130K

- Sq CFC keyworker; 100% contact/$7.4K donated--cemented unit's 85% participation rate/awd'd "Gold" status

- Sq's CFC representative, ensured 100% personal contact--wg earned $303K/surpassed established goal 30%

- Supported 3rd annual POW/MIA 24-hr vigil run--nine tracks/7.2K runners/18K miles/$17.5K raised for CFC

- Unit Combined Federal Campaign Coordinator; ensured 100% sq contact/assisted >$222K raised by 31FW

- Volunteered as CFC flt representative; 100% contact made in one week/raised $13K--promoted esprit de corps

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