Combat Arms Training & Maintenance (CATM)

Duty Description

- Manages installation's largest ammo acct/2nd largest armory/$2M in resources, enabling +412 trng events annually
- Leads 3 pers CA section ISO 1.3K hrs of live-fire trng/+80 qual/expending 1/3 of entire installation small arms ammo
- Coordinates with HQ/SFC trng advisors/career field management officials to validate ranges/sq live-fire trng events

- Facilitates/evaluates qualification training on the M16A2, M4, M9, M11, HK416, MP5 & GUU-5P weapon sys
- Provides force protection for $8.7B+ in C17s, 13K+ personnel, 77 alarm facilities and $10B+ AF installation
- Manages Command Weapons records management program & implements CJCS records management standards

- Conducts combat arms training for 3.5K+ wing personnel annually on M4 carbine, M16A2 rifle and M9 pistol
- Instructs weapons handling, range safety procedures, marksmanship and maintenance of small arms weapons
- Observes, supervises, and evaluates students during live fire, controls and safeguards ammunition and weapons

- Performs semiannual weapons inspection/sub-depot level maintenance on over 4,200 wing/tenant unit weapons
- Supervises academic/practical instruction to 120 students daily--delivers 4.9K+ Airmen yearly to career field
- Supervises 4 mil/civilian instructors; trains 70 Basic Military Training (BMT) and perm party students daily

- Instructs and performs weapons/equipment maintenance; qualifies 20K+ annually on multiple weapons
- Documents AF's largest CAT D small arms munitions expenditures; 28K rounds expended daily/9.7M annually
- Issues, receives and safeguards weapons, ammunition and protective equipment valued at $2.6M for SF unit

Performance Assessment

- A-4 Superintendent; managed supply/armory/vehicle section, five personnel and 50k assets--fortified enduring concept
- Aced 40 hrs ATSEP course; conduct'd 270 evals/ID'd 36 deficiencies/prep'd 6 injects f/Ex NLP--boost'd Wg readiness
- Assisted w/ 180 day CATM/DATM PI's; verified serviceability on 156 9MM's/$4.6M--enabled 100% FMC rate
- Authored Armory OI; established policy/implemented accountability process--prevented injuries, streamlined training
- Authored logistics plan for CATM transport; ensured safe transit of 30.2K trainees-vital to 737 TRG AFOUA '15 win
- Awesome instructor--earned "Outstanding" on evaluations--lauded for expertise/set standard to follow

- Certified/trusted Airman--trained two fellow Airman in crucial armory duties/ensured critical position stability
- Completed critical SAPO training; provided crucial briefing to 2.8K+ SF students--fewer discipline problems
- Conducted annual & pre-embarkation inspection; ensured over 250 weapons were deployment ready...promote
- Coordinated with munitions and four GCC Sq's for ammo account creation and resupply--prep' for surge operations

- Delivered first-ever dual wpns trng; M16A2/M9 wpns--enabled AF Chief of Staff initiative
- Developed new Armory trng plan; trained/evaluated 132 tasks/181 hours/6 bilat mbr certified--0 DPE failures/4 EWQ
- Direct'd 3 Commercial range insps/601 acres; survey'd pot DoD/Civ hazards/advis'd best RM's--reduc'd risk f/5K pers
- Directed wg small arms trng pgm; 91 classes/9 wpn sys/1K trnd ISO 19 agencies--increased qual rate from 95% to 99%
- Driven instructor--qualified to teach course four weeks ahead of schedule--reduced instructor shortage by 33%

- Ensured functionality of 537 wpns; sec'd $10K/corr'd 87 deficiencies--0 lapse in PGT msn/Geart pwr competition rdy
- Established CATM/Armory electronic library; improved database, streamlined inventory--100% efficiency rate
- Excellent Instructor; 47.8K BMT trainees & 4.4K perm party students trained w/ an impressive 94% qual rate

- Highly motivated--filled in for DMAFB instructors and provided hrs of training--overcame manning challenges

- Identified wasted manpower; streamlined SF wpn trng/merged quals w/trng days--saved 720 hrs per defender annually

- Led 12 mbr FAS tm ISO TREK 19; secured 15 aircrew/3 C130Js/$200M value--enabled evacuation f/160 jt svc prsnl
- Led wpns inspections; conducted 80 hr repairs f/350 wpn sys/restored 24 MGs, 90 rifles, 9 GLs--halted OPs stoppage

- Main HAZMAT rep; oversaw 100 gals materiel disposal/purged 100lb contaminated metals--recert'd unit f/compliance
- Maintain'd monthly ABA letter; 100% accountability / 200+ DD2760s reviewed -- bolstering squadron CC integrity
- Managed 2 muns accounts; disposed 60lbs 1.4 expl/proc'd $2.3M assets--validated 60K rnds & grenades f/wartime use
- Masterful instructor, used state of the art instruction techniques; instrumental in CATM's 94% qualification rate
- Mng'd Covid range ops; trnd 62% annl rqmts w/50% redux class size, id'd/fix'd maj sfty defects--avoid'd range closure x2
- Mngd armory ops; revamp'd storage/muns pgm, built FAS kits/2.4K rds/equip--spt'd 8 msns/reduced prep time 250%

- Operated HF's largest muns account; sec'd 10t A&E across 750sqmi --sustain'd MAJCOM tng objectives w/o incident
- Outfitted Wg FSR compliance; rcv'd/insp'd 356K small arm rds f/CATM allocation--catalyst f/>1K prsnl weapons qual
- Overhaul'd RP TTP's; rectifi'd tng deficiencies/re-cert'd 53 pers AA&E convoy ops--enabl'd 2Kmi wpns/ammo x-port
- Overhauled Wg's wpn parts pgrm; led 100% inventory/2K uncatalogged parts--saved AF $60K & prep'd base def msn
- Oversaw wg wpns insp pgm; 7 accts/9 sys/2.3K wpns gauged & certified--key to wg's CINC-IEA PACAF nomination
- Oversaw wpn orientation pgm; instructed tactics/operations f/180 Amn/300 hrs--inc'd contingency resp force by 50%

- Qualified 45 CE personel on the M-4 and M-9 weapons systems; equipped deployers with critical self-defense skills

- Ran wpn qual CoAs despite pandemic; oversaw 2-day TDY/100K rnds/80 mbrs cert'd--propelled OPLAN msn success
- Responded to 3 suspicious package incidents at key facilities on Lackland AFB; evacuated area, neutralized hazards
- Responded to critical IGEMS deficiency; submt'd wpns cleaning waiver / saving 2.7k man hours--ensr'd HHQ compl'd
- Responded to in-flight emergency--established cordon, evacuated personnel; no injuries or damage to AF resources

- Spearheaded short notice inspection of 1,200 wpns for 37 LRS--pivotal to 09 AETC UCI "Excellent" rating
- Squadron physical fitness assessment monitor--tested over 30 squadron personnel--ensured "Fit to Fight"
- Steer'd explosive safety prgm; id'd/abated 12 hazards/trn'd 1.5K pers--lauded "best practice/effective prgm" Wg SEW
- Steered 45 wpn classes; instructed 593 prsnl on 11 SA/LW capes--increased posting flexibility/exceeded PPC rqmt 25%
- Strives for excellence; completed 100% of 5-lvl upgrade tasks 6 mo ahead of std--scored 89% on EOC exam
- Strives for self improvement--earned 3 credit hours towards CCAF associate degree--impressive 3.2 GPA
- Superb work and contribution to the mission, led to 37 TRW's Excellent rating during the 2009 HQ AETC UCI
- Supervised AFQC f/41 AFSOC/SOCOM tng crs's; cert'd 1.2K pers/370 hrs on 5 wpn sys--showcased 99.75% qual rate
- Supervised inspection and gauging process; ensured all CE weapons certified for OCONUS deployment ISO XXXXXX
- Supv'd scty f/DoD's only nuke sampling acft; led 2 escort ops/4 mbrs--tm netted 177 samples f/crit data collection msn

- Top notch NCO; educated addl 1.4k students/5 wpn systems/1.6m rds--1040 hrs saved during crse restructure
- Trained five newly assigned personnel for RFL; yielded overall 100% pass rate with a 95% average test score

- Uncover'd tng LIMFAC; institut'd crawl, walk, run strategy f/120 live-fire events--mitigated risk f/1.5K pers/71 instrs

- Val'd sq EM response; tn'd 111 RSO's/dev'd 2 sq exersizes/coor'd Life Flight LZ--enabl'd safe range ops f/1.5K studs
- Volunteered to assist CATM during AEF firing surge; became force multiplier/ensured mission accomplishment

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